PAOB FOUB DAILY CAPITAL JOTONAL, SALEM, OBECrON, 8ATUEDAY, MAS OH 22, 1913. Worth Reading If you want to see good shows, this is the home of all original Feature Pictures, and the best Vaudeville obtainable, and all kinds of added attractions of high class productions. Coming Programs Kindly note these opening dates if you wish good amuse ment and to get the worth of your money. Sunday and Monday 23rd and 24th 16 -People -16 ; MUSICAL COMEDY CO. Pretty girls, catchy songs and comical commedians. Secure your seats early for this show Tuesday and Wednesday 25th and 26th Dalton Boys i Of Kansas in three reels, show ing all historical events in the lives of these four men. You will see the real Emmet Dalton, now a respected citizens. Two other reels of rich comedy pictures. 2 Refined Vaude ville Acts Last, but not least See your self in moving pictures. Bridge Opening Day These pictures were taken for the Bligh Theatre exclusively, and can be seen there only. Re member the dates, the 25th and 26th. Thursday, Friday and Saturday 27th, 28th and 29th Kenworthy Stock Co. This company is coming undnr the highest recommrndation. Vaudeville and pictures Sun day, Monday, 30 and 31. Helen Gardner in Cleopatra Tuesdy and Wcdnesdy, April 1st and 2d. BLIGH Sgn of Good Shows Where Everybody Goes AND It f tin r Vfl. . MADERO MUEDEEED. BY HUERTA'S ORDERS Film Evidence Refutes Ambassador Wilson's Report of Madoro's Killing. Thftt president Madero of Mexico was the victim of a cowardly assassin ation while presumably being escorted from the penitentiary in Mexico City to tho border, and not killed while being taken from tho national palace to the penitentiary, as officially reported by tho Ilnerta government, was the de claration made a few clays ago by .'Mi- 16 PEOPLE 16 MUSICAL COMEDY Pretty OirIsCatchy SongsComical Comedians 2 -- DAYS ONLY - 2 SUNDAY, 23rd, MONDAY, 24th RUG Sip of Good Shows 13 THEATRE I GRAND' 'Souse COMING '""11 Or i CO i- DAVID BELASCO, Prodmor of "Tho Concert," f Jam in O AMU OPERA ML 1 N SUP HOUSE Sunday and Monday, March 23 and U BEGINNING WITH MATINEE SUNDAY AT 2 P. M. From the Manger to the Cross A REVERENT MOVING; PICTURE LIFE STOUT OP Jesus of Nazareth PRODUCED IN AUTHENTIC LOCATIONS IN PALESTINE AND EGYPT 5 Reels BY KALEM CO. 5000 Feet Kndoraed by tho press and public tho world over. Now showing at lleilig Theatre, Portland, at S3 cents ami nO cents. Wo have secured this attraction for Master Sunday and Monday , PRICES: 15 and 25 cents TMESBflAMS , Hi . , i Frank S. Dart, who has just returned from tho neighboring republic. Hart, who is one of the expert photog raphers of tho Universal Film Manufac turing company, MHO Broadway, New York, linn a number of pictures to sub stantiate hie statements, llo asserts that he can not only prove that Madero was assassinated in the manner do scribed, but that the plot was hatched and actually carried out at the instiga tion of Ilnerta and his followers. Dart's photjgraphs, which were hold up by the customs officers on his ar rival aboard tho steamship Moxico from Vera Cruz yesterday, will be forwarded Where Everybody Goes Monday Night, Mar. 31 DAVID BELASCO Presents His Comedy Triumph THE CONCERT Great cast, headed by Leo Ditrichstein, Isabel Irving and other players from Belasco Theatre, N. Y. Price. 75c $1. and $1.50 1 s today to the authorities at Wasliii)j;toa by tho University Film Manufacturing company. "X was only a Bhort distance from tho penitentiary when Madero was shot," said Dart, "I hurried to tho scene and when I arrived thero, only a few minutes after the deposed presi dent hnd breathed his last, I found a number of jubilant peons digging a gravo. This grave, as my photographs will show, is within ten feet of tho spot whero Madoro fell. "Thero seemed to bo no attempt at sccrocy as to tho manner in which Ma dero met his death. Indeed, from the littlo Spanish I speuk, I was able to glean enough to convinco mo that the deposed president was tho victim of a most cowardly plot. Somo of tho closo up photographs I took of tho twelve foot wall encircling the penitentiary will show tho bullet marks distinctly. Theso seemed tb havo been .f'ircd from diverse positions, showing that any at tempt of Madoro to oscapo would have been futile. "Tho scene of tho shooting was di rectly back of tho penitontiary, outside the main wall. Thero was no automo bilo about tho premises, as afterwards given out by tho Ilnerta officials, and from all tho information I was able to fct, I was convinced Madoro had been taken there and shot down in cold blood as tho climax of a prearranged pro gram," Part reached tho city of Mexico on Feb. 1.1, just throe days after tho Diaz revolt. TieBidcs the photographs of Ma dero 's gravo and tho penitontiary wall, ho obtained innumerable pictures of rev olutionary scenes. Theso woro deomod of such importance that Hal Tieid, man ager of tho Animated Weekly, a Uni versal Film Manufacturing company's enterprizo, at onco cominunicatod with President Wilson, offering tho photo graphs to tho U. S. government. Mr. Keid will accompany Dart to Washing ton this afternoon, taking tho photo graphs with him. "The stories given out by tho Ilnerta regime to tho effect that thero was an attempted rescue of Madero was a fake," declared Dart. "Tho Madcros were cordially hated in Mexico City, and I doubt if any one thero cared enough about tho deposed president to try to save him. Gustavo Madero, tho president's brother, wan not killed when imprisoned, ns was reported, but was called out of n restaurant and shot down like a dng on a sidewalk. Of that I also have amplo proof. 