Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 22, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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paob ma.
Great Spring Time Sale
Fancy silks, stripes, dots
and figures.
60c values 45c
85c values 69c
Nansook Petticoats
$2.50 dress goods ....$2.24
$1.50 dress goods ....$1.34
$1.00 dress goods 88
.50 dress goods' ...1 .44
Our artist will not be in our window any more, but, as we have a few coupons left, he
has agreed to finish any work that may come in during the next two weeks, before leav
ing the city. Get your coupons and leave your orders here.
The Spring Time
Will still be continued. All
the specials advertised for
this sale will be in full effect
and there will be A FEW
Home Coming.
Salem Lodge No. 336, B. P. O. E.,
will celebrate its seventeenth anniver
sary on the evening of Thursday, April
24th at the Elks' hall in this city.
An elaborate program has been pre
pared and members of the local lodge
will turn out in force to this the big
event of tho year in Elkdom. Many
members living elsewhere have signi
fied their intention of coming home to
the annual festivities.
Word comes from Portland that a
special (rain; loadof Elks will be pres
ent Thursday night.
Glasgow, April 21. After the river
This is tho picturo that drew tho
largest crowd ever shown to in Port
lund's best theatre See it at tho Bligh
today and tomorrow only.
cnaaaaansanazassnaaanaaEi Baaaanaaaananaaaaaaaaaai
Scotch Woolen Mills, World's Largest Tailors
A New Spring Suit
Made to your order, made to fit YOU, made for YOU, to
suit your taste and indvidual style. Made in the very latest
style, from your choice of over One Thousand select pattern
of all Pure Wool and Pure Worsted materials for
$15.00 and $20.00
You can be one of the best , dressed men in town and wear
tailor made clothes for a price less than the ordinary guess fit
costs. Get your order in early. Come in and have your meas
ure taken at once. '
We do Cleaning and Pressing,
called for and delivered.
Salem Branch 359 State Street.
Cotton Blanket
$2.00 values ....$1.79
$1.65 values $1.48
$1.50 values $1.34
$1.00 values 89
Women's Muslin Drawers
trimmed with embroidery
or lace, with fine tucking.
35c drawers 24c
50c values 42c
40c values 33c
30c values 23c
25c values 18c
18c values 14c
Clyde had been widened to permit her
to slip safely from the ways, the Cu
nard liner Aquitania, declared to be
the largest vessel afloat, was launched
here today. The Countoss of Sherry
christened the vessel.
The Aquitania is 900 feet over all,
with a 99-foot beam. She i 50,0000
tons register, and carries 80 turbines of
1000 horse power each. She will ac
commodate 4000 passengers, and will
carry a crew of 1100.
Scores of lifeboats and two motor
launches are providod for the giant
Governor West recoived word from
tho general land office and tho Oregon
delegation at Washington today that
action is about ' to be taken on the
state' lieu selections, after a delay of
12 years, during which time the matter
has been pigoonholed in the land of
fice. Tho state soloctcd certain sec-
tions to mako up for losses from tho
school lands. As a result of tho delay
Call Main
75c Diamond E Brand
Golf and Negligee shirts.
Great value
$1.25 Golf and Negligee
Shirts, pleated or plain
bosom, only
See our great extra spe
cialties in
$10 and $15
' in ihtk rrnnarnl loml ntt'xta tlta atain Vo
sustained a loss of $100,000 in interest.
The correspondence indicates that the
state will come into its own in a very
short time.
However, the Detroit club will lose
in the long run as Cobb was the man
who swelled the attendance receipts.
ft Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forevei
Rem ovpb Tnn, Pirn rl on,
Fircklui, Moth Patches,
Hush, and Skin Dtseaira
mm fvpry bluinifh
mi beauty, aii J He
flea detection. It
huHst'toii tbe tPKt
f 80 yenrs, wirt
lit so tjttmilcna wc
) pro iit-fly maifo.
