Puire tight DART CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8ALKM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBBCART 12, 1911. TODAY OUR 625TH WEDNESDAY SURPRISE L1A1AAAA AAAeVAeVAAAAAAAAAAAAAeSAAAAAAAAAA PTTTTTTT TTtTTTTttTTtTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTt FINE HUCK TOWELS SPECIAL AT 17c. An unusually good towel, both In quality and appearance; a wide satln flnlBhed1 border, and good size 17x34 Inches. Supply your needs from this Btock of good huck towels. TODAY 0.LY 17c EACH (See Window Display.) What you get for your monoy Is as Important as the amount you pay. A low price does not constitute a bargain. This is a quality store, the merchandise that we sell must be good or It don't got In hore, that's all. This Is why we can and do guar antee perfect satisfaction to our customers. It Ib a policy that has succeeded, too, and has mude ours the largest business of Its kind in the ooinmunity. OQpPlGOODS CITY NEWS. Mr. C. C. Foreman, nf Portland Is hero attending to business matters. Mr. E. I). Uni t of Whltson In In town selling a loud of hides and pelts. Mr. G. A. Harney of E. llowc'l Prnl rlo, brought in a flno lot of hogs today. Mr. John Painter, Clear Lake, a breeder of lino horses ,1s In Salem. Mr. 0. F. Frnnklln, of Portland, Is In town and expecls to go Into busi ness here. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn Doctor of Opt ICS Fits (lie eye correctly and gimniii tee satisfaction. Next to my ability to correct errors of refraction by glasses, I prido myself i on the fact that I make nollher fake statements nor cunningly worded, mis leading advertisements In ordor to soli glasses. A competent man In any line com mands more for his sorvlccB, though you can't pick him up by his prico. THE principal requirements in fit ting glasses are: Knowledge of what Is required, how to apply It, and a . loading grades of pianos, the Ludwlg little common sense. "1 Packard. Wiley II. Allen Coin- I always make it plain to get down ' lmnv' l'"1- I'Hers, manager, Moose to good work. j building. MY lenses are guaranteed to be ! vine. W. Penrce, county Judge of glass. That's what you buy of any op- yntnlilll county, and County Commls tlclnn. The trick Is In fitting thorn to ! BIinP si,,., ,-, rii,i nf ,,, tlio eye properly, snmo pooplo know It others aro looming, CHEAP work Is easily found at any price; It is difficult to find good work. A bargain In glasses Is, when you get SATISFACTION for them NOT when ynu'vo merely bought somo glass mid metal. ALL of my testing and fHllnK l PERSONALLY CON 111 'CTE 1 ) t hat's , the only way I'D evor well It's dono. KNOW how IF you nre going to judgo glasses by their price you'll ncvor get more than . ou pay for usually less. Any tinker can sell glnssca und prove their value ns worthy of his name. The only reason you should como to me for glasses you will get what you need and need what you get. A bargain in glasses Is not "who will do the cheapest," but "who will do It the best." Ability ami sincerity necessary to the successful fitting of glasses have been proven over and over again by' DR. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics Offices 210-211 U. S. llnnk llldg Cherry City Flouring Mills I Tin MILL OK QUALITY-FLOCK, CK1IKAL8 AM) FEED. 6(15 Trudo Street. Phono Main 2331 ITEM Phono .Main 201). Rates f 1.00 u Day und Cp COTTAGE HOTEL With dining room, homo cooking and homo comforts; qulot; noar buslnost center; all outside rooms. Special weekly rates. 160 Court Btreet. MRS. MAB 1VIH, Proprietress. t R -4-44H Mr. and Mrs. Warren Allen, of Rick reall, are In tho city. Get those whiskers drove in at Davis'. State street. Mr. Italph Fhophoid of Spring Val ley, Is spending tlio day here. Mrs. Jim Smith and daughter, Jeana of Lincoln, are visiting the Geo. Hauls. Mrs. A. C. Slolngrube, living near tho reform school, Is visiting friends In the city. Mr. lluddy Schramm, of Portland Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Schramm. Mr, Alec Holmes, of Holmes Gap, a breeder of driving horses, is in town on business. Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. James Edgar, of Polk coun'y Hills, are shop ulng In town today. As at present arranged, at least, the date for holding the state fair this year will bo September 29. W. C. WlnBlow, attorney at law, has removed his offices to 305-6-7, Salem Hank Trust Co. Bldg. 2-6-eod-tf The Humphreys brothers were brought back to the prison hero Mon day, to await oxocutlon, which will take place March 21. 521 Court stroet Is tho home of the berg, wore here yesterday to look af ter matters of legislation In which that county Is particularly Interested. SleiiHloff Bros., butchers and pack ers, corner Court nnd Liberty Btreets. Wll0n v';l" wnllt nii.vthlng In Hie meat line just phono Main l.i28 and your oraor win reeeivo strict and propor a,ot,lnn - Sense! grocery, the store that linn dies the best bread ill Salem. When you need bread Just try It once, and you will use no other. It Is firm, full weight, alwnys white and wholesome; nlwayB the same. Phone Main 131. The busy store gives prompt atten tion to all orders; quick Bervlce and good goods for the leas! money. The home of Ynklnm Best flour. Phone I Main fid for anything In tho grocery line. Sperling's, 311 North Coinmer clnl street. j Mrs. Horace Sykes and little daugh ter, of Newport, arrived here yesterday I from Salem, where they have been vls- I Ulng relatives several weeks, and will HM'iid the week-end with Corvallls friends before returning to their home on tho coast. Corvallls Gazette-Times. The many friends and patrons of Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn will be glad to hear that he has recovered from a severe attack of rheumatism, and Is back at his office as usual. Dr. Mathls and A. F. Hausor, prom inent citizens of Amity, Yamhill coun ty, were hero yesterday to see the law grinding process at tho state house. They are Interested In dairying pro ducts, being stockholders In tho con donser at that place. Hubert Bernard a former member of the legislature, who lives north of McMlnnville, was here yesterday tak ing In the session of tho legislature and renewing acquaintances. Mr. Ber nard expects to visit friends at Sub limity today. Wilbur McEldowncy, cashier of the Forest Grove National Bank, at For est Grove, was hore yesterday as an Interested spectator at the state house. Ho was accompanied by Fred Gardner, also of Forest Grove. Attorney George Simpson, a former Wlllamotto univer sity student, now practicing law at Vancouver Wash., has been here for a few days visiting friends and relatives. 333-339 Chemeketa street is the home of the new furniture store, where you can get genuine bargains during our clearance Bale. Call In and compare before buying elsewhere, Just east of the Y. M. C. A. building. W. T. Macy, a well known furniture dealer of McMlnnville, and J. G. Die trich, manager of the milk condensing plant, nt that place drove here yester day In tho former's touring car. They were accompanied by Edgar Meresso, editor of The News-Reporter, pub'lsh ed at McMlnnville. They declare the roads In And conditions for autolng wt.h the exception of a short stretch In Polk county, beyond the cross road that goes to Lincoln. There was but one ofllee transacting business in the court house today and that was the sheriff's offlce. Tho day being a public holiday, every other de partment was closed. "Never too late (to get the money," said Sheriff Esch ! when asked why he didn't take ad van -j tage of tho holiday. "We folks do sure like to accept offered gifts In the shape of big, Iron dollars, and as there sooms to be several who wish to tip this ofllee, the door Is left unlocked." Spring is here. "You" aro thinking of your new "suit' or "costume" wo will make? Wo have unlimited vari ety of prevailing materials for the coming season. "Prices rensonnble." A. S, Knzmarck, Merchant Tailor. La dles and Gentlemen. Court nnd Lib erty. 2-12-eodtf TWO CHILDREN AltE KILLED