Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 15, 1913, Page Page Five, Image 5

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rf fir
Women's Best
Quality Leather
Bags and Purses
$12.00 bags $0.00
$10.00 boss $8.50
$ 8.60 bags
i 6.00 bags 3.78
$ 3.60 bags HSa
t 2.60 bags $LM
$ 1.00 bags 74
for Women and Children
19c per pair
These are taken from our regular
stock and refers to the BLACK HOS
Pretty long and
Short Dresses for
$3.50 dresses ...... $2.70
$3.00 dresses $2.38
$2.50 dresses $1.98
$1.60 dreBseB $1.19
$1.00 dresses 78
.75 dresses 5G
for Women
39c per pair
Limited, C pair for children and 4 pair
for women to a customer.
Our splendid hosiery sold at these
prices to acquaint new customers with
the extra good quality sold In our hos
iery department.
King Tailored
Shirt Waists
The Best Tailored
Shirt Waists in
Neatest fitting gar
ments, handsomest
models, best grade
materials, best made
shirt waists in
$5.00 grades $3.98
$4.50 grades $3.47
$4.00 grades .'..$2.90
$3.50 grades $2.05
$2.00 grades $1.08
Excellent Quality
Curtain Scrim
60c grade 42c yd
45o grade 38c yd
40c grade 83c yd
36c grade 28c yd
30o grade 23c yd
25c grade 18c yd
18o grade 14c yd
Wonder what upset your stomach
which portion of the food did the dam
ago do you? Well, don't bother. If
your stomach is in a revolt; If sour,
gassy and upset, and what you just ate
lias fermented Into stubborn lumps;
your head dizzy and aches; belch gas
es and acids and eructate undigested
fond; breath foul, tongue coated just
trke a little Diapepsin and In five min
utes you truly will wonder what be
came of the indigestion and distress.
Millions of men and women today
know that it Is needless to have a bad
stomach. A little Diapepsin occasion
ally keeps this delicate organ regulat
ed and they cat their favorite foods
without fear.
If your stomach doesn't take care of
your liberal limit without rebellion; if
your food is a damage Instead of a
help, remember the quickest, surest,
nicst harmless relief Is Pape's Diapep
sin which costs only fifty cents for a
large case at drug stores. It's truly
wonderful it dlgestB food and sets
things straight, so gently and easily
that It is really astonishing. Please,
for your sake, don't go on and on with
a weak, disordered stomach; It's so
(Continued from page 3.)
(Continued from page K)
Real Estate Specials
ICO acres near Pendleton, all fenced
and in cultivation, to trade for Salem
16 lots, 50x180, to trade for any
thing of value.
8-room modern house, 3 lota, to
trade for from 60 to 100 acres.
One of the best saloons In Salem for
sale; very reasonable, good lease and
cheap rent.
New strictly modern 6-room bunga
low, well located, to trade for vacant
One of the most up-to-date small
hotels In Salem; everything new and
convenient, for sale with terms, on ac
count of other business,
Some good trades In second-hand
Some good farms, both large and
small, to trade for city property.
One new vlctrola for sale or ex
change. Lots to trade for diamonds.
Suit 302, Salem Bank &
Trust Building. Phone 445
Have party who wants to buy second-hand
automobile; must be in good
condition; will pay cash.
22 acres, all clear, close to station.
Price, Including team, wagon, cow,
chickens, etc., $4500,
3 acres, all. In fruit block from
ClaxUir station, O. E. It, R.. 6-room
bungalow. Price $2500.
40 acres, 10 minutes' walks from
Quinuhy station, good Improvements,
$175 per acre.
If you want a snnp In close-in resi
dence property, see my house, No. 473
North Cottage street, for $2500.
Some fine 10-acre tracts 1 miles
from town for $100 per acre; easy
terms, ...
141 N High L Salem, Ore.
Mr. Farm Buyer
Don't buy a farm intil you have
seen the famous Howell Prairie, only
a few minutes ride in one of our autos
will convince you that the soil on
Howell Prairie is the real cream of
all Oregon landB. Deep, rich black
loam, always sure o f crop. Price
$100 ikt acre and up. Any number of
acres to suit.
Will buy a 7-room house, largo lot.
(50x150 feet on Court street, just cast
of state house. All assessments all
paid. Clear title.
We have five acres close, rich, dark
loam soil, small bouse, barn, good
well, one acre of fine strawberries, 20
young fruit trees. Price $1200; only
$500 down, balanco on time.
Ten Days Only.
For ten (lays only we have a beauti
ful 4-acre tract lots of bearing fruit
trees, large house, barn, price $1000
cash. This choice property Is well
worth $0000. Act quick; don't over
look this snap.
Choice Vacant Lots.
We have a .large number of vacant
lots. Price $250, and up on easy pay
ments, Select your lot and we will
build you a house to suit on easy pay
ments. Cut out tile rent proposition;
own your own home.
To trade for a small farm In Wil
lamette valley, good two-story Income
property in Seattle, including small
stock of groceries, building will rent
for $75 per month. See Mr. Scott.
