TUESDAY Ed!it&4al Page of Tke Salessi Capital Journal may s, 1913 The Capital Journal Published by The Barnes -Taber Company GRAHAM P. TABER, Editor and Muair aa. Independent Newi paper Deroted to Amerlcui Principle and the Progress and Development ct Salem In Particular and All Oregon In General PibllihMl Hvery BvMlnf Bicept Bnnssy, Hslsm, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Invariably In Advance Dally, t7 Carrier, per year ...13.20 Per month. .46c Daily, b 1UII, per ear 4.00 Per month.. 8Sc Weekly, by Mall, per year 1.00 all month. 60e FULL LOANED WIHB TKI-KOKAI'll BBI'ORT ADVERTISING BATHS. Atrertlslnt rate will be furnished on application. "Want" ads and "Hew Today" a't strictly cash In advance. The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the paper on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the pa per to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following Instructions. Phone Main 82. FLAX WILL SOLVE PEOBLEM. SALEM Is somewhat of a railroad center, and is steadily growing in that way. She has six railroads in operation, and a few more in per spective. One of these, running to Stoyton, thence up the Santiam and through the Minto pass, stretching across Eastern Oregon and tapping the Oregon Short Line at Ontario, will be tinder construction probably this sum mer, and when once bogun will be rushed to completion. Being a railroad center, makes it naturally a desirable point for factories. To attract fac tories requires cheap power, and here again Salem is favorably situated, for the almost unlimited power of the San tiam and its tributaries is at her door. Here, then, Is the central distributing or accumulating point, and here is an abundance of power. This is half of the necemnry combination to make Sa lem a groat manufacturing center, the other things are the. capital to operate factories and something to manufac ture. The first will bo available In abundance onco the fourth portion of the combination is made available, and that is something to manufacture. As The Capital Journal has suggest ed, flax is the thing that completes tho combination. This is no new idea here, unless indeed it may be counted as having been so long nogleotcd and forgotten that It is again now. Years ago Eugono Bouse, a fine old gentle man, a flax expert and enthusiast, un dertook to start the Industry hero. Ho claimed that the Willamette valley would produce not only ns good a flax Ireland or Bolginm, but that it would produce a longer and finer fibre than either. He not only claimed If, but he proved it. Through his onergy and persistency ho got a small plant here, and would undoubtedly havo niado a success of the venture, if ill lirck or worse, had not pursued him. He was given somo support by Salem people, but it was not strong and wholo hearted. In spite of this failure to properly support the industry and put it en its foot, ho would, with his in doniitnblo will and complete knowl edge of (he industry, have made a suc cess of it, hod not misfortune in the shape of firo destroyed tho plant. This firo is believed to have boon of incendiary origin, and it is claimed by some, that the plant was caused to bo burned by a Belgium flnx eoinimny. However this may be, the plnnt wns destroyed, and Mr. Hobw, finally wenry of the thankless task of trying to forco fortune onto Salem and the Willnmotto valley, dropped the matter. We havo the benefit of his experience. We know that he demonstrated be yond the peradvvnture of a doubt, that the Willamette valley would grow the best flax In tho world. Are we ener getic enough, far-seeing enough, self reliant enough to profit by what ho has taught usf Flax, such as Is grown, or enn be grown lieie, is the most, valuable ribre grown, and flax as a crop one of fine profit. The area suited to its cultiva tion, in this neighborhood, is practical ly unlimited, and there is no reason why Halem should not come to the front as the greatest flax center of the United. States, and in time the leading flan manufacturing city of the world. To do this will rcipiiro some effort, and it will require the expenditure of porno money in the initiative, but it is certainly worth it. With this indus try once ottfulili'dicd here, a few yours would see Snleni growing more rnpidlv ilinn any city in the slate, It would sen pioperty values doulde and double agaiu in a Blunt lime, n.'ol surely prop erty owners can afford to advance the money necessary to establish a small plant hero, and increase the value of their property many times by so do ing. An expert can be hired, or prob ably Mr. Bosse could bo induced to tako hold of the matter again, and the initial steps taken this yoar so the next year something tangible could be accomplished. Tho Board of Trade should take it up systematically, and give it a trial. As Tho Capital Jour nal stated recently, the matter had gone past the experimental stage when firo put an end to the matter, and it can bo taken up, as a business proposi tion, and in