Page Six DART CAPITAL J0rB1L. SAI,BM. OREGON; TUESDAY,"' JASUART 11, 1913. Pastor Russell's Sermon I METSIAH'S GLORY IS AT THE DOOR ot His Presence. CF GREAT POWER, Pastor Russell Preachei Hi First Pas toral Sermon at Washington Temple, The Message of the Hour Not the Burning of the World, but the Rolling Away of the Curse and the Uplift of Humanity Will Result From the Mes sianic Kingdom of a Thousand Years. Washington City, .Ian. r. Pastor ltus sell, having accept ed the mil of tlio Washington Temple Congregation tu ii-ucct.-iriiiu), preached his first piistonil ser mon In tin' Temple today. He announc ed that Ids first L ( A y'A i 1 three pennons hero i... i.... i ........ t..... ...w, vll (JU unveil ujiimi I'ASTOiiRIISSKLl texts cut In the stone front of our handsome I'nlnn Station. The first of these served, him today: "Thou hast put nil thlugs'iiuder Illm." (l'salm 8:(!.) rim speaker sulci: Our text Is a prophecy respecting the Mvlue lnleiitloii that evenlually Mes lluh's Kingdom shall he established In majesty and power. Victoriously It shall overthrow the Prince of arkness Riul Ills reign of sin and death. C!r:iJ ii 1 1 1 ly It will einnnelpato hiiniaiilty, healing their sln-slcknesH, opening their lillndi'il eves of understanding, and tin Mopping their deaf ears to the Message of Divine graeo and peace. Kvenl unlly every knee shall how and every tongue confess to the glory of (iod. In tile Ian finip! of our text, Divine Tower will he exercised through Messiah and Ills Kingdom to the full suhjeetlon of every earthly thing to Illm. prom day to day we repeat the Lord's prayer, "Thy Kingdom come; Thy will lie done on earth, as it Is done In Heav en." ItH fulfilment would lie Impossi ble nslde from the associated promise of the lllhle that the present Dispensa tion of preaching the dispel Is event ually to give way to the Messianic Kingdom nnd Its retell of force. Many Christian people entirely overlook this feature of the" Divine Program that the New Dispensation Is to lie ushered In by n Time of Trouble which will wreck everything not fully In uccoril with the Divine standards. A Kingdom of Power and Glory. I remind you of tlio Divine decree re specting Messiah's Kingdom recorded In the Second l'salm: "I will give Theo tho heathen for Thine Inheritance, nnd the utlermoHt parts of the enrth for Thy possession. Thou sliult brenk them with n rod of Iron; Thou shnlt dash (hem In pieces llko n potter's vessel." This prophecy Is referred to by our Lord, who declared that Its fulfilment would he nfler the completion of Ills Church, to participate Willi Illm in the work of bringing the world Into proper objection to the rules of righteous ness, Justice nnd love. He says, "To him that overconielb will I grant to If with Mo In My Throne." "To him that overcome! h will I give power over the nations; nnd he shnll rule them with u roil of iron: as the vessels of n poller shall they be broken Into shivers: even ns I revived of My Kather."-Iteveliillon 3:21: 2:2(1. 27. A failure to apply the Scripture por traying the transfer of the government of earth from the Prince of Darkness to tho Prince of Light lias confused the) minds of many nnd led them to expect things contrary to the Divine Word. The very Scripture so freipiently quot ed In support of n gradual conversion of the world declares that this transfer will not be by the conversion of tho world that tt will be by Messiah's tak ing possession of man's Inheritance pur chased by Hint for humanity at Oil vnry. The tuitions will become Christ's by the emppierlng power of the terrible trouble In which the nations will be angry nad (bid's wrath will come. Itevelallon 11:15 IS. The Pendulum's Swing. In the hum ngo past our forefathers studied these Scriptures, lint misun derstood anil misapplied them. They assumed that Ood had given to the Church nut limit .1- to establish Ills Kingdom. The espoused virgin Church became united or married to tho world -to civil power-mill ceased to wish for and to pray for the llenvenly llrldcgrunni to whom she was espous ed through the (iospel, Under the de liislons that fhe bad been authorized to establish Mi-sslnli's Kingdom and that her share In earthly dominion brought about by union with civil power con stlliiled It the Kingdom of Messiah, the Church endeavored to apply and to fullll these prophecies. All attempt was iiimle to rule (lie world wltli n rod of Iron through the civil governments, and to put under the Church's feet everything antagonis tic to her