Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 02, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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ml i I
Today a Day of
Special Interest
to Men
Our 632nd Wednesday Surprise
Sale of Men's Dress and Golf
Shirts, at 59 cents each
A most important shirt event will take place
when these are placed on sale TOMORROW.
A great asortment in figured and stripe pat
terns, with neck band and attached cuffs. You
will be surprised at getting such shirts as
these at so low a price. Your choice, 59 cents
each. See window display. The sale starts
at 8:30 tomorrow morning, one day only.
A. D, Braum, of Dnllas, is in the city.
B. R. Matthows, of Corvallis, is tit
tho Bligh.
D. Schelly, of McMinnvilel, in at tho
Bligh hotol.
Pinnes rented by (loo. C. Will, 432
St lit o Btroot.
Mrs. J. W. Bruin a id, of Marshfiold, is
visiting in the city.
C. H. Pickens, of La Grande, i in
our eity for a few days.
0. B. Pickens, of La Grande, is a
guest of tho Bligh.
II. L. Hobbs, of HillHboro, is trans
acting businos sin Baloni.
Lot Hollins fix your watch; now at
the Red Cross drug storo.
Mrs. P. C. Mc.Chord, of Waoonda, was
a Salem visitor yostorday.
Installation and other business at
Elks' hall tomorrow ovoning. I
Waltor J. Page, a Salem boy, rocontly
entered the employ of tho Orogon Klec-
tiio Company, at Corvallis, lie is do
ing offico work.
Mrs. C. R. Gregg, who lives on North
Winter street, recently received surgic
al treatment at tho Snlem hospital. She
is progressing satisfactorily.
Frank Holder, veteran Western I'nion
operator, who 1ms been ill at his homo,
at 110 Lincoln street, for several wookB,
h not yet able to be at the office.
Miss Helen Hunt, of Shaw, is at the
home of Tr. and Mrs. Stoeves, whero
sho will remain to attend school until
tho close of tho present year.
Tho I'enn Timber company has been
organized with a capital stock of $2,
000,000 and the principal officers are
Lovi S. Clough and William Smear
baugh. Mrs. L. II. MeMahau, who uiiilerwont
surgical treatment some timo ago at
the Salem hospital, is in a sonouB con
dition. IIopo is entertained, however,
for her recovery soon.
lints made to vour individual face
H. 0. Ford and wife, of Amity, wore'ftn(1 vour (pM mfuXe p to ut
RiiosU of tho Salem yesterday. yon A of Bhappi am, ma.
Good music is on tho program at First tprinls carried. Mrs. Alice Bryngelson,
M. E. church, Friday night. 2.re. flm North Commercial, corner Division.
Cecil Grant Is missing from Pallas, PrBn,. w,mlow Mmmn mJ
and his folks arc anxious to locate h.m. I wr.w an,
Mr. .Tohn McAllister, of Albany, Is u'att Shinp's, left this morning for
Chicago. Mr. Plinsky will take a course
in card writing at the Koester school.
C. V. Oglesby, of Eugene, is in the
J. McAllister, of Albany, is in the
C. II. Arthur, of Eugeue, is in the
Laren Larenscn, of Amith, is at the
L. R. Stinson was a Portland visitor
K. M. Chambers, of Pendleton, is at
the Bligh.
I. II. Sroaf, of Eugene, is registered
at the Bligh.
O. Merritt, of Portland, is registered
at tho Cottage.
A. F. Bewley, of Nashville, Tonn., is a
guest at tho Salem.
A. B. Yainy, of Eugene, is on a busi
ness visit to the city.
Mrs. J. W. Brninard, of Marshficld,
is visiting friends In Salem.
Peter JJostrak, of Silverton, was a
businoss visitor yostorday.
Installation and other business at
Elks' hall tomorrow evening.
L. L. Parks, of Woodburn, is on busi
ness at the court house today.
Idaho -Willamctto debate Friday
night, Music, Spirit, Enthusiasm.
