DAIir CAPITAL JOUBHAL, SALEM, OREGOH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1918. Page FIt January Clearance and White Sale Muslin Sheets 72x90 54c 72x90 64c 81x90 77c 81x108 99c 1 Splendid Grade Huck Towels 36x18 9c each Table Linens $2,25 values ..$1.87 $1,65 values ..$1.29 $1,50 .values ..$1.19, $1,25 values ....98c $1,00 values ....89c Women's SUITS and COATS 1-3 to 1-2 Less "Sit Tight, Say Little, Keep Busy" UNITKD MEM LEADED WlRE.j New York, Jan. 4. "Sit tight, little and keep the organization say in- tact." This, In effect, was the watchword agreed upon here today by Republi can loaders who conferred prelimin ary to the "rehabilitation bnnquet," to bo held by Republicans here tonight, and at which President Taft will do llver the principal address. Committeeman Mulvane, of Kansas, said the party's future Is safe and predicted Republican success In 191(5. Others predicted thnt the administra tion of Woodrow Wilson would bo a failure, especially In regard to the tariff and the trusts. The Champion Light-Weight Wants a Match UNITED rMtSS IXASED WIII.1 Medford, Ore., Jan. 4. Mud Ander ton, champion lightweight of the Northwest, accompanied by his man ager, Dick Donald, left for San Fran cisco todaj', where Donald hope to se cure some worth-while go for his boy. A defl will be Issued at once to Har lem Tommy Murphy. "We are ready for the best of them" declared Donald, "any reason able offer of a 10 or IB-round go will be taken up without question, backed by the $1000 put In Coffroth'i bands some tlino ago." Women's Muslin and Long Cloth Combination Suits Very pretty values to $1.50 98c Women's Corset Covers 35c values 24c Every Article OF WhiteMerchandise In the house At Reduced Prices THE NEWEST MODEL itfs33K383ss!!t SAYS COMPASY REFUSED TO CARRY HIS BAGGAGE Alleging that the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co. has refused to carry his baggage from Portland to Estacada, C. O. Sutherland, a travel ing salesman of Portland, has filed a complaint with the State Railroad Commission. The plaintiff says that on account of the refusal of the company to car ry his baggage, ho Is unablo to show samples In tho town of Estacada, and consequently Is handicapped In mak ing sates to the merchants of the town. Strikers and Police Have a Hot Mixup united mini lrasru wire. New York, Jan. 4. Many strikers In the big garment workers' strike here, mostly) women, are today nursing cuts and bruises, following an attack made by them upon the five-story loft building of the Washington company, where the president of the concern wag barricaded In his office. The police reserves, after a rough and tumble fight, succeeded In driving the assailants from the top floor of the building to the' street. AVIATOR'S WIFE WANTS A DIVORCE UNITED MESS LEASED WIRE. San Franclsoo, Jan. 4. Charging that Lincoln Beachy, the daring avia tor, who figured prominently In the International aviation meet here, treated her with cruolty ever since their marriage in 190(5, in Detroit, Mrs. May B. Beachy, fllod a divorce complaint against her hUBband today. Beachy was served wUh papers today. 00n Men's Suits 1-4 Less MEN'S Overcoats 1-4 Less MEN'S SEPRATE Trousers 1-4 Less Carter in Boston Journal. Many Hurt in a Southern Train Wreck UNITED ritP.HS UA8KD WIRE. Mobile, Ala., Jan, 4. Because an englno of a New Orleans, Mobile & Chicago railroad passenger train proved too heavy for a trestle at Leaf, Miss., causing tho structure to collapse, two persons are known to be dead, and a score Injured. From reports received here, It is feared there may be more dead bodies burled beneath the wreckage. Rough Day on Horses. Today) has been tho worst day of the winter for horscB driven on the paved streets. Scores of them have fallen on the pavement though none have been reported Injured beyond slight sprains. Most of the thoroughbred animals have been kept In their stables today, the owners being fearful lest a fall on the pavement might result In perma nent Injuries. All forenoon the pave ments were so Icy that It was almost an Impossibility for horses, unless very sharp shod, to keep their feet. The government did a big, thorough Job In the dynamite conspiracy case, Leap yoa has passed, but 1913 will be "Just as good" a year for woman with attraction and tact. BETTER THAN SPANKING Blanking rloea not cure children of bed- wetting. There la a oonstitullonal cnuie tor title trouble. Mri. M. Summcre, Box W, Notre