EiSItcrfal Page of Tike Salem Capital formal' ASasfigil The Capital Journal Pabllahed by The Barnes -Taber Company GRAHAM P. TABER, Editor and Manager A Independent Newi paper Devoted to American Principle and the Progress and DeTelopment of Salem In Particular and All Oregon In General Pabllshed Every Breolng Bicept Sunday, Salem. Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Invariably In Advance) Daily, by Carrier, per jear ...15.20 Per month.. 45c Dally, by Kail, per year ...... 4.00 Per month. .SBc Weekly, by Mall, per year 1.00 Six months .60c f DLL LEASED WIBB TBLBGRAPH REPORT ADVERTISING BATES. Adrertishig rate will be famished on application. "Want" ads and Jew Ttday" ads strictly cash In adr anc. iV.- -! The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the paper on the porch, if the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the pa fef to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only 'way we can determine, whether or not the carriers, are following instructions. Phone Main 82. -.- . - PORTLAND. i 7IE BIG Broadway bridge at Port . land was opened for traffic Tuee- day with appropriate ceremonies. It .marks another of the many great strides Fortiand has,' made toward the fulfillment of her destiny, toward that time certain to come, when she will be the biggest and most beautiful city on the coast. This may seem a foolishly optimietio statement to those who have aot given the subject much study, but without being unduly optimistic we be lieve the future,, will demonstrate the truth of this statement, and that Fort land will eventually take rank above San Francisco, Los Angejes or Seattle, and will be the metropolis of the Pa cific coast. The immensity of the timber resources tributary to her, the fertile -valleys lying like a string of emeralds, between the Cascades and the Coast range, the unequalled water pewer of the state that will some days place the state in the front rank as a manufac turer, her situation on the direct line of traffic between the Orient and our own east, and Europe, as well as being on the shortest line of communication between the great sixth continent, and her mother country, and more than all the great cleft in the Cascades, where Nature as though fore-seeing the needs of mankind, with mighty hand removed the mountain barrier, and sent the great Columbia pouring its majestic flood through it, to bear the commerce of the Inland Empire on its broad bo som, the Inland Empire itself, a veri table treasure house, all these are hers. . The completion of the big bridge yeeterday solidifies the city. There is only one Portland now; the Rose City of the world, the queen city of the Paeifie, the crowning gem in the great ring sf the northwestern states, the pride of Oregon. THE ATMOSPHERE CLEARING. THE city council thought better of it Monday night and allowed the city printing to still go to both local papers. We are glad it took this ac tion, not on account qf the fow paltry dollars involved, but because the coun eilmen acted in a manly way, and con sidered the interests of the people rath or than its own feelings. The Capital Journal realizes that some of the coun eilmen very naturally feel sore and bit tfcr towards it. It also feels and be libves that before long this foeling will pass away, and the councilman will know that the Capital Journal's course has been correct. It has stood for the right, for the broadest publicity in all city affairs, for absolutely square deal ing, for the city officials taking the people into their confidence, and against the system of dictatorship that nas gradually yruwu up ui mo in; council. ('oiinrilinen have! a rig1it,f as individ uals to take opposite views on any subject to those of the people, but once understanding what the lattur.arc, they should carry them out, for they sro the people's representatives snd should do the people's bidding even though it is against their own personal judgment. This, and this only, is what the Cap ital Journal has advocated. It may be that it has not at all times made its eonld say "you're another" just as easily and pointedly as any one else could. It has called attention to some political tricks, some sharp practices, but these things belong to politics, or at least are considered a necessary ad junct to American political