DAJXT CATI Til J0CB5AI, SALKX, 0BE60H, MOXDAY, MAKCII 8, 1013. Page Biz PREPARES A LIS! OF Most Iiniiortimt of All Is Pulton's, of Marlon, Providing fur Free School Hooks. E. F. Carlton, assistant stato Biipcr 1 ni i .ml (int. nl' nubile, instruction, who has charge of the office while Super intendent Alderman Is absent In the oast, lias prepared a list of the bills affecting die educational system of the state which have passed tho legisla ture And which have been singed by tho governor. Tho number of bills to tals 15. What Is considered the most Impor tant of tho bills Is that introduced by Senator Hal D, Patton, of Salem, pro viding for tho furnishing of free text books to the school children of the state. Following Is a list of tho bills with a brief statement of tba effoct carried by each: Senate Bills. No. 200, by Patton, gives each dis trict In the stato the right to have free text books. That mattor Is de cided by vote of the district und If favorable the district must vote a tax and purchase books for all children of school ago using tho books adopted by tho Rtato commission the night hunting for them. Arriving homo again, he told the boys that some day they would have to hunt for him and hunt a long while, and it Is possi ble he may be out on sucli a secret trip. Upon searching his room, it was found that he took with him a revolver and somo fishing tackle. He also took with him a key to the vault In the bank in which tho Lang & Company's books are kept. This Is a mystery to all. Another circumstance of unusual nature is that while ho hold a pay check for over $:J0 and nls0 possessed several dollars in change In the clothes he left at home, he borrowed a dollar from a follow workman Thursday morning of tho loth and walked away without saying a word. Why ho did not toko tho change from his clothing or cash tho chock, re mains a problem, Large Shipment to Satisfy Dictionary Demand They Are doing Kupidly. are trying to foist on the public as "The Capital Journal Dictionary," or as a "Just as good as" brand. Get the new 1913 edition with the complete vocabulary and big colored plates and the latest United States census. There are no others like it. Crowds clamored for the flexible leather-hound volume known as No, 1 from early in the morning until late In tho evening yesterday. Many pro fessional men filed along In line be tween stenographers and school girls. Every day now Is Dictionary day j Doctors, lawyers and clergymen all The Value of a Good Cosmetic Madame Qnavllln will be glad to answer any questions pcrtnliilnor to womanly beauty. Personal replies will be given If a stamped und self-addressed envelope is enclosed. at Tho Journal office. seemed anxious to possess the hand- Such a demanl marked the opening soniely bound black leather volume of the distribution of tho now Mod- -which looks like a fine lllblo and ern English Illustrated Dictionary which they describe ns "comprohen- that the success of the popular edu cational venture is assured, and more books are being rushed here by ex- slve" and, above all else, "handy." T.KIN( "Cosmetic'1 means beautifying or that which promotes beauty. The necessity for tho use of creams and the results obtained from their use have so long been established that I need not add more to the sub ject here. Hut there is so mtnh confusion In' the n(lnds of women such vast strides that there Is almost no precious oil, gum or herb which cannot be Imitated with chemicals at cheaper cost. The oil of sweet al monds is tho most beneficial and most delicate oil we can use, but it has become so expensive that peach ker nel oil, or white mineral oil, which about tho benefit or harm of this or j Is a property of ooal oil, is used in- CAKE OK THE STATE'S HELPLESS liaised His Salary. Valuing his past services as super intendent to tho extent that his salary for the ensulDg term will be $25 per month more, P J. Kuntz was re-elected to the office by the board of direc tors at a meeting hold In the high school last Saturday night. The su per'lntenlent first received. $175 a month, but the board voted that his services are more valuable. Afte1 transacting the usual routine bust nesss, Superintendent Kuntz submit ted his report, showing the list of Items tho board will havo to consider !n tho future months. press. Do not delay to reach tho diction ary Department, before the entire edition of the most modern dictionary ent legislature, and signed by the Certain laws, passesd by, the pros- is