L. B. Harris, of East Salem, was a
guest at the Salem hotol last night,
Tho Gem Restaurant. Now, clean
place. 130 North Liborty, Ed. Knigh
ton. 3-31eod-3t
J. E. Rocap, a Btreet car man, is at
the Capital hospital for surgical treat
ment. C. A. Whipple, assistant electrical en'
gineer of the Portland, Eugene & East
ern, is in Salem today.
Debate, First M. E. church, Friday!
"Should IT. S. Have Larger Navy!"
Hear it answered there.
Dr. R. T. Mclntyre, of Independence,
attended tho mooting of the medical so
clety at Willamette Univorsity last
Hoar tho music at tho Idaho-Willam
etto dobato. First M. E. church, Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McFaddcn stop
ped Sunday to visit Mr. McFaddcn 's
parents, of this city. Thoy have just
returned from a trip to California.
A complaint for divorce was filed in
the circuit court this morning by O. C.
Lady against Grace May Lady. Deser
tion is tho grounds upon which a decree
is asked.
Tho Young Teoplo's Society of the
Highland Church will give a musicale
this evening, assisted by the Millor
family, at the Mission Commons, this
evening at 8 o'clock.
Edgar Sears, superintendent of the
equipment of the Portland, Eugene &
Eastern Railroad Co., with headquarter
in Portland, is looking ovpr the Salem
end of the systom today.
State Superintendent Alderman ro-
ports quite a heavy lot of business in
his office. Much correspondence over
school laws and other matters is com
ing to his office this week.
Protection for the family. Life in
surance is the best protection. Frater
nal insurance is the best. Modern
Woodmen of America is the largest and
best fraternal society. Soo a Woodman
anywhere. Ray A Grant, Clork.
Pianos that aro the standard of ex
celleney. The Ludwig, Packard and
other good makes. Our prices will sur
priso you. Get them bofore buying. Ask
about our easy paymont plan. R. F.
Poters, manager, 521 Court stroet, oppo
site court house.
If Tongue Is Coated, Stomach Sour,
Breath Feverish, Bowels Clogged
Give "Syrup of Figs."
Mother! I,nnk at the toneuet See
if it is coated. If your child is listless,
drooping, isn 't sleeping well, is restless,
doesn't eat heartily or is cross, irrita
ble, out of sorts with everybody, stom
ach sour, feverish, breath bad; has
stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, or
is full of cold, it means the little one's
stomach, liver and thirty feet of bowels
are filled with poisons and clogged up
waste and need a gentle, thorough
cleansing at once.
Give a teaspoonful of Syrup of Figs,
and in a few hours the foul, decaying,
constipated matter, undigested food and
sour bile will gently move on and out
of its little bowels without nausea, grip-
ng or weakness and you will surely
have a well and smiling child shortly.
Vith Syrup of Figs you arc not drug
ging your children, being composed en
tirely of luscious figs, seuna and aro-
matics it cannot be harmful, besides
they dearly love its delicious taste.
Mothers should always keep Syrup of
Figs handy. It is the only stomach, liv
er and bowel cleanser and regulator
needed a little given today will save
a sick child tomorrow.
Full directions for children of all ages
and for grown ups plainly printed on
the package
Ask your druggist for the full name,
"Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Seuna,"
prepared by the California Fig Syrup
Co. This is the delicious tasting, gen
nine old reliable. Refuse anything else
Captain Amundson to Lecture at the
Grand Tomorrow Night Declines
a Reception.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms
near city hall, 330 North High street
Phono 4. 3-12-tf
FOR SALE Four-room house in North
Salem. Phone 4. 3-22-tf
As a result of a communication
ceived last night from the manager
Cautain Roald Amundson, discoverer of
the south polo, who is to lecture at the
erand opera house tomorrow night, it is
not likely that a reception will be held i
in honor or tne noteu oiuun-i v
Illihee club, as was planned. The com
munication states that the captain is
worn out with receptions, and prefers to
spend his leisure time in resting.