affairs, but it has made no charges against any in dividual other than this political by- It has criticized the council for rais ing the salary of the city attorney while he was in office, not because it objected to Attorney Page, or to the amount of salary paid him. The office is probably not now too high-salaried, but it was the principle of raising the salary of a person in office. It has pointed out the carelessness of the city council, in permitting the charter amendment to be submitted with a joker in it. It has pointed out with the aid of City Attorney Page, the bad condition of the North Salem sewer proposition. It has criticized the action of the council in certain paving matters and some other things, but it is willing to submit to the calm judgment of the councilmen themselves whether or not its statements have not all been abso lutely true. The atmosphere has been somewhat cleared, and the council is, we think, disposed to got in touch with the peo ple. We hope so, at least. We would much rather commend than criticize, and it certainly is better for the city if the council, the city administration, the people and the press all get on a common ground where we can all boost That Tired Feeling That eomes to yon every spring is a sign that your blood is wanting ia vitality, just as pimples and other eruptions are signs that it is impure. Do not delay treatment, but begin at once to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, which accomplishes its wonderful results, not simply because it contains sarsaparilla, but because it combines the great curative principles of many roots, barks, herbs and other valuable ingredients. There is no real substitute; insist on having Mood's Sarsaparilla The Medicine that makes people feel better, look, eat and sleep better; the remedy for stomach, kidney and liver affections, rheumatism, catarrh, scrofula, skin diseases, bolls, debility, and other Ills arising from Impure or impoverished blood. 1 felt tired all the time and could not sleep nights. After taking Hood's Sarsaparilla a little while I could sleep well and the tired feeling had gone. This great medicine has also cured me of scrofula." Mrs. C. M. Root, Box 25, Ollead, Conn. his constituents, or did he have the interests of the shipping company at heart t f THE OPEN FORUM I A LAW THAT MAKES GOOD. If THE Illinois legislature has before it a bill that seems on the face of it to fill a long felt want. It provides that all children born out of wedlock shall be legitimate, and that the birth of a child shall constitute a common law marriage between the pa rents, and that it shall take the same ptocedure in the courts to diasorve such marriage as in all other mar riages. No provision has been made for cases wherein one of the parties is already married, and this is made the one serious objection to the law. It would seem from this distance at least that the law needs no other additions, if the birth of a child constituted a marriage, then the law would be worse on married folks straying "from sim ple virtue's unseductive paths," than on unmarried ones, for by the act they would commit bigamy, and be respon sible criminally, as well as in heavy damages to the other party. It is a law that would cause some thinking as "a condition precedent." The Capital Journal Invites pub lic discussion In this department Let both sides of all matters bo fully brought out It Is not the purpose of this newspaper to do the thinking for its readers. X-RAYS AND SMILES. Jt iff 3s)l jt sfc skjc sc ipe ifc 3ft off ft One of the catchiest pictures ap pearing in the papers is that of Miss Zelie Emerson, as she appears during the stubbing act in the English prison. Zelie said when she left America that she was going to do things in England, and she is keeping her word. HMtt Indorses Capital Journal. I feel the editors of The Capital Journal are worthy some bouquets. Not because they are doing more than their duty, for placing before its read ers a principle of right and justice, but because they are right, inasmuch as they represent the interests of the people. It is the custom of the day to laud few as heroes while living, but after they have braved this life, in the face of sorest trials and bravest deeds, and have closed their eyes on scenes forever here, then they