DAILY CAPITAL MTOKAL, SALEM, OEEOON, TUESDAY, APBIX 8, 1913. page rotra It V II U ll U U H H u H 11 ti u n ti ti 11 ti li ti n ti it ft ti ti 11 M 11 ti M By Levee at St. Francis Gives Way and Torrent 400 Feet Wide Fours Over the Fields. Memphis, Tonn., April 8. Forcing a gap 400 feet wide and inundating mil lions of acres, the St. Francis lovee, S3 AT THE PLAYHOUSES NEW SHOW, TODAY 2 - Refined Vaudeville Acts - I v 4 - New Pictures - 4 The kind that can only be seen here DUG . D THEATRE Sign of Good Shows Remember oar change days, with a complete new show, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday Complete Change of Pictures for Today Only YE LIBERTY BIG FEATUTE TOMORROW andTflCRSDAY Change Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday a M tlHIIHHtMIW.H.MHW t EXTRA! Globe Theatre Wednesday and Thursday. Kathleen Mavourneen f This i a three-reel picture Irish picture all the Last Day of Jckyll and Mr. Dr. MBIWilW nkBSKIHSaSBWHSHIMMMWlBWHWHMWWimWBMHMWMIIMMSJ WE Today and Tomorrow Only "Red and White Roses" The Feature Beautiful 2000 Feet This is one of the biggest productions released this year by the Vitagraph Co. Introducing Earl Williams, J. S. Cordon and L, Rogers Lytton. If You Like Society Pictures, See This One WEXFORD Mary is Coming Friday miles south of here, broke at 1 o'clock this morning. The river fell six inches here today, indicating that a tremen dous volume of water was pouring through the gap. The inhabitants of the inundated district were warned and fled in time to prevent fntalitics. The gap is growing continually wider. Iowa Defeats Suffrage. lUMITin PRB8P 'JiSID WIBI.l Pes Moines, la., April 8. Women's suffrage is shelved today as far as the presont legislature is concerned, in striking out the suffrage clause in the Chase bill. MM MM MM 4 Where Everybody Goes n 11 Kl II II n 11 n ti ti ti ti ti n ti is ti ti El II II II I! II 11 Kl II 11 II II EXTRA! i that is a feature an way through. Hyde I !! II '(FORD MOST SICKNESS COMES FROM WEAK, INACTIVE KIDNEYS Eecent Reports Show Hundreds Suffer With Kidney Troubles and Don't Know It. The-e are scores of nervous, tired, run-down people throughout the city, suffering with pains in the back and sides, dizzy spells, weaknesses of the bladder (frequently causing annoyance at night) who fail to realize the seri ousness of their troubles until such con ditions as chronic rheumatism, bladder troubles, dropsy diabotes or even Bright 's disease result. All this is due to weak, inactive kid neys. The kidneys are the filterers of the blood, and no one can be well and healthy unless the kidneys work prop erly. It is even more important than that the bowels move regularly. If you suffer with such symptoms,, don't neglect yoursolf another day and run the risk of serious complications. Secure an original package of the new discovery, Croxone, which costs but a ALDERMAN AND OTHERS GET PRAISE IN BOSTON POEM The Boston Teachers' News Letter comments favorably on addresses made last month before 3000 teachers in Bos ton by western educators, including. Al derman, of Oregon; Francis, of Los An geles; Meek, of Boise, and Pcarce, of Milwaukee. In introducing them Dr. Dyer referred to them as Lochinvars from the went and this inspired a Bos ton teacher-poet, who was present, to write: "These young Lochinvars from the wild woolly west To us of the effote east brought a new zest; Bugarcoat with a laugh pedagogical pills ' And they suroly will help educational ills. Willi h'imor, good sense and good works all alive No v onder thoir methods and per-ta- ters thrive. We inow now where to got a good vig trous sprout In case in the east the Greek root should give out." New Incorporations. Sheridan Light & Power Company, capital stock, $25,000. The Free Methodist church of Hills boro. C'oob Bay Realty company, capital stock, $j000, Mnrshfield. Toledo Compiling Scale company, sup plementary. ft Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forevei m T. FELIX COIRAUD'S ORIENTAL U CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER Removei Tn. Pimply h rvcklet. Moth Patches, Hash, and Skin PlHewei, ana every Dieinico on beauty, aud ile flei detection. It lion ituud the teet of 60 yean, and In to harm lew we taste It to be sure It li properly made. Accept no counter frit of similar name, Pr. L. A. Havre laid to a lady of tlie baut ton (a patient); "Ai you lad lei will u tbem I r cum men fl (lourftuil'a Crmn m' at the toast harmful of all the ekln pretiarailunR." for ule by all druggista and Kancy Oootlt iK-alere Id the United HUtea, Cauada and Europa. fHD,T. HOPKINS, Proa, 37 Great Janet Sired New Turk THE DANGERS OF THOUGHTLESS BUYING. The danger to yon of thought less buying are many. "A man loses his time that comes early to a bnd bargain," rims an old German proverb. You lose more than your time, I X for heedless purchasing means wasted money, effort and thought. 