Face Itit Dial CAPITA! J0PB5AL, BA1XM, OBXGOH, THURSDAY, MARCH , 1918. AT I PLAYHOUSES THE CRIMSON CROSS. Eclair Three-Keel Couture. The American people have Bhown their unqualified endorsement of the "Passion Play" and "The Holy City." This feature now presents a magnifi cent production with the same atmos phere. It will be one of the great suc cesses of the year. It.posesses a pow erful plot of the American Puritan times. Past artists of stage craft have had charge of the mammoth tableaux of this production, and every detail of the many scenes Is perfect. A cast of unusual strength portrays the leading characters and the scenic settings and effects are superb, "The Crlmons CroBB" compels one to think, and, while the charmed i'-.-4'- M-.-CJr.'' ""' eyes are busy following the nrtlstlc nnil tnBteful Bettings, the mind can not help but wonder at the iiclmlnible strength of tlio plot which reunites, at the foot of the crest, two human beings of different religions. The earlier days In New England wore fraught with thrills and action, The Puritans marched to and from their churches with their guns under one arm, and the nllilo under the othor. In this feature wo have tlio life of the Puritans as a main theme, with n wonderful presentation of the inclin ing of the "Hosary." TheHe beautiful symbolic tableaux will prove a jkibI tive. delight to the lover of the best In photo-plajl worlt. The captain of a Spanish vcbscI en ters the house where Giles Corey, IiIh wife, Mnrthn, and his daughter, I'rls olllii. are enjoying a peaceful day nt Iho flresldo. lie Is selling merchan dise brought over by his ship. The Spaniard did not fail to notice the beauty of Prlscllln. Coming back, lie finds her nlone, and shows her what ho thinks to be tlio mont Inter esting1 to the girl, the box containing the Jewels. Among the Jewels 1h n rosary, rrlscllla does not know Its use. Smilingly tlio rnptaln is nbmit to explain, when armed Puritans break Into the room unci arrest blin, They believe ho has been making love to the girl. Prlftcllln, in vain, tries to free him, but Biieeeeils only In being locked up The Millionaire Cowboy is Coming To Salem WEXFORD THE LAST NIGHT of OIL AND WATER The Biograph Feature - - - See It FRIDA Y and SA TURD A Y I! THE LOST SON Showing the folly of the race track Dont fail to let the children see this feature ALSO "BEAU BRUMMEL" The Vitagraph Classic WEXFORD FRIDA Y and SA TURD A Y also. There, enclosed by the gray walls of the prison the Span lull cap tain shows the first bead of the ro sary, and there appears before the en chanted eyeB of the Puritan's daughter "The MyBterles of the Rosary." The Joyful Mysteries. 1 The annunciation by the angel of the Virgin Mary. 2 The visitation of Mary to Eliza beth. 3 The nativity, birth of the Saviour in the stable, surrounded by the ador ing Magi, and wondering animals. 4 The presentation of the Infant Jesus to Saint Simeon at the temple. 5 The boy Jesus at the temple confounding the priests by his wis dom. Led forth by anxious parents. The Sorrowful Mysteries. The agony of Christ in the Garden of Gothsemane. .TP', - tSr m& i--n The scourging of Christ In the courtyard of Pllato's palace. The sol diers urged on by the angry mob. The crowning of Jesus with thorns, much to the joy of the howling pop ulace. Jesus on the wny to Calvary, carry ing His cross, followed by the jeering mob and a few faithful ones not dar ing to show tli ol r Borrow, save one, St. Veronica, who gave him ft cloth to wipe his fnee, and the miracle of the agonized face appearing on the cloth. The crucifixion, where wo depart from the usual view of Christ on the cross, and, Instead of giving the rend ing of the curtain In the tomplo, which as It falls, discloses the old city of Jerusalem, and ontBldo the walls on the fatal mount aro seen tlio three crosses with their victims thereon. An astounded priest views tlio scene, then turning to heaven nBks which Is the true God. The sky darkens, light ning flashes nnd smoke belches forth. Iloninn soldiers casting dice for the raiment of the Christ are surprised and horrified by noises: the raising of the Ud of the tomb and Christ issuing forth nnd ascending Into tlio air. The ascension. Mary and Christ's disciples repair to the spot appointed by the Saviour. Ho Bilililenly ap peared In their nililst, nnd with final Instruct Ions