Pe Eight DAM CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1913. Meyers' The All-Important Clearance Eventl of the Gigantic Special Clearance Men's and HiTZt''Tyrt'1!W 77 OM OF QUALITY CITY NEWS. Don't forget the supper at Jnson Lee church. inow year's dunce tonight at ar mory. Klassy Kubg Klub. I wish you all a happy Now Your. IJolllnB, 135 South Commercial. Attorney Carey F. Martin has moved Ills law offices to rooms 412-413-414 Masonic Temple. 12-28-tf Parties wishing large calendars, call i Homer II. Smith's ofh?c. ir Cornaci, tulldlng. li! ?! tf We wish you all a prosperous and happy Now Year. Edgar grocery. Tlione Main 210. Court and High streets. Artisans. Initiation tonight. Social nt 9:4.r. New Year's tree. Mr. Leon Itlce, tenor, of New York City, will sing. He there. Grand masquerade hall tonight at the armory, given by the KlaBBy Kuhs Klub. Gentlemen 75c, ladles free. Spectators, gentlemon 25c. Masks may be obtained at the hall. Sperling, "the grocer," wishes to thank his many patrons and friends for their liberal patronage, and wish es you all a very happy Now Year. Phone Main 66. This may not bo real up-to-date news, at least not of a startling or surprising character, but we are re quested to say that the postofflco will be closed all day today, and no deliv eries will be made by the carriers. Many an Error in Busi ness Is caused by poor eyesight ninny nn error could bo avoided by tho wear ing of proper glusHcs. You may be a salesman, shipping clork, bookkeeper, manager or pro prietor, no matter which, start 1013 with NEW VISION seo clearly; Jiovo rested nerves, fewer headaches diid Icbb mistakes by wearing glasses proscribed and fitted by a. Mcculloch Optometrist 291 North Commercial Street (Ground Floor) Phone 925 Office hours 9 to 5 mar 7 J . l . m. tiiSif NATUROPATH Cures arc permanent. All nervous and chronic diseases are success fully treated by tills system. ThlB ad Is valuable, as It entitles holder to examination nnd treatment at half price. DR. J. W. WORK, 495 Court street MECHANICO-TIIKHAPFUTIC TltEATMEXTS AKE SOT THE "SEW LIFE" TREATMENTS, III T NATURE'S OWX REMEDY. DR. S. Z. BARTLEY OFFICE 1IOOMS IMS.R0H SALEM BASK & TRUST BUILMSG, F0KMEULY I) II. STEEVES 1IUILOIXU PICTURE See our lino of mouldings nnd got order. , BARNETTS Sext to Ye Liberty Theatre mmmmmmnmmmmmiMuwtmmsmmmmmmttm THE CYCLERY C. H. MORSE and LLOYD RA.MSRKN Bicycles, Sundries and Repairing, Locksmiths Kern Fitted. ill SOUTH HIGH STREET SALEM, OREGON Annual CLEARANCE SALE Season One - Half Price Sale I fir I i m Closed Wednesday, Jan. 1st, W13 h Wishes for a Very Happy and Prosperous fta Neu; Year Extended to Everyone c 4 OOODlGOODS W. P. Tucker is reported this morn ing as being quite 111, at his residence, 681 Center street. The past year has been a prosperous one for all. We wish you a huppy New Year. Steusloff llros., butchers and packers. Phone 1528. Court and Lib erty streets. Let us here thank you one and all for your patronage, und wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. The Sunset grocery. I'hono Main l:il. Bring us your poultry. The Salem Furniture company Is thankful for the many courtesies shown it since coming to Salem, and wish all a happy und prosperous New Year. 33,'!-.'i:i9 Chemeketa street Moiiey-Bnving sale Is now on. TWO CAlt 1,0 ADS OF PKUNK.S HY PARCELS POST IJNITKD I'ltBHS l.HAHKD WIIIH San Jose, Cal Jan. 1. Celebrating tho new yoar, as well ns the advent of the parcels post, residents of this city sent to all pnrts of the United States two carloads of packages of prunes as presents. Each package bears a Panama-Pacific exposition label, and advertises the fact that the delicious prunes en closed aro products of the Santa Clara valley. Go to Meet Body. UNITED I'llKKS I.BAKKD WIIIE. Now York, Jan. 1. Under command of Admiral Itoflako, tho quadron of warships detailed to meet the British cruiser Natal, which 1b bringing home the body of Whltelnw Held, left here today for the meeting station off Nan tucket shoals lightship. No wireless has yet been received from the Natal. Tuft Rents Residence. I'NITKIl I'HUHH I.I'.AHKU WIHK.l New Haven, Conn,, Jan. I. It was announced hero today that President Tuft has rented the Pariuulee mansion here for two years with the privilege of buying It. for $71,000 at the end of that timo. May Plunder City. rirr.i i'iiksh i.iiAsmi wim:. 