DAM CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRl'ARY 12, 1013, OF SCOTT'S SAD FATE Drawn Vivid Picture (if the Siifl'crliig-M the Scott Tarty Hml l'rubii lily Endured, UNITED P11IH8 LHABRD WIBS. Chicago, Feb. 12. Stirring tribute to tha memory of Captain II. F. Scott, po lar explorer who perished with four members of his party In Antarctic blizzard, was voiced horo todny In a .signed statement by Captain Roald Amundsen, discoverer of the south Iole, who defeated Scott In a dasli for the farthest; point Bouth. It fo'lows: (By Itoald AmundBcn.) 'Copyrighted 1913 by tho Newspaper Association. In this, my first and only signed Statement regarding the superlatively berolc death of Captain Scott and four companions, I wish lirst before I pain,;, the picture, as I conceive It, lo bow before the grt-nt character of my, 'Companion discoverer. Captain Scott left as a monument a record of a man as Bincere, modest and honest as the world has ever seen a greater record than any mere "discoverer" could hope to equal. Scott, Inslend of nssumlng too much, took rather too little credit 'for himself, lie seemed content sim ply to verify my findings. All of this, too, although ho reached the pole only a Mttlo more than a month later. "Tho latest news we beard of Scott und his party was in April 1912. It came from those returning on tho Terra Nova. They had left Scott and four companions in latitude 87 degrees 3 minutes south. It was reported they had brought back all the dogs, leaving 'Scott without traction power. This meant the men were forced to haul the sledges and provisions. This our par ty never did. We figured tho provis ions the most important and feared to trust their carriage to human beings. Dogs hold out after man's strength lias failed. "What circumstances resolved Scott to undertake to transport his own sledges la not known. His reason must have been a good one, for he was an experienced explorer. "Immediately after setting up his flag at 1he pole and verifying my find ings, Scott turned back. "The story of the returning flight "will never be told. It Is beyond the power of man to do so. Imagine, hero ;. was a man wno had reached one of the , -poles. The world was ready to wel 'Come and do him homage, as it so often has done homage to mo. Ills was a pure scientific, spirit and he was anxious, as his diary shows to cor roborate what I had reported. He started up from the world's end to wards home, civilization, friends, glo ry, children and wife. Then, across the bright horizon of hope and longing, came the shadow of defeat and per haps, death appeared. "Scott's brave spirit was used to hard things and he brushed aside as he hud brushed asldo othor encroach .Ing perils many times before. "First as I picture It, scurvy that most horrible of all diseases began to attack the returning viators. They had been cutting down food, because perhaps they had taken inadequate Serious Costly Sickness is far too sura to come when your bodily strength hat been undermined by the poison of bile. Headaches, sour stomach, unpleasant breath, nervousness, and a with to do nothing are all signs of biliousness signs, too, that your system needs help. Just the right help is given and tho bodily condition which invites serious sickness Is Prevented By timely use of Deerham'i Pills. This famous vegetable, ind always efficient family remedy will clear your system, regulate your bowels, stimulate your liver, tone your nerves. Your digestion will be so improved, your food will nourish you and you will be strong to DO and to resist You will feel greater vigor and vitality, as well as buoyant spirits after you knowand use Tk dlroctJoM with rry ton r Sold vrrwbr. In Well-informed Salespeople Make Shopping a Pleasure How delightful It Is when you go shopping In an undecided state of mind to find a salesperson who can tell you what fab rics are to be moBt popular, and what Ib most appropriate for a woman of your size; or one who will sell lou the hat that Is really becoming, and Is candid enough not to say that "every one looks lovely on you." The merchants who advertlBe In The Capital Journal take , particular pains to see that tholr salespeople are well-informed on newest modes and correct styles In dress, furniture, or what ever you may sell, You will be advised If you accept their help which Is never Aggressively given. Read the advertisements In The Capital Journal closely and constantly every day, .They tell you where to find the best goods, and where you will get the best service to be had In this city. supplies owing to the fact that they themselves were dragging the loaded