Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 31, 1912, Image 1

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    THE largest circulation in
Salem and it is
steadily increasing
The Capital Journal affords
the very best medium for
all advertisers.
iTXI ffl '"-AiA
Wi 11 mh
LL the news that's fif
to p int honest ed
itorial;?, influenced by
neither clique nor corpora
tionThe -Capital Journal
stands for the people.
(TiXV,iIV.FIuIiLH .1 l II V IN I 11 ii fl El fl tl II tl H
36TH YEAR. m
On Way to
! Serve out
Convicted Dynamiters Start
on Special Train at 12:30
Tcday to Serve Time at
Leavenworth Prison
Indtnnnpolls, Ind., Lec. 31. Fear bv
Vnlteil States Marshal Schmidt, that
m at temp would be made to blow up
Iho special train carrying the 33 union
1 ...... .I..1...1
n-tiiiuiB vuiiviuluu oi conspiracy nn-
lnwfuly to transport dynamite, to Fort
Leavenworth foderul prison, and the
filing of writs or supersedeas and er-
11.. TT..l..i ei. . .. . . .
id iii i.iiu uiiiicu wuios (Jiaii'lct court
bore today cniiBed a delay In the do
p.'.rture or t no dynamite special, n
was originally Intended for the spe
cial to movo ut 1 0 : :I0 o'clock, but this
plan was blocked by the action of the
(leieuso attorneys In filing the two
writs, and It was decided not to start
tbo train until there was no possibili
ty of legal Interference.
While Judge. Anderson was postpon
ing on the writs to Thursday, Marshal
hclinihlt was at tho couiily jail In
structing 50 deputies regarding (heir
duties. It was said he bad beard re
ports that the progress of the "dyna
mite special" was- to bo Interfered
with. Thetrnln started over the Penn
sylvania railroad at exactly 12:30
o'clock, and Is routed, It Is believed via
St. Louis, y
"There Is ap osslhlllty, and It Is not
nn Improbability, either," Marshal
Schmidt told his deputies, "that an
attempt will be made to dynamite this
train. Tersonally, I do not expect any
thing like this to happen, but this trip
will he no picnic.
"I must deliver these men safely at
Tort Leavenworth prison, and I In
tend to see that this Is done. The first
man caught taking a drink on this
trip will be fired at tho next station."
"A pile of Junk" was the phrase
used by Federal District Attorney Mil
ler, referring to the 100 typewrlten
pages comprising the two writs filed
by defense attorneys. The postpone
ment was granted by Judge Anderson
ut tbo request of Miller. There was
no argument.
Specific instructions that no man
be permitted to leave the train after
it. stalled was given by Marshal
Schmidt, who also ordered his depu
ties not to allow the prisoners out of
their sight.
The deputies rode two in asent,
each officer facing a prisoner. The
convicted men kire up well.
The Bpeclal train Is comprised of
two coaches and a baggage car, no
sleeping accommodations being pro
vided, as Marshal Schmidt considered
It necessary for his deputies to re
main awake. The special Is due at
Leavenworth at 3 o'clock tomorrow
Governor West today announced
his appointments on the state text
book commission, and challenges any
book firm In the country to carry off
anything from the state to which it Is
not entitled.
"If they can take anything away
from that commlslson," said the gov
ernor, "they are weloome to It. It Is
the best text book commission ever
The commission Is composed of
Miss Margaret Cosper, principal of
the Garfield school, Salem; B. E.
Bragg, superintendent of Union coun
ty, La Grande; W. L. firewater, attor
ney, Portland; John P. O'Hara, edu
cator, Portland; T. M. Baldwin, cash
ier of the First National Hank of
ill. liUi.
Miss Hele ,'m. Gould. Vhn
Engagement Surprised Nation
1 - i
t , f ' " 1
. w v-.? i v.r"1 y
!'' !V- jvs K H
' ' ; ' i III X 3i V 1 I
' : ,
Photo by American Press Association.
