Titre Feur MILT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKEGOIT, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1911 II II i U n ri n n H u ii ii ii 10 M 11 U Officer Is Killed by prisoner UNITED riUHB LEASED WIBI.1 Cedar Rapids, la., Jan. 4. Following an attempted Jail break at Marlon, six miles from here, Harvey Lee, charged with burglary, held a squad of offi cers at bay with a bottle of nltro-glyc-erlne and a revolver for nearly an hour today. Lee opened fire and Officer Charles Gillin, of Cedar Rapids, was killed at the first shot. The other officers then rushed and Lee was overpowered. Sheriff Loftus, awakened about X o'clock by an explosion, discovered the telephone wires of the Marlon Jail cut. He managed, however, to sum mon help. None of tho other prisoners escaped. Hundreds at Work Cleaning up the Tracks I I7NITKD 1'HESS I.EAHKD WIHB. Soattlo, Wash., Jan. 4. Hundreds of men are today at work In an effort to clear up the Cascade passes In the Great Northern route, which tins boon blocked for tho second time this week. A heavy snowsllde Friday destroyed a snowshed near Wellington. The ex act location lias not been learned, for the wires are down and communica tion Is practically suspended within (lie mountain region. It Is known, however, that the new concrete snownheds built at an ap proximate cost of $1,000,000 alter the Wellington disaster about three years ngo, have not been Injured. The slide Friday crushed down 300 feet of the shed, according to tho track men, who nuido the report. The traoks wero burled completely In snow splinters from the woodon structure, rocks and gravel, and traf fic will have to bo suspended, accord ing to tho local superintendent, until Monday. Groat Northern passengers will bo transferred to Northern PaclHc. both going east and coming west. Tho di visional points will be at Seattle, Spo laino nnd Leavenworth. All other railroad lines In Seattle report no difficulties today. I'OSTOFFICE SHOWS SUBSTANTIAL fl.USS Tho total receipts for tho lust qunr 1912, jujat compiled by ASHlslant Post master J. H. Farrar, shows a gain of $:'.5fi7.39 in tho Salem postofflce re ceipts for 1912 over thoso of 1911. Tho figures for 1912 are $68,843.51 and for 1911 the amount wns $65,276.12. Tho receipts for tho year Just closed Buffered a sevoro slicing of $6000 REAL ESTATE Six acrcB, all in bearing fruit, mostly Italian prunes, new 5-room house, barn, chicken bouses. This is a flno suburban home. Fifteen-cent round trip faro on Oreon Electric; 3 minutes' walk to sta tion. Price $3200. Thirteen acres, 2 nilleB from court house. 5 acrcB Ttoyal Anno cherrleR, 2 acres SplUcnburg apples, 5 years old, 1 aero creek bottom land with running water, R acres stump laud easily cleared, fine spring of water. 5-room house, barn, 3 chicken houses, $3750. Twenty acres at Llvcsley, near station, 10 acres In high cultivation, bnlanco in stumps and pasture. Good 7-room house, barn and chicken house. $6000. H. S. BELLE ' Phone 857. li A W 1C TT TT CJ A AOJCL. IX 5 AJA ti ll M n it READ WHITE SWAN and GERMAN BAKERIES Fur lllghfiiMirndo IlItKAI) AM) PASTIMES Wedding and party orders a tpe cl.dt". We make dally deltvorleB. 111!) North Commercial, Phone 903 Twelfth and Clieineketu, Phono Otil MADE IN S.VLKM The Daily Capital Journal prints today's news today 10c a'week by carrier worth of business, for the state, which In previous years has come to the Sa lem postofflce, but which was in the year Just closed taken by Secretary of State Olcott to the Portland post office. The total receipts for the last quqar of 1912 were $26,037.09 agalnBt $21, 630.15 in 1911. Assistant Postmaster Farrar attributes the Increase to the normal betterment of business condi tions in Salem. The first and last quarters of 1912 are ahead of the pre vious year, while the second and third quarters are a trlflo short of the cor responding quarters of 1911. Tho last two years compare by quarters