. DIAZ .CUuiXJUt WMU4 ffrif"" Miwaoat, datum t "" Pastor Russell's Sermon t PAINS OF HELL i EXPLAINED TO US Pastor Russell on Misconcep tions of Bible's Teaching. TRUTH AND BEAUTY HIDDEN Thi Dangers of Ignorance and 8upr stitioiThe Werahip of Hypocrisy j and Faar Oraat 8pura God Sseki Worship Only From tha Ravarantial j and True-Hearted Popular Miscon- oaptlona of Hall Tha Injury II Hat I Dona and la Doing Trua Chrlatiani Should Awake to Trua Bibla 8tudy. Paterson, N. J. April 27. -raatoi Russell preacbei this afternoon It tha Opera House Hi topic was "Be yond the Grave.' We report his dls course to Bible Stu dents on the text "Tha sorrows ol death compassed me, and the palm of hell gat holdup on me'-Ps. 110:3 Opening; his address, the Pastor apol 0Klzed for tba selection of such a text II would much prefer to talk along the lines of Christian character-build log and tba necessity of growing li grace, knowledge and love, and tbui becoming more and mors copies ol God's dear Son. His apology was thai his text, sample of many other Blbk statement, Is so grievously misunder stood as to stand In the way of Chris tlao progress. In conjunction with other Scriptures, It was woven tntc terrible theorltm dnrlng the Dark Ages Those theories became Imbedded In tht various creeds of the time, and so ob atrticted the channels of thought that the grace, truth and beauty of the III ble were hidden. Many noble hearts, be claimed, are famishing for lack ol the refreshment of God's Truth, by reiison of tbe fossilized errors which block the way. "Parish for Lack of Knowledge." The Scriptures foretell conditions ex actly as tbey are today. Tbey declare that there shall be "a famine In tbe land not a fumlue of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of bearing the Word of the Lord." (Amos 8:11.1 Again tbe Scriptures declare, "My peo ple are destroyed tas. lack of inowl edge." (Uosea 4:0.1 It la certainly true that there are as many honest-heart ed, conscientious, well-meaning people In the world today as bare ever lived per tin pa more Yet these well-mean ing people are perishing, famishing, tor lack of spiritual nourishment True, there are noma who claim to be well-nourished and to And In tbe popu lar pulplta of the laud all tbe spiritual refreshment and s'trength they need. But these are as nothing compared with the millions who give a different tcntlmony. I am glad tbst those who attend worship regularly, and ure well nourished and well satisfied, have whnt they desire, at the mouth of a hundred thousand preachers. 1 am reaching out after "tbo lost sheep of tbe house of Israel," through the secu Isr press. They tell we thru' I am reach big millions of the unchurched every week. My renders are the discontent ed, the nnsatiallfd. perishing fur lack of knowledge, hungering and thirst ing after the right ways of Uod-the ron I teachings of the Bible, My heart goes out to those as the heart of Jesus went out to the sntne class, nearly nineteen centuries ago. We read, "tie lnul compassion on the multitude, for lie beheld ttmt they were like sheep having no shepherd.' I am srvklng. aa an tinder-shepherd, to bring then hungering, thirsting, perishing sheep to tbe truo "Shepherd and Bishop of souls'-the Lord Jeans. I am seeking to remove from their minds the prejudice aud various ob structions wblch have hindered the flow of God's grace and truth to tbelr beurts. I am seeking In the Master's name to present to tliem the Bread of Life. th Water of Life. 1 am not seek ing to build up another denomination. Iloanlte ahow a certain mensiire of suivea already attained. I am receiv ing more tlian five thousand letters I wit-k from hungry sheep and others. who, so far ss denominational Chris tian systems are coucerucd, are home less Everywhereall over the world -these Instead of forming a uew de nomination, are nsstH lstlng themselves with Bible classes for the study of God's Word. I am simply doing all In my power to help them out of dnrk a Into God's insrvelous light out of misunderstandings of the Bible Into right appreciation of It: out of Ignor ance Into a knowledge of Cod; out of Ignorance of the Savior and Ills work to a true knowledge of lllm and Ills glorious Kingdom, which Is yet to bless all tha fnuillle of the earth. It may be Interesting to know that while I am advertised br the news paper syndicate as the Pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle congregation ot Independent Christians, and of a slml lar congregation of London Taber nacle and of the congregation of Wash ington Temple. I have additionally beeo cboaen Pastor of more than one hundred and fifty of those els was of Bible Student, to which I have si ready referred. They elected me ras ter without any suggestion or solicits ilea ot my part la so doing, I under stand mem to signify that toey recog nize the Lord Jesus as tbe great Di vinely appointed Shepherd of the true sheep, and that tbey desire me to serve them In any way that 1 can as an nnder-sbepberd. Through the columns of Tn Watcb Tower, I visit these elasses regular ly twice a month, doing a pastoral work to the best of