Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 20, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Nation's Woe Due Largely to
Whims of Leaders and
to Race Weakness.
TIIR Mexican crisis bus become
chronic. Itevolt Is followed by
revolution and tliiit by Insur
rection, rebellion, Insurgency,
uprising, disturbance and plain trouble.
If Don Enrique Doodlebug's brcukfast
does not agree with blm he goes out,
calls about him his faithful followers
and starts somathlug. if Colonel lie
fllpo W. Thenuz gets tired of working
for a living he gathers a company of
others of the same mind, of whom
there are always plenty, and begins
balding up estates, mills, railroads or
anything else that will stand for It
Insurglng has become a habit The
land is filled with Mnderlstas, Zupatis
tas, Fcllclstns, bundltlntns, assasslnls
tas, pesHlmlstas, Jlngolstiis and other
"istas" till you can't rest One year
they elect a president, and the next they
tuko hlui out in a side street and shoot
blm. The governor of a stnto never
knows whether his next conference will
be with a legislative committee or the
firing squad. It takes a bravo man
to bo a public olliclui in Mexico.
llefore a Mexican announces that ho
Is a rundldnto for the suffrages of his
fellow citizens he wants to lnsuro his
life and make bis will. If elected he
by American Press Association.
surrounds himself with a body guard
and has all his enemies executed or
Jailed. Then If somo of his trusted
adherents are not traitors ho may be
allowed to servo out a part of his term,
provided lie Is nut broken on the wheel
of a revolution. Tbo recall Is an old
established Institution In our sister re
public, only they don't do the recalling
with ballots.
Francisco 1. Mndcro tried to teach
Ms countrymen democracy, but they
had been under the Dlnz rule so long
Hint they bud forgotten what the word
meant. The worst necusallon made
ngalust Mndcro Is that he was a dream
er, but If so ho dreamed of liberty for
bis country, of linm-st elections, of hu
mane government, of hind for the hind
less and of peace und prosperity for the
people, lie was also criticised for be
ing only Ike feet four Inches In height,
n very serious charge Indeed. It was
said that he appointed too many of his
relatives to otllce, but It was rejoined
that he had to have somebody about
blm lie could trust. Kven as It was his
two chief generals turned traitors.
Two-thirds of People Illiterate.
Poor Mndcro! He had become Indoc
trinated with republicanism as It ex
ists In America nnd thought lie could
apply It to Mexico, only to find that
the people did not comprehend It or
know how to use? It. The poorer class
es thought liberty meant that they
could take what they wanted with
none to say thorn nay. The peons are
Illiterate. It Is estimated by one fa
miliar with Mexican nlfulrs Hint of the
1.Yi)(IO,oimi population of the nation 10,
OiHUHKi can neither rend nor write, ami
half the remaining futoo.ooo hnvo no
education to speak of. The same mi
llions says that ID per cent of the poo
pic are of pure Indian blood and that
''M per rent more have Indian or negro
blood In their veins. These lust are
the greasers. When It Is realized
Hint nearly all the remaining 3d per
i-i.l are Spaniards It can be seen Just
what elements Mndcro had to depend
on In working out bis dreiim.
Well, Madeio Is dead and the old
leinllh os are In the saddle. To those
unacquainted with the clcntltlcos It
Kliould be explained t lint they consti
tuted the real power In the Inst years
of Perth lo Diaz. They are not it politi
cal party, but rather an Inner circle, a
power behind the throne. They dic
tate appointments ami policies. The
meaning of the word "clentltlco" Is
scientific business, and It Is shrewdly
mispected that this wheel within II
Wheel made a hi lonllfle business of gov
eminent, of tho olllces. contracts, con
cessions, honors, franchises nnd other
favors Hint government tins to bestow
Body Is Identified.
Chicago, March 1!). The body of the
man who committed suli'ldo on a trnin
near Chicago yesterday wns positively
Identified today as that of Joseph II.
Jordan, a young rinrhmau of Whittler,
Intervention Would Be Costly, t
Nation Should Work Out
Own Salvation. J
In Tammany Hall this wniilil lie railed
sclentillc gran, but. uf ionise, nothing
of that kind can be Imagined In run
nectlon with a national government.
Diaz Redivivus.
