PART CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKS. OREtlON. SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1918. Page Tei .1 i Pastor RESTITUTION IN "PEARL OF ANTILLES" Pastor Russell, Returning From Panama, Visits Cuba, PREACHES IN HAVANA. Modern Application of a Familiar Text, What the Bible Meant by "Reititu tion Timet" The Pastor Claimt Each "Time" a Year, a Thoutand Alto gether and a Beginning Made. Earth'! Happy Day Nearing A Lit tle While, a Dark Hour May Intervene. nnvann. Cuba, March Z Pnstor Russell is delight ed with Cuba, and docs not full to call attention to the wide contrast between present sanitary condi tions and those which prevailed so short a time ago, when this fair land .suffered con tinually from yel (MSIORRUSSF.Ltf low fever and other tropical ailments. The Pastor referred to General Wood as the one through whose energy and skill Cuba's restitution and rejuvena tion came nhout. "Ilonor to whom lienor Is due" uppears to be one or Pastor Russell's mottoes. The Pus tor's text was Acts 3:10-21: "Times of Restitution of oil things, which Ood hutl) spoken by the mouth of all Ills Holy Prophets since the world began." Ho said: In Panama a week ago I saw ono of the stupendous works of man In sub duing, or conquering, the earth and making It suitable for his purposes. I testified to the people there, and to the millions who read my sermons, re specting the Increased education of hu manity through modern Inventions, which speak to us or the dawning of the New Era long foretold In the Illble. Today I point yon to man's Increas ing skill along other lines. The laws of health and of disease are much bet ter understood than ever In the past. The laws of chemistry applicable to nearly everything in life, are marvel ously clear and greatly extended be yond anything of previous times. This Increased knowledge lies close to the work of snnltatlon, which Is so gener ally approved ond so widely extended. All this sudden Influx of knowledge. not only upon the fbw learned, but upon tbo masses of mankind also. Is a sign of the dawning of the New Day of God's blessing Restitution. Millennial Work In Cuba. The Tastor urged bis congregation to consider tills wonderful transformation of conditions In their fair Island an exemplification of the great work which will prevail throughout the whole world -very shortly. It properly raises our estimation of human Intelli gence, and of the beneficence of the United States Government, whoso agent In this transforming work wns General Wood. What hns taken place so markedly In Cuba under sanitary regulation Is gradually being accom plished all over tbo world. It marks the dawning of tbo New Dny referred to In his text as "Times of Restitution of nil things," which God lias prom ised from the beginning. Everywhere In' tbo Scriptures the glorious work of human uplift Is dl rectly associated with Messiah's King dom. Perhaps many Imvo expected the blessings to como In another way: nevertheless, now that they are com Ing. all should bo ablo to Bee the facts and to acknowledge, prophetical fulfil ments. In It any less true that the wit dermis Is coming 'to blossom as the rnBti becniiso this Is resulting from hu man energy-wolldrllllng and other Ir rigating projects? Surely not! i The poet sang. "find moves In n mysterious wny. Ilia wonders to perform." And that mysterious wny Is usually through human Instrumentality, as Improved conditions here In Cuba shun dantly witness. Instead of being dis appointed that God Is using humanity for the fulfilment of Ills glorious prom ises, wo should all rejoice that man kind may be associated with tbo mar vels of Divine Wisdom. Nevertheless, tbo best that has been attained hero or onywhero Is evidently fur below the glorious standard of perfection which Cod declares to be (lie ultimate result. Beit of All Human Restitution. As man fell from the Imago nnd like ness of God, Restitution would mean to lit in a return to Unit linage and like ness. Of all the Restitution wonders, this wIM be the grandest. Were "every prospect pleasing," nnd humanity were still vile, sinful, Imperfect mentally, morally andphyslcally-the curse would still rest upon the earth. The evidences of tbo beginning of Restitution In the lifting of some of man's Ignorance and superstition are by no means the re allzntlon of whnt Is to bo expected If n fiMfe of tilvlne goodness Is so re freshing and happlfylng, what will the full draft mean to our poor race! My