OB entire country was surprised and Interested In the engagement
announcement of Miss Ilelcn M. Gould and Fluley J. Shepard. For
so mony years Miss Gould has been doing good In practical and
patriotic ways, giving her wealth and her personal service, that she
has become endeared to the entire nation. The Idea of her marrying seemed
to be the last thing entertained In the popular estimation of her. Hut she will
have the good wishes of all. Mr. Shepard, a self made man, Uvea in St. tools
and la rallroai official. Their acquaintance ripened Into lore when she was
accompanied by him on a tour of railroad X. M. C. A.'v, an organization In
Which she la g 'eatly Interested,
lis Wants
the Views
of Voters
Salem, Ore., f'lirisiinas. 111
Ladles and Gentlemen:
In a few days the legislative assem
bly will convene. Among other me
ters coming up for consideration will
be the advisability of making a larce
appropriation to cover the expense of
a suitable display or Oregon's re
sources at the Panama-Pacific expo
sition, to be held In San Francisco In
1915. As one of your representatives.
I request that you favor me with your
views and Instructions. Certainly I
have my opinion upon that matter,
but ns your representative 1 regard It
to be my strict duty to carry out your
views and wishes. In the past 1 have
endeavored to do this, and I shall
faithfully try In tbe future i "" ihnve (ri,U(.(1 ,, nefL d n,e. I am de
vour Intel ests and follow your last rue- i, mv tha, ,,.,,, ,,0 B,.rVed
tions In every detail. w((h B)I10,n!l r,.Kardle of ron-
This matter Is one of the greatest !BeqUPnceB..
Importance. Doubtless the exposition , .
-111 ho the most magnificent ever E ,u:r ,
Busy Dodging
the Officers
rsiTrn riiess ixahep wnti:.
New York, Dee. 111. "It Is a simple
question oi' whether William Rocke
feller is l.igner than the 1'nlted Stall's.
We will show liim tlial be Is not. ami
1 will serve him with a subpoena
within the next few days."
This w;is the declaration here . iday
of House Sergeant at Anns Kbhlell,
who, ninied with a subpoena directing
William Rockefeller to uppenr before
the bouse "money trust." committee,
has vainly sought the Standard Oil
magnate for several weeks.
A dozen assistant sergeants at arms
arrived here today to help Klddcll
in his search. Tie se men were Im
mediately stationed about the million
aire's office, his home ami the home
,.f lila non and iihvslcians. Illddell in
sists that Rockefeller Is hilling in bis
Fifth avenue home, anil that lie will
be forced to surrender.
"J have tried nice methods," said
Riddell, "to serve this subpoena, but
I hey have failed. 1 appealed to bis
obvslclans and relatives, but they
Turkish Fanatic Murricivrs
Strung Up by lUiljjarians
F t, 1-"' ,V
Supreme Court Affirms lie
cision of Lower Court
Will Be Taken to Benton
Co. to Be Resentenced
In an oiinior, written by Justice
llurnett, the supremo court today al
tirnied the decision of the lower court
lor llrnloti couniy bi 'he case of the
Slate against (leorge and Charles
Humphreys. The Humphreys brothers
were found guilty of Killing Kllza
liriltith. an agil woman, and were
convicted of murder m the first degree
.ii'd sentenced lo hang. It will now be
necessary lor the prisoners to be tak
en bai k to Hen on county and re-sentenced.
The sentence mu.i be execut
ed in not le-s than ;m and iml more
than li'i days.
An Important feature of the opinion
ol Jim ice liiirtii tt w as t inn au- e a
ittau has fniincd so.i.e per'onal opiu
icn in a i.ise be should li e be held
ineligible for jury duty. A straighl
forward man who Knows nh-ou,j
in. tiling about the i ae u oubl le an
Ideal Juror, tho opinion says, but, in
these days of daily press service ami
oilier modern means of communica
tion it is practically inipos.oble lo liml
a man who does tiol know something
ol the case ill hand. This part of the
V Ki
. ;V.3.t'''cV-A H
.yf ;'vv;..vT-..';f-. r, f,yi
"' i ; ; . - ;, 7 ' .: H r
IMiotnH by AtoerlrHii I'leioi Aws-iemilnn.