1 Vienna, Jan. 1. Disquieting condi tions in Constantinople are reported today In dispatches received by The Itelchpost, a newspaper, from Its cor respondent In the Moslem capital. Troops recruited from Asiatic Tur key, tho dispatch said, aro determined not to return homo empty handed, anil nro attempting to plunder Constanti nople Chester Howell was killed and E. D. Pomeroy badly scalded when a lo comotive on a logging road near As trla went in tho ditch Monday. FRAMING nn oiitlinnto before placing your 'ART SHOP l.'ll X. Liberty Street. A General Clearance on all Lines. Attractive Specials of Women's Ready Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Etc. r - - - JAMES II. KEEXE IS DANGEROUSLY ILL ll.NITKD rilKHS LEA8BD WIHB. New York, Jan. 1. Docause of a turn for the worse in his condition, James R. Kecne, financier and turf man, is conrined in a private hospital here, after being removed from his rooms nt the Waldorf-Astoria. Keene has been practically an invalid since his return from London two years ago, where he underwent nn op eration. CALIFORNIA PUNCH ASKS SOME AUTOMOMIXS UNITED rilBSS LtSASKD WIItE.J Sacrnmpnto, Cal., Jan. 1. With an Investment of approximately $5S,32n, 1100 in tills state during the past year, California leads tho country In the number of machines purchased during tho 12 months Jujst closed, according uj me reciiras or me nutomoniio ll- censo department of the secretary of state s office. Wants Teachers' Agency. CharloB A. Guerne, a teacher in the public schools at Athena, Umatilla county, has written Stato Superintend ent Alderman suggesting that legis lation be proposed establishing a teachers' agency branch In the state educational department. The Athena man claims that various teachers' agencies throughout the state which charge 5 per cent for pro curing positions for teachers are ex orbitant In the charge. He suggests that an agent, whoso office would be created by the state, could charge 1 per cent, and make tho office a pay ing Institution. Superintendent Al derman will probably not take any action on tho subject. PAPE'S! BREAKS A COLD AT ONCE FIRST DOSE OF PACE'S COLD COM POIND ESDS GRIPPE MISERY TASTES MCE. You can surely end Grlppo nnd break up the most severe cold either In head, chest, back, stomach or limbs, by taking n doso of Pape's Cold Com pound every two hours until throe consectitlvo doses nre taken. It promptly relieves tho most mls eriiblo headache, dullness, head and noso stuffedup foverlshnoss, sneezing, soro throat, mucous catarrhal dis charges, running of the nose, soreness. HtltfncsB and rheumatic twinges. Take this wonderful Compound as directed, without Interference with your usual duties and with the knowl edge that thero Is nothing elBo In the wcrld, which will cure your cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and without any other Isslstnnce or bad after-effects as a 25-cont package of rape's Cold Compound, which any druggist can Biipply accopt no sub Btltuto contains no nulnlno helones In every homo, Tastes nlco. After New Years Bchool will run again for several days without any holiday vacation. T Grand Opera I House January 4th Tho seasons imiHlciU triumph A Modern Eve A hit from the Garden of Kilen. X Prices 50c to $1.50. Seat sale I opens Friday 9 a. in. MM HHt thro out the store - to - Wear. l7 77 OM OF SATISFACTION Leon Rice Will Sing Tonight A delightful program and a delight ed audience was at the First Christian church last night, when Leon Rice, the New York tenor, rendered some 20 or more selections to a large and appre ciative crowd of Salem music lovers. We hazard little in Baying that few, If any, have ever given an evening of song that was more enjoyable or bet ter received In our city. And tonight, it is certain that the capacity of the house will he taxed to hear the gen tleman again. No less pleasing is Mrs. Illee, whoso deftness at the piano keys, makes It possible Tor her hus band to do such perfect work us a so loist. The people of Salem have been highly favored In having these artists here, and especially on such terms that everybody can hear them who ap preciates tho best. This evening at at 7:110 Mr. itlce will give another pro gram, among the selections being "The Holy City" nnd other favorites, from those who have made personal reqin tts for songs thnt have nppe;.led especially, to them. Tho program will begin promptly so ns to give ninny an opportunity to nttend other func tions of the evening. No reserved seats, but a sliver offering will be taken during the evening, governed in amount by Individual appreciation. 