' 1 .tivniimiii T.lirnwlT K1TFV. OREfiflH. TITSDAY. MARCH 1L 1913. Page 8eve . . ' I . , . i t t- -i- -- T- -. BeerB (unaer iuuu idj Business Opportunities in Salem and Vicinity AWrtfAAAVVW "JTA pota-tc Aiun nFMPRAI INFORMATION CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, PROFESSIONAL LAitua, Ktvi MARKETS. ! PORTLAND HAHKETS. Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results One cent word for first Insertion. One-balf cent a word tor each Insertion thereafter. No aivertUement taken for uwa than 2Bc taunt ill worda to the 'In. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONEER Salem's reliable sell er. Farm sales solicited. Terms 1 per cont; satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Henry E. Voorhles, Michi gan avenue, first street east of the state fair grounds. 1-13-tf BAKERIES. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yet the price Is no higher. For Bale at your grocer's. California Bakery, Thomas & Cooley, Props. OR. 0. F. HEISLEY and Dr. S. Etta HelBley (graduates of A. S. 0., i Klrksvllle, Mo Dr. A. T. Still president of the school and found er of the science of Osteopathy), general osteopathic practitioners. Also hydrotherapy and electric light baths given without extra charge for rheumatism, kidney and liver troubles. The success in these treatments Is equal to going to the hot lakes. Confinement cases and female troubles a spec ialty. 620 Court stroet, opposite the court house. LODGE DIRECTORY Continued. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the society for investi gation, Fellows' cemetery. Take Salem Heights car. Thursday, March 13. PACIFIC LODGE NO. BO, A. F. & A. M. . Stated communications third Friday GUARANTEED AUTO SPRINGS We WHITE SWAN and German Bakeries for highest grade bread and pastries. We have opened a Dairy lunch in connection with the White Swan, at 819 North Commercial street and will serve a first class bakery and dairy lunch. Serve soup from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. Phone 903 or 9C1 for orders or deliveries. 1-11-tf CHIROPRACTIC-SPINOLOfllST. DR. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chlr opractic'B Fountain Head, Daven port, Iowa. If you have tried every- thine and have got no relief, try Chiropractic spinal adjustments and ret well. Office 406-7-8 U. S. Na tional Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 1629. 6-8-tf DRS. B. H. WHITE AND R. W. Walton, Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of American School of OBteopathy, Klrksvllle, Mo. Post-graduate and neclallzed in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant Office 605 606 U. S. National Bank building. Phone 869. Residence 846 N. Cap! toi street. Phone 469. PORTLAND HOTELS. 3-5-Gt NEW MATTHIESEN HOTEL Corner Front and Columbia, at Oregon EleC' trie depot Steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms. Open day and nleht: rooms 60c, 76c and $1. Also Hotel Harrison, 401 to 407 Front St. John Matthlesen, proprietor, both housos 10-6-tf MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP- TER, NO. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday In each month at 8 p. m in the Masonic Temple. James Plant, Ex. High Priest. Lot L. POSITION WANTED By young man Pearce, secretary. j as bookkeeper, some experience; references furnished ; good pen- MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, mn n Journal. 3-7-lw COAL AND EXPRESS. 8UPERIOR COAL $6.50 per ton de livered. Express and baggage de livered to any part of the city. Prompt service. Ofllce phone Main 367. Residence phone Main 690. B. N. White. 