supposed rights and Interests As a rcHiilt of tins mistaken Interpre tation of the lord's Word, the world was drenched with blond, nnd ntruel ties were committed by professed fol lower of Christ, who, however sincere tliey were 111 ninny respects, served the cnuso of Bntnu and misrepresented the Cause of (iod Imperfect human reasoning 1 apt to go from on txtrtm to Ui opposite. Ileuco, revoking from tlietboughT'o't tho Church' conquering tho world by sword ntul Hume, by thumb-screw and rack mid stake, the general miscon ception turned to an expectation of conquering the world by tho Gospel Message. This second mistake Is not so serious In some respects as the first It does not Involve horrible ntrocltles in tlio name of God and the Savior. However, It Is equally misleading us respects the Truth, It sets nslde tho Word of God and substitutes tlio hu man theory that the preaching of tho Gospel Is to convert tho world. Tho Divine Word Is that the preaching of the Gospel is for the purpose of select ing a Church to be Messlnh's Joint heirs in Ills Kingdom. If the Church could convert the world with the Gospel, It would' be very line. Put It is surely absurd to so expect in the face of our experiences of the past century and of tile plain state ments of God's Word to the contrary. All see that the world Is not being con verted; and that If Christianity cannot convert the people nt home, 11 would be vain for her to expect to convert the heathen abroad. If great religions centers such as London, Home and Washington lire no nearer to having God's will done in them as It Is done in Heaven, what hope would there be of better results ill heathendom? I am not saying one word against foreign Missions. God forbid! In pro portion as wo are able to send the light of Truth Into mure benighted hinds, let us do so. Hut, if possible, let us send the True Light from God's Word. And let us trim our lamps that we our selves may havo that True Light In in r favored land, What we urge Is that Christian people should como bnck to the teaching of the l'.ible. In order to do this, each denomination should throw away its creedal spectacles, which have injured the spiritual sight of nil of us. All true children of (iod should study afresh the Divine Chart, which show s us where we are nnd the Port for which we should strive. Heir of the Kingdom. Thus doing, all Is plain. Tlio shad ows and mists of d irkness lice away. We begin to realize and to see that I be Licet Church are all that are be ing saved as yet; anil that they lire being chosen out of the world for n very s lal lili'h olllco In Joint heir ship with their Pedcciuer. The non-elect lire not consigned to endless misery nor to purgatorial tor tine, but simply sleep, n wall inn Ihe glorious awakening In the morning of the -New 1 ilspensatlon awaiting tho establishment of Messiah's Kingdom with power for their releasu from the chains of sin nnd the prison house of the tomb. If tills Message goes to tho heathen of tho Orient, It will doubtless deal with them ns it lins done with the peoples of the Occident all will receive enlightenment; a few will bo drawn to snlnlshlp and prepared un der tho Lord's providence for glory, honor and Immortality with Jesus nt His Second Coming, by the glorious "chnngo" of the First Resurrection, Let Us Connect Up Our Text. In the Flghth Psalm wo find the Prophet expressing amazement nt tlio great ness of (lie Creator ns manifest ed In nature, especially In tho starry (Imminent. He then expresses amaze ment Hint so great a llelng should take heed to humanity In Its present deplorable, fallen, sinful condition. Prophetically ho implies a knowledgo of the fact that God from tho begin ning purposed n redemption for'ovory member of the race. The Prophet then answers hi own question as to what man is, explain ing that ns he left the hand of his Creator lie was crowned with glory and honor, as an earthly Image of his Mak er, only n little lower In gradation or scale than the angels. He was tnndu to hnve du ii i i ii Ion over the enrlhly works of (Iod. The Intimation Is flint' God's visiting of humanity In due time will menu the recliiinallon of Ihe earth ly dominion and Its human king from sin mid dentil. Nothing In the proph ecy goes Into detail, because It was not then due time for dclnlls to be revealed. Centuries Later St. Paul Commented. St. Paul declares, "Now Is our sal vation nearer than when we first be lieved." The greater nearness should make many features of that salvation much iii-no conspicuous. Taking up David's prophecy, lie shows that It Im plies human destitution, the bringing of mankind back to the Image ami like ness of (iod and to the full dominion of earlh-tho redemption fully offset- ling tho curse. "Hut," the Apostle pro ceeds, "we seo not jet all things put iiinlcr lilm." (Hebrew 2:8.) Do we see anything? 