DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OEBOON, MONDAY, MABCH 24, 1913. PAGE FIVE. 98c- Attend the Great 98c. Sale--98c You will save money on splendid, durable merchandise, offers: $1.25 UMBRELLAS 98c $1.25 BED SPREADS 98c $1.25 LINGERIE WAISTS 98c $1.25 BLACK SATEEN PETTICOATS 98c Alpha and Omega Or the Long .6'i , !? ' : ; V r'v A' 'T lllllif: J ytJ i, la ' ' ' ' ; L. ji " ' ' , Photo by American Presa Association. HERE'S the long and the short of It In dogs, the alpha and omega In canines. The unabridged big fellow Is White Btr Barry, a champion St Bernard; tho pocket sized edition Is Beautiful Lady, also a cham pion In her diminutive class. They were the two most notable ex tremes at the recent national dog show of the Westminster Kennel club in New York city. Sir Levlathlan gave vent to a bay like the last despairing cry of a broken hearted bassoon. Miss MliWet emitted a snap Ilka a disappointed baby firecracker on the Fifth of July. Tbelr owners each thought bis "dawg" was about the last thing In hairy sublimity, or words to that effect . WeiBt Files Suit. W, A. Woist, tho former principal of tho Knglewood public school today, through his attorneys, John A. Carson and Grant Corby, commenced suit for damages in tho Marlon county circuit court against School District No. 24 for damages in the sum of $5000. It is alleged lo tho complaint that tho paintiff was employed as principal of tho Knglewood school on Juno 1, 11112, and that in 1013 ho wbs accused of im moral conduct with Laura DcBoanl, a Hyear old pupl and later discharged. The plaintiff alleges that tho charges were untrue and that by reason of tho Injury Inflicted by the false charges, be is damaged in the sum of $5000. Read WOMEN'S $1.25 MUSLN NGHTGOWNS 98c WOMEN'S $1.25 MUSLIN COMBINATION SUTS 98c WOMEN'S $1.25 HAND BAGS 98c With every $1.00 purchase get the great crayon portrait work. In Dogs, and Short of It Seven EllIoC In Suburbs. Lincoln, Neb., March 24. Seven per sons are known to havo been killed by tho ryclono between hero and Omaha. At Ashland, Mrs. Frederick lloyt was caught in tho cyclone and hurled to tho ground. Her body was frightfully crushed snd mangled. At tho Friends Church, Highland. Meetings will bo held tonight and Tuesday night, also an afternoon ser vice at 2:30 Tuesday. Tho house is filled, all aro serious, many fully per suaded, numbers have fully surrendered and been born of tho spirit as definite ly as were born in the flesh, to which thoy joyfully testify. Between 00 and 70 have come to the altar. Mr. Homer Cox and wife are the main speakers. Come; you are mors than welcome. HliaBaaK!HHaannMMHnsHiaBBnMBB the following extra special MEN'S GOLF SHIRTS $1.25 value, 98c MEN'S $1.25 WOOL UNDERWEAR 98c MEN'S $1.25 OUTING FLANNEL SHIRTS 98c a FREE COUPON for the WHY A BASEBALL CURVES. For tho 8ame Reason That an Open Door Slams In a Draft. All have wondered nt some time or other why a door opened nearly to the limit will clone when there Is a draft or wlud going through tho opening. Certainly tho wind does not get in be hind the door und sliovo It, for the draft Is through the opening. Tho explanation of tills fact lies In a fundamental principle of moving fluids and Is the same principle that wakes a baseball curve. Whenever there Is a current In the air sldewlse pressure Is least In that currentr so when tho draft blows through the opening to the door the pressure on that side of the door Is decreased, and consequently the pressure on the other side will start slowly to move the door, making it go faster and faster till the door swings into the draft Itself and starts going In the direction of the draft. When It does so go In this direction of course the draft helps It along, be cause it Is now not the sldewlse mo- tlou that counts, but the forward mo tion. When a ball Is rotated in the air it carries around with It a good deal of air sticking to the sides. This, then, Is the same thing as saying that a cur rent of air Is Bowing round the rotat ing ball lu tho direction of rotation. Now, if a wind blows against that ball it Is easy to see that the little rotating current will bo with the wlud ou one slda and ngalnst It on the other, so that on one side tho velocity of the air will be Increased and ou the other di minished. So the greater pressure on tho slow side will sliovo the ball against the low pressure on the fust side. Now. throwing a ball lu the air Is the same as making a wind blow against It, so if a ball be thrown and rotated at the same times It will neces sarily curve. Chicago Hecord-llcrald. Grammatical Oversight. A correspondent has complained that In a story tho other