. V . , ... ? DAILY CAPITAL JOTONAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1913. PAOB EIGHT if FITFORM DRESS AS WELL AS THE MAN WHO PAYS MORE You can do it. You can have as many and as good clothes as the man who pays higher prices if you buy Clothcraft or Fitform Clothes. In fit, style and dressi ness the things you can see for yourself they are ure to please you and your friends. Of the things you can't see or judge beforehand you can be just as sure because Clothes from Meyers are guaranteed to be all wool, to hold their shape and to satisfy in wear and service. That's why the man who wears Clothcraft or Fitform Clothes always gets credit for paying more. It's a desirable kind of credit to have, and you will find it in every suit we show. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY mmmMmMmmtnmmuwmimmiamMwmKimMmmmmmmMmaaKBiiBBimi ic 3c sjc jjc )t )c sjc 3c )Jc 9jc sc sjc sjc sjc sjc ? yvis Pianos rented by Geo, ('. Will, -TIC Htiite street. Judge Scott and wife went to Port liiml yesterday. Itev, K. Singleton and wifo loft for tlio east yesterday. Assistant District Attorney Kcycs went til Portland, Inst evening. Allen KIioiIch returned from I'ortlnnil Inst evening, where ho lins been fur some dnys. George W. .lollllSOII. of till" CI. W .liiliiiKiin K ( ' i i 1 1 1 n 1 1 -, in in Newport for u short visit. I'nvis Keese, of tlio Ktinlohnlier An toinoliilc company, in in l'orlluinl on Inisi iio-m for a few days. Voor wuli h will run hotter if yon ice Piinieiiiv iilmiil it. Export ji'MoliV re I'liirin:. lis South 'niiiiucri'iiil Htro.'l. Miss A una l'loigul, of I 'ml lull il , ar med in Nulriii Inst, evening, for u two wi'oliH visit to lior friend, Minn 1M n it Poet.. Hco (ii'o. E. l'i'ttiii)ji'll. lie will I '! you lnl.o a lioynl Electric vacuum elonnor on ft few days free trial. I:r North Liberty stroot. Oct u Mn.d.i lamp. FOR DISCRIMINATING WOMEN Hanan shoes were made for you. No one quality in ther.e shoes is advanced to the det riment of another a well rounded whole is achieved that represents the acme of footwear excellence and renders unfailing service to the wearer. KrinlmtT. Home of the Hanan Shoo Cl)f0unimi5l)op Hi Suit St. OjnDlnjKTKMlre il THE 0REG0NIAN RESTAURANT !! ! '. Under new ninnagomont. Employs all white help. ' ; ; 371 BtRto street UNION HOUSE Hl'FF A AI.L10N. See the South liend Malleable lange ami convince yourself that it is the greatest range in the world, Huron & Hamilton. Prince Byrnes was brought home from l'ort laud yesterday. Mr. Byrne had a serious operation performed lit St. Vincent's hospital some time ago. Iiloyd Chrisingcr, the ymmn man who was arrested and churned with assault and battery on the person of (1. Willis, was freed from tho charge yesterday at'lernooii in dustico Webster's court. Wall paper. Now and dainty ef forts for bedrooms good designs for tlio hall and living room, nud a fino line of cut outs to be used with plain effect sidownlls, lturen & Hamilton. The funeral uf I lie late Mrs, Hannah M. Godfrey was held from the First M. K. church this nfternoon, 1'r. li. X. Avison assisted by Hoc. I'uvis Errott, off if i lit i'iI. I iitcrinciit was in tho Odd Fellows cemetery. Iiavid W. Watson, lined "7 years, was adjudged insaiie by the county comt yesterday and ciinimitled to the nsvli'i.i. The young man is a native of Nebras ka and lias lu'en trimblcd with men, III weakness bei'iire. Me is a teamster bv trade and siujjo. At the regular niceling uf tile Salem Business Men's League this inoniu', t'ne question of the trading stamp will come up for discission. It is under stood that the business men oppr.se tho introduction of this system in Sh lem and some strong arguments have been prepared against it, W. M. Scott and family, of Si lets, are visit inn in Salem this week. Mr. Scott lum the proud reputation of being tlio champion iiitnroil of tlio diets country, mid his reputation an such is well known in almost every section of tho Into. According to a telegram received by ( I'. ltabcock yesterday, Mr. nnd Mrs. I.. L. Thomas, of