- ,,
M) ol ttiu grrw setm. Hides of dm l.nlkati wht wmn the muidcroiiii it
t n i - It h of Turkish faiintli's on Innocent nnni'innhftliiut Chrlntlnai Tvr
rllile eiccsses of brutality wei reported from iin- llnlllpull dUtrlct
Swift vengennco was wreaked upon tho tiulliy iiiiirilureiH Hlirvrir
ruugliL An Instancn of till la hero llliiHtiatoil 'I'nn fniuKIci tr nnblit-il
redliaiidpd by the Itulgnrlntin. They wrr quickly lonitiunrtlHlfil. foiiml
guilty and linngiil to 1 tre In tha rllla where they final rnmiulitwl tlmlr
atrocliun crimes The upper plctur aliowa the two sinvwra. with their emit
tiniind behind their backs. llatenliiK to the duath wnrrsiiL HoiiMttl eliowa
the pair atruiiK up to 1 true tn tbe flltnge of their crimen
Object lo
Will Have
Big Time
In Frisco
to Give up
Dr. Friedmann Refuses All
Offers for Samples of His
Serum but Continues to
Treat Patients Sent to Him
I' Mi i.e 1 n -,1 ir mi' n mi
l;erlln. lie, ,;i lh.' Helical pro.
Ii .ion of t. ri 1 1 tl.- circles ,.f all Kii
epe today nr.. atchnn: with keen lit
litvst tho results of the Inu'iuciit of
Imndl-eds of lutieieulo'O.i pall. Ills by
'' '"' FrbiliiKinii M-rmit 111 llm In
Millie op, li . I or lh.it ,ui p,"i,. hre
Hliu,,US to the sl,eUl, l ull alollsisl
his ill I It ill,. hr.
. h it
III .11111
all 1
I fi !' ml . a f
'el Ulll ol' to
I pint, ".hi, III.
I. r 1 lie fear
"'oh I) lloui
I III liedle.ll
il.Uie ht ell
't Hie 'erulil,
to live hlil
diup. pl,y.
i.iieliiii: l, In
M 11
hi r.
I dhialin any
f"i' a '.le.lll I
,r 1 n
ell III
K ' il v off. led
if wl'ilied t,l
'f the s, I'lllil
.Old pl.ilul ., , 1 ",,nalU 1,, au, ,
i,uih", l.l ,, ), Hi,, If, mim, , nl of tint
daiighi, r ol the incident of rrugnuy,
I'll, 1 Ih luilfei Iii n hem tiibxiciiloMlrt,
and lo leliiiii 1 he 1 1 1 1 11 h.'i t ,or'l,in.
I' I l- 1 1 1 ill II II ttiiuhl Hot coleihler lie, lif
ter 11, ,r mk, I w 11 I'reiii h Hiecl,illntH
liiioii.lil here from Tails ,v tho mlii-
Ider lie had ,. n,, Hlol'lll.l liy
lihvidchius I lint he rcfuiiiw In ni most
"f Ihelll, lull , delolllllt hU lllllll III
ii"niiallv Inoculating patient wtu
colli" to 1 1 1 1 1 1 Willi phvslcl.lllH' CITtlfl-
, iile,i thai I li.'v 111,1 Kiiffmlii from I11
hi leulii us S,, far I'rleiliiiaiin I, an tnk
eii H'.e oilu-r phv ,h lam Into hi i i on-
tl'l, ll,e, lltlee ,,f tthuMI III,' Ot,'d ,,.
I I'M 1 1 I, I'LI'il
W'il : Il i im I I III . I I'C
litter fii'hi I,, piev
lull of I'm!, HI, I I ii. U
1: isra tt 1 nr. 1
:;i, Ti.i. ats of
lit the i", Mim
,-e K lie, lli 1 1
I if
(msiiuc lluiiipliiejs.
ip.il reii,,r ol il
1 1 ,110.. I 'l,
1 In V,e 1 1 in i 1 f
111 bin llisp, ellen of
I I, HI '"hi In
i,.n hilstlfleg it. The na-
1 au no-""1"" . .
tions of the earth will be represented
there In all the greatness of their
wealth, splendor and resources. To
take our place among them and he
properly represented will require a
hnce sum.