11a any star of hope arisen guaranteeing tho coming bless lugs? Yes! Tho Apostle declares, "Wo see .lesus, made a little lower than the nngels, crowned with glory nnd honor" Just as tlio first man wiis-nud this In order thnt He might suffer ileath-ln order t tint He might he tho Kedeeiuer or Itansomer of the first man nnd his family, Immunity. Thus we see that the foundation has been laid for God's return of favor to hiimnnlly-n NlnOIYcrlug and Atone ment, covering Adam and till of his race. What a grand superstructure of blessings will ultimately bo erected upon this brond nnd gracious founda tion! Hut we nsk, Why the long delay of more than eighteen centuries? and yet the work of uplifting the nice of Adam from slu mid death has only been started only the Church have had tholr eyes and ears of understand ing opened. iHTiiiltllug them to come In to relationship with God through Christ. The Answer Is Important, Unless It be seen thnt the work of this Gospel Age has been specially to select the Church, Christ' Joint-heirs In Ills .Messianic Kingdom, no answer enn be given ns to why the Almighty bus so long delayed to bring to earth tho IIviftcuTy 'Kingdom. rts""bTesslngs wnlted for and prayed for are still fu ture. They cannot como until the First fruits shall have been harvested. St. .lames (1:181 declares that the Church Is a kind of First-fruits unto God of His creatures. Through this 'First fruits the Divine blessing will operate amongst men for a thousand years, to restore that which was lost human perfection In the Image and likeness of the Creator. St. Paul's argument proceeds nlong this line. He declares that the first feature of tho Divine Plun Is to bring many sons to glory ns Joint-heirs with Jesus. As Jesus wns made perfect through sufferings, so these following Illm ns their Cnptuin and Leader, walk ing In His steps, are also to tie made perfect through sufferings, for "If we suffer with Him, wo shall ulso reign with hlm."-Heb. 2:10; 2 Tim. 2:12. Proceeding, the Apostle discusses this sanctllled class, Head nnd Itody. They are sanctllled or set apart under a special covenant, which reads, "Gather My saints together unto Me, those that have made a Covenant with Me by sac rlllce." (Psalm M:. This special sanctlllcntlon or setting apart to sacri fice marks this little company of sons of God as separate and distinct from all others of God's creatures. With their Lord and Head, they are heirs of God Jolnt-lielrs with Jesus Christ their Lord, If so Is? that they suffer with Illm. The Redeemer who sanc tities them and those whonre sanctllled through Illm "are all of one lllody or company, for which cause He Is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying, I will declare Thy name unto My breth ren In the midst of the Church will I sing praise unto Thee." Hub. 2:1 1, 12. Christ Jesus and His Children. Then tlio Apostle's argument broad ens so us to Include the general scope of Messiah's redemptive work-extending beyond the Church. Ills llocly, to Adam and all the families of the earth. St. Paul qnoles In proof of this, "lie hold, I and the children which God hath given Me." This statement evidently applies to those who will be saved to the human, earthly salvation during tho Millennium. They will nil be the children of Messiah. That It could not refer to the Church Is evident; tor we are never styled the children of Christ, hut Ills brethren, Ills spouse, His mem bers. St. Peter elsewhere emphasizes this, saying, "The God and Father ot our Lord Jesus Christ hath begotten lis." (1 Peter l:.1-i Jesus emphasized this also, saying, "My Father and your Father." Never did the Master speak of Himself as the Father of Ills Church class, nor would It be an ap propriate llgiire that He should be rep resented ns espoused to His own chil dren. On the contrary, He Is pro phetically declared to bo tho Father of restored Immunity. To the world He becomes the Second Adam. The first Adam, the qualified bead or fa ther of humanity, failed to give ever lasting life because of his disobedience, by which lie himself camo under the sentence of death. The Logos left the llenvenly glory, was made llesh