rage Fosr DAILT CAPITA! JOtTBITlt, 8ALEX, OEEGOIf, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1913. Begins Taking Testimony In the fuse Against the Western Fuel Complin)-. UNITED rilCSS LEASED WISE, Sau Francisco, Feb. 12. Taking of testimony In the government's suit against the Western Fuel company, a coal trust subsidiary, will start before the grand jury hero Friday afternoon, when witnesses will be presented to show the methods used by tho corpo ration In. weighing coal shipments. Government officials allege tho com pany haa defrauded tho United States out of a million dollars by Its weigh ing system and Special Treasury Agent W. H. Tlilowell, who, with a force of experts, Is examining the cor poration's books, says the amount may exceed this figure. It was not expected today that, a complete report of the accountants employed to oxpert tho Western Fuel company's books can be made by Fri day," but a partial report will be made, and from It tho work of tho grand Jury will bo planned. After the Stone Trust. UNITED IMIKS5 LEASED Willi. Ceveland, 0., Feb. 12. Alleging the defendants control and domlnato tho stone business In seven of tho middle western states, tho government filed suit under tho Sherman anti-trust law here today against the Cleveland Stone company, IS of its reputed subsidiaries and 14 Individuals. It Is further al- BREAKS A COLD IN A FEW HOURS FIRST DOSE OF PAPE'S COLD COM POUND RELIEVES GRIPPE MIS F.RY-XO QUININE. After the vory first dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" you distinctly feel tho cold breaking and all the disagree able grippe symptoms leaving. It 1b a positive fact that a dose of Papo's Cold Compound taken every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken will euro Grippe or break up the most severe cold, either in tho head, chest, back, stomach or limbs. It promptly ends the most miserable headacho, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, feverlshness, sneezing, sore throat, runnlngk. of the nose, mucous catarrhal discharges, soreness, stiff' ness and rheumatic twinges. Tako this wonderful Compound with the knowledgo that there is nothing olso in the world which will cure your cold or end Grippe mlsory as promptly .ml without any other assistance or bad riter-effects us a 25-cont pack age of Tape's Cold Compound, which any druggist can supply It contains n0 quinine be sure you get what you ask for -accept no mbstltute belongs In ovory home, Tastes nice acta gently. legod that tho defendants sell 90 per cent of the "natural" grindstones Id ho country. Kvon light beer has been known to generate a dark brown taste. No. 3405. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Capital National Dank, at Salom, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, February 4, 1913. ; Resources. Loans and discounts , $380,665.63 Overdrafts, Becured and unsecured i 3,838.47 V. S. bonds to secure circulation ....1000; to secme posKal sav V. 8. bonds to secure U. S. deposits, $1000; to seccre postal sav ings, $11,000 11,000.00 U. S. bondB on hand 10,080.00 Premium on U. S. bonds 625.00 Bonds, securities, eto 339,222.73 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 20,180.22 Duo from national banks (not reserve agents) 1,072.00 Due from state and prlvato banks and bankers, trust companies and savings banks T 522.83 Duo from approved reserve agents 34,719.35 Checks and other ensh Items 3.621.27 Notes of othor national banks 827.00 Fractional paper, curency, nickels and cents , 153.75 Lawful money reserve In bank, viz: Specie $57,742 Legal tender notes 6,28 0 63.972.00 Redemption fund with U, S. treasurer (5 por cent of circulation) 3,450.00 Total $949,150.25 Liabilities. Capital Stock paid In $120,000.00 flurplus fund 21,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 6,254.03 National bank notes outstanding . 66,050.00 Due to other national banks 23,424.51 Duo to state and private banks nud bankers 14,2.13.92 Duo to approved reservo agents 26,745.57 Dividends nnpald 178.00 Individual deposits subject to chock 610,520.99 Demand certificates of deKBlt 389.00 Tlmo certificates of deposit 46,341.99 Certified checks 803.82 Cashier's checks outstanding 836.67 United States deposits 1,000.00 Postal savings deposits 6,371.75 Total $949,150.25 State of Oregon, County of Marlon,, ss: I, Jos. II. Albert, cnshler of tho ahovo named bank, do solemnly swear that the abovo statement Is true to the best of my knowledgo and belief, .108. H. ALIllIRT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before nio this 8t.li day of February, 1913. Correct Attest: JOHN II, M'NARY, Notnry Public. J. II. AUIBHT, K. M. CltOISAN, GEO. F. HODG10US, Directors. The Best None Too Good riu.snruY ki-ouu, millku in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Wo have Becured the agency for this world-known flour for our city. Tills Is positively tho best flour milled In America. It will Bland any test, no mutter how severe the test, may bo. PILLSBURY FLOUR Is Bold In all first-class cities In America. Salem Is to bo congrat ulated that It bus so many consumers that have demanded tho flour. Wo ask you to try a suck. PIIXSIUIIIY r'LOl'll, 49-lb sacks l'lllsliury Flour, 10-lb sucks JOo Plllsbury Graham, 10-lb