1 RESIDENT TAFT GETS PARCELS POST PACKAGE IllHITri) I'llFISS IJIASKD wiwt.l Washington, Jan. 1. I resident Tuft received today the tirst parcels post package sent out from Philadelphia. It was mailed by John Wanamsker. the millionaire merchant. The package contained a shield shaped groen leather cas. holding a set of solid gold spoons, one for each stato in tho Union. A lnrgor Bpoon boro tho coat of arms of the District of Columbia. On ono side o.' the cas) was a solid gold plate, upon which was engraved a fao simile of Wana- nmker'a handwriting and New Year's greetings to the president Th.i plnco also boro an Inscription stating the case was tho first package sent by parcels post from Philadelphia, where tho Declaration of Independence was Blgned. Routed the Hlsjlivnymcn, Il'NITKD 1'IUSSS UIAHEU WI1IE. Frimcihco, Jnn 1. "1 thought they wero New Year' reveler. Otli cvwlso I doubt If '. wen. U have iy.i: fie risk," said Motorinnu Joseph S.mpfon, who put to rout early oday two masked highwaymen who attempt ed to hold up Ins dir. Conductor .1(1 uson was about to hand over when Simpson got busy with his con troller. Ono of tho men cut opev SI npson's sculp with the butt eud of a revolver, n u W - Portland Girl Dies Suddenly (UNITED riWSB LEASED WIUS. Portland, Ore., Jan. 1. While dress ing for a private ball, Miss Lillian Dosch, beautiful daughter of Colonel Henry Ed. Dosch, collapsed to the floor of her room, and is dead here today. Death was due to heart fail ure. Miss Dosch had just exchanged a merry greeting wltn another member of the family In the room, when she was seen to turn deathly pale, and, with a moan, fell heavily to the floor. She had been warned, several months ago that she might expect such an attack. Dosch was Oregon's commissioner to tlie midwinter fair in San Francis co and was one of the directors of the Lewis nnd Clark exposition. Ho also represented Oregon nt various east ern fairs. tXTRACTS LET FOR FOUR 'SUBMARINES (UNITED MESS LEASED WIDE. Washington, Jan. 1. Announcement was made here today of the awarding of contracts by the navy department for thp building of eight submarines, two of which aro to be constructed by the Lata company, in tho Craig Ship building yards at Long Beach, Cal. Tho contracts wero awarded to the Lake Torpedo company, of Bridgeport, Conn., nnd the Electric Boat company of Qulney, Mass., tho former concern to build three nnd tho latter five ves sels. The Lake company is to build two o f the submarines for the Qulney concern. iRIDGE COLLAPSES MANY ARE KILLED rCNITED rilRKH LEAKED WIIIE. Hiimington, W. Va., .Inn. 1. Col lapsing under pressure of high water n temporary bridge precipitated a freight train on the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad Into the Guyan river, near here early today, killing Engin eer S. Webber and Injuring four oth ers. Four persons are also missing. Possibly tho death list will reach ten, as many persons were on the bridge watching tho progress of Us construction when the structure col lapsed. The river Is being dragged for bod ies. MIGHT DIE IF SHORN TO TELL THE TRUTH (UNITED rilBBS LEASED WIIU8. New York, Dec. 31. Dr. Walter Cha- pelle, Rockefellers' physician, stated this afternoon that it would be dan gerous for his patient to go to Wash ington at this time. The millionaire, he sulci, is suffering from chronic throat trouble which Is causing heavy coughing spells. Dr. Chapelle said he feared that In the excitement of nn examination, ltockefeller might be seized with a fit of coughing and die on the witness stand. "CASCARETS" MAKE YOU FEEL GREAT A Kl-CENT BOX WILL KEEP YOUR , LIVER, STOMACH AND BOWELS (LEAN, PURE AND FRESH FOR MONTHS. Sick headache, biliousness, dizziness rented tongue, foul taste and foul breath always trace them to torpid liver, delayed fermenting food In the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged In the intestines, Instead of being cast out of the system Is re-absorbed into the blood. When this nolson reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes conges tion and that dull, throbbing, sicken Ing heartache, Salts, cathartic pills, oil and nruga tlve waters force a passageway for a day or two yes but thoy don't take the poisons out and have no effect upon the liver or stomach. Cascarets Immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour uiidlgestied and formontlng food and foul gases, tako the excess bile from the liver nnd carry out of the system nil the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist means your hond clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels clean and regular for months. Piles Cured In 0 to II liny. Your druggist win refund money If PASO OINTMENT falls to cur.. any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pio'.ruding Plies in 6 to 14 days. Mi. A man can never remember what a girl said when she proposed to him. Children Dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Wi Sill l FOR RENT l Now modern cottage, four t blocks from P. O. Phono Main 57. T. G. BLIGII. 