MM MMMMMM MM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM t The House of Quality mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmm t CITY NEWS. )(c )(t )(t jfc )(c sc )c )(t sfc jc )c sc sjt sfc Special meeting of Multno mah Chapter, No. 1, K. A, M. this evening at 7:80, Work in the P. M. degree. Visiting companions welcome Hot, savory breakfast in the open air. Hay Day on Willamette campus. Take your breakfast on the Willam ette campus May morning. Open air dining room, good eats. Suppose your property burns tonight. Insure with W. C. Dyor, with Bochtol A Bynon. The sale of an old dump cart and an investigation of now ones with a view of purchasing two was authorized by the council last night. S YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SELECT A PATTERN FROM OUR WILL MATCH OTHER DINING FURNITURE THAT YOU ROOM. THE FINISH YOU LIKE WILL BE SUPPLIED ON OUR TABLES ARE MADE BY A MOST RESPONSIBLE MAKER WHOSE NAME STANDS FOR QUALITY. $5.50 to $55.00 WHEN YOU DO YOUR HOUSE CLEAN 1NG AND YOU FIND THAT YOU NEED SOME NEW RUGS OR CARPETS CALL AT OUR STORE AND SEE THE BIG LINE WE HAVE BEFORE YOU BUY. SEE OUR ANGLO INDIAN, ROYAL WORCHESTER RUGS, ALSO MANY BEAUTIFUL PAPTTERNS IN BODY BRUSELS. WHEN BUY ING AT THIS STORE YOU RECEIVE HONEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY HOME New Stylish Suits selling at record breaking prices. Our entire stock of pattern and novelty suits divided into three special lots Here are the Record Breaking Prices Regular $17.50 to $25.00 Regular $27.50 to $32.50 Regular $35.00 to $40.00 Whipcords, Bedford Cords, Sturdy Suitings and fine imported fabrics a wealth of handsome materials, and in splendid array of latest popular colors. All are up-to-the-minute in style some being exact copies of the very latest and most exclusive foreign models. A won derful assortment to choose from. Right now just when women are buying their new suits comes this unprecedented'sale. Why put off buy ing your suit? We must reduce the size of our present stock and have cut the price so low that it will be im possible to offer better values on such suits as these. Bet ter make an early selection, for the choicest garments will be first to go. mSr COODlOOOD S Breakfast in the open air. Hot sav ory eats, Willamette campus, May 1st. Suppose your proporty bums tonight. Insure with W. C. Dyer, with Bochtel & Bynon. Mrs. Mary E. Thomas, of Portland, is visiting hor brother, Harvey Henline, of this city. She will return to hor home the latter part of this week. A week was granted for consideration of the Market street improvement by thu council last night. A remonstrance was mad-i by Attorney Poguo, repre senting property owners. The G. G. Sewing Club, composed of the ladios of Meyers' store, will meet this evening at the home of Miss Nollio Campbell. It will be little girls' party. Another paving muddle probable. If all men would Binoke La Corona cigars, thore never would bo any muddle, as far as a good smoke is concerned. Our lafiMes YOU HAVE WANTED A GAS RANGE FOR SOME TIME. GET A DIRECT AC TION RANGE. It is the best BECAUSE it has no oven bottom to burn out. It has an oven burner designed for baking, not for broiling. It hat a broiler burner de signed for broiling, not for baking. Guar anteed to use one-third leu gas than any other range on the market. 'FURNISHERS COR. COURT &HIGHSTS. Suitsspecial at $12.35. Suitsspecial at $14.85 Suits special at $16.85 The Home of Satisfaction Suppose your auto should burn to night. Insure with W. C. Dyer, with Beehtel & Bynon. No report was made on the rocall or dinance at the council meeting last ev ening. The committee was not fully de cided as to some of the proposed changes. An ordinance making it illegal to hurl stones, especially into a neighbor's yard or at his buildings was introduced !y Councilman Macy at the meeting last night. Electric signs of Salem are to be in vestigated, following action by the council last evening upon request of Councilman Macy, who said that the ordinance had been grossly violated. - A special committee was named and will roport whether to repeal or amend the ordinance. Many signs alleged to be electrical havo been roplaced. of lie LINE OF TABLES THAT HAVE IN YOUR DINING ANY OF OUR TABLES. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET ONE OF THESE BEAUTIFUL QUARTER. SAWED TABLES. $5 Down, $5 Monthly REMEMBER YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT CALEF BROS PAILT CAPITAL JOTTBlfAL, 1ALEM, OaEOOM, F. T. Sheldon, s traveling official for the 8. P. Co., is here on business. Suppose your auto should burn to night. Insure with W. C. Dyer, with Bechtel & Bynon. A. G. Magers has'returned from an extended visit to Spokane, Soattle and other points in Washington and Oregon. All parties interested in the welfare of the University of Oregon will please meet at the Board of Trade rooms at 6 o'clock this evening. Attorney W. P. Lord, Jr., was in the city today on legal business. He 'will return tomorrow morning to Portland, where he is now making his home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crowe have re turned from a brief visit to the mctrop. olis. Mr. Crowe hob-nobbed with the hotel fraternity in Portland while Mrs, Crowe visited her many acquaintances, An amendment to the billiard room ordinance was made last evening at the council meeting, providing that the places shall be closed on Sunday. Bef- erence to card games was stricken out. E. Coopor and Frank Magers inter viewed Battle creek last Monday in search of the speckled beauties. While Mr. Magers sat on the bank and soaked up the sunshine, Mr. Cooper plucked fourteen trout from the stream. The premium list for the first Aurora school fair is out, and showB $140 in cash offered as' prizes. The fair is to be held September 20 and will be for Aurora and .surrounding districts in Marion and Clackamas counties. Yesterday was the birthday of Com rade White, and the ladies of the Grand Army, by having a postcard shower on the old comrade. Some of the ladies went to his home and sang the old battle songs to him. After Mr. Lord's "instructive and inspiring" addresses at the high school yeBterday, everyone should own one of his books, "Thb First Book Upon the Birds of Oregon and Washington." Or der of your bookseller, or of the J. K Gill Co., Portland. Senators will boost for Salem! Ba- kerites to meot all the principal towns in the state and advertise Salem as never before. New suits and a bettor ball team than in 1912. Opening game Sunday, May 4, 3:00 p. m. League grounds east end State street. Lord's addition Is now on the mar ket finest residence property ever of fered the city four blocks from business center. Prices on these lots are put down very low, so as to close out the property soon. For sale by W. A. Rutherford.. Phonel401. 4-15-eod-lmo A. M. Griffin,: who was arrested re cently on the charge of violating the school laws by keeping his son from attending the Hazelgreeu school, 'was today fined $!, bnt the justice of the peace suspended judgment by reason of it being a special term, when the lad was kopt out of school. Attorney Un- ruh appeared for the defendant. Ceo. If. Sander, an employe of the Vogt shoe store and Will Pruitt, a knight of the saw, jack-plane and ham mer, made a trip to Black Rock Sunday and succeeded in lauding about the prettiest baskot full of trout brought into the city this season. The fish were of good size and the boys had at least 125 of them. Considering the weather and condition of the streams, this is a remarkably fine catch. Following bids for 100 cords of slab- wood wero submittod at tho meeting of the council last evening. Salem Lum ber company, $2.55 per cord; Star Wood company, if2.3o; Sal'in Fuel yardB, $2.34; A. II. Tracy, gren wood, $2.G,r, The Salem Wood company has already delivered 100 cords, but a mixup result ed in new bids being called. Tho biilw Were referred to the ways and means committee. . Tho Ladies' Aid of Salem Hoights piot with Mrs. Frank A. Thompson Fri day afternoon and had, as uhuuI, a vory pleasant timo. The following named member! wore present: Mrs. C, A. Savago, Mrs. Wm. Sawyor, Mrs, C, Campbell, Mrs. S. Porkins, Mrs. J. Kingsloy, Mrs. Winchcll, Mrs. B. Rench, Mrs. L. Bixby, Mrs. II. Ilig- gins and Mrs. C. C. Pascoo. A largo amount of sowing for a sick member was accomplished and full justice done to a delicious lunch served by the hostess. The noxt meeting will be held with Mrs. Perkins. We've Got the Fitting Qualities of our footwear this spring up to a higher standard than ever before, and whon wo say this we mean also that our shoes hold their shnpe, giving the foot and ex elusive apMarance that only the latest stylo can give. For men, tho Edwin Clapp, Howard & Foster shoe is the acmo of perfection. For wo men the Under shoe or J. & K. shoes give that dainty feminine touch so desirable today. Reinlrctrt's Home of tKellanan Shoe 411 Si. OftBDahTNuIre TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1913. Doc Quartier Arrested Following Dis closures Made by a Young Con vict of Institution. Degenerate practices of William Quartier, bettor known, as Doc, the druggist employed at the state peniten tiary for years, led to his arrest today on a felony charge. Information which led to the arrest of Quartier was fur nished by a young convict employed in the hospital, who is serving 20 years for horse stealing. Warden Lawson was loath to believe the story, Quartier hav ing been a trusted, efficient employe, of supposedly excellent habits, and having enjoyed tho confidence of attaches un der Beveral different administrations. However the young fellow was so sin