day we used "scis sors" lu the singular number. If we did so It was nn oversight, But this kick Just goes to show n not her one of the foolishnesses of oiy beloved tongue. If there were any logic In It a three lined fork Is a triplet and should ul ways be cnlled "tliey." Why Isn't a glove plural If a scissors are? If a shears Is two, what aro a sawbuck? Clevelaud Plain Dealer. Disappointed In Love. "What's wrong with that melancholy man you were talking to Just now?" "Ho bus been disappointed in love." "Too bnd! Did some other fellow get the girl?" "No, he got the girl, but she won't support him." Birmingham Age-Her ald. Would Meat tho Demand. Indignant Wife I wonder what you would have done If you had lived when men were first compelled to eurn their bread by the sweat of their brows I In dolcnt Husbnnd-I should havo started a little notion store and sold handker chiefs. Chicago Tribune. Very 8cornful. "Our waiters must say 'Thank you,' even when the tip is small." "That rule does not prevent them from showing their scorn, my friend. Some of your wnlters can say It with seven different In Hoctlons."-rittaburgh Post. (Jive a small boy a pioce of chalk and he'll make his mark, Four Cabinet Wives Well Known at Capita! Two Looked Upon as Leaders AMONG tho cabinet hostesses, all of whom linve been given the complete approval of Wash- . ..... m . ..i I lllgTOU sncieiy, iimr ui icuoi are looked upon as previously well es tablished fuvoritoH of the capital. Two of thoso ure looked upon particularly as coming lenders of the capital set. Mrs. Bryan and Mrs. .loseplms Dan iels, whoso husbands have been fre quently active In unofficial as well as olllclal business at Washington In past years, have gained many friends In that city. Both have been the right hand partners of their distinguished husbands through all tho years of po litical ups and downs. It was, of course, natural for the wives to fulfill roles In social activity at the capital during the times when their husbands made headquarters lu that city Intermittently. Mrs. Itrynn Hist became endeared to Washington matrons when Mr. Bryan was representative irom iveornsiin. The friendships she established lu those days have been kept fresh by numer ous subsequent visits. Mrs. Albert Sidney Burleson, whose husband la now postmaster general, and Mrs. Krnnkllu K. Dine, whose husband Is secretary of the Interior, are the other old acquaintances re newing their social relations In Wash ington. Mrs. Bryan took but a moderate part In social affairs while her husband was congressman, during wblcb time 0 1913, by Amertcnn I'resB Association. MHS. W. J. BUYAN, AT TOP, AND MllH. JO- HEl'UVS DANIELS. the family occupied n home on Capitol hill, qulto remote from the fashionable residence center of tho northwest Uor throe children, all of whom aro now married, occupied Mrs. Bryan's time then to the exclusion of society. Since then, however, Mrs. Bryan has traveled extensively with her husband both In this country and Kurope. She passed several weeks In Washington last spring, when she was n promoter of the famous Dolly Madison break fast, attended by about 400 women of the Democratic ranks. Mrs. Josepbus Daniels, wife of the secretary of the navy, figuratively knows Washington Inside and . out. Her acquaintance there Is chiefly lu tho naval sot, of which she Is consid ered n part becnuso of her frequent visits with her mother, Mrs. Adelaido North Itngley. Mrs. Daniels hns a son training for tho navy. Born at Kalelgb, N. C. Mrs. Daniels possesses the affability and whole souledness of southern society women. She Is easily met and nut soon forgotten. Her father was Judge William II. Ilngley. clerk of the su preme court of North Carolina. Ku slgn Worth Bagley. the Hist American olllcer to fall lu the Spanish-American war. was her brother. Before her marrluge Mrs. Daniels was one of tho reigning belles of Itn- lolgh. Sho Ih still considered one of tho most lienutlful women In the state. The secretary of the navy and Mrs. Daniels have five sous, one of whom bears the name of bis lamented uncle, Worth Bnglcy, and Is a middy at An napolis. Mrs. Albert Sidney Burleson has been the wife of a congressman for sixteen years. Thus she has boon pret ty steadily n member of capital society In the congressional set. Mrs. Burle son comes of a Tnmlly possessing privileges. Knrly In llfo she had ex tensive travels. She has quite n repu tation as u story writer nud writer of playlets. Her productions have fre quently formed the entertainment at charitable (Hid big social affairs. Mrs. Franklin K. Lane Is a graduate of the University of California, her na tive state She gives much attention to music and art. Jf Mexican rebels aro ever all killed off, tho country will bo so depopulated that sane and decent men may have u chance to do something In it. Food for reflection nover satisfied a hungry man. M 17 Summer Underwear if III 1. 