: v- ,-, -. . v . .. ... DAILY CAPITAL JOUBSAi, 8A1EM, OKOOIT. FKIDAT, VAT 9, 1913.' TAOB TOVJk I mm V nm Mnr rii mm i toi nimi r V Sim. mmmmiiinmmmiiMMMiMMHMi'""' ra n 11 II II II 13 II 13 ' "7 'jpT Tl 9 V o o A If T SALE II. M M J J Of C. H. Hinges Stock of High -Grade Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Rich Cut Glass, etc. $ 1 0,000 Must Be Raised. Creditors Demand immediate Settlement J. A. Sinclair, representing the Creditors of C. H. Hinges, desires to announce to the people of Salem and vicinity that his instructions from the firm he represents are to, "Disregard All Former Prices," "Slaughter Everything for Less than Wholesale Cost," "We Must Have Our Money." I I I I I II II M 11 11 11 13 ri n ii M ii ;; ti ii ii n M n ii u n ri ri ii ii ii ri ii M ii 13 tl II M n n n ii ii M 11 II II II P II 11 11 II !! RI N Then why should I worry? The creditors word is law with me. Consequently I will inaugurate a Bona Fide Slaughter Sale of this elegant stock until $10,000 cash has been raised. I appreciate the fact that goods must he sold cheap in order to raise this money quickly, so have cut and slashed the price of every article in the store to such ridic ulously low prices that will certainly insure instant sale. Following are quoted a few prices, which will give the public an idea of the sweeping reductions that have been made of everything in the store. tl II II It II 12 II n Ii It II 13 II El U II II II IS !! II II 14 II II II !! II II 13 II If II 11 II II 8 II SI II .11 ri i n ii ii it H II If II tl If II CI n $185 Diamond Ring.. $150 Diamond Ring.. $115 Diamond Ring.. $100 Diamond Ring.. $ 65 Diamond Ring.. $ 35 Diamond Ring.. $124 92 73 68 41 22 21-Jewel Waltham and Elgin Watches, in 20-year case 17-Jewel Waltham and Elgin Watches, in 20-year case 15-Jewel Waltham and Efgin Watches, in 20-year case $12.00 4-piece Silver Sets, quadruple consisting of Teapot, Sugar Bowl, Creamer and Sugar ' $12.00 8-Day Mantle Clock $9.00 Ladies Gold-Handled Umbrellas $10.00 Rogers 26-piece sets, consisting of 6 Knives, 6 Forks, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Sugar Spoon, and Cabinet 1847 Rogers No. 12 Medium Knives $21.00 11.40 9.40 6.75 2.10 SALE STARTS SATURDAY, MAY 10, 9:00 A. M. plate, 1847 Rogers No. 12 Medium Forks $1.00 Alarm Clocks, "Hinges' Special".. $4.10 5.60 3.75 3.75 .45 DIAMOND RINGS, GOLD WATCHES, SILVER TEA SETS GIVEN A WAV FREE. A COUPON TICKET FREE EVERY PURCHASE. The fine quality of this stock is too well known to require further comment merely an assurance that nothing will be reserved or exempt from this sale anl will be a rare chance to buy for less than wholesale cost high-grade Diamonds, Gold Watches, Solid Gold and Gold-Filled Jewelry, Sterling and Quadruple-Plated Silverware, Rich Cut Glass, Clocks, Umbrellas, etc. To the Public: Mr. Hinges is not going out of business, but will continue at the conclusion of the sale at the same location. J. A. SINCLAIR. j NOTICE 10 Extra Sales Ladies Wanted Apply at Store, 9:00 a. m., Saturday Morning Stock of C. H. Hinges, Salem, Ore. y Order of J. A. Sinclair ti M liiBL OPERA HOUSE f ONE NIGHT Wednesday, May 14 Mini Stolla Clark and company of comedians In Introduce Me" THE BABY SAW THE Now York' latest comedy hit. t Price: $1.30, 1.00. 