2-8-tf PLUMBERS. THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 164 Commercial St, Phone Main 192, -Mvr ELECTRIC FIXTURES. ELECTRIC FIXJTURE AND SUPPLY Co., has moved to 220 North Liberty street. Phone Main 263. Electric wiring and electrical supplies, EMPLOYMENT 1IUREAU. ACME EMPLOYMENT BUREAU All kinds of competent help furnished on short notice. See us when out of employmeu- or when needing help. 640 State street. Phone Main 477. 1-4-tf R. J. HERSCIIBACII & SON. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Station ary engines overhauled, wagonB and buggies made.' We-build any kind of auto beds; make new auto and wagon springs; plow Bhares re paired and made new; make all kinds of tools. Autos, buggies and wagons painted. Al lwork guaran teed. 803 North Liberty street. 2-7-tf ' LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all hand work; established 20 years. 226 South Commercial St Phone 1158. Hop Lee. 7-25-tf LIQUOR HOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTE Fine wlnes.llquors and clgnrs.'We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught South Commercial St SAND AND GRAYEL. SALEM CONSTRUCTION company can supply you with sand and gravel. OfHce 464 Court street Phone Main 790. Gravel bed on Front street and North Mill Creek. -28-tf SCAVENGER. SALEM SCAVENGER Chas. Boos, nronrletor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cesspools cleaned, Office 6S State street. Office phone Main 2247. Residence. Main 2272. 6-11-tf ,OYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Cherry City Lodge No, 498, meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 in Moose Hall, corner Court and High streets. D. R. Yantls, Dictator; H. H. Turner Secretary, 135 South Commercial Street. FOR SALE (Continued). j FOR SALE Second-hand automobile, ' Hauser Bros. 3-10-3t RAILROADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Time Table Portland Division. FOR SALE Choice Crystal White and Traln No' Single-Comb Buff Orpington eggs for 10-Albany Passenger hatching. Good laying strains, ir4 Columbia street corner North Front. 14-1C- . 7:24 a.m. Portland Express 6:00 a.m. Oregon Express 6:31a.m. 3-8-3t 2S Willamette Limited 9:30a.m. 1 12 Shasta Limited 12:35 p.m. AUTION SALE Of household goods 18 Portland Passenger 2:00 p.m. at tho corner of Liberty and Hoyt j 20 Portland Passenger 7:38 p.m. strotf, two blocks oast of the Odd 1 226 Local way freight 10:30 a.m. in each month at 7:30 p. m., in the Masonic Temple. Edward Rosteln, W. M., Ernest H. Choate, secretary. j O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2, Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 In the McCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streets, G. P. Litchfield, M. W.j S. A. McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, F. , wnnufucture high grade auto and truck springs, also repair, set up, and re-temper old springs. Our lorg list of sutlsfled customers will rec ommend our ability as leaders In our work. Laher Auto Spring Co.. 2il North 15th St.. Portland, Or. 10-5-tf bic; Red WANTED. WANTED By lady, work by day, $1.50 per day. Phono 548. Room 8, Scott hotel. 222 Portland through fr't. .10:36 p.m. Southbound, 15 California Express 3:31a.m. 19 Ashland Passenger 11:10 a.m. 17 Roseburg Passenger.... 4:27p.m. 27 Willamette Limited 6:38 p.m. 11 Shasta Limited. . .. . 7:38 p.m. 13 San Francisco Express. 