i TDE BEST i; THE LARGEST i CIRCULATION I NEWSPAPER THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. SALEM, OBEOON, MONDAY, MAT 5, 1913. PRICE, TWO CENTS, "ivifc WEALTH OF I FEW )F Investigators Spend a Much for a Meal a Girl Must Live on for a Week. GIVES CARNEGIE A RAP Says No Self-Bespecting Community I Accept One of tb Fraud's Libraries. Washington, May 5. Senator Works, in discussing- wages and wage-earners this niorting said: "The accumulation of the millions of dollars now resting in the hands of a comparatively few people in this country was in the mem Ibeen accomplished through the toil of many underpaid employes who are still struggling on for a mere existence. In vestigations have been going on, nota bly in Chicago, to determine the wages paid, especially to women and girls, for their labor, and testimony has been taken to determine whether such an employe can live on $8 a week. With them it is not a question of the accumu lation of money. That is not thought of. It is only a question of existence; A Sharp Comparison. "Incongruous as it may seem, the distinguished gentlemen who carry on these investigations and the witnesses -who aro called upon to testify often pend more for one meal than the -weekly allowance of many such em ployes. Thousands of these - unfortu nates are not paid even $8 a week. In deed the evidence tends to showand I .think it is a fact, that in this country the average wage for such employes docs not exceed $5 a week. Take for example, the department store through out the country. . What I have said about the avetagb wages paid applies to that lndnstry. Women and girls labor long hours for wages upon which it is impossible for them to subsist, while many of the proprietors of such estab lishments grow rich, in money, if not .in good deeds. If any attempt is made to reduce the hours of labor of such employes or to increase their wages, the employers rise up and declare that the wages are sufficient, and that to in crease them would ruin their business; jind while we are passing laws and mak ing long speeches about contracts and combinations in restraint of trade, the injustice of the employers toward the 'helpless employes receives but scant at tention. Women and Children Suffer. In the adjustment and paymont of wages women and children are the createst suffcrors. A woman equally competent with a man, who does equal ly good and efficient work, cannot com mand the same wages a man receives. This is so not only in the management of private corporations, but the same discrimination is made, I am sorry to sav. in public employment. What are we to do, then, to remedy1 these press ing evils? First, stringent laws ade quately enforced must be provided to exclude vicious, Ignorant and otherwise objectionable immigrants. Second, the livelihood and independence of citizens nlrealdy here must be protected by se turlng to them reasonable wages and hours of labor. Third, the national government must rcgulato both pricos and wages of corporations and individ uals doing interstate business. Fourth, those laws must be supplemented hy state laws of a kind regulating prices, wages to be paid and hours of labor." Even Charities Commercialized. .Senator Works said later in his speech: "Even the charities of the present day hny,e become commercialized. They aro carried on as a business. They are doing more, perhaps, than almost any other Influence to make this nation a country of mendicants and beggors. Take a concrete example: One of the millionaires of the day conceived that an easy and convenient way of ridding himself of some of his useless and bur densome millions and at the same time exnlting himself, would bo the giving away of public, library buildings. "They are always distinguished by having his name attached -to them. These libraries have been constructed in cities and towns without number all over the country. These municipalities have made themselves the objects of charity and more of them are begging for like favors.' Any self-respecting community should be ashamed to accept charity of this kind under any circum stances. Much more should they refuse to accept it as coming from such a . source. "There must not be a dominating or Elect Senators Direct State Capitol, Sacramento, Cal., May S. By unanimous vote the senate today passed Senator Shanahan's amendments to the political code directing for the direct election of United States senators by the. people, rather than by the California legislature. There was no debate and no op position to the amendments, which now go to the, assembly for approval. Governor Johnson Will Not Sign BUI Before May 12 Japan May File Protest. (By John Nevins, Staff Correspondent of the United Press.) Washington, Mbv 5. President Wil son proposes to make the department of commerce a substitute for dollar diplo macy. He intends to broaden its scope, develop American trade and remove suspicions that the department is a po litical adjunct. The president made this plain at today's conference with the newspaper correspondents. Later in the day the president and Secretary Ref iold conferred over the plan. The administration is "marking time" until the return of