Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 09, 1913, Image 2

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&&e os: 1 ne aiem. uamA yocma&A may 9,
The Capital Journal
Published by
The Barnes -Taber Company
GRAHAM P. TABER, Editor and Manaisr
a Independent Newspaper Derated to American Frlnclplea and tie Progress
and Development of Salem In Particular and All Oregon In General
Pabllsbed Htstj BrailDf Bictpt HuiiSST, gsl.m, Oregon
(Innrlibly In Advance)
Dellj, bjr Carrlsr, par rear ...19.80 Per month.. 4Be
DeJlj, br Kail, per rear 4.00 Ftr month. .8Be
Wtbly, by Mull, par fur 1.00 Bli months. BOe
Airertlain; rate will be famished on application.
Hew Today adi strictly cash In advance.
"Want" adi and
The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the paper on the
porch. If the carrier doe not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the pa
per to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this Is the only
ray can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions:
Phone Mala 82.
token it upon himself to prove that
the lato J. Picrp. Morgan, was a
true patriot, a lover of his country, a
humanitarian, philanthropic, and sort
of step father to tho country. Colonel
George has bitten off more than he can
hew. .1 he American people have Mor
gan and bis kind sized up, and probably
pretty correctly, and he is not sized up
an any of the things of which Colonel
George so generously accuses him.
Morgan was a great financier, with
all that the term Implies. To be a great
financier, to accumulate such a fortune
as Morgan accumulate, require the
stifling of all the bettor human emo
tions. Friendships must bo tramplod
upon, and the heart closod to all feel
ings of sentiment. Generosity, Liber
ality and Greed never yet Inhabited the
same human domicile. To bo a philan
thropist, a humanitarian and a patriot
requires above all olso unselfishness, To
be a financier all these traits must be
crushed out, trampled upon, and Mr.
Morgan was a financier. That Mr.
Morgan was a patriot, in a senso, is
probably true, but there aro all kinds of
patriots. A convict sont to Australia
from England, wroto touchlngly of his,
and his fellow convicts' patriotism,
"True patriots, we, for be it understood
We loft our country for our country's
From a similar viewpoint Mr. Morgan
wns, perhaps, a patriot, or would he so
considered by such millionaires' lop
logs as Colonel Ooorgo Harvey, for
Morgan loved this country just as a
baby likes its bottle. The Unitod
States was a good mother to him, and
that he butted bor dugs to some pur
pose, is evldont from tho financial fat
ness of him. His motto wns r' America
is my gralnfield, to harvest Is my
duty," and so ho roaped with untiring
hand. Ihis is not written to attack
Morgan. Ho was what nature mode
him a financial genius, or grocdy hog,
just as one happens to select tho lan
guage to express tho fact, and Is not to
blnmo for following Inherent instinct.
Hnrvey is not so blameless, and yet fol
lowing the same chain of reasoning,
perhaps ho wns born a lickspittle, in
stead of achieving that condition, and
so, can't help himself.
WOMK.V being made voters are, of
course, entitled to hold office,
not heeniiso they aro women, but
because they are citizens and legal vol
ers. No sooner, however, Is the ballot
given tli'in, than the demand is made
that they be given "proper roprosontn
tion" In tho official fold. That thev
should aspire to office is proper enough,
but they should bo selected for office,
not on account of sex, but as a matter
of luting tho nioro able and efficient
American citizenship Is composed of
all the Caucasian races, and the negro,
tho latter as an Indirect sequence of
mistaken early day policies ami the
change of our government from partly
slave owning to an all free system. If
the Idea advanced tlmt women, just be
cause they are women, nro entitled to a
certain proportion of offices, then It
should follow that our political system
be changed, that the German, English,
Irish, Spanish, Scandinavian, be given
offices according to the proportion the
voter of those nationalities bear to
tho total vote. The negro should, by
tho samo rule, be given nt least a cab
inet position, owing to his numbers. To
carry out tho Idea, with suffrage made
gouoral and women being half the vot
ers, it would be propor to insist that
either the president or vice-president be
a woman. Thore may be a time when
a woman will fill the presidential chair,
and if the woman with the necessary
ability comes to the front, thoro is no
reason why this should not happen, but
when it does, it should not be because
she is a woman, but in spite of it. It is
right and proper for women to seek,
and hold office, simply bocauso they aro
now aB much responsible for the run
ning of the government in all its
branches from president down to con
stable, (s tho men have been heretofore.