are remembered as heroes. No expense is spared for floral and funeral display, when the faithful are past enjoying them. I would extort the readers of The Jour nal, and everyone else, to learn of their ! brave efforts on the side of right to pay tribute, at times, with a floral display of encouragement in their "Open Forum." Help to hold up their hands by making known to them our appreciation of their untiring efforts. I think it something of great credit, that our city can boast of daily col umns of the press, airing and discuss ing the problems of interest to every citizen and property holder. A READER. The automatic switch on South Com mercial street is one of the most val together for what the Capital Journal uable conveniences the P. E. & E. has foels is tbo desire of all, a bigger and better and a more prosperous Salem. We are all in the same boat, all inter ested in the same result the upbuild ing of the city. We can't accomplish this by pulling in opposite directions. When the council and the administra tion take the people into their confi dence, show down their cards on the table, and play open and above Board, then there will be a unanimity of pur pose, for there will be nothing to crit icize. If mistakes are made they will be the mistakes of all, and all will shsro the blame and get together to right any wrongs. The Capital Journal has taken the side of the people and it sincerely hopes that hereafter, it in continuing to stay with the people, may also be in accord with the entire city government, and the latter with the people. TWISTING THE LION'S TAIL. O EXATOR CHAMBERLAIN has in .1 troducod a joint resolution to abrogate the Hay-Pauncefote, and Clayton-Bulwer treaties. He was moved to this, or says he was, by the Knglinh objection to the proposal to lot American coastwise shipping pass through the Panama canal free. The webfoot senator waves Old Glorv and flourishes Yanktnt Doodle in the face of the Anglomaniars and with a "give me liberty or give me death, or another six years In the sen stc, or any old thing," whoop up, he points out how England is trying to boss this country snd how Undo Sam will be prevented giving the coast-tO' coast shipping free tolls through the installed since acquiring the property. This notice is a bit premature, the switch not being installed yet, but it is something like what we will say about it when it is installed, providing we are still alive. Councilman Stolz should buy one of those Capital Journal dictionaries, and try to discover the difference between the meaning of the words "blackmail" and "criticism." Does the council man from the Third imagine we have been trying to beat him out of his sup ply of bungholes for vinegar barrels, when he charges us with blackmail f . Japan could easily declare war on the United States, but she will find that she has "bit off more than she can chew. A public utility that company always kicks against the law; when any of its "inalienable rights" are touched is always the first to invoke it and in sist upon law and lots of it. t Fred Huffman, a 18-year-old boy broke into a restaurant in Ashland and stole nine pies and a lot of other truck. He ate some of the pies and smoked up several packages of cigarettes ho had stolen before he was caught Fains In the Stomach. If you continually complain of pains n the stomach, your liver or your kid neys are out of order. Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabetes or Bright 's Disease. Thousands recom mend Electric Bitters as the very best stomach and kidney medicine made. H. T. Alston, of Raleigh, N. C, who suf fered with pain, in the stomach and back, writes: "My kidneys were de ranged and my liver did not work right. I suffered much, but Electric Bitters was recommended and I im proved from the first dose. I now feel like a new man." It will improve you, too. Only SOc and (1.00. Recommend ed by J. C. Perry. Panama canal. Ho forgot to point out position clear, but if so, that is duo to . that the coasting vessels, or practically inability to present its ideas in per-1 an or mom, ueiong 10 one cuuuu.j, haps tho best form. ''! that giving them free tolls, is It wishes, however, to say onco more simply presenting this shipping corn that it has no personal feeling against pany that much money. Pulling tho any city