Staytoti, are now the proud parents of an 8 pound tiirl. Hoth young people are well known In Salem, and their ninny friends oongintulnte them. Beginning today a .Veont passenger fare between Kingwcod r.irk and Sa lem, on the l'ort In nd, Eugene Eastern line, goes Into effect, taking the place of n 1." cent rate. A letter was received by the railroad commission this mom ing from .lulm M. Scott, gcnetiil pas senger nyent of the loud, staling that the company is willing tn elaldi!i this new lure. Cafeteria supper tomorrow evening, at the Presbyterian church. Easter novelties on sale at tho Pres- bytoriau church tomorrow. Sale be gins at 3 p. in. II. S. Soule, tho piano tuner from Portland, is still in the city. Orders for tuning can bo left at noo. C. Will's piano house. Carpets and rugs tho finest line in the city now on display in our third floor. Baron & Hamilton. Just drive up to the walk, that'll all and we will do the rest. Automatic paso'ine filling tank is always rei.'dy. I'a.iscr Hros. County Clork Gehlhar today issued a marriage Iiconso to Carl Jopsen and Sa die Frester, both of Salem. The Salem saloons will all close to day between 1 and 3 o'clock, out of respect for tho lato Frank P. Talking ton. Wear-Ever aluminum cooking uten sils aro the most economical and sat isfactory on tho market. You will find a eompleto line of this ware at Buren & Hamilton's. Did you know that Hauscr Broil have recently installed an automatic gaso Hue tankf It is handy for everbod;'. I.iel try it and seo. We can save you time. Waldo ("Swede") Miller, of this city, has branched out in tho transfor business, having purchased an auto wagon, and made arrangements to go into business full tilt. Mr. Miller iB well known in Salem, having spont nearly all his lifo here, and his many frionds will bo glad to hear of li is now enterprise. Tho Mooso dance, held at the lodge hall last night, proved a great success. The spacious hall was filled with enthu siastic dancers, while tho music and tho floor wero porfert. The Moose lodgo is claiming distinction in the 'n eal entertainment circles, and each ovont !b heartily enjoyed by nil attend ing. The Southern Pacific company litis agreed to carry passengers on its freight trnins from Pnllns to McMinn- ville, as a result of efforts of the State Railroad Commission, The inadequate passenger service on the West Side wns complained of to the commission by D. Ii. Kevt, who today sent a letter of thanks to tho commission for the change brought about. Tlio new accom modation of tho rnilroad company, it is said, will be a great boon to the people of Perrydale and neighboring towns. Handy! Our automatic gasoline f.ll ing tank is so handy. Gasolii.it for motorcycles and automobiles, llnuser Brothers. Bedroom furniture. We can show you a beautiful assortment of furni ture for tho sleeping room in walnut, maliognny, mnple and oak. Buren & Hamilton. Stale Labor Commissioner Iloff to day received a letter from his former home in Norway informing liim of tho death of his father, P. P. Iloff, which took place at lliuleland, Norway, last month. The old gentleman wns 80 years old. Woman likes to exerciso her sense of humor when the joke Is on some man. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN I do a general visiting and office practice, treating both acute and clironlo diseases. I have many pa tients for asthma, dropsy, diseases of the heart and kidneys, gall stones, rheumatism, diseases of the skin and nervous disorders, I have cured dropsy In patients af ter they hnd been pronounced hopeless by other able physicians. 