sledges. Captain Evans of the Terra Nova was stricken with scurvy a few days after his return. This shows that tho gerniB of the dlseaso were present. Scurvy, Inconcolvable cold and low provisions then began their deadly work. One of the men finally fell exhausted. There were no dogs to pull him on tho sledges. The other four men, themselves suffering terri bly from disease, cold and hunger, at tempted to save their companion by drawing him across the snow. Tho burden was almost too much. "On and on, freezing and starving, the little party staggered over the blinding glare of eternal Ice and snow looking always looking for that pro vision depot that life-saver. But It never came. ''At last tho truth must have reach ed them they had missed It. But they, went on. All then perhaps were attacked by scurvy. Parts of their bodies were continuously frozen. Their suffering must have been terrible. I am consonntlvo when I say It must have been the most horrible trngedy that ever occurred in a region where tragedies are almost commonplace. "Thin one day when It seemed help must, come, a great blizzard sot in the most terrible blizzard Scott ever eii coun'crcd. It was too much for the tempest-tossed, disease-eaten, freezing, starving num. So they pitched their littlo tent In tho middle of tho bliz zard to die. "And thoro they found (them hud dled together, frozen and starved and sickened to death. But their deaths are more triumphant than most of our lives. For they loft records Scott left a record for honesty, sincerity and bravery, everything that makes a man. "And this, to mo is greater, even than having discovered the pole." "THE ROSE MAIDEN" AND THE MINSTREL SHOW The sale of season tickets for the two theatrical entertainments to be given under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. has started with a bang, an en couragingly large number of tickets having been sold at the first efforts of those who have the business end of the work in hand. Representatives of the association are abroad throughout the city selling the tickets. The sea son price la one dollar. The first of the productions, the can tata of 'The Rose Maiden," will be giv en a week from tonight, February 19. A week later, February 26, the Y. M. C. A. minstrel show will be staged. The best talent In the city has been procured for these performances. Those who have part In the cantata are receiving the best of musical coaching to be hadi In the city. The funny men who are to have parts In the minstrel Bhow are showing real professional form. Suffragettes to Mnrcli. UNITCO PHIXa U1BID Will. New York. Fob. 11. Their plans completed, the army of suffragettes who will march to Washington under command of "General" Rosalie Jones, await the signal which will send them on their way tomorrow. The marchers will assemble at the Hudson terminal at 9 a, m'., and will go first to Jersey City. Journal Want Ads Bring Remit. TsdnabU-wpcUIlr to bun 10c, 2(k. mlti AT 1 CAFETERIA And They Tend U Show You Oun't Tell the Size of a Person's Ap petite by Their Look. In order that those Interested in the art of dieting and to bo Informed as to what people patronizing down-town eating places eat, a Journal reporter yesterday took up a convenient posi tion In tho coi ner of tho local cafete ria and made notes of the person, the grub etc. First entered a man weighing about 245 pounds. lie languidly selected his hardware from tho counter and then looked aimlessly over the viands spread heforq him. "Gcmme some o' that and a leetle bit o' that," says he. I'hls Is what he selected: One small lHiato and an olive with a feeble-looking piece of pie us a chaser. Then a slightly built young woman entered. "I want this pud this and this and this and a whole lot of that and a cup of cofl'eo and plenty of bread ami butter. She probably weighed about 118 Vz pounds hut the order she gave nearly overcame her strenp.li when she at tempted to carry tho truy. The big man left half of his small potato and merely gazed forlornly at tho olive, paid for his meager faro and departed. When the young woman departed, her tray and the dishes coatained thereon appeared as though some one had waBhed them with twenty-mule team borax, as not one crumb wsb left and she pertly flopped down the change and walked out with a very satisfied and comfortable mien. Then came the nervous little man with a longing for only a wee bite. He took a few spears of celery; a piece of cako; a glass of milk and a toothpick and within five minutes after entering the door, had paid for his fare and gone. Following came a big strapping fellow with neither too much fat