Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 05, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Undertakers Ross to the occasion, Lay
ing Aside All Ideas of Fronts or
Personal Gain.
Xloyd T. Rigdon, son of W. T. Rig
don, the funeral director hero, wrote
the following article, which appeared
in the April number of "The Sunny
side," a New York funeral magazine.
Mr. Rigdon's subject, as will be seen,
deals with unreliable newspapers re
porting the news of the calamity
which occurred at Dayton recently:
How the Yellow Journalism Poisoned
the Public Mind.
Salem, Ore., April 8, 1913.
To the Editor of the 8unnyside:
In reading of the floods in Ohio and
Indiana, I have noticed in several in
stances a report that the undertakers
of Dayton were "holding up" bodies
found to exact exorbitant prices, from
the relatives, also that "the authorities
quite often were forced to interfere to
prevent fighting among the undertak
rs over the posesssion of unidentified
Upon learning of the apalling loss of
life in Dayton following the first news
of the disaster my mind naturally
turned as to how the undertakers would
organize to handle such a situation. I
suppoacd, of course, that in such a ca
tastrophe, when business was paral
yzed and everybody doing all he could
to assist his fellow man, that the mem
bers of our profession (as we would call
ourselves) would band themselves to
gether as one man, laying competition
aside and forgetting any and all per
sonal differences they might have to
ward one another, in caring for the
todies of the victims of that awful ca
lamity, without thought of deriving
:any 'pecuniary harvest" in such an
liour of affliction, when thousands of
people were homeless and had lost
their all.
Possibly these newspaper accounts
are not very authentic. It certainly
iseemB incredulous after all we have
done toward advancing our profession
raising its standard in the eye of tho
people, through our associations and
trade journals, etc., that there are those
among us, who, in their great lust for
gold, would cast upon their profession
such a stigma in the eyes of the people
of Dayton and elsewhere. Such acts as
these should be taken up in the associa
tion of Ohio, and if they are members
they should be promptly ejected there
from; so I sincerely hopo and trust
that I am misinformed in this matter,
that the funeral directors of Dayton,
Ohio, are men of different caliber than
to stoop to such 'body snatching.",
I presume that before this your cor
respondent in that vicinity has obtained
the true status of the matter, so will
V Gold Medal, London. 1911
j Largest Salt HIGH-GRADE Tea ill Wnli
Most delicious table beverage in ail the world-
hot or iced. Queen Victoria used it for last
45 years of her reign.
"11. M. B." $1.00 pound-yet
costs less goes
) In Seiled
.All High-Class Grocers
Order Trial
anxiously await the arrival of the next
issue of The Sunnyside, which is always
a very welcome visitor around here.
Sincerely yours,
(We give the above letter in order to
emphasize the fact that the sensational
reports in the daily newspapers were,
as usual, grossly exaggerated. All our
correspondent, or any one else needs to
do is read the accounts of the men who
risked their lives and health in serv
ing the people of the stricken districts.
The facts as recorded in this issue
speak for themselves.) Editor The
"Which would you rather have a
cow of your own, or a reliable city
milkman 1" asked Fred Shaw, police
court constable of his wife Tuesday
"That depends."
"Depends on whatt" asked Fred, be
coming interested.
" A lot of things. There are two dif
ferences between a cow and a milkman,
and one difference is in favor of the
former and one in favor of the latter."
"Kindly elucidate, madame," said
Constable Shaw.
"No. 1 explanation is that a cow
gives pure milk and the other one is
that a cow doesn't give credit.'
"I cannot cash this check, madame,"
said G. Herbert Raleigh, paying teller
in the Bajik of California.
" What 's the, reason you can 't cash
it?" asked the woman in a peevish tone
of voice.
"There isn't enough money here to
meet it," replied Mr. Raleigh.
"Well, ean't you meet it half way!"
all of which goes to show, said Mr.
Raleign in tolling the story; what ques
tions women do ask.
Salem people who have etomach and
bowel trouble should guard against,
appendicitis by taking simple buck
thorn bark, glycerine, etc., aa com
pounded in Adler-i-ka, the German
remedy which became famous by cur
ing appendicitis. A SINGLE DOSE
relieves sour stomach, gas on the
stomach and constipation INSTANT
LY because this simple mixture an
tlseptlclzes tho digestive organs and
draws off the imprities. J. C. Perry,
To Manage Debates.
