Editorial Page of The Salem Capital formal MONDAY Feb. 17, 1913 The Capital Journal Published by The Barnes -Taber Company GRAHAM P. TABER, Editor and Manager in Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principles and the Progress and Development of Salem In Particular and All Oregon In General runUslml t-Jvery KvcninK Except Knntlay, Hali-m. Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Invnrlnbly In Ailvnnce) Pnlly, by Cnrrlor, per year ...$5.20 Ter month. .45c Dully, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month. ..trio Weekly, by Mull, per year 1.00 Six months. ROc ITI.L I.KASUD WIKR TEI.KOKAI'II HKI'OKT ADVERTISING BATES. Advertising roles will be furnished on oppllcatlon. "Want" ad9 and "Sow Tflduj" nils strictly cash In iidr anrc. The Capital Journal Is more Hum anxious to give Its subscribers the very best carrier service possible. If yon don't get your pupcr on time, Just nbone Main 82 and a copy will be sent you by special messenger. The Capital Journal management wants all Its subscribers to receive prompt and efficient service your complaints registered at this office will receive careful attention. EDITORIAL ARE ANY PERFECTLY SAXE1 I a THERE such a thing as an abso lutely sano man? That Is, Is there any man who la sane, on all sub jects and nt nil times? Wo do not be lieve there Is, but that on the contrary every human lielng Is unbalanced In some) way. Genius Is a species of In sanity. It Is tins abnormal develop ment of Rome especial mental faculty and Nature always Insists on a bal ance .consequently there Is with every genius a corresponding weakness In somo other mental deportment. Rocke feller, for instance, has a genius for making money and tho faculty of keep ing It abnormnlly developed. Is not Oils abnormal acquisitiveness n upo ctes of Insnnlly, and Is not the abnor mal desire to bang on to hundreds of millions of dollars that are of no pos Blblo ubo to him, nnd to ncqulre more still a well developed case of unbal anced mentality? Nearly every genius has shown some weaknesses of charac ter that put 111 in In the politely term ed "erratic" e.lnss. Poets and painters have time linniemmorlal been foolish and silly In their love nffalrs, nnd the true biography of every great mnn dis closes weak Bpots, and action that enn only bo accounted for on tho ground that tho person wns not wholly snnj. Take yourself, for instance. How many days, weeks, or yearn will you have to recall of your life that you do not discover some net of yours Hint, you wonder now why you did It? Home am that you can only explain by saying, "I must have been off my balance." And tiB another example, take our present legislature of 90 members. These 90 man, supposedly sane, dig up amongst them more) than 900 bills They would Baddlo Beven or eight hun dred now InwB on us, lnws that the nations have gotten along very com fortably without for somo dozens of centuries, and which tho people now do not know they need, only when told so by tho 90, and perhaps tho nlno lobbyists. If theso legislators are sane, In their Ideas that tho pcoplo need a hundred times as many laws, mado at this ses sion of tho legislature aB Moses pre scribed for tho government of all Is rael, then tlio people are decidedly off their base mentally that, they wero not aware, of their dire needs. Ye, when imo examines Homo of these bills, whllo suffering a short, a brief spell of sanity, he Is forced to believe that the would-be lawmaker is tho fellow who Is off. Saturday night the sctinio devoted nnd hour to discussing a bill fur the pmtctitjoii of China pheasants, at the expense of the natural rights of all mankind, It provided special officers to I'haso after ouViuleis against, the law ami the pheasants, anil penalties for killing tlicse Mills, that are equal to the average penal')' for robbery er any other crime except perhaps murder. This, however, can he classed In that form i if Insanity giueiully known as "daieplionllshncss." Again this same legislature has put. up a Job, or the liou-ie has. for continuing the session .long enough that all the bills passed by It, except 'ho general appropriation bills, will have been passed long' enough that the governor will have! cither been forced to sign or veto tliein j nnd the members with pet bills, which they themselves are so suspicious of that they think tho governor should