Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 23, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Advertising Copy
The Tenth of a Series of Twelve Articles on Advertis
ingWritten Expressly for The Capital Journal by T. H.
Copyright, 1912,
Appropriate illustrations will greatly
add to the effectiveness of newspaper
advertising. Such illustrations attract
"the eye of the reader and direct atten
tion to the ad. An illustration will
sometimes tell more than a whole col
umn of reading matter. It can contain
an appeal that will create an irresist
ible desire to buy the goods pictured.
An illustration should conform to the
ad and should help the ad to tell its
story. It should be appropriate and
should not be so large as to destroy tbe
harmony of the ad as a whole.
The matter of providing proper il
lustrations for newspaper advertising
5n an important one; one to which mer
chants and manufacturers cannot give
too much thought and attention. To
day there is no reason why any busi
ness man should not have suitable illus
trations to illuminate his newspaper ad
vertising. The expense of providing
cuts is not too great and the greater
efficiency of the advertising will moro
.ban repay for the monoy expended.
tireat strides have been made in the
last few years in newspaper illustra
trating. The illustrations that were
used in newspaper ails twenty years
ago, judged by present day standards,
-were extremely crudo. They served
-their purpose and form a contrast to
ihe bountiful work that is done today.
There are many merchants and man
ufacturers who are ovorlooliing a large
and rich field in not lotting people
know by well illustrated newspaper ad
vertising about the goods thoy have to
sell. By this I do not mean that pretty
pictures aro what is needed. No, what
is needed is the right kind of illustra
tions; the kind of illustrations that
pull; the kind that make sales.- Peo
ple as a rule are governed in buying
by their emotions and pictures can
make a very strong appeal to the hu
man emotions.
The merchant or manufacturer doing
newspaper advertising should remem
Tjer that SJO por cent of the buying is
lono by women. This being the case,
illustrations that will appeal to the
emotions will greatly holp to produce
.aajtw... .(irins.tance,. .g.. phojogrnphcr.
running a picture of a child in his
Show Is Greatly Enlarged and Has
Magnificent Collection of Well
Trained Animals.
William E. Haines, contracting agent
of the SellsFloto circus, arrived in
town this morning and was kept busy
enough during the day hunting up sup
plies, pre-empting a lot and making all
the other arrangements necossary for
the coming of the big show.
This is the 14th season that the Sells
Tloto circus has visited Salem. It
might be said it has always given good
performances in the past and full value
for the money, especially during the
last few years when the price was re
duced to 25c, thoreby cutting in half
the tariff which has been the usual
8 1 ai u cwt, rwMi a (V, Ut w.tm
lllltini.il Ii II i V mil illii 'lllVmi J
by T. H. Shore.
newspaper ad makes an appeal to moth
ers (and even to fathers) that they
cannot resist."
The daily newspaper goes into thous
ands of homes and has a tremendous
milling power. It covers its field thor
oughly and performs a great mission. I , ,
." ; . .. ... . .. Under the big oaks and on the spa-
This being the caso it is up to the mer-! . , , ,
.. i,.. , cious lawn' at his homo on Twentieth
chant or manufacturer to make his ad- , . . . , ,, ...
..... aid Court streets, tho friends of
vortising so attractive and forceful,,. ,-,,,' , , ,.
i. ...,. i l ii- i. "Andy" Kofer, whose work on this
that it will produce telling results. Ap- - ' ' .. ,
.,. ,.. . , . , side was so suddenly ended last Sunday,
propnate illustrations help to make the . .
, m T gathered to pay to their old townsman,
newspaper ad more effective. In a . , . ; . ,
' , . . ' . v neighbor and friend, that last tribute
retail business, illustrations may be . . . ' . . , ,
. , .. , , .. , m respect and affection permitted hu-
shown of the goods advertised. They ... . ...... ,
. . , .7 . ' . , . manity ere the tenement that housed
will help greatly to create a desire in ., .... ...