10:36 p.m. Albany Passenger 8:30 p.m. 225 Local wey freight 12:35 p.m. 221 San FranclBCo through trelght 12:01 p.m Salem-Goer Urancb- 127 Passenger arr. Salem. 9:25 a.m. 130 Pass, mxd leaves Salem 10:00 a.m. 129 Pass, nixd arr. Salem .. 4:00 p.m 128 Pass'nger leaves Salem 6:30 p.m Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meets ; every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock WANTED Load of good hay in masonic nun, curuwr iuun nuu Liberty streets. Elevator service. R. M. Morris, V. C.J Ray A. Grant, Clerk. E. Voorhles, auctioneer. Henry Phone 385. 3-8-3t CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P. McCornack bldg, Tuesday evening of each week at 7:30 p. m.. Fred O. Hale, C. C; Jns. W. Cox, K. of R. and S. WANTED $700 for term of years, on Improved city property. Phone 2197. 3-10-3t CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37., O. E. S. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m., In the Ma eonlc Temple. Mrs. Josephine Vass, W. M. Ida M. Babcock, secretary. MISCELLANEOUS . LACE CURTAINS Home laundered, all kinds, 25c per pair. Portieres, 50c and 25o per pair. Phone 548, Room 8, Scott Hotel. 3-7-4t REAL ESTATE. $1300 Buys a fine new cottage on paved street, three blocks from car line; roomy, good water, new wood shed and cement walk; also modern, well finished cottage on large lot, one block from car line, and two blocks from street car. Price $1250. Phone 470, Square Deal Realty Co. PICTURES FRAMED CHEAP Re gllded and made new. Photo pillow tops 98c. Pictures enlarged. All work called for and delivered. J. C. Banner, 498 S. Nineteenth street. 2-13-lm A FINE LITTLE place with big gar den tract, walking distance, 5 rooms. Price $1500, easy terms; Install ments. Owner leaving tho Btato. Apply to Tho Fleming ftealty Com pany, 143 South Liberty. 3-8-3t STEADY WORK For young married man who will live In the country chance to learn a good trade. Phone Main 2024. 3-10-3t OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Northbound. , Leaves Salem. Arrives Portland. Train No. 4:25a.m 2 Owl.... 6:45a.m G:30a.m 8 8:50a.m 8:00a.m .'. 10 Loc. .. .10:20 a.m 10:00 a.m 14 Ltd..... 11:55 a.m 11:20 a.m 16 1:40 p.m 2:0p.m 18 4:20 p.m 4:00 p.m 20 Ltd 5:55 p.m 4:15 p.m 22 6:40 p.m 5:50 p.m 24 8:16 p.m 9:00 p.m 26 11:20 p.m Southbound. Leaves Portland. Arrives Salem. 6:10 a.m 1 8:30 a.m 7:30 a.m 3 9:50 a.m 8:20 a.m Ltd 10:10 a.m 10:40a.m 7 l:00p.m 05 p.m 9 4:30 p.m 3:40 p.m 11 6:05 p.m 4:40 p.m 13 Ltd 6:30 p.m 6:00 p.m 17 Loc 8:15 p.m 9:25 p.m 21 11:40 p.m 11:45 n.m 25 Owl.... 2:15 a.m Northbound. Grain, Flnnr, Feed. Etc. Wheat Track pries: Club, blucstom, 9'Jc; fortyfold, SSc; Russ'an, 8.'c; valley, Sfic. Mlllstuffs Eran, $21(521.60 pr ton; shorts, $2323.50; middlings, $30. Flour Patents, $4.70 per barrel; straights, $4.10; exports, $3.75$3.85; Valley, $4.75; graham, $4.60; whole wheat, $4.80. Corn Whole, $27; cracked, $28 per ton. Hay Timothy, $17; alfalfa, $12; clover. $10; oats and vetch, $12; grain hay, $1011. Oats No. 1 white, $276-28. Barley Feed $232 per ton; brewing, $2728; rolled, $20.50. Dairy and Country Produce. Butter Oreeon creamery, solid pack, 37 'ic per lb; prints, box lots, 39c. ECg9 Oregon ranch, 18c per dozen. Cheese Full Cream twins, 18c per lb.; Young America, 20'4c. Poultry Hens, 1516c; hroller3, 15 16c; duck9, young, 1014c; geese, 13c; turkeys, live 20c; dressed, 25c. Veal Fancy, 86 to 125 poundB, 1414c per lb. Pork Fancy, 10c per lb. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc. Dried Fruits Apples, 10c per lb.; currants, 10c; apricots, 12 14c; peaches, 8llc; prunes, Italian, 8 10c, silver, 18c; figs, white and black, 67c; currents, 9c; raisins, loose Muscatel ey7c; bleached Thompson, 11 c, unbleached Sultan as, 8c; seeded, 7H(38ttc. Coffee Roasted, in drumi, 2640o per pound. Nuts Walnuts, 1718c per R: Brazil nuts, 12 Vic; Alberts, 15c; al monds, 1618c; pecans, 17c; cocoa nuts, 90c$l per dozen. Salt Granulated, $14 per ton; half- ground, 100a, $10 per ton; 50s, $7.50 per ton. Beans Small white, $5.40; large white, $4 5; Lima. $6.50; pink, 6c; red Mexicans, 5c; bayou, $4.65. Sugar Dry granulated, $5.25; fruit and berry, $5.25; beet $5.05; Extra C, $4.75; powdered, barrels, $5.60; cubes, barrels, $5.60. .5.506 Steers (100 to 1200 lb) $4.50 5 Cowb, per hundred weight ,$3.504.S Hogs, fat, per pound 7'a714 Stock hogs, per pound VM'HI Ewes, per pound Spring lambs, per pound Veal, according to quality 11 Pelts. Dry per pound Salted country pelts, each 66c fl Lamb pelts, each U How's Thlsl We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any caso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ' F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and bolievo him perfectly honorable In all busluess transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Curo la taken Inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constl. pation. An Epidemic of Coughlm? Is sweeping over tho town and young and old r.ro nllko affected. Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound Is a quick, safe reliablo family medicine for coughs and colds. A. S. Jones, of Lee Pharmacy, Chlco, Calif., says: "I con sider Foley's Honoy and Tar Com pound has no equal, nnd Is the one cough medicine I can recommend to my friends, as containing no nr.rcotlcs or other harmful properties." Refuse all substitutes and take only Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Dr. Stone Drug Store. Some babies of today may live to see a senslblo governed city. Many, sufferers from rheumatism have been surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded by applying Chamberlain's Liniment Not one curo of rheumatism In ten requires any Internal treatment whatever. This liniment is for Balo by nil dealers. Leaves Albany. 7:00 a.m 4:45 p.m Leaves Eugene. 7:35 a.m , 1:00 a.m 1:35 p.m 6:00 p.m 26 .... 12: 01 a.m 2 Owl WANTED FOR SUBDIVISION Large tract suitable for ralBlng loganber ries. Prefer tract In cultivation now, mostly cleared, and must be close to the celebrated Lake Labis!) district. Easy terms. Gorman In vestment Co., Steeves Building. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE All stand ard brands of liquors kept in stock. Wines by the gallon, bottle or case. Free delivery in the city limits. E. Eckorlen, 146 N. Commercial St MONEY TO 4-0 AN. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds watches, Jewelry and all artlclog of value. We also buy and sell. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Wil liam typewriter for sale, $6. Sa lem Loan Office, 120 Liberty Bt. T1IERESKA HAT WORKS. HATS MADE TO ORDER All work guaranteed. Thereska Hat Works. Hats of all kinds renovated Into any size or style; good quality trim mings. 217 S. Hlght street Phone 251, Salem, Oregon. 6-26-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE A new 6 room houso nnd two lots, and large barn, In West Salem; a place tor a home. Size of lots 80x150 feet. In quire at 555 South 15th street. 