as follows: First quarter, 1911, $12,875.09; 1912, $14,758.47. Second quarter, 1911, $16,845.30; 1912, $15,137.57. Third quarter, 1911, $13,925.58; 1912, $12,910.38. Fourth quarter, 1911, $21,630.15; 1912, $2,037.09. STEUSLOFF BROTHERS BANQUET EMPLOYES At 7:15 o'clock on New Year's eve took place one of the most elaborate banquets of the season, given by Steps loff Tiros., of this city to their employ. es. Plates were set for 17, the table being artistically decorated with white and pink carnations, interlaced with fern. According to the partakers of the supper, everything served was of the highest order and could not have been Improved upon. Added to this was the best imported champagne, no efforts or money being spared to make this a grand success. Mr. William Steusloff acted as toastmaster, and short speeches were mado by all those present, in which they thanked their employers for the feed, and their kidness in the past, and wished them a very prosperous New Year. Mr. Arthur Tasto, tenor, furnished tho music during tho evonlng. The reception ended with all the ju bilance and merriment which only a superb banquet, ifuch as It was, could produce. All In nil, It was a grand af fair, nnd the management Ib to be com plimented upon their success. Thoso enjoying the Messrs Steusloff generosity wore: Frank Smith, Carl Waltz, Henry Nadsteg, Wllllnm Rich tor, Herman Tasto, Ben Perllch. Albert joniontz, wuiiam m. Heart, W. J. Pnt- torson, William Perllch, Arlhur Tas- fn. Atflo Pnrfnr flnlnv Crnaann Viirnndt chottte clnu(,e g(,ll8loff( mmm Steusloff, Fred Steusloff. THREE WERE KILLED RY PREMATURE EXPLOSION UNITED I'HBHH l.nARHD WIIIH. I San Luis Obispo, Jan. 4. Threo men wero Instantly killed today at Port Sun Luis by tho prenmluro explo sion of n dynamite blast In the Pacific Coast Hallway company's quarry. Tho bodies of tho men were blown to atoniB, nnd scattered for hundreds of yards about the quarry. Several pieces of the anntomy of victims were collected for burial. No name or number can hoodoo the next year In Oregon. 121 North Liberty Slreet. 0FFEE Rousted lu Salem THY SOME OF Reasoner's Gem Blend Coffee and you will use no other 35c per pound We roast our Coffee dally 2100 Stale Street. Phoue 543 JEEDLECRAFT SHOP OKICIN.U, PKSIGNS EMBROIDERY SUPPLIES STAMPED ARTICLES Phone Main 925 201 North Commercial 8Ceot Threaten the Prison Officers UNITED press liahkd Will Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. 4. All visitors to the government prison here have been barred, because offi cials of the penitentiary and the gov ernment agents who delivered the 33 union men convicted of unlawfully transporting dynamite to the authori ties here have received threatening letters. Evon newspaper representa tives are barred. The contents of the threatening let ters have been kept secret, but War den McClaughrey admitted the re ceipt of anonymous letters written with red Ink Warden McClaughrey Is holding all lottors addressed to prisoners, nnd will not pass any until they have been thoroughly examined by prison authorities. The threatening letters are said tc predict violence for the officers hav ing the prisoners In charge In the Hospital. Will Benson, one of Salem's most widely known men, is now confined to a ward In tho Salem hospital, with a serious fever. Ho has been complain ing of a pain In his lungs for several dafs, but thought It was nothing seri ous until recently, when he was com pelled to seek the nid of a physician. His condition was serious at a late hour this afternoon. Seme Good Iluys on Our Lists -.lso Bonie good property to trade, 40 acres In cultivation, 2 miles from V? i vv , ., K ) i J I;"-.--,'! ,Vi " -i ' "-A-..AM K. I. PERKY, NEW UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM IDAHO. 