The Dally Capital Journal. SECOND SECTION PAGES 9 TO 16 SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1913. THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. ON TRAIN AND SBW8 STAXIiS, FIVK I'KNTS. CopyrKht, 1915. br Amarlcsn Press HPHIS rabbit wants to I Ji- Des see him jerk But I is goin' to watch He lays t J EASTER. t At Easter we should feci our X very hearts budding ond bios- Jj J Bomlng with new loves, new Z 5 hopes nnd now determinations J to realize the Joyf iilncnn of the 5 $ Christian spring. What Is It thnt J ninkos Easter morning glorious J with n glory nil Us own' It Is the resurrection of our Lord Jo- f mm Christ. It In an abandoned crave. It Ib the nngel minis- i t ..... ...t.l..k A ..II liiitiinn X ll.V m u.i ...nun.. sorrow tho winter Is over and T Rime; the time of the singing of i the birds Is come. Lot us enter T Into sympathy wltb this gospel of redemption and prencti the gracious doctrines of Christ with an accent of bona rising Into an 3 accent of triumph. Hot. Dr. Jo 1 seph farkor. By SUSIE SMALL. Atioclillon. a Easter egg! The Easter Hat as a Life Preserver Whlls service was being held st on of the churches an organ pipe fell on the head of a worshiper, but a bonnet which he was wnnrlng probably saved her life. News Item.l Scntcd one day near the orjtan,. ... With her henil devoutly bowed. An or (tun pipe foil on her With t noise both sharp and loud. It woke up the cnngroKntlon, And they feared she had tnlten harm, Hut the pipe bud struck on her bonnet, Which protected her like a charm. It prevented ell pain and headache, Kor It was both big end soft. And the pipe had no power to hnrm her That fell from the organ loft. Men havo sought the reason vainly Why our sex wear turbnns large, With velvet and fur o'erlonded, And they've grumbled at the charge, ' It may be that death's bright angel Has spared one life Just to show That the saints approve In heaven Of the hate on earth below. UKHTHUDU la'KENZlO. run away, an' beg, t i x him till THE HcoUnrifcCTlUN AND f THE LIFE. I - The cornerstone of the Chris tian church Is laid In the empty irrnvn nf .Inuim Chi-tar. Tho rne- tinoclliut proves the death; tho dentil proven the life, tho life the hlrlh of .losim Christ, Deny the resurrection and It In Impossible .1... ...I 111 n I nil 1 1 1 IUI IIIU L'.inMTII v ui Christianity. The resurrection proves our own resurrection. Empty as wits (lie tomb of Jesus on the llrt r.iiHtcr morn, so empty shall be all the graves of his people on the Inst grout East er inoi u He Is therefore In the largest and fullest sense the res urrection and the llfe.-llev. Dr. 4 II. K. MiicArthur. Tnstor of the 1 Calvary Haptlst Church, New ? York. EASTER EGGS ORIGINATED IN A QUEEN'S COURTSHIP By MINERVA SPENCER HANDY. ryTIIEN Marguerite of Austria l I wits In her youth nnd beau rr ty she made a pilgrimage to the south of France to visit the shrlue of her favorite saint Some say it was to pray for a young and handsome husband. If so, her pa tron saint kindly grunted the prayer In advance of the petition. On her way she stopped to rest for a lew days at Uourg, a village on the edge of a deep forest and at the foci of the majestic Alps. On Easter Monday the people for miles around met to engage In the cus tomary Enster games. The young re gent of the Netherlands from ber place beside the chatelaine of the castle en- Joyed the scene hugely. It was very Interesting to watch the older men shooting at targets and casks of wine, the winner being allowed to put his lips to the cask nnd drink his fill. But when the young couples began to gath er for the most exciting event of the day then the princess grew enthusias tic, for, you remember, she was young and fair, nnd even queens dream drenms of hnndsnine, loving partners. The moment arrived foy the contest One hundred eggs were scuttered over the ground. A young mnn nnd a maid en began the figure. While the on lookers laughed it was a serious affair for the dancers. The couple that could skip over the eggs, glide between them, twirl about them in all the varied gyra tions of the dunce, without breaking or cracking nn egg might mnrry each oth er in spite of the opposition of their parents. Each couple was allowed three trials, and, the dance being suc cessfully concluded, none dared oppose the union. While the merrymaking was at Its height the sound of a hunter's horn rang through the forest Soon appear ed a company of horsemen in such brllllnnt uniforms that the simple peasants stopped In ' their dance to gaze nnd wonder whom they might be. At their bend rodo a beautiful youth. dressed as