itoAal Page of The Salem ! MONDAY OHf Siai Mar 17, 1913 Capital The Capital Journal Published by The Barnes -Taber Company GRAHAM P. TAHER, Editor and Manager 4ii Indeijeudeut Newspaper Devoted to American Principles and the ProgreBi and Development cf Salem in Particular and All Oregon In General Published Kvery Evening Except Sunday, Halem, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Invnrlablj In Advance) Knlly, by Carrier, per year ...$B2 Per month.. 4.1c Dally, by Mali, per year 4.00 Per month.. !)5c Weekly, by Mall, per year' 1.00 BH month! .500 FULL. I.EAHKI) WIHE TKLKOItAI'li ItKl'OItT ADVERTISING RATES. AdrertlsliiK rates will be furnltmcd on application. "New Today" ads strictly cash In ndv nnco. The Capital Journal Is more than anxious to give Its subscribers the very best furrier service possible. If yop don't get your paper on time, Just phone Main 82 and a copy will be sent you by special messenger. The Capital Journal management wants all Its subscribers to receive prompt and efficient service yoir complaints registered at this office will receive rareful attention. ST. PADDY, HIS DAY. ii A co'.or 80 11,9 Krepn" ia "P" f npropriato today, for it is good old St. Patrick's day, dear to all Irish hearts, or at least to nil who think all shades of green pre ferable to any tint of yollow. St. Pad dy wan undoubtedly a mighty fino man, lint our records of him aro rather un certain and unreliable. Ho was a Scotchman, but not a "ennny" one, and, from nil accounts, nil ho lucked of hoing an Irishman, was that ho was rot born in the littio Emerald Islo, for ho had all the symptoms, Just when lio invaded Ireland is uncertain, tho historians fixing tho duto all tho way from A. T. 303 to !70. However, it doesn't make any special difference now just what tho year was, for it was bo long ngo, anyway, that even tho wiso old oncyclopedinn guys can't got up courage to quarrel about it. At any rato, tho good old saint wns there, and tho fact that every loyal Irishman has a warm spot in his heart for tho lirave old saint, shows that ho was thora with both foot, and made such an improssion on tho race that his memory is ns dear aftor tho lapso of at least 1.150 yearB ns was his presence at tho timo. So today not only Irishmen, but nil tho English-speaking pooplo wenr a bit of green, or, if it is possible, a littio bunch of Shamrock, fresh from tho "Ould Sod." "Tho ihainrockl tho shamrock! The grcon immortal shamrock 1 Tho .chosen leaf Of bard and chief Old Erin's native shamrock." THE DISSOLUTION PLANS ABAMIOXFT) California Railroad Commission Ob. Jcrts to It and Plans Must , lie Changed. '' St IiOiilR, Mo., Mar. 15. llecnuflo of tho opposition voiced by tho Cali fornia, railroad commlRxlon, Judge Robert Ijovett, chairman of the board of directors of tho I'nlon Pacific sys tom announced In tho I'nltied States circuit court hero today that, the mod. Ifled plan for tho dissolution of the I'nlon Pacific-Southern Pacific mer ger bad been abandoned. Pnlted States District Attorney llouta, spenlilng for the, government, then declared that Attorney General MclleynoIdH had not been acquainted wltli the modified plan and Hint the government was In no position to either accept or reject It. Tho nmtlnmmon wns asked be cause tho California commission re Joel cd tho plan the rullioudu hud pre wired In present to the court. An other hearing was set for April 14, when tho new plan will be filed. The court itnnoumvd that, unless a new mill sallxfuetory plan was filed nu 1 tint, date that It would order the dissolution regardless of tho railroads plans. Taking Hod) East, (umi'ni cuius i.Km:l wins. Knnlii llarlmra, Cal., March 15. Heating the body of Mrs, Chrlstlin lierter, former society lender, r.f Wellington and Now York, who died hero list Wednesday, tho private car of President K. P. Ulpley, of the ta To railway wns started from Simla llarbara today for New York. The body wan accompanied by Mrs. Hector's son. Albert llerler, tin artist, ivml Vletni Monuiz, chief counsel for the Suntn l'V, who will administer the lierter es tate. Mrs. Ileitei'B will, filed here, leavei a million-dollar estate to her son. LAPP & BUSH, Bankers 1 TRANSACTS A (JENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. SAFETY DE POSIT BOXES. TRAVELERS' CHECKS, "lYnnf ads and NOW FOB BUSINESS. THE big celebration is over and Sa lem this morning settles down to her usual work, which is to grow and increase, and fill the much bigger nicho in affairs, in which event she has just celebrated places her. Sho has not yot felt tho effect of tho new blood infused in her