and was crowned with glory and honor like tlio first man that He might taste death for every man-that Ho might redeem tlio race from the sentence of death. Jn mak ing satisfaction for sin He associates with Himself the Elect, who present their bodies living sncrillees, holy nnd acceptable to God, as Ills members. Then In dealing with the world He will olliclally take the place of LIve-Glver. or parent to restore, to regenerate, to revive, to resurrect, to uplift, all the willing and obedient, during the thou sand years of Ills Messianic Kingdom. All obedient to Him will thus be en abled to regain all that was lost through the llrst father. Adain-human perfection In an earthly Paradise, with everlasting life and fellowship with God. Since Jesus will lie the Life Glver to all of the race at the cost of His own life, He Is appropriately styled tlielr Father, and they Ills children. So also we read In the prophecy that He shall bo called "The Prince of Peace," the Father Everlasting the Father who gives exerlastlng life. All Things Put Under Him, At tho dawn of this thousand year Day In which Ills Kingdom will ac complish the full rolling away of the Curse, how appropriate that this text should have our consideration! And how appropriate It Is that this text should greet the thousands who enter ami leave our Union Station! As we run to and fro In these chariots which go llko lightning, let us have In mind tholr newness, and also the fact thnt tlio Lord has specially, declared thnt they will be signs by which His people may know that they are living In the time when they mny expect speedily the fulfilment of the gracious promise of our God to the effect that He will through Jesus' Kingdom wle away nil tears from all faces, bind up the broken henrts, llliernte the captives of sin. nnd deliver the captives of the tomb. St. Paul refers to our teit when dis cussing Messiah's Millennial ltelgn. tl Corinthians 15:27.1 Here ho declnres that Divine Power will put nil things under Messiah, Hint He will reign glo riously and victoriously, and thnt nt the close of Ills successful work lie will deliver up the Kingdom ot earth to the Father, restored to the original glory of manhood, with not a rebel to lie found -been use nil tho wilfully wick ed will be destroyed. How beautiful, how complete nnd liow logical are nil of the Divine ar rangements for the grout work outlined In the lllble ns the Divine Plan of the Ages! When all mankind shall come to see Ills Wisdom, Justice, Love nnd Power, many knee shnll bow and ninny tongue confess to His glory snd majesty. Surely the number destroyed In the Second Heath will be propor tionately small! Some of the Things Doing on big Exposition Grounds San Francisco, born with feeble thoso who need artificial care will be safeguarded by the Infant Incubator Company, Inc., which lias bcjon grant- ed a concession nt the Panama-Pacific exposition by the committee on con cessions and admissions. The head of this Institution is Dr. Jl. A. Couney, who is vouched for by tho departments of health of New York nnd Chicago, the New York nur sery nnd Child's Hospital, Hoard of Health of the city of Atlantic City, the Health Commissioner of the city j of Galeshurg and leading physicians .inn institution tnpjiiguout tne conn-, mo trail ironi tno hast, across the try. ,rilil of '19 tho drama of the mines, "We will take children regardless the dramas of the rebuilding of San of color or race in our Institution," i Francisco, and as a finale, all this said 'Dr. Couney, "because we look , heroic endeavor to make the W'est upon them ns human beings. Children 'ern America.." jof the rich and poor will receive the sumo care nnd attention. "Our Incubator will he under the j supervision of the San Francisco i Hoard of Health and local physicians, immense American flag to fly on the I Every physician who sends a child to. big flagpole that was sent to the 10x us will he permitted to give It his ; position by the citizens of Astoria I personal attention.. There will he ah-1 some time ago. solutely nothing behind the scenes The flag was donated to the Astoria ilhis is to be in tho open, and to be centennial committee by Phil Mct jfor the benefit of humanity." jschnn, proprietor of tho Imperial j Dr. Couney expects to spend In the ' Hotel at Portland, neighborhood of $.