DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALSM, OBEOOK, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1913. PAOE I'-IV-E. SATURDAY s SATURDAY SPECIAL I SPECIAL Embroideries C Handkerchiefs 12c Values 8c yd 30c Handkerchiefs 22c ea 20c Values 12c yd IV 18c Handkerchiefs 12c ea 30c Va ues 15c yd l5c Handkerchiefs 9c ea 45c Values 29c yd J 10c Handkerchiefs 7c ea 68c Values ..44c yd 5c Handkerchiefs 3c ea These are durable, well made f embroideries. The patterns This includes plain and dainty are pretty and the materials embroidered handkerchiefs, good. This special offering is JNJ Wonderful Values. Remem- for Saturday only. ber for this one day only. Cross Bar Handkerchiefs 2 for 5c . Boys' Corduroy Knicker's 50c, per Pair Men's Shirts DIAMOND EAGLE BRAND 75c. Values 49c. SOCIETY (Continued from page 4.) Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ball of Glen Acres, Riverside, had for guests this I week Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siegel of New York City, who left this morning for Portland, accompanied by Mr. and Ball, who will remain over Sunday, j Mr. and Mrs. Siegle are returning home I 1 next week and will sail on the twen tieth of this month for Europe. Mrs. Siegle is Mrs. Ball's sister. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. CvWimer cele brated their fifty-fourth wedding an niversary Sunday .with a quiet family dinner at their home, 1441 State streot. Mrs. Nettie E. Winter and her son, Harry, made irp the party. Mr. and Mrs. Wimor crossed the plains from 1 Iowa to California behind a mule team in eighteen sixty-three and in eighteen ' sixty-four came to Oregon, settling in Yamhill county. Mr. Wimer is seventy i nine years of age and his wife seventy-seven. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Westacott have removed from Hickreall and will soon be located in their home in Yew Park. Mrs. Frank Meyers returned home from the hospital Tuesday with health improved and a promise of Bpeedy recovery. .... After a two weeks' delightful visit with Miss Mary Pigler, 1293 D street, Mrs. 8tolla Block Wagner returned Saturday to her home in Portland. It will be good news for many friends to learn that Mrs. L. K. Pago of 492 Cottage street is rapidly recovering from a two mouth's illness. Mrs. 0. I'. Eoff visited in Portland Inst week, the guest of friends. , Mr; and Mrs. Donald Glover were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvy Taylor in Macleay. Mrs. FranceB J. Smith arrived in Sa lem m Easter Sunday and will be tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. Carey F. Martin, until June. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Miles went to Seattle, Washington, this week for a ton days' visit before going to Leb anon, where two weeks will be passed with Mr. Miller, who is Mrs. Miles' fnther. Mrs. William Ware, who was talton This Famous Herreshoff Will Arrive Today Herreshoff "Six-36" Electric Self Cranking Electrically Lighted Touring Car and Roadster. Six Cylinder, Long Stroke, T-Head Motor Valves Enclosed. 3 Point Suspension4 Speed Transmission. Left Hand Drive Right Hand Control Full Platform Springs 124-inch Wheel Base. 34x4 Q.. D. Demountable Rims and Tires. Body with Shrouded Dash Clear Vision Windshield. Westinghouse Ignition and Lightng Sysem. Herreshoff-West inghouse Electric self-starter Electric Headlights, Combination Electric and Oil Side and Tail Lights. Electric Generator and Storage Battery, Top, Windshield, Speedometer, etc. PRICE, COMPLETE, $1850 F. 0. B. DETROIT, MICHIGAN Specifications to the Salem hospital last Tuesday, is call for encore. - The -sparkling accom- very comfortable and has every en- 'paniment on violin and piano was giv couragement for a speedy recovery. ' j en by MiBS Turner and Miss Smith. .1 Mrs. Arthur Fish read tho sitting! Mr. and Mrs. Edward II. Todd wore for Peer Gynt and made the story in- Portland visitors this week and at- tensely interesting, tended the Christian Parliament. On Ibsen's great dramatic poem iof Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. P. "Peer Gynt" has been called the Moores entertained with a dinnerj aBk- ScaiuTinavian "Faust," for it, also, ing as guests Mrs. Chamberlain, who is the history of the growth and do formerly resided in Salem, Mr. and velopment of the human soul. Ibsen Mrs. Homan and Mr. and Mrs. Todd. ' meant tho character of Peer Gynt with all its faults and inconsistencies to bo Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Houston went to typical of his own boloved Norway and Portland yesterday and will remain so he created him