exhausted. Start clipping tho required six con secutive coupons today. Bo sure that you accept no substi tutes. governor, will bring about a change In the manner In which the state takes care of moral delinquents and foundlings who are inmates of char , ltable Institutions, not established Be sure your dictionary Is 1913 and primarily for the care of Btate wards. contains the latest United States cen- j A blanket appropriation has been sua. Be up-to-date. ' decided upon and will be apportioned Have you secured yours? among the Institutions largely on a These valuable books are being dls- percaplta basis. The plan heretofore trlbuted through this newspaper only, has been to distribute the funds ac If you cannot come, write your order, cording to the recommendations of the Inclosing coupons, expense bonus and trustees of the different Institutions. 22 cents postage. From now on the plan will be to ap- Do not accept the Inferior substl- portion the funds according to the tute works which jealous book dealers care each Institution gives Its wards, .... . I". IU. - -- - - - 1 - - that preparation that I will endeavor to clear away a part of the mystery which after all is no mystery at all. In past ages everything pertaining to beauty was kept by the Individual as a great secret but today it Is not the secret that Is of so much conse quence but where the trouble lies Is not only the Ignorance of common drugs but the deception of those who the In the business by substituting cheaper materials that have no value and more often do a great deal of harm. Such fraudulent methods are em ployed In the trade now and there is such cunning In the art of Imitation In all commodities, that women need to observe the utmost caution In the purchase of all cosmetic prepara-tions. The science of chemistry has made stead. A pure almond oil is the basis of the flnost preparations. It Is of pale straw color, clear as crystal and has a delicate odor. In order to get the genuine article we must buy the five-pound cans with the Imported label stamped In It. The making of creams Is an ex pensive experiment by the average woman, because of the luck of knowl edge and because of the cost of the finest materials which must be pur chased1 In sealed bulk to obtain the best. Incalcuable harm is done to the skin by the use of powders In which mineral' substances predominate. Lead, arsenic and mercury are active poisons, the continued use of which endangers life Itself; while blBinuth ultimately ruins the structure of the skin. A liquid or wet powder should never be used. A good powder must be cooling and form a protection to the skin against atmospheric impuri ties, while not obstructing the action of the glands, and the vegetable pow ders Insure these conditions most completely. Much of tho suffering from expo sure to wind and sun and grinding dust can be avoided by tho use of a good cronm rubbed well into tho skin and then a pure, cooling vege table powder dusted over the face. Creams are usually heavy with wax which clogs the pores, but one that Is soft and contains only enough wax to hold the oils together Is a more perfect and healthful cream, yours for charming womankind, MADAM QUI VILLA. WILL EXHUME BODIES AM) CIIEMATE THEM Tho plan of the stato Is to exhume most of the bodies that have been burled In the state cemetery at the Insane asylum and cremate them, up on the completion of the crematpry, for which an appropriation has been made by the legislature. Most Inmates of all the state Insti tutions who die from now on, espe cially those who die from Infectious diseases, will be cremated. It Is es timated that there will be a saving of thousands of dollars to the state as a result of this less expensive wayt of handling the corpses. Journal Want Ads Rrlnir Results. No. 3!), by Hollls, provides that Lin coln's birthday Rhnll bo a holiday throughout the stato, but the schools shall remain in session and hold prop er exorcises on tlm t day. No. 110, by Ragsdalo, provides that after Juno, 19M, nn applicant for a teacher's certificate must havo com pleted two years In nn accredited high j school and must have at. least six weeks work In a teachers' training course. No. 204, by llawloy, provides tbat the graduates of tho non-standard colleges may Hocuro a certificate to teach In any of tho high schools of this state by taking tin examination In ten of tho high school subjects. Thir teen nro named In tho bill from which to choose. No. 224, by Miller, re-enacts the bonding