Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 04, 1913, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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rsr xigM
High Class Ready - to - Wear
An Adyanre Spring Display of
Lingerie Waists
Salem women will welcome
this announcement of new
spring waistB Dainty Lingeries
In beautiful styles Lawns and
Marquisettes, trimmed with
hand embroidery, Valenciennes
nnd Cluny laces, long and short
sleeves are Bhown This new
collection priced from $3.00 to
See the large window dis
play of thoso today on Liberty
st reet.
Try Davis' for your next Hhiive,
shampoo nnd shlno. 344 State stroot.
Columbia TUvor Smelt, fjlx poundB
for 25 cents nt Thlelsen's Cash Gro
cery, rhone 840.
Get the best. The Edison Mazda
lamp beats the sun. It Is economy to
use theso lamps. Get them at Geo. E,
rettlngell's, 135 North Liberty street.
Fruit trees by tlio thousand, noses
by the hundreds, or any smaller
amounts. Corner of Commercial and
Forry streets. Opposite Marlon Hotel.
Quaker nurBory,
rtuyiug hair goods is something that
should bo done with care, and In a
shop that makes a business of buying
and selling only tlio finest quality. Ora
Ponge's beauty parlors aud hair store,
125 North High street, new Masonic
Salem's Jail was as freo of lodgers
this morning as a newspaper man Is
of money. Chief of Police Shodock
declares thnt nil records havo been
broken for the least number of
charges In his office for tbo samo pe
riod, which comprises January nnd
up to tbo present dalo.
The Portland, Eugcun & Eastern
company is doing Its best to furnish
transportation accommodations for
thn legislators by Installing upon the
Slate street line the double-truck cars.
These large cars afford abundance of
room for thn legislative patrons, nnd
those residing on Knst Stato stroot,
nnd the efforts of tlio railroad com
pany are appreciated.
The Iiynl Order or Moose Is again
coming Into the limelight In the en
tertainment war. This progressive
organization will give a dancing par
ly next Thursday night, which prom
ises to In- an unusually enjoyable nf
falr. The Peerless orchestra will fur
nish the music, mid 0 spacious floor
In the Moose home Is being dulled up
In grand style for the occasion.
Hubert, G-yor.rold son of Dr. Frank
Smith, superintendent of the school for
the feeble minded, sustained some
painful Injuries last Sunday1, while
playing In the ball of the Institution
by running Inlo a pinto glass window
In a swinging, door, causing It to
break. The 111 t tq fellow was playing,
nnd, not thinking the heavy glass
would shatter, ran against tbo swing
ing dour with in 11 oil force, In order to
make a speedy exit from Iho hall.
The glass broke, however, and Hubert
was cut about the face In several
places. Ills Injuries were not serious,
however, nnd be will soon be In rim
Oil Ion for more play.
Phone Main 2119, Hates fl.OO a Hay and Up
With dining room, homo cooking nnd home comforts; quiet; near
business center; nil outside rooms, Special weekly rales.
100 Court Street. MRS. MA K IV1E. Proprietress.
lllojele, Sundries and Repairing, Locksmith Keys Fitted Wheels
Called lor nnd DclUrred. Phone Main 1R87. Our 1913 Excelsior mo.
torcrclcn hnve arrived. Free demonstration. Sit Senth High Street
You'll not try to hide your bad:,
because your suit does not fit, If you
purchase at Moyers.
You'll have that easy, satisfied feel
ing of knowing that your garments
are correct; that they fit your figure
as they should, and the fabrics and
styles are the most popular nnd de
sirable. Our women's ready-to-wear section
orfers the very choicest assortment of
coats, suits, dressos and evening ap
parel; garments collected from the
very best and most successful fashion
Obtain Your Garments
at Meyers and be As
sured of Getting the very
Best Quality for Your
A Correct Corset
For Particular Women
The "W. I). NUFORM" Cor
set follows the figure It em
braces the body closely In Its
graceful curving outlines. It
Is not tight here nnd loose
there pinching and squeezing
the body to ltd shape. It Is
shaped to fit the figure and fit
all over,
Expresses beauty beauty in all
the natural llnesof the figure.
Uncle SI Is the very smartest of
early splnrg shoes for men,
shown in tan or black, button
or laco.
