Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 23, 1913, Image 1

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. I ' .a
36TH YEAR. -: '
II II If ' - Ml S 1 ' 'li .. II -71111
President Wilson Suggests the
Secretary Advise With
California Legislature
'Will Welcome Him But Proceed to Pus
, the Alien Ownership Bill Just
the Same. '
State Capitol, Sacramento, Cal., April
S3. Members of the California senate
who are considering anti-alien land
Taws" nW before' the 'legislature ' ex
pressed surprise today when it became
known that President WilBOn had sug
gested that Secretary of State Bryan
visit Sacramento for the purpose of
conferring with the lawmakers on the
proposed alien, land measures. That
:such a development was entirely unex
pected was evident, When they were
told of the president's message to Gov
ernor Johnson.
"Let Bryan come," doclared Sena
tor Boynton, Bull Moose leader of the
senate, with a hearty laugh. "We will
welcome him."
Senator Birdsall, who introduced the
bill now before the senate, expressed
surprise when informed of the message
. "Why, yes; it will be a fine thing,"
lie asserted.
. Senator . Thompson, who , aided . in
framing the Birdsall measure, said that
the legislature probably would welcome
Bryan's visit. ' '
No National Crisis. '
"There is no reason, however," ho
said, "for the impression that this is
a great crisis in international affairs.
It is not so viewed by this legislature.
It is the opinion,. as I find it, that the
people want anti-alien land legislation,
have wanted it now for years, and that
the longer the matter is put off the
more difficult ,it becomes. I think
-that a bill , of soiuo.eort will be passed
alt this session."
"I do not know that a great deal
-will be accomplished by such a visit,"
said Senator Campboll, Democratic
floor leader.
Senator Sanford, who has been an
ardent advocate of anti-alien legisla
tion, would not discuss the matter.
"What I have to say will be said on
the floor, and in language that will be
easily ' understood," he declared! '
"1 believe the major portion of this
unrest over anti-alien legislation is be
ing fomented in Tokio and in Washing
ton by a well-paid lobby representing
the big land interests in California,"
said Assemblyman George B. Plnnegan,
author of one of the alien bills amal
gamated in the assembly substitute
that was passed. "The selfish intor
ests are attempting to scare the federal
administration as well as our own peo
ple in California."
State Bank Examiner Wright, who
recently returned from a trip to eastern
Oregon, says conditions are prosperous
in that section. Prices of stock, grain
-and lumber are satisfactory and the
towns report excellent business. Spring'
is later than usual, however, the cold
weather continuing about a month long--or
than in the average year. As ft re
sult orchards are backward and farm
work has been dolayed. The same
-conditions prevail throughout eastern
Washington and Idaho.
Must Put Up 11000 and Forfeit Neck
lace Which Is Valued at
(UNtTso mass uassd win
Chicago, April 23. Jack Johnson,
negro pugilist, escaped easily here to
-day when the charges of smuggling
against him were tried in the United
states court. Johnson withdrew his
plea of not guilty, pleaded nolo con
tender and was fined $"i00 each on two
counts of the Indictment against him,
and the smuggled diamond necklace
-valued at $2000, was confiscated.
The counts in the indictment on
"which Johnson was fined charged con
-eaJment of smuggled property. Four
-other indictments for smuggling were
A Meritorious Law.
Sacramento, Cal., April 23.
The board of control mothers'
pension bill, under whose provis-
ions the parents of half orphans
will be encouraged to keep chil-'
dren at home instead of ' at in-
Btitutions, was passed by the as-
sembly last night, 49 to 8. It al-
lows, state aid of $6.25 a month
for dependent half orphans cared
for at home, this amount to be
T supplemented by $6.25 from the
county. .
, -
Unless Husband Has Taken Out His
, Final Papers the Woman Cannot
Vote. - :
. At the request of County. ' Clerk
Gehlhar. Attorney-finnum! ri-nwfnrl
today rendered an opinion on (he sub
ject of the steps necessary for women
to vote in this state.
