Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 05, 1913, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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Pnitf Eight
Today is Our 624th Wednesday
Splendid Wool Blankets $5.35 each
Here are very pretty blankets of good quality, full-size and finished
In excellent shape most of them are. silk-bound. May .be had in
white, with pink or blue border; grey mixed blankets wllh border '
and pretty fancy blankets in plaid designs. You'll appreciate the ex
cellent valuo when you see these. Special todny.
None sold before 8:110. Seo Window Display
. 1 7 iloOODlOOOD S
W 1 lltellVI
Let Rollins fix your watch. Now at
41... U...I IW.wr
Yon will look and feel better if you -
set shaved at Davis',
The K. and ,1. Candy Co. has opened
up a wholesale home made candy fac
tory nt 2110 Chcmeketa street.
Eloven families from Oklahoma and
Texas are considering settling in the
Willamette valley.
Mndnnic Nordlca reserved sent
tickets on sale a,'. Miss Magers' studio.
Mornings only, from !) to 12. Phono
Mr. McClelland, of Pittsburg, ra
Ib talking of establishing a factory
here for the manufacture of bottlos
and Jars.
Mr. ElBworth l'lckol was in Salom
yesterday, looking over tho ground
with tho Idea of placing a canning
factory for small fruits.
Choice ham, bacon, and picnic hams,
lard n ml prepared meals can be found
lit the Sanitary Meat Market, phone
Main 152X, Court and Liberty streets.
SloiiHloff ilros.
Vn-nh and choice vegetables and tree ft required much nslstanco from" the
from the street dust. Try our bread trouble men lo get Wright nil right
when yiiu want bakers bread. Call again.
In or plume Main till. The Sunset j The Portland, Eugeno & Eastern
UrtM-ery 121 uilh Commercial street, company Is completing a fill under
Just, now we have a choice line of.""-1 North Commercial Btreet bridge
tunned frultH, lies', brands on the mar- "lkW wl,n l,llt 11,1(1 (travel excavated
ket. Yakima llest Hour, (.he Hour with fl'"m "ln s,,"lh Hal('nl MrpKl llno Tll
tho proper blend. Apples by the bush- '""""r owners of the road attempted
1. Ask about them. 1'limie Main (10. fl" 1,1 nt ,nl" I'rldge, but found ma
KMTlliig's Grocery., jterlnl ton difficult to get. It Is be
lieved b;' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k a large quanltv of
We are leader In right price; our ,, nK.k ,,,.,. tho ,,,.,,,,, u wl
cuslouicr ar" pleas,.,! win, their pur- ,,p ,.,,,),,, .,, mU,
chasers; new goods, new store and the , ,,,,,, , .
. . ... i i. 1!"ri' Ikmlmm, tin Inspcc or n the
prlirs are right. Salem Furniture I .
. .. , , , , , , service of tho Immigration depart-
Company, SIl'i-.TO) Cliemrketii Blree , ' , . ... .... , , , ,
, .... ,, ,, intent, located In Portland. Ib n the
list nt tin, , M. ('. A. building. ,. . . . . .... ,
city today, Investigating several cases
Abimt 10 members of the Artisan j wherein Vncle Sain Is making prepara-
lodge of Salem went, to (lervals last (Ions to deport loth Inmates of tlie
livening, where they put on the lodge asylum anil penitentiary. There are
work ami Initiation for the (iervals seven patients In the asylum who are
luiBcinbly. Afterwards a flno lunch subject to deportation, according to
wn served, and a social time enjoyed Inspector llonlmm, whllo the penlten-
liy all.
Packard, Lndwlg nnd other pianos
old id fair prices, and on easv terms.
Wiley IV Allen Co., It. F. Peters, I
2i7 N. Commercial street.
Cherry City Flouring Mills f
05 Trade Street. Phone Muln 2.131
I'beiie Main 20!). Hates 11.00 a Day and l'p
With dining mom, homo cooking and homo comforts; quiet; near
business center; all outsldo rooms. Special weekly rates.
160 Court Street. MHS. MAE I VIM, Proprietress.
Rlcjrlm, Sundries and Repairing, Locksmiths Keys Fitted Wheels
Tallrd for and Delivered. Phone Main 1687. Oar 1013 Excelnlor mo.
torcycln have art-Wed. Free demenstration. 211 Sooth High Street.
You don't need to go any farther
than our Men's Clothing Department
to find the exactly right thing In
dressy clothes.'