only the nobles of the time dared dress. lie sprang from bis horse, bent a graceful kneo to the chatelaine of the castle and requested her hospitality. Of course the hostess granted It at once, for this wrb Phlll bert, tho handsome Duke of Savoy. The dance, which the coming of the duke hnd interrupted; was now resum ed with grenter mWrimeut than ever. After watching tho dancers Margue rlto In Jest said, "I would thnt I were one of those simple peasants and might try the dance." I'hllibert bowed low before the fair regent and said, "Madame, will you permit me to be your partner In the dance that Is going on before usT This was equivalent to an offer of marriage, and, hcnrlng it, the crowd became wild with enthusiasm. Cries of "Austrln!" and "Savoy I" rang through the air, and cheer followed cheer. Marguerite graciously ac quiesced, and tho handsome pair took their place in the dance. A serious task was before them. They must dnnce around and around eggs, be tween eggs, without breaking any. But members of the royal families were accustomed to the dance. The feet of the royal lady were as light as thistle down, whllo those of tho bandsomo knight were graceful In the extreme. When the danco ended not a single egg had been touched. Lore In those days was not long In kindling. When the duke gnzed Into the sparkling eyes and upon the glow ing cheek of his partner In tho egg dance be knew that the custom of the country wasn't going to be broken. And so It proved. One year from tho day tho two were married. Their guests were given sou venirs of gold nnd silver eggs tilled with spices which they called Knster eggs. This cuHtom was continued on each anniversary In memory of that happy day In the forest when with beating hearts they together tripped tho measures of tho egg dunce. t i t EA8TER, DAY OF UNIVER 8AL JOY. This Is the dny, my brethren, of universal joy throughout the Chrlstiau world. Wo no longer behold our altars covered wltb badges of mourning to commem orate the passion, crucifixion and death of our Saviour. They ore decked In gleaming white to cel ebrate his glorious resurrection. No longer does the "Htubat Mu ter" or the "Miserere" or the "l.umciitntlons," those plaintive notes of the church, resound In our temples. The "(Jlorla In Ex celsls," with frequent nllelulns, greets our euri once more. No more do penitent multitudes Ntrlkn their breiists In nngtilsh of hea ii and follow their sulTerlng J lli'iloeincr as he bears Ills cross to Calvary, but lu spirit we ice .Mary Magdalene nnd tho other Marys, with the apostles, hasten ing with Joyful ami eager steps to Hie tomb from which thalr Lord bad risen. -Cardinal (Jib boil". Ribbon Flowers For Eastar, The Easter girl will wear a tiny bunch of pottles very much on the or der of a man's boiiloimlero pinned on the lapel of bur coat. These flowers will be madt of ribbon. Here is a tested recipe for the hot cross buns for Knster: ' To one cupful of scalded milk add one-fourth cupful of sugar, two ta blespoonfuls of butter and one-half tenspoonful of suit. When it is cooled enough not to hurt the yeast cake that Ib, about lukewarm add one-half of a yeast cake dissolved in one-fourth cupful of lukewarm water. Also add three-fourths of a tcaspoonful of clnna mun and three cupfuls of flour and one egg well beaten. Mix these well before adding a half cupful of rnislns and currants mixed. The rnislns should be cut up and stoned, of course. Let it rise carefully covered like any buns or rolls over night If for breakfast In the morning shape the bung like large biscuits, leav ing a spnee of nn Inch for them to spread, and let them rise well. Brush them over with beaten egg and bake about twenty minutes. When cool make a frosting into the form of a cross on the top of each or else cut a cross In ench Just before baking nnd scatter sugar on when serving them. A glaze of milk nnd melted but ter enn also be used wiped over with a bit of soft cotton cloth when they are Just ready to take from the overt. FACTS ABOUT EASTER. Many Customs Are Ancient and Come From the East. The custom of putting on uew clothes for Easter is very ancient nnd is com mon to the great festivals of nil reli gious. On the central feast of the Mos lem year It is considered absolutely necessary for every man nnd womun to wear new clothes. The "Easter dress" nnd the "Easter hat" of modern times, so widely adver tised by our city mcrchauts are there fore not In any way an Incongruity, but emphasize the oplrlt of the day quite as much as the "Easter egg," which is supposed to typify the germ of a resurrect Ion of life, So that