1'oor quality is high at any price. "How can you avoid it?" you say. "I want the bout my mon ey will command, but I cannot know all qualities.' Surely you cannot know everything about articles you buy, but you can trust safely to the honesty of merchants of known worth. Huy tho best your money will command in, stores whero you can rely on thoso selling tho goods, with tho help of The Capi tal Journal. Itead daily the ad vertisements of the merchants advertised in The Capital Jour nal and profit by what you read. 4i trifle, and eonimenee its use at once. When you have taken a few doses, you will bo surprised how differently you will feel. Croxone cures the worst cases of kid ney, bladder trouble and rheumatism, because it removes the cause. It cleans out the kidneys, and makes them filter out all the poisonous waste matter and uric acid, that lodge in the jointB and muscles, causing rheumatism; soothes and heals the bladder, and quickly re lieves you of all your misery. You will find Croxone different from all other remedies. There is nothing else on earth like it. It matters not how old you are or bow long you have suffered, it is bo prepared that it is practically impossible to take it into thehu1nan system without results. '.You can secure an original package of Croxone from any first-class drug gist. All druggists ft re authorized to personally return the purchase price if it fails to give the desired results the very first time you use it. GAVE HIS BLOOD TO SAVE UNION BROTHER ' ' InNITKD PRISM UOASID WIBS.J j San Francisco, April 8. By giving 20 ounces of his blood to tane the place of the gas-poisoned blood in the voius of William Seymourc, a union brother, M. T. Doyle, busines sagent of the Rig gers' Union, probably has saved Sey mour's life. Doyle suffered no ill ef focts from the transfusion operation. Seymour was near death from asphyx iation. Ordinary methods did not re vive him. He began to improve ai once after the blood trasnfusion. OTHER COUNTRIES REFUSE TO RECOGNIZE CHINA (UNITED PRESS LEASED W1RX. Washington, April 8. Recognition of the new republic of China was discussed by the cabinet today. The attempt of tho administration to bring the univer sal recognition of tho Chinese republic by the nationas failed, as England and Japan notified the United States that they would not take such action now, and Germany, Prance and Russia are expected to act similarly. The South American republics are willing to rec ognize the republic. Secretary Bryan would not discuss tho cabinet's deliberations. WILL LECTURE ON FREE PLAYGROUNDS Great interest is -being manifested among parents and citizens generally in the free playground lecture tomorrow night at the high school auditorium. Mr. L. H, Weir, who will deliver tho lec ture, iB perhaps the greatest authority on children's playgrounds in America. He is secretary of tho National Play grounds Asosciation, and has beon in Intimate touch witlf all the playground centers of tho country, Ho comes to Salem at tho instance of tho Salem Playground Association, and while here will go over tho playground situation with the officers of that organization. A visit will bo made to the proposed playground site for 1913, and avail able sites for additional playgrounds in different parts of tho city will bo visit ed. J I o will give his opinion on the proper methods of management, over sight and equipment, and it is expected that Vo playground movement in Salem will bo greatly benefitted by his visit. The lecturo -will be illustrated by sto reopticon views; will begin at 7:30. and no admission will bo chargod. STOCKTON'S SALESMEN WORE IN SHIFTS . Tho big men's clothing shop has to be open from 8 until 6 to supply the needs of the customers, consequently tho whole store must remain open dur ing thoso hours, and the saleswomen work in shifts from 8 to 5 and 9 to 6, except Saturdays, and on that day they have always worked in shifts. Aviator Killed. UNlTr.D l'llBSS UIASXD WISE. Sun Diogo, ( :il., April 8. Lieutenant Hex Chandler, V. 8. Aviation