Accept no counter
feit of niuilUr
name. Dr. L. a.
Havre mid to
My of the bruit
t'in (a pitlk'ut ) ;
Ai yrni laiilcF
will uq them
I rfcummenf)
Gouriiii(lH Credits' us the leant tmrmfti. of ll the
akin peiiftrmiunH." Kr Bale by all driiKRiKtn rind Kitncy
Good Dcalu n Id tbe United Ht&ttss, Curmda mid Europe.
(BID. T. HOPKINS, Prop, 37 Great Jcnes Street. New Toil
854. Clothes
World's Largest Tailors.
i : .... j .
Pastor Russell's Sermon
Two Examples Given In Bible,
Says Pastor Russell.
Precept Enforced by Example God's
Great Lessons For Man and For An
gels Satan and Christ The Groat
Rebel and His Failure God'a Loyal
Son and Hit Victory Both Are Held
Up to Us For Examplea One Pio
tures What God Hates The Other
Pictures What God Approves The
Penalty Upon the One Illustrates
God's Provision For All of his Dis
position The Reward of the Other
Illustrates God's Love and Blessing
Toward All the Followers of Jesus.
Toledo, O., April
13. Pastor Rus
sell, widely known
through bis pub
lished sermons, is
here todny address
ing Bible Students,
and also-as usual,
tbe public. Crowds
seem anxious al
ways to heur him.
We report one of
his discourses,
from tbe text:
"Humble your
selves therefore under the mighty hand
of God, tbnt He may exult you In due
time." 1 Peter 5:0.
The Pastor declured that the Bible
everywhere holds up the Lord Jesus
Christ as the glorious Fattern of what
Is most pleasing to, the Heavenly Fa
ther, a Pattern therefore to he copied
by all who would abide In God's favor.
He reminded bis hearers that there
are certain steps necessary before any
can come into the favor of God, and
properly be called His children, or said
to be under His supervision and care,
or be permitted to address nim In
prayer, or to consider themselves heirs
of His favors and blessings. This la
made very clear by the Apostles and
also by Jesus Himself, said the Pastor.
The Apostles declare the necessity of
nn Advocate with the Father before
any can npproach Him, come Into Ills
presence or receive any favor .from
Him. Jesus .expired this same
thought, saying, "No man comet U unto
the Father, lint by Me."
As a matter of fact, ' therefore, a
comparatively small proportion of hu
manity have uny of God's favors at
the present-time, said tho Pastor. But
wo rejoice In the breadth of tho Mes
sage, which assures us that In God's
"duo time" ull shull be brought to a
knowledge of Messiah, uud privileged
through Him to enjoy the gift of God
everlasting life. But what is coming
and what Is here now are two differ
ent matters. No one has authority to
make the Narrow Way a Broad Way,
nor to say that many will find It when
the Scriptures declare, "Few there bo
that find It." Our consolation Is thut
this Narrow Way leads to special
glory, honor, Immortality and the DI
yino Nature, and will develop a spe
cial, elect class. Then subsequently,
this select class will be used of tho
Lord In blessing the non-elect many
with n great, but Inferior lilesslng.
The Pastor demonstrated that his
text relates not to the world In gen
eral, but merely to the consecrated
few who during this Age hear the In
vitation, accept It, and become foot
step followers of Jesus. These bnvo
their sins forgiven as a result of faith
In tho precious blood of Christ and of
consecration to do tho will of God.
These then have the Redeemer ns their
Advocate wllh the Futher, and nre ac
cepted In the Relnved as His brethren.
Theso nre the prospective members
of tho Brldo of Christ, who by the
Lord's1 grace may now suffer with
their Redeemer in cross-bearing, and
by and by share with Illin His glori
ous Kingdom. Theso are begotten of
the Father through the Holy Spirit,
and thus become New Creatures In
Christ. No longer are they to be
classed as members of the human
family, but ns spiritual sons of God,
of n new order, higher than tbe angels,
but not yet perfected. Their perfect
ing cannot take place until their pro
bationary trial shall have ended, and
It will not end until death. In the
glorious First Resurrection, therefore,
these will bo perfect, as sons of God on
the Divine plane, associates and Jolnt
belrs with their Lord and Redeemer.