The captain's manager will arrive in
Salem at 3 o'clock this afternoon, ana
will confer with W. H. Dnncy and
Frank Springer, committee, which was
named by tho club to make preparations
for tho reception. At nearly every
citv in which Amundson has appeared
receptions and smokers have beon held
in his honor. This featuro of his jour
ney, together with the frequent lectures,
h said to bo telling on his strongth.
NOTICE I will not bo responsible for
any debts except those which I con
tract personally. A. H. Loniax.
FOR SALE Modern flroom now bun
inilnw. roses, cherry trooa, fine loca
ls 7
tiou, cash, or lots as first paymont,
balance on easy terms. E. A ..Capi
tal Journal. 4-l-t
Hats made to .SSLNG
340 Union St.
big rent; no big prices.
lhne 1539
Wholesale and retail. Hner.im .
weddings and parties. Call Mala 2ou
or come to Fred In front of th J.
The first chicken tamale Fred
u Dttiem, now you see tr,m
erv ninco r hat oe
like Trrerl'. Tamils v... . 8 Dot
,,jn rfv nn. .
here for a few days on business mat
ters. College night in Salem, Friday even
ing, Idaho-Willamette debate, 2.'s. First
M. E. church.
The minstrel show of tho V. M. C. A.
plnys tonight at Silverton and a spe
cial ear will be run.
"Pat" Mc Arthur, speaker of tho
bou so in tho last legislative sossion, was
in tho city yestorday.
Installation and other business at
Elks' hall tomorrow evening.
S. ,1. Culvor, who was doputy county
clork in Salem undor the lato R. D. Al
len, today was appointed to a place in
the offico of the state treasurer, suc
ceeding Mary Hodson. Miss Hodson
as been employed in the treasurer's
office for 13 years.
Style is as Essential
in Footwear
As it is in gowns or lulls or suits.
This is recognized by people who ap
preciate good tliste in their uppeor
nnce. One's footwear is about ns
prominent ns one's gowns or suit.
That is why lteinhnrt ' Shoe Store is
so popular. Wo have the products of
the most famous shoe makers in the
country such ns llnnaii, Edwin
Clnpp, Howard & Foster, Xicglcr
Bros., etc., shoes that are made at
fashion's headquarters. Let us show
you the latest models.
Home ol the Hanan SKoo
Hi Stat St. OpplighThcatre
Numerous applications for positions
on the city teaching force have beon
received by Superintendent Kuntz,
nearly every state in the I'nion and
France and Honolulu having applicants.
Every snck of Salein-made flour that
i i. ....... i. i. ........
j ,1(111 IMI Ull 1VU V ,l"V IIIUl III III. 11 IIIUU-
ey at home; then why not buy riour
made by the Cherry City flouring mills.
Ask your grocer. Phone Muin 2331,
mill number.
Russell Stillmnn has resigned his
place as messenger boy at tho Postal
Telegraph office. His place is being
taken by Lyman Baker. Young Still
mini will enter tho employ of Ruef
Bros., the florists.
K. .1. Derrick is a victim of his own
hand, having erased a flowing, silken
mustache from his visage. He attract
ed considerable attention on the streets
vesterdnv both before and after his
friends recognized him.
Just remember that we give quick
and prompt service. The number of
our customers is increasing; they are
satisfied. Ask for Yakima Best Flour
Phone Muin (1(1. Sperling's grocery
311 North Commercial street.
Phono Main 1.11 is our number. We
have a sumilv of good apples, reason
able in price. Our bread gives satis
fact ion wherever used. Staple and fnn
ev groceries nt nil times. The Sunset
grocery, 121 South Coininercial street
It has been reported that tho Y. M
('. A. minstrel show will lie put on in
Silverton tonight, but Secretary Comp
ton today staled tlmt it is a mistake
and that the local players will leave for
Silverton tomorrow night.
J. W. Crane, of Shattuck, Oklahoma,
i in Salem with a view to purchasing
property and locating. Ho registered at
the Board of Trado yestorday, and had
an extondod conference with Secretary
Slado. Mr. ('ratio farms in Texas. Be,
fore coming north ho sold one large
tract of land in that state.