The brief dreum of democracy is
over, the counter revolution lias ap
parently won und the old reactionaries
are In power. Don 1'orllrlo's pictures
are being taken from closets, dusted
off and bung about the tmtlonul pal
ace. Don 1'ortlrlo's nephew is the
head of the successful revolt and the
announced candidate for president
Don I'orllrlo himself is immensely
pleased with the turn of affairs nnd
says that he may return to his coun
try. "The old order cbangeth, giving
plnco to the new," has been strungoly
reversed to read, "The new order
cbnngeth, giving place to the old."
Today Mexico's constitutional presi
dent and vice president, the only ones
really elected by the people In more
than a generation, have been assassi
nated, nnd the country Is under a mil
itary dictatorship. As for the future,
who knows? "The blood of the mar
tyrs Is the seed of the church," und It
may be that the blood of Mndero and
Suarez mny yet be the Beed of democ
racy in Mexico. The truth Is mighty
Photo by American Press Association.
even among peons, greasers, Indians
and Spaniards.
At present there aro muttcrlugs of
revolt ull over Mexico. Tho linger of
scorn of all nations is pointed at tho
Uuerta regime, at the methods by
which Uuerta himself gained otllce, at
the crude and revolting savagery dis
played In the killing of the two Made
ros nnd Suarez, at the transparent ex
planations nindo of these blundering
Will There Be Intervention?
What will tho United States do?
Foreign nations are exerting pressure
on us In favor of Intervention. They
point to our responsibility under tho
Monroe doctrine to keep order in the
western hemisphere. Those who have
large Investments In Mexico are also
urging us to Intervene.
President Tuft steadfastly refused to
heed this clamor, ami there Is every
reason to believe that President Wil
son will do the same. At the same
time, warships lire being rushed to
Mexican waters and troops ure mobil
izing ut (Inhesion and oilier points
near the bonier These are precnil
tioiuu.v measures ami are such steps
as prailli ally all- neutral nations take
when there Is warfare near their boun
daries Americans who talk Idly of Interven
tion should realize fully Just wbatBUch
n serious step would mean
It would certainly bring wnr. The
gringos, as we nre railed, nre not
particularly popular across the line.
Mexicans mny quarrel among them
selves, but the moment we made a
hostile move they would unite like
long lost brothers All the different
Istas" would forget their grlevnnces
against each other nnd rush In support
the Independence of their land. We
should make no mistake on this scoro.
Intervention in Mexico would mean not
only war, but a long, bard nnd costly
war It Is true that Mexico hns only
one sixth of our population, but they
would be lighting on their own ground,
defending their own homes. More
over. It would be harder for us to sup
press the roving bandits of the moun
tains In an alien country I tin n for the
Mexlcnn government to control Its own
outlaws due Pulled States iiriuv olll-
cor who has studied the situation hns
stated (hut It would require ut least
tixt.Oio troops, ten years time and
$1.(KKi,0iM) expense a day to conquer
Would Mnsnncre Americana.
Intervention would probably defeat
the very end sought -the :,Motectton of
American lives and propei In the dis
turbed republic. Many . lnins huvs
Jordan's step dnnghter, Lillian, aged
H years, who is visiting relatives here,
identified the remains, Hho refused to
look ut the corpse, but identified her
father by his clothing and personal of
foots. After her identification, tho in
quest was continuod until Monday.
arearenea that toe moment we cross
the boundary every American In the
country will be massacred and every
American property wrecked. As barba
rous and horrible as this sounds, those
of our people who have lived south of
the Rio Cranio believe It would be cur
ried out Not only so, but other for
eigners would probably suffer, the
mobs not distinguishing between grin
gos nnd Europeans. Ily Intervening
we would become Indirectly responsi
ble, not only morally, but financially,
for the resultant damages.
intervention might have another most
lerlous consequence. It would doubt
less alienate from us all Latin Amer
ica. Despite nil we have done for the
jther American republics, both by our
example and by our powerful aid tin
ier the Monroe doctrine, there ure nat
ural Jealousy and fear of us. These
younger republics dearly prize their In
icpendence nnd regard our very size
as a menace. This feeling was inten
sified by our action In Panama; also
our Intervention In Cuba. Santo Do
mingo, Nicaragua und elsewhere. The
Latin Americans have doubtless heard
some of our rattle-brains chatter about
"Panama to the pole" nnd have at
tached more Importance to such Irre
sponsible talk than It merits. Rut In
tervention In Mexico would give real
ground for apprehension not only to
Central but to South America. It
would lend color to the chnrge that we
are land hungry nnd have designs of
conquest This would be most unfor
tunate to our growing trade In Latin
America, which we hope to Increase by
the construction of the Panama canal.
