Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 05, 1913, Image 2

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    Ecfltorf&I Page of The Salem Capital Journal ma?
5, 1913
The Capital Journal
Plblthcl If
, The Barnes -Ta be r Company
GRAHAM P. TATIER. Editor an Manaor
fcb Indpw4at Nw.ppr Dt-rotaxl to American Principle, tod tha Proirrew
Ml Daralopmool cf 81 sra In Particular and All Oregon In General
PMIkl tT7 Brewing Hifpt imUy, Winn. Orx
UararUlilf la advanr)
Pail?, bf CwrrUr, pr )w . ..Idlio Per mon!ti..4,V
lUf. bf Mali, ft tr X Per month.. RBo
"ear, kf Moll, r ?Mr 1.0(1 ftti month! .IK
Krwrilittng rale, will l) furnished application.
"W.w TtxUr" tit strictly mull In ..rnnrA
TIM Capital Journal carrlr hoy .r instructed to put tht paper on tht
torch. It lb curler doM not do thin, nils yon, or noclocts (ttUng th pa
pe to yx on Urn, kindly phon. th. circulation manager, a this U th. only
way ww can thiamin. whlhr or not th. carrlara are foUowlnf Instruction,
non Main fi
fjH Pd'SlNl-SS, in trying to force
fl th hand of th California logisla
tuna, and prevent It enacting the
ami .Hen ownership of land hill, threat-
t lnve.k IhK referendum, anil
lnox th legislature refused to hav it
hand forced, and so passed tho hill, Kig
lbila will probably carry out It
throat, Uowvr, it t a gam that two
play at, and the people raa proceed
tvi apply similar wot hod to it, Tho
merchant, th big load owner, tho Im
porter, are against tho measure, he
ram they faaoy it. is going to '"hurt
busine,"' Thov faro nothing (or tho
pooplo, tho farmer throughout the
tld who ix brought into contact with
nndoaitabl neighbor by thoir acts. It
ia not people, not thoir own pooplo at
loan!, they are censi-leting, but thoy
are plaeiag husiao above tho man, aid
thoir awn financial danger of losing
tr.,1. ever and above, the welfare of
the entire community, If ptig tumes
pro fort tho Japan trade, to that of
tta w people, why not .gree with it
hot it har the Jap trade, and no other.
If tho morehaat are willing to force
, w, , ,1,1 , n r UlilUIHK, K IV
.L. , . .v . . .
M tha faimer give them a tart of
their medicine, by refumng to do
bnrineii with themt We do not advo
cate th boycott a a general propori
tion, hut when oti it hld that hi trad
i. a reoondarv ct.i deration, that therej' , ; '
ro Cher, h, trwdc i, pr,W. ,V"' v B1,i'"'
hUe can W ..... he. ,,, v.u h . e,e ,U, " . . '.
i, . , , ,
if ho act mvn the intoimatioa ad
wV anchor trading pom., i. o.hcr
wuh wh,n to do burinr. We do not
like th hovvott, but at the m-w tim.
It i r more obyc.ionahlo . a woapon
thaa th p-Arl iolvi.g f the ref
rea.lnm, th tal-.ng ..(vantage of the
taw which permit th.we in a hopele
Minority, to hold up vr-auon and ,(
foa. th wi'.l of the pooj-V f,,r a two,
f, th. ae (X.r ir a'.l th who
kave th pt in view can ev-w. 1 c
wnphtk, for they Incw pcllic enli
Men. ia vrwh!iai(igly nt thera
T farwer )oild figh. ha.k. make
Ivig lttttttxw take om of i. iiS
kin, or at Voart ravack it etc or tv ia
th i.g w.th the r.;va.
AT AN KJJ!criOX tw lMl)a4 at!
wrvi.v, tke new ,-kaior rov.rg
a .; for. o( gvvcTM-t
Jwd hy a re mvavr.tr of the vvier
a4 as tj. 'y re.t cf tW veie ,
was v it '.; be Mvwa the city a.lo-. t- j
J th eom u, , n. 1, -bi ,( peverwaie-at
wet .abr be a w. iam-iv, Vut hv W
that Mcfe.-ik , -,e , ii.; xe-ie of
the itr.
it w-.'.l be c t-vm th . tjit wh V
w-ew-ea re nviYtt r;wv Jwt.c;
rv-ew tVe h.. t.nv.V ,t iStr
are r4 1 te exe.w t, Tv!
t, e w.U cast ea-lv ea-eha.f tVe
re .t Us W i .-tx. "ei tt.e mwWMs
hew that w l S-ih ve.i r.(. W j
th ereta'f tt-e " v vie , t.