.. . , . .. - . , ;the man is laid away in the earth to
the minds of the newspaper readers. I . , .,. '
... , . , .... mingle again with the elements' from
The manufacturer can show suitable ... .. T1 , . ,,
illustrations of his products.
Care should be taken in having pho
tographs taken for cut purposes. It is
well to toll the photographer at tho
. , . , .
time that the photographs are to be
used for newsparer cuts. The best re
suits are obtained from photograph
printed on glossy paper. Such photo-
graphs reproduce better for newspaper
, - -i
. " ' '. 1 , - ' ...
results will be obtained from what is
known as 60-line scroen zinc halftones.
' ' h loved, for the whole people, was ended
best. Space will not permit me to hr0 forever
give detailed information about the. -;,i ... r.i .
Ine simple services of the Christian
making of cuts, etc. Full information St.ipn(,e chlir.h werft .,, by th Fir((t
con be had from any engraving house. He,,cr o( , (,hHrc M
Every retail establishment should tfimlot Smithi aml ,heso wpro f()llowC(.
have its own specially designed name by an oloqilpnt aJdss by Dr FI,t,hcr
plate for newspaper advertising. By.Hom..( vimiicnt o( Willamette Uui
this I mean that the name of the firm ' vorsity) who paid a splenaid tribute t
should be shown in each newspaper Mr iIofor) aml his work in bp)mf of
ad in some distinct way that will make the commnnity 8nd the B(nto BpcaUing
the ad show up different from the ads from the text. The greataat of the9e
of other firms. 'shall be tervants unto all." rlt was a
There is hardly a business that can peculiarly well selected text; and from
not profittbly use illustrations in its it tho ei01ent 8poaUor drew a bcauti.
newspaper advertising. So the mer- ful e890n of a life of unsolfi8h dev0.
chant or manufacturer who has not t;on to a worthy cause
used illustrations to help his nwspaperl Tne 8ei.vi(.e8 at tho grave wore pH.
advertising ought to give the matter of . VRt0i ony mtmhrn ot tho famiIy an(,
so doing as much thought as possible, immediate friends attending. The pall
Money spent for appropriate. illustra- bearors were J. J, Reed, of Portland;
tions is weir expended. There can be v. y. Richardson, Max Buren, Walter
no question as to the pulling power of gtolz, Charles Dick, W. I. Staloy, Tom
the right kind of illustrations. ' Kay and Frank Shafor. Interment was
Tho next articlo in this series will jn oity View cemetery.
Tn. i:nA .......L- nt..!.:... nM i.
oe entitled ,-aies Advertising.
charge by tho big circuses since circus
es began.
This year Mr. Haines tells us that
the show is greatly enlarged in many
rospects, notably from tho fact- that a
largo group of trained animals are now
carried and for the first time lions and
tigers will be seon performing in the
same enclosure together; a company of
Zouaves who execute startling maneu
vers in the way of drills are also be
ing foatures and the celebrated Scotch
Kilty band, from Toronto, Canaila, will
lend their aid to make the ontertain
mont more interesting. In addition to
these fine features are a number of
new attractions and all those which
have been associated with the sawdust
ring and have really made the lure of
the circus as imperative as it is.
The Sells-Floto circus will be here on
Saturday, June 7, for a single day's en
gagement. The price to see the bIiow in
its entirety is still 25c.
You Judge a man not by what be
promises to do, but by what hs has
done. That Is the only true test
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Judged
by this standard has no superior. Peo
ple everywhere speak of It In the high
est terms of praieo. For sale by all
It is well that the time for candi
dates to come out was limited.
Moritol White Liniment reduces in
flammatlon and soreness wherever
found in about ono-third the time re
quired by the usual treatment. It has
no equal as a general household reme
dy. Capital drug store.
Journal Want A in. Bring Results.