The state's legal department holds
that aa American-born woman, married
to an alien, who has not declared his
intentions to becomo a cituen, if they
reside. -in thie state, has no right to
"cast a vote. In. other words, the attorney-general's
opinion is to the effect
that unless a foroign-born person, mar
ried to an Amoriean-born citizen first
'fake's out his' first papers, "the' wifo,
daughter or sons cannot vote in either
city, county or state elections,' and Hhe
county clerks in each county' have' no
legal authority to accept such applica
tions for registration unless the above
agreements of aliens are fulfilled.
Additional Expense to Counties.
.According to County Clerk Gehlhar,
every county in this state will be sub
ject to additional expense, as . the re
Bult of the 'new registration law passed
by the last legislature. After June 3d,
the new registration law will be in ef
fect. . Registration then will require 63
lon&e-leaf records, or registration books
that will correspond in size to that of
40 records of deeds now on file in this
county. Asido from this great bulk of
election records, the county clerk is re
quired to' issue a separate duplicate of
registration record, and furnish same
to every legal voter in the county.
, To add further to the additional ex
pense which will be incurred by the
passage of the new law, a special card
system must be maintained. To com
pile the Marion county registration roc-
oids alone upon cards, will reauiro a
pile of cards not loss than 6 feet high,
figuring most conservatively.
The estimated cost of initial sun-
plies prior to the holding of future
elections under the new law will
exceed $550, and there is no provision
in the statute covering the cost of com
pilation or disposition of the records.
-, , More Election Officials.
It Is the duty of the countv olork.
undor the new law to appoint official
registrars In each district in the re
spective counties. It is now incumbent
upon County Clerk Gehlhar to select
41 officials to serve for the next elec
tion to be held in this county, and the
work of canvassing the county for
suitable registrars will commence with
in a few days.
Heretofore, any notary miblic was
possessed with the authority to regis
ter a voter by slgnimr his affidavit.
but from now on, the official registrar
will bave sole supervision over every
district in the county. -
In order to encourage the registration
of tho women voters throughout the
county, County Clerk Gehlhar Is com
piling an application blank which will
be sent to the various districts. This
blank is to be filled out by the regis
trar accepting and rotnrned. It Is the
desire of the clerk to secure as many
women applicants as possible.'in' view
of the contention that women voters
will more readily register when the
registrar la of the same sex, than to
place male registrars in charge. There
fore, the women of Marion county will
be given the preference insofar as reg
istration officials are concerned.
Each registrar, as compensation for
their work will he awarded 10 cents per
name for every voter registered in the
precinct in which they are appointed.
The registrar will be compelled to file
a bond in the sum of $400 with the
Scutari Is Captured.
Belgrade, April 23. The rapture of
Scutari by Montenegrin troops wss
marked by enthusiastic demonstrations
her today. Busiaess was at ft- stand
still practically all day.
Baron Chinda, Japanese Am
bassador Says Japan Is
Not Thinking of War.
Says All th Anti-American Talk is
Japan Comes From the Lower
Classes Only. ,
.Washington, April 23. Even though
California passes an anti-alien land law
aimed directly' at the Japanese, Japan
will not attempt any warlike retalia
tion, j
This declaration was voiced here to
day by Baron Chinda, the Japanese
ambassador to the United States. Baron
Chinda declared the better classes in
Japan were trying to quiet the jingo
talk by the lower classes, and that war
between the two nations was out of the
question. v The ambassador asserted he
had not seen President Wilson for a
week, but expected tomorrow to- - pay
his customary courtesy call on 'Secre
tary of State Bryan.
j It alHo was emphatically denied at
the White House today that Japan had
voiced ny war- threarsi Secretary
Tumulty characterized as "baseless"
reports that Baron Chinda had in
formed the president that Japan was
unable to control the peoplewho would
force the nation into war if the Cali
fornia land bill were passed. It was
denied that the Japanese ambassador
had seen the president yesterday. '
M. Okobe, the second secretary of
the Japanese embassy, said today:'.