It would end the pan-American dream
of James U. Blaine.
We Can Afford to Wait.
As n mntter of fact, Just what busi
ness would we have In Mexico any
wny? Have not the people of that
country a right to work out their own
Internal affairs In their own wny? Is
it not better tor them that they should
do so? There Is no evidence that
American lives or property have suf-
by American Press Association.
fercd unduly as a result of the revolu
tion. Some damage was Inevitable,
but this can nil be ndjusted after
pence Is restored. If it ever Is. The
Uuerta government hns promised to
rnl.se an army of IM.OOO men nnd to
go after the revolutionists with vigor.
General Orozco, the leading Insurgent,
hns come into camp nnd promised to
be good. A few of the other rebel
chieftains have nlso promised allegi
ance. Wbulever we may think of
Iluertii and of Mexico generally, why
uot give them a chance? If they can
restore peace, well und good. If they
cannot, there will be plenty of time
to act after that fact becomes appar
There Is natural Irritation nlong the
border, but tho whole tuition cannot
be plunged into wnr merely for the
protection of the border. Cenerul
Steever is already on the ground with
one division of regular troops, and
(leueral Carter Is on Ills way with an
other. If these two divisions are not
able to keep the Mexicans on their
own side of the river the Texas rang
ers may do the trick. Governor Col
quitt of Texas Is sending Hie militia to
points along (lie Itio Grande, and In
this connection sonic unfortunate mis
understandings have arisen. The gov
ernor said lie could get no satisfaction
from Washington and that if it became
necessary to protect the lives and
property of Texans he would send
troops across the border. Thereupon
the (lulled Suites troops were hurried
to the Iilo Grande, und It wus said
that the purpose wus to watch the mi
nt In and see that Governor Colquitt's
threat was not carried out.
This retails a remark I heard the
other day from a gentleman recently
returned from Mexico. According to
his version, the Mexlcnn people are
not ut all sfrnld of the United States.
They feel perfectly competent to wipe
out our whole army Hut they don't
like the Texns rangers. They have
Had dealings with these gentlemen
before and have n wholesome respect
for their hard riding and straight
shooting Tho Texns rangers look big
ger and more formidable to them than
all I'ucio Sum's army and navy.
Possibly tney ure right, ami If worse
conies to worst we might let the Tex
as rangers go down and clean up the
whole Mexican republic. Hut for the
present It Is Jusfns well to keep our
heads. Taking every iii-cessury pre
caution, prepare to strike hard and
quick If It becomes necessary, and
wait The waiting game costs noth
ing, while one false step might sac
Hike untold treasure In wealth and
life and seriously nITeot the future of
Hie entire western hemisphere.
We'll get so tnimy "days' after a
while that we'll hnvo to tako a day
off for ourselves,
The U. IV H. P. Interests aro finding
it more difficult to tmmerge than it
was to merge.
Advice to Expectant Mothers
The experience of Motherhood is a try
ing one to most women and marks dis
tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not ono
woman in a hundred is prepared or un
derstands how to properly care for her
self. Of course nearly every woman
nowadays haa medical treatment at such
times, but many approach the experi
ence with an organism unfitted for tho
trial of strength, and when it is over
her system has revived a shock from
which it is h:;:-;l to recover. Following
right upon this comes the nervous strain
of enring for the child, ami a distinct
change in the mother results.
There is nothing more charming than
a happy and healthy mother of children,
and indeed child-birth under the right
conditions need be no hazard to health or
beauty. The unexplainable thing is
that, with all the evidence of shattered
nerves and broken health resulting from
an unprepared condition, and with am
ple time in which to prepare, women
will persist in going blindly to the trial.
Every woman at this time should rely
upon Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, a most valuable tonic and
invigorator of the female organism.
