DAILY CAPI1A1 JUCBHAL, 8ALEM, 0RJSG05. SATURDAY, MARCH IS, 1918. Page Eleren. FOR YOU r I Z;7;.i..Ztl,Zll.llZ:z : a if EASTER SPECIALS Next week only our now Silks ami Messallnea W:ilsts will be sold at a i!0 per cent discount. All the wuiais are of the latest creation for spring wear. An April PICTORIAL KKV1EW PATERS WITH A SPUING FASHION HOOK 25c Get our expert corsetlerro fit you with Cases guaran teed front Incod corsets, or one of the Famous Stewarts made-to-measure corsets, which are highly recom mended by physicians. All prices. Masonic Temple 115 High Street. ta:-s II I tot I BIRD MUSIC ATTHE DOOR How to Coax the Feathered Vo calists to Settle In Orchard or Garden, Where They Will Rout Insect Hosts. NEW AND STRIKING HATS FOR EASTER MAIDS AND MATRONS a 1 V. TWO SPRINQ HATS HE novelty of the millinery world is the new shape known ns the aeroplane. The model Illustrated here will give a good Mea or wnm this bat ll Ilk. It li In this case trimmed with pheasaot's feathers and has an ornament of pheasant's feathers at the back, which stig- (ti th propeller of nn airship. The oilier hat Is a simple model In hemp, with a satin crown and an upright tuft of ostrich tips. ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 1 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT THE BEST IN SALEM The home of popular priced Milli nery. Big Display of Ready-to-Wear Hats. All new. The newest of the new. Good materials. Rightly trimmed. Lots of new shapes, foli age and flowers. Hats trimmed to order. Get your hats early. You save nothing hy waiting until after Easter. Our prices are the same after Easter as hefore Easter. All goods marked in plain figures. the best millinery departmenY1nsa5 RosteinGreenbaum 240246 COMMERCIAL STREET WOMAN'S WAY. To a wise woman nil Is not gold Hint glitters unr Is all told (lint matters. A st.vllHh coat Is no proof of Its wearer's mental brightness nor of the contrary. To be happy Is proof that you are clever, but to be clever Is no sign that you will be happy. Women would be more Inter ested In a man's Ideals if the ac cent were not so often on the "1." Still waters run deep, but still women run deeper. S' BEAUTIFYING WAISTS. Crochet Medallions For Insertion In Lingerie Blouses, Illustrated here are two medallions In Irish crochet suitable for the deco ration of the summer lingerie waist. Many women are now designing their stock of summer blouses, and the me dallions, which nre comparatively sim ple In construction, may be easily made. They may be used with Inser HKMI Lawn- i:aw.,asW is.' ' .x . m PRINO is so close at band that the housewife's thoughts turn hnpplly to anticipation of com ing good times in the outdoor world, of pleasant Jaunts In the woods and satisfying hours Bpent in her gar den. In most country places those harbin gers of spring, the birds, are bopping about the bare trees, picking up u pre carlouB living as yet, but cheerful and hopeful In spite of hard times. The best friends of the birds are wo men. The ranks of those that revel in atgreta and humming birds' skins for tunately grow yearly smaller as edu cation Is extended and women under stand that the lovely plumage on their bats means a mother cruelly slaugh tered und feathered babies left orphan ed and starving. The most efficient bird protector Is the home womau who loves the merry songsters for themselves. No one can more thoroughly awaken public senti ment In favor of protecting the birds In ber neighborhood than the woman who loves and knows them. She can talk to the children about them; she can dis courage neighbors who are thinking uf buying their boy thnt dangerous toy. an nlr gun; she can interest the girls In ber Sunday school cluss. the ladles who belong to her church society or wo man's club. If the laws for the protec tion of birds are not being enforced In her neighborhood she can drop a hint to the authorities about this. State fish aud game commissions and the United States department of agricul ture, which are keenly alive to the value of the birds to the farming Inter ests of the country, nre doing their best to awaken the people, und the state authorities nre usually glad of a hint where their forces might do more effective work. Audubon societies all over the country and the national sod ety, with Its headquarters In New York, are glad to supply suggestions for the formation of new bird clubs or give helpful bints for either bird study or bird protection. Bird boxes put up Iff the trees about the bouse, bird fountains and feeding troughs or boards will attract many birds. The nesting boxes may be mnde by the handy boys of the fumlly. An empty starch or salt box with a bole cut In the wooden lid and a perching pole tacked outside the little door makes one of the simplest homes. An empty tin can nailed to a tree wnn the open end out will nttrnct tenants. Hobln loves the cherry tree, und so does the Jaunty catbird, but the cherry tree will be free from Insects where the catbirds and robins live, and there aro ways of circumventing these feath ered gormiinds of the cherries. One Is by getting up enrly and picking the cherries before they reach that stage of ripeness at which tho birds prefer to take them. If hedges of wild ber ries are planted for the benellt of the birds they will pay less attention to the orchard fruits. Many birds prefer a hollow tree for a home, and If you havo one of these on tho premises let It stay unless It Is too unsightly. Your reward will be the sight of many happy twittering SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS Ventilated transformations made of cut hair or combings Pompadours either center or side part Try Septeel