Exclusive agencies for
Ft) It
411 Slate St. The Quality Shop
Homo of llauan Shoes
Construction work on the founda
tion of tbo building which Is to bo
erected on Ferry street, between. Lib
erty aud High streets by Frank
lliigheH. commenced yesterday and the
structure will be completed as rapid
ly us possible. Mr. Hughes an
nounces 1 1 ui I the building will be two
stories, nnd Is put up for the use of
tlio Japanese laundry now located on
tbo Biune street, opposlto thfl new
building site.
The Salem fire department respond
ed to a call nt the Intersection of
Thirteenth anil Mission streets this
morning ut 11:15. where a dwelling
chimney was belching out blaze and
smoke. Alter sending thn big auto
fire truck lo the scone at the rale of
about 40 miles nn hour, the firemen
found the only damage that could re
sult wiib tho loss of considerable soot
and the waste of a small amount of
Spring fashion books and Pictorial
lievlew Patterns have arrived. The
Style Shop. Mrs. II. T. Swart, Masonic
H. V. Abberly, nationalist evangel
ist of Hie American Christian society,
begins his services at tho First Chris
tian church this evening nt 7:30
o'clock. The themes for tho week are
"Tlio Victory of the Saints," "The
Tragedy of Calvary, 1'ho Power of
the Gospel," "IVies Christianity Pay?"
Sunday forenoon, "Tho Ideal Church,"
evening, "The Latest News from Heav
en. No Saturday evening meeting,
Big Strike
fIn Nevada
Reno, Nev., Fob. 4. Wild with ex
citement, the new mining camp of
Rochester, on Netzel mountain, near
here, is today unearthing a vein of
gold ore running 200 ounces Bllver and
; $100 gold to the ton. The dlsoovery is
tlio bigKt'Bt in Nevada in recent years,
; and all leasts are operating three
' shifts a day.
(Continued from page 1.)
The fact thut tho Parsons bill ex
empted union labor organizations,
caused Ileltzel of Marlon to remark
tlwt there were no more powerful or
arbitrary trusts than certain organiza
tions of union labor.
Tho Parsons bill, which prohibited
the fixing of a minimum price to re
tailers by manufacturers, wholesalers
and others, carried a penalty of a line
of $5000, or 30 days In jail, to a peni
tentiary term of from one to five
years. The Blancbnrd bill, which pro
hibited trade and commerce conspir
acies, provided for a fine of from $500
to $5000, and not to exceed one year
In Ilia penitentiary.
This discussion started when tho
committee on corporations handed In
'majority nnd minority reports. The
majority report recommended that the
bills be killed. Following the debate,
Parsons' motion to substitute tlio mi
nority for the majority reports was
lost by a viva voce vote, wit.li llandley
of Tillamook in the speaker's chair.
Parsons, wild with anger, claimed that
the proceedings were not correct and
demanded a call of the house nnd a
roll call. Ho shouted:
"I s and here for the poor man of
the stato and I demand a call of the
house and a roll call to put every
member on record. I don't propose to
lio hornswoggled in this manner."
Parsons, who In bis excitement did
not seem to know what was going on,
got the pnrlinmon'nry proceedings
tangled up with his demands. He ad
mitted that, bo didn't understand the
situation. Speaker McArtlinr, who
was on the door, ruled that llandley
was correct, and straightened tilings
out. Each bill was then voted on sei
arately on a motion to Indefinitely
postpone. The vote on Parsons bill
was 39 ayes, 12 noes and 9 absent
There wore 32 ayes, 19 noes nnd 9 ab
sent on Illanchard's bill.
The house passed the Upton bill
which prohibits any person or corpora
Hon from withholding from any em
ploye more than five days wages earn
ed next preceding the regular pay day,
and wnges must bo paid every two
weeks except as to railroad employes
who are not working at divisional
headquarters nnd who must bo paid
at least every thirty days.
One hundred and fifty bales of hops
that are conceded by local merchants
to be the best In the state of Oregon,
at this time, and possibly superior to
any on the market heretofore, were
purchased today by T. A. Llvesloy &
Company for 18 cents. This mngnlfl
cent crop was raised on the Pauls
ranch, near Gervals, and Mr. LIvesley
will Bend them East within the next
few days.
The hop market Is In a sluggish con
dll Ion at present, according to advlceB
given by some, but tho purchases
made by Mr. LIvesley goes on record
ns being a good one. The price is
now ranging from, 15 to IS cents.
