DAM CAPITAL JOUENAL, SAIEX, OBEGOK,. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1013. Tift Tlrre c Children Cry for Fletcher's mm The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been In use tov over 30 years, has bornotho signature of . and lias been made under his per Sr jCj6Hri-- , BOIlal supervision since Us Infancy. V 4UcA44(, Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " JiiHt-us-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and cudaiiKer the health of lufuuts and Children Experience agulnst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnatorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare (rorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is plenscnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nurcotlo substance. Its nfjo is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm: nnd allays Feverislincss. For more than thirty years it lias been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, l'latulcncy, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of I UNION AND S. P. E will be leased to the Southern Paci fic, to preserve that connection. "All these matters must be ap proved by the state railroad commis sion. That Is the object of our visit." Officers of Ilotli ltonds Now In San Francisco to Carry Out Court Orders. SENATE WOULD KEEP THE NAVAL MILITIA The Kind You Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years THf CtNTJ COMMffT, TT MU STRUT. NtW YORK CITY. Doctors Use This for Eczema Dr. Evans, Ex-Commlssloner of Health, says: "There Is almost no re lation between skin diseases and the blood." The skin must be cured through the skin, The gorms must be 'washed out and s0 salves have long ago been found worthless. The most advanced physicians of this country are now agreed on this, and are pre scribing a wash of wlntergreon, thy mol and other Ingredionts for eczema and all other Bkln diseases. This coin pound Is known as D. D. D. Prescrip tion for Eczema. Dr. Holmes, the well known skin specialist writes: "I am convinced that the D. D. D. Prescription Ib as much a specific for eczema as quinine for ma laria. I have been prescribing the D. D. D. romcdy for years." It will take away the Itch the Instant you apply it In fact, we are so sure of what D. D. D. will do for you that we will be glad to lot you have a bottle on our guarantee that It will cost you nothing unloss you find that It doos the work. He Was It Yoiikors Statesman) "I'd like to look at one of your best sellers," said the lady In the book store. "Well, look at me, ma'am," respon ded the clerk. " I've Bold more books during the holidays than any other clerk In tho store." It's less dangerous to let n drunken cannibal throw bowlo knives at you than to be around a woman when she Is shurponlng pencils. UNITED PUSS LEASED WIB1. San FranclBCo, Feb. 18. A complete now administrative staff in San Fran cisco for the Southern Pacific, and new officials from president down, to gether with actual competition be tween the Southern Pacific and the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific combined. These aro some of the results which will ensue upon "unscrambling" the merger of the Harrlman lines In the West, in pursuance of the recent Unit ed States supreme court decision, ac cording to Robert S. Lovett, chairman of the Union Pacific board of direct ors, who arrived here today with Wil liam Sproule, president of the South ern Pacific. The object of the visit is to appear before the railroad commission Wed nesday for examination regarding the plan of dissolution which has been evolved by the corporations. "This means the creation of an en tirely new Btaff In San Francisco," said Judge Lovett when Interviewed upon his arrival. "With the Central Paclflo divorced from the Southern Pacific nnd controlled by the Union Pacific through possession of stock, there undoubtedly will bo competition between the Central Pacific and Union Pacific lines via Ogdcn to the Mis souri river, and to the east and south ern transcontinental lines of the Southern Pacific. "I never believed until the supreme court said so that the Southern Pa cific and Central Pacific were com petltors. They undoubtedly will be now, however. We are trying to work out this dls- sblutlon with as little disturbance to traffic and schedules as possible. There will be no disturbance of our suburban service here. The ferry and electric systems will be operated Jointly byt tho Southern Pacific and the Central Pacific, because they are so Interwoven by overlapping fran chlses nnd other conditions that It Is Impossible to devise separate opera tion. "Tho freight terminals1 everywhere will be