Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 05, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Use our Mail Order Department if you are unable to shop
in person. If you are going to buy anew suit, don't hesitate;
buy your suit at Meyers, for here is presented the very best
suit opportunity you'll find in the Valley
Women's High Grade
Tailored Suits are now
selling way below cost
We are compelled to sacrifice these beautiful new
suits, a we have altogether too many. The' backward
season has prevented regular selling of our Spring
and Summer assortments, so they're offered to you at
much less than we paid for them. These figures give
evidence of the tremendous cut in prices:
Regular $17.50 to $25.00 Suits, special at $12.35
Regular $27.50 to $32.50 Suits, special at $14.85
Regular $35.00 to $40.00 Suits, special at $16.85
Whipcords, Bedford Cords, Sturdy Suitings and fine
imported fabrics a wealth of handsome materials,
and in splendid array of latest popular colors. All
are up-to-the-minute in style, some being exact copies
of the latest and most exclusive models. A wonder
ful assortment to choose from.
To Dressmakers and to
all who do their own
A pattern demonstrator sent
here by the makers of Butter
ick Patterns will be with us for
several days, commencing to
day, April the Sth. Those
who are interested or would
like to know about these splen
did patterns and how to use
them are requested to visit the
pattern counter this week.
The new Summer Fashion
Book is now ready and may be
had 'at the pattern counter for
25c, including, free, any pat
tern you may select.
Our 637th Wednesday
Surprise Sale will be of
special interest to all
Semi-Porcelain China in plain
white, your choice at one-third
less than regular prices.
A fine, shiny, imooth, finished ware,
well worth its regular price. Included
in the assortment are almost every kind
of dish nooded for general use,
A 42-piece set of these dishes
for $2.87
A 66-piece set of these dishes
for $4.60
Individual plooes will bo sold at the
same reduction. Select what you ned.
One-third Ii'hh than Tegular pried.
Son window display.
None sold loro 8:30,
The House
Special Sale of Men's Suits
at Meyers
Suits that were $22.50, $25.00, $27.50
and $30.00 offered at the low price of
$15.00. Other suits reduced at 20 per
, cent and 33 1-3 per cent less.
Here are suits in many models- about one of a kind left
light, medium and dark colors in many desirable fabrics. No
excuse in going without a suit when you have your selection
of these at just
$15.00 EACH
We're going to have a window of these about Monday
watch for it and note the price reductions.
Fm FTrroRM
Ji v iIooodIgood s fci
The Home
Hal Bibard Camp No. 5, Spanish War
Veterans, will hold a social this evening
at the armory.
The state tax commission will soon
commence listing all warranty deed
transfers it the state for the purpose
of assembling reliable data upon which
to apportion the state tax and that
against public service corporations. The
commission gathers the information an
nually, but plans to make it more com
plete this year than last.
It is rumored about the city today
that the penitentiary authorities are
anxious to get rid of Carrie Kirsch, who
is serving a sentence in the penitenti
ary for manslaughter, for the reason
she is causing all manner of trouble. It
seems that Mrs. Kirsch is one of the
most difficult charges to manage among
the five women prisoners in the peni
tentiary, and that for this reason the
authorities would recommend a parole
in her case.
Bert Van Cycle, a trusty at the peni-
tentiary, made good his escape lust Sat'
urday while at work on the outside of
the institution. The prisoner simply
walked away without any of the guards
or,other convicts noticing him, and up
to the present time has not been appre
hended. Van Cycle was sentenced for
the crime of larceny from a dwelling in
Jackson county. He was serving an in
determinate sentence of from one to
seven years.
T. (I. Bligh, manager of the Bligh
theatre, now boasts of being the posses-
sor of the largest diamond in the state.
The beautiful gem cost the theatre man
$1500 and is about the size of a robin 's
egg. The "stun" is set in a ring and
shows tip on the owner's hand like a
twenty-dollar piece amongst a pile of
worthless poker chips. Mr. Bligh de
clares that he has the satisfaction of
having one mit, at least, worth consid
erably more than face value.