Secretary of State Bryan before commenting on the anti-alien land law passed by the Cali fornia legislature. President WilBon has received the full text of the bill by telegraph, and a oopy has been sent to John Bassett Moore, counselor for the state department, who will consider its international aspects. Governor Johnson, of California, has informed the president that he will not sign the bill until May 12 and the pres ident expects to wire his attitude to the governor immediately after Secretary Bryan arrives in Washington. Japan has not formally protested the land bill, but it is expected such action will be taken Boon. The administration will not reply to Japanese representa tions until Bryan returns. President Wilson is still conferring with house and senate currency commit tees regarding a curroncy roform bill. Koports that certain Democratic and Republican senators have succeeded in getting sufficient votes to put a duty on wool and to eliminate the free su gar clause of the tariff bill are not dis turbing President Wilson. He does not beliove they have a chance to succeed. Thorp and Calhoun Charged With Buy ing and Receiving Two Carloads of Stolen Horses. Governor West today issued requisi tion papers for Coleman Calhoun and Willis Thorp, now at Toppenish, Wash., who are accused of buying and receiv ing two carloads of horses that wore stolon from George H. Russell, W. W. Browu and J. W. Brady. Thorp and Calhoun wore found at Toppenish with certain of the horses in their possession, it is asserted, and the Crook county grand jury has indicted both of them. Thorpe and Calhoun will be brought back to Priuevtlle to stand trial for the offense charged. Alfonso Visits Paris. OKITID FUSS UAS1D WISS.l Maris, May 5. Considerable signifi cance is attached here today to the ap r.roaeliinif visit of King Alfonso of Spain, Diplomats hero profoes to be lieve that it may mean entrance of Spain into an alliance with Franco, Rus sia and Great Britain. Alfonso will ar rive here Wednesday, and plans to leave Friday. superior class in this country. The equality of sll men must bo made a reality and not a theory. This must be made and maintained as a government of tho people. If the Democratic party can an-1 will accomplish these results, demanded by the peoplo, It may live and maintain itself in power. If it docs not, its reign will be brief. If neither of the old parties can or will restore the government to the people as our fore fathers handed down, then a new part will be raised up that will do the peo pie's will. Leader Says Violence Is Resort ed to Only to Attract Pub lic Attention. MUST SHOCK THEM A BIT The British Government Etas Now Har nessed Its Machinery to the Suf fragette Car. (By Ed. L. Keene, London Sorrespond ent of the United Press.) London, May 5. Far from being daunted by what they call the "belated activity" of Home Secretary McKen na, who ordered last week 's raid on the women's social and political union headquartors, the militant suffragetee of Great Britain are greatly encour aged. ' ' They look upon the action of the home office as "government recogni tion," and declare by such action the government has shouldered the publici ty end of the militant's campaign. In fact, the suffragettes view the raid and the suppression of The Suffragette as what' Americans call "a bone-head play. " Miss Elizabeth Robins, for merly of Louisville, Ky., an American suffragette sympathizer, who is now at Henfield, today Bummed up the situa tion for the United Press. Miss Rob ins is an author of note, having written several popular books, and many widely-read magazine articles on suffrage and militancy. "The British government has utterly failed to deter militancy by this great act of repression," Miss Robins said, "but actually baa advanced it appre ciably. To Make Them Take Notice. "Militancy's aim is essentially eon struotion and not destruction, but certain amount of destruction has been necessary to make the people tako no tice. It is a difficult thin gin a busy world, to get people to stop long enough to -consider our needs, and hence it is necessary to startle and shock them a bit. That has been the reason for all our acts of so-called violence. "The chief functions of the militants j i .t.: ..l.i:u,. v:l. i. I today is to achieve publicity, whjch is difficult and costly, evon with suffra gettes at work who are admittedly adepts. "For $30,000 the suffragettes could not have obtained such effective ad vertisement for the cause as wo ob ctained for nothing, when the govern ment took hold and shut up our head quarters. "The action of the home office is virtually geometrical recognition of us. It has called tho attention of the whole country, has had the world, to our struggle, and if once we can make the public think, we will got the vote. "The British government has now harnessed its machinory to the suffrage car, making itself a valuable, though unconscious agent in the work of ac quainting the powerful with the evil plight of the less. A Great Advertisement. "In tho arresting of seven women, Scotland Yard has aroused the attention of tons of thousands of people who hith erto have been unmindful, and the ex penses