DAILY CAPITAL JOTJBNAI SALEM, OBEQON, TUESDAY, A PEEL 8, 1913. PAOB 1'IVB. Springtime Sale of Distinctive New Tailored Suits Our suit department has gained the well deserved reputation of having as splen didly tailored and as beauti ful suits for the prices as any store on the coast, barring none, but we are frank to ad mit that we bought expect ing sunshine and the radi ance of spring, and bought an extremely Large Stock. You can thank the Rain COD for these unprecedented prices at this time of the year. Suits to $40.00 in value, now $29.00 Suits to $32.00 in value, now , A...$25.00 Suits to $26.00 in value, now $19.75 Suits to $20.00 in value, now .., $15.00 Suits to $15.00 in value, now $11.50 Suits to $10.00 in value, now $ 7.50 These Prices Also Apply to Our Lovely Dresses By far the largest asortment of dresses that we have ever shown are now being displayed here. Soft, clinging chiffons, silk pop lins with Dresden trimming, silk brocaded, striped, figured and plain silks. Woolen dress es with all of the new drapes and little details that mark the late creations. Ratines in all col ors. ' Linens that are attracting much favorable attention. ; All dresses up to $10.00 in val ue sold at the above reductions for SPRINGTIME SALE. I i Mexicans Are Fighting. , (UNITED FUBI UiSID Will, ' Naco, Ariz., April 8. Fighting be tween Ojcda's Mexican federal garri son and the Sonora state rebels began today a milo south of the international boundary. Several men are roported to have been wounded. Two American 'avalrymen were wounded slightly by bullets that fell on the American side. If you want to see tie Benogambian (n the water proposition woodpile, watch for tomorrow's Capital Journal. The Pope Has a Relapse. united r-ttsn uared wim. Borne, April 8. The condition of Pope Pius is growing worse this after noon, according to report. At 3:30 o'clock, Romo time, Dr. Marchiefava was again callod hastily to the Vatican. Ue remained an hour at the pope's bedside. A Card. This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your monoy if Foley 's Honey and Tar Compound falls to 'euro your cough or cold. John Bcr not, Toll, Wis., states "I have, used Foley 's Honey and Tar Compound as a family medicine for five years, and it has always given the boat of satisfac tion and produced good remits. It will always cure a cough or cold. For chil dren it is an indisponsible on account of its pleasant taste and its freodom from opiates.' Refuse substitutes. Dr. Stone's drug store. ' Certainly a man's wife may have been the only woman he ever loved at the time they faced the parson. How often have you wasted a dol lar's worth of time trying to save a penny f ABUNDANT FLUFFY HAIR IS IMPOSSIBLE IF YOU HAVE DANDRUFF How often we hear a beautiful wo man reforred to as having s regal head! Denude that head of its hair and in stead of a queenly, royal bearing we have a fright. Tho bair makes all the difference. To have that glurioHS abun dance of radiant hair which always crowns "a regnl head," one should use Newbro's llerpicidc. Horpicide represent the lost word in scientific hair culture. It destroys the dandruff, cheeks falling hair and Cor rects generally, diseases of the hair, and calp. The positive results and its delicate but refreshing odor recommends New bro's llcrpic.ide to ladies' of refineont everywhere. Bend 10c in postage for sample bottle of Horpicide and booklet to Tho Herpl cide Co., Dept. R, Detroit, Michigan. Newbro's Herpicide In 50c and $1.00 sir.es is sold by all dealers who guaran tee it to do all that Is claimed. If you are not satisfied Jour money will be re funded. ' Applications made by the best bar bers and hair dressers. Talks on Thrift "Economy no more means savings money than it means spending money; it means administration of a house; its stewardship; spending or saving, whe ther money or time, or anything clso, to the beat possible advantage." Ruskin. . There seems to bo a mistakon idea abroad as to just what is meant by the word thrift. It means more than the average person thinks it does. When in these talks we speak of sav ing money, we do not for an instant want any reader to think that we advo cate miserliness grubbing, cheese-paring, squeezing and saving evory pos sible cent, at the expense of self-respect, comfort and health. At times, spending, instead of saving, may be the wisest course. Thrift at once earns and saves, with a vi'ow to wholesome and profitable expenditure at a fitting time. But the actual accumulation of money is the outward and visible sign that a man is really thrifty, and although thrift means more than