-,0,000 on this con-1 within a very short time the gates cession. The building will be 100 by to the Exposition site will be closed 1 TiO feet, and tho front will contain' inn allegorical figure of a mother and ! her baby In colored glass so that It jmay lie Illuminated ported from F.uropp Live storks ini wlll also be kept in t lie fountain. j There will he nn outside nursery and demonstration will be held In lints. On the other side of the foun tain will lie nn unto ambulance ready for insl ant. call. The ambulance will be Ileal ed and l e modern In every particular. H Is the flrs-t nmbuliincn of Its kind ever constructed, and, In 'itself, will be mi interesting exhibit. ( onslriictiug I!ig Slip, i Ilhis f ir the construction nnd erec tion of a freight slip and approach Mo be located nt the foot of Webster street on the Kxpositlon site havo been called for by the ltulldings and Grounds oaniniltieo and will be opened on Saturday mornim;, January isth, at 11 o'clock. A deposit of $."i is re I quired for a set of the plans. These may be lind by applying for same at the office of the Director of Works. Plans nnd specifications for the con struction of sewers in tho State Pavil ion section are also ready for distri bution. These can be had by applying at the office of tlio Director of Works, Kxpositlon building. Arrange far Pageantry. Frederick It. lienson, Director of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre ami father of the development of his- torlcal pageant ns a form of outdoor drama, who Is in this city to confer with the Exposition In regard to png- nnnla,l ll!it lllo 1Q1T. Fvitn. sit Ion Is unsurpassed for Kxpositlon purposes, "There Is no sphere of human ac tivity, there is no sphere of human thought, there is no life rythm re sulting from, your big buslensB under taking, your big industrial achieve ments, that will not, find an echo In the harmony of tho great song t lint we wish to sing on the occasion of the great celebration that Is to bn held In FARMER'S WIFE ALMOST A WRECK Restored to Health by Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Her Own Story. Wcstwood, Mil. "I ar.i a fnrmcr's wife and do most of my own wo.-k when I am able. 1 had nervous spells, fe male weakness anil terrible bearing down p.-.ins every month. I also suf fered much with my right side. The pain started in my back an J extended around my right side, and the doctor told me it was organic inflam mation. I was sick every three week and had to stay in bed from two to four days. "It Is with Rrent pleasure I tell you what Lyilia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hns done for mo. I have fol lowed your directions as near as possi ble, and feel much better than I have felt for years. When I wrote you be fore I wns almost a wreck. You can publish this letter if you liko. It may help to strengthen the fnith of somo poor suffering woman. "Mrs. John F. UtcilAltPS, Westwood, Maryland. Women who sufTcr from thoso dis tressint; ills peculiar to their sex should not doubt the ability of Lyilia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. If you luive tlio slightest doubt that 1-jdlu 10. rinkhaiu'a Vegeta ble Compound will help you, w rite to Lyilia lO.IMnkhnniMedlcliieCo. (oonlldcntlul) Lynn, Mass., for al vlws Your letUT will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held In strict confidence. Mi Jan. .11. Infants (your beautiful city in 1915," said Ben constltutions and son. "And think of tlio occasion," lie con tinued. "It Is the blending of the East and the West, and It either means a new birth for the world or (mother step for modern civilization that Is what your exposition means to me. "The music of the Pacific is to bo blended with tho strenuous notes of the turbulent Atlantic. "The story to be told In our pag eants will he tho blending of the na tions, nnd the two chief acts In this great drama that wo propose to pro-, (duce will he the romantic episode of Astoria Sends Flag. Dr. II. L. Henderson, president .of the Astoria Centennial Celebration, lias forwarded to the Exposition an nnd visitors will be called upon to;1'1" pressuret system hiBldo the pay an ndmission to enter the grounds I K'WMi'l will be practically a part of and watch the work of construction. i Tho fence is nlready up, and It covers two and one-third miles. J 110 Kxpositlon hydrants are to be A if.MHI.OllO Contract. ft different typo from thoso used by W, W. Anderson Company were , 1,10 ely. Iin(1 nl'fl to ,J(! set in the mid warded the contract to build the lln-j "f 1,10 Btlwt luiinholos below chinery Exhibit -Palace by the Com- 11,0 "'"'ft'. Tills type offers no ob ntltteo on Hulldlngs and Grounds, ftructlon