sacks fitte l'lllsliury Kntlro Wheat, 10-lb sacks ,Kle PlIlBbury Buckwheat, 10-lb sacks 50c Plllsbury Choice Farina, 10 lb sucks Slip Plllsbury Dark Rye, 10-I!i sucks fillc Note tho low prices on l'lllsliury Flour. Supreme Hams sell nt 2lMc por pound Cnrsten's Hums 20C p,.r pound Plcnto Hams 1114c per pound Flnnon Huddles, now stock 80c per pound ROTH GROCERY COMPANY Some Jolly and Appropriate Ways That the Little Ones May Cele brate the Feast of the Great and Good St. Valentine. IF you want to make the children hnppy get up a little pnrty for them on Valentine's day. Then those adults whose consciences will not permit them to attend1 social functions on their own account may find their amusement In making the little ones huppy even though It Is Lent. Fancy dress parties always delight the Juniors. It Is n charming Idea to have the little guests come dressed to represent birds or (lowers. That never falling resource, crape paper, makes extremely pretty costumes and, mount ed on muslin, will stand a great deal more rough usage than one might Im agine. If a hostess lives In a neighborhood where pussy willow cun be found It makes n charming decoration for the Valentine party. The children love It, and even the adults are usually enthusi astic over It. The pussy willow Is easy to arrange. It looks best In tall vases which are of the simplest shapes and devoid of decorations. Flowering bulbs or any spring flow ers which can be obtained will ndd to the festive appearance of the rooms In which the party is held. Children are fond of flowers, and potted plants in bloom will make appreciated favors. The bare outlines of the pot may bo hidden by fancy covers of crape paper tied In place with ribbons. At this season the nearest nurseryman can supply all the plants needed. Of course tho conventional heart, dove, Cupid, etc., must make their ap penrances In the decorations. Tho cakes may be henrt shaped and tho Ices, Jel lies or custard molded In this form. Fancy Ice cups, candy boxes or cases for pnttles also are shaped like hearts. Two specimens are Illustrated. These nre covered with crapo paper In pink and white. The bows of ribbon on the box hold the cover In place. Tho henrts and arrow on tho Ice cup aro cut out of red cardboard. Pink and white, yellow and white, green and white or red and green are BsssaaEaasassaaBaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaBiaEanBaaaaaaaaaaaaaasasaaassazaa n H El a u n ti H II u H E ri H ii a a El ;J1 II H Kl II II n IS E9 To Purchase 7 Th a n R M OUT UDBOTillFi! T H ei Good Suit or Greatly Reduced Price TIME I Overcoat at a S SHORT E AS THE SALE WILL CLOSE IN A SHORT TIME We ; handle only guaranteed clothing, such as Kuppenheimer, Sopho more, L System and Stratford, Clothes that are Fine Enough for the Most Particular Person 9 I ! a i $2 Suits and j Overcoats NM3 85 $Q ' I ' I" El El V f x. 3 I VALENTINE DAY NOVKLTIliS. appropriate colors for the Valentino day celebration, lied curdboard hearts strung on ribbon may tie used with a background of moss and green foliage. Very natural looking flowers may bo fashioned of crape paper and the ex pense of fresh ones eliminated. The lights on tho table should be hid den by colored shades. Henrt shaped ones or daintily tinted affairs repre senting flowers aro charming. For a children's pnrty a Jack Horner plo may bo part of the decorative scheme. This pie can be shaped llko a heart I li sten (1 of being tilled with gifts It mny bo filled with valentines, one for each child. At the proper tlmo each child Is blindfolded or told to cMse his eyes and then seize any one of several rib bons suspended before him. These ribbons are attached to the valentines In the pie. and when the child has se lected a ribbon ho should be told to pull out a valentine. Tim ribbons may be of different shades, and Instead of blindfolding the youngster he may bo asked to select the color that he prefers. Any number of pretty gnmes can bo played at the valentine party. Henrts cut from different colored enrdboard may be cut Into sections and distrib uted among the children. A prlr.o or prizes should be awarded to tho child who pieces tho most hearts together correctly within n certain time. Another contest may be played with soup hubbies. A large heart may bo shaped out of millinery wire nud mado ornamental with ribbon. This should be bung from the chandelier, nud tho children, stationed at n certain dis tance from It, should lie directed to blow soap bubbles and tlont them through the henrt. Fans should bo provided to assist In wafting the bub bles In the right direction. The firm ness of tho bubbles may be Insured by adding a Utile glycerin to the soap and water from which they aro made. Other games and contests will sug gest themselves to the Ingenious hostess. Suits and Overcoats 45 $25 Suits and Overcoats 95 $15 Suits and Overcoats 88 Northwest Corner II Commercial and Court Streets it !i It El It 11 It El: ri ii ii W 11 K1 a ii ii u 13 CI 13 n n ii 13 If M It If II 11 ft 11 II El tl II If 13 IS BaQaa&aacaaaassaaa&asasaaaasaasszsaaasDsoaazaaaszaaaiaaaaaQasasssI ( M il DISCUSSES MATTERS. (Continued from page 1.) Names Minimum Expense. "The very lowest on which a girl can Uvo decently for a year Is $"20. Sixty per