To Those Our Text Applies.
These are exhorted to come 'with
boldness to the Throne of Heavenly
Grace, to obtain mercy, and Dnd grace
to help In every time of need. These,
and only these, may know that their
prayers are always heard. As Jesus
said, "Their messengers do always have
access to My Father's presence." (Mat
thew 18:10.) The exhortations of the
Apostle are to these alone not to the
In our context the Apostle holds lip
the Lord Jesus as the greut Pattern of
humility, the example for nil of Ills
followers, admonishing that they
should walk In Ills steps, If they would
have the Divine favor that He enjoys
and attain with Him to Jolnt-helrshlp
in His glorious Kingdom. Ho was
rich, yet In obedience to the Father's
will He laid aside the riches of Ills
Heavenly estate, and became poor not
merely appeared poor, Tie laid aside,
or divested Himself of nil spirit con
dition and glory, and took Instead hu
man conditions.
From being above the angels, He of
His own volition took a nature and
place "a little lower than the angels."
And He did this, knowing It was only
a preliminary step. He knew that the
particular steps of self-denial and suf
fering were to follow. He humbled
Himself to become a man, because a
man Adam had sinned, and through
him a race bad come under sentence of
death, and could not extricate Itself.
Only an uncondemned man could re
deem the condemned one. For this
purpose Jesus left His glory, and "was
found in fashion as a man."
The Logos did not become a sinful
man, a blemished or imperfect man.
On the contrary, He was "holy, harm
less, undeSled and separate from sin
ners." Otherwise, He could not have
been the Redeemer. Being sinless, bow
ever, this perfect One would suffer all
the more from the shame and Igno
miny connected with the mission He
undertook. .
As It was not a babe, but a man,
that had sinned and was to be redeem
ed, therefore Jesus needed to wait un
til He reached manhood's estate thirty
years before He could begin His min
istry. Promptly at thirty He made
His consecration, and symbolized it
by water Immersion at Jordan. Then
He went forth, declaring tbe Message
which He knew would be misunder
stoodthe Message of God's Love, tbe
Message that there must be a sacrifice
for sin, the Message that He was the
Sln-Offerlng, the Message that as a re
sult of that Sin-Offering, blessed fruit
age afterward would come, In the Mil
lennial Kingdom, which would bless
all the families of the earth.
As He foreknew, mankind, even the
best prepared the Jewish people
were not ready for the Message. Thus,
as He foresaw and as tho Scriptures
foretold, they crucified Him Ignorant
ly for as St. Paul declares: "Had they
known It they would not have crucified
the Lord of glory." (1 Corinthians 2:8.)
St. Paul reminds us that we should
consider Christ's undeservedness of
persecution, lest we should be "weary
and faint in our minds." ' Similar ex
periences must to some extent come
upon us. And If He who was perfect
endured patiently, we who are Imper
fect may well exercise great patience.
And so in our text the exhortation is
that we perceive how Jesus humbled
Himself, and that we should think it
a great privilege and pleasure similarly
to experience humiliations.
ThoiRewards of Humility and Loyalty.
No doubt the Logos, "the Beginning
of the Creation of God," the "First
born of every creuture," the one by
whom nil things were made, bad such
loyalty to the Father thnt He would
have been obedient, oven had no re
ward been attuched to tho Invitation
given Him. But, on the other hand,
it would not have been consistent with
kindness, love or Justice for the Father
to demand of His Son such a sncrlllee.
Justice can mnke no such demand.
And If Lovo makes such a suggestion,
it should properly back up the sugges
tion with some promise of special
favor or blessing. According to the
Apostle, God did Just this. Ho In
formed Ills Son that Ho would appre
ciate such a sacrifice, and set before
nim a Joy, a hope.