of our propaganda, which were formerly borno by the suffragettes and their frio'nds alone, are now shared by the general house, with tho unwilling help of the anti-suffrago taxpayers. "The government's determination is (Continued on Pago Five.) RECALL ORDINANCE MAY BE U It is understood themntter of the ordinance providing for tho recall of city officials will come before tho coun cil in some shape tonight. It has been helil that tho recall luw, as passed by the legislature, is not in force in cities, until mado so by ordinance, ami this is why some aetion has to be taken on it by the city council before it can be made operative here in Salem. Just whnt the council will do with it remains to bo seen, but there is a ru mor, an insisten one, that any attempt to pass an ordinance making Halciu'a officials subject to recall will be bitter ly opposed, anil probably defeated. Of course, this la only a rumor, for no one has the right to scak for the council men in advance. However, the ruinoi has been widely spread, and is causing considerable comment, the gist of whies A Bomb In the Mails. London, May 3. The lives of 200 men and women were jeop ardized here today when a nitro glycerine bomb was found among parcels in the southeastern dis trict postoff ice, . Militant suf rag ettes are suspected. The bomb was discovered by mail sorters. It was filled with enough explo sive to have blown the building to atoms. IS !T If He Is Convicted oil All Counts in the Indictment He May Be Knocked Ont for 45 Tears. Chicago, May 5, Jack Johnson, a ne gro prize fighter, was arraigned in the United States district court here today on charges of violating the Mann white slavery act. The court room was packed, at least half of the spectators being wo men. Six deputy marshals were re quired to keep order. Belle Schreiber, whom Johnson is al leged to have taken from one state to another for immoral purposes, was brought to court early from a hotel, where she has been tn hiding. The de fense attorneys are trying to prevent the negro's white wife from attending the trial, fearing her presence would prejudice the jury. Johnson appeared in the county court, accompanied by his brother. If he is convicted on all the counts in the indictment he can be sentenced to 45 years' imprisonment, aud fined $90,000. Benjamin Bachrach, Johnson's at torney, announced that the prize fighter, if acquitted, would loave Amor- - lea immediately, probably going to Paris. RECOVERED PROPERTY BEFOBE ITS LOSS WAS DISCOVERED To locate a stolen horse bofore the, owner was aware of the fact his prop - ertv had been taken was the experience hen the marshal of Tangent, a town in I . . " . I Linn county, telephoned that he was holding two roform school boys pending investigation. I Sheriff Each called up tho reform ! school aud was advised that two hovs had escaped last Saturday and had no more than completed his conversation with tho institution authorities when a farmer residing between Jefferson and Marion called up aud informed tho au thorities that he had been deprived of a horse anil buggy hy some unknown person or persons. Jt then aovoloped that after the lads escaped, they walked as far as the farmer's place and stole tho horse and rig and drove to Tangent where they were detained. Mexicans Have a Fight Nogales, Ariz., May 5. News reached here today of a battle near Kmplamo, in which Mexican federals from Guaymai were repulsed by Mexican constitution alists after a terrible battle. It is re ported that 300 federals were taken prisoners. Weather Forecast. Ongon Fair and warmer to night and Tuesday. Northerly winds. seems to be tl'at tlio council, if the ordl nance comes up at all, will be in vcrj , small business to refuse to pass it. "It will look," said one, "as thoiigr the councilmen were afraid it would be tried on them, and, if they are nfiuid. then it is evident that they should be recalled, fur the mnn who is doing his dutyneod not bo afraid of anything." Another remarked ; "Failure to pn-s this ordinance making it possible for the recall to be used, should it ever be roallV needed, would bo a high-handed proceeding of the worst kind. It would indicate that the counellmen considered themselves above the roach of the peo ple, and not willing to abide by their opinion, or to pay any attention to their wishes." Still another said; "It is the peo pie's right to have the laws in shape so the recall ran be used if It la evef Commission Men Went to Su burbs and Bought All of the Farmers' Produce THE CITIZENS GOT BUSY Hired Motor Trucks, Met Fanners Out side City, Bought and Sent All Ftodacts to Market. dmitid rasas uisso win. Los Angeles, Cal., May 5. Citizens of Hollywood took a hand today in the war declared between produce commis sion men and consumers, following the establishment of free curb markets in various parts of Los Angeles late last week. To checkmate alloged agonts of the commission men, who, on the day of the market opening, went to the suburbs and bought up all produce consigned by ranchers to the free markets, citizens hired motor trucks and met the ranch ers at daylight at a point outside the city limits, purchasing their entire stocks and bringing