jointly used. The Central Pa cific track from Tehama north to the Oregon line, which forms a connect ing link between the Oregon and Cal ifornia lines of the Southern Pacific Oftlmcs tho man who dilates the most uion tlio beneficial effects of physical culluro has the smallo3t woodpllo In tho neighborhood. PLAN YOUR SHOPPING TOUR AT HOME How often you go through stores, and In answer to the at tentive clerk's Inquiry, you reply, "Just looking," Did you evor stop to think that "Just looking" takes a lot of your vnluablo time, and becomes very woarisonie? Why not do your looking at home during the odd moments that nro not reserved for anything in particular? Look at the advertisements In The Cnpltal Journal. They, will tell you where you can get tho daintiest wash fabrics, the colors that are the most fashionable, and the designs that are favored by the best dressers. ' Every one of tho merchants who advertlso In The Capital Journal has something which will Interest you. Read all the advertisements In Tho Capital Journal closely and constantly every night nnd save all your time down town for buying. If the lower house and the governor agree the Oregon Naval Militia will be retained, and will remain as a part of tho Oregon National Ouard, not withstanding a bill for Its abolition by Senator Dlmlck, and another for its segregation from the National Guard, by Senator Josoph. This decision wob reached by the senate yesterday after noon. Senators Joseph, Dlmlck and Carson were named as a special committee to Investigate the affairs of the naval militia, including certain scandals con nected with the organization In the last year. Each of the members of the committee submitted different re ports. Senator Carson reported in favor of retaining the state naval force under the same reglmo as at present. Senator Joseph favored itB retention, but its segregation from the national guard, while Dlmlck favored Its completion from the list of organ izations maintained by the state. Car son's report was adopted, with 22 sen ators voting In favor yesterday. The Dlmlck and Joseph bills will be with drawn. GIRLS WHO ARE PALEJOVOUS May Find Help in Mrs. El start's Letter About Her Daughter. REFUSED TO ABIDE BY THE SCHOOL LAWS ' ? Famous "Pint of Cough Syrup" Receipt No Bcttrr Itrmrdr nt Any Price. Fully CiiiirnntcKd. jrako a plain syrup by mixing one pint of pnimiliited sugar lind j pint of warm water and stir for two minutes. Put 2'j ounces of puro I'inex (llfty cents' worth) in a pint bottle, and llll it up with the. Sugar .Syrup. Thm gives yon a family supply nt tho best cuiigh syrup at a Bavin.; of $2, Jt never s)oil. 'iuko a ton.ijKiouf ul every one, two or tlireo hours. The effectiveness of this simple remoily is surprising. It seems to take hold in stantly, nnd will usually stop the inont obstinate cough in 12J hour.:. Jt tones up the jnuVd appetite nnd is jusl luxa tivo enough to lie helpful in a cough, nnd has a pleasing taste. Also excellent for bronchial trouble, throat tickle, soro lungs and asthma, and nn unequalcd remedy for whooping cough nnd crouj). This reoipo for making cough remedy with 3'inox nnd Sugar Svrup (or strained lioncv) Is a prime favorite In thousands of liomes In the United States and Canada. The plan has. been imita ted, (hough never successfully. Tf you try it, uso only genuine Pinex, which is tho most valuable concentrated com pound of Nnrwny white pine extract, nnd is rich in gualaeol nnd nil tlio natural healing pine elements. Other prepara tions will not work In this redne. A guaranty of nhsnluto satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe, Your druggist lias Plnpx, or will get it for you. If not, send to TUo Pinex Co., IX Wayne, lad. For tho reason MIbs Nelson, former teacher In the Highland school, failed to give the school board at least thinly days notice, her resignation whlcb was submitted to the body last Satur day night has not been accepted and the members of the board are unde cided as to what further action should be taken under the circumstances. Tho school law provides that upon the resignation of any school teacher, a thirty days notice Is required be forehand In order to enable the auth orities of tho school to secure the ser vices of another teacher. Miss Nelson failed and, It Is said, refused to give tho required notice of her resignation and left Salem to accept a position in Multnomah county schools. Her res Ignatlon was submitted last Saturday night, but upon the recommendation of Director A. A. Lee, was not accepted. It seems that Salem Is being made the Mecca for young' teachers desiring a reputation, to enable them to seek hlghor positions In