Announcement that R. A. Harris,
state printing expert, would resign in
a short time created no surprise at the
capitol, as he had some time ago stated
that he intended to embark in business
for himself. Harris has been in office
since 1910, his appointment being the
first made by Governor West. His con
troversy With State Printer Duniway
has been prolonged, and is still being
waged, both sides claiming to have the
best of it.
Advices received at the state capitol
indicate that the O.-W. R. & N. Co. is
making good progress in building its
road westward to Juntura. Eventually
the road will connect with a liue being
constructed eastward from Eugene. It
is planned to have trains running as far
as Juntura before the close of the pres
enh year. The new line will open an
infmense area to development.
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. Cassius'S. Brock and members
of her family desire to express their sin
cere appreciation of the many courtesies
and timely assistance rendered during
their late bereavement.
WANTED Competent) experienced
girl 'for general housework. Phone
Main 1070, evenings. 5-5-tf
down, l-alance 5 years at 6 per cent,
to actual settlers on tracts in famous
Labish region, now being reclaimed.
Only few loft. German Investment
Company, Steeves building.
Manager Plimpton, of the state print
tir's office, spout Numlay in Portland,
the guest of friends.
The Catholic Lady Forwiters will
trivc a card party in Ht. Joseph's hall
unit Friday evening.
Assistant Attorney General Van Win
klo is in Pendleton to look after sonin
in which the supreme court is in
terested. lU'gidar meeting of Hodson Couucll,
No. 1, U. 4 8. M., this (veiling. A full
attendance Is requested. By order of
the Thrice Illustrious Master. Visiting
rcmpnuions welcome.
j i
Note These Three
Footwear Points
Biggest in point of assortment, far
included re the latest designs, etc,
all smart models suitable for any
occasion. Biggest In point of high
quality even' shoo Is made and de
ugued by an expert. Biggest in
point of vulue, poseuwing as they do
more than unusual merit. lMt't this
the kind of a xhue store you should
Home of IKellanan Shoo
411 Siitt Si.
Circuit Judge Kelly Is holding court
hero today. Civil cases are taking up
his time.
Mrs. C. W, Ranck Is at homo again.
Whilo cite is not able to be ou her feet,
she is gaining rapidly.
May devotions will be held In St, Jo-
sepr's church Wednesday and Saturday
evenings during the month. f
Mr. and Mrs, J. II. Lewis are visiting
n Portlund. Mr. Lewis plans to make
a three-weeks' trip in eastern Oregon.
Mrs, K. V. ('arleton, wifo of tho as
sistant superintendent of schools, has
goue to Monmouth for a visit of two
Mia Mabel Simpson, of Woodburn,
has returned home after a visit with
Miss Aino Simpson and Miss Daisy
Ask Tdgnr, the grocer, about that
good "Olympic" flour, tho flour that
is always good. Call in or phono Main
2 1 II, cotner High and Court streets.'
The Southern Pacific bridge across
tho Willamette is being painted black,
to replace tho red placed ou it before
the bridge was opened a few weeks
Keep j our money at home by buying
home nude goods. You will thou lie
supporting and encouraging home Indus
try. Flour, griihnm, "Wheatola," and
mill feeds. All made by the Cherry
City Flouring Mills.
One of the liupurtnnt matters to eome
up for consideration tonight at the
council meeting is the ordinance closing
pool and billiard rooms on Sunday. The
ordinan-e comes up for finul passage,
Tho-petition of the Pacific States
Telephone Company to discontinue 70
offices will bo heard Thursday by the
railroad communion. The telephone
coniny has already discontinued some
of the stations.
fhmrA AT motor
AawaalUoa, FUhlig Tackle, It
Herta CswBsrcbl street fitat M
E. A. Robertson, 'of the P. E. 4 E.
eouipan spent Sunday in Portland.