veins, but it will bo felt in its over-increasing benefits from now on. Tho crowds and tho music aro gone; tho neighbors who so loyally joined in celebrating and rejoicing with us httvo returned to their homes; tho banners which so gaily flaunted Sa lem's glad welcome and which yoster day still mado bright the streets, dis appeared as if by magic last night. The celebration par tof tho event iH ovor, but tho business features aro now ready for exploitation, and tho effect of the completion of tho big bridge and the union of tho two, heretoforo widely sep arated sections of tho valley will soon make itself felt in nil lines of trado. Yet, great as was tho occasion we celebration part of tho ovent is over, only tho taste, tho precursor of what is yet to come, whon not only tho East and West sides of tho vnlley aro upit cd, but when tho wholo valley is cov ered with a network of electric roads that will mako all of us next door neigh bors. Now let us remember how glad wo wero to have tho P. E. & E. eomo to us, and so remembering, hold up the hands of its managers, and do all in our power to assist in bringing their magnificent plans to a happy and suc cessful termination. WITNESS TEUS OF THE BRUTAL MAN She Smashed One of Them In the Mouth Willi Her Raton In Lady. Like Style, tJNlTC.n I'llF.SS I.flAHEO wins. Washington, March ID. That a man tried to chuck a pretty girl In the Maryland delegation under tho chin, and another man tried to put bis arm around her, wero statements mado to day y Mrs. Nellie Mark, of Haltlniore, In testimony before .tho Jones sonato committee, which Is probing the riots during the suffrage parodo here March 3. Mrs. Mark testified: "I hit 0110 man on tho noso with my baton and he fled. Another man tried to pinch a gli'l. I struck him In tho mouth with the baton, and ho gulped I guess ho must have b wallowed sev eral teeth. Tho men upat upon and threw clwarelles at tho Maryland flag we carried, Tho police saw them and laughed." (SOES TO NEW 101th TO STUDY SElim CNiritp i iiRss l.r.ASKn wind. Porllund, Ore., March 15. Dr Ray Mutson, of Portland, Is today en route to New York, where he will spend a month In special study of Dr. Fried -mnnn's alleged method of curing tu Iici'ciiIohIm. The arratiRciuenta were made for Dr, Mutson by tho famous (eriiinn Biieclullst, with Oluf Klsen, who has been closely associated with e'rlediiinnii, Dr. Mutson recently translated Wolf-KUon'a latest work from the (lortunn Into Kngllsh. A Cure For Kmciun Kcxema In r.ny form, whether amto or chronic, Is easily and rapidly over come by the use of Merltol Kczoma remedy, (lives Ksltlve relief when nil others fall, and wo heartily roc commend It to any sufferer, Capital Drug Store, exclusive agents. i THE OPEN FORUM !! T ' ' t Tho Capital Journal Invites pub- I Ho discussion In this department . . f Let both sides of all matters " f be fully brought out It Is not I the purposo of this newspaper to - I do tho thinking for its readers. The Humphrey Case. Editor Capital Journal: , The press Is connecting my name with the Humphrey case, and as some of the statements made are not alto gether uecurante, I ask tho courtesy of your columns for a brief letter. It is true, that 1 usked tho governor to grant a reprieve, if ho could do nothing more,, suggesting a week or two. The ground on which I asked that no execution take place on Good Friday wns that it would outrage the feelings of a very large number of citizens; my own convenience was a secondary consideration, although of some Importance to my own people. It Is not true that I have "repre sented a certain element opposed to capital punishment." My mind Is open 011 the subject. Tho only ex cuso 1 can see for the practice Is tho supposed fact that tt acts as a det errent, which appears doubtful. But unless life Imprisonment means more than a few years In prison, It cer tainly will not act as a sufficient deterrent. I believe that the law should be amended In several re spects, so as to provide adequate pro tection society; if possible, without inflicting tho death penalty. But the present law as to Imprisonment and pardons is Inadequate. Tho grounds upon which I have sought a commutation In the present case are not sentimental. I believe there is grave doubt of the guilt of these men. The only evidence against them Is their own "confessions." Now they arc both of a very low grade of Intelligence, and the process of the "third degree" would Infallibly con fuse them entangle them, nnd finally Involve them In contradictions from which tiliey would strive to extricate themselves by giving the