Building Postponed.
Tho building of the union dopot by
tho Portland, Eugene & Eastern Rail
road Co., on tho block enclosod by Ma
rion, Liberty, Commercial and Conter
streets, has been indefinitely postponed
The reason given is the delay In the
unmorging of tho Southern Pacific and
the Hnrriman systems.
Another reason for tho postponement
of construction work on tho block
that the company wishes to first com
plete the electrification of all lines In
tho vallev.
; ; Under now management Employs all white help.
! ; 371 Stat street UNION HOUSE RUFF ft ALLEN.
M Ml H
If you have frequent headache; if
yuu do not see ns well ns you did oticc
if your eyes tiro easily, you' should
como mid havo them exnmined It will
cost you nothing, and I'll tell you
whether or not you need glasses.
a. Mcculloch
291 North Commercial Street
(Oround Floor)
Pbon 825 Offlo hours t to
FOR SALE Oak chiffonier and dress
er; iron bed and mattress; cook stove
gas plate with oven, several pairs
lace and kitchen curtains, Hoosier
cabinet and other articles, all now
bust fall, will sell t heap. Inquire 610
State street. 4-2-3t
195 S. 24th St. Pnone MaJn '
Largo and complete stock. Peach and
prune trees 25 per cent discount and
all other varieties of fruit Evergreens
and 50 varieties of rose husoes, De.
llvery to any part of this city.
U)ST Watch fob, gold monogram "h.
C. ,T." on black libbon. Return to
Journal office and receive reward.
4-2 3t
THY 300 North Twelfth Btreet for
room and good meals, reasonable.
It. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp'
iNo. 1M0, meets every Thursday ev
ening in McCornack building, Court
and Liberty streets. Eelovator. Su
sie rarmentor, 781 North Front St.,
Oracle; Hazel Price, Imperial Furni
ture Co.. recorder. 4-2-tf
To investigate the feasibility of es
tablishing a co operative creamery at
Paul, L. J. Chapiu, farm manage
ment expert of the Board of Trnde, left
for that placo'' today. He will spend
two days in conference with prominent
farmers and business men at St. Paul.
The need of a creamery has long
been felt at St. Paul. The conditions
ere noted by Mr. Chnpin soon after he
came to Salem, 'and he decided at that
me to work toward the establishment
of tho industry on a co operative basis.
Mr. Chapin, while at St. Paul, will al
so gather data for a farmers' institute,
which he plans to hold there in a few
weeks. He will be assisted in the insti
tute by members of the faculty of the
Oregon Agricultural College
Local conditions generally will be
studied by Mr. Chapin while at St.
Paul, and a practical address will be
ven at a meeting of farmers which has
been arranged for.
Would Enjoin City From Emptying Its
Sewage Into Silver Creek or Its
In a complaint filed in the Marion
county circuit court this morning by the
Stato Board of Health, a decree is
asked permanently enjoining the eity
of Silverton from permitting tho sewer
age and drainage of the city to be
emptied into Silver creek, or any of its
It is alleged in the complaint that
Silver creek flows near the eity limits
of Silverton, and the residents along its
shores use tho water for domestic pur
poses. Tho grounds upon which the
complaint is based are that Silverton
recently constructed a sewer which
flows through tho city and is used by
the citizens of that placo continuously,
and by reason of the sewerage and
drainage being emptied in Silver creek,
the health of the populace of Silverton
and the public of tho state in general
who visit tho town is endangered, and
that tho stream should bo kept freo
from all refuse, in order to maintain
health and provent contagion,
Silver Creek is the only outlet
through which the sewerage of Silver
ton can bo distributed, there being no
other stream in the vicinity that would
answer such purposes. In tho event the
court rendors a decree as prayed for in
the complaint filed by tho State Board
of Health, tho sewer constructed by
Silverton will bo rendorod useless.