mossago Is meaningless to those who have left tlio teachings of the Word of God, and who believe In hu man evolution. Disbelieving In the full of our rneo from tbo Divine linage In tbo flesh, these must logically deny also the redemption, and all necessity for a Savior to die for our slus. Surely they could not count It sin to export ence evolution, at they claim; and If in hat not been committed, then there S-V (I Russell's Sermon could not be a redemption from sin, nor a restitution to a condition enjoyed before sin entered the world. All such theories, therefore, are un- scriptural. Kor this reason they are in antagonism to tbo Itlblo view, tbnt mail fell from God's image six thou sand years ago; that he has passed through six great Days In which has prevailed a reign of Bin and death, In duced by Satan at the beginning, and Btlll, to some extent, influenced by him. Under this reign of sin and death, man has lost much of the Divine Image, and has become brutal-more or less. The redemptive work of Jesus Is not to bo understood as a change of the Divlno Plan und 1m abandonment of the earth as a Paradise, populated by humans in the mental and moral like ness of the Creator. God changes not The mistake was merely ono of ours, not authorized by the lilble. The tlmo for Restitution was not due when .Ichus gave Ills life as man's Redemption-price; but thoso "times," or years, of Restitution are due now; for we are living In the dawning time of the grent Seventh Day in Thousand- Year Day). Messiah's first work as the great King of earth is about to be Inaugurated. lie is about to bind Satan "that old serpent, the Devil." Ho Is about to bless, not only the earth, but also humanity, by rolling away the original curse. Messiah's Kingdom Is pictured as a Day ushered in by a glorious sunrise of truth and grace. In contrast with Its light and knowledge, all the past six thousand years are figuratively spoUon of as iarknm. (Isaiah 00:2.1 Rut the Sun of Righteousness now arises with healing in Ills beams. Gradunlly, not suddenly, the sun arises; and so the Restitution blessings are coming In gradually, not suddenly. Sometimes tn the early morning there is a thunder storm, which for a brief space hinders the duwnlng of the day. Rut It results In the drench ing of the earth with a refreshing shower. So. according to the Bible. will this New Day of Messiah's King dom bo ushered in, by a torrlllc storm of trouble. Hut It will be short; and its effects upon the earth will be re freshing. The grent contrast between the righteousness of the future and the sin of the present will be so con spicuous that nil will enjoy the new condition: "The desire of all nations shall come." Maggn! 2:7. "God Moves In a Mytterious Way." God baa withheld the knowledge of certain features of Ills Divine Pro gramfor our good, we may be sure. The supposition upon which many of us went In times past is untenable. We supposed that God In the llihle had set forth In plain terms every thing respecting Ills Plan. When we could not find It, we tried to manufac ture it. It Is good to study tbo Word, even If we do not understand. And If our forefathers got themselves Into difficulties through errors of judgment In studying God's Word, we may bo sure thnt they were not especially dls advantaged thereby. Not seeing the Divine purpose, they were required to exercise moro faith. Rut that greater amount of fnlth was not then more dllllcult, probably, than the less amount now necessary. Christian theologians become so In tent In their reasoning upon the Heav enly things appertaining to the Church that they forget all about the world. As cruelty became more pronounced the Word of God wns less studied. It Is not strange that our forefathers con cluded that all except the Church would be eternally tormented. And when they concluded this to bo God's Plan, it Is not surprising that they con cluded to Join in the persecution them selves. Thus It comes that the pages of history are the records of bloody persecutions sometimes directly from Christians, nnd sometimes Indirectly from Christians through earthly gov ernments. Thus the entire civilized world hns become Intoxicated with the wine of false doctrine from the cup of the wo man who sat upon the beast, falsely representing herself as the Bride of Christ, but living In figurative harlotry with the kingdoms of this world. (Revelation 17:1-15: 18:3.) As we get over the stupefaction of our Intoxlcn tlon of error, reason begins to