AT PENDLETON I UNITED rilBRS I.RABHD WI1IB.1 Pendleton, Ore., Fob, 12. Two ac cidental deaths occurred In this city within nn hour of each other today, and two school children were the victims. Lloyd Hall, 10-yenr-old high school boy, died from a bullet wound In flicted by tho accldon'al discharge of a rifle. Ethel Grubb, 12 years old, was ground to death beneath the wheels of a passenger train whllo on her wny to school. By the way, Mayor Steovcs might throw a little light on that salary raise, Tho people want a little light on tho subject, and aro not particular as to who furnishes tho candle. r l At Reinhart'i are Men's Shoes I that meet all tho Bhoo needs of a gentlomnn's wardrobe. Dress shoes of elegance, business shoes of ohnrncter, evening pumps that cling to tho heel, and with evory pair govs Reln hiiit's personal service. REINHART'S 411 State St. The Quality Shop Homo of Hit nan Shoes Or ry. Rightly Fitted Glasses Are a comfort and a pleasure to the wearer. Our lenses are rightly fitted; our prices aro reasonable your eyesight U priceless, , Let iib make you a pair of our right ly tilled lenses. A. McCULLOCH Optometrist 291 North Commercial Street (Ground Floor) Phone 925 Office hours ( to ( MADAM at Armory, Tonight Good Seats, $2.00 General Admission, $1.00 Concert, $8:15 P. M. TO Passed the Senate by Hare Majority With Governor's Signature It Becomes the Law. Only the signature of Governor West is now needed to make Into law the sterilization bill designed to min imize the criminal and the mentally deficient population of the state. The bill passed tho senato by a bare ma jority this 'morning, 16 senators vot ing In favor of the measure. With the passage of tho steriliza tion bill by both the House and the Senate, the Oregon legislature once more goes on record as back ing Governor West In his crusade gainst vice, nnd for the raising of the standard of morality of the state. ,The sterilization method of eliminat ing much Imbecility and sexual per version was one of the measures strongly advocated by the governor In his mossugo to' the legislature during tho opening week of the session. How They Voted. The vote on tho sterilization bill In tho Senaio was as follows; Ayes; Burgess, Day, Dlmlck, Far rell, llawley, Hollls, Joseph, Kiddle, Lester, McCulloch, Perkins, Rngsdalo. I. S. Smith, !. C. Smith, Stewart and Wood. Noes: Barrett. Bean, Butler, Cal kins, Carson, Kollaher, Miller, Moser, Nemer, Pntton find Malarkcy. Absent: Moskins, Thompson and Von der Hellen. At the roll call Senator Day voted ngalnst the bill, but as the votes of those who favored tho measure were explained, he was converted and changed his vote before the result was announced. The bill Is aimed to stop the pro pagation of habitual criminals, moral degenerates nnd sexual perverts. Details Asked For. The disgusting references and ar guments mado use of when the bill was discussed and passed In the lower house were absent from the Senate discussion, though terms plain enough to make the measure thoroughly un derstood were used. Senator Fnrrol, who championed the measure In tho Senate, sU'ed at the outset that he did not consider detailed Illustrations necessary. Seuators Kollaher nnd Bean, however, Instated that details wcro necessary for e clear under standing of tl.a bill, Thereupon Sen- r.tcr Fnrrel, who la one of the direc tors of tho Boys nnd Glrlu Aid Society of Portland, gave Illustrations show ing how tho practice of sterilization might have been a benefit to the state 1 In the post. I Senator Smith of Coos and Curry spoke strongly In favor the bill. He Announcement Now in Our 521 Court Street Victor Vlilrolas Edison und Columbia Phonographs. Siring Instruments Sewing Machine. CHAS. E. ANDERSON. We Cordially Invite You to Visit Us In Our Elegant New Quarters. NOR DIC A the Carriages, 10:30 said that tfn oven more severe method than sterilization should be resorted to la a certain class of casos, and that the next step should be pun ishment by death. Malnrkey