Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 06, 1913, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Pmr SI
"Knrm, Slock mill Hume" of Minimi!
oils, Tolls Siiiiic I'liiln Trill lis and
Tells Thorn Plainly.
Tile times are changing. No better
proof of tJiis oft-repeated assertion Is
needed l.liiin tin; ut.titiul of 11k? fanner
toward his advisers. There was a time
win an InstituLo conductor, or a col
lege professor, or tho editor of a farm
journal could throw a film of fact
nbout a mountain of hot nlr und get
away with It. Hut tlio day of tlio big
bluff and of tlio big bluffer Is passing.
The crowd listens to the man w ho has
Homotlilug to say, and who says It
without any frills. This Is shown by
the Increasing simplicity and value of
the farm bulletins, and by the practi
cal work dono by those Institute work
ers who continue to hold tliolr place
with the people.
In fact the world has discovered
something new; and that Is that If a
man knows a thing If ho really knows
It ho can toll It la simple, everyday
This pricks tho bubble! If a "pro
fessor" nowadays gets up to hldo his
Ignorance of practical things his big
words and his talk about thlgs In
general and about nothing In particu
lar at once expose him. The public,
which expects him to lnow some
things, and not all things, expects him
to know koiiio tilings so wi ll that ho
can tell them by their first names,
and talk about them In a usable way.
The same thing applies to the farm
paper. There Ih tt weeding out process
going on. It. either Is or Is nut meet
ing today's need. In a time when rail
road systems arc managed by men who
practically live n-wheel, and men of
large business affairs think nothing of
a thousand mile journey, the editor of
ii real farm journal, with his people
and their Interests scattered over n
half million square miles of territory,
can no longer wrlle of crops and stock
out of dlin-past-or-perliaps-never ex
perlinee, while reclining In a swivel
chair In a cool office. Just as the
good fanner frequently visits every
part of his farm, bo tlio editor of a
real farm paper visits tlio territory
through which his Journal circulates.
The policies of such a paper are ham
mered into shape through act mil con
tact with conditions. It faces living
Issues. It anticipates coming needs.
It Is tho business of Its editor to be
thinking ahead nun, three, ten, thirty
years In advanc.6 of tlio present mo
ment, In order that tho papor, tho
policy of which ho directs, may bold
real, usable, present-day valuo to ItB
Tills Is the sort of a paper you are
now reading. This Is tho way It Is
edited. It looks forward to stimdy
growth through tlio years to come,
only upon the condition that It shall
continue to be helpful in Die making
of a broader and better every-dny
home and farm life. It tries to be
practical In what It says, and to say
tho right thing at the proper time. II
lias too many big things In view to
8Hnd Its tlmo boasting over the past,
of Printing and Kngravlng, Is the In
vontor who developed the machine for
tlio special use of the government
printing plant.
Printing I .'.DIM) Stamps a Minnie.
It is a fact not generally known that
the United States has at Washington,
I). ('., olio of the largest ami best
equipped printing plants In tills or
uny oilier country. Undo Sam may
lie safely said to hold the world's rec
ord as a printer not only In sl,e of
plant, number of employes ami extent
of output, but also In np-lo-dulo sci
entific manngenient, efficiency ami
An Interesting example of what tills
Bort of modern efficiency means Is a
machine which prlniH, gums ami per
forates 12.000 postage stamps a min
ute. Figuring on nn eight hour day,
this Is a production of 5 "llO.eiht two
cent stamps, worth $1 l.'i.Sim, as a day's
Work for tile two operators required
on the machine. The slumps are shot
out 'here Is noo oilier way to ex
press It at the rate of 70 feet a min
ute, 'I'lils means over slv miles of
postage stamps a day.
The machine , lliulnatis I',) separate
operations required by the previous
method of printing ami has effected a
saving of per cent In cost. The
whole apparatus, which is three feet
wide, twenty-five feet, long and seven
feet. high. Is driven by a Crockor
Whooler motor. One man and a girl
are able to operate tho entile machine
and the perforating device connected
with It. Mr. II. 11. Stleliney, mechani
cal expert of the I'nltcd Slates ltureau
"Just Say"
It Meant
1 Original and Ginulru
Thi Food-drink for All Agis.
I More he!t!iful than Tea or ColTce.
Agree with tha weakest digestion.
I Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, mnltixl pain, powder form.
A quick lunch prepared in minute.
Take no tubatitut. Aak (or HORLICK'S.
E3" Others are imitations.
William Hawks Indicted at Eugene
for perjury In a local option case,
pleaded guilty Tuesday and was given
an Indeterminate sentence in the pen
of from three to ten years.