return to us. The Apostle calls this "tbo spir it of a sound mind." We must not boast There Is still considerable darkness. Hut we are nenrlug the glorious light! The Divine Character Is shining out as It was never seen before! Divine I.ove and Mercy are conspicuous. Divine .lusllce Is seen In Its true light. Proportionately as we see these things, our souls mag nify nnd glorify the Lord, who Is good, and whoso Mercy onduretu forever. Gathering of the Elect Now, The work of this present Age Is un questionably the gathering of God's Elect It Is equally unquestionable that the saintly are the Klect. St. Paul points out to us that this Is God's fore ordination; namely, that all who will he elected In this present Age must be copies of God's dear Son. This Is what Is iredcstlnnted-thc terms and condl Hons, tho requirements nnd qualities tlous, of the Klect. (Romans 8:20. III). i God will iHTinlt none others to be of that number. Hut not a word Is said In the Scriptures about God's hav. Ing predestinated the non elect to tor ment Quito to the contrary, nis pre destination for the non-elect Is thnt they shall be blessed by the Klect after the Klect Church Is completed, after the Church, the Hrlde, shall have en tered with her Bridegroom Lord Into the glories of Messiah's Kingdom. The Klect nre the Seed of Abraham first of all, the natural seed wero elect ed, or chosen, of God to special privl leges and opportunities under the Ijiw Covenant; while the remainder of the world, called Gentiles, were nllowed for century after century to go down to death without God, having no hope In the world. There was a hope for them, but they knew not of It, because God's time for revealing it to them bud not yet come. If the .lews told the out siders that they would ultimately bless nil nations, the others laughed at such a suggestion, feeling that they were as competent to bless the world as were the .lews. , This, indeed, wns whnt the Babylo nians tried. Next after them came the Medes und Persluns; after them the Grecians; nnd still later came the Ro mans. Each of these stamped their ideas upon the world to the best of their ability, and gave their laws. Each attempted to show how much more competent than the others it was for earthly nilershlp. But, alas! none of them ruled satisfactorily or brought In "the desire of all nations." Meantime, also, the Jews waited for the fulfilment of their promises. Meantime, also, God renewed the promises, nnd assur ed them tbnt Ho would send the Mes siah to be their Deliverer shortly. When Jesus came. He came not as a wnrrior, like Alexander the Great or Napoleon. lie wns meek nnd lowly of heart: and Ho called the poor, the maimed, the halt mentally, morally and physically to nis standard. Not unnnturnlly the Jewish leaders repu diated Him and crucified Him, declar ing thnt Hi) did not represent their Ideals nnd must be a deceiver. I Cor Inthlnns 2:7. 8. Similarly they treated His followers. As St. Paul declnred, "As deceivers and yet true," the enrly Christians suf fered reproach. The Jews nnderstood not God's Message. They saw not that It wns necessary for Jesus to die, "the Just for the unjust" to be a Redemption-price for the sins of the world. They snw not that such a death was necessary to nim, In order that ne might attain the glory, honor and Immortality of the future. Tbey saw not that the disciples that Jesus called were saints. However weak these were, mentnlly nnd morally, their hearts were loyal, and they strove to walk In the footsteps of Jesus. People have not realized that, dur ing this Gospel Age, God hns been ac cepting the saintly ones who come unto the Fattier through the Savior. They have not seen that the suffering of these was necessary for their testing and proving, nnd for their Instruction In righteousness, thnt they might be fully qualified for glory, honor and Im mortality and Jolnt-helrshlp with Christ their Redeemer. St. Paul speaks of the Church as a Mystery class. It Is a Mystery to the world: first. It Is the selecting of a class the world would never think of choosing a humble, meek class; second, neither the Jews nor the world realize thnt this class constitutes the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, to bless nil the families of the earth. Nevertheless God's great Plan goes on. whether they know or do not know. Ultimately It will work out a glorious result Then Natural Israel and all nations will know. Then the Church, the Elect, 'the Seed, the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, will be Joined to Him in bonds of perpetunl love, zenl and faithfulness. Then will begin the very blessing God so long ago declared, say ing to Abraham, "In thee and In thy Seed shall all thefamllles of the earth be hlessed."