lnw and makes some of the stops simpler so that tho directors In a school district may understand the legal procedure necessary In bonding a school district. No. 2H3, by Burgess, makes It com pulsory on parents to answer the questions of tho district school clerk when lie Is taking the census. No. 320, by Moser, provides an as sistant for the county school superin tendent of Multnomah counfy. Bouse Hills. No, 94, by Latourotlo, provides that districts having more than 20,000 school children may establish and maintain public schools, etc., and may adopt courses of study and texit-books for same. No. 130, by Olson, establishes trade schools for dependent girls. No. 130, by Appelgron, places tho teachers of Portland under civil ser vice rules, No. 13S, by Upton, Increases the amount of funds for tho retirement fund association. No. ltis, by Stranahnn. provides for night schools In districts of all class es. No. 131, by Carpenter, forbids any correspondence school to solicit work In this stale without first making re port to Ihn stale superintendent and makes It. necessary for It to have n resident school, No. 404, by Uilourelto, makes It compulsory for till schools to have fire drills nnd for' the teachers to give In ii'.rucllon relative to tho danger f'wii fires. No. Ill, by (1111 provides that the touchers of any coiintv may substitute In place of the regular minimi Insti tute, three weeks summer school. The mutter Is decided by vole of the tench-' ers and If they decide to have a sum mer school all teachers of the county ; must attend and the county Kiiperln-1 tellilellt Is empowered to employ Ill s' motors for tho t.nmo. I ISnSBEZBSESiniSiSSiSS n 11 n u u ti H El U to U SI El II II 0 1CI10 nary for L L JB If u IT an T iru aJi flrli Ti T I Your Money Back if Not Satisfied SENTATION It Pays to Read the Capital Journal TUB CAPITAL JOUKNAL herewith presents an opportunity unequaled In the history of publishing. Is one of a syndicate of newspapers which has had the wonderful opportunityof securing for a limited tlmo tho entire advance edition of the most modern dictionary published, enabling them to Inaugurate a great educational campaign of ntttlonnl scope. This NEW dictionary has been agreed upon as tho means of carrying out tho plans, ub It meets every requirement. It Is tho LATEST dictionary of the English language; it Is of convenient Bl.e; it is the BEST dictionary of the kind published; and It is NOT sold at Btores, as these newspapers have arranged to take tho advantage of this great opportunity. entire output, Ml, VI IISTOMl'S UlSKM i: still i m:ti, ii d Belief Is entertained by ,lon Moore tlinl. Harry Sllverstnne, the young man who Iiiim been missing since the Pith of la:-t mouth, Is illhor out on an ov tonded hunting und fishing trip In the moutrulhs oust of Salem or rumbling aimlessly because of nn unbalanced mind, Kllvorstono lodged and boarded with Mr. Moore nl his homo en North High' street, and the latter has had occasion to note his peculiarities, lie believes Hint the missing man's mind may have become unbalanced on account of sick ness and exhaustion. When last seen, Sllvcrs'ono walked out of Mr. Moore's bouse nt the corner of High and Che ineketii street, lie wore his old clothes and an overcoat mid upon gaining the street, headed directly east on Che- lnekotn. Several weeks ago his follow I M lodgers played a Joko on Sllverstone! W In which ho remained out nil night bunting for snlpo (ho oilier young men told lilm wero In largo numbers several miles north of hero. Ills com rades left lilm after arriving on the hunting! ground and he put In most of u El I M 1 mmm llwli i 1 wmmmmmmmmmwm is ffewsS 1 II II II II U n El 13 g II H areenabled to give our readers the benefit, as Is shown In this announcement. Head every word of the following, and lose no tlmo in taking How Capital Journal Readers Can Obtain Almost FREE, a Copy of This Wonderf J ew Modern English Dictionary ILLUSTRATED UAW Tfk rVT IT For Everybody Who llJ ?f 1 1 Read's tne Journal g M Bl M t M CI C3 11 tl B3 II THIS ILLUSTRATES THE $4.00 BOOK, EXACT SIZE NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS CITY Start Saving Coupons Now General Description This NKW MODERN ENGLISH DICTIONARY supplies the popular demund for a RELIABLE and CON VENIENT dictionary of tho English language, Tho highest authorities have been consulted and eminent spe cialists have been brought together to make this book AUTHENTIC and COMPLETE In all respects. While based