Tho Apostle does not explain the de
tails of that hope, but we niay Infer
them: (1) The Joy of the Father's
blessing in a superlative sense. (2)
The Joy of bringing many sons of God
to the plane of glory as Ills Itrldo
class. (3 The Joy of rescuing tho
world of mankind from sin, sickness,
sorrow, pain, death, and of uplifting,
or resurrecting all the willing and obe
dient of the race to humnn.perfectlon,
and ull that was lost by Adam, (4)
An exaltation to a still higher station
tint n that which Ho hail left. Iln
would lie mude partaker of tho Divine
nature, far above angels, principalities
and powers, and above Mis own previ
ous high station us tho Only Begotten
of tho Fnthcr, the Logos the Word.
-John 1:1-3.
Here we nrb, dear brethren, with the
Apostle's words and the full scope of
his Inspired testimony before us, Ho
tells us thut if we desire to bo of the
glorious Class of more thun conquer
ors, who will be honored by tho Re
deemer, we must humble ourselves to
tho doing of tho Divine will to tho
best of our ability, as our Redeemer
humbled Himself to do the Father's
will perfectly. Not that the Futher
will accept anything less than perfec
tion, but thnt our Redeemer will make
up to us by the Imputation of Ills
righteousness for all that which we
lack through our sharo In Adam's full
and its consequence. In other words,
If we have the same loyalty of henrt
that tho Master hud, we will, do what
we can, and so doing shall be accepta
ble" to the Father, through tho Hon.
8stan's Course In Contrast.
Notice, now, the coirtrust between
Satan's course and that of the Lord
Jesus. Satan took the opposito course
from that which the Redeemer took.
Instead of bumbling himself, willing
to do everything that would bo pleas
ing to the Father, be was proud,
haughty, and sought to exult himself.
Lucifer was rich beforo his rebellion,
before he became Satan, tho advorsary
of God. Yet he was not ho rich, had
not so high a station, as tho Ixgos,
who was the very chief of all of God'a
creation, through whom the Divine
energy operated In tho creation of all
things that were made.
Mark well the course of pride, that
led to Satan's sin, and will ultimately
lend to his degradation and destruc
tion. Mark well also tho cotirso of
Jesus, as It led Illm through obedience
to humiliation, and then to the highest
glory. Which example shall wo fol
low? Which fate w'lll be ours? Shall
we In humility walk In tbo footsteps
of our Redeemer, and becomt His
Joint-heirs in His glory, honor and Im
mortality? or shall we take the other
course of pride, and thus become disci
ples of the Adversary, and learn of
him, and reach his doom destruction
in the Second Death?
The Apostle Intimates that God tests
us upon certain general lines, general
principles operating His Government
"He that humbleth himself shall be
exalted, and be that exalteth himself
shall be abased." Beloved bearers, It
seems to me that, with these Illustra
tions before us, it would be folly for
us to permit the seeds of pride or per
sonal ambition to take root in our
hearts. Let us be diligently on the
outlook to erndlcate everything of the
kind, and be close students of our Mas
ter, copying nis course.
There Is a reason behind every Di
vine command and regulation. Men
may mnke arbitrary rules and condi
tions without Justifiable cause, but we
mny be sure thnt the grent Creator has
a good reason for His every act and re
quirement In the present case, we
can readily discern the necessity for
the Divine requirement of humility.
The Lord Jesus and His Church nre in
vited by the great Jehovah to the very
highest position in the universe, next
to nimself. Such an exaltation would
be dangerous to any one possessed of a
spirit of pride or selfish ambition. Who
can tell at what time the smoldering
fire might break Into a blaze and cause
confusion and disorder?
Consider Satan's case. What might
have been the result had he been en
trusted with so high a position as that
now occupied by the glorified Jesus?