E. & K., expects to go east some
time this summer, for the especial
purposo of having the board of direc
tors take up tho matter of putting auto
matic switches in the company's street
car lines here. This will be appreciated
by tho3 whoso corns have learned to
hang over the side of tho car in agoniz
ing suspense, while the conductors wild
ly grab for the pendant toad Btabbers
tlmt ornameut the rear sndo'of the cars,
that ornament tho rear ends of tho cars
it is a nuisance Salem people havo put
up with until it has bocome unbearable,
and there is even talk of taking steps
to rovoke tho company's franchise It
owes Bulem a decent sorvico, and in
this one respect it is not paying what
it owes. Tho good will of tho public is
a valuable asset to any public utility
company, nod if tho I'. V.. & R, values
tho good will of Salem peoplo, it will
put in tlioso automatic switches. If it
docs not, tho poopla aro about nt tho
stago whore they will compel tho com
pany to net. Which courso will It takof
All Ton Have to Do Is to Call for Cash
Checks, and Put Them in The
Journal Contest Box.
No doubt everybody in Salem is
thoroughly acquainted with the Refund
Bargain Contest by this time. It seems
that nearly everyone iu the entire city
has been asking questions about it.
However, do not hesitate to telephone
to the Contest Manager and glean from
him any information relative to the
contest you desire.
This Refund Bargain Contest offers
every lodge, club, organization, Sunday
School, church, charitable institution,
society, union or individual in this
city an opportunity of winning one of
paper for merely patronizing about
twenty-three of the best stores in 8a
lem. Remember that no extra effort or
work on the part of the shoppers is j
required. All they have to do is to
call for tho cash checks which are is-1
sued by every store advertising on the
Bargain rage. When attending any
of the three popular theaters which
are entered in the Bargain Contest, you
must retain half of your ticket. This
half entitles you to as many votes os
your admission costs you in cents. Be
sure and watch the slides which are
shown at these theaters about the con
test. It is up to every candidate already
entered in the contest to keep busy or
tbey will soon be crowded out of the
running. To those candidates who
have not entered the bargain contset
yet it is in plenty of time to get right
in the running and have an early start.
Remember the slogan, "Save your I
cash checks,," and help your friends!
working lor you.
Watch the Bargain Page every Tues-
the cash prizes being offered by this day and Friday afternoon.
Nomination Coupon
Good for 100O Votes
Capital Journal's Refund Bargain Contest, $100 in cash
For .'. J
(Good for nomination and only one allowed each Con
testant. Must be used within five days of date.
FRIDAY, MAT 9, 1913.
CAljIf'OHNlA has- placed a law on
her statute books tlmt should be
implicated ly every stato in tho
Union, oud thnt is making tho destruc
tion of food unlawful. It scorns that
tho mercenary middlemen of Sun Fran-
isco, by mutual arruugement, destroy
ed certain food products, when they be
came too plentiful, in order to keep tho
prices op, finding it nioro profitable to
do this than to handle tho products at
lower prices,
The only fault with tho California
law is that tho penalty is not made se
vere enough. Tho dest ruction of food
supplies is a criuio against tho world,
and a crime, tho effects of which aro
most deeply felt by tho very poor. One
can scarcely iiiiHgino a human being so
depraved as to deliberately deprive the
poor and needy of tho food provided
by our generous old mother earth, and
for the solo purpose of increasing their
own finunclal gains. A life sentouce,
if necessary to stop tho practice, would
be none too great, for it is next door
to numb r, and murder committed for
the purpose of robbery, at that.
A monkey in Chicago has been
taught to steal gems. This shows that
oven a money can be contaminated by
cmoing in contact with the modem
The opening of the fonith close post
offices to tho hungry hordo is some
thing like breaking a levee to prevent
it giving way. Tho result is the same,
as tho flood comes in cither case.
The evidence of Jack Johnson's de
pravity becomes stronger daily. Yes-
miles northwest of Enterprise. The
coroner's jury found his death was due
to "falling from a horse, exposure and
other causes." What these other
causes were could not be ascertained,
but it was certain that he died all
alono in the big woods, and that there
was no foul play.
Mrs. S. G. Grove, aged 75, died at her
home in Albnay Tuesday night. She
was born in Illinois and crossed the
plains BO years ago. She had resided
in Albany 40 years.
William Shadriek, aged 17, who
escaped from tho reform school three
weeks ago, was arrested in Portland
Wednesday. IIo confessed to having
tenlay no voluntarily shook hands with committed three burglaries since his
a lot of ball players, so low in tho scnlo escape, or an average of one a week,
of morality as to bo willing to shako
hands with him. . Vetoed the Bill.
Portland is to havo a commission I Washington, May 8. According to
form of government, providing some telegrams from Governor Clarke, of
ono patriotic citizen refuses to run for
offico, so thnt sonio others may get two
votes and bo elected.
The next generation will probably not
be annoyed with Gifford Pinchot, but
thero will probably ho others. The coun
try can never be rid of all calamities
nt tho samo time. .