my ability-leading them to tbe Fountain ot Grace and Truth and breaking for them tbe Liv ing Bread, tbe Word of God. Addi tionally, tbey have my weekly sermon snd a weekly treatise on tbe Interna tional Sunday School Lessons. Tha Trua-Haartad Should Rejoice. One would suppose that all ot tbe one hundred thousand ministers and all their flocks wonld rejoice to know that the unchurched, straying sheep are being reached with a Message of God's Love and Mercy which is appealing to their hearts snd working a transforma tion In their lives. Many do rejoice, but alas! a few are Jealous, as were some of the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus' day. Of these we read, "They were grieved tbat He taught tbe peo ple" the people whom they could not reach, the sheep that were straying and famishing. As those Jealous scribes and Phari sees antagonized Jeans and tha Apos tles, because tbelr hearts were out of harmony with tbe Good Tidings, so It Is todsy with some. Unable to uphold tbe doctrines wblch have driven away so many of tbe intelligent of their Bocks, famished for Truth, a few min isters are angry with us. True to the Master's prophecy, these seek to say all manner of evil falsely against as, for His sake, for tbe Truth's sake. Yet In spite of their unchristian course, the poor straying sheep are hearing and recognizing tbe Voice Divine, are com ing back to the Word of God, are being sanctified by the Word of Truth. I Proceed With My Text. If thla were the only text mistrans lated and misunderstood, the ordinary reader would doubtless pass It by, say ing, "I do not understand It. Probably It is a figure of speech." But this text is merely a combination of mistransla tions, all of which are connected with an eternal torment system ot doctrines Invented during tbe Dnrk Ages. It Is this combined system which has such power over men's minds. This power of error, this power of fear. Is turning Intelligent minds away from tbe Bible. Hence It la our duty to break down the false doctrines, and to clear away Uie obstacles which binder the flow ot Truth to tbe minds and hearts of the people ot God tbe straying sheep. Nor are these straying sheep all, or chiefly the Ignorant Tbey tnclude nmny of tbe ablest minds and truest hearts In the worldminds snd hearts too true and too logical to believe pnl- publo falsehoods, or to profess what they do not believe. Tbe Psalmist Is merely telling of his severe Illness, from which by tbe grace of Cod he recovered. He would have us understand tbut It wns not merely s slight ailment. He described bis emo tions In the language of our text, say ing, "the sorrows of death compassed me about"; that la to say. tbe sadness associated with tbe thought that he was about to die, about to leave bis friends, In the poetic form of tbe He brew langunge, be repeated this thought; namely, "Tbe pains of hell gut hold upon me." In our modern language this would mean the pains ot death, or the pains ot the tomb. Tbey were pains that lndlcited the approach of dissolution. Nothing In this text has the slightest reference to anything In the future lifo. Our Baptist friends. In their revised translation of the Bible, have cbosou for such passages as tbls the expres sion, "the underworld," Instead of the word "hell." Yet even here there Is ilnnger of the averngo render not catch ing the true thought. Far simpler lind far less liable to be misunderstood, would It have been, had the translators said. "The pains of tbe tomb." The Itcvlsvd Version of the English Bible reads, "Tbe pains of Sheol." Why Not the Whole Truth f Kvery learned minister knows tbat the Hebrew cord Sheol really menus the grave, the ptt, the state ot death. Why do they hesitate to tell the people the whole truth on this subject? Why do they translute It part of the time "the grave" snd lU other times "the underworld"? Why do they use the translation, "the grave" In one place, and "the pit" lu another, and then re fuse to translate the word at all In the third Instance, but give tbe word Sheol? Was It their Intcinlou to cou fuse the people? What Is the motive? We wish that some of these great meu would explain. The Rtaaon For All This. We would like to have our minis terial brethren state their reasons for pursulug a course of biding tbe truth ou the subject of hell. Only because they ueglect to give the reasons do we feel ut lllierty to suggest theiu. It seems to uie tbat these ministers sre of two rlnsm. slid tbut tbelr reasons sre therefore slightly different All of t licm seem to agrve that It would be daiu-cruutt to tell the people that tied Is really a timl of Love, and itint the lbs-trine of an eternity of torture I entirely niiscrlptnriil. finding uo foundation whatever lu the writings ut the AiMistles. They fear to tell the people that these dix-trlues were built up during the Park Ages bv the very men who manifested so little of the Spirit of jlod aud so little knowledge of God'a will respecting Ills people that they burned cue another at the stake. They fear to tell tbe people that during tbe Dnrk Ages our blinded forefathers took the parable and