Votes No. President Malarkey went against the bill. He declared that It was too general in Its application and ought to apply only to that class of insane In whose cases science has shown that Insanity will be transmitted to the offspring. A feature of the de-. bate was a discussion between Sen ator Wood, who Is a physician, and President Malarkey, on the merits of sterilization after tho vote had been taken. A Senate concurrent resolution in troduced by Senator Calkins that no bills shall bo transferred from the House to the Senate or from the Sen ate to the House after this week, was adopted this morning and sent to the HoiiBe for approval or rejection. Journal Want Ads Bring Results. nil $1 a Sack A fancy patent, valley flour, guar anteed to be first-class or money back. A special for a few dayfe only; order early. INCUBATORS We handle the famous Cyphers and Queen Incubators. Also Cycle Hatch ers, All sizes now In stock. Call or send for special catalogues. POULTRY FOODS Wo carry tho largest stock of all the well-known poultry foods, Includ ing Cyphers, Diamond1, Albers Bros., Golden Rod, 'Spratts, etc. Scratch Feed and Laying Mash are two very popular feeds for this time of year, and It certnlnly pays to feed them. D. A. White & Son Feedmen and Seedmen. Poultry and Bee Supplies! 251-261 State St. Phone Main 160. GENUINE CHICKEN TA.VALES. Wholesale and retail. Special for weddings and parties. Call Main 2048 or come to Fred In front of the Madi son. The first chicken tamale Fred mnde in Salem, now you see them ev ery place. I bet $25 these are not like Fred's Tamalos. You try one for yourself. 2-12-tf New Location Mason & Hamlin Hiirdniua Packard Ludwlg Milton 1'luiios and Player Pianos K. F. PETERS. Representing Wiley B. Allen Co. our AliHITUATOItS AGREE OX COUNTY BOUNDARY At a cftnference held here last night the long-standing dispute as to the boundary line between Linn and Marlon counties as settled amicably by a board of arbitration. This board consisted of Lawrenco T. Harris, of Eugene, Circuit Judgo of the Second Judicial district, and Lionel R. Web ster, of Portland, ex-County Judge of Multnomah county. Judge Harris was Linn county's member of the board and Judge Web si'er was Marlon county's representa tive. The line, as established by the ar bitration boRrd, whoso action will be made legal by a bill to be Introduced In the legislature by the delegations of both counties, will follow the North Santlam river upstream to the mouth of Whltowater Creek, thence up Whitewater creek to a point where this creek crosses tho section line bc 'tween sections 21 and 22, township 10 south, range 7 east, thence due east on this secflon line projected to the summit of tho Cascado mountains. This line Is almost tho samo as that agreed upon six years ago by the coun ty courts of the two counties. Getting Ready to Scrap. Now York, Feb. 12. H Is reported here that the war department has sent orders for tho first brigade of the first division, 3000 men to prepare Im mediately for expeditionary service, The regiments composing this brigade are located at Fort Niagara, Fort Os wego and Plattsburg. DIED. MASTELLER, At the family home, south of Salem Heights, Sunday, February 9, 1913, E. F. Masteller, at the age of three years. The funeral services were held to day. Interment in I. O. O. F. ceme tery. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN I do a general visiting and office practice, treating both acute and chronic diseases. I have many pa- tlonts for asthma, dropsy, disenses of the heart and kidneys, gall stones, rheumatism, diseases of the skin and nervous disorders. I have cured dropsy in patients af ter they had been pronounced hopeless by other able physicians. I have cured gall stones after eml nent surgeons had said that un opera' tlon would bo necessary to afford re lief. Office practice: CaBh. If you need my help, I am at your service. DR. L. 0. ALTMAN, 290 N. Liberty St, Phone: Main 147. Salem, Oregon The Acme Wants Your money to Invest or loan. Your property to sell or Insure. Your life to Insure, life or accident. Your house or rooms to rent. $8500 takes Ideal homo, 30 acres. $25,000 takes 250 acies, well Im proved. Several good buys In prune ranches, also hop ranches and berry tract. City lots, all parts of Salem. 