Alaska to Secretary Lane today,
Clnrko's veto has blocked attempts by
tho Alaska legislature to enact a law
discriminating against Japanese fish
ermen. Clarke, in his telegram, said his-
veto had been uiianimosulv sustained.
The Columbia 4 Neholom Railroad
company ha given a trust deed to its
properties to soeuro a $373,000 bond is
Is a curable disease, which requires
treatment The ORRINB treatment
can be used with absolute confidence.
It destroys all desire for whiskey,
beer or other Intoxicants. Can ba
given In the home. No sanitarium ex-
sue. Tho bonds aro issued to secure fe"Be- o iobs oi lime irom worn,
funds to build a railroad from a point Can be Bven secretly. If after a trial
on tho Columbia river to Nehalem. a yu fal1 io 8et anv benefit from Its
distnnco of 31 miles. ,U8 v"r money will be refunded.
ORR1NE Is prepared In two forms:
At tho banquet Tuesday evening in No- secret treatment, a powder;
honor of the opening of tho Lebnaon ' ORRINB No. 2,ln pill form, for those
hotel, ISO guests were assembled. Prom-!who desire to take voluntary treat
ment railroad officials were present .mcnt. Costs only $1.00 a box. Ask
nnd Senator M. A. Miller acted as for booklet. J. C. Perry.
A large delegation of Epworth
League members left for Newberg this
nflC'uooii to attend the convention,
which will continue until Sunday ev
ening. Among those who signified
their Intention of attending tho con
vention went! First M. R, Miss Owen,
Miss Norma llnrpor, Miss Grace
Thompson, Miss I.ulu Hoist, Krle Bolt,
Willis llnrtlott and Harold Jury; Jason
I.eo church, Miss Alice Gregson and
Miss lluinardi Leslie church, Mrs. Lew
is Judson, Miss Florence Miller, Max
Alford and District President Lewis
Journal Want Ails Ilrlng Itesnlts.
; -
!! LADD & BUSH, Bankers
toastmuster nnd furnished the "sago'
for tho occasion.
A contract has been let for building
a logging railroad from near Oearhart
Turk, Clatsop county, and extend to the
east as far as Lewis and Clarke rhor.
O, E. alker has taken a big i-nt.r-pillar
engine to Wallula and will use
it in breaking several thousand acres
of land in thnt neighborhood.
Jackson county surveyors are locat
ing a new road over the Siskiyou moun
tain as far as the California line. The
grades will bo much easier than those
of the present road.
Hy a vote of (10 to 7. representatives
of the towns of Sunset (Tty, Willnm
ette Heights, Helton and West Oregon
City Tuesday night agreed to incor
porate, and will not become a part of
Oregon City.
Clackamas county la having a small
epidemic of rabies, ono dog dying from
it, but not before having bitten other
animals. One girl wss bitten by a
President Wilson Wednesday sent to
the senate tho nominations of the fol
lowing Oregon postmasters: Herman
Wise, Astoria: K. K. Hragg, I.a Grande:
C. W. Drown, Canyon City; A. H.
Stridor, Snmpter; Tra C. MehrUng,
Kslls City: H. Y. Kilpntriek, Lebanon,
and II. K. Mahonev, Oakland.
The body of William R Sliindler was
found last Thursday in the timber 15
Salem People Have Absolute Proof of
Deeds at Home.
It's not words but doeds that prove
true merit.
Tho deeds of Donn 's Kidney f ills,
For Snlem kidney sufferors.
Have niado their local reputation..
Proof lies in the testimony of Sileui
C, W. Hill, wagon maker, 1939 North
Front street, Salem, Oregon, says: "I
bad more or less backache and my kid
i.eys wore disordered. Doan's Kidney
Pills have always relioved me in a fiort
time. I know of several other people
ho havo taken Doans Kidney PV.e
'iil' good results. You may eoniiani
publishing the testimonial I have give.)
"When your back is lame remember
the name." Don't simply ask for a
kidnoy remedy ask distinctly for
Ooan s Kidney Pills, the same that Mr.
Hill had the remedy backed by home
testimony. 50c all storos. Foster-Mil-burn
Co., Frops., Buffalo, N. T.
The Big
Chicago Store
'is Salem's greatest bargain giver. Come here and
look through this great stock and COMPARE OUR
$6.50, $7.50, $10.50
and $12.50
Are the prices we are now selling suits and coats worth up to
$15.00 and $25.00. Every suit and coat this season's latest gar
ments. Made of the latest materials. Balkan suits and Balkan
coats, all sizes, for ladles and misses $6.50, $7.50, $10.50, $12.50.
10,000 yards of the latest silks
shown on this coast now on sale.
Every cUbs and kind is shown.
Yard, 25c, 35c, 49c and np.