; ' f, " 1
. f I tfcT it. o. o you Ka HSuoJ ri 9 f- OuTftAtie v'snTN
Good All Round
aid3 to good health and to the
strength, comfort and cheerful
ness which depend on thecondi
tion of health are the famous.
j time-tested, safe and . speedy
Sold mrrwhw. In ba4, !0c 25c
wuicu is came, xi was lining mat me
last farewells should be said amid such
surroundings. It was fitting, too, that
along with his neighbors and friends,
..... . , , , , ., '
that there should be present from other
places many to show appreciation of
his good works. From Portland came
, ... ., , , . , ,
leading railroad officials, a big delega-
tion from the state's immigration man-
nother fn)m
;ber of Commerce, and many from dif-!
ferent parts of tho state, all with one
common purpose, to show appreciation
of the man whose work for the state he
To Organize Gun Club.
The preliminary steps towards organ
izing a gun club in Salem were taken
last night at the Board of Trade rooms,
about fifteen boing present. Mr. Holo'
han, of Portland, made a brief talk,
outlining the course to be pursued in
organizing a club. Mark Siddall was
made temporary chairman and J. G.
uignam temporary secretary. A com
mittee to solicit membership was ap
pointed as follows: Henry Vcatch,
Lloyd Hanscr, Mr. Crowo, of the Ma
rion hotel, J. 0. Bigham and Mr. Hus-
Bey. -Meeting adjourned to meet to
night at 8 o'clock at tho Board of
Trade rooms, to perfect permanent or'
Tuberculosis Medicine .
Saved This Man's Lile
PneiimonlH It a lerlouN dlnease, and
often laya the foundfitlon for chronic lung
trouhk'H sometimes Tuheft'ulmilg results.
After l'neumonla, or any nerlous or Htub
horn cold, it la wIha to take Kcltmnn'a Al
terative. Don't wait to And out whether
the trouble la -getting worse, but tnke
Kck man's Alterative In time and avoid
tbe dangers ot disease, ltead ot tha
recovery in this case:
.HI No. 41st Ht, rblla., Pa.
"Gentlemen: I am getting along very
nicely and nalnlng streiiKtb all tbe time.
I now welKb 1M poundi, a Kalu alnoe
Rpptemhcr 10, 11)07, of 28 pounds more
than when I first started to take tbe Al
terative. I wish I bud known of It two
years ago, as It would buva saved me
much mlieiy and distress. I was suf
fering from a very serious abscessed
lung, which followed a hud at tank of
pneumonia. My physician and a specialist
declared my vnse hopeless. I cannot hut
be tlmnkful to you mid the Almighty
(Jod for the great blrHnlng and change
of health It hna brouKht tne."
(Hworn Affidavit) THOH. RKH-LY.
(Five years Inter, reports good health.)
Kckraan's Alterative Is effective tn Bron
chitis, Asthma, Hay Fever; Throat and
Lung TrouhU'S, and In upbuilding tbe
system. Does not contain poisons, oplnles
or habit-forming driitrs, Ask for booklet
telling of recorerles, and write to Krkmnn
Laboratory, Philadelphia, l'a., for mnroevl
deucs. For sale by all leading druggists
J. C. Perry, DruKglat
Talks on Thrift
No. 15 Saving Plan. t . . ,
"Remember-that money is of a pro
lific, generating nature. Money can
beget money, and its offspring can be
get more, and so on. ' Five shillings
turned is six, turned again it is seven
and three pence, and so on until it be
comes one hundred pounds. The more
there is of it the more it produces ev
ery turning, so that tho profits rise
quicker . and quicker." Benjamin
Octave Girard, of Ware, Mass., who
letired well off at the ago of 72 years,
alter working at niauual' labor a life
time, and nevor receiving more than
a dollar a day in wages, taid:
, "The Becret of saving money is
steadfastness of purpose and steady
work Liquor has caused more poverty
than any other cause. I have seen many
a man Btand up at the bar, and spend
in a minute or two all the money ho
could have earned in two or three
days.' Mr. Girard attributed much of
his success in saving to the co-operation
of his wife.
Police Sergeant John C. Woodlock,
of St. Louis, during 35 years on the po
lice force, with a salary never more
than $115 per month, saved $20,000,
which he invested in improved real es
state, yielding more than $150 per
month. His rules for getting rich hon
estly are these:
"First, marry right. A woman can
spend all tho money a man can earn, if
she wants to.