them to the Holly wood public market. There the pro duce was sold at cost. Hundreds of housewives bought fresh eggs, butter and vegetables at the free market at considerably less than market prices. A citizens' organization is being formed today for similar handling of produce, pending the action of the Los Angeles city council, on a petition to compel a cessation of the interference by the alleged agents of the commission men. MURDERED JEWELER AND GOT MUCH PLUNDER tUNITCD P1UBSS MASCD WIBS.l San Francisco, May 5. A lone high wayman shortly afternoon today en tered the office of Ilorman Saxo, aged 42, a diamond broker, in the Whitney buildini here, shot Saxe ovor the heart, I fatally wounding him, seized $4000 worth of diamonds and $1583 in cash nd escaped before those attracted by the shot burst into the office. There is little chance of Saxe's recovery. Dotectivos from polico hoadquartors . . . . L wore unable to socuro any statement from Saxo, tho doctors having failod to revive the wounded man. A search of the office revealed a do- P0" "P ou wllich it was shown that $400 in gold and $1185 in currency hud boon prepared by the jowolor to bo tak en to the bank. i CROP PROSPECTS FINE THROUGHOUT NORTHWEST According to roliablo reports from all ovor th0 Pacific Northwest, the fruit crop prospects wore never bettor than they aro today. Tho light frosts which have bueu more or less diseussod, have done little, if any harm. Cherries, peaches, apples and pears will be a bet tor crop thau last year, is it predicted The condition of fruit throughout the Pacific Northwest is figured at better than 100 per cent. Woman Wants the Place. onitsd rnsss ijused wias.1 Portland, Or., May 5. Successful In securing tho nomination for councilman at large In Saturday 'a primaries, L, Vic toria Hampton, a woman physician, an nouncod today that she will run for commissioner under the new commission charter just adopted. Dr. Hampton has placed her nominating petition in circu lation. I necessary, and tho quicker this is pro vided for the better, for it will have to be done some time, No one wants to reeall any one just now, but should they ever desire to do so, tho ordinances ought to have things in shape, fur it. No councilman eon afford to place him self in til ii position of voting nuuinst the measure, and thus causing the sus plelon that ho feared It might bo tried on him, Tho people aro unanimous In demanding that the ordinance be paused and many havn stated they would be on hand tonight to see what was done with the matter. Tho recall may not bo used in years, but when the occasion arises, If it over does, t!.e means of putting It Into effect should bn already for use." The Capital Joiirnul has had a dozen phono calls today concerning the mat ter, which shows the wide interest taken in it. 4- Montenegro Yields. London, May 5. Final submis sion to the dmands of the powers by King Nicholas of Montenegro and the consequent evacuation of Scutari was announced this even ing by Premier Asquith in the house of commons. Asquith de clared that during the afternoon Montenegro has cabled its will ingness now to evacuate the dear ly bought fortress and to leave its disposal to the powers. . A BULL, A FARMER AND A A Miz-Up That Did Not Last Long. But Was Interesting for a Few Minutes. Appearing as though some one had been cleaning fish' and using his fea tures for the foundation, Scott Jacob son, a fanner residing three miles north of Chemawa, mado a painful exit from an Oregon Electric car yesterday aftor noon and fared forth in search of s physician who would patch up at least two dozen lacerations showing promi nently about the face and hands as the result of a yearling bull dragging him through a barbed-wire fence. According to Jacobson, he attempted to load his prize animal from one pas ture to another yestorday about 12 o'clock, and turn him loose on a nice field of grass. The bull, gottlng funny, made a dash for nowhere in particular and the owner's right leg became en tangled In a rope which dangled from an additional halter he was carrying, In such a manner as to tether him fast. The bull ran toward' a barbed-wire fence and, fooling still funny, promptly jumpcu oven tne top wire and started down the mad lickety-split. Jacobson says he brought up hard against the fence and the animal, fooling the sud den pull, steerod off northward which was parallel to the fence. He was drag god along the fence for a rod or two bofore the sportive boast halted long enough to allow its "mastor" to liber ate himsolf from the rope. Jacobson 's face bore signs of the strugglo, but he managed to grin and cusb" the four-footed boast that bruised him up. "I'll get 'lm," said the injured man. "I sure will. Burn his worthless pelt; I'll kill him and make) his hido pay my doctor bill." ft FROM ROME 10 TESTIFY After Bolng Buncoed, His Money Was Rotumed and He Was Bent Out of the Country. UN IT tD rSBSB MASID WIS!. Ban Francisco, May 5. Hilvio Buona carsi, flcocod, it is alleged, out of $700 by an Italian bunco rlug here and then given transportation to Homo, and his $700 returned when ho mado an "awful holier to tho polico," Is oxpectod hero within throe days