WANTED Girl to do gonoral house'
work. Inquire at 1089 Court street,
4 2 3t
second hand automobile to exchange
for a vacant lot, or as first payment
for a house and lot. John H. Scott
room 4, over Chicago Store. 4-2-3t
FOR RENT Part of a nice home, eeu
trally located, for two people. Refer
dices . C, care Journal. 4-2-3t
hungry little friend, in front of the
Madison. 4 2 It
FOR RENT Splendid downstairs
apartment, newly furnished, at the
Lincoln, (i.13 Ferrv street. 4-2-3t
Notice of Meeting.
All parties interested in the eloctric
wiring Inspection "bill will meet with
tho committeo on ordinances at the
council chambers, Friday evening,
April 4, 1913, at 7:30 p. m.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
4 l-3t
To Cure a Told la One Dnj.
Tablets. Druggists refund money If l
falls to cure. E. W. OROVE'8 Signa
ture Is on each box. 25c
New Co rporatlons.
The A. II. Avorill Machinery Com
any, of Portland, Increase of capital
stock from $100,000 to $250,000.
Tho Tast Sachems Assaciation of
Oregon, supplemental.
Young's River & Fischer Creek Tele
phone Company, Astoria, capital $1000.
Dairy Farms
We have one of the beBt 327-acre
dairy farms in the valley, nearly all un
der cultivation, spring wator, deep soil,
10 miles from Salem, 2 miles from Pra
turn, close to school, church, on R. F. D.
route; buildings are old. Price only
Nft per aero; terms. Ve only havo a
few days to sell this fine farm. The
adjoining land, not as good, sold for
$125 to $lfl0 per acre. If farm is too
large wo will divide and Bell at same
347 Stato Stroot. Tel. Main 4')2
W. G. MOREHOUSE, D. V. M. Conn
ty veterinarian Marioa county, exam
iner Stnte Stallion Registration
Board, riompt attention to call
night or day. All Ines of veterinary
night or day. All lines of veterinary
541 Ferry stroet. riiones, office 2199,
rosidence 1310. 4-2-lyr
I do a general visiting &nd 0m
pracUce, treating both acuta ...
chronlo diseases. I have many pa.
tlenta for asthma, dropsy, diseases of
the heart and kidneys, gall atones,
rheumatism, diseases of the skin mi
nervous disorders.
I have cured dropsy In patient.
ter they had been pronounced hopeta
by other able physicians.
I have cured gall stones after emi
nent suTgeons had said that an opera,
tlon would be necessary to afford re
Office practice: Cash.
If you need my help, I am at your
m X. Liberty SL,
Phone: Main 147. Salem. Onm.
Graduate N. w. U Chicago, f
Salem Bank & Trust Building.
Suite 205-206. Phone 2418
Earl NooijebaBer
JnwnlAr. - "N
Masonic Temple
Keslarat Ageats 181 Bute Street
Funeral Tomorrow.
The funeral of Isom T, Wooton, a
Friends minister will bo held at the
Friends' church, Highlands, tomorrow
at 2 p. m with the pastor Dlanclie
Ford-Pickering, in charge.
To lift up is better than to look up.
Doth arc neeessarv to a forward mov
ing life.
A thought is any
breaks Into print.
old thing that
Certain Relief
from headaches, dull feelings, and
fatigue of biliousness, comes quickly
and permanent Improvement in
bodily condition follows after your
stomach, liver and bowels have
been toned and regulated by
The Society of the Sisters of the
Holy Name of Jesus and Mary vs. Ed
ward Davignon, et al., is the title of an
enuity suit filed in tho circuit court to
day. Tho plaintiff is seeking to clear
the title on several lots alleged to be
possessed by it by reason of convey
ance of parties in the yenr lSft.'i.
There are about 30 defendants. It is
alleged in tho complaint that in 18(15
He7.ekiah Rurford and wifo conveyed to
Hedwidge Davignon, known as "Moth
er Veronica," superioress of the Soviet v
of the Sisters of tho Holy Names of
.leans and Mary," lots 1 and 2, in block
7.1, and that at the same time, or there
nbouts, I!. P. Iloisa and wife conveyed
to the same persons lots 3, 8, 9 and 10,
in block 7.1, in tho city of Salem. In
1003, it is cited, Hedwidge Davignon
died and left the property In question
to the defendants.