for renovating old switches, nothing better, will not fade the hair PHONE 1021 228 HUBBARD BLDG. CBOCHET MKDALU0N8. Hons of Valenciennes or cluny lace or with combinations of these two Inces upon the blouses. When making the motifs the seal loped edges may be omitted If pre ferred The shield shaped decoration consists of three wheels, two trefoils, a sprig in double crochet and point lace stitch for the center and two sprigs at the cor ners doue In double crochet. The wheels are in double crochet, with the exception of the spokes, which are In double treble. Tho sprigs are tacked to u piece of table oilcloth and then Joined together with plcot chains. Tho upper medallion Is made with four crochet roses Joined with chains aud arches and entirely bordered wltb crochet scallops. An Attractive Shop. One of the most attractive Bhops In the city where many ladles spend their . shopping hours Is The Style Shop lo-1 catexl In tho new Masonic Temple, I There Is no need to wonder why the ( ladies find It attractive for Mrs. B. T. 1 Swart has put In a very select lino of ladles' wear and specialties. j For style Information they can find the very latest and the best in the Pictorial Review Pattern department. : At this shop is where the well dressed ladles select their styles and lenrn how to use Pictorial Review patterns which always fit right, look right and are right. I Another article that adds to style, beauty and graoo of the physical form Is a corset that Is made to measure. 1 Mrs. Swart has now an expert cor setlerro who will fit any lady with either the famous Stewart's made-to- measure front-laoed corset or the guaranteed Casa corset. Either of these corsets with the front lacings are highly recommended by physicians for they make tho wearer walk right, stand right, breathe right. Just a glimpse at the magnificent display of laces, all-overs, bandings, flounclngs, etc., will convince one that nothing In the way of patterns and styles could have been more artlsrtJc- ally designed for tho decoration of Before making your Easter t I selection you will want to visit I ii MISS LARSON'S MILLI- ! NERY PARLOR as she has l t t an entirely new stock and late I I ideas direct from Chicago. 377 Court Street 1 i-i tho EiLstor gowns. Everything Is shown from tho dainty flno silk shad ows to the heavy Plancns, Venetians and Gulpeures. Tho Stylo Shop Is tho place to stop and shop for there tho s!ylo is right, tho prices aro right and tho goods are right. The only way to reform Is to reform. ...THE FRENCH SHOP... Exclusive Millinery The Latest in French Millinery, featuring the lowest prices for dependable goods 165 North Liberty Street . Mrs. L. G. Curtis Will help you select and plan your new Easter Bonnet. Plenty of pretty things at the I Milliner Parlors ;i 125 N. High St. Salem, Ore. birds around your doorstep and a cheery song outsldo your windows In the morning and In the evening. lilrda are so useful to the farmers that farmers' wives have everywhere been the most enthusiastic and lutein cent memTiers of local bird clubs. They know from observation what a i few of the little creatures can do to j rout the Insects that prey on every green thing about the premises. Better nn ISnster bird In the treetopa than an Buster bird upon a hat Is their motto. Convenient Ironing Board. One of tho difficulties of pressing out one's belongings In n boarding house bedroom may be obviated If the top tray of the trunk Is converted Into a temporary Ironing board Only a tiny shirt board may be curried conven iently In the trunk, and It Is Impossible to press out n linen shirt or a white frock on this little board, which an swers very well for neckwear and ribbons. If the trny of the trunk Is deep It mny be Htood on edge, one long pad of canton flannel provided with tnpes, which mny be tied securely around the trunk trny, giving a smooth, padded surface to work upon. The woman who possesses an electric Iron may snap her fingers at the Independ ent hotel laundress, for mnny a bit of neckwear, handkerchiefs and even blouses milt be freshened Id her own room. I l FIRFNriHIDRY (HI .RAWING Gift For Baby. Gifts for babies are so often silver cups and silver rattles that 0 nice gift and at the same time a useful one Is a find. However, It really is to be had In a box which holds six little pairs of baby shoes and two little pairs of silk socks, with one pair of knitted bootees. These are arranged In a box which opens with a drawer. The little hocs are pink, blue and white, and two pairs are shoes, two pain are soft kid moc casins, and two in Irs are little slippers, so thnt the bahy Is provided for literal ly at "every step of the way." Three little satin sachet are also In the box. SAVES CLOTHES AND MONEY Few people realize the possibilities of our EltENCII IMIY C'l.EAN 1NO PROCESS, both as to the work anil as a source of economy. We clean anything In LADIES' wearing appurd, feathers, tips, plumes, household draperies, etc. This service has a wonderful life-restoring effect nwl makes any ARTICLE LOOK BETTER AND WEAR U)N'ti ER. At a slight cost lust spring's suit, dress or anything left, over, can ho put In tho best of condition, and tiimlo to give you another sea son's wear; this means a great help In the problem of being well dressed, and by taking advantage of theso services, you can reduce your CLOTH INO BILL NEARLY CO PER CENT. We Recommemd French Dry Cleaning As one of tho most effective mcuns of economizing, which Is so necessary In thlH day of "high cost of liv ing," and wo recommend OCR SERVICES as tho most thorough and satisfactory in thu Northwest. Standard Cleaners and Dyers Phone 2433. 3L! North Commorclal