The people of this county should In- jnp(1 h,rfi
csiTtn muss in 1
Berkeley, Cab, I ! Sl.-Ctiarged
with passing fraudulent checks.
on which he oblaimd Jl'm. AH-n
If Moore, former has-bail titnpbe, Is
tislay for trial
l' illloll WHS I'ileu In l'edy lo I lie coll
, llliilll of the ih'ti n e Hull the court
re I in allowing .liiior SI; lo ser.
Tiie crime for w hi" h 1 he Humphreys
broiie'i wi'i e can icte, I occurred 011
.'line 2, I -t 1 I . The defense claimed
licit, the lour' crr'd In .lire illfl, r-f t
ways and appealed t the supreme
court on thoHc grounds. Tie- prosecii
tlcii 1 hall' liged Ibe ellgihillty of Juror
Slam, to seive. This as men ub d by
'be court. Another claim of en or was
the admission of lestlmoii)' tend ni: to
show tliat the decedent Pad a large
st.iit of money In her poss- smui at the
(111 e of I,, r ib ath, that Ihe defendaut.i
scureil il from her and I hat (ieorge
llun.plfeys evpeiuled mole y a- I'hllo
lulilli the day follow ing t!i,i crime, The
defense a''"igii'd as a reason fur this
objection that HuTe was 110 alb gallon
., ... ., 1 i,.i.i
ill the llllllctmein. 111.11 1,1" I,'1'"
(iciirrisl In the coiuiuis.,iou of rob
bery, rape, arson or buiglary Urror
is also claimed la the ndn.ission of tbe
confession of t.ho prisons by the court.
Judge llurnett holds that Hoi lower
court coiiitiii'ted no error
! 1 - argument, of the ib f,
! 1 rpon-rs ar-j low the a, r;rg
he ailll
! lo'hv f'ou
''ditch. Tin
Iv Li lie
III tbe I"
j I)es,l
'di S
' im ill In
N I 1,'tM IM O U II I. I I I I lilt t I I
IN (.III I I MHI'i: IM) l' I
M'l Ml I I I tM . ."'in i
win 0 m Mi 1 111 1 umim; hi j
mi it 11 i 11:. '
I 'i an I
Ill, .
Il that
I ' ' I
I I'l.
I I, lh I hit
hdil alltl has
l'".r, Mi
ll , di, il
I llll
r Auguil
tepai flielit
III,, l.'llV
ild lo lh,
I IV., In
I !
, ll"l
U Ii
it Mai 1 inn m er 1
1 1 .-1 1 WM Il
Hie opposition I
al'lisloni 11I nf 1
Ihe canal mh, ,
Iv a'le
I'lil iiiel 0
I'f I! I I (Ml I I I I I.IM II
Is-.l-t I 1
.Pen,, ,
! ' ' 1 1 1 ' " I iliiuie'll:
llelllH' III I ival t bat '"lele I I,"'
1 in 1 1 i 11 0 1 1on pi1 ibablv would I.e n
I he senate I'ebl II ill 1
Certain leiMiliets "f H.e h'ei".
Illi'll e I'.'Ullelttei at'' sel l I"
l.'I'llllllfl lippolntlliellt, TheV
II M he Is loo UIAp.ilH III I Ml. II
civil I'. 1'. e i ti 111 , n I 'h 01 r,iiiia' toil
pointing out that. bile ' lh
fi b'l.ill V I" Millie of bill SUl.o'lll
who ttolked wi'h him iu Hi''
Klniclilill ot Hie ' an ii, IS.it be I
,'IH llllflb udll lo o'lji'IK. 'I In
assert thai if liocil.sln l mail,
(roveilior, certain ,f his
mi It Ii I
101,1,, I of II
"I II,
I'l '
, H
1. I. tan
I I io; v ,
I ip. I'l l
I al
it toiiieiii
,' t In I'
. d lo
nun' 'l.-b
I, of ll.f'.n
Kail I'l,
and l ei
I I. 1. ,-hi
llleio 1 I
,Ule III lh"
that li.e
be sul,). etc, I to mm h buinhl .'l -l. !