1PJRCHID TRADE MARK REVEREND ERRETT LEAVES. (Continued from page 1.) organizations. This has been striking ly true of tho organizations of women, which havo shown a remarkable growth in membership anrt in results. Tho re tiring minister says these organizations have dono much work which a pasto'r cannot do. Mr. Errett doelnres that the last year of his servico in tho Salem church has been tho best yenr of his pastorate here. More members have been added to the church than in any previous year, and tho unity of tho con gregation has been stronger. Was Newspaper Man. Mr. Errett began his career as a preacher in Omaha in 188S. Beforo that timo ho waB a newspaper man and a lawyer. For a number of years ho was editor and publisher of tho Salino County Kcpublican, at Marshall, Mo. Ho is a nephew of Isaac Errott, who founded tho Christian Standard, and who was also founder of tho Foreign Christian Missionary Society. Shortly after entering tho ministry, Mr. Errett took up evangelical work, as head of the State liiblo school Work in Nebraska, and held that position for four and one-half years. From Ne braska ho went to Kirksville, Mo., to becomd pastor of tho church at that place. His next pastorates in Missouri wcro nt ralmyra and at Kant. From Missouri ho was called to Waco, Texas, and from Waco to Salem. In Oregon Mr. Errett has received state wide recognition by tho Christian church. For ono yenr ho was president of tho Stato Ministerial Association, and for four years served ns president of tho State Missionary Board, with headqunrtcrs at Portland. At present he is chairman of tho comuiitteo on ministerial standing in this state". Holds Local Honors. Locally, Mr. Errett has held positions of responsibility and honor outsido of tho church with which ho was connect ed. Ho has been an active member of the Ministerial Union of Salom, and has served both as president and secre tary of tho organization. Ho has been in close touch with tho Young Men's Christian Associate n sinco coming here and hnB co-operated with tho different secretaries who havo been stationed in Salem. For several months ho has con ducted a Sunday school class for men at tho local association. Yesterday he closed a series of lectures on tho life of Christ, which havo been, well ntetnded. At tho close of tho loetivm yesterday afternoon speeches of appreciation were made by several of those who have been associated witli him in tho work. Mr. Errett is fl!( years old. While not the oldest preacher ill Salem, he is the senior minister in timo of service. Wife Helps Hor Husband. Mrs. Errett has been of great assisl anco to her husband in his pastorate In Salem. Hho has been honored with the vico presidency of tho Stato Christina Women's Hoard of Missions, ami is president of tho Ladies' Missionary So ciety of Salom. Sho has boon a con stant worker in tho liiblo school of tho hurch. Her chief work with this de partment has been as instructor of the Loyal Daughters. This is n class in teachers' training, and numbers about 80 niombors. Mrs. Errott is a woman of literary talent. Poetic contributions from hor pen, both of a humorous and serious nature, published in local pa pers, havo pleased Snlcin people. Notable among her contributions is her " 'Owed" to Oovernor West." Both Mr. and Mrs. Errott express ro gret at leaving Salem. Thoy declare that they will always fed strong ties of friendship connecting them with the city. Mr. Errott has not confined him self to church affairs, and his influ ence has been felt in other lines. Has Been City Develop. "Tho nino and one-half years that I havo been in Salem has seen tho milk ing of a city," snid Mr. Errett this was not a paved strcot in town, and no largo buildings In tho business section. The last ten years has benn an era of prosperity for tho Oregon capital "I Lave kopt in close touch with the public affairs of the city, and pluco Our stock of Hummer I'luU'rwear is by no means ordinary. Tho many different styles and whlo niugo of priees is nn inipnrtant feuture, hut the bramls we carry possess the many points of merit that you should become acquainted with. For Women Wo carry almost every stylo known in SWISS lill'.IUOD union ami two piece suits, hut wo call vour special attention to tho famous ORCHID BRAND Mercerized union suits, short alcoves, sleeveless, low neck and ankle length suits $1.75 MKI.BA MODE vests, won't slip off tho shoulderi. 