Work on grading of the Eugene-Coos
Hay railroad will he begun In a short
time, the contractors already assem
bling material and preparing for It.
John Und, a resident of Wamlc
Wasco county, for 42 years, died at
his homo there February 20. He was
S2 years old.
James Loudan of Iowa Hill, near
Ulllsboro had two hens celebrate Wil
son's inauguration by laying big eggs.
One, a Plymouth Rock produced an
egg measuring 7x7'a Inches, and the
other a Hlaclc Langshnn overlaid the
first's effort with an ovum measuring
7x8 Inches,
William Edmonds succeeded In pass,
lug a number of worthless checks on
Marshfleld merchants, and now Wil
liam Is unaccountably missing.
Friday, March 14, will be salmon
day throughout the I'nltcd States, and
Oregon will furnish a goodly portion
of the salmon on the occasion.
Some fiend poisoned .r0 stands of
bees belol.glng to John Fleck of I'ral-
rle City. The money loss Is quite large
as (he bees were of the finest varieties
and Mr. Fleck had spent years In
building up his fine colony. Formalde
hyde was tho material used In the das.
tardly work.
Tho St. Johns school board has pur
chased the block adjoining Central
school on the north. This gives the
school board two blocks for buildings
and playgrounds, also a realty holding
Unit soon will bo of great, value.
lies) fur Skin Diseases.
Xearly every skin disease yields
quickly and permanently to Ducklen's
Arnica Salve, and nothing is better for
burns or bruises. Soothes and heals.
John Deyo of (iladwln, Mich., says, nf-
ter suffering twelve years with skin
ailment and spending $100 In doctors'
bills, llucklcn's Arnica Salve cured
him. It will help you. Only 2."c. Rec
ommended by J. C. Perry.
I'nele Rain refused to put up a cent
for tho exposition at Sen Francisco. In
celebration of the completion of the
Panama canal. This, at first glance,
might show the old gentleman was n
tight-wad, but then, come to think of
It, ho furnished the canal.
President Wilson's first, move was
along business and common sense
lines, lie turned over to the heads
of the different departments the ap
pointing of all officers naturally un
der that department, ami will hold his
cabinet, members each accountable for
tile men he Belects.
Woodrow Wilson Is showing busi
ness ability sufficient to warrant h's
being made president of a railroad,
rather than tho Fulled Slates.
Vice-President Marshall is no slouch
when It comes to "slinging Kngllsh."
We predict that, lie will not slay burlel
In the Sahara of the vice-presidency,
hut will he heard of and from with
some frequency.
Kx-Preslib-nl Tafl played golf yes
terday, which seemed to fit him to a
Why not build that, proposed me
morial bridge across the Columbia at
Vancouver, instead of across the IV
toinae at Washington. It would serve
Its purpose, built. In honor of our conn
try's grandest man, If built across the
country's grandest rKor, Just as well,
and then we need the bridge.
The Republican party Is slowly
drawing together again, but it. must
not be overlooked that Teddy has not
yet, consented to a re-marriage.
Wonder what kind of a barrel that
was that so suddenly became the "pork
barrel," when the Democrats got on
the band wagon,
Anyway, Taft Is a good loser, lie
takes defeat with a smile, and no
kick, just like n true sport.
From tho number of school books
cue notes under the youngsters' arms
on their way to ami from school, It
looks ns though Hal I'atton should
have also profiled drays or antes to
curry the free hcIicm! books.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
won lis great reputation and extensive
sale by Its remarkable cures of coughs
colds, und croup. It can be depended
upon. Try It. Sold by all dealers.
And Found Health in Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Windom, Kansas. "I had a displace
ment which caused bladder trouble and
I was so miserable
I didn't know what
to do. I suffered
from bearing down
pains, my eyes hurt
me, I was nervous,
dizzy and irregular
and had female
weakness. I spent
f.yy, v- X S J 011 uociors
v '.W tut Kot worse all
the time.
"A friend told me
about the Pinkham remedies and I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and was cured. I cannot praise
your remedies enough for I know I never
would have been well if I had not taken
it "-Miss Mary A. Horner, Route
No. 2, Box 41, Windom, Kansas.
Consider Well This Advice. I
No woman suffering from any form
of female troubles should lose hope un
til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a fair trial.