Dame, Ind., will tend free lo any mother her luocesnrul noine treat' nient. with full loetructloni. Bend no mnnev. but write her today if your chll' drn . trouble yon in thle way. Dim'l blame the oh lid -the chancos are It can't help it. Tula treatment eluo eurea adiilla ind aged people troubled with urine dlffl' ciillea by day or nlaht. k Illiliee Club May Get Arid Unless the Illihee club can succeed In getting special legislation through three readings at the last meeting of the old city council Monday night, the organization will, in all probability, have to do without a bar In Its new quarters on Liberty street. The floor space of the new quarters Is too small to come under the provisions of the existing ordinance, and It Is reported that Mayor Lachmund Informed the officials of the club that If they estab Hshed a bar he would have thera ar rested. By special legislation an ordinance was passed allowing a bar in any club house occupying 6000 squqare feet or more of space. This allowed a buffet only in the Illihee club, there being no others of sufficiently large dlmen slons In the city. The new quarters of the club occupy 4500 feet o. space. New Council Dry. The new council, which will be sworn In at the meeting Monday night: after the old council has hold a brief session, Is largely dry, and it is ex tremely doubtful If the new aldermen would pass an ordinance permitting a bar In a club house. There is a bare possibility that such a measure could be made to pass the present body. Again it is said to be doubtful if the i Illihee club members, as a ninjority, j would vote for a bar. The club has taken In many new members In recent ! months, among them many citizens j who are opposed to saloons and the liquor traffic. Many have refused when first approached, to join the club I because It had a bar. President C. L. I Dick, In an address before the Hoard of Trade some time ago, in urging all substantial citizens of tho city to join the club mentioned this objection. He said he had met the objection with these words: "Well, if you don't want a bar In the club, vote It out." The fact that by no means all of the members want a bar, together with the improbability of special legisla tion Monday night makes the estab lishment of a buffet in the club doubt ful. The Caucus Did Not Agree on Anything Notwithstanding that a motion was passed to keep secret all matters con sidered by the new and hold-over members of the city council at the caucus held last night, it is known that tho candidates for the police force and those recommended by the chief of police were not entirely supported by the 1913 council, and that several changes In tho administration of the city affairs will result when tho body meets either next Monday night or a week from then. Secret Session? Tho caucus held last night was strictly secret Insofar as newspaper men and unofficial taxpayers were concerned. However, the body failed to arrive at any dcflnlto conclusion re garding the rccommenda'.ions made by the new chlof of police of patrolmen and the upshot of tho meeting was, the regular appointment of the now officers will be made In open meeting within the next woek. In tho mean time, Chief Shcdeck will be grantpd the prlvllcgo of selecting his help tem porarily, and when tho council meets next Monday evening there nre good prospects of dissension as to who sliali bo the officers to complete ttie new patrol force. It Is understood that there nre oth er changes to bo mado In tho clly ad ministration by tho now council About tho only office subject to entlro approval was thnt of City Ilcal'.h offi cer Dr. O. I). Miles. This office, It Is said, received tho entire approval of the now city administration together with words of prulso by the hold-overs and It Is more than likely that Dr. Miles will be supported strongly when the final conclusions as to the mainte nance of public officials are arrived at Trouble Brewing. There was considerable dissension resulting when the many applications for sovoral city offices were Introduc ed, according to statements mado by members of the new council, and tho wishes of most of the officers to servo for tho city this year wore disregarded In many ways. Although tho appoint ment of new police officers was a mat ter of much strife, other applications and endorsements brought forth a storm of prufeHts and showed dlssat Infliction among tho members at tho caucus. Charges and counter-cbargei were