Five or six-acre tract lnsido city
limits, tills is suitable for chicken
ranch or loganberries. This is a snap
at only $150 per acre, So Mr. Scltt.
Almost new 6-room bungalow, one
block from car line and paved street;
$1300; $350 cash, balance easy terms.
See Mr. Scott.
347 Stato St. Tel. Main 452
that with each such commitment of
capital Its owners will be more and
more impressed with the fact that
they have made no mistake; that you
will pull with us as partners and that
together we will so handle and pro
tect what has already been entrusted
to our care that the task of raising all
the succeeding millions we are bound
to need In the development of this
magnlflclent field will constantly
grow easier. That so long as we, Its
representatives, meet and treat you as
we would wish to ho met and treated,
we will be able to report that Oregon
bocks us to the finish and always
totes fair."
(Continued from page 1.)
H. S. BELLE, Real Estate
i36 acreB east of Liberty Btore on street car extension, 12 acres Italian
prunes, 10 acres apples commercial varieties, 2 acres Dartlett pears
all about 12 years old, in fine condition, 2 acres English walnuts with
about 40 Alberta peaches as fillers, some In bearing; 5 acres, some
beaver dam, In garden, small house, barn and fine prune dryer; a fine
a fine Investment. Price for a short time $300 per acre. Easy terms.
21 acres, half mile west of Liberty store, 2 acres Italian prunes 4 years
old, 3 acres loganberries, about flvo acres good timber for wood, bal
ance open land. Flnojiew house, gasoline engine and water plant to
house and orchard, 1500-gallon tank; $5000.
Acme PI
We Keep a Fresh Stock All the Time
Get Our Prices Before You Buy
Spaulding Logging Company
Miss West was garbed in a pretty
white bonnet and coat and performed
her part of the chrls'enlng admirably.
Sho displayed no nervousness, not
withstanding the position she occu
pied was rather shaky and the deep
Willamette being in plain Bight under
the train wheels.
Ceremonies Impressive.
Probably there was never a chris
tening or celebration of an opening of
note held In this city so Impressive
as the one which took place today.
No cheering took place until the of
ficial train passed over the entire
length of the bridge. The event will
bo historic for Salem and one which
will go down in the annals of the
Capital City as being the most crcdlt
ablo and splendid display of enter
prise ever known here.
The arrangements were made care
fully and carried out In all precision.
Not a hitch marred the plans for the
official opening of the new brldgo and
the wholo affair was tbo most coin
plelo and Interesting ever arranged In
this city. The rallrond officials were
greaiUy Impressed with tho greeting
given them by the people of Snlem
and the largo audlene.o attending tho
christening also manifested apprecia
tion of tho event
Automobile owners responded splen
didly to the call for machines to es
I cort t,ho members of the different
j committees and tho ritllroad officials
to the West RUlo depot, where they
j boarded the trnln. L. S. Harm enr
irled Mr. Strahorn to the scene In one
of his cars, while C, P. Ilishop and
othors conducted other , members of
tho Inaugura'lon party to tho Marlon
county end of tbo bridge,
Luncheon Fn r Officials.
With eleven officials of tho Port
land, Eugene & Eastern seated at the
! tables a luncheon In their honor wits
'given In tho grill room of the Marlon
, Hotel at noon today. While these
ina'ablos were feasting, the wives of
some of them, together with promin
ent ladles of tho city, were banqueted
by Miit. Hubert E. Htraliorn In a prl
I vale grill room of th hotel.
I Iliief speeches followed the ban
quet to the officials. Those present
worn Hie following:
President Robert E. Strahorn, Su
perintendent of Southern Pacific
Fields, Chief Engineer Cltippy, Right
of Wny Agent Woods Auditor Nelson,
Superintendent of Equipment Soars,
Freight Agen,!, Sheldon, Chief Traffic
Clerk Forbes, Superintendent of Elec
trical Operation Illlllnbsh-y, Publicity
Agent Woodruff, nnd E. W. Rear, the
builder of tin, bridge.
Those present In tho Indies' dining
room wore Mewdnmes Robert E. Stra
horn, Sleeves, I Infer, Illlllngsley, Tu
ber, Illrdsell, llynnn, Crowe, Olcott
lllngbiim, Houston, West.
five in the chorus and twenty-eight
In the ballet.
This will be the first time In tho
history of Oregon music that grand
opera in all Its alluring magnificence
has visited the state. The company,
after leaving San Francisco, will play
but two cities in the Northwest,
Portland and Seattle, tho week being
divided between them.
Already Salem people are Inquiring
of each other: "Are you going to
heard grand opera?" This splendid
treat coming almost to our doors Is
causing a tipple of excitement In this
Under management of the famous
Andreas Dlppel, the company will
open Monday night, March thirty
first, with a superb production of the
much-tnlked-of new opera by Wolf
Ferrari, "The Jewels of the Madonna,"
which will embraco an unusually
large cast of most of the Important
members of the company.
On Tuesday night, April fliBt, Mas
senet's vivid, impassioned opera,
"Thais," will be given with Mary
Garden In tho title role.