cere in his statements that it was de cided to make an investigation. Con clusive evidence was secured yesterday and Quartier was arrested. ; Quartier nearly collapsed when he was formally accused at the penitenti ary. The accusation was made under dramatic circumstances and he was led away a crushed and broken man. Quartier is married and is known to many Salem people. He is about 45 years old. BORN. CIIINNOCK At the family home, 1345 East Ferry street, Monday, April 28, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. James Chin noek, an 8 Vi-pound daughter. The father iB the supervisor of the state board of control and has been a resident of Salem for some time. Dr. Harry E. Clay officiated at the "home coming" of Miss Chinnock and reportB that both mother and child are doing nicely. f Those who enjoyed the good services undor the diroction of Steward Gage at the Hotel Marion last night, voted as one in complimenting that official of the hostelry for the manner in which he prepared the tables and supervised the serving of the fine viands. That Mr. Gage is a Willamette University boostor goes without saying, declare those who attended the banquet, and the Marion 's holp in general was great ly appreciated last night by those who formed a get-together meeting. At the closo of the banquet; Manager Crowe was conceded by. all present to be the "King Grub, the man with the big poke." Property Owners on South High . Street. You are hereby notiifed to appear at tho Lincoln school, Friday, May 2, 1913, at 7:30 p. m., either in person or by a duly signed, written proxy, for tho purpose of making a selection of tho kind of street improvement to be laid on said streot between the south lino of Bush to the north line of Iloyt. CIIAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder. 4-29-3t Notice to Property Owners. The common council desires to call tho attention of all property owners to the provision of ordinance No. 527, rolating to the laying of water and gas mains and service pipes, section 2 of said ordinance provides: "That all mains used in the city of Salem, Ore gon, for conveying water or gas or for other purposes along streets which are permanently improved or to be perma nently improved Bhall immediately be for such improvement is made, be laid in such streets .in a permanont man ner." Section 3 provides: "All service pipes attached to mains shall not be less than one inch internal diameter and all pipes of less diameter shall be removed and immediately replnced with pipes in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, and the same shall also be provided with curb cock and iron shut-off box and .cover and shall be placed sixteen (16) inches insido of the curb line; provided, however, that this section shall not be enforced on streets not having permanent improve ment. ' ' The council urges all proporty own ers owning property upon streets pro posed to be improved in 1913 to imme diately attend to the proper Installa tion of water, gas and sewor pipes serving their proporty, whothor the property has buildings thereon or may be vacaut. This co-operation upon the part of the proporty owners is neces sary to s prompt and satisfactory com pletion of the pavement projocts under way at the present timo. CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder. 4-29-10t Reduced Prices On Ladies Shoes. To close out broken lines we will give reduced prices on ladies' shoes, both button and lace styles, in black and tan, either Oxfords or medium hish tops. ' JACOB VOGT STORE 220 North Commercial Street Notice of Improvement of Union 8treot. Notice is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Salem, Ore gen, deems it expedient and hereby de clares its intention to forthwith im prove Union street from the east line of Water street to the west line of Twelfth street, in the city of Salem, Oregon, with one-course, six-inch crushed gravel cement concrete pave ment at the expense of the abutting property within the said limits in ac cordance with the plans and specifica tions for Baid street improvement, as heretofore adopted by the common council of said city and on file in the office of the city recorder, which are hereby referred to for a detailed de scription of said improvement and made part of this notice by such reference. Written remonstrance against the said proposed pavement may be made at any time within ten (10) days from the final publication of this notice in the manner provided by the city char ter. This notice is published for ten (10) days by order of the common council, the date of the first publi cation being the 23d day of April, 1913. 4-23-llt CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder. NEW TODAY. jft jft 3C ?C Sfc 3C 3ft 3C 3C Jft 3ft 3t 3ft l(l FOR SALE A standard and registered driving brood mare, also a 3-year-old filly. For price see Dr. Long, at the Fanners' feed yard, Salem. 4-29-3t LOST Japanese Mink muff, between State or Court, High or Center streot. Sunday evening. Finder Phone 1857, 4-29-3t WANTED Housekeeper for widower on farm. Nine miles from Salem. Address F. E. Peterson, Salem Route 9, box 91. 4-29-9t FOR BENT Six acres of garden land with 6-room house and good barn; situated 2 miles from State house on Garden Road. For particulars apply to W. A. Liston, 484 Court street. 4-29-3t FOR RENT Depot Hotel, furnished, A. A. Englebart. Phone 1190. 4-29-tf WANTED 20,000 Loganberry tips. Phone 668. 4-14-9t FOR RENT Store room, 326 North Commercial street. Phone 1182. 4-26-3t- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN No tice is hereby given that a certain note dated December 23, 1912, due in six months, for $175, given by the undersigned to one J. R. Fitzgerald was obtained through fraud and mis representation, and the same will not be paid upon maturity. John H. Bitt "ner. 4-26-3t " FOR RENT Neatly furnished sleeping rooms, electric light and bath. 488 North Commercial street. 4-22-6t FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms near City Hall, 330 N. High Bt., phone 4. 4-10-tf OLD PAPERS FOR SALE Just the thing to put under carpets 10 cents per bundle. Capital Journal. 4-21-tf SIX BEAUTIFUL home lots at Nye Beach, with view of ocenn, south slope for berries and chickens and one lot black loam for garden, will be sold for one-half cash and balance in labor. These lots are three blocks from beach and in Spruce St. neigh borhood. These lots are all cleared and grubbed of stumps and the soil is excellent, with fifty ricks of wood ready for the woodsaw in eight-foot lengthB. Price with wood $800. Ad' dresB Rickman and Smith, Newport, Oregon. . 4-29-2t- 190 -Acre Orchard for Sale Of prunes and cherries, one mil from Dallas, Ore. Five years old and upwards. In tracts to suit, at $225 to $400 per acre. Also 216 acres of farm land at $80 to $125. Payments one-third down, balance In six years. By tho Fleming Realty Co, Phone 303, or a P. Kimball, phono Farmers 661, Salem, Oregon. A. J. Barham, Dallas Agent NTD-TF IN PRESCRIPTIONS We give the higheot quality and Z charge the lowest prices. T Schaefer's Drug Store I No. 135 Commercial Streot X Deutsche Apotheke. J Salem, Ore. PARLOR MILLINERY DRESSMAKING Hats made to order, retrimmad; no big rent; no big prices. MRS. BULLOCK, 340 Union St. Phone 1559 .When you ask for Butter Ask for , BUTTER CUP BRAND Capital City Creamery Phone 299. 833 Court St. Iowa Machine Shop Punch and dio work a specialty. Mod el work machinery developed and per fected. Brass patterns. Experimental work. Automobile repairs. D. B. BROWN, 252 Chomeketa Streot. GENUINE CHICKEN TAMALES. Wholesale and retail. Special for weddings and parties. Call Main 204$ or come to Fred in front of the Madi son. The first chicken tamale Fred made In Salem, now you see them ev ery place. I bet $25 these are not like Fred's Tamales. You try one for yourself. 2-12-tf Salem Box & Mfg. Co. Screen doors and windows made to order. All sizes prompt service. Phone 308 247 Miller St. To Purchasers For farms or city property see Dr. W. A. Cusick, over Fry's drug store. tf MONEY TO LOAN On farm and city property. John H. Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or egon. Phono 1561. MMMMMMM I Cherry City Candy Factory I I Cherry City Ice Cream i and Fountain Syrups 266 Chemeketa Street. Phone 2482 MM MM MM MM MM DR. ASSELN, DENTIST Graduate N. W. U., Chicago. Salem Bank & Trust Building. Suite 205-206. Phone 2418 MMM MMMMMH Karl Neugebauer WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. J Masonic Temple. . State St. f MMMMMMMMMMMMM NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BURGH A HOT MEREDITH Resldeut Agents I8 State Street MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE 314 U.S. Bank Building MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Secirlty. TH08. K. F0BD Over Ladd ft Bush Bank. Salem, Or, REAL ESTATE Money to Loan. JACOB & OO. Phone 2424. . 206-207 Hubbard Bldg MONEY TO LOAN On food Heal Estate security. BECHTEL A BYNON 147 State Street COAL AND WOOD Prompt delivery. Sole agents for the Famous Rock 8prings Coal. CAPITAL FUEL CO. E. H. Jory, successor to J. J. O'NeiL Phone ;i0. Ysrds opposite S. P. pas senger depot. WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Promot delivery our specialty. Falls City Lumber Company. 179 North Coram ercia) streot Phono Main 811 JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DBI CLEANING WORKS No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics. Work callei for and delivered promptly. 43 Ferry St Phono Main SMI Office Phone Main 181 Rlgdon Residence Main lit RIGDON-RICHABDSON CO. "neral Directors and Dndartakors SSS N. HtfB Street