New York, Feb. 4. With a raging
gale threatening to destroy her with
all on board, llfesavers are trying to
day to reach the freight steamer
Nicholas Cuueo, which went on the
sandbar off Point Iinkout, L. I., in a
snowstorm last night.
Tho revenue cutter Mohawk Is
standing by.
For 25 cents. Six pounds of Colum
bia liver smelt at Thielsens Market.
Phono Main 810.
The lnteBt In jewelry can be found
at Pomeroy's, 118 South Commercial
street; new store; new stock.
A gossip Is never n welcome visitor
after telling nil she knows.
You can judge w hat a man hasn't
done by what he is going to do.
Fred kills six fat bens nnd 12 other
things to make families; will do you'
wife more good than If you spend $100
to get something for her health. Now
Just try one, nnd If you do not think
so Fred will glvo your money back.
Re sure to not miss tho place, corner
Stato and Comnierclnl street, In front
of the Madison. Fred's neat and a
first-class cook. If you say that Fred
Isn't, come ovor and see. I bet you
$5 1 use no grease. It
' Some Senate Notes.
The courtesy, of the senate was ex
tended to ex-Mayor Hostettler, of The
Dalles. He was a guest of Senator But
ler. David Dunn, collector of Internal
revenue, was extended the courtesy
of the senate today.
James Hennesy Murphy, of
land, was given the courtesy of the
senate this morning, and was a guest !
of Senator Moser.
Among Portland visitors in the sen
ate chamber this morning were the
following Portland men of promt
Oscar Heinz, foundryman; Frank
Ilrown, prominent fisherman; Roy
Richardson, railroad man; Weather
Prophet Reals; Ralph Moody, railroad
attorney; Judge Carey, attorney for
the Hill lines; George Hyland, repre
sentative of the paving Interests;
Count Senosky, editor of the Sunday
'Welcome; Frank Grant, city attor
ney; Frank Heitkelmer, well-known
jeweler; John McCue, farmer senator;
John Coffey, county clerk of Multno
mah county.
Dan Kellaher treated the senate and
the newspaper men to apples this
The wife of Senator Kiddle accom
panied her husband In the senate
chamber thlB morning.
Colonel Lawson, superintendent of
the state penitentiary, was a visitor
at the sennto session.
Dr. Smith and Dr. Wood, the two
senator phVKleliins, took opposing
sides on, the drug bill tills morning.
Senator McColloch had the chair for
an hour this morning, while Scnntor
Malarkey transacted business In bis
office, and visited with Senator Moser.
Col. K. Hofer, editor of the Ore
gon Manufacturer, listened to tne
laws go by.
Captain Lorenzen, of the Salem post
of the Salvation Army, opened the
senate session with prayer this morn
George Putnam, editor of the Med
ford Mail-Tribune, was a senate visi
tor today.
Father O'Hara, of Portland, who is
Interested In the minimum wage
bill, was present for a time In the
senate today.
Judge Latourette, of Oregon City,
father of Representative Latourette,
was a visitor In the senate chamber
CHANLEY. At the home at 001 North
Capitol street, Monday, February 3,
1913, Thomas Y. Chnnley, at the
nge of 00 years.
The funeral will take place from
the Rigdon & Richardson undertaking
parlors tomorrow, Wednesday, at 2
o'clock p. m and Interment will bo Id
tlio I. O. O. F. cemetery.
ERFURT. At the local hospital, Sat
urday, February 1, 1913,Adolph C.
The' remains will probably bo sent
to Corvnllls today for burial.
KROWLING At a local hospital,
February 3, 1913, nt 5:30 n. m
William Krowllng, aged 43 yenrs.
of epilepsy.
The body was prepared at tbe un
dertaking parlors of Lehmnn &
Clough nnd Belt to Astoria on the 2
o'clock train.
The Oregon Eleclrlc.
General Superintendent Davidson, of
the Oregon Electric company, made nn
Inspection of the company's passonger
depot here yesterday, and he was
much pleased with It. Mr. Davidson
declared that whilo business was very
satisfactory at the present, tlmo, com
pletion of construction of the system
through the valley Is the principal fea
ture now and after tills work has been
finished, then devolopment will be
commenced with vigor.
Six pounds of Columbia river smelt
for L'5 cents nt Thlelsen's Cash Gro
cery. Phone 810.