The matinee on Wednesday, April
second, will be a combination of light
opera and ballet, with "Hanso and
Gretel," Humpordlnck's fairy opera In
three acts, as tho central feature, pre
ceded by tho second act of Offen
bach's fantastic opera, '"llie Tales
of Hoffman," and followed by a re
markable series of grand ballet danc
That the movement In Germany to
preserve Wagner's "Parsifal" for Rey-
reuth for all time would not succeed,
despite the fact that the Crown Prince
headed the signers of the petition ind
thnt tho emperor was believed to favor
it, had been generally expected,
but tho majority against It wns much
greater than bad been looked for. The
strongest arguments against a special
law were that comparatively few per
sons would bo able to enjoy It ench
opera year, and that it could be hoard
by opera lovers everywhere except In
Tho day following (he committee's
decision, Director Murtorstclg of 1clp-
slc, announced thnt. ho would slngo
"Parsifal" on January fourth, nine
teen hundred and fourteen, four days
after the copyright expires.
Otto Lohro will direct the produc
tion and tho principal roles will be
sung by Max Krueger and Eru
Ruescho Endort.
ncss and Kest'Coutaliis neither
Opium.Morjihinc nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
DnviJciu Seed'
JheUtt SHIt'
Cfanfirrt Suprr
hmUnrtta time.
Ancrfccl Remedv forConsllna
t Ion , Soiu- Stomach.Dlarrltoc a
Worms ,Convulsions,rcvmsh
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
(Continued from page 3.)
The Queen Esther circle of First
Methodist church held nn open meet
ing at the home of Mrs. 13. L. Sleeves
last Saturday afternoon, and pre
sented an enjoyable little program
after the business session. Painty
refreshments wore served. The young
girls of this order are raising funds
to defrny the expenses of educating
a North Carolina mountain girl.
Mib. 11. Li. Steevcs, Mrs. J. O. Gol
tra, Mrs. W. T. lllgdon and Mrs.
Henry Vnndervort entertained Wed
nesday afternoon In Mrs. Sleeves'
home, for tho Forejgn Mission of
First Methodist church. A large
iiuiuner ui menn'eis- uiicnueu uie
meeting nnd donaled their annual j
thank offering. The afternoon closed
with a luncheon.
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
(To bo continued Monday.)
PHONE 1830
Moose Dance.
Will ho held Monday, March 1". All
persons receiving Invitations and
inoiiibors of tho Mix so and their fain
Men are rcueicd to bo present.
Grand march at 9 o'clock p. in,
But Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound Restored
Mrs. LcCIcar's Health
Her Own C;..'.cmc:it.
Detroit, Mi.:h. "I am glad t:i dis
cover h remedy Uii.t relieves mo from
t.i y su.Ti ru:; u n (1
jiuiun. 1 'or two yearn
I Millercd lieurini;
down pains un I got
ull run down. I wn:'
uni.er a nervouo
strain and could not
sleep at night. I
went to doctors hero
In the city but they
did not do mo any
"Soclnp; Lydia E.
rinl'.ham'ii Vegetable Compound adver
tised, I tried it. My health Improved
wonderfully and I urn now quite well
again. No woman iiiuVring from fu
mulc ill will regret it if hIio takes tills
medicine." Mrs. JamicS 0. LlClkak,
3M Hunt Bt, Detroit, Mich.
Another Cnso.
Philadelphia, Pa. "Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vogetnblo Compound is all you
claim It to be. About two or three
days before my period I would got bad
backaches, then pains In right and left
sides, And my head would ache. I called
tho doctor and lie said I had organic in
flammation. I went U. him for a while but
did not i;et well so I took Lydia Rl'lnk
ham's Vegetable Comp'-und. Aficrtak
iiiRtwo bottles I was relieved nnd finally
my troubles left mo. I married mid
have two little girls. I have hud no re
turn of the old troubles." Mrs. CllAS.
LtOEix, 2G50 S. Cliadwlck St, PhllM'a.
The Stomach
r 111 Jill
Is the Target
Aim tn mnkft thnt stronir and digestion eood and you
will keep well I No chain is stronger than its weakest
link. No man is stronger than his stomach. With
Btomnch disordered a train of diseases follow.
pr riCTcc'g Golden Medical Discovery
maVw tho itomnch healthy, the livor actlvo and llio blood Iure. Mado from
forrat roota, and ntracUil without tho ubo of alroh.nl. HM hy druiojliu, In
liquid form at 1.U0 pet botllo for ovor 40 jm, giving gunorul mtinluctlon.
U jon prefer tablet! aa modified by It. V. Pierce, M. D.. theae can be
had of medicine dealer or trial box by mall on receipt of SOc In atampa.
H MW' i i. rr ri i 1 m
a Mil i' i "i a i niu -,n i r ,
Curtains and
Nothing adds quite as much to the cosineas or artia
tic appearance to the home as the proper and lib
eral use of draperies and curtains.
Our drapery department is splendidly equipped to
meet your most exacting requirements.
We ahow a wide color range in plain effects, stencil,
period and floral designs at prices that fit any purse
Come In and Inspect Our
Spring Line of Wall Papers