"Wo shall wait and see what, the
California legislature does,. but I feel
certain that war will not result, even
should California enact a measure spe
cifically directed against the Japanese.
I know not whether Japan will be in
clined to test the law in the United
States court. The recent anti-Ameri
can talk in Japan comes only from the
lower classes."
On Saturday, June 7, the great Sells-
Floto circus is billed to appear in this
city for its fourteenth annual engage
ment. Mr. W. E. Haines, contracting
Bgent of the circus, Is in town today
ami is buying supplies and making oth
er arrangements necessary for the com
ing of the big show. This year we are
told that the circus is greatly enlarged
in many roBpects, introducing many
new features, some of which have never
before ueen seen associated with the
entertainment of the big top.
Among these might be mentioned the
celobratod Scotch Kilty band from To
ronto, Canada; Devlin's company of
Zouaves; a troop of trained lions and
tigerB undor the direction of Captain
Dutch Rpcardo; jumping horses; forty
clowns; ie celebrated Royal Light
Horse Brigade; tho Stickney family;
the Hobsons; Prof. Park Prentiss' Fa
mous Concert band of sixty-throe
pieces; Zora and her elephants, and a
great big three-ring circus because
the Sells-Floto people have enlargod
their tent to three rings for this sea
son and all for the popular price of
25 cents.
The complete routing of the little
faction whicu lias during the past few
weeks been trying to head off honest
criticism of public officials is one of
the gratifying conditions in Salem to
day, and The Capital Journal feels
justly proud of the splendid manner in
which the people of the city have dem
onstrated that they appreciate a square
deal on the part of i newspaper. In
public demonstrations at the city hall.
in talks on the streets and in business
houses and over the telephone the peo-
plo who are making this a greater Sa
lem, small and largo property owners
and citizens generally have signified
their approval of the course of The
Capital Journal in exposing the costly
mistakes of the city officials in han
dling public improvements and the
city's money. The efforts of The Cap
ital Journal have been followed by low
tactics on the part of certain persons
connected with the present administra
tion and a few of their friends. The
action of the city council In cutting off
the printing of official notices la this
newspaper was only a part of tho plot.
An Ice Cream Jag.
' .
San Francisco, April 23. Fif-
ty-seven women, leaders in the
movement to oust Police Judge
Charles Weller, celebrated his re-
call last night with an ice cream
"jag." The celebrants were the
organizers and directors of the
Women 's Recall League, to which
organization Weller' owes his de-
$ feat. "Here's to Wiley Crist,"
shouted the women, as they suck-
- ed ice cream soda through straws.
After ordering separate checks,
the women went home.
Board Decides It Would Be Impossible
to Buy Brick in Open Market
at Low Enough Figure. i
The state fair board held a meeting
yesterday and decided to postpone tho
building of a pavilion until next year.
The legislature appropriated $00,000 for
the purpose, but the penitentiary brick
yard is shut down and the appropria
tion is not large enough to warrant the
purchase of brick in tho open market.
Accordingly the work will not be done
until next year.
A delegation of machinory jobbers
appeared before the board and suggest
ed that they would erect a new shod in
case the board would provide plans and
specifications. The stato architect was
instructed to comply with the request
and the building will undoubtedly be
erected before the fair next fall.
Days for the fair were designated as
follows: Momlay, Children's day;
Tuesday, Woodmen of the World; Wed
nesday, Salem day; Thursday, Port
land day; Friday, German society day;
Saturday, Shriners' day.
No decision was made in regard to
the building of a half-mile race track
for the novelty events.
- i. i -rer
KiUed by FaUing Walli
Seattle, Wash., April 23. William
Webb, aged 05, ajicl Peter Lareen, aged
20, wore killed and W. A. Brown, aged
35, and Talmer Sundaft, aged 10, wore
seriously injured when a brick wall,
three stories high, collapsod yesterday
afternoon in the abandoned Lawton
school here. The men were employed
by the Seattle Wrecking company and
the dismantling of the building pro
gressed to the point where only the
brick walls remained.