1 DAHO'S new United States senator Is K. 1. Perky, a noted lawyer In that state. He win appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator llevhurn Senator Perky was Democratic state chairman and was the logical selection for the place. He bos sat on the banco In Idaho and held a the state for the Inst dozen years URNITURE Made to Order Store and Office Fixtures la our specialty Made In Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, etc. CAPITAL FlUMTl'ltE MAM'FACTl'KINfl CO. Main 584 805 North Liberty Street PHOTO -MOUNTS MADE IN SALEM The dlatlnctlvo kind and the cIiibs of goods sought by discriminating buyers. We make all our high grade mounts. Tho kind you want. Cot them at THE PA UK E It STIPIO Cor. Commercial & Chenieketa Sts. Salem Oregon. city limits, east, at $160 per acre. 101 acres, all plow land, first-class build ings, 2 miles from railroad depot, a first-class farm, $10,000, $5000 cash, the balance on time. 24-acre farm for sale or trade, 6 miles from Salem, on Oregon Electric' railroad. 20-acre farm, good buildings, on Oregon Electric railroad, price $2700. 52-acre farm, 2 miles from city limits for sale or trade. 320-acre farm, 160 acres $fow land, the rest In pasture and timber, all Wlllamotot river bottom land, two and a half miles of railroad depot; we consider this tho beBt buy In the vol- .ley today, $60 per acre. 10 acres In jthe Liberty district, 5 acres in 3-year-old cherries, $1500; a good buy. good new house for sale on 21st street, ,$2500. Prune orchards of various 'm-'eage, from 10 to 70 acres, In the heart of the prune district. CROISAN-LOW REALTY CO., Rooms 311-312 Masonic Temple. l-4-3t Report Murine Fight UNITED l'HKHH I.KAHKD WIKB. Athens, Jan. 4. Dispatches here to. duy say that three Turkish cruisers and four destroyers steamed down the Dardanelles' this afternoon and en piged the Greek squadron, the fight ing lasting for several hours. No re penis regarding the damage done have been received. ALL HIS ACCOUNTS ABSOLUTELY CORRECT According to Stanley Culver, who v.as appointed by the county court to succeed the late County Clerk Allen, nn Invoice was mado of the stock and nn accounting of the finances of the money today, and all accounts are correct to the letter. Ho Btated that up to date the deceased clerk's books are perfect and that not one dlscrcp jancy was found in going over the hooks and that un absolutely correct accounting will be made when the new clerk tnkeB charge. blgh place In the political history of 1 FT HsT m K W J 0B PRINTING Commercial and Society Modern Equipment Fuller Printing Concern White Building 251-261 State St. Phone Main 2179 The Capital Journal has the circulation Our circulation books are open to inspection Taft Would Arbitrate Canal Tolls UNITED I'ltESS LEASED WIKB. New York, Jan. 4. Declaration that he favored arbitrating with Great Bri tain tho question of Panama tolls was voiced by President Taft here this af ternoon In an address before the In ternational peac e forum. "I would bo ashamed," Taft said, "not to be willing to arbitrate any question with England. There need be no public worry as we hope to ar bitrate tho toll question before any term of odlco expires." The president voiced a'so a blrter denunciation of the senate for defeat ing tho peace treaties recommended by him. Insurance Troubles, Following the action of Judge Gal loway In granting a writ of mandamus oidcring State Insurance Commission er Ferguson to Issue a license to the Union Pacific Life Insurance Co., of Fortland, the attorney-general today filed an appeal of the case in the nu prenie court. The Insurance commission also to day re-filed In the supreme court the case of the American Life & Accident Insurance Co., against the commis Blcn. The insurance company filed a motion of dismissal yesterday and at the same time brought a new suit in me circuit court enjoining the com missloner from refusing to grant them a license to do business In Oregon. Chumlicrlnln U In Line. Washington, Jan. 4. The death of Senator Davis, of Arkansas, probably means that Senator Chamberlain will become chairman of the