slowly nseeded Into heav en. The descent of the holy ghost upon Mary nnd the eleven apostles. The assumption of the blessed vir gin, slowly ascending to heaven, ac companied by angels. The crowning of the blessivl virgin, queen of angels and saints in heaven. And now we seo the prison again. Ilellevlng that 1'rlBcllla has been be witched, the Puritans seize the cap tain, tie him to a stake nnd are alKiut to burn htm alive, 'when a man runs In and cries out "the Indians are up on us." . The women flee In terror, and the men rush to meet the advanc ing foe. Juan bogs Giles to release him and let him help fight the Indiana. Later we see the return of the Pur itan warriors. Abner has a -wound In his head. All assemble, they miss the captain, and Abner deliberately lies, and says he saw him flee, Prlscllla, stung by the monstrous tale, accuses Abner of lydng. Giles, In his fury, orders her out of the house. She leaves, and we find, her rosary in hand, on the battlefield, seeking the captain, whom she finds dying. She gives him the rosary, and he dies in peace. Prlscllla, returns home, and at the window, her mother tells her that Giles Is relentless. As Martha leans over, she notes the passage which Giles has Just been reading In the Bible, and beckons to Prlscllla to enter. The little maid steals down in front of her father, but he rises ' In anger and Is about to hurl his denun ciations upon her, when Martha re opens his Bible and points to the pas sages: "For if ye forgive men their tres passes, your heavenly Father will al so forgive you." "But If ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.' Matthew 6:11-15. Giles rends, and, turning to Mar tha, says: "You aro right." He ex tends his arms and folds his daughter to his bosom. QUEER WAYS OF THE ARAB. His Mothodi of Life and His Contempt For Womankind. An Arnb on entering a house re moves his shoos, but not his hat. He mounts his horse upon the right side, while bis wifo milks tlio cow on the left side. Ia writing a letter he puts nearly nil tlio compliments on the out side. Ills head must bo wrapped up warm, even In the summer, while his feet may well enough go naked In win ter. Every article of merchandise which is liquid lie weighs, but he measures wheat, barley and a few other articles. He reads and writes from right to left. He cats scarcely anything for break fast, about ns much for dinner, but after tlio work day Is done he sits down to a hot meal swimming In oil or, better yet, bulled butter. Ills sons eat with him, but the fe males of his house wait till his lord ship has dime. He rides a donkey when traveling, bis wife wnlklng be hind. He luughs at the Idea of walk ing In the street with his wife or of even vacating his sent for a woman. If ho be an artisan he does work sit ting, perhaps using his feet to hold what his bunds are engaged upon. He drinks cold wuter with a spoon, but never bathes In It unless his home be on tlio seashore. He Is rarely seen drunk. Is dellelent In affection for his kindred, hits little curiosity and no Im itation, no wish to Improve his mind. Everyday Mfo. FEEDS THE BRUTES. London's Restaurant That Caters to Domestic Animals Only. One of the must Interesting restau rants In the world Is one In which the only diners are domestic animals. The restaurant Is in Westminster, London. The sign on tlio window rends: KKBTAUHANT FOll DOMESTIC AN IMALS. english meat only. fiif.8h twk:i5 Daily. The rcstiiiirant 1 arranged so that the domestic iinluials which patronize It may lie perfectly comfortable while they are getting (heir meals. Those that wish to do so may sit down while eating. The women who serve the diners lire very fond of animals and know the wants of ciich particular cus tomer. One of the regular callers nt the restaurant, n dog, prefers having his meals In private, so Instead of eat ing his luncheon In the restaurant be walks from bis home to tlio place ev ery day, buys his luncheon and carries It home. Ho pays Ills own bill at tli end of eneh week, currying tbo mono) tied In a lit t lo wallet around his neck. Cats, caunrv birds, goldfish, nnrrots. monkeys, squirrels nnd goats aro also provided for In tlio restaurant There Is a branch of the establishment nt 123 York road, Ilattersen. New York Her aid. Clogi. Clogs, against which the Lancashire mill girls me rebelling, were nt one time