TV ,wit w ',1 ,-.., trl il tf )r
hoped n, l, wkes ewty v oter w he !
.tw ff. xr the rvv. sr-.i ,at his'
Ka.kH, sows be c vhew f.-vv. cv.-ne
tt-ew-tcr. w.'d be e! f-c..w,J f.M
eVl.oa r t, srd he, er i3d
t svs . r-a pv , , , , i ,
' ,. .. ,t , ) aelr.
tit wor. fit i lv tv, f.,,
ewe t IkV xai! ire: jwi
w-.th.wst h ct.vf-r tt It a nvauy ?t
ttn,fi.'(.ii, iV.i.,iV. 1e muti.i a
ia th vs'.ifv t),st iV lVi.i,.t ohartrr
tw,l .! iV.c -,,,!,, ,
wii p-.;c n.-At. Ts, ,,t,m a-
t4 M4iSt( Vi tlx. ,n i,. ti,
m mwov 1u-m ft etTnft n iW
w-i.w t4 lie i-wtv' i,t r.fN-h'oa ,t j.'-v
j LADD & BUSH, Bankers !
rrmiCT k mi nii wtmi:. sirrtT
-Want" ids mi
ting public, work done at wvll and an
cheaply aa private work i done, and
M thin ha horotoforo proven impossible
under our old tyl of a mayor and a
cumbersome covin.' il, the Portland ei-
periment will ha watched with unusual
interest, and if roaonahly successful,
will ho pattornod after by Oregon 'a
smaller cities.
AX EDITOR I At. in Sunday 'a Orogo
nian under the caption "Mental
t'ontagion" it well worth, not only
peroral, hut re peroral, (or it ray much,
ay it briefly, nuccinctly and forcibly.
It 0vn hy raxing "Men are catching,
like diphtheria and mearlc, and foolirh
one are much more contagion than
the wi" After "pivir.g ita care,"
and rhowing up the follio and f,nMc
of our anceetor being, in degree, at
great a our own, it conclude:
"There are me who corn fadt and
lerpire novel opinion th moment they
begin to tprend. Such men eoy being
h,vio.l at. The how) of tho moh are
mnnc to thoir ear, Kotton esg are in
coare to thoir nortrilr. They are iooao-
V , I.,. .....
i.ame are g-,iea them, hut thcT are
tho talt of tho earth. They re(u to
worrhp ,dol and they tpatter triumph
al car with mud. but for that they can
bo fotgiiea. The fact that thev form
r w-.-T..icri.i. .moi:R. ,l l.r4. '
, ,
.oro ct,o aid c if evident tni.h
, , . . . '",
m i, I,.-., rr.u r;i,t
sr., mi,i upon it i r., o.ar.Iy d'.f-'e-"t.
nothiag i '.eft to he raid. It
m.(.h. ho oWit'oratesl uivn, b-.u why ,d
lm langua-; m o.!cr to rtprera the
saree idea w;.h waketicl f,tvf
jTimasea of the Hate t-alning vk,Nsll
who are e-7r,hr of tle .'aih.vHc f a;ta. !
receive,! ov.w.nioa ia a Ks(y Sna.iar I
iroTT.rg at S o'cvk. at St, .c-aej'!
chtiivh. Klh.vraie f.rcfara!;or kadi
hoa raaJl to a-ake the oc.aKoa w.em :
orab for tV lutl fclw. Liri'e
fit. who wf-e garho.1 to rep.renet aa
Cv, ewrAr.ol t! hoy hv t n to the i
f:vit of xtt a:tr. j
5a k wrwt tker l.v.r A.
ct.wvI th ra.---TMt i4 cwn.mtaioa a! ,
aoTr - e Wft, jvvat.ig cm u rp.if.