made against certain cnndldatci for the po'leo force and other offlcm and, nccordlng to nn attendant not much of anything was accomplluhe I toward establishing a now city ad ministration. Hope deterred man cold feet. has given many a Women Must Have help at times, if they would avoid headaches, backaches, lassitude, extreme nervousness. The really superior remedy for them known the world over and tested through three generations is BEECHAM5 PILLS Sold everywhere lit lam "c. f 5c. His Tate Shows He Is Still a Dangerous Man UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Ioa Angeles, Cal., Jan. 4. "If 'icy give me anything they'd better give mo life. Then I won't have a chance to get back at them." This was the surly declaration today of Carl Rlodelbach, alias Warr, who Is a prisoner in a steel coll at the county jail awaiting another trial on a chargo of depositing dynamite in a public building. Rledelbach Is the one- armed 'Ittle German who terrorized the central police Btation several weeks ago with an infernal machine A jury that tried hlin last week dis agreed, standing 10 to 2 for convic tion. "They say I'm a dangerous man," Hiedelbach continued. "Well, maybe I will be a dangerous man If they send me up for two or three years. I guess If they let me off now I would not have tho heart to do anything else. "I would not have blown up their old police Joint, anyway. I Just want ed to force them to bring mo Paul Shoup. He's president of tho Pacific F.lectrlc, and I wanted to make him raise, his men's wages. Anyway, I've seen I)ts of railroad boys smashed up, and It would not hurt the higher up guys to get some, too." Four Auto Get Busy UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Chicago, Jan. 4. Scouring every part of the city, 50 detectives today endeavored to locate tho four automo bile banditB who Invaded the down town district, after robbing a North Side jewelry store of diamonds worth $1200. The thieves fought two battles with tho police, firing recklessly Into crowds of shoppers on one of the city's principal streets. Two suspects arrested, Thomas Bra dy, aged 3L', and Frank O'ilrlen, aged 37, denied all knowlcdgo of tho crime. Woman Doctor Is Opposed to Vaccination UNITED 1'IIBHS LBASED WI1IR. Portland, Or., Jan. 4. Visibly exer cised by attacks made on vaccination by Mrs. Ijiura C. Little, medical lec turer, with whom ho was publicly de bating on a vaccination Issue, Dr, Cal vin S. Whlto, secretary of the state board of health, arose In his place on the platform and challenged Mrs. Lit tle to spend four hours In the pest bouse with him to see who would con tract smallpox first. Ilo Is today not only a victor In tho debute, by popular at claim but his chaliengn Is turned down. Tin? moment Mrs. Llttio had finished her Impeachment of vaccination, Dr. V'lille rushed to the front of the plat form and strongly Insinuating that she had mado misrepresentations, faced it and hotly declared. "I nni vaccinated, Mrs. Little, and you are not. I challenge you to nc company mo to tho pest house when we will forego all precautions in op-ii-ly treating smallpox canes, to seo who contracts the disease first." Mis. Llttio gently but firmly dcclln ed tho Invitation, Took Stomach from Corpse at the Funeral UNITED PIIENR LEASED WIS.) San Francisco, Jan 4. Because of suspected polBon tho funeral of Miss Annlo Fitzgerald, a stenographer of Dr. Ilerbort Law, who died hore and denly New Year's day, was Interrupted today by Coroner Leland, and the stomoch removed and sent to the clly chemist for analysis, MIbs Fitzgerald partook of an Ital ian dinner New Yoar'i eve. Next day sho died. Lr. B. fa, Bergon declared hla bollef that death resulted from ptomaine poisoning. If you have too much can easily acquire more. money you COIFFURE STYLES. Pearle In Hair a Victorian Revival. ft----;'.