a man of dreamB, with friends until over Sunday. ; idle, selfish and dissolute, but still pre- serving within his soul that spark of Woman's Club Notes. divine good which keeps him from go- At no time since the Salem Woman 'a ing into melting Bpoon of the Button club established itself in tho new pub- Moldor. lie library auditorium upon completion ' The poem offers many dramatic pos of the edifice, has there been a larger sibilities which were more than ade- gathering of prominent womeu within quately expressed by Mrs. Fish in her its walls than assembled last Satur- interpretative reading. Her conception day afternoon in response to invita- of the charactor of Peer Gynt was tions sent out by members of the dra- broad and scholarly, while her finely matic class for a Peer Gynt program, trained and melodious voice lent a The very attractive room was made charm to every different mood. The charming by screens, a daintily laid tender pathos of the "Death of Ase" tea table with the centerpiece an im- was counterbalanced by the coquetry mense 'cluster of daffodils, and elab- of Anitra and the masculine cynicism orately decorated rostrum, flanked on of Peer Gynt. The return of Peer af- either side by tall palms. Trailing ivy tor years of dissolute wandering to formed a background and hangiug bas- find Salveig, the love of his youth, kets filled with ferns and daffodils grown old, but still waiting for him were further adornment. Besides the with the dovotion that is wholly scl- reading, on- the most interesting pro- fish as well as wholly divine, furnished gram were: piano duet, "Hall of the a fitting climax to a rare literary treat. Mountain K,ing," "Asa's Death" and Mrs. Fish is a graduate of the Soper the "Dawn Movement," throe of the School of Expression, which was re- Greig Peer , Gynt suite, splondidly contly consolidated with the Columbia played, with exquisite interpretation, School of Oratory. Since coming to Miss' Mabel-Smith 'and Miss Lnoon Salem two years ago, she has identified Moreland; violin solo, "Anitraa's herself prominently with tho work of Dance," the fourth Grcig numbor, a the Woman 's Club and is leador of the difficult movement most perfectly second drama class. played, was Miss Joy Turner's seloc- The guests, numbering about seventy- tion, Miss Smith accompanying with five, remained for toa after tho close piano. of tho program, and wore delighted to Mrs. Myrtlo Long Mendcnhall sang have this opportunity for congratnlat very beautifully Grieg's "Sunshine" ing the drama club upon its achieve and also his "Cradle Song," with Miss ment. Turner at the piano. , 1 Mrs. William Kirk, leader of tho Anitra 's oriental dance with its con- class, and Mrs. John H. Albert, sat at tortions and display of bare feet was the tea table and other members of eliminated, and in its place. Miss' Pris- the club assisting them were: Miss cilia Fleming, a charmingly graceful Beatty, the president, Mrs. A. N. Bush dancar, gave the Spanish "Espanita," Mrs. John McNary and MrB. Harry in costume, and was obliged to repeat Minto. Mrs. Elmer Luddon and Miss a few measures to still the insistent Luoen Moreland found places for tho " guests before the program. The bcao- DE1CHTEL & DYNON tifu' docorations wore p'Bnueu' iy Mrs, BARGAINS ,MNay JOTOIt Six cylinder, long stroke motor, Thoad, cast en bloc vortical type with integral water jackot Bore 3 3-8-inch. Stroko 4'j-inch. Three point sus pension. 36 horse power. MOTOR COOLING Cooling of the motor is insured by very largo water pipes and by a powerful fnu back of the radiator. VALVES Inlet and exhaust valves located on op posite sides of the motor mechanically operated and interchangeable. Valvo mechanism entirely enclosed. CABHUKETOR Fed by gravity. Has auxiliary air valve with tv.-o adjustments and a shut-of fvalve in tho primary air tube, which latter is closed for starting. IGNWION WeHtinghouse ignition system. CAM SHAFT Cut from solid bar of high point car bon steel. Tlree bearings. CHANK SHAFT One piece forging, perfectly bal anced. Three bearings. . CONTKOL Throttlo lever located on top of steer ing whoel. Accelerator button for foot control. Gear shifting lever located at driver's right in center of ear. SELF STAKTER Horroshoff-Wostinghouse electric self starter, operated with singlo button on dash. TRANSMISSION Nelectivo type. Four speeds ahead and one reverse; direct on fourth speed Nickel steel gears. CRANK CASE Aluminum one pioce construction, ' embodying Herreshoff patent. LUBRICATION Oil basin divldod into crank pits so that each connecting rod has an independent well. The crank