Oloth Cruft, I Tart, Schaffner &
Marx and Ederhelmer Stoln Clothes
are made expressly for us; the kind
of goods any gentleman can be proud
to wear, You'll got corerct style and
all-wcol quality at Meyers' and high
est class tailoring,
Buy Your Next Suit
at Meyers'
Mary TIewlnklo, a noted local char-
ucl''''t was arrested last night on the
I charge of drunkennes. She was
brought before Judge Elgin this morn
ing. She pleaded guilty! to the
charge, but asked for leniency on the
grounds that she was very excited
last evening, and was compelled to
I take something to quiet her
Judge Elgin delivered her a good lec
ture, and dismissed tho case.
Bcntrlcc Shields, a colored womnn,
was brought before Judge Elgin this
morning nnd charged with disorderly
conduct, committed by Inhabiting the
Owl looming house In company with
a Japanese. She was arrested at the
request of tho Jap, who claimed she
stolo $20 from him, but tho court
could find no evidence to that effect,
when tho llttlo brown man nttenipted
to explain tho mnltor this morning.
The prisoner was fined $13 and al
lowed to go her way.
Ed. Wright, the obliging motor
man on tho Commercial street run, at
tempted to take a ramble In tho green
McldL, near tho fair grounds this morn
ing, and all the Biiccess ho had was to
get his car across the track. Just
what Induced the machine to leave
the straight nnd narrow path cannot
be figured out by Ed, but nevertheless,
tlary holds eight charges, who will no
ll'"lM 1,0 it out of tlio United States
MmP ln"K' Th,1" rlmr('9 wll K
to Moxl('' Cm,,,,,a "ml 11 f,'w wln b(1
'-"'"l'"-"oumi snips.
Journal Want Ads Rrlng RomiIH.
There has been some complaint to
the police of "mashers" becoming too
numerous In the vicinity of the Ore
gon Electric depot and about the lob
by of the state house, and consequent
ly the largest officer on the force,
Jack Welch, can be seen meandering
about the depot now, and Just praying
that some smart Aleck will accost
some woman or girl. Officer Welch
has a fist like a picnic ham, and the
force of six mule klkcks behind It, so
beware, Mr. Masher. Chief Shcdeck
says he will not tolerate anything of
the kind, and those found gotting fun
ny will be given a dose they will not
forget soon.
Engagement Announced.
East St. Louis, 111., Feb. 5. Al
though each Is only five days old, tho
engagement of Clara Carter Mallet
and Mallet Carter has been announced
here today by their relatives.
(Continued from page 1.)
Portland concern, declaring that when
the tlmo comes for the fellows "who
havo Bquatted on the water rights at
Oregn City to show their earnings
they are so ashamed that they go to
other countries to sell their bonds."
Ho produrod n clipping from the Lon
don Mall In proof of his statement.
Kollaher produced figures showing the
annual gross earnings of the company
to over $0,000,000 and the annual not
earnings to be over $3,000,000.
Describes Joseph's Anceslry.
In a witty rejoinder to Joseph's
speech Dlinlek accused the Multnomah
senator of inconsistency In his politi
cal principles.
"Why. you one-legged, on.Munged
Progressive," taunted Dimlck, "you
came down hero to Salem last July and
swallowed the Progressive platform.
Yes, you were there stronger than
garlic (with apologies to the garlic.)
You remember what was In that plat
form, and yet you come hero to this
legislature and attack every measure
for tho promotion of tho rights of the
people or of the rights of labor."
When the resolution to congratu
late tho people of Ireland on home
rule was up yesterday Joseph laid
claim to Irish ancestry. Joseph also
frequently when attacking measures
advocated by Dimlck, tells him tha,' he
wears bis headlight behind. Dimlck
came back strong today:
"My curly-headed friend from Ire
land," said be, "you make mo wonder
'n what part of Ireland Jerusalem Is
"You're all right, Dimlck, except
that your headlight Is on behind," In
terrupted Joseph.
"Your headlight Is out," retorted
Dimlck. "Why, the only light you ever
had was an Israelite, nnd now you
want to make It burn with Emerald
Pillion Dill Downed.
Wllh Duller, KldiHo nnd Tlnrrett op
timising Patten's bill providing for tho
'ransl'er of prisoners to tho penitenti
ary from the coiintlea of tho Btate by
guards sent out from the prison In
stead of by tho sheriffs, tho senate
downed the bill nt third reading, hut
Patton announced (hat he would move
for reconsideration.