"Watch the nickels, and- see that
they're not wasted. The dollars will
take care of themselves. Don't smoke
at all, and, above all, don't drink.
"Don't go into debt for household
or personal expenses you will have to
pay more for what you get. Pay cash.
But going in debt on an investment is
a good thing. It makes you save.
"'Don't squander money on thea
tres. "Have warm clothing and plenty to
cat. That saves doctor's bills."
An Atlanta, Ga., man says: "I get
in the habit of forcing myself to yield
a surplus every month. When I have
husbanded a few hundred dollars in the
bank, I look for some real estato in the (
bost place I' can select for the price. ;
Then I improve it, borrowing money
for the purpose, if necessary. As quick
ly as possible I rout the house, and
look for a purchaser at a profit. I am
always ready for the rainy day, be
cause I have first-class investments up
on which I have no difficulty in rais
ing money"
A Charleston, S. C, man says: "I
isr arli
UlAMONR IlKANI) 11 L LA. for SBi
yesn known at Beit, Stet, Always Rellnbl
4-room house, (850.00, North Salem.
8-room modern house, fruit and ber
ries, barn, $2000.
(6500 takes ideal home, 20 acres.
1I30 acres in Polk county, cheap.
220 acres, well improved, $22,000.
3 lots, S-room cottage, $1600, snap,
6 and 10-acra tracts, cIobb in.
1- to S-acre tracts cheap.
5 lots, 9-room house, barn, chicken
yard, fruit and berries, $1600.
Several business chances, restaurant,
rooming house, grocery store, black
smith, pool hall, cigar stand, hotel.
iVi acres, 2 houses, on car line, find
garden tract, $6000.
Four-room furnished house, good lot,
10 seres .bearing Italian prunes,
Acme Investment Co.
' A. B. COOK, Manager. '
Phone Main 477. 540 State St I
Opposite Court House-
LmtilvMt Ask your Bra U for a
'lil-vbslfr'a ItlBBiond TlranlV
Vlllt In Krd ind Void ikcuIIiAV
boiei, ielal with Blue Ribbon.
Tab no ether. Bur of your V
Ilrasrarlal. Ahk few III.I 'llVM.TiT
1 H
ippsr ff Sol MMal. - 1
t JyJ .. UasoaiHi
rH The best of tea
1 Vfj irota tke. best of
land for the best
WnA of drinkers i
" AUHloll-ClMB
-f : -V Grocers
. Older Trial Psckage
l : .TW : . ...... .1
buy real estato in such a way that I
have a regular obligation to meet. This
I do on the thoory that wo. struggle
harder in life for the prize that comes
through stress and trial. When it is
obtained it is the more appreciated.
Then I keep my eye on opportunities,
endeavor to seize them and make tne
most of them."
A Chicago woman says: "I thor
oughly believe that one cannot save
successfully unless by putting by a cer
tain sum regularly. Some days ago I
had a bill to meet that I paid for on
the installment plan. It was at the
suggestion of my creditors that I fol
lowed this plan of payment, and it not
only helped me to pay the debt easily,
but it taught me that I could do with
out a great many things that I might
have bought had I tho funds always by
Adopt soino system today that will
enable you to save a certain percentage
of your income
If you have only a small or moderate
amount of monoy saved, the wisest
thing for you to do is put it into a
strong bank to draw interest and work
for you, whilo you continue to work
for yourself..
Avoid speculation and beware of got-rich-quick
The certaintv of a moderate but sure
income in infinitely better than the
possibility of greater returns with the
probability of loss of the entire prin-
Many misguided persons aro parting
with tho'ir hard-earned money to put
it into wildcat schemes of one kind or
They will live to rogrot it
Many such foolish ones, closing their
bank accounts now to use the mouey in
the hope of Rotting rich quick, will
whon hard times come, wander the
streets without work and without suc;
cess .