'Altogether, conditions in Mexico arc much worso in every respect than tho American people havo any idea of. The news coming out of tho country is cen sored right up to the limit, and it is next to impossiblo to get at tho truth unless ono hnppens to bo on tho scene. "I experienced no end of difficulty in leaving Mexico. As soon as tho of ficials heard I was a photographer they tried to stop mo. Fortunately I man aged to keep tho fact from them that I had tho pictures of Madero 's grnvo and prison walls, showing tho bullets im bedded thero. Ooodness only knows what they would havo done to me if they had got hold of those pictures." Dart found his wifo jirnsrratcd when ho returned to his homo at Lynhroow, no news from him since ho loft this city for Mexico, and report had reached hot ears ho had been killed. Dart himself is practically a nervous wreck, having ex perienced untold hardships and Suf fered greatly from loss of sleep during his absence. LEO DITRICHSTEIN, Famous playright and actor, who ap pears at the Grand Opero House, Monday, March 31, in Paviil Helm co's comedy success, "Tho Con cert." The difference between a hospital and a sanitarium hiny be from 20 s week up. S W' , .' .! ' ; . , . rT"!' ';-!gk$;': t3 California Will Pass Bed Light Law Theory All Bight, But Bill Is Impracticable. I ON TED riUBBS LKASND WIRH.J Sacramento, C'nl., March 22. Whito slavo dens and disreputable houses of all sorts in California are oxpected to be doomod by tho legislature's passing the Grant-Bohnett red light abatement and injunction bill, which already has passed the assembly, and will bo voted on in tho scnato Monday. It is said tho senate will pass the bill by a two-thirds vote, not because the solons favor it, but because pressure from their constituents threatens all who opposo with political (loath. Tho measure is framod on tho law originally passed in Des Moines nnd provides for closing for a year any houso proven to bo used for illegal pur poses. THE HUMPHREYS PAY. (Continued from page 1.) and, acting as tho director, planned to rob Mrs Griffith. Shortly after t'io nr res', of tho Humphrey brothers, Xarth suddenly left the community, and was heard from in tho Montana insnno asy hiin. tho authorities of which declared the Bamo man was in their iiiBtitiii'cn for troatment. Tho Benton county shoriff declares that ho holds some strong evidence against North, and believes this man is responsible for tho hanging of the Humphrey brothers. North cannot be located at present, but search is being made for him. Eolativo Witnesses Execution. L. Sain, 70 years old, and a distant relalivo of tho Humphrey brothers, hob bled into tho warden's office this morn ing, just prior to the time of oxocution, and desired to be a witness, llo wns sworn in ns a witness, and stood with in 12 feet of his two relatives when they shot down through tho holes to death. His countenance showed no sign of emotion, and ho declared, while signing the witness affidavit, that this wns the first hanging ho had ever at tended. Rain lives in Salem, and declares he is a distant relative by marriage to the Humphreys. After many nttompts to free the -Humphrey brothers, after they signed n written confession a few weeks nfter tho dead and mutilated body of Mrs. Griffith was found In her cabin at Philomath. Theso men confessed to having choked tho lonely woman to death nnd robbing her of everything sho posessed, ravished her dead person. They wero duly convicted of murder in tho first degree. The governor in terfered by grnnting the condemned men a repriovo, pending action on a bill in tho legislature to abolish capital punishment, or change tho method of execution. Tho supremo court then re ceived tho easo on appeal, and nfterj handing down an affirming opinion, the brothers wero sentenced to hang today. LIBERTY AND PRINGLE NOTES. Mr. Frank Timmerman is working for Mr. Wain. Kton Bao of Liberty visited Balcm Monday. i Charles Grabcnhorst visited Salom Sunday. Misses Nellio and Evelyn Grabcn horst mado a visit to this neighborhood Sunday. Mr. Greenwood visited hero Thurs day. Hoyt Cupp mado a trip to Salom Sun day. Mr. Ohmart of Liberty made a trip Salem Thursday. . Mrs. Bench visited Salem Thursday. .1. R. 