3-8-vt UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGII U. J. Lehman, A. M, Clough, mortlclnns and funer al directors. LateBt modern meth ods known to tho profession em ployed, 445 Court street. 9-20-tf NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. B. L. STIFF New and second-hand furniture, hardware and general supplies. Best cash prices paid for aecoud-hnnd goods. Just received a large shipment of new linoleums, Corner Court and Liberty streets. Phone 941. 3-12-tf tniHEST price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc We carry the most complete ttock of above articles In town at the lowest proce. O. U McPeek, 271 North Commercial St., phone Main 1233. 8-25-tf H. M. BAKER Now and second-hand furniture, hardware and general Blip- pllos. Best cash prices paid for second-hand goods. Call and see us and look over our goods. 373 Court Phone 1853. 2-12-lm UPHOLSTERING, RENOVATING. F. B. MERRY & CO. Vacuum carpet cleaning, on or off the floor; carpets altered and laid; mattresses made and renovated; furniture re-covered; shades and awnings made and al tered, 238 High street Phone 668. 8-22-tf FOR SALE Modern 7-room plastered house, walls tinted, fine electric fix tures, best of plumbing and con nected with the sewer, sleeping porch, cooling roam, lot 50x180 feet east front, high and well drained, lawn, flowers and fruit trees, ce ment walk around the house; locat ed In EBt Salem, only 200 feet north of Bute street. A barga.li for a nulck salo. Price $2300. See own er, Ed, Roateln, at Rnstoln & Green- baum's, 210 Commercial street. 3-7-6t Pnllllmllv. Mr. Thomas McCusker has certainly been playing out of lucf , but ho will got no sympathy from T. R. A Cold, Ln Grippe, Then Pneumonia. Is too often the fatal sequence. Iji Grlppo coughs hang on, weaken the systom, and lower the vital ralstanca. R. G. Collins,, postmaster, Barnegat, N. J., says: "I was troubled with a severe la grlppo cough nnd was com pletoly exhausted after each fit of vio lent couchlnc. Bcforo I had taken one, half of a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, tho coughing spells hnd entirely censed. I wish to say It cftn't bo beat. All others are Imitations. Dr. Stone Drug Store. Arrives Salem 10 8:00 a.m 24 6:50 p.m Arrives Salem. 14 Ltd 10:00 a m 18 2:00 p.m 20 Ltd 4:00 p.m 9:00 p.m 8:10a. m Southbound Leave Salem. Arrive Albany. 4:30 p.m. Leaves Salem. 11: 40 p.m LeaveB Salem. 2:15a.m 8:30 a.m 10: 10 a.m Leaves Salem. 1:00 p.m.....'. I-eavos Salem. C:30p,m Leaves Salem. Many a Suffering Woman. Drags herself painfully through her dally tasks suffering from backache hoadnchc, nervousnss, nnd loss of sloep, r.ot knowing her Ills are due to kidney and blndder troubles. Foley Kidney Pills will help any form of kidney or bladder trouble, any back ache, rheumatism, uric acid poisoning or Irregular kidney action. They are strengthening, tonic and curative, and rnntjLln no habit forming drugs. No one who suffers from kidney and blad- Rlce No. 1 Japan, 55c; cheap- (er troublo can nfford to overlook Three adjoining BtaU'S get three cabinet members, but they contain well toward 20,000,000 people, 9 5:20 p.m Arrives Eugene 7:30 p.m Arrive Albany. 21 12:40 a.m Arrive Eugene, 25 Owl.... 7:50 a.m 1 ll:30a.m 6 Ltd 12:40 p.m Stops at Albany. , 7 2:00 p.m Arrive Eugene. , 13 9: 00 p.m Stops at Albany. WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS Fuel kept under shelter. I handle Koplni coal, and Imported British Colum bia Wellington coal, the best on the Paclflo coast. Also hard and Boft wood, cut to suit, well seasoned and in the dry. Satisfaction guaranteed. See my stock, 752 Trade street, oi phone B2fl. Mark Sld.lnll. WATER COMPANY. CLEANING AND DYEING. , i, -u-irx. l-'uli-'livl ini'hi-ai-""r'' MARION DYE WORKS First-class work, lowest prlcos. We clean furs and gloves a specialty. Ladles and gents clo'hea clonnnd, pressed, re paired and dyed. Phone Main 2044. 