20,000 yards of the new Bpring wash
fabrics now on sale. The greatest
Btock to choose from in Salem
Yard, 5c, 6c, 8 l-3c and up.
This is the store that shows the
most complete stock of fine woolen
dress goods in Salem. Goods for
coats, suits and evening wear; all
the nowest. Yard 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c
and up.
I V 1
,11 , ':
I 5 11
One Piece
Now .on sale in Silk,
Wool and Lingerie
styles; a great assort
ment. Priced low
$1.98, $2.50,
$3.50, $4.95,
and up
$5.00 Dayton flood
New Spring
The Chicago Store is
Salem's Millinery shop.
Come here for stylish
trimmed hats at low
$4.50, $5.00
and $7.50
$1.98, $2.50
and $3.50
rw v- b
Thousands are unable to digest
certain kinds of food. In most cases
it Is not the fault of tho food, nor
the stomach. It Is probable that the
stomach has been abused. Many re
sort to predlgested foods and various
kinds of medicines to get relief from
dyspepsia, indigestion and heartburn,
but without permanent benefit
If your stomach was in perfect
cendttion, you would not need medi
cine to digest the foods you eat.
Jayne's Tonlo Vermifuge Is a stomach
regulator. It gets the stomach In
such a condition that It will digest
food without other assistance. It
overcomes the acidity and stimulates
the coating of the stomach and In
testines so that they will properly
absorb and assimilate the nutriment
from the food eaten. Sufferers from
dyspepsia and indigestion will find
permanent relief In a short time af
ter beginning the use . of the tonic.
For children the addition of a little
sugar will make It most palatable.
Many forms of supposed Indiges
tion are the result of Intestinal par
asites, for which Jayne's Tonlo Ver
mifuge is unsurpassed. Insist upon
Jayno's; accept no other. Millions
have praised It for more than 80
ears. Sold by druggists everywhere.
Dr. D. Jayne & Son, Philadelphia,
Man supported two wivee and seven
children in two home on t- a week
He must be an economic genius of the
first order.
Meritol Pile Remedy.
A new scientific preparation for both
internal and external, use and absolute
ly without an equal for the treatment
of piles in any form. Ask us to show
you this remedy and explain its many
advantages. Capital Drug Store.
You can blind sonio men by throwing
gold dust in their eyes.
The great calamity in Omaha was
quickly overshadowed by the terribly
disastrous floods in Ohio. Great suffer
ing and sickness from colds and expo
sure resulted which Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound helped to alleviate. L.
Foole, 2217 California St., Omaha,
writes: "My daughter had a seven
cough and cold but Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound knocked it out in no
time. My wife would not keep house
without it. We have used it for years,
always with good results." Dr. Stone
Drug Co.
Local peoplo are surprised at the
QUICK results received from simple
buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as :
mixed in Adler-i-ka, the German rem-,
ody which became famous by curing
appendicitis. J. C. Perry states that
this simple remedy antlseptlclzes the
digestive system and draws off the lm- j
purities so thoroughly that A SINGLE ,
DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on
the Btomach and constipation IN
This Interests Every Woman.
A family doctor said recently that
women come to him thinking thnt they
have femalo trouble, but when he treats
them for their kidneys and bladder,
they soon recover. This is worth know
ing, and also that Foley Kidnoy Pills
are the best and safest medicine at such
times. You cannot get bettor, purer
medicine for backache, irregular kidney
and bladder action and nervousness duo
to kidney troubles. Try them. They
are tonic in action, quick in results.
Dr. Stone Drug Co.
If government is really as important
as many think, then it is lamentable
that bo small a proportion of legal vot
ers exercise the right of suffrage.
President Wilson may not bo alwovs
and altogether right, but ho is evident
ly a man of firm purpose, and not eas
ily swerved from what lie believes to
be his duty.
Wonderful Skin Salve.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve is known ev
erywhere as the best remedy made for
all diseases of tho skin, and also for
burns, bruises and boils. Reduces in
flammation and is soothing and hoaling.
J T. Sossamon, publisher of News, of
Corelius, S. C, writes that one box
helped his serious skin ailment after
other remedies failed. Only 25c. Rec
ommended by J. C. Perry.
A Reliable Hair Tonic,
It is an easy matter to prevent bald
ness, dandruff and other discasos of tho
scalp by using Meritol Hair Tonic. It
should be used regularly to koep tho
scalp free of dandruff germs, as these
germs aro the cause of the majority of
cases of dandruff and later, baldnca.
We are authorized to guarantee Meri
tol Hair Tonic. Capital Drug Store.
Of two evils choose something else.
Lame back is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles of the back,
for which you will find nothing better
than Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale
by all dealers.
Modern $4.00 English
Dictionary Certificate
MAY 9, 1913
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