worn by women of nil classes. The more retlned variety of tho cloif hud a thin wooilon sole, which was cut transversely In two pieces, attach ed to each other by n binge. Dainty brass and polished leather appurte nances gave n finish to the article. Aune Itrni'cglrdlc. the most beautiful actress of her day, was n wearer of clogs. Horace Wnlpole relates In 0110 of bis letters that "Mrs. llruceglrdlu breakfasted with me this morning. As who went out and wanted her clegs she turned to me and said, '1 remember at the playhouse they used to cull for Mrs. Oldllcld'a cluilr, Mrs. Harry's clogs ami Mrs. Ilraceglrdle'i pattern.'" London Spectator. A 8tudy In Arithmetic "I don't wonder," suld a twelve year eld to Ilia dad, "that people couio to the I'nlted States from these outland ish regions beyond tlio seas, where folks use the ltoiiinii system of Humor utloii. Just liungln n kid going to school there nnd being given tills kind of problem: MHVIX la divided by CI how many times? or, X multiplied by VII minim MX ciiuals how much? Or, CIV and MVI and DX1X minus MO eiunl- Buy, arithmetic Is going to look like n aluiplu one and one are two for me after thlsl" New York Tribune. OF BOARD OF TRADE OFF Hoard of Trade Committee Sees 'otli. Ing Gained Except Permission to Pay the Hills. With g. determination to protect the members of the Salem Board of Trade from any unfairness which may result from the consolidation of that body with the Illlhee club, the majority of the executive committee of the Board of Trade last night flatly opposed a proposition championed by President Dick of the Illlhee club, to unite the two organizations under one name. This was the stand taken by the ma jority of the members of the Board of Trade executive committee at a meet ing held last night with the Illlhee cluti committee In the latter's club rooms, and the result Is, the two bodies have arrived at no decision and there is a strong probability that the Board of Trade committee will not sanction any further proposals offered by the Illlhee club committee for tho consoli dation of the two organizations. Decidedly Unfair, Says Hoard. According to the records of meetings held for the puniose of effecting a consolidation of the organizations, It apiiears that President Dick, of the Illlhee club, Is fathering a pet plan to unite tho Salem Board of Trade with the Illlhee club in a business sense, at the same time expecting the members of the latter organization to pay dus which will go to support the consoli dated body, and exclude the Board of Trade supporters from taking advan tage of the club accommodations which would rightly be due them In the event the two clubs united. For this reason, the executive com mltvee of the Board of Trade refused to proceed further last night or to make any effort to arrive nt any defnlfs conclusion ns to consolidation, and un less every member of the commercial body can enjoy the benefits of a united body, commercially or otherwise, the committee will probably hereafter re fuse to make any effort .to join the Hoard with the Illlhee club. Just whut amount of work that could be accomplished by tho executive com mittee of the Board of Trade trans acting Its advertising and other com mercial business through tho hands of tho Illlhee club committee, Is a matter of conjecture In the minds of the mem bers of tho former committee, but they are said to be satisfied without a doubt, that In the event the members of their organization were not permit ted to Indulge. In the work of the club In consolidated form other than pay dues and aid in the commercial activi ties, there would soonbe a remon strance that would probably dissolve such an organization, Would Ho Simply n Donation. Under President Dick's plan of con solidation of tho two bodies, the Board of Trado subscribers would simply be lending financial support to the Illlhee club and their privileges be limited to offering suggestions or performing la bor In the interest of tho commercial department or the club. Not until the Illlhee committee remedy this will the Hoard of Trado committee consent to Joining hands with the club and work ing for the best commercial interests of the city and state In unison and lis one largo body. Just what stops will be taken by the boa rd to effect a larger organization remains to be seen, but there In very little