and will veto them, and they want to hang together long enough to pass such bills over IiIh veto. This Is "po litical Insanity of a high order," and )f tho collective varie'y. Then again SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES Our safety deposit boxes, In our Tlsco Manganese Steel Vault, tho strongest on tho Pacific Coast, are now ready for renting, we will bo pleased to bIiow tlictn to you. LADD & BUSH, Bankers ii bills are Introduced for raising salaries of odlcers, now In oiilce, who accepted their respective offices under the pres ent salaries, and were glad to do so, but who now, by asking or accepting Increased pay violate nn Implied con tract mado with the people who elect ed them to do certain work for a r.lp'i lated sum. ThlB is a Bpeclos of insan ity verging on tho criminal phase of It. But why pursue tho subject Every lino of Investigation shows, either that wo nre none of us absolutely sane all the time, or that wo aro at least very foolish. THE MEDICAL COLLEGE. THE proposition to move tho med ical school of tho Wlllnmetto T'nlverslty to Portland natural ly does not strike Salem people as tho correct thing. However, It is In a sense, a private affnlr though It has somo features tbnt make it properly tho business of Salom peo ple. It Is understood that some $13, 000 has been subscribed bore for erecting the buildings, and these people, at least, should be taken In to consideration before deciding upon the mntter. If they aro in favor of the proposition, there Is Ilttlo to be said by any one else, other than to regret the step. This looked upon purely from the consideration of this ono transaction. Hut there is a broader view than this. Many Salem peoplo Hnbscrlbed liberally toward the endowment fund for Willamette University. Is It trentlng theso quite fairly to take tho medical schools, or cither of thorn, away from Salem? Is it quite fair to reduce the useful ness of tho college nnl curtail its do partments on top of receiving a spe cial endowment? It would hurt Sa lem some, In a business way, to loss the departments, but tho real ques tion is "What erfect will it have upon the university?" Tho Capital Jour nal sincerely hopes that serious con sideration will be given the matter, and that those who have chargo of It will seo their way clenr to keep both the medical nnd law school depart ments hero In Salem, whero they bo long. WOl'LD INCREASE TAY OF LEGISLATORS The hoiiBO hnB pnssed the Law rence resolution to have submitted to the people an amendment to the con stitution providing for a GO-days' session of the legislature, with the pay of Members $5 per day, an In crease of $2 over the present pay. The senate resolution railing for n vote of tlio people on a divided ses sion wns defeated by tlio house, after the latter body bad amended It to read that the session could adjourn fur not less than 0 days, nor moro than :i(l days, after which it should" reconvene for the passage of hills This resolution provided that tho first LMI days be devoted to the Intro duction of bills. Mrs. S. K, S., Van Huron St., Kings ton. N. V (full name furnished on application! had such decided benefit from using Foley's Honey & Tar Com pound that rho shares her good for tune with others. She writes: "Fo ley's Honey ti Tar Compound brought my voice back lo inn during a severe case of bronchitis and laryngitis. Oh, how many peoplo I luivo recommend ed it to." Remember the name. Foloy'B Honey & Tar Compound, and rofiiBO substitutes. Contains no opiates. Dr. Stono Drug Store. Journal Haul Ad llrlnir Results. TELLS HOW IT'S DONE James Purcell Tells of the Open and Notorious Stand In With Criminals. Herman Rosenthal's one-time part ner in gambling told tho aldermanlo committee investigating graft in New York city a tale of money paid for police protection eclipsing that of "Jack" Rose, Charles Becker's col lector. For seventeen years James Purcell said he had paid for the priv ilege of running a gambling house, making a handbook or conducting a pool room. In nil he gave the police moro than $50,000, he declared, during this period. Former Sheriff Harvey of Queens, Police Commissioner McLaughlin, half a dozen police captains, Inclu ding a brother-in-law of Charles F. Murphy, the Tammany leader, end scores of ward heelers and policemen some now on the force, others off, were among the men who got the