nor too much lean clinging to his heavy bones. Ho waded Into the grub like a cub bear Into a bee hive and his bill totaled $1.40. Coming up to the reg ister he first paid his debt, whittled a toothpick out of a match and strolled out with the air of a man who enjoys himself and every one about the prem ises Immensely. All manner of appotltes are display ed at tho cafeteria and It Is amusing to note thd wide difference, and decided distinction. COUNTY CLERK BRINGING ORDER OCT OF CHAOS County Clerk Geblliar la assembling his different departments, so to speak, In his main office, and now has the clerk of the circuit court and the files within human reach. For year's tho clerk's office has been a veritable Chinese puzzle to those who desire to search the records on file. To locate an article pertaining to tho workings of tho different de partments of tho circuit and county courts, one was compelled to engage the services of an experienced sleuth, or borrow some one's "noun' dawg." and then the wanted Information could not be found until about every pigeon hole and drawer in the office had been ransacked. The present Incumbent, to eliminate this Inconvenlonco has removed the circuit court records from the cham bers on the third floor, to bis office on the second floor, and has so arranged hlB files that It is no troublo at all to find things. The desks and cases are so arranged as to make the office more sightly, while tho clerks are allotted more convonlent quarters In which to work. It Is the aim of the county clerk to so revise tho filing system In tha office as to give more efficient ser. vice to the public and at tho same time keep account of nil tho business trans acted without the unnecessary search ing ror papers. It is his wish that ev ery one having occasion to uso tho records or flics, will replace same where they got them. In this way, when those having business In the of fice desire, they can be waited upon with dispatch and order. HACK FROM HUNTING TRIP IN CASCADE W. W. Zlnn, the Suite 8troo; candy man has Cook or Peary backed off the may and hog-Hod to an ordinary wag on tongue when It comes to snow Wiley, as he Is better known, has re turned from the wilds of the Cascade mountains. He has been ambling about In fifteen Inches of snow with the mercury dropping and hovering In the vicinity of the 20 above mark and sow-belly and flap-Jacks tickling the palate In the same manner that a twenty- dollar gold-ploce would affect a sheep-herder's hand upon arriving In town after a six months' of lone somenoss on the dosert. Mr. Zlnn and party went for an outing about ten miles above Silver Creek falls. Arriving at the falls hall was fal'lng; two miles fnrther up the mountain, snow wbb falling upon 12 Inches already on tho ground and ten miles beyond, the white mantlo reach ed to the hips of the ordinary man The party camped In a cabin and on account of the snow driving even the snow birds away from the country, hunting was Indulged In only by tho party reading the sporting magazines and cleaning their spotless guns. A few strollsf?) were tak?ji In the vicinity of tho camp, but the members of the party soon gave up this pastime owing to evory little broeze dislodging a big riiow ball which Invariably fell down their coat collars. Nevertheless, Mr. Zlnn declares his appetite was improved by the trip and Insofar as tho snow was concerned, he didn't sea any that he would want as a life companion. The Campaign Grows In Interest Tho most successful meeting in tho campaign thus far was held at the First Christian church last night. There was an unusually large audi ence, and four more persons respond ed to the invitation to unite with the church, three being by confession of faith in Christ. The evangelist deliv ered a strong sermon on "Tho Thief on the Cross.' He was saved by the direct word of Christ, who promised to meet him in Paradise. We today are promised salvation by coming In to Christ's kingdom and being loyal citizens," said the evangelist. A male quartet pleased the audience greatly by singing a gospel melody. Tonight Kvangellst Abberley will speak on "What is Salvation?" The ordinance of baptism will lie adminis tered by Rev. Davis Knelt at the close of the service. DON'T SCOLD CROSS IRRITABLE CHILDREN IF ITS LITTLE TONGUE IS COATED BREATH FEVERISH, STOMACH SOUR AND BOWELS CLOGGED. Every mother Immediately realizes after giving her child delicious Syrup of Figs that this is the Ideal laxative and physic for the chlldrea Nothing else regulates the little one's Btomach liver and 30 feet of tender bowels so promptly, besides they dearly love its delightful