DAIL7 CAPITAL JOUBHAL, SALEM, OKEflON. SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 191J. Page fire 4-h $1.50 Bed Comforts $1.19 WELL-MADE, WELL-FITTEDT t i Waistings WOOL ASD COTTON VALUE TO 50c-23c YARD .. . 85c QUALITY 21c PER PAIR Brassieres Corset Covers, 35c. TRIMMED WITH EMBROID. ERY j Saturday Only Pillow Slips 16c. each Men's 75c. Dress Shirts 59c. 4 t iFree J 45x80. Torn mid lieniiiKd, IGcl I oidi. Sntnrilii' only, Muslin Drawers I I Summer Knit Vests 15c QUALITY 10c. Free Free One of onr court street win dow Is 111 filled with men's ties. If you emi find any two of the cxnrtly nllko In color, pattern nnd texture, wo will giro you one FIIEE. Look them over. XNot more tluin four sold to a customer. District School Shoes at 1 t Reduced Prices MUSICAL' NOTE? (Continued from page 3.) I Nainsook TlM.ia 1.... lw.ii.-v ..nmurll far ITll. AIIMI Mil iimi; "p" v.- derclotliliiK. 8c. yard MM Real Estate Specials Real Estate Bargains If you want to purchase farm prop erty, It will pay you to examine our new lints at once. We can quote you prices that are less.than the (arms are worth. Here are some of them : ' 45 acres, all in cultivation, for $55 per acre. 50 acres, all In cultivation, for $60 per acre. 51 acres, 21 acres In cultivation, for $60 per acre. 57 acres, 45 acres In cultivation, with good buildings, nice orchard and a nice stream of water on place, $125 per acre. We also have a nice stock or dairy furm, wilth good buildings, for $70 per acre. All of these farms can be purchased for from one-third to one-half cash, and the remainder payable from 3 to 7 years, at 6 per cent Interest. These are all good bargains; come In and lot us tell you about them. We also have a good farm of 130 acres to trade for a smaller tract. We might take some city property fn ex change. We have some splendid houses for sale upon almost any kind of. terms. We have money to loan, and write insurance. JOHN H. SCOTT Phone 1552. Over Chicago Store EXCHANGES For rent, new 7-room bungalow, strictly modern, cement basement, fur nace heat. 80 acres, well Improved, water j)lppd to house andbarn. Will take city property to the value of $4000 Terms on balance. 16 large lota to trade for farm land or house and lot 20 acrea to trade for city property. 98 acvea to trade for city property. Lot to trado for diamonds. Good opportunity for lady with busi reHS ability. .Good 6-room house for rent, close in, $13.50 per month. Want six brood sows which will far row within six weeks. Duroc pre ferred. Good "Jack" to trado for anything of value. J. A. COOPER Phone 445. Suite 302 Salom Bank & Trust HlJf. For Exchange Lot 50x132 In first addition to Can non Hill of Spokane, Wash,, street graded, sidewalk and water In and paid, for property In and aronud Sa lem, Oregon. Inquire 141 High Btreet. 3-7-3t JIM WILLSON 1 141 N High t Snlem. Ore Some Good Buys One block land, with 15-room bun galow, good barn, chicken house; $7000; terms. 30 lots on Center, street paved. Price of lots range from $200 to $G00. 40 acreB of land, 30 In cultlvatlon,2 story house. Price $5000; terms. 61 acres, 60 cultivated, 11 acres of oak grove. $75 per acre. ..We have 5 and 10-acro tracts, well Improved, near city, and stock ranches any number acres, from 80 to 2000. S. B. Catterlin & Co. REAL ESTATE DEALERS, Room 6, Gray Dlock. Office Phone 883. Residence, 1739. place for many seasons, will give one of their most entertaining programs this evening In First Christian church. This will be the fourth offering of the Star Lyceum Course. Willamette University Olee Club has been hard at work for a long time on 'the program to be presented In about two weeks when the club starts on a ten days' trip through out the Willamette valley. ... Professor Ralph Harr gave his Feb ruary recital on Friday evening last, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cremmels, with the following p-a-gram : Salute, a Pcsth Kowalski Esther Gremmels. Black Hawk Waltz Walsh Miss Delia Itawson. Ochdnhiebcr Augustine Henry Turner. Going Fishing Harold Spencer Marion Roberts. Sack Waltz Metcalf Irene Kufner. Sororthy Charles H. Roat Luclle Maplethorpe. Duet, "Moonlight on the Hudson" S. D. Wilson Mrs. F, A. Boylngton and Esther Gremmels. The Fairyland, Waltz BosBle Smith. Heavenward, march celesta ., Gulllaume Vllbre Anna Wood. March Mllltarlo M. Greenwold Guy Albin. Violin Solo, plnno accompaniment Henry Turner. Mockingbird March Mack Marjory Mlnton Little Fairy Schottlsche . . Streadbog Ruth Cooley. Reverie, Cloister Bells Edward M. Rend Rnth Waldespel. Scholtlscho .... L. Strcalhoy, Op. 103 Alice Putnam. Bolm Soldatennplel Hlrsch, Op. I I, No. 1 II Trovatoro E. Dorn Orllla Baker. School March, trio Professor Ralph Hair Ruth Cooley, Edith Young and Alice Putnam, Last Rose of Summer Esther Gremmels. The numbers were all well given and very heartily received. Profes sor Harr's private recitals this sea son have been- interesting and in structive. Mrs. Ina B. Wrlght-Herbst, sister of WOMAN FEELS 10 YEARS YOUNGER Since Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Re stored Her Health. "If there's a hole In a' your coats, I rede ye tent it; A child's amang ye takln' notes, And, faith, he'll prent it." I W I Louisville, Ky.