This famous remedy, the medicinal in
gredients of which are derived from
native roots and herbs, has for nearly
forty years proved to be a most valua
ble tonic and invigorator of the fe
male organism. Women everywhere
bear willing testimony to the wonderful
virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
If veil want finpcial advice wrlle to
Lydia E. l'liikliaiu .Medicine Co. tcenll
deiitial) I, ynn, Muss. Your letter will
bo opened, read and answered by a
woman and held In strict cenlldcnce.
- .!
v r
K-- 'I
because I surely wish The Capital
Journal all the luck in the world."
The describers of dictionaries
thanked tho young woman for these
few kind words and went on his way,
thinking how poor Ills powers of de
scription were as compared to the
convincing Influence of exhibition of
the dictionary itself.
If you don't believe every word of
It, come to the Dictionary Department
and bo convinced. You may examine
the book all you want to without tak
ing one.
We want you to start clipping cou
pons .
Many a Suffering Woman.
Drags herself painfully through her
dally tasks suffering from backache
headache, nervousnss, and los3 of
sloop, not knowing her Ills are due to
kidney and bladder troubles. Foley
Kidney Pills will help any form of
kidney or bladder trouble, any back
ache, rheumatism, uric acid poisoning
or Irregular kidney action. They are
strengthening, tonic and curative, and
contain no habit forming drugs. No
ono who suffers from kidney and blad
der troublo can afford to overlook
Foloy Kidney Pills. Dr. Stone Drug
Children are much moro likely to
contract the contagious diseases when
they have colds. Whooping cough,
diphtheria, scarlet fever and consump
tion are diseases that aro often con
tracted when the child has a cold.
That is why all medical authorities
say beware of colds. For the quick
cure of colds you will find nothing
hotter than Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. It can always be depended upon
and is pleasant and safe to take. For
salo by all dealers.
The only valid title to tho possession
of land Is the use of it.
A Message to Railroad Men.
E. S. Bacon, 11 Bath St., Bath, Me.,
sends out this warning to railroaders
everywhere. "My work as conductor
caused a chronic Inflammation of tho
kidneys and I was miserable and all
played out. I was weak nnd had dizzy
spells, and a friend recommended Fo
ley Kidney Pills. From the day I be
gan taking them, I commenced to re
gain piy strength. The Inflammation
Is gone and I feel better now than I
have In twenty years." Try them. Dr.
Stone Drug Store.
Journal Want Advs. Ilrimr Results.
Xeiv Consignment of Dictionaries to
Do Distributed INipn lurlty of
(.'rent Offer Increases.
"ItatUo-scared heroes."
That phrase once brought unpleas
ant notoriety to a well-meaning man
who failed to write what he meant,
and found through bitter experience
what the onnulsslon of one letter may
mean In a written word.
Could the samo thing happen to
If so, why?
With tho New Modern English Il
lustrated Dictionary at your elbow
you can avoid such pitfalls as writ
ing 'angle" when you mean "angel."
Some persons might take ofefnse at
being called "a perfect angle."
Think of what a vast difference
there Is between "stationery" and
"stationary," 'planning" and plan
ing,' and hundreds of other compar
isons which can bo culled from a dic
tionary. Then clip six consecutive cer
tificates from issues of the Capital
Journal, und prepare yourself to
avoid mistakes and troublo.
Tho Intelligence of tho public Is but
ono of tho principle elements which
huvo imido tlio distribution of the en
tire edition of (lie New Modern Eng
lish Illustrated Dictionary seemingly
a most simple task,
Tho other element is tho sterling
ao rtli and beautiful appearance of
the hook Itself. A restaurant cashier
In ono of tho beBt, patronized lunch
rooms In the city testified to this the
other day when it was remarked that
Kho had a New Modern Kngllsh Dic
tionary lying Inside her cash register.
"I was ono of the first to get one,"
she wild, "and I want to tell you that
book lias started many persons clip
ping certificates. They are surprised
as seen lis they seo it.
"1 i. in coming around to get another
ono for my slBter, and I think I'll Just
lei that ono stay there for tho present,
Household Economy
Heir to llnve the llr Cough
Syrup nnd Pavr 2, by
MnkliiK It Mt lliinit.
There 1b profound truth In the
staetment that "nothing doln' don't
pay." . .
tough medicines, us a rule, contain a
large quantity ( pluiu Rvrup. if you
take lino pint of granulated sugar, add
,-j pint, of warm water und stir about
ii minutes, you have us good syrup as
money could buy,
If you will then put 2'j ounv of
Pincx (AO cents' worth) in a pint bottle,
nnd till it up with (he Sugar Syrup, you
Will llllVn fid llltli.il .,! ,1, .ini'., .. .....
could buy rrudy made fur $i60. H
neep- pcrieciiv.