. nr. ai .i iir w-i . '
rhey SoUt I:t.
K-.c)etit'.y t,i at.fid w .ih be n J
a:reie-d at 1 ,v.Tfw'V.; te r the !
e'. ef a tval sw .l ,(,r,.- ,-,f the 1., '
VveVlers cm i cr, :f ,-a-f ef -,'.',. it i
eoV. t . t, v (a- Vc'.i tv rev. a yi
It.-; as won si,. ii i.x-pe.l .a ; 1 aa.ii
Nil. r.ia, r ;t , i. the . V.-cr if hw- it
i-itW ai.l .l.wo-.'.e-'y . aii t,. bvt i ;
.' .i. iv l";t . a .V .iy ;
t'.e, .tv tte .j.i-.oa that 4 Vvav j
the . -v vi'. no'. !c',. She w-eit,
Ti e -es.i w .-. 4 - the staves
S:,i, H ilt x a bei;y Mate 4 .
tex .ai or. 5' ,y Vat-wa l.vnch ai
uw-M.vl t a V-. b it the w-ea i
fo .iht 1 it- a t i:-e,s fVt vsctrcwrt 1
l o an.i toc.V. her ,X- ai d expert-
e .-n'i w v. h
h 1 ibe b -v
l i U"Y.i-.--e fx',
a'or.f w-i. ;(.e
lr.v.jit at it e t
V.MI tV-f CI .
j a lf'.f i he
't was al aeae.:
wvnvaa. ar. J t w-k
ir-e he fav the Jr.- n
No ev ce. as te
IK eoi .1 V faihi-rtv. h.w-ev.T. a.
the p-... th ne-,.4 rvi the
w iv-M'obc' ai-3 v.i-.:,w. as the
w-.woi 11 o aSj w m t
fV l hark '
ee. i, oil
.1 yw. ,'i.t-e -t,f iv
. 1 .t csw b-tf awe heir
''""'ttTtittttt iitiiiiHtmnttl
Mr. M. Mitchell Shows It to Tho Jour
nal Man With th Result Ton
Will rind Appendix!
Mr. M. Mitchell, of IMS Pino street,
viriled Tho Cupital Journal office hi
niorning, bringing with him a venerable
relic iu tho rhiitgnu line. It is a dainty
little gun, double barrel, the barrel
being of 20 bore, and scarcely thicker
Hi mi writing paper at the niucle. and
i made, so its history goes for . wo
man. Its npivaranco indicates this,
too, for the stock is inlaid with'silver.
the handhold being dotted with silver
pin, about an eighth of an inch apart.
Tho Mock undor the barrel is also beau
tifully ornamented with little silver
pins driven into it in groups the whole
forming a very pretty design. The
trigger guard i engraved, one figure
being tho face of a woman, supposedly
th pretty little owner, who tripped it
over the moors after the moor heus.
and then some more, liirt years ago.
niton tioorge the Second was king, and
before the father of our country had
become a fnther to us. It. was made
about the time lteunie Fnuiklin was
learning to fly a kite, and Paul Revere
w wrestling with the original dairy
supply, instead of a nursing bottle.
Speaking of this latter fact, the pun is
now supplied with nipples, which were
put on after Mr. Mitchell got the pin,
it being originally of tho flintlock pat
ternthe kind that yon pull the trigrer
one day and the gun wont off when it
got ready, sometimes th same day.
Hut this is a digression. When the lit
tile shotgun was made Patrick Henry
had not yet committed his speech to
memory, and "love me liberty or at
least an office" had not yet stirred the
hearts and ambitions of th great
American voter. Neither had Susaa R
Anthony appeared on the seen at that
time, and suff ragettos were not clam
onng for men's rights, for the simple
reason that they had them, being per
mitted to milk the cow-r, split the wood.
or plug a tuftel warrior in the solar
plexus with a hay fork, if he get too
gay or troublesome. No, th suffra
gette were not a necessity then.
