Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 06, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Use Our Efficient
Dresners, t complete line, from $S.fl0
up, at ChIc Broil.
Mri. Timid Hill in veiling friends in
Beattlo for a few days.
tfo-carts mid sulkies. Bo stiro and
see ours before you buy. Calof Bro.
Horn cookoj moals, hot lunch nil
day at the Cozy Kitchen, 412 Court
stroet. 5-fl-tf
Moos, Attontionl ' Initiation- -mud
entertainment tonight. H. 11. Turner,
seerotary, .
On will be lined in killing dog at
tho city pound hnroafter. The council
voted to permit the purchase of S3 feet
Of pipe, "
Mrs. Albert Clark, son Leo, and Mm.
Anna Schoppert have rotnrnod from
Norton, near Newport, whore thoy vis
ited relative!.
Until late In the fall council meeting
Will bo I'eld at ft p. m. hereafter. Last
nlght'a meeting wan the first this
spring under the new arrangement.
Mrs. Clifford Smith, of Marion, Ohio,
liaa come to spend the summer with
Mist Florence Hoffmeycr, of 475 North
Commercial street.
Five Htar Flour" In unbleached and
otherwise guaranteed iinilcr the I'uro
Food law a. Order a sack today from L.
A. Weslaeott Co., 170 Houth Commer
cial street. Phono Main 178.
Julius Wolfe and his father, Adolph,
were lu the city yesterday on business.
The former is the wollkunwn hop man
of Silverton, ami his gonial fuce is
seen In Halem often.
The "Woonas," the only Portland
team to trim the Henators last soasoii,
will pluy here next Sunday, May 11.
A hot game is expected, The new Sa
lem uniforms will be worn, ami they
mo the outwit what is. ' Don't miss
it. 8-n-eod-.lt
J. Dowser was elected mayor of HII
veitun yesterday. O. M. Opsimd, Chns.
llichs .ind W, L. C'uuiiiuglium wore cho
sen as counilliiieii. Tho priipositiuu to
give the Portland Light 4 Water com
pany a franchise was lost. The propo
sition to bond for 50,000 for water
works was lost,
Lord's addition It now ou the mar
ket finest residence properly ever of
fered in the city four blocka from
business center. Prices on these lots
are put down very low, so as to
close out the property toon, For tule
by W. A. Rutherford, PhoneHOI.
4-13 eod lnio
O-liii-U L . 1. . ,i .11.. ... 1 . !l
Note These Three
Footwear Points
Bins-cut in point of assort ment. for
Included are the Intent designs, etc.,
all smart models -suitable, for any
occasion. Biggest in point of high
quality every shoe In made and de
signed by an expert. Biggest in
point ol' viiliie, puxe-'Ming as they do
mure than unusual meiit, I -n't this
the kind of a shoe store you should
Home of the Hanan Shoe
Salt St.
111 Ml fill CYCLES
Special Sale of Men's Suits
at Meyers
Suits that were $22.50, $25.00, $27.50
and $30.00 offered at the low price of
$15.00. Other suits reduced at 20 per
cent and 33 1-3 per cent less.
Here re uit in many model about one of a kind left
light, medium and dark colon In many desirable fabric. No
excuie in going without a suit when you have your selection
of these at just
$15.00 EACH r ;
the Window Display on Court St.
Mail Order Department
The National Edison Ma.da lump
beats jhein all. Hoe Goo. Petteugnll,
l.'i.) North, liberty street.
The city potiiidmaster killed nine
dogs and collected in licenses dur
ing the month of Aprilhe reports.
There wen) "1 births, 10 female and
14 inuic, in the city during the month
of April, according to, tho health offi
cers report. ' ,
Mrs. 0. W. lianck, who was operated
on at the Willamette Sanatorium about
ten days ago, Has returned home again,
but will not he able to bo on her feet
for some time. " " '
The work of painting the W'atfo foun
Win has been delayed a week because
of the failure of the contractor to get
paint from Portland. A white coating
is to bo placed on the fountain. Chair
man Brown of the park- committee, is
anxious to get the fountain painted so
that it can be operated again. f
The owners of the Oregonian eavfe
tore down an old kitchen before they
found out that they could not replace it
with a frame structure. Tho matter is
lu the hands of the fire, and wator com
mittee of the city council for adjust
ment, The pupils of Laura Grant gave a
home recital Saturday afternoon at
which time a number of the mothers
were present. They praised the pupils
highly upon their advancement as none
had completed a year's work and som
had studied only a short time.