To Consult Senator.
Washington, April 23. President
Wilson will occupy the president's
room at tho capitol tomorrow long
enough to consult 25 senators regard
ing fedoral appointments in their re
spective states, according to an an
nouncement at the White House today.
Weather Forecast
Oregon Fair tonight, with
heavy frost east, and light frost
1 west portion. Thursday, fair,
T warmer. Variable winds becom-
ing easterly.
Efforts wore made to cut off business
elsewhere and, as in the case of the
nty printing, the effect was to boost
the advertising and tho subscription
list. The city printing plan proved
such ft boomorang that action was re
considered after a week and The Capi
tal Journal again designated to publish
city legal notices.
The effort to intorest business men
in behalf of the thin-skinned officials
has proven a flat failure. Business
men are looking for results, and Tho
Capital Journal gives them the best
returns because it is an evening pa
per read in the homes, and for tho fur
ther reason that It has the largest cir
culation in Salem.
The Capital Journal has been loyal
to halom, its people and its institu
tions. It has been loyal to Salem mer
chants, to the extent of refusing to
accept good paying advertisements of
fered tbe paper by Portland detri
ment stores. Haletn people and mer
chants believe in a square deal, and
they xo not to bo Influenced in ioln-
ing. any attempted "boycott" which
Italian Bunco Gang Being
Pulled Comes Though on
the Police Force.
Head Bunco Kan Says Ho Paid Higher
Ups 15 Par Cent and Police on
Beat $5 a Week.
ckitsd ranss lussd wins. '
San Francisco, April 23. Spurred to
action by wholesale charges of graft,
voiced against the police department
by members of an Italian bunco ring
that cleaned up more than $300,000 in
San Francisco, Chief of Police White
today left for San Quentiu prison per
sonally to interview Michael Gallo, one
of the convicted bunco men.
Gallo has signed a confession in
which he alleges he paid thousands of
dollars to Detectives Frank Esola,
"Brick" McHugh, Louis Droulette,
James Sullivan, James McGowan and
Charles Taylor. Besides paying these
men for alleged "protection," Gallo
charges that he paid $5 a weok to each
of the policemen on the beat where he
Since his arrest Gallo says ho has
been visited many times by police offi
cers who promised to see that Mrs. Gal
lo would receive monthly payments
while ho was in prison. Chiof -White
refused to issue any statement before
leaving headquarters, but it is known
that ho intends to probe Gallo 's
charges." ,
' Oavo Up 15 Per Cent.
San Francisco authorities are as
tounded by the accusations of the bun
co men, who say they paid detectives 15
por cent of their earnings. Maurice De
Martiui and Frank DuBois, other mem
bers of the ring, have made similar
charges. As DoMartini and Gallo have
been separated for months, it is pointed
out that there could not possibly bave
been any collusion between them.
"The evidence secured so far," said
District Attorney Fickert today, "has
been that of alleged accomplices, and
I am afraid it will not be sufficient
upon which to base the arrest of the
accused detectives. From today on I
will devote every effort to getting cor
roborative evidence. I intend to inter
view Private Dotoctive McCarthy, who
worked up the evidence against the
bunco men. I think he can help us
corroborate tho allegations of DuBois,
Gallo and DoMartini."
W. E. Hanson, of Hood Itivor, today
roquosted an opinion from the attorney-general
on tho question of whether
women must tell their exact age when
registering. Hood River women have
insisted that it was. unnecessary to say
anything further than that they are
over 21. The attornoy gonoral ruled
sometime ago that women nniBt tell
their exact age and this ruling answers
the Hood River query. It was pro
posed during the sossion of the legisla
ture to make It unnecessary for voters
to give their age, but the law, aa fin
ally enacted, does not contain this pro
vision. F HE GETS IT?
may bo Instituted by a few officials
who are too thin-skinned to stand hon
est and just criticism.