fig taste. If your child Isn't feeling well; rest ing nicely; eating regularly and acting natural'y It Is a sure sign that its lit tle Insldes need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When cross, Irritable, feverish, Btom ach sour, breath bad or your Mtt'e one has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore throat full of cold, tongue coated; give a teaspoonful of Syrup of Figs and In a few hours all the foul, consti pated, clogged up waste, undigested food and Bour bile will gently move on and out of Its little bowels without nausea, griping or weakness, and you will surely have a well, happy and smiling child again shortly. With Syrup of Figs you are not drugging your children, being com posed entirely of luscious figs, senna and aromatics It cannot be harmful. Mothers should always keep Syrup of Figs handy. It is tho only stomach, liver and bowol cleanser and regula tor needed a littlo given today will save a Blck child tomorrow. Full directions for children of all ages and grown-ups plainly printed on the package. Ask your druggist for the full name, "Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna," prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co.Thls Is the delicious tasting, genu ine old reliable. Refuse anything else offered. SHEEP DYING FROM SOME UNKNOWN CAUSE UNITED PI1EHS LRASHD WIM. Bnkcr, Ore., Feb. 12. Over a thou sand sheep have died on the range in this section since Saturday, the result of an epidemic thought to oome from poison and range fodder. Dr. Lytic, state sheep Inspector, of Pendleton, and Dr. Notz, county stock Inspector, are working to diagnose the trouble and provide a remedy. The loss to sheep men has already run Into thou sands. Causes Much Disease Advice about Stomach Troublo and how to r.ll.v. them. Don't nasject IndiaoMlcn, for it may lad to all aorta of ills and com plications. An oniinent physician onca laid that ninety-fiva per cent of all ills bavt their origin in a dia nrdarsd atomaob. Our aiparienca with Rnall Dys pepsia Tablets leads ua to beheva tham to ba one of the most dependahla remedies known for indiseition and chronia dyspepsia. Their iiigredi anta art aoothina; to tha inflamed memhranaa of tha stomach. Hich is Pepsin and llisrauth, two of tha greatest diieitive aida known to medicine, tha relief they afford is very prompt. Used persistently and regularly for a abort time, they tend to reliava pains caused by stomach disorders. Reiall Dyspepsia Tablet help Insura healthy appetite, aid digna lion, and promote nutrition. As tviditnc. of our faith in them, we auk fou to try them at our risk. If they Ho not (iva entire satisfaction, wa will return tha money you paid ua without question or formality. Three liaea, 25 cents, SO cents and f 1.00. You can buy Reiall Dyspepsia Tablet In this ooroiuunity only at our store: PERRY'S DRUG STORES Two Stores Salem ' Tht 3j2?J Stunt Oregon Thoie to a Retail Store In nearly awy Iowa and oily in toe United Btatea, CuiiaJa ani (ireal Britain. Thfra la a different Reill llemed? tor nearly every ordinary human Ui seen aepeoiatly dfliianed for sua parUoulaf Ui tut whiob II ia reoominencied. Taw RaaaJI Btorw are Amartea' Gnataa Drug atone FRI HIS CURE TO A TEST Turns It Over to Finest of German Chemists Will Try for Flnlej's Million-Dollar Offer. (UNITED PIIEBB LEASED Willi. Berlin, Feb. 12. Answer to skeptic al persons who have asserted openly that he was afraid to put his alleged tuberculosis cure to the test, was made here last night by Dr. Frederick Franz Friedmann, who announced he had turned over his discovery to the German government. Dr. Friedmann followed this up with the declaration that he would Bail for New York Feb ruary 18 to demonstrate the efficacy of his euro and claim the $1,000,000 offered by Charles K. Flnley, presi dent of the Aetna National bank, with certain provisions. Friedmann returned here yesterday from rrankfort-nn-the-Mnin, where he turned over his remedy to Dr. Paul Kbrlich, who lias charge of the gov ernmental experimental laboratory there, for investigation. This action by Dr. Friedmann has effectively si lenced the trndueers, who have an nounced their Intention of remaining silent until the worth of the discov ery Is settled by Dr. Elirllch, one of Germany's foremost chemists, and the discoverer of "(106," a positive cure for blood polsonB. Flnley offered Friedman $1,000,000, provided his remedy would effect 95 cures out of 100 tuberculosis suffer ers whom he would subject to the treatment. Friedman Is confident of winning the reward. PHILIPPINES WILL HATE INDEPENDENCE rjHtTSD rasas UAsan wim. Washington, Feb. 