corps, was killed iu a hydro-aeroplane accident hero today. The machine was being driven by Lieutenant Lowis H. Brcrc ton, who was taken to a hospital, not seriously injured, it is thought. It 1b said that Chandler was drowned. Lieu tenant Chandler came here from New Orleans. His home was in Indiaun, HARRINGTON NAMED AS INDUSTRIAL EDUCATOR L. F. Harrington, of Creswell, Lane county, hns been appointed promoter of industrial education by State Superin tendent Alderman. Tho appointment is mado in accordance with a law passed by tho last legislature. Mr. Hnrringtou will visit the schools of the state and give addresses on industrial education. If you want to see the Seuegainbian la the water proposition woodpile, watch for tomorrow's Capital Journal, Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Illind, Ulecding or Pro truding Piles in 0 to 14 davs. 50o Journal fnnX Ads Bring Besnlts, THE OPEN FORUM ! The Capital Journal invites pub lic discussion in this department Let both aides of all matters be fully brought out It Is not the purpose of this newspaper to do the thinking for its readers. Water, Bugs and Officials. 'Editor Capital Journal: The patient and ever-present taxpay er notes tho return of the local problen' in municipal ownership of water. Just who started this agitation again after it was all settled sometime ago we wot not, but we do not fail to note 'thai when some things cannot be accom plished at ono time, Boniotimcs the) can be at other times later on. The present administration seems to be in favor of repeating the perform ance of tho old council, fitting its fool into tho identical footprints of its pre decessor. Judging from the "progress" being mado we are about ready to buj the plant. The morning paper is agaii' backing the purchase in about the sams words and punctuations, and with, sc doubt, the same results. The deal will be entirely consummated, if you please, by self- appointed guardians of the people (in response, of course to a pop ular(t) demand) and all we taxpaying bondholders living in the outside ward on a 2x4 lot have to do is merely to O K, the transaction by our vote. Mere ly a matter of form, you know. The ocuncil goes ahead with its water purchase routine just bb if the people 'had already decided tho matter, and entirely contrary to the manner in which they defcided it once before, What evidence is at hand to indicate that the people have changed theii opinion of this dealt If the people proceeded to mob the administration into consummating the purchase, thon we might believe that the sovereignty had changed its mind since the time it spoke so decisively heretofore. Put in the absence of any uprising on tho part of the people, why is the same routine being carried out without some tangible evidence of popular support f The water company says, and always has said, that it didn't give a tinker's dam whether Salem bought the plant or let it alone. This places the taxpay ers between the indifferent company and a zealous contingent in the council and the morning paper. The people, as the sovereign power of tho city, havo had nothing to say. Yet. The city and the water company once entered into a written contract whereby the company was to supply tho city with "good, pure and wholesome" wa ter for a period of years. Poth parties constructively agreed that tho river was good for use, although it has sinc-3 appeared that tho water was full of germs and whatnot. About the timo Wood; Hutchinson et al., introduced a resolution to change the name of tho river to the Eugene and Albany sewer, a certain Salem banker posted a cool $1000 to any one, barring none, who could fetch him a bottle containing a single germ. Tho money is still lying on tho counter. The bugs are said to be in the water by advocates of the pur chase of the present system, but we noto that the offer of that $1000 docB not locate a singlo germ. And, by the way, that standing offer is what is de feating tho city and company getting together for "better" water. Just how will be shown immediately. After many years, the city has ar rived at the conclusion that we need better water than wo contracted for. A leaky intake pipe has also had much to do with this matter. I sav "contract ed for" for I do not believe it was the intention of either party that the city could riso up and demnnd tho company to pipe million dollar niountnin water whenever the city took a notion. Not would ny court sustain tho city in such