4 ft NEW TODAY. WANTED Chickens at Thielsen's mar ket, 12-31-4t ACCORDION PLAITING dond at 677 N. Winter. 12-31-3t- FOR SALE By owner, general mer chandise store, country point, Btock, buildings, one acre land, $7500; might consider part exchange. Ad dress box 234, Albany, Ore. l-l-2tw PRIZE CONTEST. The Cherry City Flouring Mills will write a check for $5 In favor of the person submit ting the most appropriate name for a WHEAT BREAKFAST FOOD the new mill will manufacture. Names must reach the mill office at 505 Trade street, by January 6. The mill company will act as Judges. Get busy and swell your 1013 bank nc count. l-l-2t A man always thinks down deep In his heart that a woman is sensible If ul'.e refuses him and usually ho Is right. House Bargains Houses ranging In slzo from 2 to 12 rooms and from $500 to 110,000 may he found on our lists. Some of tlione enn be bought on the easy payment pian, If desired; others for cash or an reasonable terms. If Interested, let us snow you some of these; $5250 takes a modern and strictly up-to-date house on paved street, close to state house. Cement basement, furnace, wash trays, electric light, gun bath, toilet, large closets, 8 airy rooms beautiful grounds, trees and shrub bery. All assessments paid, $3750 will buy a good 7-room house in an excellent lpeatlon on Cbuit stieet; large W, fruit and shade trees. A nice home place. Reasonable tonus can be mado on tills place. $2500 secures a fine home In 1'a'r mount Park. Modern In every way Excellent view; convenient to carllr.e EaHy terms. $2300 buys a fine modern 6-room house In South Saloin. All convenl- erces. Terms can Ik made to suit $1500 gives you a modern four-room bungalow on paved street Connected with sewer. All assessments puid. Only $150 down; balance at $15 a month. $500 will buy a 3-room houso on a large lot 60x125 foet, sewer assess ments paid; closo to paved street, school, carllne nnd Btore. $300 down, balance $5 per month. Bechtel & Bynon Jl" Stale Street. Tel. Main 452, When In need of Chill or Tanmlci visit the Commercial street Ent Shop, 832 JT. Commercial street. Lnuches cnred nt all hours up io 19 o'clock, except Sunday. Also confectionery, NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BURflnARDT MEREDITH Beildrat AgeU 18 State Street Mew Yo u a WATC41 ANDM1&tl eJEWELRY W Karl KewrolMiuer JSftSi Jeweler. Masonic Temple GUARANTEED Those good chicken tamales, whole sale and retail. Special for parties. Any kind, any size, any style. Fred makes the kind you want Phone Main 2048. Order early. Delivery to anj part of city. Shipped to any town Is Oregon. l SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. J. C. Lalley, who had charge of Ye Boot Shop shoe repairing depart ment for the last seven years, Is now In charge of the new and moat com plete shoe repairing shop in Salem, 223 North Commercial street. Jacob A. Rise, successor to E. S. Lamport, Saddle and Harness Co. JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING WORKS No oiachinory to tear and wear out delicate fubrlcs, Work called for and delivered promptly. 430 Ferry St. Phone Main 2252 Office Phone Main 183 Rlgdon Residence Main 111. RIGDON-KICHARDSON CO. Funeral Directors and Undertakers 252 N. High Street MONEY TO LOAN On Good Kenl Estate Seeurlly. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd ft Dush Dank, Salem, Or MONEY TO LOAN On farm and city property. Joha H Scott oyer Chicago Store, Salem, Or egon. Phone 1653. WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Prompt deliver our specialty. Falls City Lumber Comnanr. 87a M.t, n ... strmt, Phone Main 1I MONEY TO LOAN On good Heal EaUte leeirtty. BECHTEL BYJJOJI 147 State Street TYPEWRITERS All Makes Ron if lit HnM. lii.n.i Kepnlrcdi Rlhhons, Hollers, Supplies v ---rll.--Tl..' 8oe me butore you do auyuiug C. M. LOCK WOOD Year 114-2U North Commercial Main e