DAILY CAPITAL JOURJfAL, SALZM, OREOOIT, FBIDAT, HAT 9, 1913. Today is Remnant Friday at Meyers Your choice of our entire assortment ofl p PRICF desirable remnants. Your choice today A" V, N3 CITY NEWS. t H. B, Oilo loft for Portland this morning oa businoss. Mr. and Mm. E. T. Bnrnos woro Port land visitors yesterday. ifayor Stoovos wont to Portland last welling on business mutters. Commercial Club mooting at Board or Trade rooms tonight at 8 o'clock. Ray Cooper was off for Eugene yos torday for tho week ond track moet. Rov. R. J. Lauuor, of Jefferson,, is attending tho Evangelical conforencu. Henry Cronise wont to Eugene Wed nesday evening to attend tho week ond track meet. Air. lien of tho Balem Canning com pany, left for Eugono yostordny on businoss. Millinery sale Friday and Saturday at "The Maples, " corner Chomeliota aud Lioorty. Attend tho Commercial Club meet ing at the Board of Trade rooms to night at 8 o'clock. The Farther Light missionary society will bo entertained this evening by Miss Violet Wolborn. . Homo made pies, cakos, salads, aud other good things at Buron & ITamil ton 's, by the ladies of tho CatholU church. 68-21 J. C, Bushnell of Eugono, left yestor dny morning for home. Mr. Bushnell lias been visiting his sister, Mrs, Ad Kins for the post woek, Steps towards the orgnnl.ntion of a commercial club for all of Sulom will be taken at the Board of Trade rooms tonight at 8 o'clock. Bo sure and at tend tho meeting, 2 to 0, favor Portland. That's going some. Yes, and they had Al Carson of tho Heavers, pitching for tlieiu. Tho boys certainly nro living tip to expecta tions. Don't f nil to be on hand to see the Henntors play the Woonns next Sun- day. It should be a hum dinger. wed f ri wit INDIAN r?n& i.....t.:.!zipTU.,m 1-M.rl 1 CYCLES Wti O.mercl.1 Street fits tW COMPARISON Ef:-- X - ' - ;"ri $1 $1 own Week Store open Saturday ev. ening until 9 o'clock. Women's High-Gade Suits, Coats, Dresses Selling Below Cost to in sure a Rapid Disposal Buy now! Just at the beginning of the beautiful summer weather this ale offer a splendid opportunity to get a new high class suit. Every fancy and novelty suit in the store at these LOW PRICES. $17.50 to 2S.00 Suits Special $12.3S $27.50 to $32.50 Suits special. $14.85 $35.00 to $40.00 Suits special $16.85 Commercial Club meeting at Board of Trade rooms tonight at 8 o'clock. J. P. Holder, of the 'Western I'rnoii, hns returned from Scittle, where ho Hi-ted as relief operator for 10 days. ,f. M. Lawrence, who has boon seri ously ill, is steadily gaining ,and will soi u recover his health, it is bolieved Attend tho Commercial Club moot ing at the Board of Trade rooms to night at 8 o'clock. Vetch and oat hay, and plonty of it. Prices right, U A. Weetaeott t Co., 170 South Commercial street, Phono Main 2475. MisB Pello Crawford, of wido experi ence on the frontier as missionary to the Indians, will speak at the Baptist church Monday evening. Wheat and oats prices aro going up. Bettor order a supply beforehand of L. A Wcstacott Ic Co. Phono Main 2175. Freo delivery In city limits. Five Star Flour. Pure and un bleached. Guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Wostacott's, 170 South Com mercial street. Phone 2475. Steps towards the organization of a commercial club for all of Salem will be taken at tho Board of Trado rooms tonight at 8 o'clock. Bo sure and at tend the meeting. Beautiful pictures. Bring a good in flucnco li.to the home. At our sale Sat urday' we will present some extraordi nary values, at 25 and 50 conts. The Frame Siiop, 2711 North Commercial. The Salem C. A. It. post will observe Sunday at the armory, May 25, when Hev. James Lisle will deliver an ad dress at 2 p. m., and the tisunl program will bo carried out. As tho meeting will not conflict with church services, everyone will have n it opportunity to attend and the attendance will un doubtedly bo large. New uniforms next Sunday and a good game guaranteed. Cnn you bent the attraction for the pricef Conio out and take n look ut the Senators. They are boosting for Hulem and you should help boost. Now nil boost together. Wo want a new park in 1H14. wed