And you will find It the lict cough
syrup yen ever ued even in wliooninff
roiiirh. Ymi oun f.u.l It ,.L-. 1...I.I
nlly Mops the most, severe cough in 24
ii'.uin, ii, 10 iumg mxawVO CHOUGH, huh a
eiiod tonio elfeet, nnd tmto is pleasant,
fake, a tciispooiiful every one, two or
three hours,
II. i. n ,,t.,.l!.t .,...i.. i ..
... ,.,...,, 4,-iii(t, t,,u, nr
whooping cough, croup, lion radios, ostti-
I'itn.v la 1 l,n m.tf w.il..1.1A
: - -J v 'niiiriiiin t.'iieeiiint
ted compound of Norway while pine ex
tract, nen in guniaool nail nil tho heal.
HUT Ititlil itli.rtiim! V. e...
tnui will work in this formula.
This reciw for making cough remedy
with l'incx and Sugar Svrup Is now
used und iiriirod in thousniidii of homes
in me i iioeo cuiira nun i nnuiin. ino
plan mis oltcn been imitated but ncvor
A guaranty of abnolut iRtUfnetlon, or
money promptly refunded, g.w with this
recipe. Your druggist hi Pine, or will
l'lnox Co., Ft, Wyn, lad,
The Capital Journal's
Going Faster Than We Can Get Them Here
We understood that a great ninny wore clipping, but It seems that everyone in the city is busy cutting out the certificate of appreciation nec
essary to get this wonderful book. Many who have obtained antiquated dictionaries printed from discarded plates compiled years ago are
throwing aside their out-of-date dictionaries, and securing this wonderful MODERN Dictionary presented by this paper
Genuine Leather Cover
The syndicate of lending newspaper currying on tills great fdnc4itloiial ciiinpnlgn will not permit the sale of this hook at Its list price until after
the close of the distribution, 1'risent your roiiponsn before the offer Ik withdrawn.
Our Guarantee
Wo positively guarantee to re
fund the amount paid by any
reader who finds, after receiv
ing tho New Modern English
Dictionary Illustrated, that It. is
not tho best dlctlonnry ever
published, or that It Is not en
tirely satisfactory and ns represented.
The Capital Journal t
see corrox ox sEtoMi I'.vtii:
You Need Only Present Six Certificates
To show your Indorsement of this grent educational oppoitunlty present them at this office with
tho expense bonus of 8!)c for the $4 limp leather books, Sic for tho J3 half-leather bound book,
and -ISo for tho cloth bound book (which covers tho Items of the cost of packing, express from
factory, checking, clerk hire nnd other necessary EXPENSE Items), and you will be. presented
with your choice of the three books. Any book by mall, 220 EXTRA for postago (address mull
orders to this office only).
Practically all Dictionaries heretofore have been but revisions of and additions to the una
bridged edition of the orlglnnl book turned out by Noah Webster before his death In 1X48, Hut
In tho NEW MODERN for the first time In dictionary making It combined tho work of the
greatest MODERN authorities from the largest seats of lcaarnlng, who have produced a new com
pilation based upon Websterlan principles, rather than a more revision of the obsolete work. It
Is off tho press truly the 1913 Dlctlonnry. You will not find one of them printed from worn
The New Modern English Dictionary, Illustrated
Is revised and brought to Its present stnte of perfection, nfler the best and latest authorities on language, under th echlcf editorship of
Edltor-ln-ehlef of the Now International Encyclopedia; editor of Harper's Classical Dictionary; member of the Academy of Political Science and of
the National Institute of Arts and Letters, nsslsted by the following able Editorial Contributors.
J0IIX T. It0I.EE, Ph. I
Professor in tho University of
CHAUEES V. J01IXS0X, I'll. 1),
Professor In Trinity College,
Hartford, Conn.
Instructor In the Wharton
Combined School, Philadelphia
Editor of Aircraft.
LI. II, Ph. I),
Late Professor In the New
York University; Editor of tho
De Pauw University.
J. S. r. Tiitlock, Ph. D,
Asst. Professor in the Univer
sity of Michigan,
J. A. J0FFE, A. Jf,
Imperial Gymnasium Eknter
lnoslav; Expert to Congres
sional Library,
Librarian of the University of
Michigan, and late Bibliogra
pher to Cornell University,
Editor of Motor.
Professor In Teachers' Col
lege. noiiT. uonnox gram, a. m.
Ph. D
Heidelberg University.
C. L. HEADER, Ph. D,
Professor in the University of
Professor In Yale University,