to tostlfy against the detectives involved in Ban Frunc.lsco's polico graft scandal. This announce ment was mado hero today by District Attorney Fickort. Aftor fleecing Iluonacarsl of $700, Michael Oullo alleges, Dotoctlvo Frank Ksola attempted to "shake down" tho bunco ling for $1000, assorting, accord ing to Guild, that that amount was needed to pacify the victim, who was "siii'uliiig hard." Oullo sworo that KhijIii'k ilemunils wore turned down, the bunco lenders returning Buouarnrsi hi money. flallo told the jury that Ksola intend ed giving Iluonacarsl only $'00, pock eting the rest. Hiiouni-arsi is returning to Han Francisco, the district attorney says, to eorroliornto (lallo's charges. Tho grand jury will continue its prnlio tomorrow. John Horgotti, who was nr , ,.i.i r,ti,i ., ..i ,!- I. also expected hern tomorrow to testify against tho accused deteetives. Famous Pastor Dead, InNiTrn r-HBUt ijusitn wihi.I Pittsburg, Pa., May 5. -Hov. Ir. E. Trumbull Ijco, pastor of tho First Pres byterian ehuri'h of SVilkinsburg, a sub urb, is ili ad at his home today aftor an illness it several months. Dr. Loo, who was chairman of thu permanent roiq- mitteo on tninperniice of tho Presbyte rian church of North America, was widely known on the Pacifio coast. AT VTRYRAP1D RATE State Engineer's Quarterly Re- - port Shows 114 Permit Reclaim 49,071 Acre. SEVERAL BIG PROJECTS' One Portland Company Plans to Irri gate 20,000 Acres on the Head waters of the Deschutes Rivet. During the past quarter llV permits to appropriate water have been issued by the state engineer, under which it i pioposed to irrigate 49,071 acres, de velop 1551 horse power, and ' supply water for domestic and municipal use. These permits alto include 11 for the construction of reservoirs for the stor age of 8029 acre feet. A total of $2288 in foes has been paid to the state for these privileges. These permits cover some large irri gation projocts, perhaps the most im portant is that filed by the Oregon Land- corporation of Portland, which cover, about 20,000 acres on the head water of the Deschutes river in the vicinity of Crescent This project covers a part of the wagon road grant, and it is the pur pose of the parties handling it to effect an exchange with the forest service to that the land to be irrigated will lie in a compact body, instead of every odd section, as granted to the road com pany. The water for this project will bo taken from Cottonwood, Miller, Shoestring and Sink creeks, and entails the construction of a reservoir at Fish Lake. T. W. Osgood, of Medford, contem plates the irrigation of about 9000 acres tn what is known as the Foot Hills Irrigation Project. The water for this project wiU be taken from Emi grant and Keene creek, and Involve the construction of a reeervolr,n Kena crook. Irrigation Near Stayton. W. L, Benham, of Eugenie, contem plates the Irrigation of about 7000 acre in the vicinity of Stayton, with the waters of thu Bantiam river. This pro ject adjoins the project of the WHIam otte Valley Irrigated Land Company, upon which considerable construction work has boon done, and some land ir rigated. If the plans of J. C. Hannum, of Farkdale, are carried out the Glacier Irrigation Company, In the Hood River Valloy will secure an additional supply of wator from Fall Croek for the Irriga tinn of the 4000 acres in this project. Among other large appropriations' made during this quartor are those by Thomas and Walter, of Chicago, for the irrigation of 2200 acres with the water cf Trout creek, in the southern part of Harney county j the Bnako Rlvor Dis trict Improvement Company, of Woiser, Idaho, for the irrigation of 2500 acres with the wator pumped from Snake riv er; C. R. Shipman, of Glendalo, for the dovolopment of 1020 horse power with tho waters of Cow creek, in Douglas county, and the Golden Gate Mining? Company, of Marion, Ohio, for the gen eration of S000 horso power with the waters of Granite Boulder croek, In Grunt county. According to tho permits Issued, a now or aditinual water supply is to ba furnished the cities of Brighton, Wheel er and Paisley. BAGS TO THE FARM AND NO GARDEN TO HOB Clyde Hill, who has been employe's at the Mhafnr pool rooms for sovornl years, 'ins resigned and Is now in Stay tun, the homo of his folks and Mr. Hill's slumping ground in his kldhood. Jlefore leaving Ralem, Clyde sent word ilnng to his folks to plaeo an ex tra board In tho Initio, grcaso up the iiisiness end of the extra dining chair and prepare to accommodate a very hungry end healthy Individual who was perfectly familiar with tho good things mother makes, Before leaving, Clyde. n,ys th" family has been feeding tin limine ; nf out of his plate for about ten years, t. ml his lust request was dispatch ed from hero di reeling father and moth er to put tlio cut on more simplo service n ml pliuc his plute back in tho old ac customed spot. Mr, Hill says he hus played In great luck, as his father usually raised a largo gnrden lint this yonr decided to plant tlio truck spneo in oats and he Is uniler the impression it Is not quite necessary to hoo oats or split one's knees looking for potato bugs. The orchards are going to voto for an Iminouso crop.