Tne manager of debate at Willamettj
univLiflty for the coming year will be
Jviin MeDanicl, of this city. Ths do-
bate couucil will consist of Errol Gil
key, Inez Goltra, Charles Hall, Harr,'
Savage and Dan Patterson.
Th manager will immediately bcgi.i
plans for the forensic contests of nost
season and will know before school
closes what schools fwill be met in !
bate next year.
further. '
Air - Tlght Pkgi. .
J ij
. 'I
two Moot tM-ee
M father
Makes Parishioners Understand the
Blessedness of Faith, with "a Hook
to the Jaw."
By Carlton Ten Eyck.
(Written for the United Press.)
New York, May 5. When craving for
diversion of a fisctic character, it be
hooves the visitor to this polyglot city
to drop down to West street, where the
docks of the great steamship lines are
strung, and got acquainted with Re".
Phillip J. Magrath, the "Fighting
Father" of the water front. If in the
mood and he is always in the mood
to do battle for the cause of honesty,
justice and decency Father Magrath
may permit yon to trot around his
"parish" with him. If this rare treat
befalls you and you come through a'ive
you will have seen something to tell
the folks back home.
Hardly a night passes that the rubi
cund, genial and kindly-eyed priest does
not find it necessary, or at least con
genial, to supplement his religious in
structions with a wallop to the jaw uf
some seven-foot steovedore or water
front crook. His wallop, by the way.
contains the soporific power of a ton j
of chloroform. The recipient has the
feeling on awakening of having been
slapped by an elephont. Not that Fath
er Magrath goes about looking for trou
ble far be it from such. "I'm a
peaceful man of the church," he will
tell you solemnly, "and I detest having
any trouble. But once in a whilo it is
nocessary to point ou the Tight path
with the fist instead of with some
beautiful language which won't bo un
derstood." Father Magrath also in
sists that he is humane in his method
of visiting the wrath of Providence on
his recalcitrant parishioners. " I hate
to hurt him,' he said, "so I always
try to wind up any argument with one
punch. Usually I make my man under
stand the blessedness of the faith nud
the advantages of decent living with
one right hook to the jaw."
Father Magrath is in charge of !-"t.
Peter's Union for Seamen. Although
he is a Catholic, his union is non-seeta
rian. It is more like a club than a mis
sion. Downstairs tho seamen and long
shoremen gather around checker boards
and innocent card tables, and upstl'.rs
they receive the benefits of services
conducted by their pugnacious parso-i.
And woo to any unruly backslidor who
attempts that former favorite pastime
of the water front putting the meeting
"on the bum." When Father Magrath
first went to West street there was no
tougher section of the city, and fo-.v as
hardened and wholly wicked in the
world. Tho "rough necks" who came
ashore to squander their earning of two
trans-Atlantic voyages or the fruits i.f
mouths of service on tramp stenmers in
a night wjra bad enough, but it was the
swarm of crooks and gamblers who
gathered to cntico the unwary mariner
into crooked deals of all sorts th.it
mailo the district notorious for nmr'.i r
and iissault.
Tho advent of Father Magrath, tlio
smiling, big-jawed, young priest, cniisi d
but little excitement at first. No one
attended his meetings nor was his clntn
respected as it should have been. Fath
er Magrath looked around his "parUh''
silcidly for a few weeks ami then de
cided that tho only way to make these
Wrttcr front gangs step around to no
converted was by force. So ono night
ho s'nr'cd out to "clean up" his ns
trict alone and unarmed. They still toll
on ti r street of that glorious firs- nigit
of battle and gory fistic display. He
went from saloon to saloon, sorting out
the biggest and worst looking men at
tho bar and urging upon them tho error
of their ways and the advantages of
tho life religious. Wheu scoffed at he
laid down his prayer book and rolled up
his sleeves. There were usually just
two blows struck. One was when the
doughty priest's doughty fist landed
on the jaw of said offender. Tho other
was tho echoing wallow when said of
fender's cranium collided with tho
Then Father Magrath went about a
systematic circuit of the crooks which
led through dark alley .ways where the
human sharks waited to pounce upon
one of his beloved seamen when that
jovial rover of the deep should be wal
lowing in the trough of too deep a land
sea. The police had made sporadic but
futile efforts to clean out the nests of
thieves and tin-horn gamblers, thugs
and lodging house crooks that filled the
water front district. Father Magrath
simply waded into a crook whenever he
saw one, ordered him to get out of the
district and if not met with instant re
sponse, sank one of his justly famous
private-stock sleeping potions into said
crook's masticatory apparatus.