The city attorney last week told of
the plans of the men who have been
under fire. According to him. thov
purposed to make an effort to put Tho
Capital Journal out of business.
1 When we gat after It, I don 't care
how big or how long a sack the pub
lishers of the Capital Journal have, we
will get them," was substantially tho
statemont of the city attorney.
While Page talks a good deal and
often overestimates his Importance, It
is not unlikely that ho had discussed
the plan with others.
Since tho printing fiasco and the
complete efforts to silence The Capital
Journal by bulldozing threats, the on-
ponenU of a free press have been do
ing ft lot of squabbling among them
selves and have about concluded that
so far as The Capital Journal is con
csrneil, it will be wise for them to keep
hands off Its business affairs and walk
the straight and narrow path in eon
ductlag atroat and other Improvements.
The Strike Progressing.
San Francisco, April 23. The
strike of union wireless operators
against the Marconi company is
progressing as well as could be
expected, according to the claims
here today of 8. J. Konenkamp,
president of the Commercial Tel
egraphers Union. He asserts it
will be several days before the
strike can be made very effective
but declares that within a week
the company will find itself in a
critical situation.
Has Served Two Years for Manslaugh
ter and Is Said to Be in Fail
ing Health.
When the prison parole board meets
this afternoon at the penitentiary, an
application for parole -submitted by
Mrs. Carrie Kirsch will be taken under
consideration and the fi.ial decision
will be looked forward to with much
intorest in view of the fact that the ap
plicant was convicted of manslaughter
in Multnomah county shortly after
Jesse P. Wobb was convicted of murder
in the first degree and sentenced to
hang for the killing of one Mr. John
sou and lator saved from the noose by
Governor West, who commuted his sen
tenco to life imprisonment.
According to Webb's wife and daugh
ter, who were largely responsible for
the action of tho governor, Mrs. Kirsch
invaded the Wobb home in Seattle and
enticed the husband and fathor away to
Portland, where he killed a man by the
name of Johnson and aftor robbing tho
victim, cut the body - to pieces and
placed it In a trunk. The court records
show that Mrs. Kirsch urged Wobb to
commit the crime and for this reason,
she wag found guilty of manslaughter.
Webb was sentenced to death, but
just as the superintendent of the prison
was reading the death warrant on the
day set for execution, Governor West
intervened and commuted the condemn
ed man's sentence.
Mrs. Kirsch Hysterical.
Upon being advised that the parole
board was to meet today, Mrs. Kirsch
grew hysterical last night and has been
sobbing and moaning since then. Just
what action the board will take In her
case remains to be seen, but in view
of the fact the prisoner is failing in
health, according to the superintendent
of the institution, and that she has
served two years already, chances for
a parole are favorable.
Mrs. Kirsch, when brought to the
prison, was unable to withstand the
shock of being locked behind barred
doors and stone walls and was transfer
red to the asylum, where she worked in
the sowing department for several
months. Public sentiment revolted at
throwing a murderess in the midst of
the unfortunate insane and Mrs. Kirsch
was brought back to the prison.
According to tho prison officials,
Mis. Kirsch has been seeking ft parole
for the past yoar or sp and at each time
tho parole board moots, grows frantic
and causes groat disturbance in the wo
man's ward. Superintendent Lawson
declares the woman Is failing in health.
united run umssd wisa.l
San Francisco, April 23. To plead
guilty to the charge of robbing a cloth
ing store, Patrick Shea, Bert Siberllng
and Maud Shea, members of an alloged
burglarious gang, recently rounded up
by tho pollco, appoared before Superior
Judge Dunno today. They will be sen
tenced Saturday.
Miss Jessie Clifton, tho protty Sun
Francisco art student, who was arrested
with the gang, Is In the city hospitrtl,
suffering from the effects of an oper
ation she is alleged to havo performed
uK)ii herself,
More Operators to Strike.