8. Deception Is all right on tho stage, but In married llfo you are sure to be found out The World's Confidence in any article intended to relieve the sufferings of humanity is not lightly won. There must be continued proof of value. But for three generations, and throughout the world; endur ing and growing fame and favor have ' been accorded BEECHAM'S PILLS because they have proved to be the best corrective and preventive of disordered con ditions of stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels. S'he first dose gives quick relief and per manent improvement follows their systematic use. A trial will show why, in all homes, the use of Beecham's Pills Continues To Increase SoM tnn.htfi, b Wmw 10. Mfe -UK In inl uk f M. mmdtK. at V HHd to iwa im ittim wA mn M. The most economical of all Absolutely Pure ; Royal Baking Powder is made from pure grape cream of tartar, and is the embodiment of all the excellence possible to be attained in the high est class baking powder. Royal Baking Powder is more eco nomical than any other leavening agent, because of the superlative quality and absolute wholesomeness of the food it makes. Mixtures made in imitation of genuine baking powders, but containing alum, are frequently distributed from door to door, or advertised and offered at a low price. Such are mixtures of unhealthy ingredients. In England, France, Germany and some sections of the United States the sale of alum baking powder is prohibited by law. Alum is a corro sive mineral acid, and physicians condemn baking powders containing it. The label upon baking powdera must Bhovt the Ingredients READ THE LABEL The Easter Rabbit's Rival -ATcJ - . St ' mi "The Caster rabbit lays the eggi," Said Sue. "He's awful ihy l" "Mt for the hen I" said Johnnie Jones, And he winked the other eye. Los Angolas Will Vote on 10 Proponed Charter Amendments, That's AU This Time. united rnma UiiiBk witu.) Lea AiiReloH, t'nl, Murch 22. The voters of Los Alleles will pons upon 19 proposed charter amendments ut a spe cial election Monday. They nlno will vote upon an initintivo ordinnnre to rcituliito public dnnro hulls and provide for tho regulation' nnd revocation of li censes allowing them to operate. Among the most important of tho pro posed chartor changes aro two proposi tions offering proportional representa tion and a return to tho old ward sys tem of representation in council. Tho city's connciltnen at present are elected at lnr(re. Should tho prtiportioiml rep resentation amendments carry, T,os An Kclcs will ho tho first municipality In America to adopt tho plan. . LOCAL BIB KNIGHTS WILL OBSERVE EASTER De Molay Commnndery, K. T., will at tond Easter services tomorrow at tho First rreshyterlan church, In full uni form, when Dev. Henry T. Bubcock will deliver a sermon on "Why Knster Brings Joy." The Sir Knights will meet at their temple, nnd nmrch from thero to the church in a body. This cejebrntion of Taster is observed tho rorld over by the Knights Templar, awi tomorrow .every Sir Knigh tin the city that can possibly do so Srill attend. VuhMnr-rrHnrAttTIV irrhif Rttltrl BARNUM AND JENNY LIND. How the Great 8howmn Seourtd the "Swedish Nightingale." The site of li'iiiilxtiiu. with its Moor ish towers .nd inlimretM. w ns engraved iiihiii tho l ieilieiids nf P. T. ISnrniini mid wiih th.' one thing wlileli nttrnctvel .tennv I.InU when he wrnte neeltlng to eni'M' del' lot' mi Aliiellt'iin lour, lu furt, she rniifessed tlnit It wns this pie I:: iv Unit liMi'l'tiiliji-il her coining to A iiicri::i Ji'iiDj" l.lnd coiitnirteil to come to .VtiiH'I'ii l'i IKIil. Hie "SwedHi Nlght-lir-'iile" ngivpiiii: to xlng ut t.'tl concerts, for S'jri.uiii. nil traveling expense pulil. After l rtlved In Amerlni Jenny l.lml iihkiiI Mr Hiirmtin when mid where he lieind her slug, mid liioi reielvliig I In' uiiswer that lie had never hud the pleasure of seeing her heforo ln Ills life, she nuked, "How did you tluli so much money on u person whom you never heard slni;V" ' "I risked It." gnlliiiitly answered Mr. , Riirniiui. "on your migellc eharneter ami reputation, feeling that you would plenie tl'e American pithlle." Then hegaii a campaign of advertis ing to prepare the people for the np peiiiaiiee of Jenny Mud. Two hundred . dollars was offered ns a prize for an ode entitled "A (ireetlng (o America," to bu Hting liy Jenny I.lnd. and th ' awnrd was won by Iluynrd Taylor. No ' singer who has ever nppenred In tha i country tins secured more cntliuslnstle welcome than Jenny Mini, nil bocauso ! of the genius of I'. T. Bnrnum. Job , Mitchell Chapplo In National Mags- . lino. Not Amiable. Ws bad to let that servant go." "What was tha matter? Wouldn't Ms work?" "Oh. she did the work all right, but sho ouldn't get along with the chil dren." , "That so?" , ' "Yes. She'd lose her temper every Umo one vf them Licked Luf ou the shlna. "-Detroit I.'ree Presa. ' . i Jourtal'afirAar irrlsrBosalt; ,