just saving, to a large extent saving is the measure of a man 's progress. Money isn't everything. It can't al ways buy health and happiness, but ir by your present thrift you are able to get into comfortable circumstances and banish the worry of debt, will you not be doing something that will surely make for health and happinesst While saving alone is not thrift, it is an indispensable part of it. However, we do not wish to encourage anyone to be stingy. Between saving money sen sibly and being a genuine "tightwad" there is a vast difference. Thrift is more than produnee, which h merely good judgment an dforcsiglit in tho practical affairs of life. It is more than economy, which is a disposi tion to save. It is more than frugality which is prudent economy in the care of money or goods. Parsimony is excessive and unreason able saving for the sake of saving. Miserliness denies one's self and others the comforts and even the ne cessities of life for the mere pleasure of hoarding. Industry earns, economy manages, prudence plans, frugality saves; but thrift earns, plans, manages and saves. As W. H. Kniffin, Jr., puts it in his 'new book, "The Savings Bank and Its Praeticnl Work": "Tho thrift habit teaches a man to earn largely, that he may save wisely, so as to be able to spend advantageously in tho time of need or opportunity, when the need will be greater or the opportunity better than that of the present." Lord Rosebery, , the .famous Britsh statesman, said: "Whatever thrift is, it is not avarice. Avarice is not gener ous; and after all, it is the thrifty peo ple who are generous. All true goneros ity can proceed only from thrift, be cause it is no generosity to give money which does not belong to you, as is the case with the unthrifty. And I venture to say that of all the great philanthro pists, all tho great fnancinl benofaetors of their specios of whom we have anv record, the most generous of all must have been thrifty men. ' Whether a woman should be oloetod a commissioner depends somewhat on the kind of a woman the aspirant is. Some of us think wo are entitled to a lot of credit for performing a duty,.and we are. BECHTEL & BYNON BARGAINS Eleven acres, three miles from town on good rock road, fine stream running water, grove trees, small house and barn. Ideal location for suburban home. Only $2500. Terms. See Mr. rettyjohn. We have just listed a rnre bargain in a farm 2'j miles from Salem, 100 acres, about 80 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timbor, new seven-room bungalow, Dew barn, chicken house, fenced, woll, 'spring, Tunning wator. Price only tl25 per acre. Terms. If you are looking for a bargain, see Mr. Scott. Will exchange for Salem property or Willamette valley farm the following California property: 30 acres full bear ing peach orchnrd, two lots in South Snn Francisco, one lot in Santa Cruz, two properties in Modesto City, valuo 10,000. 8co Mr.. Scott. To trade 30 acres all under cultiva tion, 0.1 acres set to fruit, choico vari eties, good 4-rooin house, barn, chicken house, two springs, team, harness, wag on, plow, harrow, cultivator, 17 aeros in oats. Will exchange for Salem property or .small acrongo, tip to 12800. See Mr. tfcott. . Bitty-aero farm, all In cultivation, one-fourth milo from Oregon Electric depot, 14 acros in bops, family orchard, good house, barn, hop house. This Is good black loam soil and a bargnin at 12I5 per acre, flood lot closo in on Court street, 11150. Choice lota in all parts of the city. Prices from $200 up. Eleven-loom house, modern, on paved street, asressmcnts all paid. Lot 40i 120. Only 2.r,00. This is a good buy, as houso. ronts for $20 per month. $13."0 buys s good modern Broom house on Commercial street, $500 cash, balance $15 per month. $1800 5-room house, close in on S. Liberty, lot 50x160; $400 cash, balance $15 per month. BECHTEL BYNON. Phone Main 452. 347 State St. (Continued from page 1.) chance to change. It destroys it. We must make changes in our fiscal laws, in our fiscal system, whose object is de velopment, a more free and wholesome development, not revolution or upset or confusion. We must build up trade, es pecially foreign trade. We need the outlet and the enlarged fiold of energy more than we ever did before. We must build up industry as well, and must adopt freedom in the place of artificial stimulation only so far as it will build, nut pull down. In dealing with the tariff the method by which this may bo done will be a mattor of judgment ex ercised item by item. To some not ac customed to the excitements and re sponsibilities of greater freedom our methods may in some respectB and at some points seem heroic, but remedies may be heroic and yet be remedies. It is our business to make sure that they are genuine remedies. Our object is clear. , If our motive is above challenge and only an occasional error of judg ment is chargeable against us, we shall be fortunate. 