Our pianos, victrolas, records, terms
and puvment plans are satisfactory.
They nre all good makes. See R. F.
Peters, manager, before buying. 521
Court street.
Fruits and vegetables, free from the
street dust and sanitary. Got our prices
ou apples by the box. Our bread sales
are increasing. Whyf It is good.
Phone Main Kit. Tho Sunset Grocery.
Mr. .ind Mrs. Paul Neumyer, of Walla
Walla, are visiting in Salem. Mr. Neu
myer is boys' secretary of the Walla
Walla V. M. C. A., and he leaves in a
few days for Cincinnati to attend tho
Y. M. C. A. convention.
Miss Agues Hall, who has been book
keeper for E. C. Cross & Son, is visiting
in Portland and from there will go to
North Yakima, where she like taken a
place with the Emporium, a largo mer
cantile, establishment.
" lopi ndable Goods," "Yakima
Best'' flour, that's tho kind of goods
we carry in stock. Phono Main HO,
your grocery wants and your orders will
rtteetv-e irntiiiit unit careful Attention.
Sperling s, Jit .ortn t omniorecinl ft.
The Mi'oso Carnival, from May 19 to
21, don't forget the date. This carnival
should bo given tho preference over
everything else. Excursions on all rail
roads, all outside towns are lending ev
ery aid to help Snlent this time, Boost
for Salem,
Hot weather, the mites and lice will
bother your hens and infest your hen
house. Just use the beet of all lice
killers ns directed, and save your heus
and chickens. See F. E. Shafer, the
saddle and harness man, about it. 1S7
South Commercial street.
The name of the Columbia Southern
irrigation project has been changed by
the desert laud board to the Tumalo
project. Olaf Lauregaard, the engineor
in chargej of the work, was allowed
300 for preliminary expense.
H. G. Phelps, a mason by trade, was
arrested, yesterday in Independence by
Sheriff Each on tho charge of stealing
tools fiom a local cement worker.
Phelps was arraigned before Justice of
the Peace Wobster this morning and re
leased ou bonds to appear before the
next grand jury.
According to Tom Caufield, the local
capitalist, there has been a mistake
made by some one in mentioning his
name as being the person wanting a
Hereford bull. Mr, Caufield declares
he is sure that Fred Bynon, the notor
ious real estate dealer on State street,
is tit man actually seeking such an
animal and would advise any one hav
ing such a thing for sale to see Mr.
Bynon. "I know Mr. Bynon has been
scouting about for a good bull, but
whether it is a Hereford, or a Rhode Is
lam! If od, or a Berkshire, I am not able
to toll," says Tom.
Are You Neglecting
Your Eyes?
Moot people do; they do not realite the
Importance of taking rare of them as
they should.
Eye troubles usually coma sooner or
later. It's SOONER when they are
Give to your eyes the proper care by
calling on
a. Mcculloch
191 North Commercial Street
WrtnmU floor)
LOST Electric tail-light, uickle-platcd,
from auto, card attached. Vick Bros.
Garage. Reward. 5-5-3t
FOR RENT Six-room house, rent rca
sonable, 200 North Thirteenth Btreet.
Bath, etc. 5-5-3t
NORTHWEST RUG representative is
here. If you have any old carpets
you wish woven into fluff rugs, noti
fy L. A. Dobner. Phone 1730. One
thousand satisfied! patrons. 3-5-lt
FOR RENT A good, modern fl-room
house, largo garden spot. Thone Main
1S40. 5-5-6t
New Spring Hats
Are Here
FOR RENT Neatly furnished sleeping
rooms, electric light and bath. 4S8
North Commercial street. 4-22-6t
thing to put under carpets 10 cents
per bundle. Capital Journal.
FOH RENT Close in, a nicely furnish
ed 4-ioom flat, bath and electric
lights. 1047 South Commercial.