hope now of ever forming any re lationship between the board and the Illlhee club. A Cure For Eczema Ecaoma lii r.ny form, whother aiuto or chronic, Is easily and rapidly over come by tho use of Morltol Eczema remedy. Gives jiosltlve relief when nil others fall, and wo heartily rec coinmcnd It to any sufferer. Capita' Drug Storo, exclusive ngents. LENTZ Solid white oak dining tnbles, 42, 41, 4tt and fit-Inch tops, both quartered and plain, A and 8-foot extension. The best tables on the market, from $14.40 up. Confidential credit, Jf SI . home 'FURNISHERS LCCW COURT & HIGHSTS. TABLES Vis I IV I CHARLES L. M'SAKV. (Continued from page 1.) cation. He is Identified with different farming projects, and outside of legal circles Is best known as an agricultur ist and an educator. He is connected with the Salem Fruit Union and the Salem Board of Trade, and 1b dean of the Willamette' Law College. Hopes for Big School. Mr. McNary has one ruling passion, which be talks of more than anything else. This hobby Is to make Willam ette Law College one of the largest, most thorough and most widely rec ognized Institutions of Its kind in the United States. For some years he has been dean of the college, and each year the enrollment is growing under bis administration. Immediate plans for the school are to make the courses even more thorough than at present. William M. Ramsey, who was today appointed to the supreme bench, with C. L. McNary, is 65 years old. He first practiced his profession In this state at McMlnnvllle. From McMinn vllle he went to Pendleton, and in the Pennoyer administration was a can didate for the circuit Judgshlp in that district against James A. Fee, but was defeated. From Pendleton Judge Ram ON THE LEVEL Don't you think you should help your Stomach, Liver and Bowels when they show signs of weak ness? CarcleBsnesB only Invites Blckness. Be wise in time and get a bottle of IIOSTETTEK'S STOMACH BITTERS It prevents Stomach Ills, Colds, Grippe and Malaria. Try It today. What William E. Gladstone Thought and Did "SHOW MB THE! MANNER In which a nntlon or a community cnreB for its dead, and I will measure with mathematical exactness the tender sym pathies of Its people, their respect for the law of the land, and their loy alty to high ideals." Gladstone. THIS SAME GREAT ENGLISHMAN USED HIS GREAT POWER to do feat a bill before the English pnilla-ment to legalize cremation, and reck oned his successful effort In preventing the English government from giv lngs sanction to this method of disposing of the dead as among the big achievements of his public life. TENDERNESS SHOULD 1113 ENCOURAGED AMONG THE LIVING, and no one would deny It to the lifeless form, which from the very nnture of things has, till now,' been surrendered to the desecrating Influence of fire or earth a choice only between violent evils, both to hasten the oblivion of the sacred symbol which served bo well Kb alloted time, and without reflection or authority, generation follows generation In poisoning the earth and sea nnd the air above them with the remains of their dead, THERE IS A DIVINITY IN EVERY PURPOSE TO REMOVE DANGER FROM THE PATH OF THE LIVING, This Is the only argument for cre mation, and we look In vain for umiuestkmed authority for such practice. Tho soul revolts against tho total destruction of human personality. With its preservation the stimulus for better living guides mankind on nnd up to better ideals. So the sacred dust of the dead has a potential value. It has been, It Is, It ever will be a civilizing force, and Gladstone makes plain this fundamental thought. Just to Remind You A HOME HAS BEEN MADE DESOLATE BY THE LOSS of an only child a little girl. Malignant diphtheria wns the cause. The exacting (unrantlna had prevented any further spread of the disease, and tho apartment boiiBe had been completely disinfected. Tho awful void, the continued Bllence no call of childish voice, no sound of play or toy, drove the distracted parents Into deeper grief ns tho days passed: slowly by. FINALLY, IN ORDER TO SOFTEN THE RECl'ltllINO VIVID MEMOR IES OF THE LITTLE ONE, It was decided to destroy by flame the well- worn toys which were her happy means of entertainment In life. When tho father returned homo at the close of the day, he found them all arranged, and carefully tied up In a neat package, read;' to be consigned