-Gen. 12:3; I81I8; 22:18; 20:4. Abraham's Spiritual Seed. God has not changed Ills purposes. (Maluchl 3:0.1 lie created man an earl lily being. He permitted him to fall. He purposed his redemption through Jesus. Ilo purposed the call ing of tbo Church of Christ, to be His associates In tho Kingdom. Ho pur posed that this Kingdom should be a Spiritual one: "Flesh and blood cannot Inherit the Kingdom of God." (1 Cor inthians lie purposed that this Spiritual Kingdom should bless the world with Restitution blessings hrlnglng back to perfection all the will lug nnd obedient of Adam's race. This Is the Progrgam still. We mere ly got a wrong Impression when we thought that God's purpose was the bringing of all mnnltlnd to Heavenly conditions and nature. No, no! that blessed experience la only for the Church class God still purposes Res titution for the world of mankind. In Abraham's Seed all the fumllles of the earth will lie blessed. If we see signs of these grent bless ings beginning now. It Is a sure Indi cation that the Klect must be almost complete. And if that be true, all ot us who have vowed consecration to t tit Lord and Ills service should be thoroughly uwako to our blessings nnd privileges, and to the fact that the time of most crucial testing Is even now at the door. If we nre to mnke our calling nnd our election sure, we must lose no opportunity for demonstrating that we are loyal to God and His Word, and to the brethren, Along these very lines we must expect tests, too. How else could we be proved? Moreover, now is the time to expect light on the Divine Word and Plnn; and we arc getting It, We nre seeing the difference between human nature and Divlno nature, between the earth ly blessing thnt is to come to mankind nnd the "high calling" which Is the por tion of the Klect. Ood declares tbnt the Mystery hidden from tho past Ages and Dispensations, which He kept secret from the beginning of the world, Is to cpiisii to be a mystery. The Mystery becomes dully, yea, hour ly, less pronounced, ns we come Into that condition of mind in which God will reveal to us tils arrangements. Truly ours Is a glorious time! Let us avail ourselves of the present glorious opportunities for Bible study and growih In knowledge, grace nnd love. Let us wnlk worthy of the light; and rejoicingly let us note thnt Jesus is yet to be "the Light or the world" "whleh llghtcth every man that comet b into tho world."-John ID. USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. The nntlseptlc powder to be shaken Into tbo shoes. If you want rest and comfort for tired, aching, swollen, sweating feet use Allen's Foot-EaHt. It relieves corns and bunions of all I pain and prevents blisters, sore and callous spots. Just the thing for dancing parties, patent leather shoes, and for breaking In new shoes. It is tho greatest comfort discovery of the age. Try It today. Sold everywhere, 25 cts. Don't accept any substitute. For freo trial packnge, address Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy N. Y. The man who drifts with the storm misses the trail and the lights of home. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR 'A OF THIS $4.00 VOLUME Many dictionaries of various kinds haev been placed on the market, but none could pass muster with the Capital Journal. 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LAWSOX, Editor of Aircraft The $4.00 New Modern English Illustrated Dictionary (like Illustration)' Is bound In full Limp Leather, flexible, Btampcd In gold on buck nnd sides, printed on Bible paper, with red edges and corners rounded; beautiful, strons and durable Besides the general contents as described elsewhere there are over 600 subjects beautifully Illustrated by tli'reo color plates, nearly GO subjects by monotone, and 18 pages of valuable charts In twocolors, and the new U. S. Consus. Six appreciation certificates and tho expense obnus of IWc THE :U)0 NEW MODERN ENGLISH DICTIONARY Is exactly the snnio ns the $1.00 book, except In tho stylo of bind ingwhich is In half leather, rners. Six appreciation certificates and the expense bonus of 81c con Any Book by Mail Case Goes to Jury, united miess ibaskd wirs. San Francisco, March 7. With the