pit has an overflow to oil reser voir below, from which the oil Is drawn by me ehanical pump to sight food on dash and thence back to the motor. BEARINGS Herreshoff white . metal bearings used throughout motor. Hororshoff whlto metal bearings and imported annular bearings nsod in transmission. ' TANK Sixteen gallon gasoline tank located un der front seat CLCTCII Multiple disc 24 saw-blado plates. This clutch is practically indestructible and is always reliable, It runs in oil and is located in the fly wheel. DRIVE Straight line shaft drive to bovol gears, affording a maximum of efficiency from motor to rear wheels. One universal. FRAME Pressed steel, hot roflcd. SPRINGS Semi-ellipticnl front and full platform in the rear, affording three point suspension of the body, insuring maximum of comfort. AXLES One piece I-beam front semi-floating rear Chrome nockel steel shafts throughout. STEERING GEAR Worm and Boctor type. Ball bearing thrusts adjustable. Stops are provided so that the front wheels cannot Btrike tho fore and Bft steering connections. 18-inch stocring wheel of neat design and attractive finish. Located on left Bide of car. WHEELS Front and renr 31-liwh by 4-inch Quick Detachable Demountable. One extra rim. Twelve spokes front and rear. WHEEL BASE-124 inches. DRAKES Four brakes two contracting brnkei operating on tho outside of drums attached to tho rear wheels; two internal expanding bund brakes op erated inside tho drums. Both 11 inches by 2 inches. HOOD Opens from cither sido quickly remov able. GUARDS Detachable front guards. Inner shield extends to the chussis fronie. Demountable reur guard fastened to body. UODV Mado of sheet steel, luxuriously upholst er, dioomy and especially comfortable. The lines are graceful. The finish is unsurpassed for re fined taste and beauty. Two passenger roadster body at samo price. EQUIPMENT Two large electric searchlights and two side and one rear combination oil and elect rie lights. Wostiiighouso electric generator and Herre shoff Westinhouso electric self-starter; 80 ampere hour storage battery; electric horn; complete tool outfit; completo tiro repair outfit; tiro tools; tire . carrier and straps, foot rail, coat rail, floor mat, jack, tiro pump, full mohair extension top com plete with side and rear curtains and envelope for top when laid back French plate glnss clear vision windshield, speedometer, extra demountable rim", etc. PAINTING AND FINISH Standard color-Herro-shoff Roynl Blue, black running gear and blue wheids. Special colors to order. Polished metal parts, including bimps, windshields, etc., nickel and blnck enamel, Eleven acres, three miles from town on good rock road, fine stream running water, grove trees, small house and bam. Ideal location for suburban home. Only $2500. Terms. Seo Mr. r'ottyjohn. We have just listed a rare bargain in a farm 2'ii miles from Salem, 100 acres, about HI) acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber, new seven-room bungnlow, new barn, chicken houso, fonced, woll, spring, running water, Price only $125 per aero. Terms. If you are looking for a bargain, seo Mr. Scott. Will exchange for 8alem property or Willamette valley farm tho following California property: 30 acres full bear ing peach orchard, two lots in South San Francisco, ono lot in Santa Cruz, two properties in Modesto City, value $10,000. Seo Mr. Scott. To trade 30 acres all under cultiva tion, 13 acres set to fruit, choice vari eties, good 4-room house, barn, chicken house, two springs, team, harness, wag on, plow, harrow, cultivator, 17 acres in oats. Will exchange for Salom property or small acreage, up to 42800. See Mr. rtcott. Sixty-acre farm, all in cultivation, one-fourth mile from Oregon Electric depot, 14 acres in hojm, family orchard, good house, barn, hop house. This is good black loam soil and a bargain at 12!i per acre. Good lot close in on Court street, 1150. Choico lots in all parts of tho city. Prices from i!00 up. Eleven-room house, modern, on paved street, assessments all paid. Lot 40x 120. Only Cri'i0. This is a good buy, as house rents for $20 per mouth. I3."0 buys a good modem 5-room house on Commercial street, .ri00 cash, balanco tl5 per month. ISdO jj room house, close in on S. Liberty, lot fiOxlliO; I(I0 cash, balance 13 per month. BECHTEL it BYNON. Phone Main 4'2, ' 347 State St. Candy sold in somo cities is said to affect many children injuriously. Candy is bad enough stuff when not poison ouBly doped. mYAL BAKING POWDER makes Mot Elseiif The most .appetizing, healthful and nutritious of foods. Hot biscuit made with impure and adulterated