larger cities. Many of tho teachers first serving In the Salem schoole, have lemt for larger cities and secured splendid positions upon, the recommendations given them by tho local authorities. According to Director Loe, to permit a teacher to leave hor duties In the mlddjo of the school year without due notice 13 a jry poor policy to follow. Ho suggested last Saturday night that tho superintendent of tho Portland schools bo apprised of tho Irregular action taken on the part of Miss Nel son and that she at least bo required to rocognizo tho rules under which sho was employed by tho Salem school board, and as t.liey are laid down by tho general srhool laws. Mr. Tjpo does not believe It fair for Multnomah county or any oilier county (o claim tlio service;) of a teacher In n district In which slio was appointed to serve for tlio ensuing school year. According to the school laws, Miss Nelson's certificate can lie revoked now that sho tins fulled to give duo notice of resignation from a position, but It Is not. probable tlio Snlom school board will tako action In thin direction. Burlington, Iowa. "Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound has cured my daughter of weakness. She was troubled almost a year with it and complained of back ache, so that I thought she would be an invalid. She was entirely run down, pale, nervous and without appe tite. I was very much discouraged but heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound through friends and now I praise it because it has cured my daughter. "-Mrs. F. M. Elston, R. D. No. 3, Burlington, Iowa. Case of Another Girl. Scanlon, Minn. " I used to be both ered with nervous spells, and would cry tf anyone was cross to me. I got aw ful weak spells especially in the morn ing, and my appetite was poor. I also had a tender place in my right side which pained when I did any hard work. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and my symptoms all changed, and I am certainly feeling fine. I recommend it to every suffering woman or girl. You may use this let ter for the good of others. "Miss ELLA Olson, 171 6th St, Virginia, Minn. Young Girls, Heed This Advice. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion, should immediately seek restoration to health by taking Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Wednesday Special Wednesday $ Special What Shall a Man Drink ? A question much In the publlo mind nowaday is "What shall a man drink?" Or rather, what may he drluk? "Wator," you lay, "of course." But the purity of our water supply is the problom In every large city. As an old proverb puts It: "God dofend me from the still wator, and I'll keep myself from, the rough." Quite recently the people of Now York have boon warned against the water by the head of the Health Department, and have boon urged to boll it before drinking. Have you ever thought of the enormous cost and labor this would Involve, If it wore carried Into general practice? To fuel, the implements, the lifting, fetching; the serving and replenishing on every floor of every tenement; In every restaurant and office; in publlo places and drinking fountain!. Truly It la a "counsel of perfection," which Is practically hopeless. Why Drink Water WhenjYou Can Get SALEM BEER "It is in the breweries that sanitation hoi boon brought to ai nearly perfoct condition as It is pos sible la a food-producing establishment. The wator used in the material is dUUHed. The hops and malt are absolutely clenn before being permitted to enterinto the manufacturing process. The vats, pipes, etc., are not merely washed, but scalded and thoroughly sterilized. And as If that were not enough, when the beer is placed in bottloe It is pasteurlred by being run through hot water, which would kill every germ which might have escaped the warfare conducted wnlnBt it In the process of manufacture. The person who opens a bottle of beer is assured abs'ttutely that what he baa before him is a product absolutely froe from germs and perfoctly clenn. It Is also true that he may know that he has before hlra the only manufactured food article which may be said to be absolutely clean." Salem'i Famous Bottled Beer It especially brewed for domettlo use. Iu alcohol contonti are Just N sufficient to pleasantly stimulate and Invigorate. SALEM BREWERY ASS'N. SALEM, OREGON the several members of the council will clear up this mystery. At any rate your report of an effort to get an In terview would be Interesting. From appearances, the Journal Isn't built to lay down on a proposition onco it gets started. Now that you have under taken to give your roadors the reason for this unroqueBtod (officially) raise, don't