conclusion of Deputy District Attorney C'unha's argument, the case of Dr. Ot- to C. .Toslen, accused of wronging Ethel Williams, a pretty young candy salesgirl, went to the jury today. A quick verdict Is expected. It is report ed the girl's mother suffered a nerv ous breakdown today as a result of the trial. In concluding his argument Cunha stated ho had information that Joslon was a trifficker In young girls. The first trial of Dr. Joslen ended in a disagreement of th ejury. If the Oregon must be scrapped, then the government should give the name to tbo biggest und best of the superdreadnaughts to be built. Journal Want Atls Bring Results. odern NEED TO DO IT'LL LIMP LEATHER BOUND FREDERICK TAIIER COOPER, IX. II, Ph. D Lato Professor in the New York University;' Editor ot the Forum, DONALD L. CLARK, A. B, Do Tauw University. J. 8. P. Tatlock, Ph. I), Asst. Professor in the Univer sity of Michigan. with olive edges and square 22c Extra for Postage. 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KM TABLE OF Dictionary of the English Lan guage. Arrangement of Words in Sen tences. Art of Correct Spelling. Abbreviations and Contractions, Agricultural Products of the United States. Anthracite Production. Armies of the World. nirth Days. Birth Stones. Coal Production of the U. S. Coal Production of the World. Coffee Exportation of tho World. Common English Christian Names. Comparative Wealth of the U. S. Comparative Wealth of the World. Derivation and Development of the English Language. Derivation, Significance and Nlcknnmes of Men. Derivation, Significance and Nicknames of Women. Dictionary of Commercial and Legal Terms. Electoral Votes of Each State. Enumeration of World's Great est Libraries. Equivalent Projection Map. Export of tho World. Famous Characters in Toctry and Prose. Foreign Words, Phrases and Quotations. Glossary of Automobile Terms. Glossary of Aviation Terms. Gold Money of the World. Gold Product of the World. Great Battles of the World. Imports of the World. Key to Pronunciation. Language of the Flowers. Latest United States Census. May of the United States. Map of the World. Meaning of Gems. Mctrlo System of Weights and Measures. J. A. JOFFE, A. M, Imperial Gymnasium Eknter lnoslav; Expert to Congres sional Library. THEODORE W. KOCH, Ph. P., D. So. Librarian of the University of Michigan, and late Bibliogra pher to Cornell University. JULIAN CHASE, Flu D, Editor ot Motor. THE (12.0ft XEW MODERN ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Is In plain cloth binding, stamped In gold and black; same paper, samo Illustrations, but has all color plates and charts omitted. Six appreciation certificates and tho expense bonus of 4Sc 1 Medical Discovery DR. PIERCE'S GREAT FAMILY DOCTOR BOOK, The People's Common Senae Medical Adviier newly revised up-to. dele edition-of 1008 pages, an.wera hotta of delicata quaitioni which ever woman. llnxleorniarried.ouKM to know. Sent FKEE in cloth binding to anr addreal on leceipt of 31 onecent atamp. to cover coit of wrapping nnd mailing onlv. CONTENTS Money In Circulation In the United States. Monograph on Libraries. Names, Origin nnd Meaning of States nnd Territories. National Debts of tho World. Navis of the World, Nicknames of Famous Person ages, Nicknames ot states and Orig ination. Oats Products of the World. Origin and History of Diction aries. Parts of Special and Grammat ical Significations. Pig Iron Product of the World. Population of States and Coun ties. Population of the World. Presidents of the United States. Principal Cities of tho United, States. Principles of Grammar Or thography, Etymology, Syn tax and Prosody. Punctuation Marks and Mean ings. Rules for Capital Letters. Silver Money of the World. Silver Product of tho World. Simplified Spelling Rules. Slmpllf'od New Words Adopted. Steel Product of the World. Sunr Product of tho World. Synonyms and Antonyms. Tea Expottatlon of tho World. Time Dit'eretices. Tobacco Product of tho U. S. Tobacco Product of the World. United Stntes Army Statistics. Value of Foreign Coins In U. S. Money. Versification, FormB and Rules. Wealth of the World. Weather Forcastlng. Wheat Product of the U. S. Wheat Product of the World. Wool Product of the U. S. Wool Product of tho World. ROBERT ARR0W8.HITH, I'll. D, Professor In Teachers' Col lege. B0BT. GORDON GRANT, A. M, Ph. P, Heidelberg University. C. L. HEADER, Ph. D Professor In the University of Michigan, ALBERT S. COOK, LI. D Trofessor In Yale University. Present I