1 have cured gall stones after emi nent sugeons hud said that an opera tion would be necinBiiry to afford re lief. Olllee practice: Cash. If you need my help, I nm at your sorrlce. PR. L. 0. AI.TMAJf, 20ll N. Liberty St, Phone: Main 147. Salem, Orexon iii1 Supreme Court Opinions. The following opinions were handed down by the supremo, court this morn ing: A. Lano, appellant, against T. M. Wurd, sheriff of Multnomah county, .e'poudent, action for habeas corpiu, affirmed. Justice Burnett. M H. Trepenhof-, .i-spondnt, iigaiit J. W. Swooney, et al., appellant?. Midi noniaL county, aff -med. JiMlice Ben". Taylor Investment Co., respondent, against Wallace G. Deatsman and Car rie B. Deatsman, appellants, Multno mah county, affirmed. Justice Mc- Bride. A. D. Harpole, appellant, against W. F. Arant, respondent, Klamath coun-, ty, affirmed. Justice Moore. Amanda F. White, et al., plaintiffs and respondents, against Frederick Procbstol, et al., defants and appel lants, Multnomah county, affirmed. Justice Eakin. Must Spray Trees County Fruit Inspector Constable, and 'no of his deputies nado a trip into the Aurora section yestorday, sorving no tices upon orchardists that they must spray their fruit trees. Inspector '.'on stable says that Aurora is one of the best fruit sections in the West, but that the fruit men there aro regroHnbl; negligent in the care of their trees, Cherry trees arc to be found at Au rora that were planted as far back as 180,1, and that measure 100 feet in height, Thero aro peach treos 50 years old, and still bearing well, despite scale ami other diseases with which they are afflicted. More Possibilities. Among new possibilities whoso names have been sprung around tho state house today for positions on tho com mission created bv the enactment of tho workmen's compensation law are those of Harvey Beckwith and former Editor Marshall of the Portland Labor Tress. Mr. Beckwith is connected with the Portland Chamber of Commerce and is in close touch with the governor. lie lias made several trips to tho executive offices recently. Marshall was a mem ber of the commission which formulat ed the workmen's compensation act. Judge Landis Says President erred, but the wise man that selects a Tashmoo cigar makes no mistake. Notice to Property Owners. Notice is hereby given thnt the street committee will meet the proper ty owners on Marion street, Water to Fifteenth, to determine the plan of im provement of said street, at 7:.'10 p. m. Thursday, March 20. in the cjimiihh iiieui il chambers in the city h'lll. ('HAS. F. El.CIV, City Recorder. 3 IS 3t DIED. BAIK'OCK. At her home in this city Sunday, March 1(1, 191,1, Mrs. M. liabcock. Tho remains will be shipped to South Dakota for burial. The deceased leaves a sou, Maurice, of this city, and a bus band who is now in South Dakota. No, Cordelia, as far as we know, the hookworm has never been edu cated to hook a woman's gown up the back. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY HritnjlARDT ft UEKEPITH KesltVdt Airents XHt Htate Slr1 MOUTH WKSTKKX M'KSKHY. IMS S. 21th St. Pboiie Main 1418 Uirgo iuhI complete stock. Peach and prune trees 25 per cont discount, and all o'.lier varieties of fruit Evergreens and HO varieties of rose bushes. De livery to any part of this city. Kalsomining Painting nnd decorating. Estimates furnished; satisfaction auuranteed. SMITH & COLLINS Phono Main 1290. EVERY DAY APPEARANCE - t Bright, clean, snappy. Well pressed clothes count tremen dously in winning out in the game of life. The cost is small, if you fre quently send your outer gar ments for Faultless Dry Cleaning , It will double the life of any (Tnrment by keeping it looking like new until it is worn thread bare. Standard Cleaners Phone 2433. 342 North Commercial Street. Bribe Scandal Climax to Harry K. Thaw's Evil Influence on New York WHEN the great state of New York undertook to convict Hurry Kendall Thaw of CiL . j iin.i- uiuruenuK; aiuuiura vv una and In succeeding years undertook to keep thut young man in an insane asy lum It had one of the most expensive tasks on record. It is probable no sin gle erlmluul litigatlou in New York comes within $100,000 of costing as much as the long period of trials, re trials and insanity hearings waged over the slayer of White. The climax of Thaw's evil influence on the state's treasury and its Judicial peace of mind has come in the great charge of pardon brokerage as existing in tlio management of the state prison and Insane asylum at Matteawan. In the face of this charge it was ap parent recently that Joseph F. Scott, superintendent or prisons, was in Im minent dnnger of being thrown out of office; also 't was clear that the great ...,.,:.