It Is a sad state of affairs If love
grows cold before the bride gets nil
the rlco out. of her hair.
Port- i 'J
Dr. Frederick A. Cook
Eminent Polar Explorer personally not In pictures.
Wednesday, February 5
Two shows nt night. Come early and avoid the crowds.
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever
Remove! Tun. PlmplM,
Freckle, Mtb I'utchea,
Bull, nd hkln DlHt-ue
na every Dkiulun
on beauty. il tie
flea detection. It
hu atotxl tbe teat
of W yean, antl
la lo harm let w
taste It to be iu re It
tt propfrly mala,
felt ,of ilmlUr
name. Dr. L. A.
Bnvra aald to a
lady of tba haul
tn (a patient):
" Aa you Ii41ea
wlU ue tli em
I recommend
Unarntiii" fruit m' aa the leant harmful of all thft
kin preparations," For sale by all ilntKK'xta and Fancy
Oooda Dealt: ra Id the United titaUsi, Cauuda aud Europe.
KnD,T.HOPllN$,Pnip, 37 Great Jones Slrett. NewTrd
Raymond Polnotn la Ons of Stronotai
Statesman In Europa.
Raymond Polucare, formerly prime
minister of France and considered one
of the strong men of Europe, was
made president of his country at tbe
recent election. He received bis office
at the bands of the senate and cham
ber of deputies sitting aa a national as
sembly at Versailles.
M. Polncare has been the most force
ful statesman lu France for some time.
' if. W,
It Is widely believed thnt he was the
mnu who preserved European peace
during several great iuteruntioiinl
crises. He is believed to have bud the
biggest part of nil statesmen In keep
ing the Halkan wnr localized when the
powers might easily have become In
volved. M. Polncare was born tlfty
three years ago In French Lorraine.
Frsnch Count Said to Bo Suitor For
Rich Widow's Hand.
A cablegram flora Paris announces
that Count Hello do Talleyrand-Perl-gord
Is a suitor of Mrs. William B.
I.eeds of New York, widow of the "tlu
plate king."
The count is a cousin of the Duke de
Talleyrand, husband of Anna Gould;
of the Duke do Valenciiy, formerly bus
bund of Helen Morton of New York,
and "f the Duke tie Muutinorency and a
nephew of the late Duke de Dlno. He
Is also h cousin of the Castellaucs.
There Is a redeeming feature about
having one big worry; you don't have
time to bother with a lot of little wor
ries. Children Cry
S3 W9
- 1
Mrs. Dr. J. W. Lehman and children
of Portland are visiting at the home
of her sister, Mrs. U. G. Lehman.
Jake Prague, the traveling salesman
arrived on the Oregon Electric this
morning and will remain a short time
on business,
W. C. Kolb, a SMkane casket sales
man, Is visiting his patrons bore to
day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Knox, of
Oregon City, nro attending the legis
lature and visiting Salem friends this
week. 1
Miss Eugcna Crawrord left this
morning for Portland where alio will
attend the wedding of her sister, Miss
Freda, to Harry N. Helse.
John Rogue, of Sllverton, was a bu
siness visitor hero today. John de
clares that business Is thriving In Sll
verton and that tho citizens of that
town are looking forward eagerly to
what tho outcome of tho prosent legls
latve body'B business will bo.
Conrad Dillman, of Polk county, was
here today.
General Superintendent Davidson, of
the Oregon Electric comiiany, was
here yesterday looking after the In
terests of the railroad in Salem.
Miss Sadie Lynch, of McMlnnville,
was among tlio Salom visitors from
Polk county this morning.
A'.torney Overton, of Woodliurn, Is
among the business visitors nt the
court house this week.
Tom McMurray, a member of the
Portland police force, is spending a
short vacation In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Neehinds, of Til
lamook, nro visiting friends and rela
tives here. They will remain until
Saturday when they will leave for nn
extended visit, to Mrs. Neelamls' fath
er, George Frazure, of Nome, Alaska.
U. L. Oberhelm, of Gervals, was
looking nfter business Interests hero
this morning.
Attorney F. S. Mlnsenmler left tills
morning for Albany on business.
Tho Misses OUIn nnd Ellen Patter
son, of Harrlsburg, arrived this morn
ing and will spend the remainder of
the week with their aunt, Mrs. John
Gregory, of North Salem.