On the grounds thnt tho plaintiff
has had possession of tho property, and
wns not molested In any way for the
past 30 years, and has Improved the lots
to the extent thnt they are now worth
iFmi.iMiii, tho plaintiff asks that a de
cree be rendered which will prevent
and restrain the defendants from claim
ing any part of the property.
Notice of Improvement of Church
Notice is hereby givea Clint the Com
mon Council of the City of Salem, Ore
gon, deoniB is expediont and horeby de
clares Its intention to forthwith im
prove Church Btroot from the north line
of Court street to the approach of the
bridge over North Mill creek, in the
eity of Salem, Orogon, with Clark &
Henery asphalt pavement No, 1, consist
ing of four Inches cement concrete base
and a ono and ono-half-ineh asphalt
concreto wearing surface, at the ex
ponse of the abutting and adjacent
property within the said limits in ac
cordance with the plans and specifica
tions for said street improvement, as
heretoforo adopted by the Common
Council of said city and on file in the
office of tho city recorder, which are
horeby referred to for a detailed de
scription of said improvement and
made a part of this notice by uch ref
erence. Written remonstrance agaiust the said
proposod ImprovomoMt may be made at
any time within ten (10) days from
tho final publication of this notice, In
tho manner provided by tho city char
ter. This notice Is publlshod for ten
(10) days by order of the Common
Council, the date of the first publica
tion boing tho 1st day of April, 1913.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
4 1 lit
Fine Art Studio
Lessons given, orders taken tor
cblna painting, firing and water col
222 Hubbard Building.
314 U.S. Bank Building
On Good Real Estate Becsrtty.
Over Ladd ft Bush Bank, Salem, Or
Oa gooa Real Estate secarttr.
147 State Street
The beat In town ask for them.
Factory 286 Cuemeketa.
Predicts Fine Fruit Crop.
After a trip covering the llonnld and
the Quinnhy sections. County Fruit In
specter Constable returns enthusiastic
over the prospects for the Willamette
valley fruit crop for the coming sen
son. Mr. Constable says he has not made
a thorough examination of tho peach
trees, but that the weather conditions
have been all that could be desired.
Notice of Improvement of Chemeketa
Street ,
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, dooms It expodient and horeby de
clares its lutontion to forthwith ' im
prove Chemeketa street from the east
line of Fourteenth stroet to the west
line of Twenty-first stroet In the city
of Palcm, Oregon, with one course six
inch gravel cement concrete pavement
at the expense of the abutting and ad
jacent property within the Bald limiu
in accordance with the plans and speci
fications for said street improvement bb
heretofore adopted by the common
council of snld city and on filo in the
office of the eity recorder which are
hereby referred to for a dtitnllcd de
scription of said Improvement and made
a pnrt of this notico by such reference.
Written rcmouatrnnce against the
am proposod improvement may be
mndo at any time withlu ten (10) days
from tho finnl publication of this no
tice In tho manner provided by the city
charter. This notice is ntihl'lsheit fnr
ten (10) days by order of the common
council, the date of first publication
being the 2!ith day of March, 1013.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
Children dry
Prompt dolivory. Sole agenti for
the Famous Kock Springs Coal.
E. H. Jory, suocesBor to J. J. O'Nell.
Phone 210. Yards opposite S. P. P
aeuger dopot.
MM ,
L. M. Pierce
Masonic Temple
On farm and city property. Job E
Scott, over Chicago Store, Balsm. Or
egon. Phone 1561.
In any quantity. Prompt dTr'
our specialty. Falls City Lumber
Company. S7K North Commercial
street Phone Main 811 .
No machinery to tear and
out delicate fabrics. Work calls
for and delivered promptly.
43S Ferry St Phone Main M
Office Phone Main 18
Rlgdon Residence Main 11L
Funeral Dtreotors and Undertake
IS1 N. High Btreet