a contention, The contract con structively (perhaps specifically stated in franchise) embodied Willamette riv er water, Tho company is fulfilling its part of the contract and is continuing to pump the sumo wnter ns it did in the beginning. The niountnin water bug turned loose by Woods Hutchinson, sails everywhere in Salem except where that 1000 is posted. It is afraid to meet chemical analysis. As a side issue some demand ft filter. The water company does not seem dis posed to entertnin this proposal, or anv other, fir thnt matter, In fact it is neaoe- fully and silentlv rmrdliinrv l. n tenor of its wny pumping the samo sun- ply as of yore, while tho city is torn asun.ier because it has chanced its opinion during recent years of the qual ity of the water. The comimnv h nothing to do with municinnl nnininnn Why not be silent t If we undertake to enforce our con. tract for "pure and wholesome" water, the company will merely point to that AH Bound Round Ones your Stomach feel that wnv after each mealf Your food is not being di-Rested-makes you feel henvy-eauses Gas, Heartburn, Sour Rising and Nau sea. Listen, try HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters for a few days, am see how much it will help you. Take a bottle bom. day. Children Cry Tlie Kind You Ilave Always Bought, and which has ben in use fur over SO years, has borne the signature of - and has beeu made under hU pero y j-2: , sonal supervision since its infancy. WuzS7, -UicAiS, Allow no one to deceive you in th Is! All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Junt-ns-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare, goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo 6ubstance. Its ape Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feveri.sb.ncss. For more than thirty years It lias been In constant use for tlie relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething: Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS pBcers the The Kind You Have Always Bought 9n Use For Over 30 Years tUt CEMTAJR eOMFAHY. TT MUSHM TMT, NCW VO'K Olflf. $1000 offer. It will claim the water is pure and the burden of proof will rest with the city. If wo cant lasso even one bug for $1000, it will cost tho city 't bankruptcy to maintain itself in court For this reason tho company will not install a filter, Why Bhould it f You can't prove tho water is bad, impure 01 unwholesom'e. Many peoplo havo won dered why tho council hasn't insisted upon the company supplying good watei (if the water is bad) but it is easily tc bo seen where the city stands. Wo all want good water, yet the water com pany can successfully refute our claim that Willamette river water is not good Which party to the contract is right f If the company can negativoly prove pureness of its supply, then the city ii The Capital Journal will publish exclusively "Shores Talks" on Advertising. The first article will appear Friday April 11. Every business man in the city should read every article. Advertising knowledge is the basis of every ar tide and you fail to derive any benefits if you fail to read the "Talks." RosteifrGreenbaum NEW MUSLIN UNDERWEAR We have just received a larre assortment of Muslin Un- I derwear. Sure to please you. price. See our display. Ladies' Muslin Combination Suits, at $1.25, $1.00, 75c and 50c suit; embroiderey or lace trimmed. New Corset Covers. Muslin Gowns yery neat at $1.25, $1, 75c, 50c only 25c. Good Values 17-inch Embroidery, special value, only 25c ayard, 42 1-2 inch Embroidery Flouncing, only 50c a yard. Corset Cover Embroidery, only 15c a yard. Muslin Skirts Silk Skirts at 50c, 65c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 $2.00 Children's Rompers, 25c Girls' Linen Dresses, 65c Don't forget our Millinery Department. Best in the city. 240 TO 246 NORTH , COMMERCIAL ST. fcuai for Fletcher's Signature of mistaken. If the city is right, why let that $1000 got rusty f Are we going tc bond and spend millions for good water upon the mere supposition or municipal notion that wo have impure water! OUTSIDE WARD. Sick headaches, sour, gassy stomach, indigestion, biliousnoss disappear quick ly after taking Dr. King's New Life Pills. They purify the blood and put new life and vigor in the system. Try them and you will be well satisfiod. Kvery pill helps; every box guaranteed. Price 25c. Becommendod by J. C. Per ry. There is no hope for the misan thrope who would rather believe s lie than the truth. The best goods at low