Tho committee on health of tho city
council liaa under consideration a prop
osition of the health officer to install
new steel cells, refurnish and white
wash tin' walls of the men's department
of the city jnil. It Is not known wheth
er there is enough money available, but
the necessity of the improvement is ad
mitted. "fiend me a half-ton of vetch hay
like the last. This Is tho only good hay
r have I een able to get tor the last two
months,' was a customer's greeting to
day, The slime satisfaction is assured
you if j mi order, wheat, barley, oats,
bran, shorts, middlings, etc., of L. A.
Weslaeott Jfc Co., 170 South Cominerc
cial street. Phone Main 217.1.
The revival services at tho Leslie
M. K. church, on South Commercial
street, are increasing iu Interest and,
power. The evangelist preached the
old lime gospel, with the old time vig
or. The subject for this eveuliig is:
"Christ's Prescription for Chronic
Condition." Services begin promptly
at ft o'clock, A cordial invltntiou is
extended to nil to attend these ser
lr, W. !, Jfc Nary, head of the east
era Oregon hospital for the iiisnuo at
Pendleton, win here today to attend
the meeting (,f the asylum board and
made his first report since the institu
tion mis opened. F.arlv in the vear.
... mi- n-t nun nnt iipetuM, ;io pa
tients were transferred to the eastern
Oregon section, from the asvium here,
and 17 new ones have been received, ac
'"I'M t the superintendent 'a report.
t Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever
LmK, tint Mlh 1Mx4VS
n tttnr fcion.lab
I n bMiltTi i.4 tlf
1 Am .U(tlk. ft
Km i.hhJ th t4
v4 m ?mr. Uiit
U B.t k.....l..
lust It tobtwrtt
It proprtlr fUBittx
A.'fDI tiUtWHIII.'
runt, nr. 1 a,
Hmr ,14 to 1
tvly of th tuut
U tl tlt.u ,
" t rwtj ltvti
Will M lhL
ins" (
Mm' i the I fcun.ft,, f t th.
Mf ia tat
rrw -r kit .trmisia npj
' L'ktltrtl .Hlls) C'44ttM U KtSIW.
MUHOrilll r-Js. 17 (rnl im Hint lM
watt iairr
AuaitlUsa, rtakla TmII. Its.
Rsrtk (sirll Htreel f.eM Ml
when in need
A cooked food sale willjbe given by
the Altnr Society of the Catholic
church lit liuren '& Hamilton's next
Miss Beatrice and Miss, Flora Truitt
went to independence Friday murn
ing to visit their friends, and hail a
aplondid timo, returning homo Sunday
evening ou tho 4 o'clock train.
Hov. A. O. Marshall, pastor of the
Baptist church, leaves tonight for Se
attle, to bo away until Thursday. Ho
goea as a representative of the Nation
al Home Misaiou Society, in the ad
justment of the Pacific const mission
ary budget.
Street Commissioner Cornelius is on
record today as having used great quan
tities of gravel in repairing atreota of
Sulem during tho past woek or so. Ho
also reports that he fixed up the atreot
in front of Karl Race 'a property, aa or
dered by the council at the suggestion
of Councilman Minton.
Did you aee the Senator work Sun
day! Nol I went fishing, and didn't
get a fish. Ouesa they had some game
from what I hoar. Well, I should Bay
they did. Never saw the boy do bet
ti r. You can figuro on me horoaftor.
Baker is giving ua more for the mon
ey than any one has cvor done before.
That 'a what they all say. 5-6-eod-3t
The annuul conference of tho Oregon
Washington Evangelical ansociation will
be held in Salem Thursday and Bishop
8. P, Strong will preside. Tho proposed
fedcraton" collego at Philomath will be
one of the propositions considered.
Changes of many pastors who have
served "he time limit will be considered.
Delegates to the World's Christian con
ference will bo named.
Suit was commenced this morning iu
the cir-uit court by tieorge 8. Graves
agninst Carrie Graves to either collect
.'HO.L'O as the value of personal prop
erty, alleged in tho complaint to bo in
possession of tho defendant, or recover
tho property iu question. Tho plaintiff
alleges that tho defendant now holds,
besides a .tfflO diamond ring, many oth
er articles, such as clothes, wringers,
wino glasses, etc. C, X. Inman ap
pears as counsel for the plaintiff.
Although there is an appropriation
for only about 50, Governor Went be
lieve a way sliuold bo found to fur
nish transportation for nil tho voter
ana of Oregon who wish to attend the
Gettysburg anniversary celebration to
do so. Seventy five want to go, and it
is suggCHted that public-spirited meu
furnish the additional transportation
funds, and have the legislature cover
tho deficit, figured at about :1000,
when it meets two years hence. About
20 of the M who applied have signi
fied their willingness to withdraw,
tho trip being long and strenuous.