The result is that today only one
gang of unregenerates worries the good,
stocky priest of the Seamen's Union.
It is known as the Tin Can Alley Ath
letic club. Its athletics are coufined to
whatever calisthenic exercises are nec
essary to the hoisting of copious slugs
or liquor to the lips, the blackjackiug of
drunken sailors and a brisk departure
when pursued by the police or Father
Magrath. These athletes are descended
from the Pig Alley Guards, a similar
organization completed routed and dis
banded by the almost single-handed op
erations of the "Fighting Priest."
They had other affiliation with tho
Hudson Dusters, an aggregation of hu
morously inclined young hoodlum-bandits
whose favorite pastime was thj
"beating up" of policemen when the
latter weren't working in pairs. Father
Magrath licked seven Hudson Dusters
in quick succession and the rest "dust
ed." Father Magrath is a product of
the East Sido. He knows well the
wants of "his people," and he is now
beloved by every seaman of New York
"Barbary Coast." Father Magrath '
constant companion is "Bum," a rang
mongrel dog. Between them, thoy are
literally "licking holl" out of West
A man living at Auburn, New York,
had a severe attack of kidney and blad
der trouble. Being a working man, not
wanting to lose time nor run up a
heavy doctor's bill, he cured himself
completely by using Foley Kidney Pills.
A year later he says: "It is a pleas
ure to report that the cure was per
manent." He has had no roturri what
ever of the pain, backache and burn
ing. His name is J. A. Farmer, and he
says: "Of course I recommend Foley
Kidney Pills as a very effective cure
for kidney and bladdor trouble." , Dr.
Stone Drug. Co.
Be what you are. Tear the sham out
of your lives. Do not ape thoso above
you on tho social or financial ladder. A
millionaire is no bettor than a man
and sometimes worse.
Lame back is usually caused by
rheumatism of tho muscles of the back,
for which yoi will find nothing belter
than Chamberlain's Liniment. For salt
by all dealers.
For Lamo Hack,
A r m,
Hand, Hip, Leg or
Foot, try it. Price 25c and 50c.
Condition Drops. For the horBO
who is off his feed and needs a
tonic. Appetizer und blood puri
fier. Prico 50c.
Fover and Agno Remedy. Kills
the malarial germs (if they are
as big as a dog) and restores
you to health. Price 30c and 73c
Stink Foot Remedy,- does the
work, no explanation. Price 50c.
Black Liver Pills. Opcus up the
pipes, starts up tho wheels, puts
the machine to work, and you
are soon well again. Price 23c.
Salem, Oregon.
Free delivery of all goods to any
part of the city.
A 3 S
l rt,T -,,;, Shoulder,
Desert Board Decides to Allow Central
Oregon Irrigation Company More
' Time on Canals.
As forecasted in The Capital Journal,
the state desort land board late Satur
day decided against a plan to put the
Central Oregon Irrigation Company out
of business. Governor Wost, Treasurer
Kay and Secretary of State Olcott were
in favor of giving the company another
chance, while Engineer Lewis favored
declaring the company in default and
forfeiting its bond of $25,000. West,
Kay and Olcott took the stand that if
the company was put out of business it
would leave the irrigation project in
bad shape, while, if the company makes
good its promise, it will soon enlarge
its canals, and make it so that there
will be a chance for settlers', who have
been complaining, to- secure their pat
ents from the United States govern
ment. Roscoe Howard, general manager of
the company, made the statement at the
hearing Saturday afternoon that the
company had Invested $1,500,000 in the
project, which is the largost in Oregon.