In many homes
once childless thstfr
are now children be
cause of. the fact
that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound makes
women normal,
healthy and strong.
if yon want special advice write to
Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (con II.
tlenlial) Lynn, Mass. 'Your letter will
lie opened, read and answered by a
woman and held in strict confidence.
Yankee Marriott.
Crittenden Marriott, author of "Sal
ly Cttstlenittn, Southern, " just publish
ed by the Lippineott 's, comes by his
knowledge of the war almost at first
hand. Shortly after the close of the
war, when a hoy of ten, ho was sent
from Kentucky to u hoarding school in
Virginia. The other boys instantly de
manded to bo informed whether lie wus
a Yankee.' He had actually never
heard of a Yankee before nnd did not
know who or what it wus, but ho very
quickly discovered that it wns a term
of reproach, and strenuously denied it.
One of the older bovs, however, wdio
was studying history, found that his
grandfather, Senator John .1. Critten
den, was the author of the "Critten
den Compromise," which wns designed
to prevent the impending war. That
settled it, the boys decided that both
grandfather and grnadson were Yaa
kecs. "Critt" Marriott went to school
there for four J'enis, during all of
which ho was known as tho "Yankee."
As there was only one other In the
county, a lawyer known as Yankeo Al
len, he was decidedly and unpeasantly
Happy Mr. W. H. Taft; he can play
golf every day as long as he wants to,
and work not at all.
Nobody nor nothing will ever quite
sntiafy Mr. Hearst.
For strengthening the digostivo
functions, keeping tho liver ac
tivo you will find
Stomach Bitters
Is really the medicine you need.
Thousands hnvo found this true,
(let a bottlo todny.
Dr. J. C. Yuen
Successor to Dr. Kum, the grentcst
Chinese Expert Horbist.
Established 1887.
Call and talk with those who are
using the Herbs, and they will toll
you that they are being benefitted.
Others will tell you of the remarkable
cures made by the use of Chinese
Herbs. They are Nnturo's remedies.
Chinese Herbs arid Chinese remedies
for all stomach, spleen, llvor, lung,
heart, bladder, Intestinal and kldne:
trouble, for asthma, catarrh, rheu
matism, Indigestion, constipation, pur
ifying the blood, lumbago, coughs,
colds, appendicitis, female trouble,
Origin's disease and all disorder! ot
the human system, sold by the Dow
Wo Horb Co., 167 S. High street
Talks on Thrift
"The little savings bank in tho home
means more for the futuro of the chil
dren of a family, almost, thfin all of the
advice in the world. It gives them the
right start." William McKinley.
in the last annual report of tho post
master general it was shown that more
than 4(100 cases of fraudulent use of tho
mails by swindling promoters were in
vestigated last year. Mnro than 1000
of the promoters were arrested, and
hundreds were convicted. In the hist
two years, the reports says, these men
have robbed the American people of
In a recent mcssago to tho Xew York
legislature, Governor Sulzer said: "One
of the most widespread of public griev
ances in connection with tho purchase
of stock arises from fnlso or fraudulent
prospectuses, statements or advertise
ments regarding corporate securities,
dolor our law ns it now exists it is dif
ficult to bring to justice persons who.
by moans of fulsc and fraudulent state
ments, advertisements and promises, de
coivo and wrong tho investing public.
These deceiving piuctices have been at
tacked under the federal laws, forbid
ding the use of the mails for fraudulent
purposes. I recommend tho law of this
state so as to make it a criminal of
fense to issuo any statement, or publish
any advertisement, as to tho value of
any stock or other security, or as to tho
financial condition of any corporation
or company, issuing or about to issue
stock or securities, where any promise
or prediction contaiiicd in such state
ment or advertisement is known to be
false or to be not fairly justified by
existing conditions. ' '
A bill lias been introduced into the
.ilow ntk legislature forbidding the
publication nnd circulation of such false
or misleading statements, and provid
ing that tho penalty should bo imprison
ment for threo years, or by a fino of
o000, or both. This bill probably will
booonio a law. lint until it does nnd
until all the other states pass similar
ones, it behooves tho people at largo to
he on their guard against the swindler.