245 North Liberty street. 2-28-tf SALEM WATER COMPANY - Office corner Commercial and Trade sts. For water service apply at office. Hills payable monthly In Hdvnnea. WATCHMAKER. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 758 North Commercial Btroet. 3-8-31' FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms, electric lights, bath; front room, $1.50 per week; side room, $1,25 per week, 475 South Commercial street. 3-8-31 Rest for Skin Diseases. Nearly every skin disease yields quickly nnd permanently to Bucklen's Arnica Salvo, and nothing Is better for burns or bruises. Soothes nnd heals. John Deyo of Gladwin, Mich., says, af ter suffering twelve years with skin ailment and spending $100 In doctors' bills, Bucklen's Arnica Snlvo cured him. It will help you. Only 2;iC Kec- ommondod by J. C. Perry. Bryan probably has made some where a red Ink memorandum, just a date, "March 4, 1916." . FOR RENT, HOUSES Furnished housekeeping and Bleeping rooms. Phono 477, 510 State street, 2-20-lm FOR RENT Nice, neat furnished light housekeeping rooms, at Hotel Scott, 343 V4 North Commercial, un der now management. Phone 548. 2-l2-1m U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years experience as a watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb, High grade work at eastern prices. Opera House block, 4S4 Court at. 10-R-tf 1-ODtlK DIRECTORY. VWI 1M.K. FOR SALE Two cows, ono fresh, the othor fresh soon. 2100 Elm avenue. 3X-:it' THE MODERN Cleaning and dyeing, 444 Court stroet. Ladles' and gents clothing cleaned, dyed and repaired. Flrst-clnss work. French dry and Btcam denning a specialty. Work cnlled for and delivered. Phone 30. Auto delivery, 2-20-tf SALEM CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. Goods cnlled for and dnllvored. Ladles' white gloves cleaned free. Feathers cleaned, dyed and repaired. Phone Main 1267. 474 Court street W. F. Mosher, proprietor, 2-27 -tf SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F, & A. M. Stated communications first Frldny ln ench month at 7:30 p. m., In the Mnsonlo Temple. Fred W. Cook, W. M., S, Z. Culver, secretary. WOODMEN OF WOULD Meet every Friday night at 7:30 o'clock In Masonic hall, McCornack block. W. O. Prunk, C. C.J L. II. Fletcher, Clerk. 1-10-09 Jourr.il Want Adu. Bring Remits. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m., In Moose Hall. Olonn C. Nlles, M. 8. R. Vale, Secretary, 158 South Cottage St Phone 1214 You can say good-bye to constipa tion with a clear eonsclcnco if you use Cluimbcrlaln's Tablets. Many have been -permanently cured by their use. For sale by all dealers. CASTOR I A Tor Infant! and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought SALEM, FALLS CITY WESTERN RAILWAY CO-TIME TABLE. West Salem. Leaves No. 1 for Black Rock 9:00 a.m. No. 3 for Falls City l:zup.m. No. 6 for Falls City 4:45 p.m. No.123 for Independence... 9:50a.m. No. 125 for Independence... 6:30 p.m. Arrives- Frem Dallas 8:16 a.m. From Black Rock , 12:30p.m. From Falls City ,.. 3:40p.m. From Independence 9:00 a.m. From Independence 4:45 p.m. Sunday Only. No. 11 for Black Rock 9:00a.m. No. 13 for Black Rock 1:20p.m. No. 15 for Dallas 6:50 p.m. No.123 for Independence... 