There would have been genuine re
bellion In Heaven of the kind Milton
so foolishly Imagined. How we can
see the wisdom of the Almighty in
testing those whom He would exalt to
His own Divine nature! Even His
well-beloved Son was required to dem
onstrate His faithfulness and loyalty
nnto denth "even tho Ignominious
denth of the cross." So the Apostle
snys thnt it beenme God, 'In bringing
many sons unto glory, to make the
Captain oif their salvation perfect
through sufferings" to prove Him per
fect by the things which He suffered
to demonstrate that the things which
He had always professed and had al
ways done, expressed the sentiment of
His heart in the fullest and most nbso
lute sense.
Thus again we read. "Though ne
were a Son, yet learned He obedience
by the things which He suffered."
(Hebrews 5:8.) Again we read that it
was because of His faithfulness thnt
God highly exnlted Him and gave Him
a name above every name. If this
was nccpssnry In the ease of our Re
deemer, before tho Fnthcr could prop
erly so highly exnlt Him, whnt shall we
sny of Ills followers? Surely we must
agree to the necessity for most thor
ough tenting, proving, demonstrating,
tho loyalty of the Church bofore they
could be made partukers of the Divine
nature and sharers of that neavenly
glory. 2 Peter 1:4. .
This is tho Import of our text: Re
member tho heights, the glories Of the
Heavenly culling which you have re
ceived of God through Christ! Re
member that you were by nature a
child of wrath, even as others! Re
member that once you were alienated
from God through wicked works! Re
member thnt God Is working in you to
will and to do His good pleasure, to
develop In you the character pleasing
to Himself! Remember that unless
this work of grace go on in your beurt
dny bv day, It will not bo accomplish
ed! Remember thnt unless It bo ac
complished, you will not bo tit for a
place in tjo Kingdom! Remember thut
God bus predestinated that only such
as demonstrate that nt henrt they nre
copies of His Son can ever bo His Joint
heirs In the Kingdom; mid remember
that In all this wo see tho force of tbe
text: "llumblo yourselves therefore
under tho mighty bund of God, thut
He may exult you In duo time."
Our trials nnd difficulties, our stum
blings and repentances, our vows to
the Lord, nnd our endeavor to keep
these, lire purls of tho grent humbling
process necessary to our exultation.
Trials and Temptations Neoessary,
When wo get the proper focus on this
subject of tho culling nnd election of
tho Church, It clarifies everything. We
see now that If we could eseapo trials
and dilllcultles and testings, we would
escape tlio necessary schooling experi
ences, and lie unfit for our graduation,
unfit for a sharo In tho First Resur
rection. 'It takes us soma time to get
this proper view of mutters, even ns
when we wero school children, It re
quired some time for us to learn the
lesson that to be helped with uu an
swer or to be excused from n lesson or
to have a holiday were nil dlsudvnn
tnges. A stilllclent number of such
failures to learn our lessons properly
would mean unpreparcdness for exam
ination day. We have entered (lod'i
grent training Rchool. Its great Teach
er Is our dear Redeemer, to whom we
are betrothed, Kvery lesson in the
course Is necessary for our polishing
and preparation for theglorles to follow.
In this School everything depends
upon ourselvcH. Tho arrangements nre
nil of God and therefore perfect. The
greut Tencber will not full In Ills duty
townrd us. Tho results, therefore, nre
with ourselves, If wo lenrn the les
ions, we shull surely bo graduated, and
be presented beforo our llenvcnly Fa
ther and the holy nugels with honor
nnd glory. Hut If we full to lenrn the
lessons necessary, wo shull have only
ourselves to blnrne. Indeed, from the
viewpoint which wo sjinll hnvo beyond
the veil, we surely would not want a
place for which wo wero not prepared,
nnd God would not give It to us. In
this entire matter, therefore, wo see
that God Is operating His elections, se
lections, Instructions nnd final approv
als along the lines of absolute Justice,
fulrncss, principle not favoritism.