12, Philippine In dependence Is now assured. The speech of Representative Jones, of Virginia, in behalf of his bill granting a provisional government for eight years and complete Independence thereafter bos aroused bo much dis cussion that a fairly complete canvass of house sentiment was made possible. The Democrats stand with their na tional platform and with President Wilson In favor of giving up the American military occupation of the Islands. The senate may delay the pas sage of the bill, but It will go through. The Philippine nationalist delegate in congress, Quezon, Is overjoyed with the prospect. Ills colleague, Eara shaw, recently, chosen from the same party, will be on hand in March, and It Is probable that special delegations of influential men from Manila and other points of the prospective new re public will journey to Washington to add their pleadings when the bill goes to the senate. Representative JoneB' measure has the earnest support of Representative Curry, of New Mexico, a Republican, who formerly was chief of police In Manila, and who Is said to be ac quainted with more Filipinos than any other American. However, many experts may testify on one sldo of a case just as many and as expert exports can be found to testify quite as possrtlvely on the oth er side. VU&UUWHttle, BU.MUNI2.rkhl. MiSUUIUUrtia. AR.R.OW COLLARS Notch Collars that Met CIom la Front 2 for 2c. Chmrt, Poahorty & Co. New Store I New Goods New Prices 18 ft) s granulated sugar . .(1.00 1 lb best creamery butter ..10c Best valley flour, sack ....11.05 Best hard wheat flour, sk 11.25 Large Cottolene $1.45 Medium Cottolene (10c 3 lbs bulk crackers 25o t 4 cans Jersey cream milk ..25c Corn meal, sack -ic Buckwheat, sack 45c 4 pkgs Cornflakes 25c 10 bars luundry soap 25c 6 bars Morris best laundry soap 25c 6 bars Sunny Monday laundry soap 25c 6 bars Bob White laundry soap 25c 6 bars Royal white laundry soap 25c 6 bars Crystal White laundry soap 25c 6 bars A. Ii. Nnptha laundry soap 25c 6 bars Fels Nantha laundry i. soap :..c Ye Free tickets Wexford snd Liberty shows, I NORKIS CASH (IROCEKT. Free Delivery Phone Main 1497 m IMS TOWELS Turkish Face Stamped A large stock of towels for your Inspection, from the very coarsest for the kitchen to tho finest for tho face and bath, every towel absolutely reliable, for It comes from the best towel maker in the business. Prices rang from au ordinary cotton towel at 5c to the finest linen damasks at $1.50. HOME DRESSMAKERS' NOTION SALE Notions at Reduced Prices Only Three More Days of Sale 9UALITY Mhtplpit tfninpanul MERCHANDISE LIBCRTV STRCCT WHO IS WHO IN SALEM? Who handles the Stelnway pianos, the world's leader? Who handles the A. B, Chase, the Mohlin, the Emerson, the Kurtz man, the Estey, the Royal and many other standard pianos? Who refuses to handle anything but standard pianos? Who handles the world beater, the Apollo Player? Who handles the Ceclllan, tho Emerson, the Lafarag, the Farrand, the Mehlln, and many other renowned players? Who furlnlshos Madame Nordlca the Stelnway piano on Februar12 In Salem. Who has a perfect repair shop? Satisfaction guaranteed. Who has the best piano tuner In the state. Who guarantees all work? Who sells on easy terms and takes old Instruments In exchange? W. M. CHERRINGTON 440 MILL STREET Formerly 247 North Commercial Street. Automobile Motor Cycle and Accessory Dealers of Salem INDIANA -vy-r re L TLLLb Valley Motor Car Rostein & Greenbaum New Ginghams New Percales Dainty, Pretty Patterns New Ladies' Shirt Waists The Newest from the East Sure to Please You 17-Inch embroldorles, good qualities, only 25c yard. Corset cover embroidery, 15c yard. 42V4-lnch flouncing, $1 .00 goods, 50c yard. 42V4-lnch flounclngs, $1.25 goods, 75c yard. 246 COMMERCIAL STREET How Do Your And llkriwlso your tablecloths and all sorts of linen? , You tmiHt admit they iniiHt look sweet and new to be at their bent. Tho peiHonal und critical nlti'iillon wo give tblB clans of work Ik reHpotiHlble for the elegant launder ing we are turning out. Wo have thn fiiclllllcB und the lucllnalloiiB. Wo Blrlvo lo please therefore we do It. If there Ih one lent we like It Is mak ing your table linen look the way It. should, Send your (i(K)l) liihle linen to this tiOOl) laundry. SALEM LAUNDRY CO. 136-166 South Liberty PAone 25 TOWELS Baby Glass Guest POPULAR 6f.TWC.CN STATE COUPT PRDCCS WATT 8HIPP Amsaaniuon, ruining jacaia, tie. North Commercial Street Pkeat III AmajinlUon, Finning Tackle, Etc Co. Agents R. C. II. Oakland 100 Ferry St. rkoas Kali UW Napkins Look f 4--4.f-- X X ! t -MMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM