lM CAPITAL JOiTKJfAlj, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, MS. Dainty White Underwear For Women You'll lie delighted wllh this new freHh Bhowing of MUSLIN WEAR snowy piles of all the latest spring garments. They're perfectly cut, well made and finished with exquisite laces, embroideries and ribbon. They're thoroughly good garments the kind that will give maximum wear and satisfy in regard to style and comfort. PRICED VERY REASONADLH. Draperies, Silkolines, Etc. All New Housekeepers will bo delighted with this showing of dainty HANGINGS AND COVERINGS. Neat bor dered scrims In cream and white Cretonnes, Reps, Silkolines, Plain Scrims, etc., in the most desirable colorings and designs. Visit our second floor Btore und look through this excellent display. t , t I Call Main 410 when your bicycle needs repairing. Labor Commissioner 0. P. Hoff is in the Roue City for a few days. Gcorgo Newton of Liberty, a grower of fine peaches, was a city visitor yes. terdny. Our mayor will soon bo riding around In a fine new auto, one of the latest mukes. A. W. Clark, of the Clark-IIonery Construction company, is looking nClier business Interests here. Attention M. W. of A.! Dig mooting and banquet Thursday evening. All members should be present. 3-4-3t Pol Ico Matron Lynch has moved into very pleasant quarters in tho Salom Bank & Trust building. Indies, order your spring costumes early. Thn latest whisper in fashions and fabrics, A. S. Kazmarck, corner Court and Liberty. 3-6-eodtf Mr. and Mrs. D. llawlcy, of Port land, have been visiting Mrs. Hawloy's parent here and will leave for home this morning. County Clerk Gehlhar yesterday Is sued a marriage license to John M. Jayes, of Portland, and Miss Glenna Dressier, of Salem. We have guaranteed standard fab rics, will tailor to your tasto, ladies und gentlemen. A. S. Kazmarck, cor ner Court and Liberty. 3-6-oodtf The legislature acted on 38 of the 40 bills vetoed by the governor, then ad journed, to have a smoke, so the bouse sent out for a box of Hon Tons, then comfort, and penco reigned, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Hlgby, former owners of thn Capital Hotel, left last evening lor an extended trip through California, they will spend some time visiting Mr. lllgby's mother. Thn Y. M. ('. A. minstrels are prac ticing nightly for the big comedy show that Is to be pulled off at tho Grand opera house next Wednesday night The end men have worked up what will he the best jokes ever sprung be fore a Salem audience, and tho soloists tit" developing some wonderful ef fects. Dodor II. ('. Epley as Inter loeulor is declared to he tho best that has ever been seen hern, having Uw llockwjoler beaten a city block. Want to Sell? Let us find a buyer for that car of yours. Expert repairing a specially. Auto Exchange (Jarrnic. ' 17(1 H. Twelfth St. Phono 77tf THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS A resort for gentlemen. Evoryhlng modern; downstairs Masoulo Templo building. Walker & Stubblefield, Props. I Cherry City Flouring Mills .mn)r V.H- i mem, uas. iiioiiu, uregon wneat-uia, Graham and all klndi of mill feed. Trace Street, Sick bicycles made well again at Hauser Hros, . R. M. .(ones, of Taconia, was in Sa lem, yesterday leaving for home last evening. The Ladies Missionary Society of the Christian church will meet Friday at 2:30 p. m. 1A the parlors of the church to study David Livingston, The women are cordially Invited and urged to be present. Stock for salo. Ono thousand shares automatic Call & Advertising Clock Co., and 25 shares United States Cash ier Co., at a very low and attractive prion. It will Interest you. Writ im mediately for quotation. W. E. David son, No. 216 Lewis building, Portland, Oregon. 3-l-6t The first Christian church will give a reception to Its new members this evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. There will be roll call of the new members, a social hour In gettlnc ac quainted, and a luncheon, The cntlro c'liirch Is invited to be present and got acquainted with the now people, and renew fellowship with tho older ones. Tho office of tho state superlntend ent of public Instruction has mailed to the several school book publlshors throughout tho United States a circu lar showing the requirements of the Oregon school systtom In making Its purchases of text-hooks. Tho toxt- iKiok commission meets in June und the contracts for books are let at that time. Contractu are good for six years. As the result of spilling a quantity of burning gasoline over tho floor, the Japanese cleaning establishment on North Liberty street had a close call yesterday afternoon. Just how tho Orientals happened to Bet fire to the fluid could not be ascertained, so ex cited were Ihcy after the central sta tion fire company squelched tho flnnips. One Jap, however, was burn ed about the face and hands by trying to throw the blazing bucket of gasollno out of a window. No daniago was done. Tho court house lawn Is being given a dressing down now by Cal Morgan, tho caretaker of the green sward. The lawn mower was run over It yester day for tho first thno since last Hum mer mid tho grass was heavy and rank. Just what thn dandelion crop will amount to this spring. Is a matter of conjecture as yet, but Commission ers Goulet and lleckwlth live In hopes that tho "pretty flowers" will cover tho spacious iqiiqare again. Commis sioner lleckwlth will petition the court for the privilege of gathering a few sacks for seed this year and Intends to have a posey garden of his own on his farm near Jefferson. Phne Main gjji BUT FEW CHANGES Will Try to Avoid Friction With Mcx Ico, Hut Will Keep Army on the llordcr. UNITED rilBSB LIASID Willi. Washington, March 6. That the Wilson administration plans no imme diate sweeping changes in the govern ment's foreign policy was indicated to day when Secretory Bryan approved tlie letters and instruction by wire that went out to the American representa tives in foreign countries where revo lutions are In progress. President Wilson, according to on official of the auilo doiMirtment, Intends to make a careful study of all data to be prc seated to hlra by Secretary of State Bryan before making any radical changes in existing policies. It also became known today that the new administration intends to avoid friction with the Mexican gov ernment, but this will be done without abating this government's right to maintain an efficient army patrol along the Mexican border. Brigadier- General Thomas, commanding the southern department of the army, with headquarters at Houston, Texas, has received orders to make a tour of In- spoctlon and Inform President Wilson und Secretory Bryan of exact condi tions along the border. Smallpox at Astoria, UNITED I'ltKHS LEASED W1IIH.1 Astoria, Ore., March 6. Smallpox was today discovered on board tho British ship Neotafleld, loaded with lumber for Sydney, Australia. She Is now anchored at Tongue Point, but will be removed to tho quqarantlno station as soon as the services of a tug can be secured. The victim is named Robertson, and he shipped from Portland, His home is in Spo kane. Senate Approved It. UNITED I'llBSS LEASED WISH. Washington, March 6. The senate interstate commerce commission to day apprpoved the appointment of John H. Marble, of California, to be a member of the Interstate commerce commission. Marble's appointment probably will be confirmed by the senate tomorrow. Holland. Is Generous. UNITED I'llRSS LEASED WHIR. Tho Hague, March 6. Three' hun dred thousand dollars was appropriat ed for tho Panama-Pacific exposition In San FranclBoo In 1915, without de hate, by the Dutch second chamber to day. Tho appropriation was for Hol land and her colonies. Now tires. A large stock of bicycle tires, rims, etc, Hauser Bros. E. Cooke Patton went to Portland this morning. Robert A. Crossan, of Crossan & Low, left thlB morning for Portland. Prank B. Southwlck went to Port land this morning for the day. Spring cleaning of a bicycle adds much to Its life. Call Hausor Bros. J. H. Lautermnn, of the Cherry City Nurseries, went to the Rose City on tho morning train. J. Owenby, of Tangent, who has been In Salem for the past few days, re turned to his home this morning. For genuine sewing machine noedles and best oil for all makes of sewing machine, go to Geo. C. Will, 432 State streot. Miss Eula MeCully, who has been visiting Mrs. E. C. Patton for the loot few weeks, leaves this evening for her homo In Hood River. I'nclc Sam Is saying "Wilson, it's up to you, to see that this government can run Just as well under Demo cratic: management, as under Republi can, "And a leetle mite bettor." Mrs. Emma Smith, 170 North Front St. Carl Minister, the expert telegra pher who had charge of tho sieclal wire of the Evening Telegram through the legislature and who performed sevens! stunts In telegraphy whllo hero that made tho uninitiated sit up and look around, left, last night for San Diego. RECOGNIZED As the lending footwear shop In Salem Relnhurt's shoes nro su perb specimens of high-class shoe making. Particularly do they ap pe.il to men nnd women who ap preciate, and demand those shoes that have exclusive nppearanco that conies from only highest quality Relnhart'B personal service goes with overyi pair of shoos wo sell. inlxirts Uome ol.tKellanan Shoe ei)t0ualll5l)op, .ill State St. OppQlkjhTheitra AT ONCE CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN, HEAD COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH llreathe Freely! Clears Stuffcd-l'p, In flamed Nose and Head and Stops Ca tarrhal Discharge Cures Dull Head, ache. Try "Ely's Cream Balm!" Get a small bottle anyway, Just to cry It Apply a little in the nostrils and Instantly your clogged nose and stopped up air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet, fragrant GIFTS OF THE VIKING. Hew Nora 8ea Kinga Enriohad Our Nautioal Vocabulary, When we say a ship Is bound for a certain port or homeward bound, we are using, not the past participle, as we might think, of the English verb to bind, but of a Scandinavian word moaning to prepare, to get ready a word which In the form of "bouu" still lives on In northern dialects. "Billow" Is probably a Scandinavian word which survived In one of the northern or eastern dialects, which still preserve so many Danish words. It made Its way into southern English In the sixteenth century and was given a lltornry standing by Its use by Spen ser and Shakespeare. "Wake" for the track of a ship Is another Scandinavian word preserved In dialect Its original meaning, as Professor Skeat tells us, was that of an opening In the Ice, especially tbe passugo cut for a ship In a frozen lake or sea, and then, from being applied to the smooth watery track left by the ship after Its passage through the Ice, It came to be used wbon there was no ice nt all. This useful word Is one of tho nautical terms which tbe French have borrowod from the English, al though it Is not easy to recognize It at first In Its French form of oualcbe, and It is still usod on the Norfolk broads with Its original meaning of an open place In the Ice. English Review. WHIRL OF THE WORLD. What Would Happan if Wa Craahad Into Anothar World. We are spinning through space at tbe rate of mora than a thousand miles a minute. What would happen were we to meet another world moving at the sumo speed? in the first place, the beat generated by the shock would be so great that both worlds would be transformed Into gigantic balls of vapor many times the size of the earth today. This, however, might not happen If the Inside of tbe earth is composed of sollder and colder matter than scientists believe It to be. Although there Js small chance of any such aerial collision taking place, scientists have already calculated the probable results fairly accurately. One has expressed tbe amount of beat that would be generated in this way. It would be sufficient, be says, to melt boll and completely vaporize a mass of Ice 700 times the bulk of both the col liding worlds an Ice planet 100,000 miles In diameter, Scientists have often considered tbe possibility that the end of the earth would come about In this way. Certain It la that planets as great as the earth have been destroyed by com ing into collision with other huge bod ies. New York Press. Colonial Flreplaoee. The early American fireplace was merely a cheap provincial copy of Eng lish models of the same period. The application of the word "colonial" to pre-ltevolutlon architecture and deco ration bas created a vague Impression that there existed at that time an American architectural style. As a matter of fact, "colonial" architecture Is simply a modest copy of Georgian models, nnd "colonial" mantelpieces were either Imported from England by those who could afford It or were re produced in wood from current Eng lish designs. Wooden mantels were In deed, not unknown in England, where the use of a wooden architrave led to the practice of facing the fireplace with Dutch tiles, but wood was used HI England and America only from motives of cheapness, and the archi trave was set back from the opening only becauso it was unsafe to put an Inflammable material so near the fire. Exchange. Dreiml, Dreams are excursions Into the Umbo of things, a semldellverance from Im uran prison. The man who dreams Is but the locale of various phenomena of which ho Is the spectator In spite of himself. lie Is passive and Impersonal; bo Is the plaything of unknown vibra tions and Invisible sprites. Tho man who should never Issue from the stage of dream would have never attained humanity, properly so called, but the man who bad never dreamed would ouly know the mind In Its completed or manufactured state and would not bo able to understand tho genesis of personality, llo would be llko a crystal Incapable of guessing what crystallization means. New Or leans States, Got Cold Feat. Weeks was a queer geulus and was always telling his friends that he would put an end to himself. One ex ceedingly cold night he vowed be would go out and freeze to death. About midnight he returned, shivering and snapping bis lingers. "Why don't you freeze?" Inquired an affectionate relative. "Well, by Jove," replied tbe pseado suicide, "when I freeie I mean to take warmer night than this for Itr'-Blft balm dissolves by the heat of the nos trils; jwnetrates and heals the In flamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, hood and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges' and a feeling of cleansing, soothing re lief comes Immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breiu'h, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Just once In "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. Mutt and Jeff. That Mutt and Jeff, Bud Fisher's cartoon subjects, are popular in this city, was manifested yesterday after noon when the troupe arrived. A throng gathered about the lobby of the Hotel Marlon to catch a glimpse of the exceedingly tall man known as Mutt, and the tiny short fellow acting as the original of Jeff. The gaunt being was not In evidence, but Mr. Jeff was on the streets In company with one of the pretty young women members of the opera troupe, and on account of his unusually short legs and Jeffer sonlan appearance, he attracted no small amount of attention. Of course, the young lady In question, played a large part In gaining popularity for the small man. Found His Father Here. Believing his father dead, when In fact the old gentleman was experi encing a very difficult time In eking out a living In Oregon, P. A. Cox, of Los Angeles, son of a well-known lo cal man, G. E. Cox, located hiB parent In this city yesterday, due to the in formation handed him by Day Officer Jack Welch. Several weeks ago the chief of po lice received a communication from the son, in which he was requested to try and locate one G. A. Cox, if such a person resided In this city. The communication was handed to Officer Welch, who began searching the town over for the party wanted. After mak ing an investigation, Officer Welch found that the elder Cox had been badly crippled In a logging camp In this county), and that he was sick and destitute in a room In a local lodging house. A week ago the officer noti fied the son of his success, and yes terday the young man arrived in Sa lem. The father and son were eventually united through the letter addressed to the local police department. Senil-Annunl Meeting. The Baraca-Philathea class of the First Christian church met for their regular semi-annual business meeting Tuesday, March 4, 1913, at 8:45. Presi dent Mrs. C. T. Townsend called the meeting to order, Mr. Earl Felke open lng by prayer. New and old business and plans for better class work were discussed, after which the following officers were elected; Mr. Earl Felke, teacher. Miss Ethel Jones, assistant teacher. Mr. Allen Bushy, president. Mr. George Pogue, vice-president. Miss Theodosla Bennett, secretary. Miss Etta Crltes, aslstant secretary. Mr. Victor Swart, treasurer. Mr. Walter Schrunk, press reporter. Then followed the social hour, which every one enjoyed; also a kitchen shower on Mr. and Mrs. Townsend, who have Just lately been united In wedlock. No further business the class adjourned. The following are the committee chairmen; Social course, Mrs. Townsend. Membership, Francis Aline. Athletic, MIbs Bennett. Hustlers, D. F. Tlmmerman. To Stop Wire Troubles. A hearing Is In progress In the State Railroad Commission office to day attempting to adjust the regula tion of wire croslBngs of telephone companies and electric power and light wires. Under the present conditions fre quent accidents are caused by tele' phone wires coming In contact with charged wires, nnd several deaths have resulted as a consequence. (irnit Northern Loos. unitkd mass maskd wiss.J Washington, March 6 Affirming the division of the Washington state public service commission, the Inter state commerce commission today re fused the Great Northern railroad a rehearing of the Tacoma switching charge crtse. Tho decision forbids the switching charge of tho Great North ern to exceed five per cent on freight to roads using Its tracks between South Tacoma nnd Taconuv proper. Every few days, for many months, old General Sickles' efects were Just to he sold by the Bherlff when Mrs. Sickles saved them. Though a hit pa thetic, the play Is getting stale. What You Hut Hern Looking For Merltol White liniment Is a prep aration that gives universal satisfac tion In every Instance whero a pain killer and healer Is needed. We do not bollove you could get a better llnlmont at any price. Capital Drug Store, exclusive agents. ASK FRIEDMANN TO PAY VISIT TO CANADA UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Montreal, March 6. Invitations have been extended to Dr. Frledmnnn, the German scientist, who claims to possess a cure for tuberculosis, to visit this city and test his cure. Every possible facility and every courtesy will be extended to him In the event of his acceptance. New York advices Indicate that It is not unlikely that Dr. Frledmann will do here what the prejudice and red tape of the New York State County Medical society prevented him from doing in New York. WANTED $2500 on Improved city property for a term of 5 years. Ad dress "P25," Journal. 