Of this amount $1,000,000 was secured
by floating bonds in the East. Howard
said he had deals on to secure more
funds to use in development of the pro
ject, but feared that the efforts of
"jaw artists" of Central Oregon to
cause trouble might make It hard to get
funds. He referred to C. B. Williams,
who appeared before the board de
manding that the company's bond be
forfeited, as one of the "artists," and
assorted that 90 per cent of the sottlors
were satisfied, and there is an abund
ance of water for irrigation purposes.
Williams tried to get the board to ad
mit that the company was in default.
After the board extended tho time for
completion of certain work to Septem
ber 1, Williams declared he would take
the matter into the courts, with a view
of getting a mandamus order requiring
the board to forfeit the company's bond
He insisted during tho hearing that
settlers in the Powell Butte district
were unable to get patents because the
company had failed to got sufficient
water on their land, and were much
stirred up over it. He was ono of the j
settlors, it appeared. Williams made
no charge that money was not judicious
ly expended by the company.
Whilo tho board probably does not al
together approve of tho methods of tho
company, it was a case of putting sot
tlerB up against a worse proposition if
drastic action were taken against tho
company, it was explained, and bo the
concorn will have another chance to
float securities and finish the work.
4-room houso, $850.00, North Salem.
8-room modern houso, fruit and ber
ries, barn, $2000.
$0300 takes ideal home, 20 acres.
150 acres in Polk county, cheap.
220 acres, well improved,' $22,000.
3 lots, Broom cottage, $1000, snap.
5 and 10-acro tracts, close in,
1- to 5-acro tracts cheap.
5 lots, B room houso, bam, chicken
yard, fruit and berries, $1000.
Hevoral business chances, restaurant,
rooming house, grocory store, black
smith, pool hall, cigar stand, hotel.
4Vj acres, 2 houses, on car lino, fine
garden tract, $0000.
l'our-room furnished houso, guod lot,
10 acres bearing Italian prunes,
MENTS. Acme Investment Co.
A. B. COOK, Manager.
Phone Main 477. S40 State St.
Opposite Court House.
2U? II u
We have just received an
other shipment of snappy Sum
mer dresses; each one possess
ing that little fashion kink
which gives a garment caste.
Materials of ratine, linen
and piques. White and colors
However, you can tell better
by seeing and trying them on.
all at Deduced prices
Suits at Reduced
Modart Corsets
(The Improved Front Laced)
uscm sntttT
Aviator Killed.
okitbd russ laisso wiai.l
Akron, Ohio, May S. Charles Carl
son, a Milwaukee aviator, was killod
today when blplanlng near Silver Lake.
Ho ascended 100 foot, when his engine
suddenly stopped. Carlson was thrown
from the machino, striking the ground
headforemost. Death was instantaneous.
Big Surprise for Marion and Polk Counties
BER. We have a big stock of pulleys, boxing, saws and all kinds of tools
and machinery. Also chicken netting and hog wire. Bargain prices.
Everything from a needle to a piece of gold. The house of a half of
million bargains.
233 State Streot.
Like Finding Money
in Your Pocket
When you locate a laundry that washes and launders your clothes so
they will look liko now, and at tho same time DOES NOT WEAR
Our porsonal service is a guarantoo of satisfaction. Every stop in
tho correct luundrylng of'your clothes is under tho persoual supervision
of an export laundry mnployo.
Our increasing trado Is tho result of this.
So if you want your clothns to last their natural length of woar
Send your C-OOD clothos to this OOOD laundry.
136-166 S. Liberty Phone 25
By Gross
ecrwtoi jtate;
Wonderful Skin Salve.
Bucklen 's Arnica Salve is known ev
erywhere as the bit remedy made for
all diseases of the skin, and also for
burns, bruises and boils. Reduces in
flammation and Is soothing and healing.
J T. Sossamon, publisher of News, of
Corolius, S. C, writes that one box
helped bis serious skin ailment after
othor remedies failed. Only 25c. Rec
ommended by J. C. Perry.
Phone Main 224
r--w -j ,Y");V
B(?6As locoes