ns nil nature Is renewed nnd regurmenled lu the spring It Is lilting that mankind should follow. Unable to renew the body, man does the next best thing nud dons new garb. The name Easter, according to tho Venerable Bede, Is heathen In Its ori gin, so called after the Saxon goddess Eastre, who was worshiped with pe culiar ceremonies in the month of April. In the eastern church it Is call ed I'ascha or the holy 1'asch, which will be observed in . the. Russian and Greek churches this year on April 14, the Jewish pnssover falling on April 22. In the second century there was a great dispute between the Asiatic and Latin churches regarding the proper date for the celebration of the resur rection of Christ. As far as the Latin church was concerned, it was settled once and for all at the council of Nlcaea In the year 324. The fact thnt the an cient British church, when Augustine landed, observed Enster nccordlng to the Eastern custom,! urged as a rea son for believing that Grent Hrltalu received her Christianity from the east nnd not from the west, from St. John rnther than from St. refer, from Antl och nnd not from Home. Tho early Christian emperors cele brated the day by setting prisoners free nnd by scattering gifts. It was "Dominica C,audl"-the day of Joy for all people. The popular Easter hymns nre from I.atln sources. "Welcome, Happy Morn, Age to Age Shall Say," was written by Kurt mutt us for the Eastor worship of tho abbey of St Croix. "He Is Ulseu" is nn old Ambro sial! hymn which has been sung In the Milan cathedral for many centuries. "Jenus Christ Is Itlsen Today" Is of un known origin, although probably from a Latin source. It appeared first In English In the collection by Tuto and llniily. As In the case of Christmas, we n ro Indebted to Charles Wesley for a good Easter hymn, the one beginning "Christ the Lord Is Itlsen Today." Here's the Easter Rabbit ...mi .m'-.ii.i.ihui on si'niiiu'wifin W is s enwn .i-.n. Hi -r"V)l 1. 1 CMy'lS!, till. Sr AWMM rM AMMUtKi It (s the Joyoue eaeter morn, hen life from eecming death (e born. HI hen looeentd watcre of the la he Hoten to bird calls (n the brahe, Hnd wtnde from out the perfumed eoutb K(89 fragrance to K a ' r v. Pi I Jii Chrfet roee from earth on this glad day Hnd left above hie tomb a ray Co banloh Doubt there Rope beamo bright. Hnd faith holds (n her hand a light, Giht "Toy, loy. "Joy," the church belle ring. "Love conauered Death, and Mfc le King!" RESURRECTION EMBLEMS. Egg, Chrysalis and Kernels of Grain Used as 8ymbols. With the egg nnd tho cbrysnlis all are familiar, but In olden times ker nels of grain were nlso used. In Eng land u tiny cross, together with grains of barley anil wheat has been found In tho center block of oaken mantel pieces. The custom had long been for gotten when it was recalled by the dis covery of throe such emblems in tho mantel of the room In which Shake speare was born. The house was being restored, and ono of the commissioners In charge took n block of the old wood for n souvenir, lie gavo It to a friend, n Shakespearean scholar, who, wishing to share It with another, tried to split It ami found It hollow. It contained a cross, three grains of barley and u piece of tow, To his honor, be It suld, lie restored the relic to the bouse at Stratford on Avon, where It Is now on exhibition. A great sculptor once said of the three processes used In making H stat ue, "The clay Is ibis life, the plaster is death, but the marblo Is tho glorious resurrection." ! -d V the Ifly'e mouth. 3 FfnA Vr NOVEL EASTER FAVORS. Rabbite and Chickens Easily Mad Out of Peanuts. Do you want to make peanut rnbblU or chicks for Enster greetings? If to It Is very easily done. For the rabbit's cars and tall use lit tle pointed bits of paper, which can b glued on. Sometimes you will find the rabbit already has a tall nnd you will not need to supply one. The rabbit will stand up very easily after you huvo given him his feet, because there are four of them. Tho feet nnd the eyes are madu from mutchos or tooth picks. The Utile chicks need only feet and eyes, but ns they havo only two feot they will not stand us easily as the rabbits. To make them stand easily lake a plecu of u visiting card an Inch or less square nnd when you give the chick bis feet push them u llrst through the curd. This will give III i s t a Unit foundation to stand upon, ami you can either semi hi m this way or, If you wish, you can paste thH piece of card to a larger piece or to the bottom of the box you send him In. If you are careful you can put him Inside of an eggshell. and the Eggs! n ji n mwmuni1 siyALt'i.