money, he said. Once, ho said, orders came "indirectly" from Murphy him self to close up. Ho moved at once. Charles Becker, now In the death house at Sing Sing for the murder of Rosenthal, got $350 from him for fix ing the evidence against him and five others taken in a raid Becker made on bis gambling house, Purcel de clared. "I have pnld money to every squad thnt was ever detailed to head quarters to suppress gambling, ex cept one," Purcell testified. They nil took it except Costlgnn's. CoBtlgan was on the level." Oostlgan wns re ferred to during the first investiga tion of the Rosenthal case as the "honest policeman." In return for this protection mon ey, Purcell said th police generally let him alone. When they had to act on complaintB from the outside they "tipped him off," bo declared. He always moved to another house when thus informed. For e while he mov ed every day. ' ' ' Police commlsslonerB, Inspectors nnd captains came and went during the time Purcell wns operating In the Tenderloin, he said, but it made no difference. Collectors for the "sys tem" enmo around regularly every week or every month. When he was making a hnndbook lie paid them $25 a week; when he was running a pool room or gambling house he paid them from $00 to $100 a week. Whllo he was doing nothing, he paid nothing. There were one or two captains and one inspector who didn't "do busi ness" with the gnmb'crs, Purcell as serted, but they didn't come together In this precinct. Thus, when the cnptnln was on the level, the inspect or's men came around, and vice versa One Inspector ho thought incorrupt ible, he eald, wns Richard Walsh, dubbed "Smiling Dick." What became of tho money after It reached the hands of the captains or Inspectors, Purcell didn't know. He hnd an Idea, gained from tnlk among his fellows in the Tenderloin, that some of It went "higher up" but ho couldn't say, he testified, as to thnt. X-RAYS AND SMILES. The worst trouble about that Mexi can revolution is thnt between the outs nnd Ins and the lightning change art ists on tho political stage, no one can tell which side are the rebels, If so how much, or got any Idea as to how long It will be before they are the gov ernment, nnd tho other fellows tho rebels. For the first 31 days of tho legisla ture the record Is one bill passed a day. Now, however, tho lawmakers have got down to It and are nsaassln a'lng or passing them nt a record breaking rate. There are now less than '.too to pass on, and there aro four more days to do It In. Aberdeen hnd nn Enoch Arden case recently. Tho huslinnd who had been missing since 1907, suddenly turned up. In tho meantime tho wife, think ing him dead, hnd re-married. Ho very sensibly turned around and walk ed right out again, consenting to his wife's getting n divorce. Madcro seems to have tho true demo cratic Instinct Ho may die but ho re fuses to resign. It listens nil right In I's broad hu manltarlanlsm, to speak of the Negro as a man nnd brother, nnd tho rela tionship in freely Acknowledge, but yet somehow, no one seems to tako to him as a brotber-lnlaw. However, In tho legislature but what's tho uso. Tho governor just forgot all about tlio ofllco he was holding and remem bered only that bo was a num. That's about all there was to It. Of course tho appropriations grow larger. Why shouldn't they? It costs InkXMlS Sarsaparilla Will purify your blood, clear your complexion, restore your appetite, relieve your tired feeling, build you up. Bo sure to take it this spring. Get It In usual liquid form or choco lated tablets culled Sarsatabs. more to maintain a family of ten, than one of two. Oregon is growing and while the appropriations are larger the per capita expense Is not. The state roads and other things need big ap propriations, and the only kick should be at wastefulness in expending them. It would Blmpllfy the general legis lation a great deal, if a special ses sion was called every six months, Bay, for the puriose of passing laws relat ing to game and fish only. When the legislators get to hunting and fishing they neglect all business Just like tho ovcry-day citizen does. The houso has passed a bill forbid ding games of chance. How can its members introduce any more bills? Taft for the second time broke all precedents when he spoke In the Ben ate Saturday when memorial services were held over the late Vice-President Sherman. The