1 n t; ii. i
I lKHt
( W; l
I'l 111 U II H
.1 11 M I .. 1 lor. ',"
of I )
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o.,hl i'
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ad rg
aiel :
II'" v
v., I'll!
0 H. ,
1 V pel
I'e ,..
Vl.... I'l
11 find Info-1
, I I e I "CI
e of '!,, p.,,"
e I 1 1 , A I.
lol, II, I',.' "' 1'
e 'I e 'I'. b
h il he, -I I . .t ,1 .
ho:l. 111,.
I 1 'I H H'l
'.e :l,
j.ill. Old llelle.
'! he
a I ,
il .
11 coll. pell
1 tl,,. a :,.
o, on iIimmHI
,,' In ll,. III
In,,' p il hi 11
e ' '1 II. .1 ,' III
1 III M ' !i tno't
, it.ii.", for
' '..' 1. , 1,1 l.f
1 a 'eiilil
o,ii nn
. n 1 lo
aiel Ol
I'l fill
1 Mli-
It In I.
of Pi
I 11
be tig M g
form me what course tney
, pursue In this matter. The women
of Marlon county, as well as the men.
are irl,rresicd In this nnestlon. at.-,
1,1 In exiircs themselves
Cenaiiuy o',h"
....1.. tw nn. now legally 'I
rreeiy. ' . "
mid I am anxious
Wl' ' "e
their views.
t .O..II, ell IO lei I"" r. ....
money," Moore told Jus' if e of
I'eafe R ibert Kdar.
to aacertaln
Concert Ton It-lit
Arrangements have been made by
Kev. Davis Erretf pastor of the First
Christian church, for a concert to be
Piven tonlKht and tomorrow night by
Ix-on Rice, the celebrated tenor, hail
ing from New York. Mr. Rice will be
assisted by Jer.r Caesar Rice at the
r'ano, and the gtnt-ral public Is invit
ed to attend the two "cvenlnps of
eon:.;." The entertainment will be free
of charge Insofar as admittance is
concerned, but any rfferlng which
nay !xi made will be acctnttd.
The people wo envy always envy
some other fellow higher up.
T ronciuslfUl. I WISH to sa.
that I
1 1
n 1,0 ..leased to near n",i.
pardless of ntUU.
ca use I a-n proud to cb-im -i
,,,1 nnd ardent supporters n-" '
1 1 "" ,
also a 101-
some proi.i
Sue NhV
(i s'i.-r.ti i'"r-s
V,.w Votk. J-r
duced l.'T .laugh'"'
fec;;oi;s from b'
t Mellicr.
.,;, !'; 1
::! 'I m "i '
Republicans, an
nmncrats and
i,t l.evond fill till
" ' " ....... of all the ,,eo!deaml snx
. ..rvo all "f then
A" ..,, r wishes l"H-'iH.ly.
:i , this.lwl.h.ohav.your courl I,i.e
i,.:H' arid to '
T" nan Is tb'- '-le"""" ''
be- Air, Crf'f'pi'f ;vi'f"'l I"
plain! fi!'"l l.y "' """"
ly j., tp fl:,;,retne f'.ur' !""' ""'-'
nutiiher jrie j-i-it mi .lamasv
.. ..inane
...... ..... inereio ir. i-1
i.ImI IIIiii.
I am a rm- : I iiih.imi.i
MTU' 1 "r''1 ""' ' '
ot them faltl.t i
In pending e:irnei, , e...
W. JIMill').
IH ll.f lef'l 1 :
i. f'hlliese. to.
of a 3-vear-obI ble '' u,y
as left i" k-t on the -:
nelghl'or a year ago
who 1
of a 1
eal III In
,e,,l !,,.! ,
A 1 I'
III I la ' le
M Mi M H IK" M till It
HI Hill 1,11 M I in I lilt Mil
i , ,.. ,, u pi
. ,. '; ' 'II"
el l'. HI.' Mill-'
1 1., I! Hi r ill.
(bMlr llHinpliri-tt.
Ilel '!
,,'-l I t
if it
i. 'J
;ii i
'i 1
n :
1 1 1