To honsewiivivi and homo builders
who are contemplating the purchase of
residence proxrty in Salem should buy
where the genu laden dust will not be
constant disturbance, A post card
will bring you full particulars. Ad
dro box 51, Salem, Ore. 5 (1. -it
KKI.1.0GO FAKRAK. At the home
uf the bride, 3!l North Cottage St.,
Monday, May 5, UH.'l, Hobert Noel
Kellogg and Mini Gladys Atkinson
The biide is the daughter of Mr. aud
Mrs. Spiire Farrar. There were about
forty people present at the ceremony,
which was officiated over by liovs Barr
G. I.ee. The happy couple are now en
route for parts unknown.
WAHXKK-KKAM-At the minister's
residence lu Salem, Monday evening.
May 1!M:, George T. Warner, of
Porllaud and Miss Jennie Ream, of
Turner, Rev. P. 8. Knight performing
the ceiemony.
Their home is to be la Portland.
To Dressmakers and to
all who do their own
A pattern demonstrator sent
here by the makers of Butter
ick Patterns will be with us for
several days. Those who are
interested or would like to
know about these splendid
patterns and how to use them
are invited to visit the pattern
counter and ask Miss Swan
about them.
The new Summer Fashion
Book is now ready and may be
had at the pattern counter for
25c, including, free, any pat
tern you may select.
Woman's World
Speaker Clark'a Daughter
Will Study Government!.
fi,i'iI)r,r- 1
9 D American Pruis AMOclatton.
Mint Genevieve Clurk, tbe daughter
of Siwaker und Mrs. Cbanip Clark, has
sailed for turupe to make a speclul
study of Europeuu goTernments. BUe
la cbaperouiHl by Mnt. George Harvey,
wife of tbe New York publisher.
After a abort shopping trip Id Paris
Miss Clark aud Mrs. Harvey will go
to Homo, where they will be Joined by
Mis Dorothy Harvey, now in school
Mlas Clark, who celebrated her
eighteenth birthday last December, Is
well verxed iu American political lore
and theoriua. 8Ue baa an ambition to
become a great writer. A abort time
ago aho decided to enter upon a news
paper career. A Washington newspa-'
per woman has been tutoring Miss
Clark, and ahe bas already written
lev era I news atorlos.
So far, California hasn't threatened
to secede.
When children have so appetite;
when they are Continually peevish and
Irritable; when they are restless In
tholr sleep it Is almost a certain Indi
cation that their digestive organs are
troubled with worms or other para
sites. This Is a very common ailment
and easily remedied. Physicians wilt
tell you that nearly every child Is so
troubled at aonie time, and, In fact,
many adults suffer In the same way.
Among adults this troublo is Invaria
bly referred to as Indigestion, when in
reality It Is due to s small parasite
which Infests tbe Intestinal tract.
For children, Jayne's Totvlo Vermi
fuge Is unsurpassed, as It Is not only
destructive to these parasites, but
completely removes the nests In which
their young are deposited. Seldom
does It purge, and the improvement
In the health of the child will be the
first and best Indication of ths bene
ficial results of ths medicine. Not
only will the Vermifuge destroy all
the parasites, but Its wonderful tonic
effects will restore ths digestion
which has been Impaired.
For children, the addition of a little
sugar will make it so palatable that
they will take It readily. Millions of
parents have praised it tor mors than
eighty years. Insist ott Jaynes; ac
cept no other. Bold by druggists ev
erywhere. Dr. D. Jayns Boo, Phil
adelphia, Ps - - 1
Juan Contraet Caught Passing His Ra
tions Through the Bars is Given
His Liberty. -
Los Angeles, Cal., May 6. Juan Con
traez is free today to work his fingers
to the bone for the wife and little ones
whose destitute condition got him into
jail, and out again.
t'nabb to buy toys for his babies,
Contract was arrested and sentenced to
sixty dtys in jail when a policeman
caught him stealing a ten-cent rubber
doll from a toy shop for his vear-old
baby, Clemencita. After he had. been
in jail two days, a turnkey saw him
pass several pieces of hard prison bread
through the bars of his cell to his wife,
who had come to visit him.
The occurrence was reported to Police
Judge I rederickaon, who called the man
into court, where he met his wife and
their five children. Their whole pitiful
story came out, and Contraez was re
leased, v hile court attaches, newspaper
men aud others made up a purse to last
the family fntil Juan got a job.
A Small Strike.
Portland, Or., May 6. A strike of
five deck hands on the steamer Amer
ican, plying between Portland and St.