cent of tho working glrla aro getting less money, Many employers says tha they employ only those girls who Uvo nt home. Hut why should n girl who llve:i at home work for less than other girls? She Is usually from a poor home, and tho homo must bear the expense o!. giving her thoso neces sities which shb ought to bo able to buy with her own salary. "If these underpaid girls are those who have no homes, but are living adrift, wo nro accustomed to Bay that we know where they get their living. Often wo guess wrongly. Many of them nro pure, virtuous girls, but In order to bo so they must live without comfor's. They have to do with two meals a day nnd must Uvo In a room that costs not more than $5 a month. You all know what such a room In Portland Is like." In reply to a question put to him, Father O'Hara said that the popular belief that many working girls are working only for pin money, and that they have other lcirltliunto bources of a livelihood, Is not true. Harris i ll Compensation. 11. A. Harris spoko concisely on the subject of the workmen's compensa tion bill. Ho told In detail tho history of the development of the bill. "To Theodore Roosevelt Is largoly duo the credit of bringing the Impor tance of tho subject homo to tho coun try," said Mr. HnrrlB, "and Covornor Chamberlain first Inaugurated tho sub ject In Oregon. In this Btato there has been complete harmony In the wor'.t of evolving a law to lit tho needs of the working n.an. I admit that over the bill that we have now prepared (hero Is room for Improvement, but It is pressing toward tho mark of solv ing the dllllculty. A member of a commission In the state of Washington working on a bill to meet similar needs told mo that he wished they had a bill that looked as good as ours." Mr. Harris review tho merits of tho bill thoroughly and nlBo called atten tion to possiblo defects which might need remedying later. Olllcers Are Elected. Dr. J. N. Smith waa re-elected pres ident of the club last night and Joseph Albert was re-oloc'ed vice-president. Thomas Wllllnnig who has boen serv ing during tho lost year as secretary and treasurer of tho club nominated H. D. Roberts to Bucccod hint and moved tho nominations close. Mr. Roberts was elected. In accepting tho presidency of the club for another term, Dr. Smith de clared It tho highest office to which ho aspired. "I am not a candidate for further Borvlce in the state senate," ho assort ed, "nor yet In the United States sen- I ate. Neither do I want to be governor I I am satisfied to hold tho ofllce of pres ident of tho Civic club, from which I have derived more pleasure than from any other organization with which I have ever been affiliated," The banquet last night was served by the domestic science class of tho high school In a skilful and pleasing manner. IJcforo adjournment a vote of thanks was also extended the speak ers of the evening. CHIEF SilEIIECK CLAIMS CREDIT. (Continued from page 1.) laratlons as above stated placed Gaines In a romewhat peculiar situa tion. Mr. Roberts Is Bald to have been Bloed for tho force, but his name was not considered at tho last meeting held by the council. He Is also a subject to limelight notoriety In tho event Chief Shedeck's statements nre correct con cerning tho tlmo the apprehension of tho burglars took place by tho latter. progressive gentlemen want? If bo, their attitude, to any the least, 1b most Inconsistent. If the welfare of Salem. 1b their thought, why can't they make just and honorable terms with the water company for a modem filter, as Albany has done, Instead of unnec essarily, foolishly, we might say In sanely, placing a mortgage on every piece of property for some hundreds, of thousands of dollars? "Finally, It might be well understood now, thnt tho people of Salem will most emphatically condemn tho pro posed purchase, and its resulting mort gage of their homes. "Salem 1b destined to be a largo city In time to come, so thnt tho quantity as well as the quality of the water supply should be taken Into consid eration. A filter Bitch as Albany hns,. will take perfect care of tho purity, nnd the Willamette river, right at oui doors, leaves no question as to quantity." DR. (TSICK EXPRESSES OPINION. (Continued from Page 1.) their not doing so convicts them of In sincerity, If not outright duplicity. 'After nil, 1b pure wnter what these Notice to Property Owners, Union Street. Property owners on Union stroet- botwecn Water street and Twelfth' . streot, are horcby notified that a meet ing wl" bo held In tho connd' cham jbers, Thursday ovenlng, February 13, 1913 at 7:30 o'clock for tho purpose of determining tho width of tho Im provement desired on this stroet. CIIAS. F. ELGIN'.. 1 2-1 l-2t. Recorder. ran IBBBMnfTiagaBUrillf IUHMW I : Jr. ...i lleflln I p AguliiHt It cnitiii mesa uiAHro wins. Washington, Feb. 12. Mrs. Champ Clark hns today challenged Congress man lleflln, of Alabama, to debate on woman luffrage, Hofln la an ardent tt,.m -.-.... i mi 'TV.""J1JSV iiiiiiiiia SilBlm fib I i Th . These mattresses aro mado of long fiber white staple cotton. FELTED and guaranteed not to lump. home FURNISHERS Wfi COURT &I1IGHSTS. Wo carry these niattresBes In 35, 40, 45 and 60-pound, sIbo tho common Flffles mattress foiled In one bat.