tAOn THTBTEHH. THE MONEY HUG. I Pastor Russell's Sermon Children Cry for Fletcher's DAILT CAPITAL JOUBWAL, SALEM, OREOOH, 8ATUBDAT, HASOH 22, 1913. NOBLEST SCIENCE BEST INSTRUCTION Pastor Russell's Words of Wis cTDm In College City. BEST TEXT BOOK THE BIBLE The Value of Learning Ita Cott Vari ous Kindi of Knowledge The Moat Important One Tho Best Teacher, Tho Most Successful Pupils Grad uation Day. A Mi 1 PASTQg.-gU?SELL Ithncn, N. Y., March lO.-1'antor Huhsl'II Is here, und In view of this being the sent of Cornell Univer sity lie took us a text the words of the philosopher: "Wisdom from Above the noblest science, the best Instruction." 1 1 must be mild, bow ever, tlmt the Pus- tor used various Scriptures, any one of which might have served for a text. Once the colleges of tho world repre dented, not merely secular education, but the faith, the hope, the religious sentiment of their founders, who were generally religious people. A great change hns taken place. Today col leges are ashamed to acknowledge nny religious uflllliiMons; and although they stand for moral principles of a high order and represent a form of godli ness, nevertheless they are hot-beds of Infidelity-disbelief In tho Hlblo as the Divinely-Inspired Itevclntlon. This condition of things, the Taster declared, Is deplorable. In his opin ion the great Institutions of learning throughout the world, so well equip ped for the Inculcation of faith In God, are. as a matter of fact, doing more to overthrow faith than are all other In fluences combined, IIo declared It not strange tinder such circumstances that the cry of "graft" Is going up In every civilized land. The Increase of knowledge, of late spread abroad among the masses of mankind, the Pastor believed to bo accountable for the increase of vice, which is so great that if It were not for our Inventions nnd police arrango incntn, tills would be the most inse cure time in the world's history. He explained that the undermining of faith In the Bible as the Word of God, nnd the Inculcation of the Evolution theory, tend to destroy faith In a personal God, and In rewards and punishments from II I m upon the Just and upon the un just. One of the most peculiar tilings to him was that thte very wealthy men of the world have richly endowed Its leading colleges, thereby destroying faith ami unintentionally leading innn klnd to social revolution, and more, to the precipice of anarchy. Sympathy For Higher Critios. Nothing In the Pastor's words indi cated condemnation; but on tho con trary, lie manifested a deep sympathy for those who are entangled In the snare of Occultism and Evolution. He bad once been entangled himself, he said. He had gotten free In time, thank God! Hud his exi'rler.co gono so far as to lead him to doubt the ex istence of the Supreme Creator, he be lieved tlmt be would have been as Ir revocably lost In Evolution as are many of the noble specimens of our race who are In rollego chairs. The Tostor know well that the pri mary difficulty is that they cannot be lieve the Illble to be the Inspired Rec ord. So also he had once rejected It, because he thought it to be In harmony with the creeds of the Dark Ages, whose absurdities are more and more apparent to all Intelligent, thinking people. Now, tho Pastor pronounced himself a most firm believer In the In spiration of the nible. He had a ren on for the faltb within him, which he also explained. Tie said: One of the surprising things my Bi ble study revealed was thnt the Illble supports the tencblngs of none of the secta, none of the creeds; and that none of the creeds and sccU care for or use all of the Illble. Each hns made selections of doctrines from tho Word of God. Each uses these In it own defense, and each finds In the Bi ble other teachings supported by other texts, which do not at In with Its own creed. Evidently none of the differ ent sects manufactured the Bible. Had ttje Calvlnlsts made It up, they would hare loft out all the texts which teach Divine Free Grace. Had the Armln-lans-the Methodists, etc.-mnde up the Bible, they would have put in more Free flrace texts and would hnve left out those which mention Election. Had the Catholics mnde the Illble, they would hnve added something to teach the Immnculnte conception of the Virgin Mary, and to prove that she Should now be prayed to and worship ed. They would hnve put in some thing about. Indulgences, high mass, low mass, holy water, holy cnndlcs, etc. They would have hnd It mention St Teter as the first Pope. They would have hnd it support their theory of Apostolic Bucecsslon-that all the bish ops are holy apostles, as well as the original Twelve. Tbey would have put In, as would most rrotestnnto, a number of texts telling about the doc trine of the Trinity. Both Cnthollcs and Protestant would hare loft out the texts which tell that the dead are asleep, and that their awakening Is to come In the resurrec tion morning. Indeed, they would hnve omitted everything respecting the resurrection; for It Is one of the most dllllcult mutters to explain how there can be a resurrection of the dead, when they teach that nobody Is dead and tlmt those who seem to die really be come more nllvc tbnn when they were living. Evidently the old Book, which now I prize so highly, wns not made by man. The Intellectuals already are discarding It, and the religious, finding thnt they cannot defend their creeds from Its pages, are at lust