Helens, Ore., caused a delay of three
hours in the departure of the boat. A
gang of loggers .anxious to reach their
destination, finalla- volunteered their
services. The strike was the result of
the activities of a labor organizer,
who made his appearance just before
the boat was scheduled to leave.
Notice of Proposed Ee-Establlshment
and Change of Grade on Falrmount
Avenue From Lincoln Street to Su
perior Street
Notice to the public is here
by given that tho common coun
cil of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, proposes v to re-establish aud
change the official grade of Fairmount
avenue between the intersection of the
center lines of Fairmount Avenue and
Lincoln street and the intersection of
the center lines of Fairmount Avenue
and Superior street.
The grades which are proposed to be
established by the common council
are described as-follows:
At the intersection of the center
lines of Fairmount Avenue and Lin
coln streets, at an elevation of 201.3
feet above said base of gradea.
At the intersection of the center
lines of Fairmount Avenue and Wash
ington street, at an elevation of 215.5
feet above said bane of grades.
At the intersection of the center
lines of Fairmount Avenue and Siipe
rior street, at an elevation of 230.8
above said base of grades.
All persons owning property adja
cent to said Fairmount Avenue or the
part thereof described above and upon
which it is proposed to re-establish and
change the grade, are hereby notified
to make and file their written remon
strance with tho city recorder, if any
they have, against the said proposed
re-establishment snd change of grade
within the period of ten (10) days
from the final publication of this no
tice and unless the owners of more
than two-thirds majority of the super
ficial area of the property adjacent to
said Fairmount Avenue or the part
thereof particularly affected by said
proposed re-establishment or change of
grade, remonstrate in the manner pro
vided by the charter of the city of Sa
lem, Oregon, within tho period above
named, the common council will pro
ceed to re-establish and change the
grailo of said Fairmount Avenue, as
above. set forth by the passage of an
ordinance on or after twenty (20). days
from the date of the first publication
of this notice.
This notice is published for ten (10)
days in a daily newspaper published
in the city of Salem, Oregon, ths first
publication being the 0th day of May,
CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
s o in
When you ask for Butter
Ask for
Capital City Creamery
Phone 299. 383 Court St.
We give the higheer quality and X
charge the lowest prices.
Schaefer's Drug Store
No. 135 Commercial Street
Deutsche Apothske.
Iowa Machine Shop
Punch and die work a specialty. Mod
el work machinery developed sad per
fected. Brass patterns. Experimental
work. Automobile repairs.
2o2 Chemcketa Street.
Wholesale and retail. Special for
weddings and parties. Call Main 2041
or come to Fred in front ot ths Madi
son, Ths first chicken tamale Fred
mods In Salem, now yon see them st
sry place. I bet 25 these or not
Ilk Fred's Tamale. Tou try on for
yourselt Ml-tt
There is nothing "just as good" as
NewbrVs Herpicide. Some dealers will
even go so far as to tell you they have
something better.
That dealer has an axe to grind.
You can't stop his grinding, but you
can prevent hira grinding it at your ex
pense. There is one sure, swift way to do it.
Go where you can get what vou ask
You wouldn't be obliged to do this
very often, as fortunately the majority
of druggists are honest and conscien
tious. Newbro's Herpicide has been so long
and favorably known as ''the original
dandruff destroyer" that no one should
be deceived.
When you need a hair remedy, you
don't want one. which merely promises
to kill the dandruff germ and prevent
the hair from falling.
You want one that will do it.
Herpicide does it.
The hair becomes soft and lustrous.
There is life, snap and beauty where
formerly the hair was dead, dull and
Applications of this wonderful pro
phylactic may be obtained at the best
barber shops and hair dressing parlors.
Send ten cents in postage or silver
to The Herpicide Co., Dept. R, Detroit,
Mich., for a nice sample of Herpicide
aud a booklet telling all about the hair.
Newbro's Herpicide in 50c and $1.00
size's is sold by all dealers who guaran
tee at o do all that is claimed. If you
are not satisfied your money will be
FOR SALE Three cows, 2 fresh, 771
North Commercial street. 5-0-3t
FOR SALE Choice White and Buff
Orpington chicks, five weeks old.
154 Columbia street, corner North
Front street. 5-6-4t"
FOR SALE Four-burner Perfection
oil stove, with oven. Inquire at 855
North Commercial street. It
thing to put under carpets 10 cents
per bundle. Capital Journal.
FOR RENT Second floor of Lebold
Bros, brick building on State street.