official, and it calls attention lion's tail and making him roar no to the fact that It has not Impugned longer amuses the American people, tho honesty or integrity of any man. They are big enoiiRh and powerful It hu called some names mild ones enough to take care of themselves and tut this was only In retaliation for jingoism and bluff are back numbors. names called it, and to show that it Was the webfoot senator working for MMHM T LADD & BUSH, Bankers jj TBAII81CT8 1 GEKERAt BANKI5G BC8IKKS9. SAFETY P- I POSIT BOXES. TBATELEBS' CHECKS, Cauio for Alarm Loss of appetite or distress after eating a symptom that should not be disregarded. It Is not what you eat but what you digest and awumilsU that does you good. Boms ol tbs strongest, health lest persons are moderate eaters. Nothing will cause more trouble thaa ' a disordered stomach, and many people contract serious maladies through disregard or abut ol the stomach. Ws urge all who suffer from indl. feauon, or dyspepsia, to try Retail Dyspepsia Tablets, with the under standing thai ws will refund the ' money paid us without question or formality, if after ues you ars not perfectly satisfied with results. Ws recommend Retail DrspepaU Tablets to customers every day. and heve yet to hear of oss who has not been benefited. Ws believe them to be without equal. They five prompt relief, siding to aeutralias acidity, stimulate flow of gaetrie Juics. suonglhsn tbs digestive orient, and thus promote perfect nutr.uon and correct unhealthy symptoms. Three sues, 24 oeuu, &Ooenu, and 11. You can buy Retail Dyspepsia Tablets ts this w immunity only at our ators; PERRY'S DRUG STORES Two Btores atom . w,e Oragoa There Is a Retail Hmre la aean every teem and alt. la lea I'olwd BIsIm, Canada eed Ores. Britain. Tkere Is a different Retail Kemerlr Marly erery onunry kumu 111 eeoeotaily doeltW fi IU sartieuUf O swr which II Is raeaetMHled. . Tax Retail Km are AiMrha'. Srmul Krus Stores We Are Here With the Best Values rue STORE THATStVCS YOU MONEY Parcels Post at Tour Service QUICK SELLING PRICES AND SMALL PROFITS Is our method of doing business. Come here and see how much further your dollar goes than elsewhere. NEW SPRING GOODS ""tt"S"rM THE NEW mm nil iriii BALKAN SUITS NOW ON SALE. The Chicago Store is the first store in Salem to show those new creations. Come, and see them; they sre the rage -in New York. LOW PRICES $10.50, $12.50 and $14.90 CLASSY COATS CHEAP $7.50, $9.50 and $12.50 ,tt'.' . its.v.1.'' WW THE NEW BALKAN Trimmed Hats now on sale. Come and see the new hats, new trimmings and new ma terials. Mces $2.50, $3.50 and up. LINGERIE SHIRT WAISTS All new arrivals ia TOILS LINXEN and Marquisette. Prices small for such pretty waists. Values up to $2.50 For 98c, $1.19 and $1.35 Dress Goods, Silks and Wash Goods NOW PLACED ON OUR COUNTERS IN MOUNTAINS. COME HEBE FOB VARIETY, NEWNESS AND LOW PBICE& JNO BUCH STOCK SHOWN ELSEWHEBE IN SALEM. Jgpwiv Tan Shoes H- and 18-button classy footwear now priced at the lowest price in Salem. For High Class Shoes $2.95 SUMMER UNDERWEAR For Ladles, Misses and Children now on sale at the lowest prices in Salem, Knit Vests, 8 l-3c, 10c, 12 l-2c and 15c Union Suits, 25c, 35c Let T7s Show You. If you are a sufferer of piles or hem- morhoids in any form, come to our store and let us show you Meritol Pile Bern edy. It is one of the best preparations ws have ever handled, and is sold on a positive guarantee. Capital drug store. A Great Fain Siller. Sick headaches, sour, gassy stomach, indigestion, biliousness disappear quick ly after taking Dr. King's New Life Pills. They purify the blood and put I new life and vigor in the system. Try them and you will be well satisfied. Every pill helps; every box guaranteed. Price 25c. Becommended by J. C. Per ry- Some candidates of course, only yielded to the importunate entreaties of numerous prominent and influential citizens. MM THE ROUND-UP The city council of Cornelius, in spite of a temporary injunction, closed the saloons that have been running there, Saturday nijiht. e - Tho skeleton found near Seholl's Sundav has been positively identified as that of Percy Jaquith. e e e Ashland police raided six opium joints Monday, which shows that city is loug on dope. see Six joy riders from Medford were arrested at Ashland Monday. They helped the city treasury $50. e e e Pasadena, Cal., will send 125 horse men to the Rose Carnival ia Portland. e e e Condon is demanding Sunday trains on the branch railroad running into that valley. e e Oregon City will have a big anto pa rade in connection with its live stock show Friday and Saturday. The antos will be decorated. . see Expert examining tho alleged oil fields in Harney county sre firmly of tho opinion tho oil is there. see In the reeent election at Condon 242 votes were cast, 68 of them by wo men. e e. e Late Saturday John Osborne, leaped from the top of the MWford hotel, five stories, and was instantly killed. e e e Ths P. E. A E. line will reach Eugene May 10. The rails aro now laid with in eight miles of Monroe, and the grade is about all eompletod. Look Them Over f TODAY Then come to Porter and the get right Paint to make your screens f and screen doors look like new. W. J. PORTER 455 Court St. There Is Only One gg Br onto Quinine" Thai Is Laxative Bromo Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLD IH OHE OAT. Always remember the full name. Look or this signature on every box. 25c. For rheumatism you will find noth ing better than Chamberlain's Lini ment. Try it and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale by all dealers. Take FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Tonic In Action - Quick In Results Oct rid of your Deadly Kidney Aliments, that cost you a high price in endurance of pain, loss Of time and money. Others have cured themselves of KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES by the prompt and timely use of FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS. Stops BACKACHE, HEADACHE, and ALL the many other troubles thatfollowDISEASEDKIDNEYS and URINARY IRREGULARITIES. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS will CURE any case of KIDNEY and BLADDERTROUB LB not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. In a yellow packagV DR. STORE'S DRUG STOBE. ' m FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. A RaW fnratw Htm ar 9tnrtti Unstryafioa. NEVER I10WH TO FAIL. 8r.iyi B.ti.. fViltxi tiutriiniecd or Moot RefundM, Heel prepaid for $1.00 rr bei. Tut arrnl thtran maj.io b paid for btn rtiitftd. Hampletj r'rfej. If fvu dniulil 4em Ml Imt Uxai Md rouronlm u Uto ! UNITED MCDICAL CO., BOB T4, UlirH, Pa. SALEM FENCE WORKS Headquarters for HOP WIRE POULTRY NETTING WOVEN WIRE FENCING CEDAR FENCE POSTS BARB WIRE SCREEN D00B3 MALTHOLD ROOFING P. k B. aud BEADY ROOFING At the Lowest Prices. R. B. FLEMING Successor to Charles D. Mulligan. 9HI Onnrt Rt Phnna 124 THE NEW Modern $4.00 English Dictionary Certificate PRESENTED BY THE CAPITAL JOURNAL APRIL 23, 1913 Six Appreciation Certificates Constitute a Set ..ees.ee Skew year eadefeeateat ef ihb ir.it eeWtloaal oswertealt rr nttfef est Bw ilex Certificate el Appreciation with Ave otheis ef coaucuttTe d.tee. aoel neestJat tkwm .1 this office, witk Ike oipesea boos aneont herein et -oovoeltoaaretrleof Dlclloaerr eolected (which eovrrs the Itesu of the cut ef Vpaclttof. .xpr.H h-em the factory, ehechlai. clerk hire mt olhrr ) J? EXPENSE Keen), aaa rev will he preeeated with roar choice of din three book" Tl $4.00 (Like illustrations in the announcements from day to d,iv.) uZL T ii h 11 ' ,he 0NLY emir;1y NEW compilation by the world's MOtKin tngllSn greatest authorities from leading universities; is bound in mCTlONAUYlull Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in gold on back and Illustrated . sides, printed on Bible paper, with red idgcs snd corners rounded; beautiful, strong, durable. Besides the general contents, there are maps ana over coo suoiects Deautiiully illustrated by three color plates, numerous subjects by monotones, 16 panes ol cuui-auuuiii cuari ami me utesi united stales (enu. i'reient 1 no. at this ollicc SIX CoasecetiTS CertiRciles el Atprecletiea t.J the 70l The $3.00 It il Marti? the time New the ." book. c. Modern EntHsb b."-"!, IMtTIONAKY """. Illustrated ' "h ol ' a H a m-A with aqnire trmtn. Six Ap. E, Boejwa of wnu Miliar, romrrt, SIX Ap. T reciatioa CortiAcstee aaa the OlC Aar Seoh be M.U, U tUtr. fe Pe The $2.00 Is in otain cloth bind. New int. tirnid is sold Modern English piper, sime illusus- OICTIONAKV n."' so H , nd chart! ire omltttd. Six Ap I Ptwcfuoi CoaVioofcM watt ess Expieie '48c 1