fri sat Will not be at all detri mental in our line of Library Tables We know they repre sent genuine value. The 30 different patterns we have will sneak for themselves. I They re conrect " ityle. Skillfully design- I z and yet are not ex pensive. Our motto is: Qualify. Finiih and Servic. HOME 'FURNISHERS IWKCOURT&HtGHSrs, Use our efficient mail order depart ment when in need Hex Turner loft yesterday for the track meet at Eugene. Cooked Food sale by ladies of the Baptist church, Saturday, May 10, at the Imperial Furniture store, 171 North Liberty street. Mr. John Gremmels will open up an auction house next week corner of Lib erty and Forry, this is a new vonturo in Kale m and is suro to be a success. Htcw towards tho organization of a commercial club for all of Salem will be taken nt the Board of Trado rooms tonight at 8 o'clock. Bo suro and at tend the meeting. Hev. 11. E. Marshall returned home lust evening from Scuttle, Mr. Marshall was dolegate to tho Baptist national missionary society for tho apportion ment of Ilio Pacific coast. Pie! Pic I Yes, and Wild Black berry .it that. At the Home Cooked Food sale by tho ladies of the Baptist church, Imperial Furniture company's, Saturday. Attend the Commercial Club moot ing at tho Board of Trade rooms to night at 8 o'clock. f TTTTf fTTf TTTTf TTTTTTTTTTT i Milg in .VfVU-tliag I It is just as easy For you to get a suit that ' Xv ill fit you as to buy one that is not tailored to your t figure. I We keep an experienced f tailor to make any altera t tion necessary for a per- I feet fit, and it costs you t nothing extra. Bishop's "Ready Tailored Suits $15.00 to $30.00 ; Are Tailored to Fit. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE 2w I i Commercial Club meeting at Board of Trade rooms tonight at 8 o clock. . Cnnell Dyer, of Bechtel & Bynon's office, is acting as secretary of the Mi hee club during Frank Springer's ab sence. Father A. R. Monroe, of MarsbficM, was a guest today of Father A. Moore, of St. Joseph's Catholic church. He is on hia way to Portland to attend a con vention of the Knights of Columbus. Did I hear you say caket Well, I should say, and made by the Baptist ladies for their eooked food sale at the Imperial Furniture company's, Satur day. Mrs. W. II. Sinclair and her daugh ter, Mrs. R. C. Clover, are visiting Tr and Mrs. Waldo Cheshire, at Eugene. irora there they will go to Rosebur? for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Had ley. Attend the Commercial Club meet ing at the Board of Trade rooms to night at 8 o'clock. Mr. D. II. Ferrell, of this city, left last Tuesday evening for Easteri points. He went by way of Dallas Texas, and will visit his brother, W A. Ferrell, who is very ill in Garfield. Ark. He will also visit another .broth er, L. A. Terrell, in Nashville, Tenn., returning in a couple of months. The funeral .of the late Mrs. Sarah Kaiser Shantz was held this morning at 9:30 from St. Joseph's church. Rev. Father Mornoe, of Marshfield, cele brant, sung high mass, assisted by Bcv. Father Maher as deacon, and Father Joseph Berne, of Dallas, as sub- deacon, and Rev. Father A. Moore as master of ceremonios. "Pretty as a picture, and looks like me." That was the somewhat vain re mark dropped this morning by Floyd M. White, one of the proprietors of D. A. White & Sons' feed store, whilo breaking the news of the arrival of a baby girl at his home. "Yessir, she is certainly some fine girl; have a smoke," said Mr. White, as he cheer fully dished out a sack of garden seed to a customer. Miss Lottie Lally, the popular sales lady at the Meyers' department store, had the misfortune to fall down a flight of stairs yesterday about noon, receiving several bruises about the face and body. Miss Lally was in the act of hurrying to the cloak room in the base ment, when her foot became entangled in her skirt. She fell headlong to the bottom of the steps. Her in juries, how over, are slight and she will be back at work in a day or two. Harold Eakin was elected president of the student body of the Salem higi school yesterday at the annual electios of officers. Two hundred and sixty votes woro