answers suggested to them by their Inquis itors, There is great probability thr.t the wholo story was suggested to them In this way, and then drawn from them. Moreover, neither of them was in the least familiar with tho law and Its processes and terms nnd even though warned In accord ance with tho Btntute, they would not have been at all likely to comprehend the meaning of those terms nor to have realized that their statements would be used against them. For all practical purposes, they were com pelled to testify against themselves,! a thing not only forbidden by the I runuamonuu law, dui aiso Buoversive of all Justice. Again, it must be remembered that Immediately after their arrest the pa pers) were filled with "confessions" of other crimes. Probably the gen eral public still thinly they com mitted them. Hut It Is a fact that the defence offered nt the trial to prove by competent witnesses that none of these other crimes wore commuted at nil, by anyone. Dy tho rules of evidence ns Interpreted by tho trial court and sustained on np penl. this evidence was excluded. The members of tho jury were familiar with thoso other stories, nnd undoubt edly were biased by them. The papers had called the Humphreys "nuiltlmur derers," nnd so the public thought of them. All who know the case now admit ithat these other "confessions" were fairy storb'S, without the slight est foundation In fact. They were ex ttacted from Charley Humphrey by newspaper men, unquestionably by much the same methods ns those used In getting the "confessions" on which the state relied for conviction of the Crirrith erliuc. This certainly d.sts much doubt on the validity of Ihe evidence used by the state. Thero nre other considerations re specting tin evidence which tend to sustain the contention that the "con fessions" were suggested to these men piece by piece, nnd extracted from them by (ho force of strong wills working on minds nnd wills barely worthy the name; but to state them would necessitate reviewing tho testimony as a whole. As a final consideration, these men aro of such rudimentary Intelligence that to execute them would be very like hanging little children, Wher ever they have lived tiny have been known as harmless, .half-witted, In dustrious fellows, but ltcver as even passably intelligent. The fact that their parents were first cousins goes far to exp'ain their affliction. Permit mo to say In conclusion that I am not yet without hope that the governor will commute the sentences In view of all Ihe facts In the case. UArtll (1. I.KK. Salem. Oregon, March It. IIHII, Cyclone Kills Tnenty. IrxiTW rurss ik .ism winr.I llueonos Ayres. Mur, 1" Twenty persons were killed or seriously In jured by a destructive, rye'one, here The proorty damage Is honvy. Journal Want Adts,.llrlng Results. inteods Sarsaparilla Is a very effective medicine for the complete purification of the blood and the complete renovation of the wholo sys tem. Take it this sprinjr. Oct It today In usual liquid form or hocolatcd tablets called Sarsatabs. I Proverbs of St. Patrick. I Followers of Christ should not bo so swift in Judgment until they know how true It may be which is written, "Ho not desire quickly to be a Judge." Those iu authority in the church ought not to have worldly wisdom but dlvlna examples before them, fur It does not become the servants of God to be crafty or cunning. Judges of the church ought to Judge Just Judgments, for with whatever judgment they shull judge it shull be Judged to theui. Judges of the church ought not to respect a person iu Judgment, "for thero is no respect of persons with God." Pluck of in Irish Princs. It is related that while engaged In the baptism of royal Prince Aengus, son of the king of Munster, St. Patrick, leaning 011 his crozler, pierced with Its sharp point the prince's foot. Aengus bore the pain unmoved. When St Patrick, at the close of the ceremony, saw the blood How and asked why he had remained silent the prince said that be thought It was a part of the ceremony. He Kidnaped 8t, Patrick. Mllchu, the Irish chleftuin who kid naped St. Patrick, ended his life by throwing himself Into tho flames that were destroying his castle. He had previously thrown all his personal be longings Into the lire, bearing that St. Patrick was coming to visit him. The mint saw the work of destruction from a nearby hill, but too Into to prevent Mllcbu's self destruction. A j. ... ... ... ... ... ... j. ... x ,1, J. it. J, X X X X .L X X X X J. TTTTTTTtTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTtt I ST. PATRICK'S CHARMED I LIFE. St. Tntrlck wbb doomed to