Seattle. Wash.. Anril 23. When the
steamer Pueblo reaches Ran Francisco,
Wireless Operators Scott and Strauss
are expected to join the strikers,
"They did not leavo tho ship horn,"
said M. L. Konnedy, chairman of the
local executive committee of the strik
ers, "hecaiuw they , had signed the
ship's papers for their return to San
Francisco. There are 1.1 oerators in
Seattle now on strike, and as the ships
come in, the operators will walk out.
Naturally, owing to the nature of our
work, It probably will be two or three
WML tllhfnM 4tlA trllr MI It. anm.
'pletely organised. "
Beside Being Bigamist, Ellia,
I Alleged to Have De
, frauded Woman.
Miss Bock Finds That Ellis Has Wife
and Throe Children, and Her
Marriage Is Void-
Governor West today issued requisi
tion papers for Joseph E. Ellis, alia
J. H. Duffy, alias F. T. Richards, Bes
sie Duffy and Jane Doe Duffy, nnder
arrest in California, who are charged,
at Portland, with haying defrauded
Annie 8. Bock by pretending that they
were owners of ft large tract of land in
Columbia county. Ellis engineered the
deal and secured $1065 from Miss Bock
by pretending that she would have ft
one-nair interest in ft sawmill.
In an affidavit accompanying the ap
plication for a requisition, Miss Bock
says she saw an advertisement of ft
marriage bureau in a paper, and wrote
from Gainesville, Fla., for ft list of the
eligibles. Soon she was in correspond
ence with Ellis at Portland. He repre
sented himsolf to be a lumberman.
with $50,000 worth of property. Ho
needed capital to develop his interests
by builaing a sawmill, he said, and
soon secured loans aggregating $000.
They were married at Hawkinsville,
Ga,, and Ellis got more money.
They returned to Portland, and Ellis
kept putting off the delivery of deeds
to the Columbia county property. Re
cently he disappeared and Miss Bock
hired tho Burns dotoctive agency to lo
cate him. It was ' soon ascertained
that he had departed with another wife)
and three, children for California,
Ellis, it is said, will fight against be
ing returned to Portland for trial.
Bryan Invited to Come.
State Capitol, Sacramento, Cal., April
23. At 14:40 p. m: today the California:
assembly ordered tbe chief clerk to
transmit to President Wilson by tele
graph the resolution adopted by that
body by ft vote of 59 to 11 inviting
Secretary of State Bryan to consult
with the lawmakers on . the form in
which the proposed anti-alien laad law
shall be couched.
Discussing the Tariff.
Washington; April 23. The house to
day continued the discussion on the
tariff bill. It was expected that open,
discussion would conclude Monday,
when consideration undor the five
minute rule will begin.
A score of set speeches, mostly made
for homo consumption comprised to
day's discussion) Chairman Undor
wood, of the ways and means commit
tee, and Major Leaders, in the house,
expect to speak at length, but extem
poraneously, in explaining the bill. Tho
Republicans and Progressives will di
vide half of the time allotted for do
bate. '
Was Badly Burned.
Seattlo, Wash., April 23. Miss
Louise McClean was painfully burned
about the face and upper part of the
body In ft fire at the home of her sls-ter-ln-law,
Mrs. Sarah McLean, about
6 o'clock this morning. The fire was
caused by an ovorhonted chimney.
In the excitement the fact that Miss
McLoan was upstairs asloop was for
gotten for some time. Otto C. Memlts,
s jotter carrier, rushed to her room and
carried her to the roof.
Explosion Kills Several and 100 Are
Burled In Pennsylvania Coal
dnitsd rsisa LS1SID WISS
Pittsburg, Pa., April 23. Several fa
talities are reported, and nearly 100
minors are believed to be penned in as
tho result of an explosion today which
wrecked entries 12 and 13 of the Cln
cincinatl nil no of tho Mouougehela Con
solidated Coal (.'oniHiny, at Courtney,
Pa., 50 miles south of here. News of
the disaster was received here this af
ternoon. The company admits that the
explosion occurred.
It is stated that ten minors were
taken from the mine, and there is hops
of rescuing the remainder of taa
tombed moo.