east. Those elected for ths different offices were: Lloyd E. Hoi diman, vice-president; Angelina Carter secretary; W. Huggins, yell leader; A L. Scinttlle, faculty member of the er ccutive committee; Grey Kyle, foot ball manager; Dean Curtis, debate man ager; Kenneth Moores, tennis manag cr; Ralph Mercer, Clarion manager; Henrietta Wolfer, editor of the Clar ion and John Tafte, serjeant-at-arms. Proposals Invited. Tho undersigned will receive sealed proposals up to 5 o'clock p. m. Mon day, May 12, 1913, for tho purchase of one or two new dump wagons, also for one or two second hand dump wagons by the city of Salem. Right is reserved by the city to re ject any or all bids. CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder. Notice to Ice Consumers. Tho Salem Ice Company will start on their regular summer delivery routes on May l.'ith. Ice cards will bo furnished to regular customers on regular routes only. Special orders will bo dolivered if ordered by person or phone within the city limits. SALEM ICE COMPANY. The House of Comfort Should bo erected on this beautiful terrace overlooking tho Cherry City and peaceful Willamette. This quarter block 'i within one block of the car line and will be sold at a bargain. Ad dress Hox 54, Salem, Or., for full par ticulars. Call for Bids Sals of Bonds. Tho undersigned will receive bids up to 5 o'clock p. in., on May 12, 1913, for improvement bonds of tho City of Sa lem, Oregon, to the amount of $9100.71, interest at the rato of 0 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually at Sa lem, Oregon. Right is reserved by tho city of Salem, Oregon, to reject any or all bids. CHAS F. ELGIN, City Recorder. WRITINO, READING AND SEWiNU Are three occupations which denial. d glasses to lesevn the strain ou the eves If your eyes tire ever so little, hae mo examine them and prescribe evo-gla- for CLOSE WORK that will rest the nerves, relieve th eye Jtriiu aud keep the wrinkles away. a. Mcculloch Optometrist 191 North Commercial Street (Ground Floor) iii i mij nn i m MOTHER! WATCH THE CHILDREN'S BOWELS NOW If Cross, Sick, . Feverish, Bilious, or Tongue Is Coated, Give Delicious "Syrup of Figs." t No matter what ails your child, a gentle, thorough laxative physic should always be the first treatment given. If your child isn't feeling well; rest ing nice'y; eating regularly and acting naturally, it is a sure sign that its little stomach, liver' and 30 feet of bowels are filled with, foul, constipated waste matter and need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When cross, irritable, feverish, stom ach sour, breath bad or your little one has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore throat full of cold, tongue coated, give a tea spoonful of Syrup of Figs and in a few hours aJl the clogged up waste, undi gested food and sour bile will gently move on and out of its little bowels without nausea, griping or weakness and you will surely have a well, happy and smiling child again shortly. With Syrup of Figs you are not drug ging your children, being composed en tirely of luscious figs, senna and aro matics it cannot be harmful, besides they dearly love its delicious fig taste. Mothers should always keep Syrup of Figs handy. It is the only stomach, liver and bowel cleanser and regulator needed a little given today will save a sick child tomorrow. Full directions for children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the package. Ask jour druggist for the full name, "Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna," prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co. TIih is the delicious tasting, genu ine old reliable. Refuse anything else tfferei. l Notice of Proposed Re-Establishment and Change of Grade on Fainnount Avenue From Lincoln Street to Su perior Street. Notice to the public is here by given that the common coun cil of the city of Salem, Ore gon, proposes to re-establish and change the official grade of Fairmount avonue between the intersection of the center lines of Fairmount Avenue and Lincoln street and the intersection of the center lines of Fairmount Avenue and Superior