break your standing by giving up Uio attempt. Somebody knows why Make that somebody tell. You are not persecuting anybody In this endeavor. Wo havo a right to know about this and you have your duty as a uewspa' per to inform us. INQUIRER. I N QUI HI) U WANTS TO KNOW REASON Editor Journal: The efforts of the Evening Journal to locate the youst cako In tlio salary of tlio city attorney Is getting Interest ing. You nro going after this mystery decently and should have tho support of tlio people of Salom. It strikes ono as utrango thai the council or tho city attorney wouldn't at onco respond with an explanation of this matter, Ily what rlglil do tlio sorvants of tlio people remain silent when requested to explain their nets In a public mat ter? Wouldn't you think they would bo eager to roiuo forward and tell us all about It? There Is no question about the pe.rtlnoncy of your Inquiry, and Ihe right to make that Inquiry. That you receive no recognition from olthor the council or a'torney, merely calls uixin you to stjiy with this matter until you do get tho Information. Thore Is an old proverb which reads: "Soo thou a man diligent In his business, he shall stand before klngB." The morn ing paper sonietlino ago slm'oil that It proosed to Inaugurate nn Inquiry Irto extravagant expenditure of public funds. I-ator on it stated tluit It was "now ready to hear from tho public on 4ihnt subject" So far we have heard from neither the public nor tho paper. Now here Is a good opportunity for tho morning paper to "mnko good" and Join the Journal In Its demand for an explanation of the Inoroase of the sal ary of the city attorney. Might ono Inquire why the Journal hasn't Inter viewed the city attorney? If ho re fuses to give any explanation, the knowledge of such refusal Is worth knowing about. Falling with the city attorney, perhaps an Interview with YOUR CHILD'S HEALTH YOUR FIRST THOUGHT If you have .children, naturally your first thoughts are for their health. You certainly want them to develop strong healthy constitutions, The most careful attention must be given when children show the first symptoms of the ninny common all ments. Perhaps they are weakly and thin, or grow too fast, thus sacrifice lug strength. Those and other ap parently minor ailments may be the forerunner to a weak constitution for life. Such children need Jnyne's Tonic Vermifuge .which Is essentially children's tonic. First of all, It will pioperly care for tlio child's stonv nch. It will also Improve the appe tito, and will add strength to the other organs of tho body. Iu cases of tliln or Impure blood, It Increases the number of red corpuscles cnab ling the enriched blood to keep the body healthy and strong. Among the most common ailments that children develop is that of disordered stomach, leading to an Impaired digestion. In many cases this trouble Is duo to parasites in tho Intestinal tract. To correct such trouble, Juyno's Tonic Vermifuge is unsurpassed. For moro tlmn 80 years millions of children have been restored to health through the use of this tonic In sist upon Jayno's; accept no other. Sold by druggists everywhere. Dr. D. Jayne & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Rain Capes Children's rubberized ruin capes with hoods, aged 6 to 14, and thoroughly rainproof. SPECIAL, $1.00 Lace Curtain Sale THIS WEEK ONLY Our entire Hue of lace curtains at reduced prices. Clunys, Not tlnghanis, Arabians, Irish Point, Scrim, Arts and Crafts, Cot tage and Novelty Curtains. QUALITY POPULAR MERCHANDISE IDISE UBCPrrctotrwtMjTAjtouo f' prices ITEMS ABOUT THE WOMAN'S BELIEF COUPS Tho Woman's Relief Corps of Sedg wick Post No. 1, hold their usual busi ness meeting on Saturday afternoon In the Moose hall. After tho usual rou tine of business was attended to a very plea-sant duty fell upon Mrs. Ma ry E. Watson, that of presenting to Mrs. Cynthia A. Dunlap, the past pres ident, a gold bar pin, as a souvenir from tho members of the corps. Mrs. Walloon did tho honors beautifully. Her remarks were In line to Bbow Mrs. Dunlap that tlio members all appre ciated her good work while acting as their president for two years. Mrs. Dunlap was taken very much by sur prise, but replied with every Indica tion of pleasure on hor part Momorlal oxerclses wore conducted also during the afllornoon. Many of tho old soldlors were present. The officers of the corps conducted momorlal services in memory of the lato Mrs. Mary E. Rider, which was very sad and Impressive. Afterwards articles were read and hymns Bung appropriate to the mem ory nnd commemorating tho birthdays of Washington nnd Lincoln. An Invitation was announced at this mooting