Howevr. this is another digression
Vr. Mitchell purchased the gv.n in Iowa
W years ag.v of a man who got it from I
an Kishn as. to whom it desvendcl I
hy inheritance, ar.d who pivbaMy part-
ed with it to r.-e f.-.n Is to keep his
Ka.'kKvre from c-.itt.r.g tV.e butter. of f
h'. iM, he hc-ri t h.e svioa ef a tiohle
family, ar.d hcr..;:;ar.'y cr.pvs4 to hard ,
ori. ' j
The grin was reported an not Widcl.
.v was ktr. i'usl can-f..'ily, ard avoidevl .
accidents, ev en the. gh w ptvhMy ht
g.vsl tews item thereby. It is .host i
a h.Jow.e a litti shc-tgna as the ,
wr.tcr ever saw. as.1 makes h.m wsh j
he cvxi'.l see the g-.rl for whom it w-ss j
rrs.ie. Of cw.rse. had he done this he j
ww.U he dca.l r.cw. as.l the 15on. 0;i ,
Sicli wwc'i Mis k-.m sadly. Slew .
ever, th.s is arcthcr w-ai.'.er r.g frca
the Kth.vct, wt.ch ss a shotgun, I
It is a rjin.y litt'e fc.a. mwh better I
than the writer evpects to h when he ;
reaches .1 ae, tioch what 's the t. i
( car. 1 si vh to that g-.-a anyway, htt '
.U we w,-.i-.' i I ke to knejw . I
tV;if-:4 Ra'eir sjied V.he Tcianier.
a .'..- ui. sr.-";-. '.'-.r-i n. :k te rrt'3,
te: S, .''," .a. k v it .1 yers" wc-V.
V. IM.( eo that part of ki vl, mt
to frt halt a fa').-. ef watee it every
tvvf i' ots 4-f ri..'i.. tie pot Sc..-.
ai i Vr .Y.nt'! have pel throe ye.-s i
:.e ix ;n a V'i.t or.
XT. .'. Vfv i pe. ot rio-r.a. has a poat
tbst x .('i.'rr.i S." w.-.h ef iro.a;r at'
.rs shr-tc; th.s t c It n t safe
he! t:ar whr ever pe-ts Ves;i.per's p.xat
hxv-r c pit rr a poo4 tt.ff j-.c-e
for it.
t ', xji.' the V ti v KsSrvt ia-
teri re har p Mr P-i ot. who is try
itvfi to :is (t the rx t'e-vi.'ii;ia ea the V,
.f il p-x.p-t ..-s They khfu' i rat
I f... a i 2 cV it at ot -e x ben-? k r
ic et the a : i rv..-v-. t they have
roth te t ay a!vv: the marte". act'i
.. ihev r.v:i .i.. ai'i r.ii.le-tal te
-v". -a-e ro ite pesv v t pay the h.'lv
i' .-. p vf lb-err. the ir-c-r-t v. rTte a sv-t !
t n ei t a-a. 1.-.1 he; .' v rs, ai j raiive '
nui o TJ.l.e V- r,-v.i.ot ' v,e e4.
e n:i.
Vabe s; - i.f. 1ie .a if iue j
to -w ro-oi't -A-ia. Vi'lvt ihe pi- j
. th; i-.:-r- i.p ciaarl is w-a-.i ;
..,-NH' v,i stt;-. hfcs to r.t VIIX. j
. . . j
tte fcihc- rvo-s w T. iurr .rar fit .
ot 1 t-i Air.i--ifc li.- t-. i ion i
c,a f.t r.'i-o at'fi i ie ria'i.aa s.arcw !
:lirrc w ', V (.nve t'ot t 4 co- j
fo she h.p .'t. ! tV.tr w ..i nisi ,11,?, I
m ,1 r.. f ro a x ,-e ur. atn. I
T'r-xth t l,i.-
e the
rcpr r. fxri- k4 !h . Ux j.rif
la as Important In your physical sys
tern as tn your house. Take
Scirsjiparllla the true blood purifier.
cans also burst into bloom, and are most
in evidence. I
S-titiineiit is largely a matter of eul-1
tiv.it!en. Tho poets all sing of the
mother and tho cooing, dimpling baby, j
but they overlook dad and the hustle
the old man gets on to meet the bills, j
The recognition of the baby Chinese
republic by the I'nited States, was ap-1
preprint anil due. It wus fitting that
greatest of all republics should be first
to welcome the babv.
