DAILY CAPITAL JOXTEKAL, SALEM, OBBKffl, 8ATTODAT, AM. 6, faqb rant URLINGTON ADDITION Large Beautiful Lots Easy Payments Buy a Lot and Start a Home Let Us Show You Burlington Bechtel & Bynon 347 State Street Phone Main 452 SOCIETY (Continued from Pige 3.) mortal church, Miss Emma Wright in vited the members to her home, 1500 North Fourth street, last Tuesday ev ening. Vera Wright greoted guests at the door and Mrs. Unruh roceived tliwn. The young women have recently pledged themselves to raise one hun dred dollars for the church, and on Tuesday ovening a number of the class members who have already been suc cessful in collecting a bit of money to add to the fund, gave an exhibition in shadow pantomime of the manner in which the money was obtained. Misses Oreig, Perry, Greyson, Harris, Gardi ner, Gonevieve and Ethol Frasier, Em ma Minton, Emma Wright and Blanche Drake gave a comio picture of how they did not earn a dollar. There are twenty members in the class, who have already collected eleven dollars and SPECIAL FEATURE AT YE LIBERTY TONIGHT ONLY Mr. Hassell, ex-convict of the Oregon Penitentiary, will lecture on the motion picture "THE HONOR SYSTEM" You will enjoy listening to this man' story. The picture itself is worth your while. See it. And a Vitagraph comedy that's all laughs. Today YE LIBERTY Lion and the Mouse Tomorrow. Today 15-10-20 Acre Tracts! Good land, well located, close to electric line, good schools, good roads, telephone service, rural delivery, easy terms, only $125 per acre. We can show you this property at any time. BECHTEL & BYNON 347 State Street Telephone Main 452 f Sign i of Good Shows BLlGti "7, : : Everybody ; ', Theatre Goes are working hard to gain the whole amount pledged. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson of Hays ville entertained friends from Salem with a delightful dinner on Easter Sun day. The afternoon was passed with music. Guests asked for the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Cady and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Kapphahn and five children, Mr. and Mrs. Yates and four children, Mr. and MrB. A. V. Ed wards and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Young, Henry Kapphahn. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Fasching asked friends for last Tuesday, in. celebration of the nineteenth birthday of thoir son Hay. Games and music wero the even ing's pleasures, a delightful luncheon following. A quartet called the "All Ameri can" with Mr. Ernest Park, Mr. For rest Park, Mr. Neil Littler and Mr. Hay Fasching gave a number of very pleasing songs. Extending congratulations and enjoy ing the birthday party wero: Neil Littler, Forrest Prico, Everett Park, Cordon Summervillo, Neil Summerville, Harry Fasching, Wesley Todd, Warren Wclborn, Osmcr Latham. In honor of Mr. W. Steele's eighty second birthday, a company of rela tives and friends gathered at the fam ily homo last Wednesday to extend congratulations and kind wishes for the days to come. Making up the party wore: Mr. and Mrs. Williah Steel of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Steel and family of Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Young and family of Salem, Mr, and Mrs. D. D. Stool and daughter of Jef ferson, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kays and family, Miss Edith Bngley and Mr. John Kirk all of Snlom. Social Clubs. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hartley entortaincd tho Cherry City Five Hundred club last Tuesday, with an "April Fool" even ing. Tho unexpected happened at un expected turns of the game and finally prizes wero awarded for the highest scores at head and foot tables. Mrs. li. B. Houston and Mr. Clyde Kico captured the favors. TODA Y ONLY EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA The first motion picture of the terrible disaster. Eleven hundred feet of the ON OHIO HBej3 Continuous performance, office closes at 10:30 p, m. DON'T MISS THIS GREAT SIGHT 10c WEXFOR 10c April first surprises appeared with refreshments. Mrs. Downing and Mrs. Dick assisted the hostess. Guests be ides the club were: Mr. and Mrs. Ho mer Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Dick and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Houston. ' Mrs. E. B. Goodin was hostess for the Yew Yark Embroidery club Thurs day afternoon. i The Kensington club with MiBS Grace Dalrymplo as invited guest was entertained by Miss Elizabeth Lord on Wednesday afternoon. Tho members of Junior Five Hun dred club wero delightfully enter tained last week Wednesday, by Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bonncll, in their homo, 085 Center street. Mrs. A. Kazmark and Xr. Lilyquist were awarded high score prizes. Ad ditional guests were Mr. and Mrs. Kaz mark, Mr. Harold Roberts and Mr. Harry Kennedy. After the games was an impromptu iimiBical program, Mrs. Kazmark giving ' scvoral piano selections, and accom panying Mrs. Bonncll, who sung one . of John McCormack's favorites, "Ma- cushlu. " Mrs. Merlin