Senator Duller declared that tho
economy cry attached to tho bill was'
a false alarm, and that the hill would I
Increase expenses by creating new j
positions and cause droves of leaches
and hangers-on to flock about the prls-1
on looking for Jobs,
Senator Kiddle added that tho sher
iffs In the counties represents! by him !
considered the trips to Salem a very
valuable In an educational wny for I
olllcers in the distant counties of the
sta..n. Senator Barrett said he won
dernl that the framers of tho bill didn't
go further and niako a provision that
after the sheriffs havo rounded up the
prisoners tint, they ho turned over to
tho governor 10 be sentenced.
Senator Fnrrell supported the bill,
declaring that the fees allowed sheriffs
for bringing prisoners to tho pen aro
unfair. McColloch voted against tha
bill, hut. said that there Is an evil In
tha present BysJoin becnuBO It allows
From Youth To
Old Age
lllimses or spectacles, aro often neces
sary. The child's eyes need atten
tion, bo that by correcting tho diffi
culty In Its early stages, glasses need
nut always be worn.
Elderly people require glasses to
seo clearly, and to case the strain on
their eyes us age comes on.
As a registered optometrist, Bkllled
In correcting crrorB of refraction and
In fitting glusHcs correctly, let us sup
lily gluBcs for any member of the
a. Mcculloch
291 North .Commercial Btreet
(Ground Floor)
Pbon 925 Offlca hours 9 to I
urey t
Direct from Philadelphia, 10-
button, welt sole, high arch and I
one and one-half Inch military
heel, AA to D.
Relnhart's personal service
means absolute comfort.
411 State St The Quality Shop
Home of Hunan Shoes
the shorlffs to bring along unneeded
deputies "Just to seo the sights."
Exempt Fair Grounds
Senator Dean's bill to exempt fair
grounds from taxation was reported
on favorably by tha committee having
It under consideration, but In a slight
ly amended form. Soveral bills were
Indefinitely postMnod by the adoption
of unfavorable reports of committees.
Among these wero the following:
Dy Moser, to amend the vehicle
laws. House concurrent resolution
relative to the revision of the method
of taxation; houso bill by McDonald
relating to fiiIa of drugs; house bill
by Doncbrake to r-gulnto sale of poi
sons; house bill by Howard relating
to teaching rexual hygiene In schools.
New Hills Introduced.
TJio following bills were Introduced
and given first reading:
To reimburse tho people of Weston,
Oregon for (he'nialntenance of normal
schools, By Dimlck. regulating the
breeding of horses. I!y Stewart, pro
viding a bounty on rabbits In Harney
county; by Farrcll, relating to securi
ties. Dy Ilutler, to amend section 2")09
lord's Oregon Laws. Dy Ilollls, for
the disqualification of Judges In dis
tricts of only one county. For the
amendment of section 2 7 4 , Lord's
Oregon Daws. By Uurgess, relating to
tho duties of parents and guardians In
regard to the yearly school census.
An Invitation from tho Portland
chamber of commerco was read Invit
ing tho legislature to a banquet to be
served on Lincoln's birthday.
Everyone Is
Over Nordica
The applications for reservations
for the Nordlca concert are coming
In with a rush that shows the wide
spread Interest In the event, which
may rightfully be regarded as one of
great musical Importance.
That the public of Salem and its
vicinity are greatly Interested In the
coming of the greatest dramatic so
prano In the world Is evidenced by
tho heavy sale of seats and the un
precedented number of Inquiries and
requests for reservations that have
been received from surrounding
In addition to Its musical Import
ance, tho Nordlca concert promises
to he one of tho most brilliant social
events of the seuson, us Judging by
present Indications, the diva will be
greeted by an audience that will be
a truly representative one. Nordlca's
great beauty and magnetic personali
ty, aside from her wonderful voice,
made a tremendous appeal to the gen
eral public, as well as t3 the recog
nized music-lover and tho student,
which Is possibly the reason for the
unanimous Interest and enthusiasm
that nrc evident regarding her com
ing. Tho date of tho Nordlca concert Is
February 12. The prima donna will
be assisted by Itiiinniel, the distin
guished violinist, and Homayne Sim
mons, plnnlst.
' Blue Sunday.