The sawmill at Toledo has been shut I
down, on account of the lack of logs,
until May 5.
More than 150 school teachers of
Polk county convened at Airlie Tues
day, when the regular teachers' insti
tute was held.
Albany has passed an ordinance mak
ing all buildings where liquor is sold or j
kept for sale a nuisance, and provid
ing punishment of the owners of the!
buildings. I
... j
Jackson county 's total tax is $7o0,-!
iVO of which .W.iVO has already been
collected. i
... j
Mrs, Abigal ScottThiniway advise 1
all women to vote against the adoption
of th new charter at th election i !
Portland Saturday. j
A p'ea of guilty of murder ia the
second degree was made Friday by
James Hammond, who shot and killed
Ike Woora, a Portland commission man.
March li The district attorney ac
cepted th p'.ea, ar.d Hammoii was
sentenced to prison for life.
The first of the devp sea fishing
boats larded her catch at Newport Fri
day. iX wtsnds of haV.but and .best
v -
:s c f c.
J'.;.'.g r-STcrs. in a s-.-ev-.h at T.T!
Ua.l Vridar, sail that there are more
immcrai -:".s asier il lhas above that
age. He Kasce jarer.ts aid schc'
cetditior.s fcr anarh ef the irrarcra'.-.iy.
and advivate se-.ra!e svhev's for the
.Ur of Orr-fo. are o-fani.:ri: tzi
w-.'.l a-je a rew treaty tw-ee ,1srs
ard the Vnitei States, that w-;n pmr.jt
Tiers ,co7r.:fc ni.ici.s ci .s comrr. ,
rharfe c f y'-ais ia tk trlipe beitf 1
v..?t across the W;.,jrette at leprae. J
:'.l .U aSv.t T5- to tie tt 1
tie straftrr. The hnlpe is of .l
s:ee .. ai. c
"i be feet ".ere;
lh-"0S Vl!s"!
over Vv a t-x:ii
trair.p. w-is ri
Kaler TharsUr
1 ilt. ar.5 Kth
oct were frevche; t a
3ie ..r-pod hires '.f iroe tltn a
h'.vl. c h s hn-s, to pet as aice.
The ;,va: .rp of a n.'.'.'t s, pa:
it T .' -ajri.'vr h :s cue cf the li:o
T-cws a'or p rhe ' ' Va ie ir. Orcc
lr is c'u, r, ei Ti'.'.m.v.h 00
bus cf
:y has!
x-ea-'y f-077, :s cji.rt-s 1." .:.' .' O
Tvfii.'.s ii wl.eT. ax.i il ;s th. that has
i.:i the it "h sicvr 11 aj. ifactirer '
ee-t that ;w.it. If the natter poes j
c-(h Jhere w-;.l h tine factories J
t, at cexvet-ext poixrs. I
1 :Y
That -xrff rer.'uw ef the V. cf v ar-
r vp-,t . is :rp pose-l n al '
tj.";s of the sTsre, Th ;i. xrei for'
cVYxfott Ti e V. ef vV nhot ci have :t$ '
Ti-ciev, -.J f;r to other reas-n, bewe. '
at Wt, 1, irf-tei.:V. f xe poop whe
Ty the laic xrstt it t haxf -.t.
Oorr.atT .v. v"ifp.: Natxvr.a; i-tari
f Tai 1 -. xras i jsivajijeS la.it twi. ai.i
a' txx-ar.hfnalj xra sh.TpeJ T,
rcr.'.STi. The ron.:y xt e-paxjr
XfT X'ot
h. ot a 1
t'.'-si'n-e n-f-v :i
sri-.tr. xrfc the l
h.-.-T'e-t '.I
s.v 1, Jw-'t- .rs x-ot
Urn, imtmmmi hi
Salem's Busiest Store is the Chicago Store
This is the store for you to spend your money at when you want live merchandise offered at the closest prices
In Salem. It is the volume of business we are after, not long profits. Come and look through and compare
Marked down to quick
Selling Trices
For classy, stylish suits
worth up to $15, $13
and $-20.