other precedent was broken last November when he secur ed only eight of the electoral votes for president, the smallest number ever received by a presidential candidate seeking re-election. Professor Johannes Flblger, of the Pathological institute of Copenhagen, has discovered a way In which cancer can be caused. This la considered a great step towards discovering the euro as this Is the affirmative side of the proposition. Still there is a vast difference between "can sir" and "can't sir." It Is a favorite argument with legis lators when seeking to have a bill passed Increasing the pay of some offi cer, "that the raise is needed to at tract a better class of men to the of fice." Wonder of this is why the pres ent legislature praises the Increase of legislators' pay? I LATE SCIENTIFIC NOTES. Wireless telegraphy soon will link the coast and Interior of Honduras, where dense forests make the con struction of transmission lines costly and difficult. More patents are granted for beds than for any other articles of furni ture, moBt of them for folding affairs that masquerade as something else in tho daytime. Wads for shotgun cartridges made In France of granulated cork are said to lessen the recoil of guns in which they are used without Impairing their effi ciency. In the manufacture of wood pulp pa per green wood gives a much better color than if seasoned, and if wood be steamed before it is ground the paper will bo stronger, A German patent has been granted for a process for preserving oil paint ings that consists of enclosing them In tight, glass front cases, which are filled with nltrogon. Launching ways for hydroaeroplanes that con be mounted on top of a gun turret or almost anywhere else on a vessel's deck have been Invented by a United States naval officer. Insulated with specially prepared pnper, nn oleo'rlc cnble carrying 10, 000 volts was found to be in pcrfoct condition after more than 23 years of service In England recently. Approximately 81,942.000 barrels of Portland cement were manufactured In tho United States last, year, an In crease over the previous year's pro duction of about 3,413.000 barrels. Closely related to yeast, fungi dis covered In breweries by a Japanese scientist have been found to dye silk a beautiful rose color, but to be harm less when used In the manufacture of beer. A can opener patented by a Wyom ing Inventor consists of a pointed shaft to be Inserted Into the center of ths top of a ran. along which Is a wheel with a knlfo edgo to bo rolled around the can. A talking machine may be mado to repeat a record through the Invention by a German of n disk on which Ib n return groove to carry the needle bh toniatlcally from the end back to the starting point Combining with nn ordinary tele prone transmitter a Whentstone bridge a source of power and a high tension transformer having a spnrk gap. three Callfornluns have )ntonted a now sys tem of wireless telephony. Since the American occupntln of the Philippines more than 3,000.000 natives have bad some Instruction In the Eng lish language, and more of thorn siieak and wrlto some English than' speak and write any other language. Throe-year-old boy killed hit moth er; revolver. OUR SPOT CASH SYSTEM Of buying and Belling has now placed us In a position to be ablo to give to our customers tho host obtainable goods at the lowest possible price. We are manufacturers' buyers, and no store can undersell ub. Do your trading at the CHICAGO STORE, that has grown from the size of a dry goodB box In a few years to what It Is today. Only honest merchandising could accomplish such wondorful results. We are here with the best values. New. Spring Hats NOW ON Z 8AlE I 1 &t? New York MODELS WONDER. 'FUL LOW PRICES $1.98, $2.50 and $3.50 Sweaters PRICED AT LESS THAN COST LADIES' SWEATERS IP TO W AND $7 NOW $1.98, $2.50 CLOSING CUT PRICES Ladies' New Spring Shirt Waists NOW ON SALE ' 49c, 75c, 98c TO THE SPEED LAWS The Only Limit Is tho Machine's Ca purity for Speed A Dangerous Practice. "Gee! I always thought Portland was the place to see motorcycles and auto enthusiasts burn up the wind proper In the city streets, but I guess you folks have the speed stunt down quite a bit better." This was the remark made yester day afternoon In the lobby of the Ma rlon hotel by a Portland merchant "I started to cross the intersection of High nnd State streets this morn