--i ., fy' :vv If f (J (9 by American Press Association. BABBT K. THAW (ABOVE) AND BUFEBIN TKNDENT JOHKl'H F. HCOTT. state of New York faced another con tingency requiring the use of thou sands of dollars more on account of Thaw. The first tnundcr trial, which ended In a disagreement, and the second, which ended In a rcfusnl to convict because of Insanity, cost the state over $100,000. Then followed the three hearings on Thaw's sanity, each esti mated to have cost the state over $50, 0(M). The prisoner and bis attorneys have contended from the tlrst that he wns entitled to at least one Insanity hearing every year. Over h hundred witnesses have been culled upon each time Thaw's case has como up. some of them being brought from Purls, Berlin and London to tes tify. The request by the district attor ney to have the evidence In the latter hearings rend from the records of pre ceding ones was fought and defeuted by Thaw's attorney. Therefore the Htnte faces tho necessity of gathering witnesses from distant points and Hpt'iiillng prodigious huiiib hereafter. The litigation Is said to cost Thaw twice ns uuirli ns the state. Legisla tion has been proposed to limit the fund for the Btate's putt in Thaw's hearings to $20,000. The most recent upheaval over Thaw In the greatest sensation slnco the first murder trial. It has been freely de clared, nnd certain elements of the charge proved, that Thaw has been a "meal ticket" for pardon brokers. The position of Hiierluteiidiiit Bcott nnd Dr. John R. Russell, head of the State Hospital For tho Insane et Mat teawan, were assailed by the testimony of John N. Anhut. a young attorney representing Thuw. Anhut declared that he hud received $25,000 ns a re taining fee from Thaw and that Dr. Russell had asked hltn for $20,000 to certify thnt the prisoner had become sane. Dr. Russell's alleged proposal to Anhut wns virtually an offer to give the prisoner his liberty, ns the physi cian's word describing Thaw ns sane would hnve caused the letter's release. The scnndnl first wns disclosed by the assertion by Dr. Russell thnt V, F. Clark, secretary of the state Inquiry ii!!inlsnlon, hnd used Governor Sul f'r's name to gain Thaw's relense. Clark responded with the counter I'linrge thnt Dr. Russell, Superintend ent Scott nnd others formed n "prison ring" of pardon brokers under Gov ernor Dlx. An Intimation has run through nil the Investigation Into the present Thaw Hcnndnl thnt the prison nnd asylum of ficials conducted a profltnhlo business obtnluliig pardons for prisoners. "Cost of living"; farmers hauling potatoes and sidling them at two bits a snik, Heme persons should be excused, or forgiven for liking spring for other thsn basoball reasons. If Til tM M R. BUYER We should not be surprised if all those who behold the great Easter parade could look in the coats of the men they would find a greater percentage bear the label of ALFRED BENJAMIN OR RASCO SYSTEM There is no argument needed. We can prove their superiority if you give an opportunity. Spring styles now on display. OSCAR JOHNSON STETSON HAWES HATS State and Liberty Streets. To Lengthen Him. united press uased wins. Princeton, N. J., March 18. lfughey Golden, Bged 10, Princeton 'b athletic mascot, who is but two and a half feet tall, is iu a hospital hero today for an oporation that may increase his height. ft: NEW TODAY. ft FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms near city hall, 330 North High street Phone 4. 3-12-tf JOIN California land oxcursiou March 23, faro $15; Yuba valley, cultivated garden soil, free water for irrigation, suro crops; excellent climato, water marltots, roads, schools and free' wood; crops aro growing; no ex perimenting necessary, long time pay ments so can pay for land from crops; freo coupons lissued to buyers covering cost of trip to go at oin.'c; get started now, call and seo about it, 1. II. llaaliius, Capital Hotel, Salem, Oregon. ' 3-17-Ct BOY, 17 years of ngo, wants work. Fa miliar with farm. Inquire C. II., cure Journal. 