Our display of
new spring coats
best in Salem.
Srstari azd Albasia.
vNew York T:3e.1
Tie er.trat.-e of the Mriteaefr.is -.2-
f Scutari mt cvrrl'.cate the f-.ial fet-'
,..-,., c 5v, sKS:ii; sc-ae-1
i A
i .mi iwiiiw.ii i ii ipwiii iihiiimwii .,ipi iwffwiwpjrwwwwwwwwwBwwww''wiSP m w, mm
what. K;t there are reacts why it :stto. Bch rtvcisnts hr acted!
x,-.t 'i:lT to prevent or freaT to ce-1
f,.r ,..(.; of these is the fact that
the r..rrrai powers lav arree-i that
Atbas-.. sUU V erected iito an ia-
c3e:.iiext ssase, ax 3 tia: Scxtari siai;
be :iif'i:?el rhere:r. Another :s that
arrcip her Kalhan a'V.e Xoitetepro
cai xcre that w-." p.ve sbstAi-
fz-;n to her c'-a. :,x co.uar.
frvla at ore t-rre bached that ".a:ri
w.th .ra. hit w-.:iirew. ai j w-.'.l iot
r;si ?oixf w-hat sie tai pa-t w-.:h the
assctt of the pew-ecs by c7p.1sr.xp ilo,r
I'.ui as to Aioi:L
An '.xZtpeLiext Aviia if ii (tree;
rvscyxr aa airi ty. Z: :s tLily '
popr.Ure?: ooxs-aerat'e pi:.-xs are
a;r.'t w-.:hoi:l poT'z';a::ox; tx:1:'- '
of x-ar.ed ta: oxiLifj xi
piots; rrot e-f these a- wix barr ar
oc H'Onrtala t-.te, c-cftet at "xrar
xr.-h eal o-.her: its ma is a- few axj
!t is i.ff.rxl tjv fonr-ecvf ',;
ea"r ao.rjvti.m ous r-rax rrat.i.x
roaxtrr that oox'.i n.axxa t
few ce- oexoi.c ttf resotr-fis z the
laa-i rror-jKimi w-1 hare to n.&it
f.ir v,n. ie-pree tcf Etr:-pai x:--risiot
ax a prararal cvtctt:ti. at j ti.s
vjnestirt w-LT. prrxe a liorry cte,
lit: we lars :h wr-i t S- r liwu-i
Prer thai at vt jepmoMt Alx.:a
w k-raCr th n pla that save.'
1 Pmcr f-rtt a pf-s.1 cntf; v?-
, t," ti.v tf naVie te
Jwhort A7rxia hoi.v po.
the l.;'r,
1 s-tre, ".hi
rrn-'uoei to ert :t -.no
rriax.vrmet ti wi' h xra ief: fir
"h xtst :t
lY'Ktt the xrr , Serx-.a .x;o the
1 5Sacr. rhsr-k th ajir'-rat-i.x
I Pt:,a a ti he ti ti rK.ar ra.".
ilK fl.-l.:h a
: fl
i 11: TN C
ftrx- i
j!r s u to ti pTifC
(which the Tr.p'.e Aiact,- hi t
I f-na th ajrauxp
ji-!o-- (if the
j 3.ii.kt a""ie.
j V'rxaxwtj th aT:vfl w n-i " ,'i
, :i a Irr.i ma.nT,xc f.ir po.tiiri
aoini trroK. . xil j Tni:ia:.-r
tn .latsaiir. f tb H'-jih-i-.s. tir
r"!u ti wi-mnin. n Cr.-! .nc
11xa.rj.a tnv, tlta rj,-it.t,, V
ha.-t'y tij-iij thai e.ihetr nf the
rxr ft -.pniawH xrnt.i t
Come here for the Millinery Bar
gains of Salem. Stylish head wear of
fered at prices lower than millinery
ahops buy them wholesale.
Hats worth $5.00 and $7.00 sale
$1.98. $2.50 AND $3.50
Silks and Dress Goods
Mountains of pretty silks and dress goods now placed on our
tables for fast selling. Come and get our prices.