death twelve times during bis fight to establish Christianity In Ireland and each time escaped paying the pennlty. .......... t, , X.L f TTTTTTTTff TTTTTTf TTVTTTf T FOR FRECKLED, ROUGH, OR SPOTTY COMPLEXIONS (From The Dermatologist.) Tho freckling, discoloring of rough ening to which dellcar.e skins are sub ject after exposure to wind or sun, often appearing In early spring, may lie gotten rid of. Morcollzed wax, spread lightly ovor tho face before re tiring and removed In the morning with soap and water, completely peels off the disfigured skin. Get an ounce of the wax at any druggist's. There'B no more effective way of banishing freckles or other cutaneous defects. Little skin particles come off each day, so the process doesn't even tem porarily mnr tho complexion nnd one soon acquires a brand new, spotless, girlishly beautiful face. Wrinkles caused by weather, worry or Illness, aro best treaV'd by a Bini- plo solution of powdered saxollte, one ouiico dissolved In a half pint witch hazel, llat.hlng tho face In this pro duces a truly marvelous transforma tion. Allll A Mi B TO TAKE CARE OF K1TTV San Francisco, March IS. In order that sufficient foundation be furnished upon which to base extradition proceed lugs for tho return from Octroi;. ,u( Mrs. Kitty Pope, the alleged compan ion of Owen Conn, Snn Francisco's "Jion.noo burglar," tho police will ask for a special meeting of the grand jury in order to pliio their evidence body, and securo tho return of an Indictment. Tho Michigan authori ties will not surrender tho woman on extradition papers, charging that she received stolen property, bo Captain of Detectives Mooncy will ask that the M'nnd Jury Indict tho woman as an ac cessory to tbe ninny Conn burglaries km. At the sn'ii, session of the Inqulsl- Cold Madal, Loadon, 1911 LtriUl SsU HIGH-GRADE Ttm 1 Riilewnn Tf win. hut ant Ira In lull rub flavor It. dm to lU B.t Soil ia th World (or Tea Growing ll l never colored i nevtr kdultn tcil. In MM AlfTlitil no All Hluh-CUaa eroccra Order Trll TO-DAY Mmrj v. j - - I J i'n mtn Ml I iJmIih mil EASTE OF FASHIONABLE MERCHANDISE. Every department throughout this big store Is sweetened up. The latest and newest goods purcluiscd by our Jfcw l'ork buyer and shipped day after day by express. Suits, Coats, Mil linery, Dress Skirts, Funcy Silks and Dress Goods. Come here for choice merchandfse u$ small prices. New ;tl Easter mm Coals A 1 U' l Jiff Hi $ uo llif $ 6.50 iiii $9.90 liiiRi $12.50 0LY THE LATEST SIIOWX SILKS AND DRESS GOODS Como and see our Easter opening of stylish Bilks and dress goods; they are beautiful. Yd. 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c and up. We Grow Because Me Giro the Rest Values tors the policj wilt submit their evi dence against Conn, who is now a pa tient at the city nnd county hospital, suffering from a shattered leg bono,. Fred, the Kisser, united rnsss moased wins. San Francisco, March 15. JiiBt how many San Francisco girls Fred Wal lace, a young law student, now in the tolls, hugged and kissed without their permission is being determined by the police here today. Miss Lydla While and her sister, Mrs. Mona Lee, who caused Wallace's arrest, testified today that ho stopped them on tho street ami helped himself to several large, noisy 'smncks." The case was continued un til Tuesday to permit other girls to give evidence regarding Wallace's os cillatory prowess. Healed Rids Invited. Notice Is hereby given tluvt the com mon council of tho city of Snlem, Ore, gon, Invites ncnlcd bids for tho making of on Improvement of Church street In tho city of Salem, Oregon, from the north line of Court street to the ap proach of tho brldgo ovor North M1U creek with cement pavement consist ing of fl-lnch gravel concrete, El 6so iisphnltlc concrelo pavement No. 1 consisting of 4-Inch hydraulic cement bnso and 2-Inch wearing surface, El Oso aiipbnltlc concreto pavement No. 2, consisting of 4-Inch hydraulic ce ment base, and lH-lnch wearing Bur face, El Oso asphultlo concreto pave ment No. 5, consisting of asphnltlc concreto foundation 34 Inches In thickness and IVi-lnch wearing sur face, Ambrose-llurdsall asphalt con crete pavement No. 1, consisting of four (4) Inches of Portland cement concrete baso and two (2) Inches of wearing surface, Ainbrone-Durdsall asphalt concreto pavement No. 2, con slstlng of four (4) Inches Portland ce ment concrete baso nnd one and one half (lty) Inches of wearing surface, Ambrose - Purdsnll asphalt concrete pavement No. S, consisting of four (4) Inches of gravel asphaltlc concrete bono and two (2) Inches of wearing mirfnce, Clurk & llonery Asidmlt pave ment No. 1, consisting of 4 Inches ce mejit concrete bnso nnd n ono nnd one-half Inch asphaltlc concreto wear ing surfaco, Clark & Ilenery Asphalt pavement No. 6, consisting of 3H 'nch asphaMc concreto baso and a one nnd ono-hnlf Inch standard as phalt wearing surface, Clark & Henery iiHphirtt pavement No. 8, consisting of a 4-lnch oemont concreto baso and a Mich standard asphalt wearing sur R OPENING I EXTRA SPECIAL New Easter M SHEETS tSc NOW ON SALE PILLOW CASK'S 9c PERCALES Yard oc, (I He, ami 81-3c DRAPERY NETS Yard 8 l-!le, 10c nnd 12 Ho $10.50 DRESS GINGHAMS Yard 5c, 8 1-Sc nnd 10c AND $12.50 HOl'SE DRESSES Special O'ic Come and Bee Q these great values. SHIRT WAISTS 4c, 75c and DSc ORE COM r)TOjRE face, No. 2 standard bltullthlo 4-Inch hydraulic cement foundation, 2-Inch wearing surface, No. 4 light standard bltullthic, 4-Inch hydraulic cement foundation, 1 ',4 -Inch wearing surface, or No. B heavy gravel bltullthlo, 4-lnch hydraullo cement foundation, 2-inch wearing Burface, In accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates on fllo In the office of tho city re corder of Bald city, which oro hereby referred to and mado a part of this notice. Said bids will bo opened on or after tho 24th day of March, 1913, at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m., In open council meeting In tho city hall in Salem, Oregon. Each bid submitted must be accompanied by a certified check en,ual In amount to ten per cent of the amount of the bid. The city reserves the right to reject any and atl bids. This notice is published for five suc cessive days In a dally newspaper published In the city of Salem, Oregon, tho date of first publication being March 11, 1913. CIIAS. F. ELGIN, 3-14-5tdly. City Recorder. ttmtt 1 THE NEW Modern $4.00 English Dictionary Certificate PRESENTED II Y THE CAPITAL JOURNAL MARCH 17, 1913 Six Appreciation Certificates Constitute a Bet ' Hw yoar Mdontmnl of 0U mt doct.tlonej opportunity W mltlnf (nt lha abovo CortificaU of Appreciation with f era othon of coruocullra date, anal raioiitinf tham at thla offica, with tha atpania bonul amount haroln art --opporito any itla of Dictionary lalaclool (which eoTrra tho Itami of Iha coil of rpacklnff, aipraia from tha factory, cheeking, dark hire and othtr necN.jy EXPENSE Items), and you will be proaented wilh your choice of Ihele three bookil Th $400 (Like illustrations in the announcements from d.iy to day.) j"? r ii k It is the only entirely new compilation by he worl'd'i MOdetn tngllSn greatest authorities from leading universities; is bound in mCTIONAKYfull Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in gold on back and liluatrnird sides, printed on Itiblc paper, with red idgcs and comers rounded; beautilul, strong, durable, llesidcs the general contents, there are maps nnd ov r 6oo subjects beautifully illustrated by three- color plates, numerous subjects by monotones, 16 p.inrs of bJ"" educational charts and the latest Um'fd States Census. Present ' OOa ft this QtVu-e SIX Coniacutiva Ccrtiiiratra ol Appreciation and tha JoC The $3.01) It If cwily tha time Niw IB the tt. bonk, ex. Modern English binding which Ii In DH1IONAKY h"'! Ilh" . i. Illuatralcd " , fcipen.e edaes and iBonmof wllh unuire tnrnfra. Sll A p. qj preclatlon. Certliieataa and the OJ.C Any Book by Hail. mm I flMT &J OCT it I h A iJl Easter Millinery Choice French and American models now on Bale at small prices. $1.98, $2.50 and $3.50 Our Motto t "Honest Goods at Lowest Prices" Cull for City Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand and applicable to tbe payment of all warrants drawn on the general fund of the City of Salem, Oregon, and endorsed "Not paid for want of funds." Holders of said warrants will pleas present them for payment at the office of the city treasurer in the city hall, as interest will cense from and after March 8, 1913. Salem, Oregon March 8, 1913. R, A. CROSSAN, 3-8-10t City Treasurer. You can live comfortably without be ing extravagant Extravagance Is not comfort. To Cure a Cold In One D iy. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qulnln Tablets. DrugglstB refund money If It rails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S Signa ture: Is on each box. 25c. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S . O ASTO lR ' A' 1 1 1 y-t-t"t' 1 1 1 Tbe $2.00 I In plain cloth bind New le. Damped in (old Modern Enelishp.p,rbl,cUh,'i.uV,r.! DICTIONAHV out all ii........ ol Iha col. ........... . . and chart! are nmliird. Ila An. I preelaUoa Certificate mi Ik Uc Extra (or Paai t7) Ittapent n .i .48c