discredit ing the Word of God! My hope and prayer and effort are on behalf of the thinking Christian people of today. I would have them see thnt this wonderful Book, while out of nccord with the creeds of Chris tendom, nnd the world, Is fully in har mony with Itself. I would hnve them see thnt the great Plim of salvation which the Bible sets forth towers far above all the elTorts of puny men, as represented In the creeds of Christen dom. I would have them see the glori ous fulness of the Bible Message; that Its length and bVeadth and height and depth could not hnve come from any other quarter than from Above. I would have them see that this "Wis dom from Above Is the noblest science und the best Instruction." Great men of the past have perceiv ed that the Bible has been Identified with the best there has ever been of hiiuiuu progress. Many have been their expressions respecting It as the Torch of Liberty and Civilization. But these denr men did not see tho real bounty of the Bible, becntiHe they did not understand Its real Message, for God's due time for the full understand ing of that Message is only now here. And now Bible students have advan tages In Bible study such as never be fore were possessed. And now, In God's time, Ills Word Is shining ns a light upon the pathway, with a bril liancy that Is grand. Learning's True Value and Cost. Learning, along nil the various lines of present (lay Instruction, is surely valuable. Chemistry has done and is doing much for the world; so are elec tricity nnd other applied sciences. I congratulate your city upon having In Its midst one of these institutions of learning. I remind you, however, that the truths of science which apply to our cvery-day life, while very Impor tant to our human progress, are not alone sulllclent for us. In other words, In God's order, all humanity are so created as to have mental cravings, appetites and powers which none of the applied sciences however useful, will sntlsfy. The hu man mind must reason, must reflect, must have a theory respecting whence we come and whither we go, and the object of our present existence. These questions, formerly the more promi nent ones, have been cast into the shade In recent times. I understand that in many classes such philosophizing Is tabooed. At very most, the searcher for knowledge along these lines Is referred to Plato and Socrates, and their Immature de ductions. No one, seemingly, thinks of attempting to progress in mental philosophy beyond these giants of the past. And yet the Evolution theory tells us thnt living nearly three thou sand years ngo, those men must have been much nearer to the monkey state than we are today. Besides all this, those men had none of the Wisdom which conies from Above claimed none of It. The Pastor sought to Impress the propriety of beginning Bible study afresh, Ignoring the creeds of the Dark Ages and permitting the old Book to explain Itself one passage throwing light upon another. IIo pointed out, however, that the Bible specifically de clares that none except tho consecrat ed, the saintly, can have the Holy Spirit; and that not without it can the Bible be fully and clearly understood. Ills exhortation Implied, therefore, he said, that all who desire to have the Wisdom and Instruction from Above should first of all recognize a supreme personal Creator, a God of Justice, Wisdom, Love and Power. To Him they should consecrate their hearts, their lives. Then they should take up tho study of His Word, desirous of knowing His will that they might do It in every particular. Graduation Day Is Upon Us. Grnduutiun day Is here. The exami nations are on. Tho intellectual are being called upon to answer, What shall it profit a man If be gain all ma terial knowledge and miss the Wis dom that cometh from Above? Un less the Pastor is greatly mistaken, the next few yenrs will show thnt much of the learning that hns been given hns not only not been helpful, but real ly has been Injurious. The Pope of Ilome Is quite right In his declaration that the education which Ignores a God and the Divine Purpose In Reve lation cannot bring blessing. If the next few years shall show an Increnso In the spirit of discontent In the Bume ratio as the last ten years behind us, it will be a most unhappy world. And that onhapplness will be traceable largely to our colleges, They have exalted material knowledge and applied sciences until the world Is hungry for their opplicnffon, and rest less, expecting social, political and financial miracles, and chafing If these be not quickly produced. The I'tritor believed thnt the dim culty has been that the most Impor tant element of human nnture has been left untnnght-the highest organs of the human brain, appertaining to religion. Justice, mercy, equity, rever 'encc for God. What college can claim that It hns sent forth its students properly cultured along these lines? And If not so trained surely they are In an unbalanced condition, because - :i:-;.v':-v the education of the heart and tho re ligious proclivities of the human mind has been seriously neglected. Would that I could Impulse here In this col lege city a revival of Bible study, of reverence for God und holy things, but not a reverence for superstition! suld the Pastor. "All Taught of God." Speaking of the blessings of the Mes sianic period the thousand years of Christ's reign the Scriptures declare that the people shall all be taught of