3-l-6tr- FOR SALE Eggs, $1 a setting, thor oughbrcd Barred Plymouth Rocks. E. A. Aufranoe. Phone Farmers 663. 3-6-lw I BET YOU $25 you cannot make sandwiches home, like Fred make In front the Madison. 3-5-4t FOR RENT Furnished bouse, rooms, good location, 1211 South Liberty street. Inquire at 360 Mil ler street or of S. C. Klghtllnger. Phone 754. 3-6-2t WANTED Two young men or a mar ried couple to board and room In a pleasant borne. Best location In town. Sunny room and home cook lng. Reasonable rates. 265 North Cottage Btreet, city. 3-6-.1t WANTED Teams to haul grain. Call at 347 State street. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE 214 U.S. Bank Building Second-Hand Cars Before buying look at our bargains in second-hand cars. Auto Exchange Garage, 176 S. Twelfth St Phone 776 Money! Money! MONEY! We Want Your Money lo Invest A few bargains In the valley: $8500 takes Ideal home, 30 acres. 150 acres In Polk county, cheap. 250 acres, well Improved, $26,000. SEVERAL GOOD BUYS IN PRUNE RANCHES, HOP RANCHES AND BERRY TRACTS. 3 lots, 6-room. cottage, $1600, snap. 6 and 10-acre tracts, close In. Lot 50x100, east front, good buy. 100x150, 5-room modern house, $2500 City lots, all parts of Salem, Several good business chances and trades. Several big stock ranches, cheap. 4V4 acres, 2 houses, on car line, $6000. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE1 LIST YOUR BARGAIN'S WITH US. WE SELL FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. 4, 5, fl-ROOM HOl'SES, INSTALL MENTS. Houses and furnished rooms to rent. Come In and see us. Acme Investment Co. COOK & WHITNEY, MANAGERS. Phone Main 477. 640 State Street Opposite Court House. SHOES We are giving special bar- f gains In children's and ladles' X shoos during this week. We need the money and you will 1 profit by the low prices which we will give. Call and make your selections early, :: ;: i Jacob Vogt i I 220 N. Com'l St Salem, Oregon nn, , MT ,, i nmminnin IMIIIIIttKMI Family Remedies TAKE OUT THE CORN Then pay for the remedy. Arch Corn Curo Is the only prac tical remedy on the market, Results guaranteed. For sale by OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY. Journal Want Advs. Bring Results. Kalsomining Painting and decorating. Estimates furnished; satisfaction guaranteed. SMITH & COLLINS Phone Main 1290. GENUINE CHICKEN TAMALES. Wholesale and retail. Special for weddings and parties. Call Main 204S or come to Fred In front of the Madi son. The first chicken tamale Fred made In Salem, now you see them ev ery place. I bet $25 these are not like Fred's Tamales. You try one for yourself. 2-12-tf HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN I do a general visiting and office practice, treating both acute and chronic diseases. I have many pa tients for asthma, dropsy, diseases of the heart and kidneys, gall stones, rheumatism, diseases of the skin and nervous disorders. I have cured dropsy In patients af ter they had been pronounced hopeless by other able physicians. I have cured gall stones after emi nent surgeons had said that an opera tion would be necessary to afford re lief. Office practice: Cash. If you need my help, I am at your service. DR. 1. G. ALTMAN, 2911 N. Liberty St, Phone: Main 147. Salem, Oregon Fine Art Studio Lessons given, orders taken for china painting, firing and water col ors. E. M. GOODSPEED, 222 Hubbard Building. Watch Awn tcJEWELKT Karl Hengebauer CSij jeweier. VwW" Majuinlfl Tamnla M LOCATED DR. ASSELN, DENTIST Graduate N. W. U Chicago, Salem Bank & Trust Building, Suite 205-206. Phone 2418 NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BUBGHABDT MEREDITH Beslae-Jt Ageats 181 State Street MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. F0ED Over Ladd ft Bush Bank, Salem, Or MONEY TO LOAN Oa good Real Estate leeirlty. BECHTEL BYNON 147 State Street THE K.&J.CO. WHOLESALE HOME-MADE CANDIES The best In town ask for them. Factory 266 Chemeketa. COAL AND WOOD Prompt delivery. Sole agents for the Famous Rock Springs Coal, CAPITAL FUEL CO. E. H. Jory, successor to J, J. O'Nefl. Phone 210, Yards opposite S. P. pas senger Depot, MONEY TO LOAN On farm and city property. Joha H. Scott, over Chicago Btore, Sal am, Or egon. Phone 1661. WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Prompt delivers our specialty.. Falls City Lumber Company. 279 North Commercial street. Phone Main R1I JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING WORKS No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics. Work called for and delivered promptly. 436 Ferry St Phone Main 2251 Office Phone Main 181 RIgdon Residence Main 111. RIGDOlf-RICniRDSON CO. Funeral Directors and Undertakers Ui N. High 8treet j HOUSEHOLD W U REMEDIES H,