Harding gavo "When Song is .Sweet," accompanied by Mrs. Bonncll. Maids and matrons of the sewing club wero entertained Wednesday after noon by Miss Edna Josse, who used pink and white hyacinths and pink carnations to brighten the rooms. MrB. Stanley Morgan captured high score favor and Miss Mary Eckorlcn as sisted with tho lovely luncheon. The Nika Mika club was entertained this week by Miss Davis and Miss Put nam, at Mrs. Wostacott's home. Tho Silver Thimblo club was enter tained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. H. Snook, 10(17 South Liborty street. I: being Mrs. Snook's birthday as woll as the regular club meeting, the host ess had prepared an elaborato luncheon in celebration, and was surprised with a lovely potted plant, as gift from tho club members. Miss Ada Snook and Miss Emma Snook assisted in serving and also gnve pleasure with piano and violin music. Guests enjoying Mrs. Snook 'i hos pitality were: Mrs. Clara Hanson, Mrs. Mary Xeyhart, Mrs. Anna Turner, Mrs. I 'one Kightlingor, Mrs, Eliza Iarling( Mrs. Elsie O. Matlock, Miss Edna Pen drich, Mrs. 11. 8t. Helens, Mrs. Anna Atcheson, Mrs. Effio I'nruh, Mrs. Mary ( use, Mrs. llnttio Kennou, Mrs. Anna Miller, r. IX P. Olinstead, Mrs. Sylvia l'errell, Mrs. I M. Traver. Tho next club meeting will be held at tho home of Mrs, llnttio Kennon, 904 South Liberty street, April eighth. TtT T7 Ti Assam Time means new rugs, a few pieces of needed furniture, per haps a new range or linoleum. Before you purchase inspect our line and get our prices. Will you walk a block to save dollars? We are in the low rent , district, and reduced ex penses means lower prices. Exchange We have opened an exchange department, and will allow you a liberal amount on your old goods, so you need not wait to buy your new goods, but come tn and make your selections at once. We have a large selection 6t RUGS MATTING GO-CARTS MATTRESSES ROCKERS IRON BEDS QUICK-MEAL RANGES MAYTAG WASHING MACHINES, Electrical or Hand Power FREE VOTES on every purchase. Get thU $100 Blue Enamel Range for yourself, or vote for your friensbj. SALEM FURNITURE CO. 333- Near Commercial 339 Chemeketa Street 100 feet East of Y. M. C. A. DEBl Personals, Miss Ruth Wallace's out of town guest this week was Miss Grace Daly ryinplo of Tortlnnd. Mrs. George W. Post and her little son llnnford returned Sunday from a fortnight '8 visit in Union, Oregon, with her sister, Miss Elizabeth Eyan. Miss Ryan is teaching in the public school, Mr. and Mrs. Asnhol Bush, Jr., are moving into their pretty now home on tho northeast corner of South Commer cial and Bellovno streets. Doctor and MrB. Harry E. Clay nnd Doctor and Mrs. Thomas C. Smith, Jr., passed Saturdny and Sundny in Harris burg, guests of Doctor W. H. Dale. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers arrived in San Francisco about two weeks ago from their trip to Honolulu. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers met them and to gether they journeyed home, reaching Sttlcm Inst Sundny. Mr. (ind Mrs. Henry Thielsen called on tlio Meyers in Hnn Francisco. Mr. Thielsen is greatly im proved in health and expects to return homo in a fortnight. Mrs. .lames Walton and Miss Alone 1'nwk went to Portland Thursday to hear Mary Garden in Jules Mnsscnt 's "Thnis." Mrs. Walton, joined by Miss Zoo Stockton Wednesday, left for Tho Dulles, where they will bo house guests of Mrs. Claude Kninlit. Mrs. Knight it giving a series of parties for her visitors. No, Alcuzoj a peroxide blonde isn't ecessarily light on lier fo t. To the ri'gl.t jouug man, a girl's plain red hair looks like a golden halo. Jul (Continued on Page Five.) Low Colonist Fares Daily March 15th to April 15th, to All Points on Oregon Electric Railway from Chicago $118.00 Teorla $37.00 St Louis ....M7.00 Milwaukee.... $38.70 Little Hock ..$12.50 Memphis 112.50 .New Orleans $IS,0J Minneapolis ..$.10.00 Duluth $30.00 Kansas City $30.00 Oniulm $30.00 St. Joseph , . . $110.00 Lincoln $.'10,00 From other eastern points In proportion. Tell your friends In tho East ol this opportunity of moving West on low fares. Direct train service via llurllngton Route, Northern Pacific, Grent Northern and Spokane, Portland & Seattle and Oregon Electric, Railways. You can deposit funds with me and tickets will be furntBbed neople In the East, Details will be furnished on request W. D. SKINNER, C. E. ALB IN, Traffic Manager, Portland, Ore. General Agent, Salem, Ore. The Hoover Electric Suction Sweeper Restores Original Colors to Rugs and Carpets This cleaner combines a revolving soft bristle brush with suction. Its strong suction first lifts the floor covering one-fourth inch from the floor, then airs, sweeps and suction cleans it in one easy automatic operation. We show you several kinds of cleaners besides the Hoover, including a HAND POWER CLEANER THAT IS THOROUGHLY EFFICIENT AND EASY TO OPERATE. Don't Buy Any Kind of Vacuum Cleaner Without First Operating It Yourself for Fifteen Minutes J IMSIUiliL--" .1 aiBWMBBIOKSIBJEMIIaUttM