God. Messiah and the Church In glory will be the teachers of the world of mankind. In the Scriptures this dou ble function of the Church Is set forth In the promise that the Church shall be kings and priests of God and Christ and shall reign with Him a thousand years. Revelation 20:1!. A Kingdom they shall have, with full authority to rule the world, for the good ami uplifting of the subjects -mankind. As priests they will not merely be dignitaries and commanders, hut sympathetic instructors of the peo ple. The double olllce Hods its ful filment In Jesus, the Head of the Church, and proportionately In all the members of Ills Body. The whole Is described as the Melchlzedek Priest hood. Melchlzedek was a priest upon his throne a reigning priest, a type of Messiah, the antltyplcn! Priesthood. The success ot that Institution Is abundantly affirmed by the Bible. The knowledge of God shall till the whole eurth, until none will need to say to his neighbor, Know thou the Lord; for all shall know Me from the least of them to the greatest, salth the Lord. (Isaiah 11:0; Jeremiah 31:34.) With that knowledge will come the responsi bility their trial for life everlasting or death everlasting; for eternal Para dise or eternal destruction. Meantime they will no longer walk by faith, but by sight; for the things promised will then have come. Then mankind shall see out of the obscurity, nnd renllze the truthfulness of God's promises, when in process of accomplishment. Some Taught of God Now. Tho Bible tells us that some arc taught of God in advance of the world a siK'clnl class, under private tuition, ns It -were. These arc called a Little Flock. We mo distinctly told that they are constituted chiefly of the poor not many great, not many wise, not many rich, not many learned nre pupils In this class, receiving this spe cial instruction. In order to enter this class for special, advanced Instruction In the Wisdom from Above, fwo par ticular matters are requisite; (1) The pupils must be Introduced, recommend ed, und all tliolr course guaranteed by One who stands ns their Advocate Jesus. (12) They must make a complete surrender of themselves to God, prom ising that as they learn the Wisdom from Above they will use it in har mony with the Divine will. This class, beginning with the Apos tles, bns been In process of develop ment for nearly nineteen centuries and la almost completed, we believe. Who ever would still Join this class should make haste to be enrolled to have bis name written in the Lamb's Book of Llfe.-Revelatlon 3:!; 21:27. Tills might be termed a special nor mul School; for the graduates of this School nre to be the Instructors of the world of mankind in the next Age the Royal Priesthood, But In addition to the privilege they will have In giving the world "The Wisdom from Above, tho noblest science nnd best instruc tion," they will receive qualification for that work by change of nature. ''Tlesli and blood cannot Inherit the Kingdom of God"; hence these must nil bo changed by the power of the First Resurrection. Their change Is represented by the Apostle when lie says, speaking of the First Resurrec tion class, "It Is sown In dishonor; It Is raised In glory; It Is sown In weak ness; It Is raised In power; It Is sown a natural body; It Is raised a splrituul body," 1 Corinthians 15:43, 44. Our High Calling. The great honor to be conferred upon the Church namely, Jolnt-helrshlp with the Redeemer in His Kingdom and glory Is the Bible's explanation of the Church's special trials. To test our loyalty, our love, our zeal for God and for righteousness, the way to glory now Is permitted to be a nurrow one. The lessons which the Church must lenrn are to be learned under circum stances of grenter difficulty than the world will experience in its trial. The world will be required to prove obedi ence merely by abstaining from'every thlng that Is wrong, sinful, contrary to God's will. The Church Is required to do all thnt nnd more to sacrifice earth ly interests everything In the service of God nnd His cause. This Is the same lesson Jesus, the Mnster Himself, learned. As we rend, "Yet learned lie obedience by the things which lie suffered; and being made perfect He became the Author of eternal salvation to nil those who obey Hlm"-to nil followers In His foot steps, whom He graciously assists by tho way and encourages with His promises and providences. Hebrews 2:10; B:R. 0. The Bible shows us that ot the end of this Age some of the Church will pass beyond the veil to glory, honor nnd Immortality In the first rank more than mere conquerors. These are styled the Bride, Messiah's Joint-heirs. There will be another and larger class of overcomers, faithful and loyal, but not zenloim to the same degree. They will Indeed reach the spirit plane, but will not be of the Bride class. They ire pictured as servunts, the maidens who follow the Bride Into the presence of the King. (Psalm 45:14.) Let us choose the better part, that In the ex amination tests we may have first hon ors, and hear the Master's "Well done, good and faithful servants; enter Into the Joys of your Lord." ir siw arrrnnnffrtr Minor In St. Louis Poat-Dlspatoh. Automobile Motor Cycle and Accessory Dealers of Salem tK rr r A K T MOTOR WATT 8HIPP INI) I A N nvArrc Amsiinltlon, Fishing Twklo, Et. Ji LYLLtb Hertfc Commercial Street l'hoie III T 11 Ail 1 P P Agents It, C. 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