Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 03, 1913, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Ttgt Ion
wai capi tal jorHifAi, nxiT.n, oregoic, monday, February , mis.
All Wilful Sins Most Pay Pen
alty, Says Pastor Russell.
All Tranigreulon of the Divine Law If
. 8in, and All Sin It Punishable With
Death But by God's Grace the Sin.
of Ignorance Will Be Forgiven Il
logical Interpretation of the Bible by
the Creeds of the Dark Ages Has
Misled Bible Student. Enlightened
. Study Makes God's Word Clear.
Worcester, Mass.,
January 20. Pas
tor Kussell hud
crowds to hear hliu
here today. lie
spoko twice. We
report his dis
course from the
text: "Theso Bhiill
go nwny Into ever
lasting punish-
ment: but the
righteous Into life
e t er n n (."Mat
thew 25:40.
The spcuker approached his subject
reverently, declaring that nil mankind
recognize two great fuels: (1) that all
nre sinners, Imperfect, willingly or un
willingly; and (2) that all realize the
propriety of n Just penalty for sins in
proportion to their wilfulness, knowl
edge being n prime factor. All this can
be admitted by even thoso who deny
that we havo In the Itlblo nil Inspired
message telling us the origin of sin, Its
penalty nud the conditions governing
the Divine Judgment of sinners.
lie would not Indulge in speculations,
but he would stand by the Word of
God. If we havo a Message from the
Creator on tho subject of sin and its
punishment, nono should either take
from nor add to that testimony, lie
believed, however, that our forefathers
had added to tho Word of (Jod without
realizing it.
Many hold tlint In bygone days Chris
tint) people, in their nn.tlety to frighten
their fellow-men into church member
ship, so exaggerated God's Word that
they foiled Niolr very purpose of help
ing tho ungodly. Many upright people,
nauseated nt tho distorted tnlsrepre
senlntlous of Divine Justice, have
thrown away the Bible ns well as the
creeds nud nre hearkening to Higher
Criticism, Evolution, New Thought,
Spiritism, etc. Hence tho usual small
congregations nt the churches nnd a
minority of these, thinking men nnd
women. Many are church Attendants,
not because of belief in denominational
creeds, but because they desire to ei
erclso n moral lulluence upon tho "low
er classes." These they burden with
horrible doctrines of Divine injustice
which they themselves have long since
discorded inwardly, If uot outwardly.
The Baptist "Underworld."
Our Baptist friends, in bringing for
wurd n new translation of the Itlble,
have sought to reconcile matters by
the uso of the tonn "underworld" In
stead of hell, as the translation of the
Hebrew word Sheol nnd of the cor
responding. Greek word Hades. This
Ih a step In the right direction, but too
conservative. All educated peoplo
know that Sheol and Hades signify tho
tomb, tho death state. Sheol Is translat
ed nvavc mill alt In our Common Ver
sion Hlhle more frequently than It is
translated hrll. Why should Christian
ministers spend years In colleges and
seminaries to learn these things, and
then fear to tell the people the facts?
Do they realize that the mlsundeiKtiind
ing of this subject of htil Is emptying
their churches iiuil Mumbling thinking
people Into Higher ('rltlclsin lnlldcdlly,
etc., leading on to nlhelsm anil anarchy?
What the Bible Does Tench.
The Illlile declares that all transgres
sion of the Dhlno Law Is sin, and that
nil sin Is punishable with the same
penalty- death Thus Adam's disobe
dient c ill eating the forbidden fruit
brought upon lilui the sentence of
death, which by the laws of heredity
he bus transmitted to nil mankind. All
our sin and sickness, sorrow nud death,
therefore, come as the penalty of
Adam's sin. St. l'aul spectlleally says
that by one man's disobedience sin
entered Into the world and death lis the
result of sin: thus death has passed
upon all men, beeauso all are sinners.
(Humans CM'-'. ID.) Although men may
multiply the transgressions, they can
not Increase tho penalty, because the
Divine I,nw has only one penalty for
In t lie death penalty-extinction.