9:50a.m. No. 125 for Independence... 6:J0 p.m. Arrives From Dallas 8:15a.m. From Black Rock 1:10 p.m. From Black Rock 6:30 p.m. From Independence 9:00 a.m. From Independence 6:14p.m. Bears the Signature of You Jndgu a man not by what h promises to do, but by wbat bo has done. That Is tho only trim test Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Judged by tills standard has no superior. Peo ple everywhere speak of It In tho high est terms of prnlso. For tialo by all dealers. er grades, 4 '4c; southern head, 6 6c. Honey Choice, $3,75 per case. box. Vegetables and Fruits. Fresh Fruits Apples, 60c$1.50 per boi Tropical Fruits Oranges, Valencia, $4; navels, $2.503.50; California grapefruit, $2.753.25; Florida grape fruit, $5.00; lemons, $7.50 box; pine apples, 6c per lb.; pomegranates, $2 per box; persimmons $1.76 per box. tangerines, $2.25 per box. Vegetables Beans, 12c; cabbage, lc per lb; caullllower, 40c$l-25 per doz; colory, $2.504 pr crato; cucum bers, 75c$2 per doz; eggplant, 10c per pound; bead lettuce, $2 per crate; poppers, 25c per pound; radishes, 35c per dozen; sprouts, 8c; tomatoes, $2 per box; garlic 66c per lb; pump kins, l'Ac per 11). Sack Vegetables TurnlpB, 90c per sack; beets, 75c; rutabagaB, 90c; car rots, 90c. Sweet potatoes 2 V c per lb. Potatoes liurbanks, 5060c per C. Onions Oregon, $1.00 per sack. Hons, Wool, Hides. Etc HliSi;il2 crop, 1018c, accord ing to quullty. Wool Eastern Oregon, 1419cpor pound; Valley, 21023c. Mohair Choice 32c. Hides Salted, 12c per lb; salted calf, lXe; sultod kid, 12e; salted Btag, 6 Vic; green hldoB, 11 Vic dry hldua 18c; dry calf, No. 1, 25c; dry stags, 1213Vic. Pro visions. Hums All sizes, 1819c; pic nics. 13c: Bklnned, 18Vi19c; boil ed, 27c. Bacon Fancy, 27ft28e; standard c; choice, 21c; English 205t21c. Dry Salt Meats Hacks, dry salt, 13 ((,11c; backs, smoked, 14 Vt u Vic; bullies, dry Bait, 14 Vic; smoked, Kic. Smoked Meats Beef tongues, 25c; dried beef sets, 22c; outmdoB, 20c; In- sldes, 23c; knuckles, 21c. Pickled Goods liurrels, pigs leel, $14; regular trlpo, $10; honey comb tripe, $12; lunch tongues, $22; lambs' tongues, $40. 1-nrd Kettle rendered, tierces, 15 Vic; tubs, 14Vic; standard, tierces, 14 Vic; tubs, 14 'ic. Foley Kidney Pills. Store. Dr. Stono Drug Why can't a legislature over Blmply do tho state's necessary business qui etly and seriously, nud avoid playing politics nnd fool trlckB? Tuberculosis Remedy Based on Medicine To any Hint n sncellle extols for the cure of Consumption In piTlinpn too atnniK atateuirnt, but In Kehmun'a Alterative we have a medicine tlmt Mux limn the im'iina of anvliiK many n life to years of tim'tul ui'hh, mill lit pi'rnmni'iiU y lii'iieutlug u lurno liiiinlier of Consumptives. Certainly a person .iitllletcil Willi a want Inif disease should he well ted with whole some, nourishing food, but frequently raw vKh'sliiiii Iltleseause a dlm'sllve hreuk- down, nnd then no fund nourishes. ,n for milk, a very lined f I for ninny, hut ft pi'uilueer of Iplllnllslless for some. Anv diet that keeps a ('una pllve well tluurUlied Is the rlnlil i hut whut IS Kolnir to Improve the pal lent' Kokuntir Alterative has hrnuuhl ul I full ivc'very In many eases of ('iiiisiimpllun. Lot those speak who know. Here Is one: 110 Savi ih St.. Iloehesier, N. V. "(lenllemen: On dune II. Ill7. 1 was operated upon for Tuhereular peritonitis at SI. Man's ll'ispllnl, It'uhester. N. V. After the operation my phj-delun une ine up as hopeless. 