75o, 50c. f Scats on aula May 1,1, box office. A l WellDressed 8aw HU Father Kill Hl Mother and Then Himself A Pitiful Story From Oakland. Man Always hat hit clothe made to hit individual measure. He hat them made jutt at he want them, and they coat him f no more than the kind you get ready made, and that you mutt take at they come. We make them juat at you want them, and they I cott you only $15 andl$20 Come and order now 359 State Street. (UNiTBD run UUU Will. Oakland, Cal., liny IK Playing at tho aiil'i of liia mother In tho bedroom of tho family homo hero early today, 3- t j year-old Kolierl Craig watched hit fath f,,r, Benjamin Craig, writo hia lust will mill leiiliiiiieiit and then turn a nun on ,hi wile, driving a bullet into her right temple nit shn slept. Tho husband fired a second hot into bin own hind, dying I instantly. Mm, Crnig, nbont to become ja mother, is probably fntnlly wounded, j 111 In -ii 1 1 1 1 of tho man is assigned aa jtho cnusu of tho tragedy. In tht will t'rnig bequeathed Inn properly to Mm, Vt. ! 1 ield, mot her of Mr, Cruig. He naked Mis. Field to pluco his lift to son in Home public home fur children, The Ii 1.1 tried to awaken hi mother following Hie ahontlng and wna smear ed with blood when ho ran into the hnllwny ami aroused thu other occu pants of the house, Craig was for hiany yearn an em ploye of tho Southern Pnciflo In the buffet service on tho ferry boats, lie recently returned from Los Angeles, where ho went In a vain endeavor to recover hia health. ton declared tho attack was unpro voked. Officers have left here for tho scene of tho tragedy. TERRIBLE TEAOEDY ON MONTANA FARM (rsirao rasa uuaao wis.) Missoula, Mont., May v. With four bullet in her body, and nearly dead from Inm of blood, Sin, II. A. Wel lington la dying hero today, after tell ing a story of death and wound almost unparnlleled In Montana. Shot through the hands, chest and neck, Mrs. Wellington dragged herself , thronpiarter of a mile to the home of neighbor on tho Flathead reservation, Japan's Protest Filed. UNITED FRina IJ9ASI0 Willi. Washington, May 9. .Japan's form al protest against tho California anti alien land law was prosentod to the United States government here today. H was handed to Secretary of State Hryan by Viscount Chimin, the Japan ese ambassador. Brynn laid tho matter beforo the cab inot, Inter chatting briefly with Chinda and arranging for anothor conference tomorrow. Tho White House is silont regarding tho contents of Japan's protost. Tho fact that Secrotnry Bryan loft for New York this afternoon to speak at t ban quet thero tonight indicntos that the situation Is not considored serious. "Ambassador Chinda and I conferred informally," said Secretary Bryan. "I ennnut discuss tho meeting." Una New Cabinet. triNiTan ruHi uunm wina. Ccttinje, May II. Tho new Montene grin cabinet was sworn in here this af ternoon. The new ministry replaces that which resigned when King Nich olas announced his intention to sur render Scutari to the powers. It couldn't bo oxpectod that any new tariff law would extirpato protection altogether. Hut the Underwood bill mukes n big start in that direction. Church Conference. Evangelical church in conference ses sion, Thursday afternoon at 3 p. m. Moll cull, rending of Scriptures, prayer, election of trustee of conference for 3 yenrs. II. Schuchkuccht was elected. Presiding older report for tho year was given and was of importance to all for it rovealed the labors of tho ministry nnd their successors. Or. Polling of tho United Evangelical church of tho Oregon conference was introduced to conference. Tho llevs. Albright, Bergstrosser, and Roloff wero voted deacon's orders and are to bo ordained Sunday afternoon. Tho i.ext session of the conference will bo held in tho First church of Ta coma in Washington beginning the sec ond Thursday of May 1914, at 9 a, m. I)r. Poliii( of tho United Evangelical church fiddrossed the conference on be half of n college federation of tho Uni ted Brethren, tho United Evangelical and tho Evangelical Association church es. Dr. Xeff of tho United Brethren cbcnrcli, addressed conference on behalf of college federation. New Incorporations. Riverside Country Club, Gold Hill. Lovens Hotel Compuiiy, Portland $2,- 000. Tho Advance Club, of Hex, Oregon. Wasen Warehouse Milling Company (Hank of Wasco, $25,000. Wasco Warehouse Milling Company llnnk of Moro, $25,000. , DEATH NOTICES. DENCER. At the family home near Marion, at I o'clock Friday morning, May 9, 1913, Laura, wife of Chester Dencer, aged 24 years an dlO months. Tho-body iu at Hlgdon & Richard son 's undertaking parlors. Funeral an nouncement later. 