150 acres, Polk county, good buy. Some big stock ranches, trade and soli. Some good business chances, a trade Restaurant, grocory, pool hall, black smith shop. 4 1-2 acres, 2 houses, barn, on car line. Good home and gardon tract, $6000. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO TRADE LIST YOUR BARGAINS WITH US. ME SELL FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. 4, 8, 6-ItOOM HOUSES, INSTALL. MENTS. , - Come In and see us. Acme Investment Co. COOK & WHITNEY, MANAGERS. Phone Main 477. 540 State Street Opposite Court House. Big Reduction In Edison Wax Records 4-mlnute 31 each 2-mlnuto ...21 each A Bplendld assortment for the early customer. We have the Victor records for February. You may hear them on the fol lowing Vlctrolas at our store: No. 9 $50.00 No. 10 75,oo No- H $100.00 No. H $150.00 No. 16 ,. ...$200.00 Chas. E. Anderson 2S1 Court Street Tel. Main 1187. Salem, Ore Moose Building. t NEW TODAY. FOR SALE A large stock of fruit and ornamental trees, at reduced rates, at the corner of Comemrcial and Ferry street, opposite Marlon Hotel OWING to lateness of season, we are offering 25 per cent discount on our choice nursery stock, for orchard planting. City yard; Lautermaa building, Chemeketa Btreet. Chorry City Nurseries. J. H. Lauterman, proprietor. it FOR SALE Furniture, one Majestic and Malleable range, dining room set, bedroom set, bedroom set, tables lockers and chairs. 247 Miller street. Phone 308. 2-12-tf GENERAL FARM WORK WANTED Address 6X3, care Journal. 2-12-3t GIRL WANTED Three in family. Call at 529 Court street 2-12-3t MODERN 8-room houso for rent, 1143 South Liberty. Phone Main 1506 for particulars. 2-12-3t EXPERIENCED Lady stenographer and typist desires position; law work preferred. Address "S. T.," Journal. 2-ll-2t WANTED Will take In or go out and do washing, or sweep and clean of fices. Write or inquire 156 North Front street. 2-12-3t H. M. BAKER New nnd second-hand furniture, hardware and general sup plies. Dest cash prices paid for second-hand goods. Call and see ua and look over our goods. 373 Court Phone 1853. 2-12-lm FOR RENT Nice, neat furnished light housekeeping rooms, at Hotel Scott, 343 ft. North Commercial, un der new management. Phone 548. 2-12-lm WANTED Single-horse spring wagon. John Wlkberg, route 3. 2-12-3t Journal Want Ads Bring Results. WATC Awn teJEWELRVi Earl Jfeugcboaervraij K a -Sir- M Masonic Temple gJ$! NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BfRGIIAItDT A MEREDITH ReHldc.it Agents IH State Street LOCATED DR. ASSELN, DENTIST Graduate N. W. U Chicago. Salem Dank & Trust Building. Suite 205-206. Phone 2418 THE K.& J.CO, WHOLESALE HOME-MADE CANDIES The best In town ask for them. Factory 266 Chemeketa. COAL AND WOOD Prompt doltvery. Sole agents for the Famous Rock Springs Coal. CAPITAL FUEL CO. E. H. Jory, successor to J. J. O'Neh. Phone 210. Yards opposite S. P. pas senger Depot. MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security. T1I0S. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Or MONEY TO LOAN On good Real Estate leeirity. , BECUTEL BINOK 147 81 to Street MONEY TO LOAN On farm and city property. Johi H Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or egon. Phone 1552. WOOD AND COAL lH AIIT OUAntlrv Prnnmt H " "... jfc UUil T VI W our specialty. Falls City Lumber wuiimuy. ti worth Commercial street. Phone Main 811 JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DBY CLEANING WORKS No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics. Work called for and delivered promptly. 436 Ferry 8t Phone Msln 1251 Office Phono Main 18S R'gdon Residence Main HL BIGDON-BICHARDSOH CO. Funeral Directors and Undertaken $52 N. High Btreet tMMIIIIIMWffTTWTT4