dark sayings of Jesus as literal statements, quite con trary to the Master's evident Inten tion. These they supplemented with certain erade misconceptions ef tie symbolisms ot Tbe Revelation, from tbe combinations they made scarecrow doctrines, blasphemous In the extreme, which never produced saints, bat wblch led men astray Into thinking that they were copying God In tbe deviltry which tbey accomplished one toward another. Tbe fear now seems to be lest tho public should once perceive that tbe creeds ot Christendom, while contain ing much good, are cankered, wormy and vitiated by those doctrines of de mons. Why should they fear to tell tbe people tbe troth? Perhaps It Is be cause the religion of our day Is built so largely upon man-worship, system-worship, creed-worship and not upon the Bible. Perhaps tbey fear tbat if tbe creeds were thus discredited It would mean that tbe ministers of tbose creeds will be similarly discred ited. Perhaps they fear that tbe peo ple would never again have confidence in tbelr teachings, and that tbua all the various party walls of Christendom which for so long a time have divided the sheep would falL We cannot defi nitely know of their reasons, because they do not tell ns, we can only sur mise. Others, very worldly-wise, have be come Higher Critics, and do not believe In tbe Bible at alL They are really agnostics. But tbey do sot desire to advertise tbelr lack of faith, lest It should detract from their esteem among men. They prefer to pose as believers, and to hope tbst the time will come when all tba wealthy and intelligent will become unbelievers slso. Then they will declare, "We have not been believers for many years, bnt we kept tbe matter secret, fearing to be misunderstood as opponents of tbe best Interests of society." Ail tbe while, this latter class con stitutes the greatest menace in the world to law and order, and are tbe best agents Satan bas in making void the Word of God and destroying faith therein. Robert Ingersoll's methods of antagonizing tbe Bible were far less successful than the methods of modem Higher Critics and Evolutionists. Faar to Tall tha Truth. All wbo oppose tbe telling to tbe public of the plain truth respecting hell seem to have one common ground of objection. They say, "With all the tear of bell that bas been preached for centuries, see bow wicked tbe world Is and bow little bnman life Is worthl See bow every law ef God and man for tbe protection of life and purity and property la endangered! Note that If It were not for our tele graphs, telephones and Immense police forces of today, nobody would be safe, so much more wicked does the world appear to have become within the last fifty yearal if the fear or eternal torment and of purgntory were lifted from tbe minds of mankind, would it not make the dangers ten fold greater than tbey are now? Would It not speedily be necessary to double our police force, If tbe masses lost tbelr belief In a place of eternal torture?' This Is lame reasoning. It seems to us. It confesses In one breath. In spite of all tbe false teacblnga of cen turies, wickedness bas been growing Would It not be wise to inquire to what extent tbe false doctrines, the misinterpretations and mistranslations of tbe Bible, have been responsi ble for the increase in wickedness? Are men wiser than God? Is It pos sible for man to Invent some mon strous, unthinkable delusion wblch will have n greater power with men. than the plain, simple Message ot God's Love? ' But If we were sure that by blas pheming God's boly name and by playing upon the Ignorance and super stition ot the masses we could make the wicked preserve peace, would It be wise to do so? Could God's bless ing be expected upon such a course? Would It not be wiser tor ns, aa the people of God, to have faith In Him and to trust thnt. while we faithfully present the Truth, Divine Providence will oversee and overrule Its effect and will Influence for good? Experience proves that theirs Is not the proper thought When wo go to the records of tbo various prisons, pen Itintlarlcs, etc., we find tbat nearly all the worst criminals have been taught the doctrine of eternal torment Many of them confess full faith In it Ou the other band, many Infidels once violent oppose of God and of the III ble and Christianity after hearing of the Love of God. buve thoroughly melt ed, mid with tears In their eyes have become loyal soldiers of tbe cross. We heard f an Interesting esse re cently. A colored man In prison for crime, somehow came In touch there with my sermons, and then with my book on Bible study. He became a thorough Bible student, and a master at handling the Word of God. His fellow-prisoners came gladlj to hear this colored man preach the Divine Plan of the Ages fivm God's Word, while tbey cared' not at all to attend the chapel services addressed by the ordinary chaplain. lu the "wonderful words of life," started by the Muster's lips, aud band ed down through Ills Apostles, there Is a sweetness, beauty and power that cannot be aswxiated with the doctrines of demons, which became attached to the Message during the Dark