Quickly Eases Stiff, Bore, Swollen
Joints and Muscles Drives '
Rheumatic Fains Aaway.
It is needless to suffer any longer
with rheumatism, and be all crippled
up and bent out of shape with its
heart-wrenching pains, when you can
easily avoid it.
Rheumatism comes from weak, in
active kidneys, that fail to filter from
the blood, the poisonous waste matter
uric acid; and it is useless to rub on
liniments or tak ordinary remedies to
rehove tho pain. This only prolongs
the misery and can 't possibly cure you.
The only way to cure rheumatism is
to remove the causo. The new discov
ery, Croxone, des this because it neu
tralizes and dissolves tho poisonous
substances and urio acid that lodge in
the joints and muscles, to scratch and
irritate and oanse rheumatism, and
cleans out and strengthens the stopped-
up, inactive kidneys, so thoy can filter
the poison from the blood, and drive it
on and out of the system.
Croxone is tho most wonderful medi
cine ever made, for curing chronic rheu
matism, kidney troublos, and bladder
disorders. You will find it difforent
from all other remedies. There is noth
ing olso on earth like it. It matters
not how old you are, or how long you
have suffered, it is practically imDossi-
ble to take it into the. human system
without rosults. You will find relief
from the first few doses, and vou will
be surprised how quickly all your mis
ery and snfforing will end.
An original package of Croxone costs
but a trifle at any first class drug
store All druggiBts are authorized to
sell it on a positive monoy-back guaran
tee. Three doses a day for a few days
is often all thnt is ever needed to cure
tho worst backache or overcome urin
ary disorders.
Heed the Cough that Hangs On.
The seeds of consumption may be in
lurk, and a cough that hangs on weak
ens your system, and lowers your vital
resistance to disease Take Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. It stops the
cough, heals the inflamed membranes
and strengthens the lungs. E. D. Boun
tree, Stillmore, Ga,, says: "La Grippe
left me with a deep-seated cough from
which I could get no relief until I took
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound It
ftnmnlatAlw -M.l 1 1 T,
tutes. Dr. Stone's drug store. I
Love lovols all things, when love is
on the level.
A Great Fain Killer.
Sick headaches, sour, gassy stohiach,
indigestion, biliousness diaapponr quick
ly after taking Dr. King's Now Life
Pills. Thoy purify tho blood and put
new life nnd vigor in the system. Try
thorn and you will be well satisfied.
Kvery pill helps; every box guaranteed.
Price 25c. Rocommondod by J. C. Perry-
If! one likos midwinter woathor in
April all ho has to do is to move enst
ward from 1000 to 2000 milos.
Files Cured in 6 to la Days.
Your druggist will refund monov if
PAZO OINTMENT fnils to cure any
caBO of Itching, Blind, Blooding or Pro
truding Piles in 0 to 14 days. 50o
Children Cry
Iloadquartors for
At tho Lowost Prices.
Succossor to Charles D. Mulligan.
250 Court 8t. Phono 124
Dr. J. C. Yuen
Successor to Sr, Kum, the greatest
Chinese Expert Horhlst.
Care Bow Wo k Herb Co.
107 South High Street.
Patients speak for tiiemBolves.
Miclluirn, Ore., April it), llll.'t.
Dr. ,T. (.'. Yuen, Hnlem, Ore.:
Dear Hlr: I wish to offer yon n
testimonial in regard to your wonderful
I bad the advice of some of tho noted
physicians, and tlioy told mo thut I hud
nppcndicitii), and would liavo to bo
operated on before I could got well.
Not wishing to bo operated liKn I
consulted Dr. J. 0, Yuen, and uow, af
ter about three months' treatment, I
am agnin fooling strong and hoalthy.
I wish to do all in ui.v power to cir
culnto the knowlmlgo of your wonder
ful modicluo. Respectfully,
Shelburn, Oregon.