Suitable for lodge purpose, etc. Size
20x80 feet. Close in. Inquire 1144
.': State street. Phone 145. 5-3-3t
WANTED A driving horse, not over
9 years old, of 1000 or 1100 lba.
weight, must be perfectly safe for a
lady to drive. Address John Girard
in, Turf or, Or. Phone Farmers 45
Co. Quotations for today
Ranch butter 2023c
CREAM, butterfat 30c
Eggs 18c
On Liberty and Ferry 8ta. 5-1-tf
FOR RENT Depot Hotel, furnished.
A A. Englebart. Phone 1190.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms near
City Hall, 330 N. High st., phone 4.
SALEM Fl'EL YARDS We are now
booking orders tor summer delivery
slab wood, mill wood, onk, ash, first
and second growth fir. Prices rea
sonable. Also dry wood of all kinds
cut to suit. Phompt deliveries. Phone
Main 529. 752 Trade street. Mark
Sidilall, proprietor.
FOR SALE Motorcycle, in first-class
condition. Box 135, Salem. 5-8-3t"
FOR RENT A good, modern 6-room
house, large garden spot. Phone
Main 1843. 5-6-6t
NORTHWEST RCO representative is
here. If you have any old carpets
you wish woven into fluff rugs, noti
fy S. A. Dohner. Phone 1730. One
thousand satisfied patrons. 5-6-lt
FOR SALE tieiiiiine Cuthbert rasp
berry and Lawton blackberry plants.
Phone Farmers 195. 5-6-3t
WANTED. Two lii.-e families for
those splendidly furnished apart
ments at the Lincoln, (133 Ferry
strt'i't. ' Sfl-tf
ftrown i Sons, proprietors. Anto
truck st regular team rates; country
trips and excursions solicited, Stor
age at reasonable rates. Thone 74.
Office 20f State, corner Front, Man
ning Uiilding. .VO-lm
A slight cold in a child or grown
person holds possibilities of the gravest
nature. Croup may come on suddenly
in tho night, bronchitia or pneumonia
may develop, snd severe catarral trou
bles and consumption are possible re
aults. Foley 'a Honey and Tar Com
pound nipa a cold at the outset, cures
croup quickly, checks a deep-seated,
racking cough, and heals inflamed mem
branes. It does sot constipate and eon
tains bo opiates. Refuse substitutes.
Pr. Stone Drug Co.
J. N. SHANTZ. New and Second-hand
Store, Fifth and Market, North Sa
lem. Bargains in refrigerators, stoves,
ranges gas ranges, sewing machines,
new and socond-hand lawn-mowers,
garden tools, iron beds from $2 up
Highest cash price paid for second
hand goods. See me before you buy
or sell. Phone Main 634. 5-6-tf
190 -Acre Orchard
for Sale
Of prunes and cherries, one mils
from Dallas, Ore. Five years old and
upwards. In tracts to suit, st 22S to
$400 per sere.
Also 218 acres of farm land st 980
to $125.
Payments one-third down, balance In
six yean.
By the Fleming Realty Co, Phone
303, or S. P. Kimball, owner, phone
Farmers 561, Salem, Oregon.
A. J. Barham, Dallas Agent.
Salem Box & Mfg. Co.
Screen doors and windows
made to order. All sizes
prompt service.
Phone 308 247 Miller St.
To Purchasers
For farms or city property see
Dr. W. A. Cusick, over Fry's
drug store. tf
On farm and city property. Joha H.
Scott, over Chicago Store, Balsm, Or
esroiu Phone 1551.
Cherry City
Candy Factory
I Cherry City Ice Cream
t and
Fountain Syrups
266 Chemeketa Street.
Zhone 2482
t Graduate N. W. U., Chicago,
t Salem Bank ft Trust Building.
J Suite 205-206. Phone 2418
;j Karl Neugebauer
; I Masonic Temple. State St.
Resident Agents IS. 8tate Street
314U.S. Bank Building
Ob Good Real Estate Secirity.
TIMS. K. vnnn
Over Ladd ft Bush Bank, Salem. Or,
Money to Loan.
Phone 2424. 206-20? ilubb,r4 Bldg
On root Ked Eiute seeirlty.
SUte Stmt
Prompt delivery. Sole .gent, for
the Famoua Rock Springs Coal.
CAPITAL rrrrT. n
E. H. Jory, successor to J. J. O'N.IL
Pbon. 810. Yard, oppo.it. 8. i.
songer depot. r
in OUT nnantl,. .
No machinery to tear and wear
out delicts fabrics. Work Z
for and deliver promntl.
Terry Bt
OtflM Phnn u.i. ...
mm jgg
Rlfdon Rsaldenea Main in
rrnl Mrsctor. Sad CnderUksr,
B1 N. Hltn Btrsst