Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 30, 1913, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    Page Eight
The Last Week of Meyers' Annual Clearance
A Final clearance of Women's and Misses' Ready-to-wear, Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats
and Trousers everything goes
Absolute Clearing of
Women's and Misses'
Ready-to-wear. Every
thing goes at 1-2 price
At no other time of the entlro year
can high grade coats, suits, dresses
skirts and evening apparel be bought
at such great price reductions as wo
are now offering on our entire stock
of ready-to-wear garments.
There can be nothing but loss to us
In such a sharp reduction as this, but
these stock-clearing sales are a nec
essary adjunct to good storekoeptng.
Think of getting a fine high-grade
$25 suit, coat or gown for
$12.50 I
All garments reduced ac
cordingly. Visit this section and take
advantage this week -whll'j
this half-price sale 1b In
A Special Clearance of Fancy Suit
ings $2.25 to $2.75 Qualities
SELLING AT $1.79 per yd.
Qtiullty suitings great values. The unquqestioned
success of our Dress Goods Department proves con
clusively that we full meet the requirements of the
hour with styles excluslveness, assortments and price.
Discriminating buyers, thoBe versed in dress goods
values, will appappreclate this exceptional offering
this week In this section of the store.
The very latest weaves In novelty faMcs, In the
most popular colorings, 56 Inches wide, and selling
regularly at $2.75 per yard; your choice, the yard.
Men's and Boys' Cloth
ing Priced for Our An-
nual Clearance at 25
per cent Less
"The Btore on the corner" does
things" often without telling it but
here's a few things we'll tell about.
We like to tell Interesting things and
nothing is so Interesting as news that
saves money.
For the big special ctean-up sale we
have taken our entire line of
Men's and Boys' Suits
and Overcoats
And reduced the price all along the
line a umrorm reduction of 25 per
cent on every garment.
The choicest fabrics In the
wanted mixtures and colors
navy blue and blacks, too.
Supply your needs now
and SAVE.
Attorney Carey F. Martin has moved
his law offices to rooms 412-413-414
MaBonlc Temple. 12-28-tf
Coining tomorrow, Sarah Ilcnihardt
Woxlnrd. Prices same.
Fresh meats, fish, oysters, poultry.
Thlelsen Market.
Elks, Attention,
Our chaplain has returned from his
wanderings. Full re port tonight.
Sorting tomorrow, Sarah Bernhardt
Wexford -10c.
They all look for Davis', .114 State
street, for hair cut and shavo.
Columbia river sniolt aro the best; The Mazda lamp bents them nil ; you
4 lbs. for 25c at Thlelsen Cash (Iro- can get them nt Geo. K. I'ettlngell's.
Cory, j.t.i.Minii i-,ii)epiy hu 001.
Only picture ever licensed of Sarah A' you hungry or smelt?
lecture by James living Crab
be, at 211 State street (Com
mons Hull) on Friday, January
SI, 7:15 p. m. Admission 25c.
4 4
Bernhardt starts tomorrow Wexford.
No ralso In prices.
l'hone Main 209. Rates $1.00 a Day and Up
With dining room, home cooking and home comforts; quiet; near
business center; all outBlde rooms. Sieclal weekly rates.
1C0 Court Street. MUS. MA 10 IVIE, Proprietress.
We are giving a 25 per cent discount on all photographs,
mouldings and frames until February 1st,
Next to Ye Liberty Theatre Ki t N. Liberty Street.
4 lbs.
for 2"ic at the Sanitary Fish Market,
151 X. High street. Phone 810.
Cut glass, fancy hand mirrors, birth
stone rings aro to bo found at P0111
eroy's, 118 South Commercial street.
See Divine Sarah in "Qimen Ellza
betli," the most elaborate picture of
the day Wexford Friday and Satur
day. Matlnco every day.
Spring hats. Wo aro showing all (
tlio new shapes and coloring and they
all carry the union label. Tho Tog
gory, Inc.
Engagement extraordinary! Port
land Symphony Orchestra, opera
house, next Sunday afternoon, 2 p. 111.
Admission, $1.00; gallery, 50c. Hex
office open Friday, 10 n. ni.
1'nlon Men! ' We have just received
a complete line of shirts, hats, waiters'
coats, bar coats and aprons, overalls, j
Jumpers and corduroy pnnits bearing
tho union label. Tho Toggory, Inc.
Farewell reception. The W. C. T.
U. will give a reception In honor of
Mary K. Shaver (nee 0ar) at their
Bicycles, Sundries nnd Repairing, Locksmiths Keys Fitted Wheels
Culled for and Delivered. Phone Main 1087. Our KM.'l Excelsior mo
torcycles have arrived. Free demonstration. 211 South High Street
hall Friday afternoon from 2 to 5.
Mr. Worklngman! When you need M(,n,icrs of the W. C. T. U. and old
overalls or Junipers, work shirts, sox, friends Bro Invited.
underwear, hats, eomo to us; wo have x, .. . , , , ., n
, . Notice. The stock of the O. K. gro-
t hem union mudo. Tho Toggery, Inc. . , . . ,
hb " eery has been moved to our new loca-
Tho attendance at next Sunday's tlon, 1103 State street, where we will
concert will determine whether Salem ha pleased to meet our old patrons as
Is to secure occasional visits from well as new ones. l-30-4t
tho Portland Symphony Orchestra, It I Mndnmo Nordlea. Advance sale or
means a great deal to Salum, from an tickets for subscribers onlv nt the nr-
Naturopath and Food Expert
This Is tho host system for all nervous and chronic diseases, rheuma
tism, stomach troubles, etc. I respectfully solicit tho patronngo of
all suffering In this way. DR. J. T. WOHK,
Dfflco temporarily 495 Court Street.
artistic, educational and commercial
standpoint, and Salem will be tho only
city In tho state besides Portland so
Mooso excursion to Portland Satur
day, February 1, at 6 p. m., via Ore
gon Klectrlo special train. Got your
Box Office
Matinee 2 p.m.
6:45 p. m.
in the Most Gorgeous Photo Play
Ever Produced
The Only Picture of the "Divine Sarah"
Ever Licensed
Iio Raise
in Prices
mory 9 a. m., Saturday, February 2.
All music students must present a
card from their teacher to secure stu
dent rates. A limited number of tick
ets at $1.50 on sale, owing to some
having been exchanged for higher
priced seats.
tickets at onco from I. A. Davis, 344 II. S. Bell bad the misfortune to In
State street; II. 11. Turner, 135 Sou'Ji Jure his font yesterday while chopping
Commercial street; K, W. linker, wood. Although the bruise Is very
Mnrtso club, or phono 528 or 955. pnlnful, Mr. Hell Is able to be about
l-29-2t his business todny.
Hair goods,' the new r.tylrs in
switches, puffs and braids, at the low
est prices. Ask about tho Boston H'
genlc Corset, the popular corset among
Salem women. Miss Ora Poage, beau
ty pnrlors and hair store, 125 North
Hlcb Street.
Tho Illlhee club, last night, by a
voto of 3.1 to 13 voted to take steps
toward merging with the Salem Hoard
of Trade, effecting a consolidation
and taking up the publicity work of
tho latter. It was discovered, though,
thnt there were some legal Impedi
ments, ninl a second meeting will be
called soon to perfect the arrange
ments, If possible.
Madame Nordlea, Advaneo sale of
tickets for subscribers only nt tho nr
mnry 9 a. in., Saturday, February 2.
All music students must present a
card from their teacher to secure stu
dent rntes. A limited number of tick
ets nt $1.50 on sale, owing to some
having been exchanged for higher
priced seats,
Sarah Bernhardt Is to appear at the
Wexford In moving ptcturs Friday
and Saturday in four reeU. That Sa
lem taste In growing for the best that
the country can produce Is being
doomnstrnted this season. If such
truly great artists ns David Hlsphan,
Cany Jacobs-Bond and Nordlea can
draw crowded houses this wonderful
nrtlst, Sarah Bernhardt, should fill
tho Wexford to Its doors, especially
for the small admission fee of 10c,
This ns a rare treat for Salem people,
and you should attend the matinees
to avoid the night rush; matinee 2 p.
Tho new nnd second-hand furnltn o
store of M. 11. Poeta, 252 State strci
has recently been purebnsed by the
Scott Bros., who will conduct tho
business ns before. C. K. Scott was
formerly with tho Uny U Farmer
Hardware Co., while .1. 1'. Scott Is
now with Heehtel & rtynnnn, Both of
these men nro well known In Salcn.
and have had 12 years' experience In
the furniture business, nnd that the
business will lie prosperous goes
without saying. Mr. Peeti's plnns are
as yet unknown, but the well wishes
J. H. Burgard who has been recom
mended to President Taft for appoint
ment to the position of collector of
customs, attended the conference on
the Hollis Insurance bill last night.
D. L. Keyt, who is advanced for the
position of commissioner of internal
revenue, was at the state houso yes
General Superintendent Hickman, of
the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.,
of Spokane, was a visitor at the state
! legislature yesterday.
j I. N. Flelscbner, of the Flelschner
Meier Co., of Portland, was a visitor
In the legislative halls yesterday.
Ex-United States Senator CharleB
W. Fulton, of Portland, was a visitor at
the capltol building yesterday.
S. C. neach, formerly a member of
the legislature, was at the state house
Judge Gantenbeln, of Portland, was
among the visitors at the legislature
Webb Holmes, an attorney from Til
lamook, was In the audience at the
legislature today. Mr. Holmes was
formerly a resident of Salem.
County Judge Teel, of Polk county,
has been seen about the state house.
J. II. Voorhees, of Woodburn, post
master of the state grange, Is a mem
Iber of the third house at the state
t Ex-Governor Jay Bowerman was in
the city yesterdny, Mr. Bowerman nt
.tended the session of the legislature
and hob-nobbed with his old friend,
Senntor Lair Thompson, of Lakevtew
Anderson Prichard, of Albany, is In
tills city on business.
Judge P. II. D'Arcy has returned
from an extended visit in California.
tiThe judge was accompanied by his sis
ter, Mlas Tercst. An enjoyable time
was spent by tho couple whllo in tho
south, but Oregon looks good to them
Labor Commissioner Hoft Is In Port
land on business this week,
C. C. Chapman, the Multnomah boost
er, Is here visiting and transacting
business. Mrs. Chnpman is also visit
ing here.
K. N. Blocker, of Monmouth, was
in Salem yesterday, looking after busi
ness matters.
Attorney Sanderson Reed, of Port
land, was a visitor here today.
Mlsess Helen nnd Beulnh Craven, of
Sllverton, were In this city1 yester
dny visiting friends nnd doing some
Rev, John Watters, Astoria's Cath
olic prleBt, was in Snlcm yesterdny.
Mrs. Jason B. Gorlg, of qimnipneg,
was in the city yesterday shopping and
visiting friends.
Cal Williams and wife, of Spring
field, are in Salem visiting Mrs. Wll
llnms' mother, Mrs. L, II. Tnffo.
Mr. nnd Mtb. Hugh Ambler left yes
terday for Portland on business.
Hnrley J. Nixon will leave today for
Vancouver, where ho will visit his
brother, Andrew, for a week.
An Instructive Lecture.
"Footprints of Buddha," a lecture
descriptive of BuddhUm, as practiced
In Burmah and Slam, with stories of
life In Buddhist monasteries, and the
manners and customs of the Burmese,
will be delivered on Friday (tomor
row) evening at 7:45 o'clock, at Com
mons Hall, 241 State street, by James
rving Crabbe, formerly of the Brit
ish Indian civil service. Proceeds for
the benefit of the Salem Commons,
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever
Clergy nnd Teachers Invited.
The clergy of Salem and vicinity
and public school teachers are cordi
ally invited by Professor Crabbe to
attend his lecture "Footprints of Bud
dha," at 241 State street, Friday, Jan
uary 31. Personal cards will admit.
Lecture at 7:45 p. m.
Attention Sedgwick Post No. 10, G.
A. R., regular meeting Saturday, Feb
ruary 1, at 2 p. m., at armory. Sand
wiches and coffee. All veterans of
civil war cordially Invited. By order
R. C. Halley. Com.; D. Webster, Adju.
Elks, Attention.
Our chaplain has returned from his
wanderings. Full report tonight.
To Entertain Friday.
Mrs. Fred Thompson, of Salem
Heights will entertain the Ladies' Aid
at her home Friday evening, January
ut. She Invites the members to bring
their husbands, and a Jolly good time
may be expected.
Broke I'p the Quartet.
Carl E. Miller, son of Mr. nnd Mrs
R G. Miller, of this city'; has gono to
Pasadena, Cal., where ho expects to
finish his eduoatlon In music, making
a specialty of the piano, trombone
and the voice.
This breaks up the Miller family
quartet, known so well by the poo-
pie of Salem and surrounding country.
His ninny friends wish hltn tb great
est success attainable in the musical
He made an extended trip through
the East nnd South last summer, com-
Rnmovng Tun, rimple
Krei'klu-t, Moth l'ulclifi.
Huh. mid skin Dlm-we
and t-verr Didim-n
on bovity. aiiil tie
flo ilHioctlun. It
hits atood the tent
of ft) jcum, itid
I m harm I en we
tuati'lt to tenure It
li properly mmle.
Accept iiu count ort
full of tluiUar
mime. Vr. L. A.
Havre sild to a
lady of tlio h nut
ton (ft patient):
" As yu kilt
will um them.
I rnctimnifltid
Rourni Crrnm' th Wit h.mful ol .11 IhJ
fERD.T. HOPKINS. Prop 37 Gteil Janet Street HM
m Mm
lug home by way of California, but
he says the 'Willamette valley is
ahead of anything seen on his trip.
AUCTION SALE Of, household goods
Saturday, February 1, at 106 Cen
ter street. Sale starts at 1 p. m.
eteria at State and Commercial
street in front of the Madison.
FOR RENT filcely furnished room
in modem homo, gentleman pre
ferred. Call at 541 N. Comemrcinl
street. 1-30-lt
(WANTED Young lady wishes posi-
tlon as companion evening, or will
care for children, In exchange for
board606 South 21st street.
FOR SALE At a bargain, if taken
soon, 30 H. C. Rhodo Islnnd Red
pullets and five oockorelB. Inquire
at 2398 Trado street. l-30-3t
Elizabeth i
Objects to Itnllrond.
Alleging In n complaint filed yester
day in the circuit court that the con
struction of a railroad spur In front
of her property would greatly reduce
Its value and endanger tho lives of her
tenants, Millie Craven asks that the
Portland. Eugene & Eastern railway
!"i::v a;-y bo enjoined from laying a
track or spur In front of tho property
located nmr tho coiner of Court and
Front streets.
MA lilt IK I).
tho home of the bride's daughter,
Mrs. Albert Fuestman, Wednesday,
January 20, 1913, Mrs. Ida Chorpen
Ing to Mr. A. E. Zimmerman, Rev. L.
C. Zlnimonnnn officiating.
Rev. Zimmerman wns the minister
In the east of a church of which the
i.rldo was a member.
Patience Isn't a virtue; It's a necessity.
Here 1b n remedy thnt wll cure your
cold. Why waste time and maney ex
perimenting when you enn get a prep
aration that has won a world-wide
reputation by Its cures of this dis
ease, and can always be depended up
on? It la known everywhere as Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, and Is a med
licne of real merit, For sale by all
Every Day
2 p.m.
Latest Styles
t in the
Edwin Clapp Shoe
for men
Just Received
We havo secured tho exclusive
agency for this make. Every
pair new. All sizes nnd combi
nations lasts. ' This agency,
with our Hunan agency, will
without doubt, give ub absolute
ly the best shoes In tho world.
411 State St. The Quality Shop
Heme of Ilanun Shoes
I do a general visiting and office
prnctlce, treating both acute and
chronic diseases. I havo many pa
tlonts for as'lima, dropsy, dlsenses of
tho heart and kidneys, gall stones,
rheumatism, diseases of tho skin and
nervous disorders.
I havo cured dropsy In patients af
ter they had been pronounced hopeless
by other able physicians.
I have cured gall stones after emi
nent surgeons had said that un opera
tion would ha necessary to afford re
lief. Office practice; Cnsh.
If you need my help, I am nt your
PR. L. (i. A LTM AX,
29il X. Liberty St,
Phone: Main 147. Salem,' Oregon
21-poom rooming house, good new
furniture, new building, good lense;
$1000 cash or exchange. Rnlnnce can
be paid at $75 per month.
Good opportunity for public stenog
rapher. Office furnished; no rent;
50 offices in building.
Seven-room house for rent nnd fur
niture for sale very cheap. Close In;
can keep roomers.
Good brick business block and new
cleun stock of hnrdware; price $15,
000, In good live Wllalmotte valley
town; to exchange for a good farm.
Wanted Second-hand cash register
Ixits to trade for diamonds,
Some good stock and fruit ranches
to trado for Income Salem property.
We hnndle all kinds of trades and
business opportunities. If you have
anything to exchnngo, see us.
Phone Main 4I.".
Suite 802 Salem Hank & Trust Hldg,
at Salem Hotel. Mrs. De Cclle.
SUPERIOR COAL $0.50 per ton.
Why burn wood? Phone, office 367.
Residence 590. . 1-18-tf
FOR SALE Largo squab breedors, at
a bargain; must sell my whole loft.
Reasons for selling given on appli
cation. Phone Mnln 711. Mrs, II.
D. Trover, 1880 N. Water street.
Those good chicken tumales, whole
sale and retail. Special for parties.
Any kind, any size, any style. Fred
makes the kind you want Phone Mala
2018. Order early. Delivery to anf
part of city. Shipped to any town Is
Oregon. tt
When In need of Chill or Tamales
visit the Commercial street Eat Shop,
332 N. Commercial street Lunches
served at all hours, up to 12 o'clock,
except Sunday. Also confectionery,
The List of Donors
An amount donated toward the
debt-lifting fund of the SALEM COM
MONS will be published In the city
8, 1913.
The Sum Needed is
Resides affording a shelter for home
les sand destitute men, and attend
ing to their spiritual needs, members
of this mission seek out and roBcue er
ring women.
Citizens willing to aid In tills good
work will remember tho words of Him
who snldi; "Inasmuch as ye did it
unto ono of these, my hrothron, ye did
It unto me."
Removal Sale
Everything goes nt a bargain,
now and second-hand goods, un
til February 1, 170 South Com
mercial street. After February
1 will he at 270 North Commer
cial Btreet.
O. L. McPeek
Resident Agents INS State 8tret
On Good Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or
On farm and city property. Johi H.
Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or
egon. Phone 1552.
In any quantity. Prompt dellvsry
our specialty. Falls City Lumber
Company. 279 North Commercial
street Phone Main 811
On good Real Estate lecirlty.
147 8Ute Street
No machinery to tear and wear
out delicate, fabrics. Work called
for and delivered promptly.
438 Ferry St Phone Main 2251
Office Phone Main 183
Rlgdon Residence Main 111.
Funeral Directors and Undertakers
252 N. High Street
liuuer CvNX?rH !
V-fN.T'"! ill
Karl Neug(
Maionle Temple
of his many slem friends go with him.