public lands committee when the Democrats reor ganize the next senate. With Senator Pavls gone, Senator Newlands alone outranks Senator Chamberlain on this committee and it is now generally be lieved that Newlands will tnke the chairmanship of tho Interstate com merce committee, for which he is In line, relinquishing his claim on pub lic lands. This will give Senator Chamberlain a clear field and he probably will tnke this chairmanship In preference to ethers to which he may bo eligible, notably military alTalrs, agricultural or Irrigation. Why We Can Soo Smoke. Smoke Is not composed of gases only, but of solid or perhaps partly liquid particles which are mixed with the gases and curried along by them. It Is theso particles of matter that nre visible to the eye and not the gusea themselves. Kt. Nicholas. Winter Quarters, Where's the crnwllng caterpillar? Sound asleep In hla cocoon. Whero's the heo bo bright nnd busy? Dreaming In the hive of June. Where's t lie snail, and Where's the turtle? Safely burled In tho ground. Where's the woodehiick? Where's the rabbit ? In their burrows they nro found. Where's the thrush, and Where's the rob In? Singing 'neath the southern sky. Where's the bear, and whero's the squir rel? In their hollow tree they lie. Whero's the ant, that careful worker? In her underground nbode. Where's the clghty-eyed spinning spider? In a crevice snugly utowed. Where's the bat thnt rnnged at midnight! Ite Is In his winter's sleep In his cave he hangs head downward, And he never takes a peep. These and ninny other creatures Hide or dniWKe tho whiter through. But when spring has once nwnkened They are up and stirring too. Kurm Journal. The lnunch Mayflower, belonging to the Smith-Powers Logging Co., of Marshfleld, burned in the bay there Monday. Sho had many passengers on board, nnd only heroic efforts by those In boats from the shore res cued them. You live in Salem, you make your money in Salem, you sell your product g 'n?8!6?! 8!.0l,,d yu not b"y 0 "Made In' Salefn"? If It Is not. B ANDY Nothing succeeds like success AT VOIR SERVICE FOR Good Home-Made Kandies and Ice Cream WOSDER KASDY KITCHEN 371 North Commercial Phone Main 999 Q UAKER NURSERY TREES ARE BEST GROWS AT HOME CuHJiated nnd Cured (or by Home Labor Biggest home trade of any nursery in the state and the proprietor believes In home buying C. F. LANSIG For the Children Juliana, Holland Pri.ioeiu. Who Wants a Playmate. 3 Princess Juliana, heiress apparent to the throne of the Netherlands (or king dom of Holland), is getting to be a big girl now. She will be four years old next April. Lately she surprised her mother, Queen WllhelmltiH. by asking for n baby brother to play with. The little Princess Juliana 'la the pride of the Dutch people, for she is the ouly child of the queen und there fore Is now the nearest heir to the throne of the Netherlands. She likes to play like other little girls, and to help her be happy her mother bought a pony for her. That nitty seem to be nothing especially strange, hIiico there are plenty of other little girls who have ponies. But this la a sieciul kind of pony. It Is the smallest pony that wns exhibited nt a recent great horse show In England. It stands just thirty Inch, es high, and It Is brown and us woolly as a collie dog. A carriage lias been made to tit the pony's size, mid the lit tle princess is now able to go driving In the park. Disappearing Pile of Coins. A number of coins are showti lying on a plate, piled up, taken In the left hand where they are seen, and the bund is closed over them. A handker chief Is thrown over the hand, and when removed tho coins have disap peared. Show a quantity of loose coins on a- plate. Pile them up and while so do ing palm a dummy "slack" lu the left. hand. Pretend to pass loose coins to lite left band, palming and dropping them In n box of bran, so that they will sink slowly and without noise. Borrow a handkerchief, show the dummy, grasp