FOR SALE A beautiful o room, newlv
finished cottage, 'modern, four blocks
from the capitol Building. If taker,
this week, goes at 2.j00f on easy
tonus. A 5-room cottage on Capitol
street, lot 70x123 feet at $1200; $200
cash, lalanee 12 per month at 6 per
cent interest; plenty of fruit and
shrubbery. Fisher & Bell, 2rt,1 Hub
bard building.
When you ask for Butter
Ask for
Capital City Creamery
Phone 299. 383 Court St.
At G. W. Johnson & Co.
$1.50 to $5.00
Regular $1.00 Shirts, Special 65c.
G. W. Johnson & Co.
141 N. Com'l St. Salem, Oregon
FOR RENT Second floor of Lebold
Bros, brick building on State street.
Suitable for lodge purposes, etc.. Size
26x80 feet. Close in. Inquire 1144
State street. Phone 143. 5-5-3t
WANTED A driving horse, not over
9 years old, of 1000 or 1100 lbs.
weight, must be perfectly safe for a
lady to drive. Address John Girard
in, Turner, Or. Phone Farmers 43
Co. Quotations for today
Ranch butter : 2023c
CREAM, butterfat 30c
Eggs ISc
On Liberty and Ferry Sts. 5-1-tf
FOB RENT Depot Hotel, furnished.
A, A. Englebart. Phone 1190.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms near
City Hall, 330 N. High St., phone 4.
190-Acre Orchard
for Sale
Of prunes and cherries,, one mils
from Dallas, Ore. Five years old and
upwards. In tracts to suit, at $225 to
$400. per acre.
Also 216 acres of farm land at (80
to 1125.
Payments one-third down, balance In
fix yean.
By the Fleming Realty Co., Phone
303, or S. P. Kimball, owner, phone
Farmers 561, Salem, Oregon.
A. J. Barham, Dallas Agent.
Iowa Machine Shop
i uncn ana .lie work a specialty. Mod
el work machinery developed and per
fected. Brass patterns. Experimental
work. Automobile repairs.
252 Chemeketa Street.
Wholesale and retail. Special for
weddings and parties. Call Main 2041
or come to Fred In front of the Madl
on. The first chicken tamale Fred
made la Salem, now you see them ev
ery place. I bet 25 these are not
like Fred'e Tamalea. You try one for
yourself. 2-12-tf
Salem Box & Mfg. Co.
screen doors and windows
made to order. All sizes
prompt service.
Phone 308 247 Miller St
To Purchasers
or fr"1 or,cily Property see
ur. W. A. Cusick, over Fry's
drug store. tf
4. We give the highest quality and
f charge the lowest prices.
f Schaefer Drug Store
No. 133 Commercial Street
X ' Deutsche Apotheke.
tUtttttttttt HH
On farm and city property. John a.
doom, over tnicago 8 tore, Balem, Or
una. Phone lB5t.
Cherry City
Candy Factory
I Cherry City Ice Cream
Fountain Syrups
266 Chemeketa Street.
Phone 2482
T nn . -
I Graduate N. W. U., Chicago, t
f Salem Bank & Trust Building.
f Suite 205-206. Phone 2418 J
Karl Neugebauer
Masonic. Temple.
State St.
KesliMt Agnits INt Htate 8rr
314 U.S. Bank Building
On Good Real Estate Secsrity.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or,
Money to Loan. '
Phone 2424. 206-207 Hubbari Bldg
On foot Beal Estate Mcirtty.
State Street
Prompt delivery. Sole agents for
the Famous Bock Spring CoaL
E. H. Jory, successor to J, J. O'NeiL
Phone 210. Yards opposite 8. P. pas
senger depot
in an? nnnntl). t- . . . i
our specialty. Falls City Lumber
street Phone Main 811
No machinery to tear and wear
out delicate fabrics. Work called
for and delivered promptly.
4 Terry St Phone Main mi
Office Phone Main 181
Rtgdon Residence Main 11L.
fnral Directors and Undertakers
ttl N. Hlrh Street