Prof. C. S. I.onacre, of Washington,
D. C, International Field Secretary of
the Religious Liberty Association, and
W. H. Martin, of Portland, religious
secretary of the Northwest, will speak
In the Grand opera house ln this city
on Thursday and Friday nights of this
week, against a Sunday bill which has
been Introduced Into tho legislature.
These lectures will ho free nnd prom
ise to bo of special Interost. Much
opposition Is raised to this Sunday
bill, and th .iisands of protests are
being sent to the conimltteo which
has tho bill In charge, Tho bill sav
ors of the old-tlmo Bplrlt In the early
Puritan days, when the Sunday Blue
Daws wero so obnoxious. Both those
lecturers have a wide experience, and
havo been successful In defeating
scores of religious bills which have
been Introduced by religious1 societies
Into the legislatures. Religious llber
crty Is at stake nnd many Interesting
features will be developed ln this
contention that Is now before the peo
ple n ml the legislature,
The lectures will begin at 8 p. m
and the Portland quartet will render
special songt,
Jones Is
Coming up to every expectation
aroused by tho Interesting and sugges
tive title, "Broadway Jones" enter
tained' a fair house at the Grand the
atre last night. The play Is very Co
hanosque. It Is on the move all the
time, snappy funny at every turn, but
with too numerous "cusa" words that
could have been eliminated without
spoiling the efforts of the situation,
for It Is not necessary to bo coarse or
vulgar to be either witty or entertain
ing. Ralph Morgan, as Jackson Jones,
known as "Broadway" is the type of
player to take stiCjji a role, to exactly
fit the Imagination of one who reads
the play. As the broken spendthrift
who has gone through with a fortune
of a quarter of a million dollars and
contracted an immense debt, he re
tains his nerve and cheer, living on
the generosity of his many friends and
the hopo that a miracle will happen to
restore his lost fortune. The miracle
happens when Peter Pembroke of the
Consolidated Chewing Gum Co., comes
to buy the Jones Chewing Gum plant,
which "Broadway" does not know ho
owns because he has forgotten to open
a telegram brought him when bo Is In
a highly nervous slate over the an
nouncement of his engagement to an
elderly widow, Mrs. Gerard.
The play opens with the announce
ment of his engagement, which has de
veloped from an acquaintance of 10
minutes at a midnight dinner given by
"nroadway." Holier: Wallace, "Broad
way's" friend, proves his guardian an
giil in tho trying affair which has
aroused all New York. The role of
Wallace Is ttiken by John Webster,
who Is probably the best actor In the
The Company is well balanced.
Grace Monisey and Edith Duckett, as
Clara Spotswood and Josle Richards,
respectively, both play well, but the
play Is essen'lally ono of male charac
ters. Frederick Maynard, as Judge
SKitswood, attorney for tho Jones
company, played a strong role.
As a result of last night's perform
ance, a Cohan play can get a big hear
ing ln Salem at any time It conies to
The sporting goods establishment
belonging to Watt Shlpp, on North
Commercial street, was entered some
time lost night, and over $350 worth
of revolvers were stolen. The officers
have no material to work upon In the
Investigation of the case.
This Is the fifth time Watt Shlpp's
store has been robbed. The burglars
lost night forced a storm door, and,
although braced by a heavy timber,
forced the Inner door. They then
ransacked the Inside show cases of
the most valuable revolvers In the
store, and were so bold as to crawl'
through a smnll window Into the
Blue Sunday
Shall the Oregon Legisla
ture Curtail Your
Hear C. 5. Longacre of
Washington D. C. and W.
F. Martin of Portland on
Now Before the Legislature
Thursday and Friday Feb.
6, 7. Two Nights Only
8:00 P. M.
free Portland Quartette free
street show window and remove more
guns. In all, Mr. Shlpp lost one auto
Luger, a verjr valuable firearm; five
Smith & Wessons; six Colts revolv
ers; one Savage and a 'Hopkins & Al
len gun. The burglars left everything
else alone, and carried away only the
best of revolvers ln sight.
Grant Baker, of this city, underwent
a serious operation at the Salem hos
pital yesterday.
Mrs. C. L. McAllister Is visiting for
a few days ln Salem.
Mrs. John Darby, of Shaw, Is vis
iting relatives here.
County Clerk John B. Coffey, of
Multnomah county, is visiting old Sa
lem friends this week.
Miss Myrtle Staggs, of Prinovllle, Is
ln this city, visiting friends for a
few days.
Dr. F. H. Maher, of Portland, ar
rived this morning, and will spend the
remainder of the week here on busi
ness. Alex. Knighton, of Champocg, was
here this morning.