In tho streets. There will Their bid was $:iO!l,!00. The floor j 110 connection for fire boats, The nreii of the building Is over oltcht R-V8t('i wW total about nine and ono ncres, nearly six times ns large as the lm,t mll,'s ot I'll"3, wltl ls,) hydrants, old Mechanics Pavilion of San Krnn-; 80 ",!lt 1,1 110 C!l8n wl11 a lillt; "! lluso Cisco, formerly located at Larkln. ' lnm' lllan' CM fo('t lmvu ,0, 1,0 Hayes and Grove si reel 3, which will '"'d to ''each a building. The servlcq be remenihered ns being a very large , water supply system will contain building. There will be over n mile 'K't twelve miles of four to twelve- nnd a half or ornamental cornices on this building. The Machinery Hall will be notable by reason of the fac-t that It Is the greatest example of frame construction and engineering ever attempted on the Pacific Coast. : iiepttca or uranu mnyon. A gigantic replica of the Grand Can ; yon of Arizona, tlio most elaborate concession of its kind ever devised for a world's fair, Is being arranged by the Santa Fo railroad ns Its fea ture of participation in tlio 1915 Ex position. The concession will reach j a cost of $250,00. The canyon will be shown on staff i and canvas, with every device of tho fVvrL 8"'no l""",ur "rougui una use. ' In obtaining the wonderful sunset colnl'B of tl,e cnn'on walls-colors jwhlcn thfl nm8ter nr,lBla of ,hi8 Kcn' ''imion nave nieu in vani 10 uupiicmo I'l canvas tho architects of tho scheme will resort to .electrical llluin inntlon. It is planned to give spectators a first glimpse of the artificial canyon from an observation pint form. The rugged desert and Its mighty chasms will open to view, with much tho Bame effect of well-known paintings of the canyon which hang in railroad offices and hotels all over tho land. . A Perfect Water System. The Exposition company will nd vertlBo for a high pressure water sup ply system nnd for a service water supply system todny." The bids will be opened January "Sth. The projects are to be completed within' bIx nnd nine months. Two complete pipe system for sup plying water are to be Installed in all parts of tho Kxpositlon grounilB. The high pressure system will be solely for fire protection. The service water supply system will be for dally con sumption. The high pressure svstem What Shall A question much In the public mind nowadays Is "What shall a man drink?" Or rather, what may he drink? "Water," you ay, "of course." But the purity of our water supply 1 the problem In every large city. As an old proverb put it: "God defend me from the Btlll water, and I'll keep myself from the rough." Quite recently the people of New York have been warned agalnBt the water by the hoad of the Health Department, and have been urged to boll it before drinking. Have you ever thought of the enormous cost and labor this would involve, if It were carried Into general practice? The fuel, tho implement, the lifting, fetching; the ervlng and replenishing on every floor of every tenement; in every reBtaurant and office; in publlo place and drinking fountain. Truly it Is a "counsol of perfection," which 1b practically hopejess. Why Drink Water When jYou JCan Get SALEM BEER "It Is In the breweries thnt sanitation has been brought to ns nearly perfect condition as It Is pos sible in a food-producing establishment. The water used in the material is distilled, The hop and malt are ahBolutoly clean before being permitted to enter into the manufacturing process. The vat, pipe, etc., are not morely washed, but scalded nnd thoroughly sterilized. And as If that were not enough, when the beor Is placed in bottles It Is pasteurised by being run through hot water, which would kill evory germ which might have escaped the warfare conducted against It In the process of manufacture. The person who open a bottle of beer Is assured absolutely that what he has before him la a product absolutely free from germs and perfectly clean. It Is also true that ho may know that he ha before him the only manufactured food article which may bo Bald to be absolutely clean." Salem's Famous Bottled Beer is especially brewed for domestic use. Its alcohol content are Just sufficient to pleasantly stimulate and invigorate. SALEM BREWERY ASS'N. SALEM, OREGON ;tTWmm HOME AMD SECICNESS DCWT CHUM . i.'i'.'twiw live xsis-r "v."'. - ,m TO BE HAPi Y KEEP WELL USE ONLY R. KING'S VJTX NEW DISCOVERY, TO CURE COUSHS AND COLDS' WHOCPENG COUGH AND ALL DISEASES CF THROAT Am LUNGS !-jES"5S2JiS22j5a sold and guaranteed J. C. Perry. I will cover all parts of the Exposition j grounds, so that it can be used in case of fire in any of the buildings. I Arrangements will be made with the city for connections with the aux iliary water supply system, so that ,ne (,lt's system with the same pres- Inch pipe and a pressure of about. Rixt-1 b""ds per square Inch will be ' nialntaini.'l. It Is expected that the water for this system will bo supplied fl''" 8"'" f ,lle reservoirs of the I Spring Valley Water Company near the grounds. Says Witnesses Conspired. tlNITKD l'HBSS IXASKD W1IIB. San Francisco, Jan. 13. Conspiracy among witnesses produced by the gov ernment In the suit to have declared forfeited the patents of tho Southern Pacific company; to C000 acres of oil land in the Elk hills district of Kern county, valued at $15,000,000 wns broadly Insinuated by Attorney C. R. Lewers, representing the railroad, In the taking of testimony before Exam iner Leo Kognloy In the chambers of the federal court here today. The government has already Intro duced Its mnln testimony nnd the rnll- ' road is now having Its turn. The rec ord of Examiner Kongley will ho ! turned over to United States District Judge Hean for decision. on iu) Ymi Feel Feverish and Ache all Over n Feel worn out blue and tired into bronchitis, pneumonia or stive and tonic which has proven t j DR. PIERCE'S QqMen Medical discovery Rentores activity to the livor and to the circulation the blood is puritied, the digestion and appetite improved and the whole body feels the invigorating force of this extract of native medicinal plants. In consequence, the heart, brain and nerves foci the refreshing intluence. For over 40 years this reliable remedy ha been sold in liquid form by all medicine dealers. It can now also be obtained in tablet form in $1.(10 and 50c boxes. If your druggist doesn't keep it, eend SO one-cent stamps to K. V.Pierce, M.D. Builsio. The Common Sense Medical Adviser a book of 1008 pages answer! all merfiral questions. Send 31c in one-cent ".tamps to li. V. Pierce. 31. D. Man a A HAPPY IN Pr!ce 50c and $1.00 Consumptives Helped by Tuberculosis Medicine It Is folly to liclk've (lint Consumption (WTrrN from every other dim-iisi In not rtiulrihK the uso of any nn'diclno for its t rent mm t. For n number of yours nn ennriimiiH hiiihh of voluntary nini tluuik fnl test inmuhilri from lerftnns who coiiHlder that they owe their liven to Ki-kiiiiin's Altcralivo, n nieilleine for Tulu'renlosln, tuiH hpt'ii neeiiHnilntlhi;. Surely plenty of time to demonstrate its IiihUih; value, You cim write to nny of them. Here Is ouo: tiirnnl Ave., Hilhi., Ph. "flentlenieii : In the winter of UN HI I lind nn nttixjk of (Irlppe, followed by rneumoiila ntul Inter by Consiimpl Ion. I Kww steadily worse. In the winter of VMi I had mil0-)! nUvht swealM. fever ami raised (iiaiitlltori of a wfuMooUntf ululT nnd Inter I had many iimnori haes ; at one time three In three suceesHive days. Milk and eiu'-f became so dlstiiHleful I emild keep imf hint.' down. Three pliysl ci.m treated me. I wan ordered to'llitt mountain, but did not i-,o. kuian'H Al terative wan rerommemh'd by n friend, After Ink Inn n hiiuII ipmntlty, I had' Hi first iiiiel nl trlil's sleep fur weeks. My improvement was marked from the first. I Kaiiii'd Htrenulh ami weight ami appe tite. I never lent another tiemorrliatre ami my ooiitl, gradually lessened until en tirely Konf. I am perfectly well. Kvory Ihinu' I say la-re can lie verlllod by my f niillv and friends." (Sworn nllidavlti A N N I! V. MinillKAN. l-'ckniaii's Alterative Is effective In llron chllls. Asthma, Hay Fever; Throat ami jnikr Troubles, and In upbuilding tlia system, lines not contain poison, opinion or halilt fornihiK druyrs. Ak for booklet telllntr of recoveries, and write to Kekinaii Laboratory, Philadelphia. Pa., fur more evl lence. Fur Bale by nil leading druggist! J. C. Perry, UriiKglHt. Woman of 35 Is Mother of 27 Children Cleveland, 0.( Jan. 13. Dut 35 years of age and the mother of 27 children Is tho remarkable record of Mrs. Wil liam G. Clark, of this city, who is con valescing todny following tho birth of quadruplets. The last four Infarufs all died owing to an injury to tlio mother. Six of Mrs. Clark's children are still alive; the oldest being II) and tho youngest 2. She gave birth to nund- ruplcts twice, three sets of triple s 'and live sets of twins. Chilly ) U n ? Don't let your cold develop catarrh. The reliable alter- Its value in the past 40 years is Drink ? rlAb I i gr I i m v. a i TO