upon tho ORIGINAL work of NOAM WE11STER, it Is brought up to tho present in every particular, All pronunciations are MODERN nnd are plulnly indicated by phonetic spelling; the definitions uro comprehensive, though concise; tho type is large nnd clear; each page carries a running key-word, which shows the first and last, word de fined ..in that particular pnge, thus expediting the use of a cumbersome thumb-index; Instead of meaningless text pictures, tho entlro work is pro fusely Illustrated with full-page color plates, monotones nnd duogruph charts; following tho dictionary prop er Is a Reference Library, which In Itself is a complete treasury of facts far everyday use. The world's greatest authorities on tho English language are to be found In American universities nnd colleges, and from these sources eamo tho knowledge set forth In the NEW DICTIONARY. Tho edltor-ln-chlof, l'rofessor Hurry Thurston I'eck, I'll, I)., Lltt. D., LL. D has long been recognized as tho foremost lexicog rapher and authority on languages and literature. Anmng the editorial contributors nro A'bert Slanbiirroiigli Cook, I'h. I)., LL, D., professor In Yale I'lilverslty; Jehu C, Rolle, I'll. D., professor In tho 1'nlverslty of Pennsylvania nnd President of thu American Philological Association; Professor Theodore W. Koch, I'll. I)., D. Sc., of the rniversity of Michigan; ProlesHor Charles V. Johnson, A. M., I'll. I)., of Trinity College; Professor Monoid L Clark, A. It,, of Do Pauw I'lilverslty; John 8. P. Tatlock, Ph. D professor In the I'lilverslty of .Mlcli Igun, and .1. A. Joffe, A. M., consulting export to the Congressional Library at Washington, D. C. A collection of lL'.iiuu Synonyms and Antonyms has boon arranged by Lilian II. Du Hois, Instructor In the Wharton Combined School of Philadelphia. Other Im portant sections are ably edited by Professor Frederick Tabor Cooper, LL. II., Ph. I).; Professor Koliert Ar rowsmlth, Ph. D.; Professor C. L. Mender, Ph. I)., nnd Robert Gordon Grant, A. M I'll. U Such nn array of efficient authorities never before eamo together, nnd the grand result Is a PERFECT dictionary of the Eng lish language. Present Six Certificates Printed dally on another page, clipped on consecutive days, nnd expense bonus amount herein set opimsite the stylo selected (which covers tho Items of the cost of packing, express from the fiictifry, checking, clerk hire, and other necessary KXI'KXSK Hems), AND lltraVK YOnt CHOICE OF 1 lie $1.00 New Modern English Dictionary Illustrated (like Illustration) Is bound In full Limp Leather, flexible, stamped In gold on back and sides, print ed on Illble paper, with red edges and corners rounlled; bountiful, strong, durable. Upsides the general contents ns described elsewhere there nre over ii00 subjects beautifully Illustrated by 3-color plates, nearly f,0 subjects by monotone and 10 pages of valuable charts In two colors, nnd tho latest 1'. 8. Census. Six Consecutive (er. tlilcalcs and (he Expense litmus of DSe The $.1.1)1) Is exactly the sumo evv ns the ft. 00 book, ex .liodern cept In the stylo of English binding,' which is In Dictionary half leather, with' Illustrated olive edges nnd squnro corners. Six Consec utive Certificates anil the Ex. pense Ilonus of Sic The f2M Is In plain cloth bind New ing, stamped In gold Modern nnd black; snme pa Engllsh ' per, h ii in c illiistrn DlelJiinary Hons, hut has all the Illustrated color plates nnd charts omitted. Six Consecutive Certificate!) and the Expense llonns of 4Sc D1STHIIICTED OMV ltY I'll E CAl'ITAIi JOIHNAL Glossaries of Aviation and Automobile Terms prepared by Alfred V. Tnwson, Editor of AIRCRAFT, and Julian Chase, I'h. It., Kititnr of MOTOR. From bucIi able authorities, one may be assured of the latest pronunciations and definitions In thoBO departments, ns well as throughout the entlro volume. ILLUSTRATIONS Magn Ifloloiit full pago and double pnge color plates and monotone en gravings wero prepared nt nn lin tncuso cost and nre of a character unequaled In any similar work. II II 11 II u Out-of-Town Readers Mall tlx consecutive certificates with Expense Bonus amount named and 22 cents EXTRA to pny postage. Oct busy clip six certificates and got thlB valuable dictionary. Address mall orders to this paper only. SEE CERTIFICATE ON PAGE TWO OF THIS ISSUE OF THE CAPITAL JOURNAL II II u w II n H ii ti M II fl II II II 13 tl H El II 13 II 11 a a ti n ii ii ti ii ii ii n M M El U CI II II, It M n ii ii ii ii N II 11 II II II II 11 ii ii ii !i II ii i