for all members of W. E. C, Sons of Veterans and sous of a daugh ter to meet In the armory Feb. 27 lu the evening to enjoy an entertainment to be given by tho members of the Q. A. R. Lunch will bo served. A Liberal Offer. The undersigned druggist Is author ized by tho American Drug and Press association, of which he Is a member, to guarantee Morltol Hair Tonic to give satisfaction or the purchase price will be refunded. This Indicates the confidence they have in this prepara tion. Capital Drug Store. Family Remedies ?y GUARANTEED J jUL HOUSEHOLD V IT REMEDIES TT. Recovered From Severe Lung Trouble While wn nil know tlmt plenty of fresh air and koihI rool lire ueeeHMiiry to pei-Hnnn HunYrlnjc from limtt tifinhli', HMMieihlntc uinre In nceileil tu hrlnil nlMMll full lienhli. Kekmmi'i Alterntlvn Is u nlk-liii for tlirosl hiiiI liinu trouhles, nnd hi, iniiny report huvn lulill reeelveil HlmwIliK Hint It brmiulit iiImiiii Knell results In n nuiiitier ef I'llHI'H willed WITO llll'llll'l'll llull'll'HH, Hint iill auirerers wlm urn nut heni'MHnic cil tier wine, should, nt lensl Invenlliiutu Hlint It litis J(Mie fur olliem. It limy lie the memm of restoring yuu to hellltll, 111 vestlljulu this eiiHe; MmllNon lake, Minn, "ilenllcineii! In lliri'inlier, IIMIS ml Mnri'b, liitm, I wn Inken with hemor r lin kim nf llin IliiiKN. whli li i'iiiiMiii'iI me Hi'Vi-rill WeckH I'lirli time to lliy heil. Thi'HO left IIIO Very wciik mill I eeilKili'il lit iiIkIiK mill eoiilil net hi. i'i. My npiielllo uIhii fiilli'il me. My ilni tiir ml vIn.iI to no Went, Nil, III Hi'llti'inlier, llUN, I ihiulli'll to ko, tint I liml four mure lii'innrrliiiHi'i, whlili put me In lied lor llnt'i' wei'kn. "lu November I Blui'teil fur lienver, Cel. After my nrrlvnl, I met Mlr!nnl lirodr. who, Uiuti li'iirnliiK of my eoniliilon, urgeil inn In tnke Ki kiiiiui'H Alteniilve, In nliniil two uuinlliK, I lirKtin to feel Mler, I kent nn tiikluv tin. mi,IIHim nml tin. iimvimI fnxi. in Miireli, mm, I relumed Inline. I think I mil entirely well luive n Kiinil ! 1 1 1 nml Klei'ii well. When I Mi I ver in v welKhl wna Hill iioiiuiN. I NOW Welk' Jl.-, til V llorimll wellillt. I llmiik liml mill your Alteniilve for my lli'iiltll. If I enn help liny other perm. II mitTerlnit from Tuhereulnnln. I will slnillr do IMI," (Sworn ntndiivlll I'At'l, I,. I-'AHNACMT Kekllinii'n Allerntlvii In I'tTeetlve In Mrnn. ehlllii, AkiIiiiiii, liny 1'nver; 'I'll nml nml Limit Trniil.lei,, nnd In iiiliulldlUK the Him em. I ior not ..in ii I ii p.ilnona, upimnt or hiililt fnrinliiK ilriiicK. Ak for booklet tHIInu of reeoverleM nnd write In Kekiniin l.itliiimtory, riillmli'lpliln, I'n., for iiinre rrl lionet. I'or mile liy nil lenillnii dniKKlMs J. C. Perry, trugglst. Jonraal Want Ads lirlng lie a Its, HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES FREE MONEY I will pay CO cents to nny person who Is not cured of their cough after using a no-cent bottlo of Arch Syrup Whllo l'lno of Tar and Kuculyptus. For snle by II. C. Marvin. oi'diia iiorsu nuiniACY. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Morris' Cash t Grocery and Feed Store My prices are right others cannot duplicate with same quality of goods. 5 lb Hayo beans 2."i r lbs While beans 2So 5 lbs Pink beans .., Sue 3 cans Standard tomatoes 25c 3 cans flno Iowa oorn .25c 2 cans Yellowban milk Ko :t cans Carnation milk SAe 2 cans best Tillumook cIiccbo . . . .4.rc 3 cans nice salmon Sue 7 cans sardines In oil 2oc Suck corn meal 2.1c Sack buckliweat 4Jo 4 corn flakes 25c Largo pkg (loldon Rod mush 30c Liirlto pkg Golden Rod oals 311c 5 lbs best lard 75c Largo Cotteleno $Mii 1 gallon Knro Wlilto Syrup Oflo llran by tho sack or ton. Short, sack or ton. Jiint received a cur load of corn. Alt kinds of chick feed at wholesale prices. Free delivery Inside of city limits. Free tickets lo Yo Liberty und Wexford, l'hone 11117. Cor, Morris live und Fair (round It end Automobile Motor Cycle and Accessory Dealers of Salem I ATm A AT MOTOR Jitl-IliV CYCLES WATT HHIPP AmBinltlnn, Fishing Tarkle, Eta. North Commercial Ntreet l'hoiie IU Valley MOtOr Lar CO. nOO Kerry St rhouuMatnlS m Nnnri I Aim UtllU 1UU1 uuuu VlUlUCd to This Good Laundry IViiiltiliio finery of the costliest na ture can be entriisled to us with per lect wi'el.v. No risk whatever, as we iuko strict pains wllh al1 work nnd our process Is not in tho le.inl In.luvl .'H:i' to tho fabrics. Vi kno v mk. 'O ..oil what you can ilep 'h 1 lu lu.'n I'l'.'ltlt excelli'lico- CUM up or c'il nt lb'; ifflce. Wo Invite Impec'l in ul rill lines. That Is why your in Ij. blmrs send their (JOOIJ clothes to tills (1001) laundry. SALEM LAUNDRY CO. 136-166 South Liberty Thone 25