Ages The Meage of life everlasting, through the Redeemer and by obe-dlew-e to lllm. has its offset or alter native. In death everlasting to tbose who refuse to obey after full enlighten ment Eternal life Is tbe gift ot God. tendered to all the willing and obe dleut, through the Messiah. All rebels will be destroyed In the Second Death (Acts 3 3.1 Tbelr punishment will not be everlasting torment but "everlast ing destruction" a destruction from which they will never be recovered, will aerer be resurrected. Tariff Changes Welcomed and Condemned Views -J j of v s of "-rf Affairs yA( Braced Vy For Change y J V jrJ By Representa tive OSCAR W. UNDER WOOD. Who framed Tariff Bill Photo by American Press Association. OSCAR W. UNDERWOOD yj E are willing to concede that ffl Immediate free sugar would pot the producer to grave dis advantage. But free sugar In three years WILL DESTROY NO LEGITI MATE INDUSTRY In the United States. I DO NOT ANTICIPATE MUCH DISTURBANCE FROM THE TARIFF REVISION; THE COUNTRY IS BRACED FOR THE CHANGE. No III Effects By GEORGE W. PERKINS, Presi dent Cigar-makers' International Union GENERALLY speaking the pres ent tobacco schedule Is left In tact My opinion Is that there will be no great business disturbance. The COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF THE COUNTRY ARE WELL FORTI FIED for tariff revision downward. I DOUBT IF IT IS GOING TO RE DUCE THE COST OF LIVING as much as some men seem to expect It to do. Bad For Fish Industry By M. F. BLANCHARD. Director of the New England Fish Ex change rDE salt fish men will be directly affected by the tariff. Many of them will be forced to go out of business. The others will be com pelled to move to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. The fresh fish business will be affected only Indirectly at first. but the ruining of tbe salt fish indus try will, of course, have Its effect upon all other branches of the business. Will Watch Effect By COURTENAY WALTER. BEN NETT. British Consul General In New York OUTSIDERS will wotch the effect of the tariff changes on the In dustries of this country with great Interest Big businesses have been built up behind a big tariff wnll It would seem likely that when the wall is taken down the BUSI NESSES MAY FEEL IT. Protects Birds By WILLIAM T. HORNADAY Director New York Zoological Park ajaarHE effort to protect American 1 birds by tariff legislation SPLENDID and Is the second attempt of the kind. There was one made many years ago, but at thnt time tho birds In this country were not suf ficiently well guarded by legislation to make the measure practicable. In re cent years, however, laws protecting bird life have been passed In many states and preserves have been estab lished. IF WE CAN INDUCE YOU TO TRY . FOR THE HAIR On our say so, on our positive guarantee, your money back with out question, ft you don's like It, ws will feel that we have done ou a real service. We know what Merltol Hair Tonic Is made of: It Is made for us, and we know th&t there Is nothing better for the hair. JIEUlTOt SlUSrOO PASTK 18 JIST A9 GOOD. Capital Drug Store Country Ready For Revision, Says ' Framer Stagnates Sugar Growing By CHARLES A. FARWELL, President of the Louisiana Cane Growers' Assoclttlon HE tariff on American grown sugar means complete disaster bow It will affect the ultimate con sumer I hesitate to think. Great Harm By GEORGE W. WICKERSHAM. Former Attorney General of the United States. I CAN ascribe no valid or sensible reason for tbe fact that legisla- lng the reduction of tbe tariff on sugar. The Idea tbat such a reduction WILL WORK ANYTHING BUT GREAT HARM or tbat it will benefit to any ex tent tbe consumer of sugar la to my mind so fallacious as to be absurd. Unfair Discrimination By ANDREW E. LITTLE, Shoe Manufacturer IF boots acd shoes are to be admit ted free EVERYTHING WHICH rTcn TVTn TnpMivrvir. TURE OF SHOES should be placed on tbe free list also. Foreign manu facturers will have an advantage over American manufacturers, tas shoe find ings and cotton linings, which enter into the product, have no duty levied upon tbem abroad. Farmers Benefited By M. G. KAINS, Associate Edi tor of the American Agricul turist 1 THINK the downward revision win simply abolish tbe likelihood of a cattle famine without harming our breeders In any way. Free corn will make no difference to the farmers, for we are an exporting country In thnt respect Canada raises an Insig nificant crop compared to ours. Our wheat Is as pood and practically as cheap as that of tbe Canadians. Money Saved By CLAUS A. SPRECKELS, Pres ident Federal Sujir Refining Compsny I HAVE consistently advocated the placing of sugar on the free list and have done nil In my power to reduce or remove the duty on rnw sugar. My stand Is due to the fact that I am convinced the AMERICAN PEOPLE WOULD .BE SAVED NO LESS THAN $13o.000.000 A YEAR through tbls revision of tbe tariff. An Uncertainty By ROBERT E. MANDELL, Wool Dealer sr HE free wool tariff will hnve a i. FARREACHING EFFECT. and none at the present time can tell what It will be. 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