YARD. 25C, 35C, 49C. 65C Ai UP
Dayton, Ohio
Water Soaked
Bought at 25c on the dollar.
Come and see for rourselves.
is the
13.00 Suits for $1.50
t-iO VThite Dress Skirts
fS and 95 cents.
15. Siik Dresses S3.90
I-00 vThite Wool Serge
Jackets U.S0
Ana Hundreds of other ar
ticles at the same low prices.
eiocrh to ec-tr.e to I lows over the
spoils ef a triu;h in which ea.h ia- j
tea has K-rr.e se cre-i talle a part. !
aid :n
h they have so abundantly j
proTeJ the :Tuaj cf co-opera-
pre; ooirape. fierpr.
skuI and:
i.x-a..y ,n tse tarj strf.o which regularities or the tortures of a dis
has resa'.ied so javorsV.y. As the acement it is the penalty of sex. To
orlplx; al'.-asr-e was Urpe'y the work! all eh women in this condition Lydia
cf:heOriprx.er. ax 1 as Oreece has , E. Pinkham's Vepetahle Compoun.l
wox r.ih frx'ts frc-a it. it wcxM 1-e tle,ccni as a boon and . blessing. A tint
he.atf f;'..y to :per.'. ties hy i j't remedy made from roots and herbs,
a'-arr: xritJi Ppara. rx.re-i the .J.' which has brought glorious health to
- a "' ' v5-:ea al-more suffering women than UT other
nor: to sr..t tlerxwlves. "f tier :s'j to rcxedy.
T.ilv.ip arxcx; tle?.:ve; th? r w-;:i I
f.r-'.y :tv,ie tie prwers :
sx J -IfKvC thfr..
crrrs a
lr woxii sxrrr.se yoi ;r Ixcw of tve
prea: px.i ti.it is bt.xp ty Cisn-irA-i
" T.ivets. r-ar r.s Tew-r r '
Niw'r.-p .xt't-.-x. V r w '..'v!ir?' xzi ,M ,b!t Foley Kidner Pill
w.fe has lrt ti.xp Clas':Ka:t '
- .-r ..1 .1:1 TfT eT'Ort-.S.
ati oo.:p her t ti p.ci." : r(,,
hare uy tro;.': xrri yc.xr r,r.s h t-
SI leaders.
J.ntal at 1'. Rrint IVsilt.
I ti' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '1 '1 , ', I
l Modem $4.00 English
nii5rr bt tei cirrrtL jonwii
MAY 5, 1913
x Mrriatj, rerBDc.! rnvt!tW . Set.
mmmm ' cr wd r , . m. ,
. , - -it .j . .
-. '
rranur. ftra-x-.a.. x-. :--f
tr.;rx IC16 prr- ax u:
c .f rasj. crsr..s s
eitcaxi n.i rl ir ;
-"ts be xx;:;
T'"' ? i I Ci
10,000 yards of this season's
newest wash fabrics on sale.
Tard 5c, 6V4c, 8 l-3c and up
Muslins at Mill Prices
Dress Ginghams
Yard, 8 1-3 and 10 cents
Madras Curtain
Yard, 8 1-3 aad 12!ie
She Pays the Penalty.
There is hardly an American woman
who fails to pay the penalty of h-r ser
at some time or other. Pain lavs its
merciless hand upon her it mav ba
that dreadful baeksch.. .),.,
r .
down pains, side-ache, nervousness, ir-
This Interest. Every Woman.
A family doctor said recently that
I veins IO mm tninsing that they
i hare fexale trouble, but when he treats
item lor their kidneys and bladder,
they soon recover. This is worth know-
j are the best and safest medicine at such
I t.rxes. Yon cannot get better, purer
j seSic-se for backache, irreguiar kidney
axl biadder action and nervousness due
to kianey trouble. Try them. They
tre tonic in action, quick in results.
IT. Stone Drag Co.
. exvwl bmtm '
" "var i
' lenji
.rc ir.r..itx-r-e-ti :Ma d;T twdir
' . ','iirf ".""W: u KxurS in
f2 ..vJ "'f crrtcrs
J"..;',c coTittn: there
.- cv tr-.rce-
Itiml Waal kAxm D.. T I..
..u buh