--;- ' - i SS..f 'it, CLASSICAL IIAIIl AltnANORMENT. To the face with regular features this classic hnlrdresslng Is very be coming, but the woman with a plain or even merely a piquant face should beware of so severely simple a style. WHEN A ROOM IS STUFFY. Cloaenees May Be Overcome When Windowa Can't Be Opened. There Is no greater purifier of air than open windows, but sometimes in sickrooms this method of changing the air Is Impossible. Have you ever tried overcoming closeness by currying n rolled burning newspaper through u sickroom? Equal ly good is a talilespoouful of vlucgar Ignited over an alcohol lamp. Au atomizer for spraying cologne can be used with toilet water or witch hazel with refreshing effect. There nre special spirit lumps that have a connection with a platinum ball attachment that are excellent to per meato a room with purifying odors. There are special mixtures for burning in these lumps, but a good cologne or toilet water answers. The lump burns until the platinum ball grows red hot; then (lie Hume Is extinguished. The vaporization of the cologne Is Increased by coming in eon tact with the heated metal, and the room Is soon fragrant. A quick way to cool a room Is to wet n small crib sheet with cologne or wa ter highly scented with perfumed bath tablets. Hang in a draft of nir or shake the sheet lightly while still wet. Burning lump camphor Is favored by some nurses, especially In sultry wuuther, as mosquitoes avoid the odor. The Troueors Coat. Extremes In Juvenile styles are to he met with on every hiinil. but probably the limit lias been renclicil In the coat llluslralctl. which Is decidedly Frenchy." The material used is a moire poplin In a lovely shade of tan. Belt, cuffs r ui'nch uoukl or BILK and moi.khkin. uml narrow turned down collar arc of moleskin. As you set', the coat Is exceedingly abbreviated at the bottom and nar rows into almost the width of n man's trousers leg. On a tall, stylish child this cunt Is stunning, Subatitute For Hot Water Bottle. The following suugesllon Is taken from the Farm anil Fireside, where It is published in the housewife's depart ment: "For people with steam bent old magazines stuck In the radiators will be found a Hue snlistlttile fur hot wa ter bottles. Magazines so honied nev er burn mid w hen placed Ui a bed or a Imbys carnage hold the heat fol a long time." A woman can't bolp looking Indig nant ovory tltno sho sees a chicken Incubator, According to a story In tho Oregon Journal tho government will very soon take over the locks at Oregon City. ,i ,,.. A ' " . tV'-tf , ' Vfi I , fc. i'l ( kJ . J fTTT TTTT'l Clearance Sale During the month of January we will hold our first clearance sale. Every Article Reduced We are giving the best values ever offered in Salem. Don't miss this opportunity to furnish your house; 20 per cent saved on all articles. See Our Windows t Salem Furniture Co. 333--339 Chcmeketa Street. Opposlto north side of Barnes' Cash Store, near Commercial. They Killed and Feasted on Planters UNITED ntESS LEiUliO WIRE. Sydney, N. S. W., Jan. 4. News has just been brought in by friendly na tives of New Oulnea that two planters, lames and Herman Webber, brothers, whoso plantation lay In the heart of the "nigger country," were set upon by a savage trlbo which came from tho unexplored regions of the Interior and killed them. No trace of tho bod ies have been found, and It is under stood the blacks, who aro known to be cannlbnlB, ate them. Tho tribe has been carrying on a campaign of butch cry throughout tho district, A puutlvo expedition lias been formed with tho Idea of leaching the murderers a lesson Guggenheim Smelters Are Closed Down It'NITra MIENS I.RASKII WtllK.l Kl I'aso, 'Texas, Jan. 4 I'liitltle to secure fuel or oro on account of a st lilt o ami the freight embargo on all Mexican railroads, tho Guggenheim smelters at Chihuahua, Montcro.11, Agnus Oil Ionics and Velarilenii are expected to close down tonight mil il more quiet conditions are restored. This action would render no.OOO Mexicans idle, and probably would augment the ranks of tho rebels. Mines employing thousands of per sons depending on the suieltets to handle their ores, probably will also be forced lo close. to sdi.ih t nn: si n: ton i iti:4 ii ixiiimr lltNITKII I'HKHH I.KAHKU WIIIK.I Medford, (Ire., Jan. I - Dr. .lean Do I'ulllnisy, chief engineer of bl,;hwa8 and director of tho commission of French engineers t otho Fulled rilates, left Meilford this morning nn the Shasta limited for Kan FranelBen to select a site at the exposition grounds for tho French building. He slopped hero to gather tlata concerning high ways ami horticulture. llnlr dressing, manicuring nntl hair dyeing a specialty, Keo that your beauty work Is dono perfectly, Miss Ora 1'oage's beauty pallors ami hair store, Hie most completely equipped In Salem, l'hiine Main HMO. FORGET Your Stomach Ills If your stomach is bad, appetite poor, bowels constipated, try liosirn nit's stom ai ii inn Kits It will tone nud strengthen the system and maltti you "forget" your stomach troubles, All druggists.