a commercial way from the start. A small company could bo incorpor ated for that matter shares at a min imum valuo, and thus it could bo mude a pcoplo's company. It offers so much, at so little eipenso, that monoy spent in testing it out practically will be monoy well oxpondod, oven though tho matter should rirove a failure. The possibilities aro so groat, tho chances of fniluro so small, that we cannot af ford not to mako tho trial. sometime when the net work of electric roads is completed in the valley, and things get quieted down, he will call a meeting of the board of directors, and almost before we know it, there will be automatic switches on that line. When it rains the suburbanite wishes it would clear up so ho could get busy in his garden. When the sun shines the suburbanite wishes it would rain so he could get. busy anywhere except in his garden. About the only place the garden suits the whole family is at men) time or on the front porch along in the evening, when it can be discussed with Bafoty to the old man and the kids. THE ROUND-UP THE RECALL ORDINANCE, f HE ORDINANCE making possible. and perfecting the dotnils by which tho recoil may bo used in recalling city officials camo before the council InHt night and wns put over until Mon day night next. This was done on mo tion of Councilman Brown, who alBO moved that a copy of the bill bo ur nislicd each councilman. Mr. Brown suid tho bill should puss, and that ho would vote for it, but beforo doing so, wanted to undorstund it thoroughly, and suggested that every other council man should fnmiliarizo himself with it. This is eminently corroct, and tho same system should bo applied to all other bills coming boforo tho council. Un doubtedly the many litrlo jokers con tained in tho ordinances wore not known to tho councilmon; and had they bocn so known, they would havo boon eliminated. Tho people want tho recall mado possible not that thoy have any use for it now, but that it may be avail able, should the occasion arise whon its use might bo required. Councilman Brown is eminently correct, in wanting to investigate tho bill, and ho is also correct in saying tho bill should pasB, which It undoubtedly will. X-RAYS AND SMILES. The Portland Railway, Light & Tower company wants the city of Portland to pay it tho nmount it was out in chang ing its gindos on account of tho Broad way bridge, some $'J5u'l.n.9. The com pany Ins tho nso of the public street, and wants tho city to pay it for nny expense it is put to in using it. It is a modest, retiring diffident little cor poration with few of the attributes of the coounon hog, other than its greedi ness, It figures to a cent, too. Accenting to our exchanges a colony of several thousand Russians will settle in at least a dozen placo between Salem and Klamath Kalis, and all in a bunch, too, see One of tho conductors on the South Commercial street line Sunday lost his automatic, switch off tho tnil end of the car. K Want Ad. in tho Capital Jour nal would certainly lead to its recov ery. e Naletu folks, especially those out Sooth Commercial street, will be glad to learu Mr Slraliorn is to remain at the head of the 1'. J). ,v K. He is wide awake, energetic and n hustler, and M.D. Davis, former city marshal of Lebanon, is now holding down a home stead near Mill City. Deer come al most into his dooryard, and the trout fishing is fine. Tho dato of the Wasco county fair, to bo held at The Dalles, has been changed from September 17-20, to Oe tobor 8-11. It is to be made the big gest ever held in Wasco county. e There are now 59 passenger trains daily into and out of Albany, and the Democrat Bays there is "no excuse for overybody in this part of the state not trading at Albany." A famine in the labor market in As toria is reported. The Budget says carpenters, plasterers, trades and oth er mochanics are needed to supply an immediate demand. The Baptist church at Carlton will colobrata its forty-third anniversary tomorrow. Of the six charter mem bom, three aro living, Mrs. Sarah Black and Mrs. Hanna Kuteh, of Carlton, and Mrs. Maggie S. Scoft, of Latah, Wash. Reports from all parts of the state west of the Cascades show that but little damage has been done by frosts. Tho Alaska Fisheries Packing Co., sold its plants and business to Libhy, McNeil & Libby, tho Chicago meat packers. The consideration was ap pioximately $500,000. e The Independence creamery, which has an output of from 30,000 to 35,000 pounds of butter a week, is behoved to bo tho largest institution of the kind in tho state. e Tho annual meeting of the State Horticultural Society will meet in Eu gene tho first week in June. jj LADD & BUSH, Bankers TlUJfSACTS i 0KKRAL BASKIM) HI 'SISESH. S.WETI DB 1MWIT BOXES. TUAVKLKKS CHECKS. THE CITY EDITOR HAS A DINKY LITTLE LID Acting abscolutely contrary to the ancient and customary requirements of 'straw-hat day," and furthermore, casting asido a venernblo antique which has made him an object of friendly cu riosity, ami which was his constant