the handkerchief by the center.of one side and then spread It out over the left hand nnd while so doing throw the dummy Into the right, the handkerchief hiding lis flight, Pick up the wand. In the act of which drop the dummy on the table, touch tho handkerchief with It, place It un der your arm and draw olf the hand kerchief and show It nnd the bHtids empty. Life Lengths of LowlysThings. It has lust been computed thnt the day fly lives '.'4 hours, the May fly 0 weeks, the liullerlly two months, the ant. the cricket and the bee a year each, the hare and sheep II to 10 yearn, the wolf 1U to l.'i yearn, the canary bird l.'i to "H years and the nlL'htlncale 12 years. I The dug lives ITi to 'J.1 years, cattle 'J5 years, the horse to Hu years, thu eagle III) years, the slag :!." to 40 years, heron. Hon mid bear Till years each, the raven Ml years, eli'pliiint. turtle, parrot. pike anil carp Inn years each. 'I he Ivy outlives jno years, the elm 3(10 to XiO years, the linden 5IM) to I.IKJO years, the locust tree and the oak 4UO years nnd the Hr "on to l.'jwi years. ft - I '' "Made in Salem," be sure that it is "Made in L' AUNCH SUPPLIES BOATS FOR HIRE Phone 849 The Salem Boat Factory Chas. K. Denison Prop. DESIGNER AND BUILDER OF LAUNCHES nnd ROWBOATS Agent for Ferro Murine Motors Foot of State Street, Salem, Oregon sc CHAEFER'S THROAT AND LUNG BALSAM Will Cure Your Cough The Guaranteed Kind 25 and 50c Bottles Made In Salem, In our own lab oratory Schaefer's Drug Store 135 North Commercial Street. Exchange and Business Chances Good flouring ml!l, )C-barrel capac ity, in first class condition, In good live Willamette valley town, 10 miles from Portland. (Joud grain center, very cheap. (JV acres, 2 miles trim Bush's onnlt new V-room hous. pood barn and well. 300 good L.irlng applo iroes. Sinn", family ftvlt. Trade for any kind i f city propo-ty, $800 equity in 6-room houses good lot on Capitol street. To trade for va cant lot. Price $1600. Pavod street all paid. Equity of $5600 In good 15U aero runch, to trade for anything of valuo. all In cultivation, with Improvements. Trice $90 per acre. 10 miles from Sa lem. 20-acre farm to trade for house and lot. Cigar stor e for sale. Easy terms Money-maker. Good 7-year-old Jack, guaranteed good foal getter; trade for nnythlni? !of value. Typewriter to trade for anything. 25 000 hop roots for sale. 8-foot show case to trade for any thing. If you have anything to exchango, real or personal, see us. J. A. COOPER, Phono 445. Room 302 Salem Bank & Tnist Building, rhone 445. I SK ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. The antiseptic powder to be shaken Into the shoes. If you want rest and comfort for tired, aching, swollen, sweating feet, use Allen's Foot-Ease. It relieves corns and bunions of all pain and prevents blisters, sore and callous spots. Just the thing for (lancing parties, patent lei.ther Bhoes, and for breaking in new shoes. It Is the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Try It today. Sold overywhore, 25 cts. Don't accept any substitute. For free trial package, address Allen S. Olmsted, LcRoy N. Y. The Turk acts as if he thought ho hadn't been licked much yet. Nlnetcen-twclve Indulged In a wet blowout before Its departure. blK After the holidays, more and bigger bargains and '"sales" than ever. The New Year PoBBibly you are al ready a patron of this bank. If not it might be well to start in with the new year. A trial may prove mutually profitable. With a view to getting better acquainted, we invite you to call. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Oregon" before you purchase 12 H ti ts it M EATS Ask lour Denier for Pioneer Brand u u ti Hams Bacon Lard Put up and made In Salem by n II n M li u a M n ii n u t! E. C. CROSS & SON 370 State St. Phones 1880-1881 The Capital Journal is first in news first in circulation " WW I M li H H II first in every home Deutsche Apotheke rtanananninflnnnBSBEnaisjM