15c and 25c l'OROS KNIT union suits, sleeeless and laco trimmed. Whito onlv. FOR MEN The NORTH STAR BRAND is a Winner Wo have it in cotton ribbed and mesh, union and two-pieco suit.4, long and short sleeves, sleeveless, anklo and kneo length. Wo carry a full lino of 7'OKOS KNIT, also light wool, in fact, anything that's dosirablo in summer underwear, great value on my general acquaintance with tho pcoplo. T am glad to bo able to say that I havo ninny friends to cherish, and no enemies to punish." The official board of tho Christian church will begin at oneo to cast about for a man to succeed Mr. Errott. If a pastor has not been procured by May 1, tho timo set for Mr. Errett 's departure, arrangonicnts will bo made temporarily until a pormanont pastor is secured. In accepting tho Boiso pastorate, Mr. Errott goes into ono of tho largest churches in tho Northwest. Tho mem bership is not ns largo as that of tho Salem church. A magnificient church building was dodicatcd only a fow months ago, however, and all is said to bo in readiness for work of big propor tions in the Idaho capital. Mr. Errett succeeds L, L. Chapman iu tho BoiBO church. WHAT JONATHAN WANTS JONATHAN GETS Of all tho pestiferous individuals thoy havo ever had occasion to put up with, Jonathan Bourno, ticket distribu-1 tor and general information bureau for I tho Southern Pacific company, at tho passongor depot, istho dingest ono iu tho city, according to tho street car men. Jonathan is sure in bad with the I guardians of tho nickels and the juice appber on tho cars running from tho city to Yew Park. Tho net which split in twain the feel ing of tolerance of tho actions of thoj principal under discussion occurred yes terday noon nt tho intersection of High and Stato stroets. Bourne, know ingly, and with evident malice, posted his mengro form on tho opposite of the ci tranco to cars, as required by the i! !es of tho company, and, with u grin ace, waited to havo tho door opened for him. Tho car floated by, and .lontthan, seeing ho would bo left, unless ho got buisy, cnlmly pulled tho 'stinger" of;', and tho, motormnn was helpless. Tho villain thon stepped aboard, notwith standing; the glare of tho conductor, and gave up his timo to studying tho pictures In tho advertising racks. "What I want, I get," says Jona Hhan. "And tho next timo yon tamper with tho juieo rod on this enr," said the con ductor, "you'll get something, whether you want it or not." Passongors smiled; so did Bourne, and the conductor continued to glare. Journal Want Ads Ilrlnir ItesiilK Electric Hot Hot water for shaving in a is only one way it can be used. There are hundreds of others, Hot water is always needed by every member of the family Let us demonstrate one in our Electric Bedroom. THE ELECTRIC COMPANY State and Commercial StreeU. Phon-s 85 Entertained Thursday, Thursday afternoon Mrs. W. I!. Kano entertained the members of tho W. A. E. club nt her homo in Knglewood. A pleasant afternoon was spent and plans for future work discussed. Luncheon was served after which officers wero elected for the ensuing three months: Edith Welch Fuller wns elected presi dent, Irina Cooper Minior, secretary; Thoso present wero Margaret Lansing Pooler, Edith Welch Fuller, Irma Coop er Minior, Miss Huth Kulifson, Edith Cleaver Kane, Mrs. Lloyd Stifl'lur, Mrs. Laurence Greene, Mrs. L. Michelson, . Mrs. C. Cleaver. Did you ever notice with what fiend ish delight a woman emphasizes hor superior knowledge over a man every timo sho gets a chancof No, Cordelia, an ossified ninn isn't necessarily hard to get acquainted with. Journal Want Ailrs. Bring Results. READ READ INVESTIGATE Some goml buys and exchanges. J)ii"il() takes ideal home, liO acres. 1511 acres ill Polk county, cheap. 25(1 acres, well improved, 25u0. SEVERAL GOOD BUYS IN PRUNE RANCHES, HOP RANCHES AND BERRY TRACTS, .'I lots, 5-room collage, $1(i()il, snap. 5 and 10-acre tracts, close in. 1011x150, 5-room house, $2501). CITY LOTS ALL PARTS OF SALEM 5 lots, fl-room house, bam, chicken vnrd, fruit and berries, $1000. Several business chances, restnurnnt, rooming house, grocery store, black smith, pool hall, cigar slat:'!. SEVERAL STOCK RANCHES, CHEAP. 4'i acres, 2 houses, on car line, fine garden tract, (ill(IO. Four-room furnished house, good lot, $1050. 10 ncroB bearing Italian prunes, $2500. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? LIST YOUR BARGAINS WITH US. WE SELL FIRE, LIFE, ACCCIDENT INSURANCE. 4. 5, 6 ROOM HOUSES, INSTALL MENTS. Acme Investment Co. COOK & WHITNEY, MANAGERS. Phono Main 477. 510 Statu St. Opposite t'oiirt House. Water Cup moment, and it stays hot. That fl ft ; x