baking powder are neither appetizing nor whole some. It all depends upon the baking powder. Take every care to have your biscuit made with Royal Baking Powder, the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, which is chemically pure, if you would avoid indigestion. The very best receipts for hot biscuits and griddle cakes will be found in the ROYAL COOK BOOK-500 RECEIPTS FREE Stnd Address ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. For Burns, Bruises and Sores. Tho quickest and surest cuTe for burns, bruises, sores, boils, inflamma tion and all skin diseases is Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. In four days it cured L. n. Haflin, of Iredoll, Tex., of a sore on his ankle which pained him so he could hardly walk. Should be in evory house. Only 25. Recommended by J. C Perry. BARGAINS I 330 acre farm, 200 acros under eulti , vntion, fair buildings, fine spring, bal anco pasture and timber, land well drained. Price tRO per aero. This is a 'good buy. See W. H. Gralienhorst & company. 22'iacres of first class lund, 14 acres under cultivation, bnlnneo timber nnd pasture, new sovon-room house, good new barn, wagon shed, chicken houso, well ,all kinds of berries and young family orchard, located thrco miles from Salem. Prico 1700. Terms. 155 acres of good land, 65 acros mi lder cultivation, 25 acres in orchard, 20 acres bearing Italian prunes, balance cherrieB and peachos, balanco in timber and pasture, 0 room house, new barn, spiing water piped to house. Will take Salem .residence property In as first payment. Trico $15,000. See O. II. Orabeuhorst. Ten acros of firHt class orchard land all under cultivation, small houso and barn, chicken house, barn, woll, somo young fruit trees set out last year, lo cated close to Salem. Price $2200; 1, 200 cash, balanco thrco years 0 por cent interest. Seo W. H. flrubenhorst & Co. New five room cottago on paved street, ono block from street car line, liaseuient, street improvement paid. This is a good buy. Price 230(); 1500 cash. Seo (I. H. Ornbeiiliorst, 4.70 acres of land all under cultiva tion, .'I'i acres in peaches, balanco in strawberries und loganberries, good five room house, well, barn, chicken houso, located three miles out on ruck rond. Prico $3000. If you want to buy, trade, or sell your property, see us. W. II. ORABENHOKST It CO. Rooms 1 and 2, Bush Hank HMg. Phono 231.". A compliment is pleasing to tho aver age woman even if she knows it isn't Bincoro. That is bocauso sho can find much sincerity without tho complimont. A Card. This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley 's Honey and Tar Compound faffs to cure your cough or cold. John Ber not, Tell, Wis., states "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound as a family medicine for five years, and it has always given the best of satisfac tion and produced good results. It will always cuto a cough or cold. For chil dren it 1b an Indisponsible on account of its pleasant tasto and its freedom from opiates,' KofiiBO substitutes. Dr, Stone's drug store. Ajenlt for R. C. H.'H.rr..ko(f, McForlra & Cipp.rd Slew.rt Truck V.llty Motor Co. E.H.Whil.id.,M.ner. 560 F.rrr Str..t J.n. S,W, Tr...r.r C. L. Rose Company DISTRIBUTORS AUTOMOBILES AND AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AGENTS FOR Overland Pleasure Cars, Packard Trucks and Detroit Electric FOR THE PUBLIC HEALTH iiv-"-r-Mi TRADE MARK The sign of the Toilet and Medicinal preparations of the American Drug and Press Association A mutual organization of the druggists and newspaper mon of tho country, formed for the purpose of providing for the general public an Absolutely Guaranteed, Do pcnduble line of Remedies and Toilet Articles A preparation for each specific purpoBO, the composition of which Is known to every druggist who sells it and money back without ques tion to tho customer who buys It If bo Is not satisfied. We have Jointed this association becnuso wo tiollevo in tho "Merlto!" Itomedlesj bncauBO we know tliero Is nothing hotter, We bavo tho exclusive agency for Sitleni, Wo Invite you to call and seo this splendid lino, Capital Drug Store 246 S. Cora'l St. Salem, Oregon -. - v-'-1 "57 AnotherReduction in Price Wo have instructions from the Find Motor Co. that the freight rates to all valley points after April 1 will bo $7."i per car, instead of ifs.",, as before, which makes the new price, fully equipped t Salem, 5 Passenger Touring ear $G7!i 2 Passenger lloadster 9000 Carload of eight new touring cms just arrived. VICK BROS. Agents for Marion and Polk Counties, Phono I!l'.i3. 200 X, High St., Salem, Ore.