3-18-lit LOST Gold locket and chuin, engrav ed "A. G." Finder please return to 131)5 Buginaw St. ' 3-18-3t" NURSERY Choice evergreens, 50 va rieties rose bushes, berry-bearing hol ly. T. D. Jones, 195 South Twenty fourth street. Phone 1418. 3-18-lt" NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CON cern: I will not bo responsible for any bills contracted for by any one else than myself. Michael Ward. 31S-2t FOR EXCHANGE Want an improved stock and grain ranch, value $1(1, i n) to $12,000, near small town and with in 50 miles of Sulem, Oregon; will givo a $9000 new and clear two-story residence in Pasadena and cash. ,f. .1 King, Pasadena. 3-18-2t I WILL HUY Ewiild Fruit Farms. 1 want tract of not less than five acres in tills addition, (live best price for cash. Address "X, A. II care Daily Capital Journal. 3-18-2t A IIAItGAlX Pine business lot, cor ner, cheap for cash.' Address " II. ' L., care Journal. lS- lt' I NOTICE A meeting is railed for teamsters and laborers to be held at Hurst hall, 420 State street, Thursday evening, March 20, ot 7:00 o'clock. Hy order of rommittoe. 3-18-3t PLANT TUBES NOW While yon can get them at low prices. We have a largo assortment of fruit and orna mental trees, 2-year-old roso bushes, and some of tlio famous: 1 Rantlam lily bulbs, at Quaker nursery. City yards comer Commercial and Kerry, opposite Marion Hotel. 3-18-3t FOR 8ALK 10 acres of first-class land all under cultivation,' small house, barn, well, chicken house, some young fruit, just 3 Va miles south. Trice $2200, $1200 cash, balance nt 6 per cent. W. II. Grabenhorst ft Co., rooms 1 and 2 Bush bank building. 3-18-3t FOR SALE 5 acres first-class fruit nnd berry land, all under cultivation, good road and close to Salem. Price 7")0. W. II, Grabenhorst & Co., rooms 1 and 2, Bush bank building. 3-18-.1t I'OH HALE Very cheap, a good 1 loom house and good lot, 50 by 122. close in town. Como and see. Inquire i.t lL'45 Cliemckcta street, Salcai. .1 H tin WATCH ANDi teJEWELRYl Karl Nengebsser Sjffi Maseale Temple CRAWFORD SHOES Salem, Ore. GENUINE CHICKEN TAMALES. Wholesale and retail. Special for weddings and parties. Call Main 2048 or come to Fred In front of the Madi son. The first chicken tamale Fred made In Salem, now you see them ev ery place. I bet $25 these are not like Fred's Tamales. You try one for yourself. 2-12-tf WANTED Woman to do housework. Phone 1681. I) It. ASSELN, DENTIST J T Graduate N. W. U., Chicago, f Salem Dank & Trust Building. X Suite 205-20G. Phone 2418 T Fine Art Studio Lessons given, orders taken for china painting, firing and water col ors. E. M. GOODSPE1, 222 Hubbard Building. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE 314 U.S. Bank Building MONEY TO LOAN On Good Heal Estate Security, TH0S. K. F0BD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or MONEY TO LOAN Oa good Deal Estate secsrity, BECHTEL ft BISON 147 State Street THE K.&J.CO. WHOLESALE HOME-MADE CANDIES Tho best In town ask for thorn. Factory 266 Chomeketa. COAL AND WOOD Prompt delivery. Sole ngents for the Famous Rock Springs Coal. CAPITAL FUEL CO. E. H. Jory, successor to J. J. O'Nefl. Phone 210. Yards opposite S. P. pas senger Depot. CHEHBI CITY FLOURING MILLS THE MILL OF PURITT I FLOUR CEREALS AND FEED iC5 Trade St, Fhone M 2331 tTTTTTTTttTTT? MONEY TO LOAN On farm and city property. Joha R Scott, over Chicago Btore, Saltm, Or egon. Phone 1651. WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Prompt delivery our specialty. Falls City Lumber Company. 279 North Commercial trmt Phone Main 811 JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING WORKS No machinery to tear and wear out dolics'e fabrics. Work called for and delivered promptly. 438 Ferry St. Phone Main t2i",t Office Phone Main 183 Rlgdou Residence Main 111. RIGD0N-RICHARD80N CO. Funeral Directors and Undertaker 261 N. High Street. ' 5? Ml i,rt,i'"'