Mrs. Grant T. Young, of Sllverton,
called at the sheriff's office this morn
Ing to pay her taxes.
Carl Metchan, of Pratum, called on
Sheriff Each this morning.
MIbs Beulah King, of Independence,
arrived here this morning, and will
spend two days with her sister, Mrs
Harold Jcnks, on North Commercial
Miss Anne Tate, now Mrs. O. J.
fierg, of Sublimity, was In Salem to
day. Rafo Bonham, of Portland, Is look-
j Ing after business and Blinking hands
with old Salom friends todny.
Mrs. Bora McKnlgbt left this morn
ing for Portland, to attend tho wed
ding of her brother. J. J. Anson, to
Miss Ruby Baker.
Much Interest Is taken by guests In
a big crow which can be seen hop
ping about the colonados in the lobby
of the Hotel .Marlon. The bird, al
though not related to him, being a
bird of another color, bears the same
name as that of the genial and oblig
ing manager of the hostelry, Jack
Crowe. "I've seen canary birds, par
rots, -red birds and about every other
sort of the flying specie In hotels dur
ing my travels," Bald a salesman last
night, 'but durn me, if I ever snw an
overgrown black bird llkke that mak
ing himself so much nt home.
I do a general visiting and office
practice, treating both acute and
chronic diseases. I have many pa
tients for as. lima, dropsy, diseases of
the heart and kidneys, gall stones,
rheumatism, diseases of the skin and
nervous disorders.
I have cured dropsy In patients af
er they had been pronounced hopeless
by other able physicians.
I have cured gall stones aftor emi
nent surgeons had said that nn opera
tion would be necessary to afford re
lief. Ofllce practice; Cash.
If you need my help, I am at your
29(J N. Liberty St,
Phone: Main 147. , Salem, Oregon
i Grand Opera House I
Wcrba and Liischcr Present
I "The Rose Maid" f
I The Operatic Event of the Sea
Special Orchestra
I Prices, $2.00, $1.50 and 75ft
I Soat sale Friday? February 7th.
GOOD FARM HORSE Weight about
1250 pounds, for sale, oheap, 344
South 25th street. 2-5-3t
FOR SALE At a bargain the balance
of my household goods, Monarch
range, heater, kitchen furniture and
such other articles. 1052 Saginaw
street. 2-6-2t
Tillamook county, F. J. Welch, 13G2
North ICth street. Phone G93.
WANTED Stenographer for goneral
office work. Address "B" Capital
Journal; stating amount of salary
wanted; also give references.
GENTLEMAN Who has left Snfem
wishes to dlspoHO of the following
lots: On 15th street between State
' 'and Ferry, two lots 45x10ft, $750
each; terms $150 cash, $20 per
month, Lot on Marion street, fac
ing 15th street; front 107 feet, crook
bounds In rear, high dry lot, fruit
and sbado trees; price $025; terms
$100 cash, $15 per month. Lot on
Cbemeketa street, between 19th nnd
20th; this Is only lot In block for
sale; price only $775; torniB $200
cash, $25 tier month. Apply a,t 1345
Court Btreet, or phono Maine 537.
Old XoymIuii Dead.
Redondo Beach, Oil., Feb. G. The
body of former Judge F. W. West
meyor, of Arizona nnd Nevada, who
committed suicide here yesterday by
shooting himself, was ldentlfed today
by his wife.
Wcstmeyer was prominent In the
pioneer hlBtory of Arizona and Neva
dn. He served as probate Judge at
Globe, Ariz., for 30 years.
Dr. Asseln, Dentist
Salem Rank & Trust llldg.
Resident Agents IN& Ntale Ntrent
On Good Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Or
Ou good Real Estate secirltj.
$47 SUI Street
On fBrm and city property. Johi H
Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or
egon. Phone 1552.
In any quantity. Prompt dellwj
our specialty. Falls City Lumbtr
Compuny. 279 North Commerols
street Phone Mnln S13
No machinery to tear and wear
out delicate fabrics. Work called
for and' delivered promptly.
430 Forry St. Phone Main 2251
Office Phone Main 183
Rlgdon Residence Main 1H.
Funeral Directors and Undertaken
252 N. High Street.
llH'l' "I 'fr'Ml. .
WATC4I xxLTi&-n
IT. -I V -v
on neugeuaner vNo32$ "
Jeweler. 3irr?,',1
naeen e TennU n