Many a man gote tho reputation of
boing a "good fellow" whon ho is go
ing to the bad.
Morris' Cash
Grocery and
Feed Store
My prices are right others eannot
duplicate with quality of goods:
25-lb box Italian prunes ....... .750
3 Carnation milk 26c
3Vj-lb Best Head Rice 25c
4'j IbBoBt Japan Rice 25c
4 pkgs Seeded raisins .....................25o
Extra Choise Sugar Cured Bacon
Backs .. .. .............lBc
Extra Sugar Cured Pis Nlo Hams,
large size ................ 14c
4 pkgs A. ft H. Soda . 25a
3 cans Solid Pack tomatoes 25c
3 cans Extra Choice Corn ........25c
1 can Extra Choice Pineapple.....15o
2 cans Choice Table Peaches ............25c
2 cans Choice Table Apricots ...25o
2 best Parrot Oysters ,............-.......15c
4 Kr.nkle Corn Flakes . .25o
Large size Oolden Rod Oats or
Wheat .25c
S-Tb best Lard . .. 80c
5-lb best Compound ........60o
1 gal. White Clover syrup ..............50c
Best coffee In Salem, Jt 30c
Bost Valloy Flour1 91.10
Best Dalles Patent Flour 91.30
Try a Sock.
Free dellrery Inside of cltr limits.
Free tickets to Ye Liberty and
rtone 1427.
for. Morris ave aid Fair Around Rosd
At Almost
Giving Away
Every fancy suit goes at
prices so low that there will be
no excuse for wearing that old
suit after seeing the prices we
are making on these late spring
$17.50 to $25.00, spec'l $12.50
$27.50 to $32.50, spec'l $15.00
$35.00 to $39.75, spec'l $17.50
Seeing is believing, so come
early and take your pick.
For Burns. Bruises ana Sores.
The quickest and surest cure for
burns, 'bruiBes, sores, boils, inflamma
tion and all skin diseases 1b Bucklen's
Arnica Salve. In four days it cured
L. H. Haflin, of Iredell, Tex., of a sort
on his ankle which pained him so he
could hardly walk. Should be in every
house. ( Only 25. Recommended by J,
C Perry.
That none of the Beavers is a Bea
ver makes no difference. Rah, rah, rahl
Automobile Motor Cycle and
Accessory Dealers of Salem
''" ilLLLb Herts. Cevmerelal Street Pheae 9M
Valley Motor Car
Big Surprise for Marion and Polk Counties I
BER. .,
Ws have a big stock of pulleys, boxing, saws and all kinds of tools
and machinery. Also chicken netting and hog wire. Bargain prices.
Everything from a needle to a piece of gold. -The house of a half of
million bargains.
233 State Street.
Let Us Do Your Washing
This Summer
Spring is hers with summer just back
of it. Nearly time for the dainty sum
mer dresses, waists, etc, that demand
very careful handling in the washing.
Don't spend this summer washing. It
takes time, hard work, and you haven't
the facilities the way we have. We are
prepared to launder your clothes no
matter how dainty and delicate the
way they should be laundered. When
they come back they look just like new.
Try us this week, Bond your GOOD
clothes to this CI 001) laundry.
136-166 S. Liberty Phone 25
By Gross
u i t s
ktwidi wrr. 6 coupr l' prices
Rheumatism as s result of kidney
trouble stiff and aching joints, back
ache, lumbago and soro kidneys, all
yield quickly to the healing and cura
tive qualities of Foley Kidney Pills.
Thoy regulatg urinary irergularitiea,
and restpre normal action. John Vel
bert, Foster, Cal., says: 'I suffered
many years with kidney trouble and.
could never get relief until I tried Fo
ley 'a Kidney Pills .which effected a
complete cure." Contain no habit
forming drugs. Dr. Stone drug store.
Agents B. C. B. and Oakland
l Ferry St. Phone Mala tm
Phone Main 224
MAW tr-
, aW aM A.aU . 1
IT5 r,iKtJrK 9H