'Dealing With Tacts. ' We aro called upon to render the country a great service in more matter than one. Our responsibility should be met -and our methods should be thor ough, aB thorough as moderato, and we'l considered, based upon the facts as they aro, and not worked out as if we were beginners. We are to deal with the facts of our own day, with the facts of no other, and to make lawB which Bquare with those facts. It is best, in deed it is necessary, to begin with the tariff. I will urge nothing upon you now at the opening of your session which can obscure that first object or divert our energies from thnt clearly defined duty. At a later time I may tnko the liberty of calling your atten tion to roforms which should press close upon the heels of the tariff changes, if not accompany them, of which the chief is the reform of our banking and cur rency laws; but just now I refrain. For the present, I put these matters on ono side and think only of this one thing- of the ehanges in our fiscal svstein which may best serve to opeV once more tho froe channels of prosperity to a great people whom we-would serve to the utmost and throughout both rank and file. WOODROW WILSON. (Continued from page 1.) upon its pumping plant, franchises, com pany buildings, water power, distribut ing system, reservoir and other appur tenances at $330,000. In placing this valuation, the company set forth every branch and tho appurtenances thereof of tho entire plnnt including office fix tures and minor details about tho pump ing station. This quotation of tho valuo of tho Salem water plant by its owners and oporators is $4.1,000 lower thas, tho price offered the company for it by the city in tho year 1011. In view of tho fact that the company demanded additional thousands of dol lars from the city when it was attempt ing to purchase tho plant two years ago on tho ground that extensions and improvements were mado to that extent, to place cntiro holdings of tho company at a valuation lower than that offered by tho city two years Bgo and over is, to say tho least, inconBistcnt and moro than 1'idicntive that tho Salem Water company has been attempting to load off onto tho pecoplo of Salem an anti- quntod water system which the owners themselves .publicly Biflit is not worth the price quoted by tho city council, The trust deed quotations and explan ations of the vnluo of the local water plant also Indicato that thoro hns been some mlsfiguriiig upon the part of on uinctirs. Even members of former coun cil deelarn the plant is not worth more than $ 1 7.1,000, while the owners of the institution issue practically a statement to the effect the plant is not Werlh over ,000. THE RIGHT INDIVIDUAL. Tho question of how to reach just the riht employer, hoiwo owner or home builder is solved by the Want Columns. Tho Want Ads. pull results they aro business getters. Tho Wants aro not read for fun but for business. Tho Want Col umns are a sort of make it-pay department, specialized, subdi vided and systematized. The wants aro a general medi um for general distribution. How, who and where are tho three ac tivities of tho Want Ad. To get in touch with the right individual at the right time use the Journal Wants, AC Tn'lKMok. llon't rcpt .'.JtUtHUlutk MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDER." FOR CHILDREN, 4(l.rtilrill.i.t0tjprl.1B(.i . II ft II ui III. U'vr"v; 'ir. ,"!. Tli.it rirmtt rn,i A..CLKSTLU.LKor.N'.Y. Comparative Digestibility of Food Made with different Baking Powders From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests: An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of three different kinds of baking powder cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of time. The relative percentage of the food digested is shown , as follows: Bread made with . Royal Cream of Tartar Powder: 100 Per Cent. Digested Bread made with phosphate powder: j 684 Per Cent Digested"! Bread made with alum powder: 67 Per Cent Digested j These , tests, which are absolutely reliable and unprej udiced, make plain a fact of great importance to everyone: Food raised with Royal, a cream of tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely digestible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found to largely retard the diges tion of the food made from them. Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it is the source of very many bodily ailments. Willamette ote. Tho V. M. and Y. W. C. A. will odit next week's issue of tho Colclgian. It will be in charge of Bruce McDaniol and Lulu Hoist. The froshman class will give Its an nual reception to tho Salem high seniors next Saturday evening in Knton hall. "The Chimes of Normandy,' opera Dean Mendcnhal, of the Collcgo of Mu sic, .will prosent to Salcmitos next Tuosday and Wednesday evenings, is well under way and bids fair to bo a grand success. Tho financial end is be ing managed by Bruco McDaniol. Mnny members of tho student body aro taking an active part in securing signers to tho petitions asking for a special cloction for voting on the wot or dry question. A lnrge number of students aro pre paring to accompany the prohibition or ator, Jacob Stockor, to Kukoiio noxt Friday, whero tho intcrcolleginto prohi orntorieal contest occurB in that city. . The students aro becoming very much interested in long and frequent meet ings the faculty havo been holding Into- Tho debutes' team that won at Mos cow from tho Univorsity of Idaho, namely Clen MacCaddam and Taul 8mith, roturnod home today. They re port a nico trip and a fine timo. A sensible young man novor throws himself at the feet of a girl who throws herself at his head. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR 'A YOUR CHILD'S HEALTH YOUR FIRST THOUGHT If you have children, naturally your first thoughts are for tholr health. You certainly want them to develop strong healthy constitutions. The most careful attention must be given when children show the first symptoms of the many common ali ments. Perhaps they are weakly and thin, or grow too fast, thus sacrific ing strength. Those nnd other ap parently minor ailments may be the forerunner to a weak constitution for life. Such children need Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge which Is essentially a children's tonic. First of all, It will properly care for the child's stom ach. It will also improvb the sppe-, lite, and will add strength to the other organs of the body. In cases of thin or Impure blood, It Increases the number of red corpuscles enab ling tho enriched blood to keep the body healthy and strong. I Among the most common ailments ' that children dovelop is that of a disordered stomach, leading to an Impaired digestion. In many cases this troublo Is due to parasites In tho Intestinal tract. To correct such : trouble, Jayno's Tonic Vermifuge Is unsurpassed, j For more than 80 years millions of children have been restored to health through tho use of this tonlo. In-. slut upon Juynn's; accept no other. Sold by druggists everywhere. Dr. D. Jayne & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Strike Is Avoided. CNiTUkriutsi masid wins. FrcBno, Cal., April 8. Through the action of the Pacific Gas & Electric Company hero, in concoding all their demands, a strike of 40 of tho com pany's employes is nvortod horo today. 801110 of tho men wero raised $15 and will work 00 hours less por month than heretofore. The Interminable Thaw. ON1TID PIIBSR U11S ID Willi. New York, April 8. Harry Thaw, slayor of Stanford Whlto, is to bo pro duced beforo tho grund jury hero Thurs day by tho officials of tho Mnttenwaii Insnno asylum, at tho request of District Attorney Whitman. Justice Seabury is sficd tho necessary ordor horo early today. Chinese Parliament Opens. Pekin, April 8. With over 000 sena tors and representatives present, the new Chi 1100 parliament opened here to day. President Yuan Khi Kit i did not attend tho opening session. Recommends for a Good Reason. Hoeaiiso they cured him of kidney nnd bladder trouble, C. II. Ornnt, 2.'M Wnv crly St., Peoria, III.,, tells tho result of his taking Foley's Kidney Pills: "Backache and congested kidneys mnda me suffer intenso pains. Was always nnd floating specks bothered mo. Took Foley's Kidney 1'llls ami saw big im provement after third day. I kept on until entirely freed from nil trouble and suffering. That's why I recom mend Foley Kidney Pills. They cured me." They are tonic in action and quick in results. Dr. Stone drug store. n u 21 n 14 II II !! II MsWMMIWlMWMIsMisMMsWMisiB wa mm urn mm mm mm BMWB WWIMIIf amlmMmmmm mm mm mm ism mm mim tMtmmmm m : u HAVE YOU TRIED IT? "SALAMANDER" "Hopfen und Maltz Gott Erhalis" A reproduction of the old-fashioned all-malt Beer "Getundheit und ein proher Mut Sind better ah viel gelt, und gut Especially bottled for home use. Send your order by telephone, Main 229 for a case Salem Brewery Association