companion in or out of doors since the winter of '02 Tho Cnpital Journal's city editor swaggorod into the bright glim this morning with one of those dinky littlo college non entities known by a select few as a hat(f). Now, tho writer don 't give a hoot what Bort of a creation tho city editor springs cut in, but ho feels sorter queer when he meets the old man coming 1 down the street with a 14-year-old lid perched at a naughty auglo upon a head which has been in this world sinco Hock wns a mere, waddling infant. Of course, tho manipulator of equine mutters is acting within the law in wearing tho funny sky-piece, but his friends won der where he got tho nerve to spring it i on a patient and unoffending public, Tho "force" has voted to damage that I counfounded dome-piece and Chief of Police Shodoek threatens to havo tho editor arrested if ho don't cease im personating Little Lord Fauntleroy, ! Ward McAllister and 'is Royal 'ighness. j This Interests Every Woman. A family doctor said recently thnt women come to him thinking that thoy i havo female trouble, but when he treats j them for their kidneys and bladder, i they soon recover. This is worth know- j ing, and also that Foley Kidney Pills are the best and safest medicine at such times. You cannot get better, purer medicine for bnrkache, irregular kidney and bladder action atol nervousness due ' to kidney troubles. Try them. They I nre tonic in action, quick iu results. I'r. Stone lru Co. I It would surprise yoiMo know of toe greiit good that is being done by Cham-' Ix'i Iain's Tablets. Parius IVwuov, of Xewberg Junction, X. 1 writes, "My! wife has been using Clmnilierlain 's Tablets and finds them very offectusl end doing her lots of good." 1? vol have any trouble with your stoma 'h or bowels give them a trial. For sale by 1 all dealers. ! riles Cured in 8 to 14 Day. Your druggist will refund money if PAXO OINTMENT fails to cure'any cae of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles In t to 14 days, S0 14.50, $7.50, $9.90 and $12.50 ARE THE PRICES We are now selling new .Spring suits for values up to $12.00, $18.00 and $25.00. The Chicago Store Is Salem's headquarters for stylish suits sold at lower prices than anywhere else on the Pacific coast. We do the volume of business, and can prove every word we say about our goods and low prices. Only the lastest garments shown. THE NEW REVISION OF TARIFF Is putting a crimp in the manufacturers' high prices. Come to our store and see what spot cash buying now means in tho New York market. We have never had a chance beforo to give you Buch good values. This means the high cost of living cut down. Note our prices carefully. DRESS GOODS AND SILKS The greatest showing in Salem offered at the lowest price. ' 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c and up Chicago Store Is Salem's Millinery Shop. Come here for millinerv bargains. Trim med hats, shapes, flowers and fancy ')j stickups ottered at tno Closest prices in Salem. Only tho newest shown. DEESS TEIMMED HATS Price,$1.98,$2.50 and $3.50 DAYTON, OHIO WATER SOAKED GOODS NOW ON SALE AT THE CHICAGO STORE The price is only 25c and 35c on tho dollar $15.00 Suits, $3.95 $12 Silk Dresses, $2.95 and $.1.50 White Wool Serge Jackets, $10 and $12 values, now $3.90 $5.00 and $7.50 Duck Suits, now $1.98 $2.50 Linen and Duck White dress Skirts, 69c and 98c $7.50 Lingerie Dresses, now $1.98. Embroideries, Laces and Dress Trimmings NOW ON SALE. Tho greatest showing we ever mado of the latest and new est novelties. No big store shows a greater lino in flouncings, shadow laces, Bulgarian nets and Persian Btyles. Embroideries, yard: 4c, 5c, 8 l-3c, 10c and up i Wonderful Bargains in Gloves We Bhow the most complete stocks of Kid and Silk Glovein Salcra, both in long and short and in all colors. Advertised prices. Price, 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c and up y ot I SHOE BARGAINS The prices wo sell shoes at makes nil the shoe sales in Salem look like two cents. How is this: Shoes from the Dayton floods, worth $2.50, $3.50 and $4.00, slightly soaked. ' SALE PRICE $1.45 SUMMER UNDERWEAR Now on sale for women, misses and children. Our stock is complete. Any class or kind of garment you want we havo here to show you in knit under wear. 4c, 5c, 8 l-3c, 10c and up DOMESTICS 10,000 yards of tho latest and newest wash goods now on sole.. Como here for bargains. Lawns, yard dr ratmf Tcrcales, yard : Viv!t!'if Ut,U (iinbaui!, varl 5c, 7c, 81-3c raffi I -Ml m iril i l lift V.fv ci ' Lit ; :4';vm 4Jf ' MI 6. fell 'I 1 mm Beautiful Lingerie Dresses Now on snlu, stylish dresses like the picture offered at low prices $2.50 $3.50 CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES Wo show the most complete lino in Sa lem of pretty WASH DRESSES Price Oouly Ooods of Mortt and Quality Sold Her 25c, 35c, 4Qr RKr and up i I mil III iMaMXMMM, WJtJUiWJ-S nub hi - : U 1 71 V E STORE THATSAVES YOU MONEY " II I ill in s , Parcel Post at Your Service Ooods Shipped aU Over America