to the furnace. AT A SUGGESTIVE NOD FROM HIS WIFE, In silence nnd with poignant reluctance, he made his way to' the janitor's quarters and asked pornilBlson to put tho package In the fire box of the furnace. Tho colored Janitor, who had escaped quarantine, and could not be Induced to return until It wag raised, seemed vory solic itous about the contents of the package, and, upon lenrnlng, he took whnt Bcemed to him a safer relation to the disinfected toys, which was the mlddlo of the court outside the building, where he waited tho carefully planned cremation of miniature chairs, tables, cupboards, cradle and several little dolls. IN THE MEANTIME THE GRIEF-STRICKEN FATHER had given one of the several pneknges to the flumes and then another, more slowly and deliberately as ho lifted 'each one, and 'ore he had completed the list, while gazing Into the devouring flame, he saw something that caused hm bo great agony ho fairly screamed with fright or pain, or both, bo that the Janitor ran to his aid and helped him out Into the court before he had completed his task. SLOWLY AND PATHETICALL HE WENT UP THE TWO STAIRWAYS AND INTO HI9 BEREAVED HOME, whore the waiting wife was told that the burning of the child's toys was unfinished, and that he could not complete the work. "As I looked Into the flames," he said, "I got just a glimpse of the face of the little doll she loved so well, then suddenly I saw her little face, and as suddenly the thought came over mo that she, too, had been burned to ashes, JiiBt as her llttlo doll was being consumed, and oh! such agony nB I sufforod. All was black; the flame lost its glare, though It devoured her toys, as I then knew It had her body, and I and I I responsible !" And here a great strong man gnve way to unspeakable grief, and had to bear a tremendously Increasing sorrow, becauso ho aw himself, innocently or wrongfully, with good intent, yet nevertheless wilfully destroying In flnmcs the symbols and Ideals of Eternal life, THE COMMUNITY MAUSOLEUM, with Its modern sanitary equipments, Its Incomparable chapel accom modations, Its home-like Bholter from storm and cold, mud nnd mold; Its guarantee ngnlnst negligence and desecration, offers the only complete and humane relief from burial and cremation. IT IS LESS EXPENSIVE IN THE END, always comforting to the bereaved, reflects great credit upon the living, and ever-Increasing honor to the dead, Persons or families Interested can secure any further Information desired by calling up Mrs, C, W. Moulden, llllgh Hotel, who has entire chargo of the ennvnss for Mount Crest Abbey In City View cemetery, Salem. In a very short time a temporary receiving vault will be erected In City View cemetery to take care of any who may require It before the mnusoloum Is completed, Tho attached coupon enclosed to our address will sccuro for you by return mall our book on "The Better way." Copyrighted, 101.5, Portland Mausoleum Company 214 Spaulding Bldg. rieaso mall to my address Name Address " POWDER Absolutely Puro Economizes Butter, Flour, Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar sey came to Salem, and entered Into a partnership with bis brother-ln-' iw, George G. Bingham. Ho maintained hla olllce here for several years, find then went to La Grande, where he be came & partner with Turner Oliver. After several yearB of practice In 1'iiBtern Oregon, he removed to Mc Mlnnvllle two years ago. He Is Bpoken of as an attorney exceptionally well versed In tho law. Two Supremo Departments, Under the new management of the state judiciary, the supreme court will be divided Into two departments, to be known as Departments No. 1 and No. 2. Chief Justice Mcltride will ex Phones, Main 6021; A 7442 your booklot doscriptlvo of Portland Mausoleum method of Entombment ercise a presiding Judgshlp over both. Matters of private litigation will be heard by the courts Bitting as de partments, while matters of public and general Importance will be heard by the court sltltng en banc, both de partments to Join in hearing the canes. The new rcglmo goos Into effect In June, when the new JustlceB take their seats, according to tho law that pro vides that new laws created by the legislature shall go Into effect 90 days after the end of the scsbIoh. When publicity hurts business that business is the kind that ought to be hurt. M,.I PTC ' 1 4 : v