1 was then uru'il hv a priest t" take Kekinaii's .Mleral i e. wldeli I ,1 ill. My weight al t In- lime was 7L' H's. 1 Pecan to Improve and steadily ualind In heallh and Nlrene.lh. 1 now weluli l''.1 pounds and inn ahsnlutely well. Ilelleiui; I owe 'it to myself und others, 1 make this staletmnl." (Sworn Allldavitl . HI'NA FINrit !:, kinan's Alterative Is elfei llve In llron rliltls, Asthma, Hay Kever: Throat ami I.uiik Troubled, and In liphuilillni: Ihe svslem. Does lint eoiitaln iMdsons, iiplalnx or haldt-formliiK droits. Ask for Imoklet tidllni; of recoveries, and write to la kinaii l.aliorutory, I hllndolphla, l'n for noire evi dence. Kor salo by all lemllni; ilrumdsn J. C. Perry. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTORI4 Too rnuny a boy Is named John later on In life to change that name to Demi-John. FOR SAUi New typewriters on easy terms. Address P. O. box 01, Salem Oregon. 3-10-31 FOIt SAI-H Thoroughbred Drown Ig horn eggs, $1 per setting. Corner i of 18th and Center streets. .I-IO-IU O. CT. Co.'s Stenmers Orahatnona -ond Pomona leave for Portland Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 10 a. m.; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nt 6 a. m. I-or Corvalils Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday about 8 p, m, M. P, llAUJWIN. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O A S T O R A CHICHESTER S PILLS ! V lil-. tti-H-n-r'n hlimnimTTlriui.l UVitA IMIUIn 11.. I 6.1 I I lii.illi,V tauL j Titian tn oltirr. I'uv .if ymtr " 1T MrriicrUI. A . I f Nil IM h.'ITH fl Jj hlAlltlMI l!ltM 11 I.I., In II A SOLD if LdliVs 1 S t VLK Y VS HLIit SALEM FENCE WORKS Great Chinese Doctor L. M. Hum Prepares medicines which lll cure all known discuses. II ukes a spc dally of iislliiini, liimr, lln'oat. stomach, liter, kliltte.r, rliciiiiinlliiii, ilcbilll) and hernia troubles, smallpox eilileiulc, lost iiiiinliiMxl, female weakness, pi. nil llran, per ton V-'l )sls, bolls mid bruises of all kinds, Flour hard wheat K0 I ( are (if Ylck So Taint, Chinese Med- ' , .... 4.-. ...ii. nt.. i. ..i.... ..i u..t... a. shorts, nor ton ":"'iii ., " ' .-, " Wheat, per bushel Outs, per biisliel Chlttlm bark, per lb. ... I.OCAI, WHOLESALE MAItKET Nt'IlSKRY Choice evergreens, HO va rieties roso bushes, borry-lianilng holly. T. D. Jones, 105 South 21th street. Phone 1418. . . 3-in-St FOll SALE Good gentle pony, 9 years old. good driver, afraid of nothing. With rubbor-tlrod buggy, harness $12i. 1825 N. Commercial street, or phone 1909. 8-8-3t m 4 n'f,, r.trr.m tltittii ir Si-wufwi, Mi,Ttw. I B V I Jt IttOWH TO f All. s.t. ' Sur-t Hi w I M"0". II li-r It m rr ,. Will .ti'l I L. in on i.i.l. I" I ( 11"! H vh'B lH.T"l. Stmpl,- t IN. HfUliril(ul,ldlMIMl D h Of"! ' "4 7u"f .''Iff, t. (Ill I uNirrDMroicniCo.,aoT4. UMQTti,. p. tf 1 1 m Ml mi ill Hal I HOP Ilendqutrtori for niUK POn.TKY NETTINH WOVE 1YII1E FE.NCINO BAKU TYIItE SCREEN DOOIIS MAI.TII01I) ItOOFINH r A II. nnd HEADY HOOFING All at the lowest priced R. B. fLEMIIj 8rcMSr to Chas. D. Mulligan 2t Coirt Strwt I'boM M4 Sfic H'ify!l7c 4 Mi 5o Potatonff, IH-r bushel 2;'ic Hay, timothy $12.0f14.OO Oat and vetch $IK( Clover hay Cheat hay $:i.00i.0() IlllUef Sill EKK. tinltorfat. nor It) M Creamery butter, per 11) le Country butter, per lb 30r. Fryers per lb lSc Poaltry, Eggs, per dozen 14c Hens, per lb 14c Roosters, pur lb 8c (If Ice hours front HI to 1 iu in. mid I tu 7 p, in., Including SitmliiyN. GOLD DUST FLOUR i tluiie by (lie SYDKV I'OVH Il ( OMPANYi Sydney, Ornrim MiiiIk for l uitill) I ne Ask your grocer lor IU Br n Shorts slfliijs on ss4, T. K. WALLACE, kffi