We repeat the advico wo gavo in a
former "Talk": When you have sav
ed sufficient money to mako an invest
ment worth while, consult a banker or
newspaper in your community concern
ing the wise disposition of it. Never
put money into any investment prof
fered by a stranger without. looking him
up carefully and getting sound and un
prejudiced advice.
Uemenilier the gold brick idea np
pears in myriad forms.
At a meeting of the property owners
interested in the proposed improve
ment of Twenty-first street nt tho pity
council chamber last night it was voted
by about two to ono to ask tho city to
pave tho street with concrete. The im
provement district extends from Stnte
to Contor. I
Tonight a meeting of thoso interested I
in tho Improvement of Marion street
will be held. The quostion to be set-1
tied at this meoting is whether the
street shall bo paved tho full width I
of tho street or a parking placed in
tho center of the street. Tho property
owners aro about equally divided on
the question.
A meeting of the Choinokota street
property owners wns held Tuesday
night, and the sentiment shown wns
in favor of a cement paving material.
On account of strong opposition to this
material, however, the question mny be
reconsidered nnd another variety of
paving material selected. South Com
mercial street property owners will
have a meet ing tomorrow night.
Many letters ure being received at
the office of the secretary of state in
quiring into the details of the money
appropriated by the legislature to take
care of veterans of tho buttle of Get
tysburg, who wish to go from this stnto
to tuko part in the celebration of the
"Hopfen und Malta Gott Erhalis"
A reproduction of the old-fashioned all-malt Beer
"Gesundheit und ein proher Mut
Sind besser als viel gelt, und gut
Especially bottled for home use. Send your
order by telephone. Main 229 for a case
Salem Brewery Association
AVcfji'lahlc PiTparalinnEirAs
similalinJiiicFucdantlRft; lingllk'SiMtacltsaiidlJuwdsoi'
Opium.Morphtric norMimral.
Not Narcotic.
htpt rtr SrcJ"
Anerfecl Remedy forConsltoa-
Hon . Sour Stomach.Dlarriioea
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Guaranteed under the fooa
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
historic fight on tho field of Gettysburg
in reiinsylvnuia on Juy 3,
A sum of $o()00 was appropriated by
tho legislature to pay tho exponses of
tho veterans who wish to attend. Vet
erans of either tho federal or tho con
federate armies aro eligible, Tho de
partment commander of the Grand Ar
my of the Republic will niako a roll of
tho eligibles und first como will bo first
served. Thoso who apply after tho .to,
000 appropriation is gouo will bo left
out. All rules and regulations adopted
to govern tho affair must receive tho
approval of tho governor.
Oregon wants
' -f "111.
MARCH 18 TO APRIL 15, 1013
F.itk mom
CHICAGO a . . . 01.90
rtrw OSLCANt ... 4..oa
MlMPHIt .... a.oo
BT LOUIS ay. oo
MNb CITY .... fto.oo
DM OTHK OITlC. conni..oiNoiT io
CoIonlt Fari'snra WK.sT-lliil'NDnnly, but enn
he iiri'imid Ironi any point. If yuuhuve friends or
rehuivi!" In tlic Kuit win, desire tu"ntllo In Or,
gun.", you c:in deposit f.ire with your loi-ul
gent and i in k't will ha li'lccnuiiied to ay
nddniHs (icslri'd. 1Cnll on nenrest ntrcntor wrilo
to thnundmik'iicd fur lllulruti!d Oregon lilura
tureto sioidEiisl.
him M. Scott Gtniril Pminpr liiitt. PortM. Onto"
ffj ff P sW
KM Ms. JtH MM i
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
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A Cold, La Grippe, Then Pneumonia..
Is too often the fatal sequence. La
Grippe coughs hang on, weaken the
system, and lower tho vital reclatance.
R. G. Collins, postmaster, Darnegat,
N. J., says: "I was troubled with a
severe la grippe cough and was com
pletely exhausted aftor each fit of vio
lent coughing. Before I had taken
one half of a bottlo of Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound, the coughing
spells had' entirely ceased. I wish to
say It can't bo bent, All others are
Imitations. Dr. Stone Drug Store.
Y lO
Bl A. .1V
1 IS.I
PSl WW snv pv pni MfWVIvnMiM