street. The grades which are proposed to be established by the common council are described as follows: At the intersection of the center lines of Fairmount Avenue and Lin coln streets, at an elevation of 201.3 feet above said base of grades. At the intersection of the center lines of Fairmount Avonue and Wash ington street, at an elevation of 215.5 feet above said base of grades. At the intersection of the center lines of Fairmount Avenue and Supe rior street, at an elevation of 232.0 above said base of grades. All persons owning property adja cent to said Fairmount Avenue or the part thereof described above and upon which it is proposed to re establish and change the grade, are hereby notified to make and file their written remon strance with tho city recorder, if any they have, against the said proposed rc establishment and change of grade within tho period of ten (10) days from tho final publication of this no tice, and unless the owners of more than two-thirds majority of the super ficial area of the property adjaceut .to said Fairmount Avenue or the part thereof particularly affected by said proposed re-establishment or change of grade, remonstrate in the manner pro vided by tho charter of the city.of Sa lem, Oregon, within the period above named, tho common council will pro ceed to ro-estnljlish and change the grade of said Fairmount Avenue, as above set forth by the passage of an ordinaneo on or after twenty (20) days from the date of the first publication of this notice. This notice is publishod for ten (10) days in a daily newspaper published in the city of Salem, Oregon, the first publication being the 6th day of May, 1013. CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder. Have You Seen? The new shipment of wall paper at Porters If you are going to paper t this spring, you should see his beautiful patterns now before you buy. W. J. PORTER 455 Court St Notice to Property Owners. The common council desires to call the attention of aU property owners to the provision of ordinance No. 527, relating to the laying of water and gas mains and service pipes, section 2 of said ordinance provides: "That all mains used in the city of Salem, Ore gon, for conveying water or gas or for other purposes along streets which are permanently improved or to be perma nently improved shall immediately be for such improvement is made, be laid in such ' streets in a permanent man ner." Section 3 provides: "All service pipes attached to mains shall not be less than one inch internal diameter and all pipes of less diameter shall be removed and immediately replaced with pipes in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, and the same shall also be provided with curb cock and iron shut-off box and cover and shall be placed sixteen (16) inches inside of the curb line; provided, however, that this section Bhall not be enforced on streets not having permanent improve ment" The council urge all property own ers owning property upon streets pro posed to be improved in 1913 to imme diately attend to the proper installa tion of water, gas and sewer pipes serving their property, whether the property has buildings thereon or may be vacant. This co-operation upon the part of the property owners is neces' sary to a prompt and satisfactory com pletion of the pavement projects under way at the present time. CHA3. F. ELGIN, City Recorder. , NEW TODAY. FItL'ir TREES To be sold at any price they will bring, in order to clean up the stock on hand, Saturday only. Corner Commercial and Ferry, opposite Marion Hotel. FOit SALE New mahogany daven port al a sacrifice. Address XX2, Journal. FOB SALE Solid mahogany book case leaded glass doors, gnarled oak chif fonier, library table, large leather rocker sanitary couch, six oak diners, leather seats, llaigains. 238 North High. FOIt SALE Heavy draft horse, 1500 lbs., true worker. Works double or single. W. O. Radke-, Route 6, Box 94, Salem. MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE Co. Quotations for today- Ranch butter 2023c CREAM, butterfat 30c Eggs 17c On Liberty and Ferry Sts. 5-1-tf- FOR RENT Depot Hotel, furnished, A. A. Englebart. Phone 1190. 4-29-tf FOB BENT Housekeeping rooms near City Hall, 330 N. High st., phone 4. 4-10-tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 758 N. Commercial. 5-7-4t FOR SALE New 5-room. modern bun galow, 5 rooms, bath, gas, woodshed east front, $1500; easy terms. , LOST Female Aircdalo pup, about two-thirds grown, black and tan small round spot on breast. Leave word at 545 North Church' street or Josse & Moore furniture's store, and receive reward. FOB SALK, CHEAP Fine gas range. Phoue 833. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room house, reasonable. Phone 591, or call 305 South Fourteenth street. NORTHWEST RUG Representative is here. If you have any old carpets you wish woven into fluff rugs, noti fy S. A. Dobner. Phone 1730. One thousand satisfied patrons. FOR SALE Hay team, weight 1500 lbs. each, B. E. Johnson, Greenwood sta tion. FOR RENT Two well furnished rooms suitable for housekeeping. Inquire 332 X Church street. 190-Acre Orchard for Sale Of prunes sod cherries, ons mils from Dallas, Ore. Five years old and upwards. In tracts to suit, at $225 to 1400 per sera. Also 218 seres of farm land st $80 to 9125. Payments one-third down, balance in six years. By' tha Fleming Bealty Co, Phons 303, or S. P. Kimbnll, owner, phone Farmers 561, Salem, Oregon, A. J. Barham, Dallas Agent. When you ask for Butter Ask for BUTTER CUP BRAND Capital City Creamery Phone 299. 383 Court St. IN PRESCRIPTinNd" Ws givs the highe; quality and charge the lowest prices. Schaefcr's Drug Store No. 133 Commercial Street Deutsche Anothek. M i Tt tnld mirorise tou to know of th rt onod that is being done by Cham- Plain's Tablets. Darius Downey, of Newberg Junction, N. D., writes, "My wife has been using Cnamoenain s Tablets and finds them very effectual and doing her lots of good." If you have any trouble with your stomach or bowels give them a trial. For sale by all dealers. This country has room for many mil lions of aliens yet, of the right kind industrious producers who win maKe good American citizens. Journal Want Adrs. Bring Bognltg. Iowa Machine Shop Punch and die work a specialty. Mod el work machinery developed and per fected. Brass patterns. Experimental work. Automobile repairs. D. B. BROWN, 252 Chemeketa Street. GEMJIXE CHICKEN TAMALES. Wholesale and retail. Special for weddings and parties. Call Main 204s or come to Fred In front of the Madi son. The first chicken tamala Fred made In Salem, now you Bee them ev ery place. I bet (25 these are not like Fred's Tamales. You try one for yourself. 2-12-tf Salem Box & Mfg. Co. Screen doors and windows made to order. All sizes prompt service. Phone 308 247 Miller St. To Purchasers For farms or city property see Dr. W. A. Cusick, over Fry's drug store. " MONEY TO LOAN On farm and city property. Joha . Scott, over Chicago Store, Balsm, Or tffon. Phone 1KE2. f Cherry City . I Candy Factory I Cherry City Ice Cream t and Fountain Syrups 266 Chemeketa Street. Phone 2482 MMMMMMHfM DR. ASSELN, DENTIST f I Graduate N. W. U., Chicago. T oaiem uhdk at Trust uuuaing. Suite 205-206. Phono 2418 1 I Karl Neugebauer f WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. ' Masoaic Temple. State St. t NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY Hl'BGHARDT MEREDITH Reslsrjt Ageata 1st State Street MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE 31 4 U.S. Dank Building MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Secsrlty. TI10S. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or. REAL ESTATE Money to Loan. JACOB & CO. Phons 2421. 200-207 Hubbard Bldg MONEY TO LOAN Oi rood Beal Estate seesrity. . BECHTEL k BYNOH 147 BUte Street COAL AND WOOD Prompt delivery. Sole sgents for the Fsmous Hock Springs Coal. CAPITAL FUEL CO. E. II. Jory, successor to J. J. O'NelL Thone 210. Yards opposite 8. P. pas senger depot. WOOD AND COAL la say quantity. Prompt deliver our specialty. Falls City Lomhst Company. 17 North Commercial street Phons Main 811 JAPANESE LACJiDBY AND DEI CLEANlSa VT0HIS No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics. Work call for snd dsllTsrtd promptly. 411 Ferry et Phons Mala nil