R. C. Wygan', formerly employed In
tho stato engineering department aa
fieldman, has located at Florence, Or.
Tom Lusk, of Sllverton, is In tho
olty to see that the legislature attends
strlcriy to business.
Reese Home Burglarized,
It Is more than evident, according to
the officers of Salem, that there a
few very undesirable citizens in the
city at present. The home of Joe Reese
the machine operator at Ye Liberty
moMon picture theatre, was robbed
last Saturday night after ho and his
wife had left the residence to attend
to their duties at the show house. The
residence was entered by means of a
skeleton key and Mrs. Reese's rings
and other valuables were sfolon. The
liollco havo no clue as yet as to tho
guilty parties. ,
Moose Entertainment Tonight.
All members are requested to bo
present. ' II. II. TURNER,
I do a general visiting and office
practice, treating both acuto nnd'
chronic diseases. I havo many pa
tients for as'hma, dropsy, diseases of
the heart and kidneys, gall stont's,
rheumatism, diseases of the skin and
nervous disorders.
I have cured dropsy In patients af
ter they had been pronounced hopeless
by other able physicians.
I have cured gall Btones after emi
nent surgeons had said that tin opera
tion would ba necessary to afford re
lief. Olfloe practice: Cash.
If you need my help, I am at your
DR. L. fl. ALTMAN,
2911 N. Liberty St,
Phone: Main 147. Salem, Oregon
In Edison Wax x
4-mlnute 31 each
2-mlniito 21 each
A splendid assortment for the
early customer. We have the
Victor recorda for February.
You may have them on the fol
lowing Vlctrolas at our store:
No. 9 $50.00
No. 10 $75.00
No. 11 $100.00
No. 14 $150.00
No, IB $00.00
217 N. Commercial Street.
Tol. Main 1187. Salem, Ore.
Next to 8tone's Drug Store
I Grand Opera House i
YVcrlm nnd Lusclier Present
"The Rose Maid"
The Operatic Event of the Sea
son. Special Orchestra
Prices, $-'.00, $1.50 and 75c.
Seat sale Friday, February 7th. I N
tract suitable for ralBlng loganber
ries. Prefer tract In cultivation
now, moBtly cleared, and must be
close to the celebrated Lake Lablsh
district. Easy terms. Gorman In
vestment Co., Steeves Building.
WANTED Young man 17 to 19 years
old, to work In bicycle shop. Must
bo mechanically Inclined. Inquire
at Watt Shipp's. 2-4-3t
LOST SATURDAY or Sunday, man's
purse, containing silver nnd bills.
Suitable reward for return to Jour
nal. 2-l-3t
cleaning, call Main 810.
$1100 Will take a fine 2 2-3-acro
piece of property on tho Oregon
Electric, ndjolnlng depot, closo to
post office; on good road. There Is a
good barn, chicken houso, spring,
running water, two and a half acres
In orchard. A fine plnco for chick
en ranch; good soli, fine location,
and SO pure bred Buff Orpingtons go
with tlie place. Terms can be made,
llechtel & Bynon, 317 State street.
CHEAP LOTS I have two lots for
Bale cheap, and will sell on very
easy terms. Will tako as low as $1
per week, Located close to car line.
Nlco location. Address "C. E. H.,"
Journnl office. 2-4-Rt
WANTED At Dr. Stone's drug store,
young man to learn drug business.
Apply at once. 2-4-3t
A politician no sooner climbs aboard
the band wagon than he begins to toot
his own horn.
Dr. Asseln, Dentist t
Salem Hunk & Trust II big.
Resident Agents (Nit Htnte Street
On flood Real Estnln Security.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or
On good Heal Estate secirlty,
47 Stat Street
On farm and city property. John H.
Scott, over Chicago Store, Sslem, Or
egon. Phone 1552.
In any quantity. Prompt deliver?
our specialty. Falls City Lumbsi
Company. 279 North Commerels'
street. Phone Main 81J
No machinery to tear and wear
out delicate fabrics. Work called
for and delivered promptly.
436 Ferry St. Phono Main 2251
Office Phone Main 183
Rigdon Residence Main 111.
Funeral Directors and Undertakers
262 N. High Street
H i riTii "biiwi ii i
tin --"fc-trara
Earl Nengebaner
Maionle Temple