ing," he continued', "when a motorcy cle whizzed by me so close my coat talis fairly snapped, and believe me, friend, thnt fellow was traveling somo, and didn't have a physician's red cross on tho front of his machine, either, Of course, there is not much otherwise one of these fast travelers streets, owing to the width of tho thoroughfares, but If, by accident, or otherwise one of these fast rnvelors connect with the frame of somo pnss Ing pedestrian there Is going to be a funeral, or a mighty goad case for tho hospital resulting." This man's statement wns vorlflcd to a certain extent by others, who took ocrnslon to notice tho motor cycles and automobiles on the dry 8t roots yesterday, In tho business district proper, very Ilttlo seeding could be noticed, it was said, but on Hie paved streetB In the suburbs. It wng dangerous to Btcp off tho side walks on account of the terrific speed nt which ninchlnefl were traveling. On Asylum nvenue nnd on Enst Stnto nnd North Commercial several (veiling rnces wero pulled off by young boys on motorcycles, evident ly much to their own pleasure, but certainly not enjoyed by those who hnd ocrnslon to use tho streets for other purposes. On North Commer cial street a lady with two children hnd a narrow escape from being run down by a speeding motorcycle. The machine was traveling- ht a grent speed and they attempted to cross the street In front of It. The rider ap plied tho brakes, and all but tumbled on the pavement, owing to the hind wheel skidding. Economy and prodigality are having a hard tussle now at Salem. G?ow f SALEM rfTfc E U1JCAGO I the Nfc. OUR SPOT CASH SYSTEM of buying and selling cuts the highest cost of liv ing down. I'EHCALES Ynrd 5c, 6)ic, 8 l.c OUTING FLANNELS Yard 4c, Gc, 6Vc, 81-3c ltIG BLANKETS P 'r 49c, 75c and 98c BIG SHEETS ........48c PILLOW CASES ....9c PIIETTY SILKS Ynrd 2,"c, 3,".c nnd il)c DRESS GOODS Yard 25c, 35c 49c up Come and get our prices on MEN'S CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS TRICES SMALL O Salem Heights Happenings. Mr. and Mrs. Ware liave moved their house upon the hill, where they have a better view Mr. Wlckburg Is having some grub bing done. This will add about two acres to his cultivated area. Mr. Arnsmeler sold a tract near the Jefferson road to a Mr. Pennington. Mr. Miller of the Salem Heights Btore made the sale. Mr. Psetak started yesterday for his old home In Germany, where he will visit relatives. He expects to be absent about six months. Mrs. Whoelock, supervisor of mu sic of the Salom schools, visited our school lost week. We are always glad to welcome visitors from the city. The seventh, elgth nnd ninth grades enjoyed a half holiday Friday. They visited the pen, and took In both de partments of the legislature. Harry Dalllie spent Saturday and Sunday with his folks at West Wood burn. . The following hnve improved their property: Mr. Brady, a porch and pnntry; Mr. Pearcy, a porch; also Mr. Sanders Is working on a new houso. We Are Now in theJMoose Building 521 Court Street FORMERLY 217 X. COMMERCIAL STREET. Victor Ylctrolns Edison and Columbia Phonograph. String Instruments Sewing Machines C1IAS. E. ANDERSON. We Cordially Invite You to Visit Us in Our New Quarters New Spring Suits $4.50 $5.90 $7.50 AND $10.50 New Coats $3.50 $5.90 $7.50 AND $10.50 KIMONOS and Dressing Sacques Now on Salo Dressing Sacques 49c, 75c 98c Specially Priced 89c, 98c, $1.35 F? ECOM Motto i "Honest Goods nt Lowest Prices" The boy scouts hold open house Saturday evening and Sunday". It does one good to see their now home. They did ail the work them selves, and If theyv received tho sup port of the neighborhood I know that a great deal of good can be done. Superintendent Kuntz gave a very Interesting nnd Instructive address before the league last Tuesday even ing. A good-sized crowd was out and this is Just what is needed In order that we may be encouraged to secure other good speakers. Ho, listen! The league Is making preparations to present the play "Topsy Turvy' In a short time, Those who saw the play last year will be pleased to learn thnt several of last year's cast will take part In this year's production. Pole hunting is still perilous. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Mason & Hamlin Hardiuan Packard Indwlg Milton Pianos and Player Pianos R. F. PETERS, ltoprcsentlng Wllcj B. Allen Co. Ski "i 4 F Vl'J