Hut Divine Mercy has arranged for
man's redemption by providing that
Jchiih should pay the penalty for
Adam's sin. This lie did when Ho of
fered Himself and died, "the Just for
the unjust" The life of .lesus, us n
corresponding price for the forfeited
life of Adam, guaranteed the cancella
tion of Adam's sin; nnd this means nil
opportunity for Adam to return to the
Father's house as n son, in due tlnio.
under the assistance of Messiah's King
dom. Or, neglecting these privileges
when they shall come to him, Adam
would be counted as refusing the grace
of flod and would die (lie Second
Death, from which there will bo no re
demption nnd no resurrection.
Hut before Adam cnn refuso God's
grace, he must be made intelllucnlly
aware vf it lie could not know of It
during the nine hundred thirty years of
Jill dying under tho curse, because It
was rioFybt aecompTislicu"."CfirlBt had
not yet died. Adam could not be aware
of God's grace in Christ Blnco Jesus
died, because Adam has been asleep in
death, wholly unconscious waiting for
the morning of the New Dispensation
and the awakening and the knowledge
which will reach him then.
What is thus true respecting Adam
will be true also respecting every mem
ber of his posterity. They nil losl
God's favor nnd enmo under the curst
Df denth, by heredity, through Adam
nnd tho redemption of Adam, will
mean the redemption of all humanity
tho payment of the penalty of original
tin for every member of Adam's race.
Tho setting up of Messiah's Kingdom
will not be for the purpose of furthei
punishing them, for under the reign of
sin and death they were already under
Having purchased mankind with HI.
own sacrifice, our Lord will Inaugurate
tho Messianic Kingdom for the very
purpose of helping mankind up out ol
sin and degradation, back to the per
feet image and likeness to God origi
nally bestowed upon Adam. The Mil
lennial Age Is spoken of as a thousand.
year Day of Judgment, but this doe!
not signify n Judgment for Adam's sin
That sentence wns pronounced six thou
sand years ago.
During Christ's Millennial Kingdom,
mankind will go on trial for Judgment
to ascertnlu whether or not, ufter at
taining full knowledge of God, they
will nvall themselves of Messiah's as
sistance to come back Into harmony
with the Creator. The willing and ob-
dlent will be perfected again In the
flesh, and the remainder will be de
stroyed in the Second Denth as follow
ers of Satan.
The Church will' bo associated with
her Lord In that great work of dealing
with the world. In order to prepare
her for that great glory and honor, het
calling and olectlon must take place In
advance of the coming of the King, het
Bridegroom. It must take place, there
fore, before the end of this Gosol Ago.
The Scriptures clearly tench that
some will during tho .Messianic reign,
receive stripes, or chastisements, for
their development in righteousness and
that the fullest penalty, Second Death,
will como only to wilful evil-doer.
And hero wo may note the Divine nr
rnngenient In respect to nil wilful sins
of the present life. Each wilful sin
makes Its mark makes tho conscience
more calloused, and the heart tho more
tony. In this manner evil-doers treas
ure up for themselves wrath against
the Day of Wraththe Day of Judg
ment, the Day of Just retribution.
As tho doing of righteousness pro
duces a good character, tho doing of
unrighteousness wilfully, produces nn
evil character, nnd will necessitate the
more stripes, which, If unheeded, will
bring upon the evil-doer the Second
Death. In this connection we can re
member St. Paul's words: "Some men's
sins are open beforehand, going before
to judgment the penalty, while oth
ers they follow after." (1 Timothy
0:21.) Not merely the Church receives
tribulation In the present time, but Jus
tice sometimes overtakes evil-doers and
works n measure of reformation In the
present life, leaving proportionately
fewer steps to be retraced In the life
to como.
God's Law of Forgivenese.
God hns mado provision for the for
giveness and reconciliation of Adnm
and all of his children. Sumo during
the Gospel Ago are privileged to como
to God through Jesus as their Adve
cato and by becoming Ills true dis
ciples to have full forgiveness of sins
and full reconciliation to the Father.
For tho remainder of mankind God's
provision is different. Divine Justice
will forgive tho world en masse at tho
Instance of the great Mediator, and
will turn the world over to Him, that
Ho may restore them to perfection nnd
make It possible for them to be re
ceived back again into God's family.
Thus wo see that God's forgiveness
Is directed by principles of Justice.
Hut He commands Ills people that, be
ing Imperfect themselves and recipi
ents of Ills Hercy, they shall not at
tempt to deal with their fellows wholly
on the basis of Justice, but shall for
give one another, even ns God for
Christ's sake lias forgiven them. Di
vine Mercy purposes to embrace every
member of Adam's race In the glorious
provision through Christ.
Punishment In Our Text.
Our text is the summing up of the
parable of The Sheep and the Goats.
Only Illlile students, apparently, have
noticed that this parable does not be
long to the present Age; but Is a de
scription of conditions which will pre
vail during Messiah's Kingdom. This
Is Indicated by the setting. Wo read:
"When the Son of Man shall como in
His glory, and all the holy angels
with lllm, then shall Ho sit upon the
Thrum) of His glory; and before lllm
shall be gathered nil peoples: nud He
shall separate them one from another,
as a shepherd dlvldcth his sheep from
the goats." (Matthew 2.ri:.H, ;i2. An
other Scripture assures us that when
the Redeemer shall appear in glory,
Ills Church will appear with lllm, for
the accomplishment of the blessed
things foretold respecting that glorious
Kingdom and Its work of blessing all
the families of the earth.
The Lord's sheep of the Millennial
Ago will be the willing and obedient,
who rejoice to be In harmony with
Hod. These will be gathered to the
right hand of the Klng-tlie plnco of
favor. The goats, correspondingly, arc
placed on the left hand.-Messiah's
disfavor, because of their persistence
In waywardness so well illustrated by
Ihe goat's wayward disposition.
At (lie close of that thousand-year
Day of blessed opportunities the whole
world of mankind will be found In
either one class or tho other. Then will
come tho final settlement Tho Day of
Christ Is Divinely, appointed for the
pultliig "(lowTTof slu ln'lts" efe'ry'form,
and tho death, destructiot of all who
love or sympathize with sin Satan
and all other wayward ones.
Jesus said to some in Ills day: "Ye
are of your father, the Devil, for his
work ye do." Tho goats will be of Sa
tan's company, because, like him, they
choose tho way of sin nnd opposition to
God, Truth and righteousness. Our
text might be more literally rendescd.
These Satan nnd his followers, Includ
ing the "goats" of the parable shall go
nwny into everlasting eutting-off Ifrom
life, but the righteous the "sheep" of
the pnrable, shall be ushered Into life
Tho Lord does not say that either
Satan or the goats will be sent to ever
lasting torment, but Into everlasting
punishment everlasting denth a death
from which there will be no resurrec
tion. They shall perish like natural
brute bensts. 2 I'etcr 2:12.
The Greek word here rendered pun.
lsliment is kulusiit, which means prun
ing, as a husbandman prunes the dead
wood from his orchard or vineyard.
So Satan nnd all his hosts will be cut
off Dually from God's blessings, and be
destroyed in the Second Death. An
other use of the word kolasln In classic
Greek Is to restrain; ns, "The chariot'
eers restrain kolasln their (lory
steeds." So God, through Christ, de
clares that the Second Death shall ever
lastingly restrain Satan and all who
have his goat-like, wayward disposition
after having bad full knowledge and
opportunity to develop opposite dispo
In a previous verse the same parable
puts tho results of the trial of the na
tions for llfo or death, during the Mes
siah's Kingdom, In different language.
It declares that the reward to the sheer
will be, "Come, ye blessed of My Fa
ther, inherit the kingdom prepared foi
you from the foundation of the world."
This Is the kingdom which was origi
nally given to Adam, but lost through
This Is tho kingdom which Jesus by
obedience to the Law had a right to
claim for Himself, but which He sacri
ficed for the benellt of hiimniilty. The
Father gave to lllm and to the Church.
His Bride, a Heitvetily Kingdom, not
founded when tho earth was founded,
but "from fccore the foundation of the
world." Messiah, during the Millen
nial Age, will prove who of mankind
are worthy of everlasting human life
at tho end of Ills thousand-year reign.
The Lord will deliver to God the do
minion, or the kingdoin'of earth. Man
kind will thenceforth be responsible di
rectly to the Heavenly Father, as we
read In 1 Corinthians 15:24.
The fate of tho goats Is described In
theso words: "Then shall Ho any to
them on Ills left hand the goats. De
part from Me, ye cursed unlit, into
everlasting (Ire, prepared for the Devil
nnd his angels." The fact that this Is
a parable forces tho conclusion thnt the
tire Is as symbolical as are the sheep
and the gonts. Fire here, as every
where In the Bible, Is used as a symbol
of destruction. Everything evil and
unfit, Including Satan and ail who fol
low his perverse ways, are to be de
stroyed "In the lake of (Jre. which Is
symbolizes the Second Death."
Itevelatlon 20:14.
Cutting Off Right Hand or Foot.
On another occasion Jesus, describ
ing how much the future life should
be appreciated, declared that a man
had better cut off bis right hand or bis
right foot or pluck out his right eye,
rnther than otherwise be cast Into the
flro thnt shall never be quenched and
whore the worm dietb not. (Mark 9:40,
47, 48.) Tho Master did not mean Uls
words to be taken literally, and no
Christian would be Justified In maim
ing himself.
What tho Muster meant, evidently,
was that tho pleasures nnd appetites of
tho present, though precious to us as
are our most useful members, should
bo sacrlllced rather than that maintain.
Ing present blessings we should full
to attain (ho promised Kingdom.
So, likewise, wo must Interpret Ills
words respecting tho worm dying not
nnd tile fire not being quenched, The
disciples knew of only one plnco where
theso words could lie applicable. That
plnco wns "the valley of Illnnom"
Gehenna where the refuse of Jerusa
lem was thrown ns into a garbage fur
nace for destruction. Fires of brim
stone were kept burning In the bottom
to destroy tho germs of disease, and
no ono extinguished thoso tires, Riilh
er, they were perpetuated. And If, per
chance, some carcass fell outside the
flro line, the worms devoured It No
ono w ished to destroy the worms and
preserve the carcass,
Gehenna thus became a type, or fig
ure, of the titter destruction awaiting
tho finally rebellious, who must perish
"as natural bmte beasts," that the
earth may bo cleansed. Our Lord's
references to the worms and to tho Are
were doubtless appreciated by those
who heard. It would nlgnlfy to them
that, ns the offal was destroyed, so the
wicked would be classed as the offal of
humanity nnd bo dually destrojed In
the Second Death.
On previous occasions wo have shown
ttiat our Lord's reference to weeping
and gnashing of teeth do not refer to
experiences either In the grave or Id
the future life. They refer to the snd
experiences of some In the end of this
Age, In the great tlnio of trouble with
which It w ill close. Some will be great
ly disappointed because after they havo
preached In Christ's name nnd In His
mime cast out demons, He shall declare
them unworthy of Ills recognition.
We also remind our bearers thnt the
parable of The Itlch Man nnd Lnrnrtis
is now clearly understood nnd Keen to
be full of beauty nnd Important Instruc
tion, given In symbolic language. We
have pleasure in offering a treatise on
this topic In print, free of cost, In re
sponse to a postcard request sent to the
Brooklyn Tabernacle, Hrooklyp, N, ?.
in House
Third' reading had taken place nnd
the vote had been called for on the
bill Introduced by the senate Judiciary
committees for tho creation of the
Twelfth judicial district by tho di
vision of the third district, when mo
tion was made for the noon adjourn
ment. No difficulty Is anticipated in
passing the bill this afternoon.
The third district now comprise
Marlon,' Linn, Polk, Yamhill and Tilla
mook counties. If the bill pauses the
third district will cover only Mttrion
and Linn counties, the other three to
bo the twolfth district. The business
of the circuit oaurt for the third dis
trict shall continue to be in two de
partments, with two judges presiding.
The bill provides that terms of court
in dopartment No. 1 In the third dis
trict shnll he as follows:
In Linn county, on the first Monday
of March, the first Monday of May,
tho first Monday of September and the
first Monday of December. In Marlon
county, the first Monday of January,
the first Monday of April, the first
Monday of July and the first Mondny
of October. '
In department No. 2 of the third
district the terms of court will be as
follows: ,
In Linn county, the first Monday of
April, tho first Monday, of June, the ,
first Monday of October, tho first Mon- j
da;' of January. In Marlon county, i
the first Monday of February, the first !
Monday of May, the first Monday of
August and the first Monday of No-,
vember. '
In the twelfth Judicial district the,
terms of court shnll be hold according
to tho following schedule;
In Polk county, the first Monday of ,
February, the first Mondny of August,
tho first Monday of November. In
Yamhill county, the first Monday of
Mnrch, the first Monday of September
and tho first Monday of December. In
Tillamook county, the first Monday of
April and the first Monday of Oc
tober. The Salaries of Attorneys.
Tho law provides that tho district
attorney for the third judicial district
shnll receive $2."0 per annum, with
assistants In both Linn nnd Marion
counties, who shnll receive $000 per 1
fin,,ll,,1 In 111 nnH.I,. A..nn,..l ....IPtl. I
""in, in, ,i, iiiu uuni.v in.-un.-u
district the governor will he required
to appoint a judge and a district at
torney, both of whom must be resi
dents of the district. Tho district at
torney is to receive $1800 yearly for
his services, while an assistant In each
county will receive $100 yearly.
Governor West again this morning
received practically the whole support
of the sennte when the bill of Senator
Wood, Introduced nt. the request of the
governor, for the prevention of the
sain or hnrter of liquors or drugs to
convicts of the Btate penitentiary,
and providing punishment for the of
fense, wns passed by a heavy majority.
No oilier bills were given third rend
ing In tho morning session.
IIIIIs Read First Time.
A bill of Importance, and one thnt
promises a hard fight In the senate,
wns Introduced nnd given first rending
today was that by Senator Calklkns,
making It possible for county court b
to Improve county roads by the as
sessment of the nbuttlng property.
Other bills introduced nnd rend the
first tlnio this morning were the fol
By Miller, to nmend section 30!)0 of
Lord's Oregon Lnws. By Carson, to
Relief for Bowel Trouble
Here Is a laxative not a purgative but a pleasant, easy-to-take
tablet that tastes Just like candy, that children like,
that Is ideal for Invalids and aged persons. We guarantee it
not to cost you a penny If It docs not satisfy you. Don't doubt
or hesitate make us prove it.
Consult Your Doctor
We believe your doctor will tell
you that almut 1)5 per cont of all
human ill. are indirectly caused by
unclean ami constipated bowala. You
know the firnt (juration the doctor
nk. when you commit him is, "Are
your bowel, regular?"
When your bowel, nre not natur
ally Fiereim d auch a. they would be
if you took a good brink walk of six
or .even mile, a day out in the open,
they rrtpiirft artificial eierrise and a
corrective tonic that will eoothe and
trmiKilien while regulating the
bowel, to natural action,
Free If It Fails
Wo have en much faith in Rexall
Ordcrliea a. theanfctit, molt depend
able, rasiest-lo-luke, quictct acting
and timet thoroughly good rcmefly
for bowel trouble, thut wo offer them
with our pmiliva guarantee that if
they do not eatiafy for any rnaann
whatever, we will hand back the
money you paid lor them,
Don't doubt, or holtato, Make u.
prove our cinima. Come and got ft
box of Hniull Orderlies today.
CAVTIOM: rieriee bear In mind that Roxall Orderlle. are not told by all drug
gists, You cnn buy Hexall Orderlies only at The ltexall Store. .
You can buy Hexall Diderlire in thia community only at our .tore!
The ffivxa& Stores
' There I. a Knell Store In nesrly entry town and elty la the United State., Canada ant
On. Britain. There t. a different Retail Remedy fnr nearly Tery ordinary human IUr
ajaoa MpecutUy dteit tied tor the particular ill tor whiotl it is raoommended.
The Rexall Store are America'! Qreatest Drug Store
amend section 2686, Lord's Oregon
Laws, pertaining to the office of
state printer. By1 Moser, for the regu
lation of tho working hours of drug
clerks. By Butler, for the greater
safety of railroad employes. By Neun
cr, by request, nsking an appropria
tion for a bridge across the Unipqua
river. By Butler, regulating candida
cies for judicial offices.
To ItciioTC Sllctz Settlers.
Senator Carson was author of sen
ate joint memorial to congress, Intro
duced this morning, nsking the na
tional legislative body to consider fa
vorably Congressman Hawley's bill
now pending In congress for the relief
of settlers on the Slletz Indian reser
vation. Senator Miller Introduced a joint
resolution that the senate and house
meet in joint session on Wednesday,
February 12, for the observance of an
appropriate program of Lincoln's
Thursday of this week will be the
Inst day of the session that bills may
be Introduced In either house without
the consent of three-fourths of the
members. The resolution Introduced
on the first day of the session by Sen
ator Dlmlck to this effect, has been
concurred in by the house. The res
olution ns Introduced was rnpre string
ent making the unanimous consent of
the members necessary for the intro
duction of any measure after the
25th day of the session. Tho resolu
tion was amended by the resolutions
Some Senatorial Notes.
Senator Milt Miller, the "sage of
Lebanon," hns been a member of the
senate ever since the winter of the
blue snow, No one knows Just how
old the senntor Is. A clerk, who has
been about the legislative balls for a
dozen sessions, says the sage Is at
least 125 years old. But, whilo an
tiquo in years, he Is young In mind,
and is the dude of tho legislature. IIo
Is a regular Beau Bnimmel, is Sena
tor Miller. In sartorial fastidiousness
he hns Thompson and McColloch
backed clear off the boards. Senator
Miller has an advantage over Thomp
son, too, in that his hair Is curlier
than Is the senator's from Lake coun
ty. A. F. Hofer, whilom secretary of the
Salem Board of Trade, now gentleman
of leisure, wns browsing about in the
legislative linlls this morning.
The senate session tills morning was
not opened with prayfer, according to
usual custom, no minister being pres
ent. President Malarkey called for a
minister from the audience, hut none
responded. It was the first morning
session Blnce tho opening day that a
minister has uot been present.
C. M. -Swain, once editor of the Walla
Walla Union, now capitalist and lesseo
from tho stato of salt deposits In Ldike
county,' was a visitor In the scnato
this morning,
Mrs. C. A. Barrett,' of Athena, Ore
gon, wife of Senator Barrett, Is in Sa
lem for the legislative period. She Is
a frequent visitor at the senate cham
ber. The bencflclent oountenance and
stentorian voice of Dan Kollaher were
absent from their owner's seat In the
senate today.
(Continued from page 1.)
for the state to takeellfe, and there
fore tho state had a legal right to en
force surgical operations, ho argued.
Then came the bombshell of Mr. Mit
chell and the noon adjournment.
The house passed threo bills this
forenoon and got Into a hot tight over
the Schuebcl bill to mnko nn equal
We won't ask you to ign anything
or obligate you in any way. Your
mere request will bring n return of
your money, You tuku no rink what
ever. With this guarantee there i.
rertninly no n-asoo why you ahould
heiitate to try
'Remember, wo are doing business
right hero where you live. You are
acquainted with ua or you are poa
bi 1)1 V a friend nr a neighbor. We
would not dnre to make such a state
ment were wo not positive that Kei
all Orderlies justify every claim we
make for thorn,
If your tongue la coated, if your
breath i. bad, if your food doe. not
digest easily, if you feel diity at
times, if you are bilious, if you are
irritable, If you suffer headacho, Just
try Kexalt Orderlies because the
ehanre. are that you are .Imply
uffering constipation.
Rexall Orderlies como In eonven
lent vest pocket tin boxes. 1 a tablet.
lUo; 30 tablet., 25o; 80 tableta, Sue.
f, j, r ti if"
- .i -i
' -M.
if ' , H t -
IV.- . '.,. . .' :.4r
f , " ,' ' Si- . , r 1 .
Killlfii Lucked, firnce Taylor, (Jrncc Morrlsy, In "Bronilwny Jones.'
tux rutp for nil claimants of water for
power purpoKes. Tho Howard bill,
ninklng it unlawful to keep or main
tain dlfrcputnblo dance halls known
ns liurdy gurdlcs was passed without
a dissenting vote. The Gill bill raising
tl.o penalty for soiling liquor without
a license (o a line of from $2."0 to $5(1(1
and milling a county jail sentence of
from CO days to six months, wan also
passed, as was tho Nichols bill prohib
iting livestock from running nt largo
on any fenced highway or coun'y road
This bill was voted on last week and
lost, but was unanimously reinstated
when It was amended to exempt east
em Oregon from Its provisions.
When tho Schuebcl bill camo up n
hot fight at once developed, lllnkle
of Umatilla, moved that It be referred
to the committee on Irrigation for fur
ther consideration, claiming that ns
the bill applied to water power that
comnilti',ee should a'so properly con
sider It. Schuebcl asserted that the
bill had nothing whatever to do with
irrigation, Hint It merely provides for
tho sale of water for development of
power, and created a sensation by
stating that powerful Interests were
lighting it nnd that they were behind
a movement to prevent the bill from
coming before the house for passage.
Ho called at cntlon to the fact that the
bill ha1 been Introduced tho second
day of tho session and that It had
twice been referred to committee
where It had received careful consider
ation. Ho declared that ho would not
stand for further delay, and that he
hoped lie would not have to say some
sensational tilings, hut would do so If
It bocamo necessary. Ho said that a
powerful lobby against the bill was
still at the state house, and was In tho
plot to delay.
Smith of Klnmath and Hngood, of
Multnomah declared thnt the bill
would wiirk a hardship on hundreds of
personB who had filed on water rlgli's
for the purpose of Irrigating their
lands. They pleaded that tho lrrga
ton committee Bhould bo given the hill
for consider,!' Ion, nnd argued that It
properly belonged to this committee.
Hughes, of Marlon, and Mitchell and
Tottx'r upheld Schuebel and argued for
a vote 011 tho bill at one
Schuebel contends that the bill
merely equalizes the tax of claimants
who have filed on wntor for power
purposes. Ho poln'ed out that big cor
poratlons that had filed prior to the
Rostein & Greenbaum
New Ginghams
New Percales
Dainty, Pretty Patterns
New Ladies' Shirt Waists
The Newest From the East
Sure to Please You
17-Inch embroideries, good qualities, only 25c yard,
. Corset cover embroidery, 1 Tic yard.
42 'j -inch flouncing", $1.00 goods, 50o yard.
42H-lnch floiinclngs, $1.25 goods, 75o yard.
t i
f 1 i
.".in - j.j
law of 1!)(I9 on the same subject were
pnylng much less tax than those per
iling who had lllcd under the provis
ions of the law of l'.Hl. In some cases
itho difference was as much as $74 to-
$.'000. He pleaded that his bill meant
only fn'r play and Justice with all
owners of water lights
A motion finally prevailed, with
Schuebel consulting that the bill be
rnforrcd to the in'lsviliim conimltteer
j with the understanding that it report
the hill back not later than Wednes
day morning.
For a few days only.G-room house,
barn, windmill, good water, 3 large
lots 50x1 SO feet, about 40 good bearing;
fruit trees, closo to school and car
line, Price $2L'D0; terms,
Will buy 7-room house, large lot, COx;
150 feet, on Court street, all assess-
jmcnts paid, beautiful location, Just
east of the stato house.
Another Snap.
A good house, modern Improvements,
barn, all kinds of bearing fruit trees,
two acres of land on good street andl
between two car lines; ripe for sub
division, where you can double your
money quick. Price $1500; terms. Se
Mr. Drunner, 347 State street.
Will buy a fine lot 50 125 feet, clos
to a paved street.
Choice Lot.
Choice large lot 50x165 feet on Court
street, near lGth. Price $1100; this
offer Is only good for a few days. Ask
for Mr. Bechtel.
Sufinrbnn Home.
Closo In suburban homo, cheap, new,
modern 5-room house, barn, 5 acres
of the best lnnd In tho valley, some?
bearing fruit trees, main traveled
road, Price $3000; terms.
One aero In city limits, 4-room plas
tered house, 2 blocks from car line.
This Is a snap at $1100. Part cash,
terms on balance. Seo Mr. Scott. "
$150 cash buys 10 acres, 3-4 mil?
from station. See Scott,
Wo write all kinds of Insurance,
loan money, rent houses. 1
We buy, sell or exchange proper
ties. What have you?
317 Stato Street.
347 State Street. Tel. Main 4521