1 A man living at Auburn, New York, j had a severe attack of kidney and blad- uer trouble. Being a working man, not For the Weak ana Nervous. Tired-out, weak, nervous men anil women would feel ambitious, energetic. wanting to lose time nor run up a full of life nnd always have a good ap hcavy doctor's bill, he cured himself potito if they would do the sensiblo completely by using Foley Kidney Tills. ! thing for health take Electric Bittors. Tho n an who is handy around the house-, uMially isn't much good any where eli'e. Talk isn't as cheap as it used to bo before the-limited telephone conversa tion was Invented. BIRTHS. ' RICHTER, At tin family residence, South Salem, Tuesday. May tl, 191.1, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank liichter, a son Louis Viosko Kichter. GETTING GRAY? USE SAGE TEA TO RESTORE NATURAL COLOR OF HAIR and, almost fainting, told of the mur der of her husband, H. A. Wellington; the serious wounding of a boy named Cooke, and the suicide of their assail ant, a stranger named Stnusky, on the lonely ranch. Stansky, the, woman said, arrived at their home late yesterday. lie aald h came from 'Iscoasin. Mrs. Welling- Saya Sac and 8ulphnr Darken Hair Beautifully and End Dandruff. Hair that lose its color and lustre, or when it fades, turns gray, dull and llfidess Is caused by a lack of sulphur In Ihe hair, says a well known local phar iiiuciiH. uur grniuimoiner made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful and even today this simple preparation has no equal. Millions of women and men too, who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade which is so attrac tive usn only Sage Tea and Sulphur. Nowadays we are not bothered with the tank of gathering the sage leaves and the mussy mixing at home. Simply ask at any drug store for a 80-eent bot tle of the ready to use preparation, cnjl d "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy." Customers like this best be cause it darkens so naturally; so even ly, that nobody can possibly tell it has boon applied. Hcsidea, it contains iu gredients which take off dandruff, stop scalp itching and falling hair. No, it isn't a dyo or even like it. You just dampen a spongo or soft brush with " Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur" and draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning tho gray hair disappears; afur another applica tion or two it is restored to its natural color. What delights the ladies with Wy eth's Sage and Sulphur is that beside beautifully darkening the nir they say it bring bark the glosa and lustre and gives it an appearance of abundance. J. C. Terry. Read These $2230 will buy a fine new bungalow, close to car line, school, graded street, largo lot, only $230 down, balance on easy monthly payments to suit. Don't pay rent when you can get a home on such easy payments. 175 PER ACRE. 48 acres of fine land, all undor cul tivation, only $75 per acre, 14 miles from Oregon Electric Btation, in San tiam bottom. See Mr. Brunner or Mr. Pettyjohn. FARMS. I you are looking' for a farm, come in and let us tell you about some of the splendid properties we have listed. The roads are good, and wo can show you some money-making farm at right prices. 