-'I take great pleas ure in writing to inform you of what Lydia t. l'nikham s Vegetable Com pound has done for me. I wrs weak, nervous, and cared for nothing but sleep. Now I can go ahead with my work daily and feel ten years younger INfJ than before I started taking your medi cine. I will advise any woman to consult with you beforo going to a doctor." Mrs. iNIZB WIL LIS, 2229 Bank St., Louisville, Ky. Another Sufferer Relieved. RomByor, Texas. "I sufTerod terri bly with a displacement and bladder trouble. I was in misery nil the time and could not walk any distance. I thought I never could be cured, but my mother advised me to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and I did. " I am cured of the displacement and the bladder trouble is relieved. I think the Compound is the finest medicine on earth for sultering women. Mrs. Viola Jasper, Romayor, Texas. If you want special advice write to I.Td a K. rinkhant jnemeine to. (conn dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held la strict conlldeuce. SAY MAN (iET VOL AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS We just got a new lot of Uluo Serges and Gray Mixtures the very kind with which to finish up the old coat. Priced up to $5.00 a pair BOYS TOO We never had so many BOYS' KMCK ERKOCKER PAM'S. Serges, mixtures corduroys. Sizes, age 5 to 15. Priced from 60 c to $1.45 a pair a Mr. William Wright, bank inspector, arrived in Salem last Sunday from New York, and remained as house guest over Monday with Mrs. J. C. Moreland. Mrs. Herbst possesses a splendid lyric, soprano voice of wonderful flex ibility and charming coloratura. She recently returned from Germany where she studied for eight nnd taught, for four years. She has the proud distinction of holding tho posi tion as court singer for the Emperor. Mrs. Herbst sang at Willamette uni versity Monday morning and again In the afternoon for the Willamette girls at Mrs. Moroland's homo. Mrs. William H. Burghardt, Jr., was asked to be her piano accompanist. Many of the Willamette student girls ,were acquainted with .Mrs. Herbst In Salem before she veit to Germany. A very good portrait of thirt tal- MAJiY GIRLS WORK. (Continued from Page 1.) John Glenn, publisher of the "Manu facturers' News," was today given a heavy raking for printing an editorial aspersing tho motive of the commit tee in the investigation. Glenn print ed an editorial, saying that O'Hara was a closo friend of Andrew Lawrence, Chicago Manager for William R. Hearst, and adding that "a few full pages of advertising from the Slate street stores might satisfy the exist ing greed." Glenn snid he wrote the editorial on "General Knowledge." When we hear a ninn boasting about how awfully smart his wife Is we won der If she was temporarily Insane when she faced the parson wllh him. A large Assortment of Many Styles JUST RECEIVED IF WE CAN INDUCE YOU TO TRY L FOR THE PUBLIC HEALTH 1 QB3Eiriiyrfy''ifij f - TRADE PI ARK HAIR TONIC On our say go, on our positive guarantco, your money back with out question If you don's like It, we will feel that wo have douo you a real service. Wo know what Merllol Hair Tonic is made of; It is made for uh, and we know that thcio is nothing better for the hair. MEH1T0L SHAMPOO PASTE IS JUST AS GOOD. CAPITAL DRUG STORE MEMBERS AMERICAN DRUG & PRESS ASSOCIATION. ented woman appeared in last Sun-. day'a Oregonlan. Mrs. Emily Frances Bower, musical critic for Now York papers, writes In glowing terms of Mrs. Ina Wrlght-Herbst's beautiful voice. It is possible Salem may have , the rare pleasure of hearing this won- derful soprano some time during tho late spring or early summer. Mr. Godfrey Herbst Is a native of Germany and was a prominent violin ist in that country. At present he Is instructor of violin in Washington stato collego at Pullman. While in Portland, Mrs. Herbst was the guest of Mrs. Murk K. Gill. Protect Yourself Ask for ORIGINAL GENUINE The Food Drink For All Ages Highly Nutritious and Convenient Rich milk, with malted grain extract, in powder form -dissolves in water more healthful than tea or colEee. Used in training athletes. The best diet for Infants, Growing Children, Invalids, and the Aged. It agrees, with the weakest digestion. Ask for "HORLICK'S"-at Hotels, Restaurants, Fountains. Don't travel without it. Also keep it at home. A lunch in a minute. In Lunch Tablet form, also, ready to eat Convenient nutritious. ew Telephone m it it p 1 MIU RANGE THAT WILL SAVE YOU FUEL, TIME and PATIENCE h.. 'M T I These go-carts are durable, just what you want, and our prices will surprise you, We are now carrying the largest assortment of room rugs, carpets, mattings,' etc., that we ever had In stock at any one time. You will have no trouble in making your spring selection. Securing such a large shipment at one time enables us to give you more reasonable prices thud ever. We Guarantee to Save You Money JOSSE & MOORE THECOMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Court Street Court Street Directory FOR SALEM And1 the counties of Clackamas, Clarke, Marlon and Polk will close MARCH 15 Any changes or additions to listings or advertis ing matter iuuhI bo arranged for on or beforo this date. EVERY I) ELL TELEPHONE 13 A LONG DISTANCE STATION The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company t i ski r"k-n-H.rur-'-v-.v.-"; 'Sl'-s 11 "fi ) J The Range h will ffn ftr ) c tellcrcctk meals and all-round, lifelong range satisfaction. The Range that is giving perfect servise in hun dreds of Salem homes IT'S THE SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE We want to show you the "SOUTH BEND". We know that a few minutes of your time spent in looking it over carefully will convince you of its superiority over all other ranges. i