10 ACRES IMPROVED. We have just listed ono of the most highly improved 10-acre places in the county; 114 acres full bearing walnuts, 2 acres assorted berries, 1V4 acres choice assorted fruit; good house, barn. well, partly planted to corn and pota toes; small amount of pasture and enough wood for fuel. This place can be had for $0230; easy terms. Close to Salem. See Mr. Scott. $1525 will buy a good bungalow, just completed, in a good district; $300 down; balance easy payments. See Mr. Bronnor. Suppose your property should burn tonight. Insure with Mr. Dyer, with Bechtel ft Bynon. $230 will take a large lot just one block from the fair grounds car line and only eight minutes from 8tate street. Term to suit. See Mr. Bynon. $100 an acre will buy a 65-acre farm in the best part of the Howell Prairie district. Term to suit. See Mr. Bech tel. Ifl0 cre dairy ranch, 3-4 mil to cheese factory, one-half mile to store and P. 0.; 2 springs, running water, house and bam. Will trade for city property up to $2200. Price for farm, $2S0O. See Mr. Bcott. Five-room bungalow, one-halt block from paved street; easy term. Price $1500. Will take lot a part payment. See Mr. Scott. A year Inter he says: "It is a pleas ure to report that the cure was per manent." Ho has had no return what ever of the pain, backache and burn ing. His name is J. A. Farmer, and he Bays: "Of course I recommend Foley Kidney Pills as a very effective cure for kidney and bladder trouble." Dr. Stone Drug. Co. Nothing better for the stomach, liver or kidneys. Thousands say they owe their lives to this wonderful home rem edy. Mrs. 0. Hhinevault, of VeBtal Cen ter, N. Y., says: "I regard Electrie Bitters as one of the greatest of gifts. I can never forget what it has done for me. " Get a bottle yourself and see what I a difference it will make in your health. ., r 1 , Only 50c and $1.00. Recommended by About the time a man gets comf orta- j n perrv bly sottlcd in an easy chair, his wife proceed to stir him up. Now is the time to got rid of your rheumatism. You can do it by applying Chamberlain's Liniment and massaging the parts freely at each appljcntion. For sale by all dealers. Pile Cured in 6 to 14 Day. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any caso of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles In 6 to 14 days. 60s Tho lfss logic thero is in a argument, the louder ho talks. Constipation Cured. Dr. King's NowLife Pills will relieve constipation promptly and got your bowels in healthy condition again. John Suspic, of Banbury, Ta., says: "They are the best pills I ever used, and I ad vise everyone to use them for constipa tion, indigestion and liver compfcinh" Will help you. Trico 25c. Recommended by J. C. Perry. N ame Changed '"r e'77 no with the other L .'.K' Prr;e, th,e - K- Grocery, located at 1165 State ttreet, will hereafter be known at th- BECHTEL Fm 453. BYNON, 347 State Street. W. W. CHADWICK GROCERY We carry a complete line of staple and fancy grocer let; fruit and vegetablet in teaion. Our pricet are right. White or yellow cornmeal 4 phg corn flukes 10-tb sack buckwheat 9-lb sack steel cut oat 7 cans pink salmon 1 do cans corn 1 do, cans tomatoes 1 do. Del Monto peas 1 do. Del Monte string beans 1.40 1 do Del Monte, corn 1.1.1 1 do.' solid pack tomatoes 1 do, best table, peaches .. 1 do, best table peers ...... 1 do, beet table apricots .. 4 can mined clams 3 can good oyster .. 2 can shrimp .23 .25 .45 .30 .50 .00 1.00 1.75 1.55 2.00 2.00 2.0i . .25 Prompt delivery. 4 pkga Gold Dust 2 pkgs Seafoam, W. P. ... bars Royal White soap JU oars silver soap .. 25 4 can Round Up cleanser .25 4 cans Swift's IVido cleanser .25 Bacon, backs, per lb 19e and 21a Choice breakfast bacon "-, Jicnio nnms Best pure lard, 5-lb Compound, 5-Ib i,ail 3 lbs dry peaches 3 lb dry apricots 3 lbs choice dry prune 2 lbs silver prunes ... Good nplpc, p,,r )ox ... Hood River apples pail. ,73 ,35 .25 .18 .50 101 W. W. CHADWICK GROCERY Phone 122. iice c. . - w aiate Street